The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 15, 1908, Image 3

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    HILL5BCR0 ARGUS, OCT. 15. 1908
oiHffiON EU9GTK1C l
lit HckI Mcrl, of Ilea
Sue fr $U,25
hi I u i cd Laal
A ,ult ,m,,M fl,,,', Ul" l;irt'ml
Court, of Multnomah county, l.y
.... Kmhillo Merlo, daughter t.f
..i t it.ut.illo. the. wrll known
..lou and I''RU ''",,r.
BeaVrlon, l which allege hr golical hutch Hunday morning.
.rviilr hurt ljr romiiiri ul laimaio inuaic MiaaOra John-
. Orpiion KtiH'trio cotialructioii Lou, teacher. 1 iKjuire al the Pre
i.. i .uiuoior. whti the iiikii waking rarlor. over City Hakerv
throuKU l lie u
J. Praraon, uf I'wa Hill, wan In
town Ttidy.
Capl. J. I). Merrymitn. of Port
land, waa in town ytrUy.
tint). Campbell, nl Laurel, wan
county Nuat visitor, yeitlerday .
The kind of ak king that stand
the boy i the Armor-plate. Baud
hamh.ui. ::otf
George ZiUtnan ami Wallace
M.h, uf Ceutitrville, wete in town
tint lirnt if I he week.
Can furni.b men to grub
land or rut wood. Apply to C. II.
Kry, iUavertuii, Ore. :!d 1
Mm. K. Meier, of Portland, re
turned home, Humlay, after a week' with Mr. W I!. D.ilan.
A subject of fH'ial interest will
he iirnnniiti'tl at the 1 oiled hvan
Session OjK'ncJ Mondty Willi
IM Teacli'-rs lVs'tit
rcU their way tiirougu wie Keg
bittu tract. o Hunday morning,
iUJ laid" the track wf ''(,fK'
Electric ou the Ueghlllo una. it
, 1 . k. . . 1.. il..
Ill I niuuji"r(i mv in wm
. , 1.1 - . 1 . . 11 m u m, I mKk r
mil up. """ - y
i...i ,i.iriM tu her arm. It i
oo tbia grotint that aha- now bring
a iuiI. and aka thi uiu nl 110,20'.
.i. ..... It i irobbl that a
Uig number uf wltnMM will U
,ubpotd lbU utty ""
both iJ. lh" ,uil l"t",,M, lo
b an iularwllu owt"K lu
prorninem- of the on both
I Diwey George Receives Fatal
Injuries in a Runaway
Able latitiuUof lake I'atl
the lnlitutt
Contrary V lb tatemnl inaile by
Manager Uuy TallMil. junl lf .re
guiug Kant, that lh ttrrg in Klnlric
Would l0 nieraw"i iir., nnl i'orllan'l, until
rylhing wa In rradimHw, a tele
gram tu revive! by Manager
CoolUlge in I'lirtUoa, yr-.teiday.
U ia aialwl on roI authority,
dlrwjllog him to Ugin ojn-ralion of
ibt line between HilUboro anil
PartlanJ. oil Mon ly nl. Wtt
landa color Ui tb rrKirt, i the fact
that a fore of workmen went to
work bora Vrtlitedy iimroing,
od ara now enuaged in putting in
a "Y" on tb Tongua traot, juet
wt of Firal alrel. Another fact,
wbirh ha.1 generally betm orKw.k
td, it that by th ff.1"'
i..,,-l,i- tknlMt the Orreon K!tc
ui0by th- ci, or ::!H;;;::;.nS'
road in MMirallon by the Brat day If you
l.tilu I,. (iravea and Augusta H
Cither, of hherwuod, were in attend
ance at the Teacher llmtilute, ttiiH
week .
Kd. Hhule, who wan arcideritally
hot lait M-k, ie iinnroving nicely
and will eifin l able to Im out on
the elreele.
A black aow. weight about
2' Hi luiumU. ner (Imlar Mill Ke-
ward. Notify Jacob Uieli, leaver
Ion, Oie., It. 2, 2H if
luac Cram' n fractured au
ankle, near (ilenctxt, by liini
thrown from a horee, lant Hatur
day. Dr. Tatniriiie reluctd the
The 1. . O. r . hall at N'tioi:,
U ling refumiihed and irnjiroved
. . ' , fl U.I. .1 I- (1.1.1
oil Hie lUHIUr. inn rH:iuuie vnu
KrUown bate one i.f the lineel halli
in the county.
Mr. and Mm. W. J. (lre(?g and
daughter, (irace, and Mr. and Mr
T. It. l'vi and eon, Tom, of I-eiey
ville, returned from a trip lo New
jxirt, the laiit of the week.
Chaa. H. Parker, of Portland, han
b .imhl the bueineea of J. Powell
of thi city, and opened a full line
ol elwtric eupoliee in a l.uilding on
Main Street. oiMit the court
houae. lled bin ad.
CK. l.amtt. livina one mile
north (d l!iulon,wMintownTue
day, and calle.1. Hi baro, HHl'i
feet, burne.1 a abort time go, and
John Vamlerwal, th meurance
id him the Ion, oicD
i ... a i -j i
amotinieu w
have a hot water muier
The annual county li-achum' innti-
tute convened at thi place on Mon-
.... . , . . i
day oi iniM wem, wttn an anenu-
atica of V.Y1 teacher Among thone
prenent aH inelructorn, and making
addreanti, were: U. K. HohinHon,
Multnomah public Behoole; K. U.
Ileeeler, Monmouth Normal Hchool;
J M. Power, Halem ichoole: H.
M. Crook, Albany College; J. H.
Ackerman.Hupt Public Inhtruction;
I.. It. Alderman, Htate I'nivereitj ;
Prof Marnh, Foreiit Grove.
The programme, a publiebed in
Argu ol lat week, wa given.
The mbjfctH were generally di
cui"ed, the inetructor from a din leadimr. Following are tx
J. F. Wood, of the Forent Oro?
New, wa in town Monday.
J. Harri. of (Jaton, trannactfd
buMinen in town Ut Haturday.
Franc'm Keenon, of Corneliup,
transacted buninea in the city,
We make photographic poat
rani from vour own ulatiHi. Poet
Card Unzaar. 2'Hf
Cha. Cowaill, who has rented
the Dr. F. A. Bailey place at Lenox, still Aaelber Brother Eicapea Withtut
was in town yesterday. g Scri(c,
Junl arri ted Another Urge ai
.... . - I -
eortment ol laoiee iweawr , w QmTgt) tfae J2 ye oId wn
ami co.ore-, i. ,f of
Judge Crandall, who he been Lj- jjoridiyf from irjjariwi re-
eer.ouely ill lor eome weu pa, . , runaway, the day pre-
nuw rrp,vu m Tl0Ui and mother ion, Nile George,
Cba. Oakertnan a well k" 4 yeara, lie. at home with a
Lueineee in the city, ye.terday. broken arm, and other injonee of
, . . la aeTioua nature. A third brother,
Mnnev lo loan on real oeiw.
T ..nniUa Atml to Ku
ratli Bros . HilUlwro. Or. 21-tf without a ecratcb. Tbe father had
.. . ... i ,l . r....u- I returned home, and turned the
I'rol. niBHier, oi mo icuuj
Monmouth College, attended the team oter to the eldeet boy, with
Institute at thil place, this week. .1 inetruotioDi to unhitch and put the
J K Adkin Jr. and wife return m in lhe Urn' The thm
i.. ii.mmnnd laet HaturdaT. got in to the wagon, when tbe team
...i .:n ...n,) the winter in Hill-1 started to run, going through two
i-o closed gates eucceieively, and out
...i.. ,. n..iirt. it the public road, ana tnence
wane, ai fv ...,v,. down the rotd DWlj , nan miie
f?aturaay mgui, . manner. Dewey wa
ker i orchestra, ntitw, id u
AH are invited.
a some manner.
thrown out in front, bia feet becom
Rev L. F. Be kn.p. pastor o. ine head down, in wnicn conaiuon ne ... .- - nfflD
M. K. church, killed a big ouca, i was dragged, until me team was - r--r
while hunting with BomeTillamooi stopped. Nile, the aecond eon, wae
friend, one day !at week. thrown out against a gate, with tbe above stated, ine miro
Wanted, a woman to do washing,
a .1 : iU.aa n let ft
ironing ana, u. . , ... h- .,honB. ,od uUl
a. ----- r .
erpu from the addrewMB made by
the viriting inetructor, kindly lur-
nifhed by Mi-Mi Koe Wilcoi.of the
Hill-txiro public echool:
K. K. kcliitmon, Supt. of Mull. Co
We ran timl lictlcr i.iailitrla fur cliar-
i lrr mod. I fnmi hialoiy thnn from tlie
(j ople alxiiit u. Kew cm analyze llkt
Ihr uialmiau, hc thoii(-litf. freliDK' and
clioin nl no ttfli viIul "i mill"". 10
! uatful it-l l.r happy." K. ! Kent-
ler, l'ie. Moiiinoiilli .Virtual : l ne
real attrceaa ol ti hool It to teach the pu
pil lo find nut fur hmincir. jnatruclion
it k 1 whrti it el people to thinking."
.1. M. I'owern.hapt. City School, haleui:
"Staty u 1 cent ol our Weati-ruera
.. . . vtwiii-ni-f.
re i-,nn-riicm ... . .-- r,u n
fhr futuir Ktr.l contralto and halltone ftn the 13th inut., al0 LnaS. D
ill ( Irom the Willamette Valley. Ore u'-ii. ,nd MerlUB V. MomBOn,
Koniaoaare not .low 1-ople. ml I ,ha 14lh
Mr. Relle Martin, of Clear Lake.
Iowa, is in the city for an extended
visit with her brother, R. H. Greer,
and family. Mr. Greer had not
seen bis eieter for nineteen years.
For Rent A good 12G acre farm
nn North Plain, with G room
W. II. II. Myers, of Forest
Grove, was in the city, yMerday.
J. II. Thompson, the eawroill
man of above Glencoe, was in town
Born, to the wife of Wallace Pais
ley. of north of town, Oct 10, 1908,
a daughter.
For lunches, hot and cold drinks,
or a choice cocktail, call on Palma-
teer'a confectionery.
Miss Beatrice Guilliam, of Mon
mouth, visited the Misses Wallace,
tbe first of the week.
My G roox cottage and quarter
block, corner 6th A Fir, for sale or
rent. L. W. UouBe. 2M
Miss Nora Miller, of near Shady
Rrnnka rlenart tomorrow for Han
, ,
Francisco, to epend tbe winter.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's boee you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John DenniB
Mrs. Manley Everett, of New
t,ro in the citv this week, the
guest of her Biater-in law, Mrs J.
M. Brown.
Beaverton Grange will give
"Chicken Pie and Laundry Social,"
Saturday evening, Oct. 17th. All
are invited.
Rev. 8. J. Lindsay will preach
at Hazeldale. Sunday afternoon, at
3 o'clock and at the Laurel church
Sunday evening.
When in town, call and try our
hot coffee and cocoa, and don t lor
I'hyiiclan and Surgeon
Office--I'.alley-Moriran Mix-k, urtir
Rooms 12. U and 15. Keaiilenoe noiitrt-
,wt .-ortier lta.-ieliiie ami wromi oirr,,
Both 'rtionea.
Office npHtirs over The Illa Drug HUira
Rldenc Kut of Court H.biw,
In tbe oorur of the bloc..
Huriteon Southern Pacitio Ruilroad Cn
Consultation In French or Knglmh. Of
fice, uiwuirs, over L. M. Hoyl to'a. atore,
north aide of Main St., Uillalwro, Or.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Roth rhone. Hillsboro, Ore.
half days a w)k, at private rest
this oflice. W-tf
John VanLw and Berdina Van
The 9 months old son ot Mr.
and Mrs. W.O. Jacobs, of this city,
died yesterday morning, and wat
buried in the Odd ellow cerue
tery, today.
.. . .t ti
Tbe head of the eldest child was We sell more wire lecca man
terribly bruised by conUct with our competitors wbuiu.
..LA .nA ih littl- fellow reason is that we have th6 largest
child was uninjured. Dr. Linkl
ter was called by pi
I . . , rri ' : - 1- -k!m
For information inquire at " w.
lehey received a marriage license died the ni(,ht following of con- stock and i can isell the cheapest.
of NovsmW. IWIH. Tbe Company Uhal i. not woraing a u u..u..
u ,..n. th.Tomiua and tenu.ora call on r . It. Miner, me pm....-
rily for tbe purpot-e alwve staliHl
Tba line I not jet fully computed
cooaiderable work yet remaiuing lo
U done on the trolley and In b nut
lo and hallaatlnB.belwren Hillbi-
ro and Portland, and it I lielieved
Ih. Company will put on tbe er
vice next Monday, not Iwirnw it it
ready, but to save tU franchise in
tbia city.
Guardianship of Marcti Chandler
feeble minded; Mary Mine l"
punted guirdian; Chandler uited
lo appear on Monday, Out lit, and
show cauae why ucb guardian
should not be appointed.
Kitateol L I. Diak.drod; T H
Perkins appointrkl admr; bind
350; A C Hhule, C Jack Jr and H
V Bergen appraisers.
(lii.riliiitahin (if Alfllira L Klld
Richard Christopher; A R Maxwell
appointed guardian of the minor
children; bond II OX),
Guardianship nl 8arah Holcomb,
a minor; bond of guardian in sale
real estate approved; gutrdian au
thorised to proceed with sals
Ket of Wilson Whitmore, deed;
filial acct approved.
Kst of Alauaon Hinman. deed;
ordered that iietllions and motions
of Frank William Hinman be over
ruled and dialloved. and that exe
on Lira Im allowed to proceed with
sals of personal property.
ml hive it attend! to. Mr: Mil
t. .n T,rt nn that kind of
work. Call him up between
1 p tu, Phone, I nd. No.
HilUboro, Ore. fc
Dr. T. L. Perkins and family, o(
Portland, were gueet of Leo Per
.inn and wife, in Ibis city, last
FriUy. T. B. Perkins, of Buxton,
and wife were also gueets, the occa
sion Iwing birthday dinner, in
honor of the 3'd anniversary of Dr.
Perkins' natal day.
Dr, Wood, county health oflicer.
,n. : mi d cases ol sman-pox
at the Convent at Ml Mary's Home,
, , 1. . 1. . 1
.,.1. move inillkiv wurn uicn
miud are made up " 11. M. Crook.,
l're. Alt.any Colli -Ke:-"TliinK that do
nd hurt, hut helji: Study more careful
ly an. I .tricllv to eo force the compulsory
education law. fe K'khI common ene
in ita mminnrment. One thltiR to do
Douhle the lihrarv fund " J. H. Acker
man, Supt. Viih. In.: "I have choaen
for lile the leacherii' vacation. 1 place
there my Iwt energte.. lr Acer
.. lreture Tieidny evening,
that evrrv one .hould have heard. I..
K. Alderman, lnat. Ore. Male I mver.i
,r "P'or the sake of the boys and guis
tin. tovrrniiirnt iireds lo turn over new
I...,. Nn child should have le H'
S month a. hm.1. Moral ty I. the best
cuHtctuof humanity. Standards are o
much better limn year, ago, that the ei
uo.ure. made of dishoiieafy are but the
re.ull ol more elevated VH." t'ha..
It lone., the Kd.tor of lhe Oregon
Teacher.' Monthly, a publication tilled
-in. h.w.rnl thlui'i. cave each teacher a
cuBsion oi tne orain. ids cuuu
was buried at Fairview cemetery,
on Tuesday forenoon. It is thought
that Nile George will recover.
ftohnlmerich Bros. ol-tl
There will be a new stock of tile
nn tKa firnner-RoWell Vatd, at
Scholls, on the 21st. Mr. Groner,
who was in town Tuesday, says
there has been a great demand for
tile this seaeon, and that it shows
no sign of letting up.
Came to my place at Verboort,
.Vmnt two months ago, a brown
31 3.3
copy of hi. mKaine containing Man.
leave, lor notea ami ucsiue. m
m.ftrr, . uumlr of ple.sing song
Hie leachet enjove.l me mus'c um.c.
111. leadirahip. Ml. l' we.iuci-
n-d ilel him n. piantsi.
Secretary ol State Benson has is
sued tbe form of ballot containing
the names of all candidates for
.. . a i a t iL . V..M I. i If i. .A,L
...(W orchard, barn and presidential elector. . wv-u. jersey cow, now nas can i. -wry
uUuro, bere ection. Tbe candiaatee oi me 0id, owner can bavesame oy pay
other oumouses; ren. ...... , .
ara aa follows: i. anil d vfirtisinir
Apply to William Kane, Forest ri-R Yutler Haves
i j. u. uee, oi aauivnomau vuuu.jr, puce, near uiencoe
Thoe. U. Uox, oi uaiee -ree, u A c Marsters, ol Douglas caun;y;
Oregon pioneer, was in town ytr Frank J. Miller, of Linn county.
Av Mr Cox is an old Indian n.mnrratifl O. P. Coebow, of
War veteran, and enlisted in Co. Douglas county, August Hucken
K. of the First Orfgon Cavalry, iteln 0f Marion county; E. 8. J.
serving in tbe Yakima Indian war, McAllister, ol Multnomah county;
in 1855 6. He is still hale and gamuej white, of Baker county.
Room 10 and tl Morgan-Bailey Block,
street. Over Dennis Stor.
MMSeVVW kiVrl!
Go. II. Bmgtmr O. Mmrrn
Rooms 1 and t Shuts Boildlng
Rooms . 4, 5, Morgan Blk, HUlabore.
Offica Dpataira, Bailey Morgan Block.
Rooms, I anl t.
Orrtei: Main Btreet, opp. Court Hout.
The first republican rally of the i
season win oe neiu ai me -.u.. Tfwynnvf Tt
house, on Monday evening, at 8 THOS. H. TUrsbUb., J K.
o'clock. Hon. M. C. George, of
Portland, will be the spesker, and
a e-ood attendance is desired. A Morgan Blk, TJpatalra, Room j, 4 and j
ji it.' n Ki wmw Mill in LV D . . i I
iEuMtUw7r Eirnor; of itat.on 10 f Hillsboro, - - Oregon
PersonB wishing to buy horses or Linn county; Hiram Gould, of
. ... . ii II - rinn. I U. ohinortnn Pnlintv. A. J. tlUnsa-
cauio wm u rrr. zz I . , v u:n , . v Mvr. rtt Acmn from a rick !U
nell A' v.ornenue, uu.D"U., -- --- - " j,v
8. S Jeffries, h barber, whi'e
a.. u'A.n0'. ainra We cher. of Maltnoman oouniy.
have all kinds of horses lor saie M-----nn
i a-. Aa ;nl.ntA(if ririAM I 11(11 Itt 111 ULV . TT . A Uliuvii i
aim gu.i.u V" i .-Vf V. Onick of Coos Wnrwl ,,ninn Bet n. and he was
W a o have some iresn cows ior iuu wuu., , .. ---- r-----. .
He went
I will el! at nubile auction nt
the Thna Paillann lllaUA. 1 mil
south of Garden Home, 2 mi. n. e
ofTigardville, at 10 a. m.
6 grade Jerwy and Guesnaey "
ouia fre.h and Home to come In oo
a two year old hellera; J one year i
calve.- Oiieiiiw hull, a vear old;
young boric, cli lauoj a Cheater
Wlittt brood ow In plgl Heit''1
aow In plga; I thoroughbred Uerk.h re
boar; t faun wgoua; I broken bed mil
wagon; i new Champion mower; I
horae cultivator; 1 pring tooth harrow;
i back; t tedder; 1 weeder; 1 llt'
liUnl. , turialn .tiuunr: 1 wlieilt null,
l fan mill, I Acme harrow; a one horae
corn plantera; I large elder mill;
double bameas; I 4 hrl,e P"wer "
lage cutter with elevator; 1 a h. p. Sim
plei cburn and hutterworker coniblnei ;
1 No. 3 lleUval cream eprtorj 1 ciil
tr box; several plowa and a healing
Terms ol Sale-Sums of $10 and
under, cash; over $10, 0 months
time at 7 per cent., bankable note.
'i per cent, off (or cash.
C. Lshmann.
J. 0. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
w. .',11 ..11 .t nn lil in sale, Satur
day, Oot. 24, 11)08, 75 000 feet of
dressed and rough lumber. Terms:
All sums under $10,oaBb;over 10,
a .L...I :. .n unnrnved notes
J U1UUIUB UIH TI ...l 1(1
.) r ... Intarnat. Mill 1"
tulles north ol Hillsboro.
31 32 BiBbup Bros
.1.:. .;.i- ,f Keaverton.
Illin " - . , ,
down lst Tbureday, and placed
lhe Convent under quarantine, ami
agisted bv Dr. Linklater vacci
nated all the boys and girl in the
Home. The care originated with a
girl who came from Willamina,
where smallpox 01 a umu iu.u.
Imh-ii prevalent all Bummer.
U'm Miller, of Kast Portland,
. ... .1.- lT..ll..n
. i. . . . i n Willi tne iiuiwu
iv.V. at Motintaintiaie. wcr'
.1. .....u . h-le in tbe tl tor of
inrooK. -.. .,, fuli
.irtiar aHl r riuay,
soma distance to a lloor oeneav .
!...(n , a ocalina nis in mi-
llli.n. ----- - . A
I)r. Wood was caneu w
r.i1H f..n,ailv
ib ioii i er. Mr. muw iu.'v
. . . Mmintaindala
owned a urm
tu. ...nhera ol the Hillsboro
, ,r. in,lrd a recentioo
hi thevisiling teachers at the old
if...,,. Monday nmbt, which
upera A RaileV
. 1, aaaani n ukii . ai - y
" . 11...1 .,., to deliver the ad
.1.. r leloome. which he did in
(irrnn ui . 1
, 1 hannv vein, anu
"".u"u"' T. I to bv Prof. Rissler
7' ,.h in an equally happy
! "Z" Th evening was spent
in nlaving gftiuPB. and RflUinK
in. iffl 1 B Refreshment, f
1 ' ,...!. !(, nf the reception
Berveu ai hid
II N Spnml et ux to Miiry Coawr, lot
',4,iiiud 141 lU-avcrton Keedville..l4ooo
I' S Anderson to Million Peterson. IS
hCtri in Hen Slcwiirt d 1 c t 1 s a.. .3150
Thos et "1 " 11 Ortmnn,
iu 4.1 acres in Orus Brown 3ix
peter lUi-UU ct nl to Thos Connolly,
tmrt of c ao tan 3 aias
u. , 1 Smith et ill to Peter l lelds,
lot 3 blk a So Park '"i ' urovc...w.
T t) G Mhk" 10 1 Jll,Kl,n' imn
sec 34 t 1 I '
A llvdc ft nl to W A Clnpp, to
acres -c 14 t ' 11 4 T5
.1 1-: Wdlinms et al lo .loste omcain-
hhit..lirt sic 32 t 1 11 1 3"
Margurel C Jnycox to H W W ells, iao
acres sec IJ 1 1
i lluiiiller et ux lo John John-
on oS S7 ficies in lltnim jonnsou
.111 1
" ' 1 . .. .1 ...Xlil,., 1,,,-lr.
imsou llumtmicK ei m ,
miii et nl. i5s-77 " Z "
Alton Nilimu et 1 to 1 I rium Kcr.
mrt blk a lltimpnrey s '. in...i
lohll Losli to Daniel lianer, 20 .m,
sec 11 t I n a "
r i.- i,nwpra et m to I: H toieiiinn,
purt blk 35 I'oresi wove.....
lleorge Hill to Sadie Clnj;g, H4 acres
sec t 3 n a
J Lyons toV V. McCourt, part
1. 11, Hillsboro '
Roliert Holme ct al to A II Kuedy,
103 acres Tignrdville Heights 100
Jacob Strom to Sophie Strom, 40
n,.s sec a t a R 1 aim oilier num...
m i liiT 11 et al to 1 K Hnllard et
part H Huxtou Sr d I c t 1 n 4 l
iii,,iin Melicnr ct ux to Isaac Levi,
lot S l.'k 4a Metger acre irneia......
nrv C lltirlbut to W V Holton ft al,
his woodshed, one day last wfea.
received a bruise from a stick which
Grider, of Un- fell upon hie knee. Symptoms of
noison set m, and ne
r - . .
county; F. C. Varner, of Benton Co. laid up during the remainder of
Tndenendencfl John W. Bennett, the week.
ITrAnk Peteiltlka. a BUXlOn .rriankamaaaouatv. Wm K Lake, nt.v Pa;iQ r.nirffl Sflf)
blacksmith, accidentally tore a , nail Michael J. Malley and Thomas A hunter8 licenses isf-ued siuce the
from one of hiB fingers last Friday, Sweeney, of Multnomah county. firgt of the year Tni8 j8 neari?
causing a profuiw hemorrhage ,P one-fourth of' the voting population
hich he was unable to check. He LE0D1SA INCRAHAM LANDESS J gjQrJnty Three of these were
came down to Hillsboro Friday af
temoon, and Dr. A. B. Bailey at
tended the wound.
iaaned to Jarjanese. two of whom
Mn. Iodisa Ioeraham Landess ftrv nn the Southern Pacibc Kaii-
died in Hillsboro, October 9, 1908, wa and one residing at the Grove
County Stock
In Rear of Lenneville's Blacksmith Shop
Forest Gbovk
Phone, Ind. 92 Long distance, No. 31
i j . 1
G. M. Hunter
Carpenter Worh
And Contracting
W. A. Sbaw, of the Shaw-Fear aged 61 years. Deceased was born Nwly every m0untain man has a Those contemplating building
Co . Portland, was in town loaay. i,n Little Kocr, Arianeae, oeF. ncenee, lor deer are pienvuui m iur shon& get mv figures. Both
Hecameout to file a plat of the lS47, and at the age t of I i years, hillfl. U rJ .i WVcnn.
1 , .: t ,i. ifv.nir war. 1 . 1. nin ith rtnr narenui. 1 ....... , j. . r
new BUDuivieiuu u. I lu,D " ."V r T:nn Marehall Maddox was nnea ?u
son place, Boumeaei 01 iveouv. m0 iwi, sm - u..i . T " I tnd costs for trespass ng on Preston
The tract embraces 640 acres of Lindeee, to this county, where she ""'.L fi Mat im.
"sooo choice land, and will besold out in resided up to the Ume ol her deain . - - Ju8tice
twenty-acre tractB. 1 ne b ur nusoana, jopn - "-J"-barne8. He was also fined 115 and
if... r.n a dolnir mucn vo nu up ,n 1M114. ua was a uoououuu. v. .
rni vvi c - ... - 1 '
this county with
Peter Jaoobson
I mucn to nu up in i04, and was a ae-oenaan. o. - . land lea8fid b
small farmers. the Boone family, of -plucky, "jjyj and Ge0. 8chul
, of Lenox, mi made faJji merich, but in the last case the fine
1-eter jaoooson, 01 tZ Uel Boone, the pathfinder and war
with.Bngular.ccjden m with
day. .vvnue peB chriBtrin cburch ,t the age of T' :irZ7" " t, b
rk norses, vne animai F1"1" ij" .... na.i,ii . hrother at ea ,nu uri,u6u' y" -
n Ki. , inner lin H years. Besides Drotner, ..,. raflni,B. ns on the last
, 1 i .1 Kft.
was euspenaea uunug guuu
havior. Herbert Miller was arreBt-
bit out a po tion of his upper lip. M year J leaves six Barnes for trespassing on the last
which wa? anything but fun for Kegle Or., sh "xlnamed tract He plesded guilty.
Mr. Jacobson, who immediately wnarJ"mJi and was fined 15 and costs, ana
came to HilUboro and had the dess, south of lln 'J?" upon paying the costs, the fine was
wound dressed by Dr. F. A. Bailey, ham. Proseer Scholl.; M rs. Rew 1 I
S.. Jii. ... made hv Mr. Jaoobson Ptall, Spokane Wash., Mrs. Uertna v treanftB8 lftW j8 being rigidly
n IZSZ ni of Ho. but it Urson, HUleDoroj n. "fnTrMi r iround Hillsboro. this
i k. fAnnt Brand, nuiSDoro; anu mm. uowgo
could not be found.. Washington. Orenco.
T am now nrsDared to show yon tk. fnnral aervicee were con-
the Cbas. Stevens & Bros.' samples duoted the late residence of the
Mniu I
- . .
lwrt W v Viriiino.i ' - J
talent hivcstttint Co to C D Nairn,
Phones. Cor. 4th & Jackson.
Hillsboro -- Oregon
..Central Meat Market..
Keen constantly on hand a fine
supply of fresh meats of all klnda.
4 Now Era In Prloeu
We are going to sell meat at price low
er than those which have prevailed in
the past." Call in and see us. We mean
business. 'Phone and Free Delivery
One door East Tualatin Hotel
Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregos.
w i-i of sw ' sec ao 1 3 11 j.... ....
Thos Cox et 11 x to Mollie r Kan, lot
6 sec 1" lis 3
of the new Fall and Winter Styles dtoeaBed iu this city, Sunday fore
in ladies' and. misses' dress suits, ttoon Rev. James Campbell officia-
The following real L t dealij
ere consummated brKr.Ji
silk and cloth ButtB and dress skirts, yD ioterment was in the family
made to your special oruer, jryu, -.meterv V rarmington
I - a. w T . J! I
aso own selection---! gooaB. laaieii.
Deavillc et ux to Kzra Wright
children's coats, also
w X U.t 4 blk 43 1'orest Orove........ i ooo . , a tandard line of
. .. , ... . .,, ,, v in rii- .Tumi- i -
U , IKIllllliec, v.
Kdna K .lensen lo Ch.s O Hoc, liart
hlk l'orest i.rove
Survivors of Company D., First
regiment of Oregon Mounted In
fantry, organized in Hillsbiro, on
October 14, 1855, are few, but W
H. H. Myers, Henty Wehrung,
T.K. Wilke. and others met here
vesterdav. and held an anniversary
meeting, at which resolutions were
paBsed, requesting tne uregnn on-
A. W. Donelsons
h0UHeand lot on .tu anu v
iirtuni.1V lllMU .'w.
Mr. Kdes,
c. ')r,(Mi. rreu urocii-
iwi - ,
.i o7 a nr. a near 1116
l.remer'B larm oi
rem" 8 ? 1" n Mr. Buneon.for
Kond wring". - ;., int
H'2400. A. Mman e iiuun, -- -
in this city. tot. v.i ";;
near ,7ivi
,.f Forest Urove, wr
w t
Don't iorget the meelina o n
held at the court nouno i.e.. -
, . "1 n'i (WK D. IU ., u
aay, -- " -ni.ln. a county
Tr; . : Come in and hear
mir rD. - . , mfi
.li.,a ilianilHNtHl. IUW
the maun. --.. ... wtt. iH(
OUKM W 0 a:CmBr!nh. Of
Other prominent
i W it (UiKltield d I C loO l.,. nrvnn rentlftSt. MrS. M. E l T Snntnn anil 1 mile north
Wi?"wk6 Caudle, Independent phone No La,t)f phUlips.t 10 a. m on
M Sitiiotitoil et al 10 nugiisi Love- uui . HA I UKUA 1 , UulUDUft oi,
Krtn, a.x. acres in sec s i . a w . Kmorv Wilcox, a son of M. Wll- Three work horses; 2 cows, I fresh; two
Asctiath C I n( Wilruix sawmill. 10 miles a-veai-old treifer. t-inch wide tire Mitch-
i of lots 1 turn a oicck. iu ,...- worn.- covered SDrine waeon, in
...d bv wm.
South Tualatin
Farmer, and business ;
nected to tie present. It w to be a
.. .!- . ml nni a nuiex,.. "
faiand it is expected that people
"::.. nf the county will be
from an ii"d , . - .
..".. ind take an Interest.
HilUboro ArgUB, $1.50 per year. I Thompson, part of sec a4
....iiia .mi mnnrHKiriH. x win iaiitu. aa,n u i a L liim i q rHHHiiinni ucicitaviuu u -
tM-ri?. nit CllilSMewari a i c 1 1 a uuioom v mi uuuuin(u ..... ., -.. ,y,
" -f?' I . . IT l,..l, 1-1. J I K.,n mo 0IVU1H Ln TllUr n, Tk..! 1. C -M A milanlll.n
R Koiicrui to ivuiien ..v.!........, giu iu miu ij --- iW ivtmuer o iiuj,-m iu "
Homo Stylo
Regular Meals, 25 cts up
Short order lunches
Opp. Farmers' Feed Shed, on
Main St.
Hillsboro - - - Oregon.
boro 3
Felix Verlioevcn ct ux to h 11 Loie-
limti, 9 9 sec 33 1 1 ". J
Sarah H Vcrlioeveu ei ai 10 r. .
Coleman, ia a m jouh muv 1 1
t W IH'""
r.eo W Joseph to C McKay, part of
Ins McKay it l c t. i s i w o
ti, u et nl to K Grant Mills,
. v.v.. ...
rt nf KIT. lb l I u 4 w
W A Clapp et al to Abnihntn Hald
win. part of blk 8 l'orest drove 850
Huuin .1 Waters et al to John 11 Ail
mils part. 01 W roresi iiiwc... jj,.
H W I'ioenbrink to George l isher,
n.6oa sec lot a s a 900
Thos Talbot et nx to Henrietta Tun-
.,t. lot 8 lu bit 5 laiuoi s no, vui-
tipllua 50
8 M Holland et ux to John Price pt
nf block a Stewart & Tucker's add
Hillsboro 4o
lllrich Kuegy to Louisa Fucgy, part
of Wm Ellerson d 1 c t 1 n a
L, V Carstcns et al to Chaa Browu, pt
nfwrltin 4 W
J H C Thompson et ux to Walter
. 11
anove uienooe, uiov w.u - . -e- hacU. new top bug-
aocident Tuesday morning, wnue v;.tooir5r i g0od repair; hay rake; 14-
.a.i.linir the eawver to adiust a, mnw- eo-tcoth harrow; hayrack,
""'"". - ..7 i .. .. . ... r. r .. ' ..." ,. , . 1 .,i,.,.: , - t t
1.-1. : , u n m,n .hi a inA mtpnin 1 amnin rttiuer: woriL -usrucss, uurk, i,n -rnafinav. nn noiiiiiiaiui, ui w.
or was in motion. In some man- tiess; c am harness; -tf: phillipa and Geo. Boge, charged
Vr. Ti.u. . .noU In en cmcaene; p.Ka, .cb, 5 nBn The woman was
ner nie niui im rhurn. water separator, 50 ousueia mm, -
.. . , . , J 1 1. . n. unnlAD I n
tne Den ana oriiuueu, iuo uiu oats.
torn and the 6kin badly Terms of Sale AU sums under
Indian War veterans under tm
pension reguhtiona governing vet
ersna oi vne civh war, uu mo v-1
retary was instruct' d to forward
the petiliona to senators ruuou
and Bource and Congressmen El
lis and Hawley.
Mra. H. C. rearson, of near Lau
rel, was brought before Judge Good-
lacerated, before he oould be ex 10 0,Bh; over $10, one year's
t icated. The arm was broken in lime on approved note, at 6 per
to or three places. WUoox, wno cent . Chas. Reimer,
is only 20 years ol age, was brought j c Kuratli, Owner.
to Hillsboro, wnere ur. woa-iawr Auctioneer.
set the Iraotures, being asetBte oy
Dr. A. B Bailey. Wiloox was tben Card of Thanks
sent to a Portland hospital, where
he will no doubt remain for Borne I We wiBD to thank our friends and
t a s 1.,
time before be recovers
We open our own oysters, there
fore, they ate always freeh. Give
us your orders at Falmateer's confectionery.
naiahbors for their kindness to us,
during the illness and funeral of
our bod, tbe late urea uarrup.
Fred Narrup and Family,
Banks, Oregon.
examined bv Dr. F. A Bailey, and
nnon hiB report, County Judge
Goodin adjudged har insane. Her
husband, however, aBked tne court
to allow him to take care of her
and said that he would Bee that she
had medical attention, with tbe
idea that a cure might be etiected
The court granted his request, and
the unfortunate woman was return
ed to her home. The complaint
states that Mrs. Pareons has threat
ened her neighbors, etc Should
her husband be unable to properly
care for her, she will be Bent to th
Sears & Hartrampf
Third St.", bet. Washington
and Main
Hillsboro :: " Oregon
tiene.ral Aulomohlla Repairing. Auromo.
bile Supplies ol all klnda. Anr
for Inrurnarlonal Rnftfuma,
br In uws.
1 .....j
Under New Management
Rates, $1.28 to $2 Per Day
C. E. PKIQM0KK, PKoraiMToa
John Borwiok, of Reedville, was
accepted as a juryman, by the
United States Circuit Court, this
week, to sit on tbe cam of the gov
eminent vs. the Los Angeles lsi
fraud defendants.