The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 15, 1908, Image 1

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NO. ai
M. N. Itonhnn. of I.anral a.a in I
.1 !. .i i :
inn uiit. LiiiM Mik
For Hl H.iw. with MAVMII lilua
Both (iIidiim, 'nit Wood.
C WiimUrllrh. of Center villa.
. . ,, ,. ,. Argua caller, Monday.
I n 1 1 r nil wr i iiiu.ii. .......
" " iivivniis. nu
an A-gu callar, IinI Haturday.
Illl IKi
ylf Waal Llctau Mar
at Hum
I). It. HeuHoncr (cts Contract
I 'or C.'ntcrvtllc ItriJc
BuiUri. k Ka.hion book, and an;
MM IKH p.u,,,,,, fllf ,,', CBlU al nii,jBi
I. I... i .i ui i
' i"iiiiiu, ui unar nuauy
urnok, wa in lowu laat Saturday,
Pranilln 1 hatcher, ol neat
(irnvill, wm an Argun caller,
ltnl nuiiy.
I Cauolj Koad I'ctitiiia Ft i I to Kuo
1 be Gtunllct
,1 I . I . . M
ia:inatni notilncliniierv for
your choice ronlnclioiii. fruita. oula.
cigar ana looaooo.
Mri J. C
8iU HUir . l wood con
i.miilatM im cuaugra 111 the
lima U ' tba Ule l lo" "el
aaasioii of tb ()r(un I.gilluro
Th doctor U oiiimaml to running
d,tr with houuda, and may M. lb
l . Ii t . i a A f laY I k V N M ahu hara think Ib.t than,,, ,','. ,.! Uarn.llOO.
. ,, , . ,, , , . cah IiHiuirs at Aigua oflioa. Jl 4
aaaou (ur bird should I mi abort!!-
..I m, aa ia.wirla.1 r.baa.anU art. . Tn our own oy.Ur. there
WiUon, of Weat Uo-
ol Ura M J
Buckingham, of iMllev. laat week.
Kur sale: TVam be rue, roar
alllnc acarcer aaob yoar. Another
than in tba lama la ahouhl exm
ilat of (irotM'tion to elk In tha (aU
(ur at Uaal 10 yoara, wtlli a nal
if beaty anouitb to bring atrict en
forminanl of tha la. Tba rotiit
It, which truvlda Tir liouaioa
huolara. whm all tha inctnny nw
to iba late, la anothnr lrjunllc lo ltin wi(uiia
eountiaa. No truvlion U mail Will atll at
for aipanaa inrurrtxi by the Coun
ty Clark of naeb county, who U ob
lfd by tba law lo take uo the
lima of tha county In ieauiiift hunt
itii hctinaa. Manv ixiriuiua l
liara that each county ahouUi r
Uiu ila own licanaa money, and
out of tha money ihuecollectal, ay
lore, thev are alwava fraeh. Give
u h your onlera at I'alineleer'a con-
John C. Hterun. a itrwit car con-
ilurt ir of I'orllam). tmui tha laat
of laet work, with the Cbrialeneoni,
of thu oitv.
We have juel received a car of
from the factory.
Portland price.
Sihulroericb Hroa. 6I-tf
Jm Kllia. aon in law of President
K K l-ytleof the V. H A N Co,
hae ac-4tod a poeition in the Com
pany'a ofliee in tbia rtty.
Hunter are fiirliidden to bunt
or olhr-rwien trrepaM on lbs ranch f r Informaiion of the umleraiRned. I recullon
t. will follow lriiae. Mr. C.
tnula for violation of th ftiun law Wren.
Tbi amount remaining at tba end Hrran and Kerr club wat or-
r iK ttaaai In aiAK viii nl v rtmi m I . I ' -l. .1 t.i m, UW
wi im a im rv I 1 ang"I i rrwni, lain f7W1.
thin U turned ovur la lb Mirl ri,- i(1'n'r tic John Vanderval-
coudIv fund, or to aome eiwciel .t.n ,..;. t,,i .ml Oanar lUhie
. . ' ... . . , .. ' . 1 " '
lunu, ana mu iepi in ine county
Tbia would do awav with the Statu
(Jama Warden and bia daiutire,
and rallava iba atale of tbai n
Mr Anthony Whita and daugh
ter, Mia I.illie. of Hutte, Montana,
were in town, Monday, on legal
buninwu. The White uaed to live
n thin county;
Men wanted to do 100 rod of
... . .i . ..... i. t Ar
tllUlillia, 1 mure wiuiui"i
HilUlKiro.-J. M. Bridge. HillBbo-
afota Dillalmy died at bi borne in
tblictty, ImI lburday, tclolM.r n, 4 j., Htatee' Phone 354
alla m linaiairi.iil HlliMat ti 1
moat tbre yean. Uia death wae Mr. tml Mr. Hunner, of N-
tibick Ui hi many friend-. be hraek. were gueele of Mr. and Mr
aeemed to b Improving until Mon- Harrington, of near Centerville,
dMb 6tb, when be wa taken week. They will vuul other parte
with a oungeeliv cbill. and never of the Willamette valley, and may
regained cooaolouinaa before death return w ine ,u.
clalnia.1 Kim horni to reside.
Mr. Dillaboy wa lrn at Hmith Clearance tale of all men', boyi'
Kali, Canada, Jan. I, IM40, and R(ld ladiee' uit. Will ld at
wu married to Mle Martha Perry, ctual coet, and all broken line
March '2') lHlld In Januarv. 1H7I. xarriwl in thn immpnie stook of the
Sit tit ill it M lKi fatrrirt nn (mr I i:-r.i Marchandiee Htore of
Mountain wbere be reaide! until Hchulmerich Bros. Come early
February, HK)H, wbeo be moved to ml gel your choice. Bit'
UillalMiro. i f,,r U'aahinfftoil
I ..... i , 1 . I I I IMI
r I'liiaiMiT luarrifxi iiiti wmmi
r iru.anoy nurrie, n . n lfH, duriogSeptembar:
.if., Mr. A J Ulery, Oei J. J ,UlurDy onIlirrieRM, 15; .mallpo,,
Hii flr.t wife died, Deo. 14, IH1W hoiJ feveri i CM.;
t " I"?! V' " tn,d lh7IlcUU- death, male, 13; female, 8; birth,
dran, by h . Br.t wife a. follow.: eint ,5 W, U. Wood,
UftorffA )A Ulu.v win iv k. Wtifn - ' ...
I - ' a l . 1 im ...
i" .vi, . ,.. : cuumr v",,u"
vuV. .....uuy, rayrno . u. . . ... . W.l IW of
and Mr. Kinmi Tucker, heliwrnm, a narn i)ei.iiR...F,
r.- .i... . u...:.i... ir.ii. irn.i fJrnv. and eituated tour
a eievrr m milium rnn, rUivn. -
C.n.da; a brother, balf brother and mile north of there.filled with bay
balftater in Houth Canada. In- and leeu mr "
Ole Oleeon et ale, viewer. refKirt
read and continued to Oct. K, at
2 p in.
Oidnred that John Vanderwal
be autboricd to write insurance
policy on Court bointe in .uin of
J. H Lor.ung; Mintr bridge ac
cepted and warrant ordered drawn
for the .urn of 1014 50; bal due.
C. K. Meacheiu reigned a. road
uervior; reeignation acceptel.
0 k C. U. H. Co. petition for
refund ol tai; ordered that tax be
refunded a. per petition M l M'l
(J. J. HcafT iee netilion for refund
oftai;$l'J2 refunded on clerical
Tax .ale certificate, .obi to Big
ley A Hare and ulheis on May 27,
l'.HIH. a.i-igned to purcbseer.
John Stewrt elition for refund
tax; I20H5 refundel on account of
error in certificate No. 24S
Ole Oleaon et ale; road No 450;
ordend eetabli.hed; jetitionei. to
pay $100 damage., balance county.
The following hid. were opened
for rent of County Farm and care
of inmate; Clarence Young, rent of
farm 1250, care of inmate. 112 per
month; Martin andehey, rm o
farm 1250, oare ininatu f 10 pT
month: Cha.. Bradley, rent of farm
1250. care inm.tea f 11 ir month
Bid i f Martin Vandehey acct-ptetl.
Tho.. Tucker petition lor reiuni
lax -. 40c allowed.
Contract awarded to 1) B Ilea.-
oner for tru. bridge Centerville for
1224 and repair of bridge on Base
Line road. Ii
Oreon.i Nur.erv Co. reiwrt of
viewer, accented, road di.illowed
R. 8. Robinson, viewers report;
it anrvearina to the court Ihsl de
acription in petition and' notice, ie
incorrect, t i. ordered mai me pe
lition lie di.allowed.
HI ate of On K n v. Clifford Rich
arilmin transcript approved.
J. W. Bailey; rejnirt ol uouoiy
Clerk for September examined and
annroved: fee. $252 75.
Willi. Ireland: report of County
Recorder examined and approved;
fees $i:s:i.
W. N. Thorn pon; petition for
1 . ur
refuod; it appearing tnai . in
Thnmnoon w&h wrongfully aHHe.eec
in school diet. No 72 and that he the .urn of $14 85 to ppecial
Ui in dUtrlot, it i. ordered that
warrant lie drawn on said epeci.
-hnnl di.trlot fund for $14 85.
K. C. Brown, coroner' inquest;
F. M. King, Harold unri.ten.en
and How Bin; reports approved and
bill, drawn.
Following cUluis were allowed:
J S Umiiiig. bridge. f''4 5P
John Nylrg, rock work 79 7
T I (km1iii. criiah rock 149a
K C I'.tovm. roronrr' feet it 4
C n riKrl, A M( l arlHiul, h ,l
ilullinnii, Murk ratU rmn, W J
Annum. A .xlnr'l,' f i each, aa
roronrr'a witrimM a-.W'allr-r Wood
H Cbriatenarn, C ('hriatriiw-n,
Alliert Cbriatrnarn, $l.y each,
aa roronrr' witni-awa.
V CiMxIin, anl ami eii IIJ 50
John Mc-Claran, aiil anil tip 37 00
W J liiitnrr. Wil al uri 47 V
II (". Vinrnt. 11 M Sonimcra, A W
I'ike, l'rnl Soiniiicrs, (.'has John-
aim, I'frd I H-eiiH(rr, I rtrr Mlll
r. t ' 5 ai h. mh iiiiui-l wit-lii-a'ra.
M KuliiiiHoti. cor uhvaician 10 00
A W Slmey, wit in'uet 1 50
MtiK llitiK, Amen .11 fernn, 11 1.
l rv, roronrr'a ituiurat, $1 .jo each
t. llrowu, cor Irra 10 V5
W O llonrlaon, C h so
K l'iikc. wit ilist ally J 60
Max Crsiidsll. i-nprrt 150 00
Kelu-f A J Kov, r; IIt lru
A large force of men are working
on fbe big nils on eitner aide 01
Dairy Creek, ju.t west of town. It
I is said that tbi work will occupy
twn nr thrM arMika lima. The fill
fvllll ' giy, rf't 1 1 " IS 1 - ' ' " - " "
Store, 7-75: W PatteraLn, 2.25; Aug ja netr gDjBbed 0D th et 'ld
SchriK-ilcr, v; Henry Becker, 00; h . , , . , .
(Jrhuhmrr.; liavi.l Ilarir, y, O A I Of tuB CreeK, and ine Company Will
Patterson, 16.75; Ann rreemali, 6; Joe
I un fV l'rli-r Vandi-i-ovrrintf io- Jane
o ' " - - - n , .....
Munliilf. 2; J-Jy Iteiland, 6; Mr Ciias
I'lo. 6.
itoada and btiihwav O M Holt Its.
Cntilmann Broi i5 7S. 14 IS and 41 OS.
; W Whitmore 'li.m, Keall at Vo, Ireignt
25c, V W I.ivennore 17.60, C L, Hinmaa
- , an. I A AC ( . lltni-. IK WI. M
Karlane Bro 7 8a, V G Gardner 15 75.1 way of pushing the work
1 ... .m U II . t' .1 .( I
6 10. 7 S7 and 6 mo; SpieritiK & Solilar
45 55
II.... ,,M
Olaon 107 6s and 164.75,11 T Rueaell k0IMJinB 0f the steel rails for the
. I T . .... 1. a. I ' 1 ur 1 . v. . . . . w w w
V StoraKe A T W 40c, rairOanka-aiorae uiiwuuiu. uu
will soon be up to
when tba track ia
i n 7 h tin? Konr Co sx6. Hbo Lbr thorouffhlv ballaated. and the over
Co 21.60 and h5, BriKK Broa a 63. Sec head fiiture are in place, the road
i .7 . RTLT.jooStrihieh be ready for ejrvice between
Seller 10. So, A B Todd 14, Jno Stnhlcn ' . , ,
2.40. schuimerich Hrot 26, v s prkkett Hillsboro and Portland, but there
30, (' A Lamkln j 50, star Lbr Co 38.88, eema to be an impression that the
It tl. C.H An l! 11. l - , 1.
laiinuu iv .7".. 1 une wilt dui ue rrnuiariT uiniaiw
... . .. 1 . .... ri ! .
The Line of the O. E. Between
Hillsboro and the Grove
will Tfati
Bavc t Vail far Big Fill
Crctk Btttsa
resume the work of tracklaying to
the creek from Hillsboro. It will
then be obliged to wait until the
fill on the west side of, the creek is
finished. From the latter point,
there will be no obstacles in the
to the
I Grove. The distance is six miles
7 ami o mo; otnering ogiuar .,, , 1 . 11
,1 54. j a Davi 10.50, Jobnaoo from Hillsboro, and is practically
1.04, Hbo Com Hank 108.86, 8 a a level Btretch ol country. The
See Our Full Assortment
Bird Bell, the famous Tilt-Ken-
ney shoe, for men. 30 tf
Prof. Garrison, of Forest Grov,
wa. in the city Monday
Henrv Hogrefe, of South Tuala
tin, was in town lueeday.
M. Kicheo and son, of Blooming,
were in town lueBday, ana cauea.
Mr.. Bews, formerly of Washing
until finished to the Grove, in
which case many people here, do
not look for tegular tram service
before the last of November, or pos
sibly not before the first of the year
rf toilet aid- is an absolute necessity at
this resort e-pecially. Whether you stay
at home or go away yon need thetn just
the same, that this pharmacy is the
best place to obtain them any one will
tell you who has once used
Our Toilet Aids and Article.
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we invite yon to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Sources from which questions will
bs taken for teachers' examination.
for Rehrnarv and Aucn.t. 1909
ton county, now of Tacoma, W ash., will be as follows:
wa. in town, Monday.
Developing, printing and finish-
ina. done for amateur photograph
er.. at the Poet Card Baxaar. 26t!
Mr.. Colburn Tbayer, of above
P.BRtnn. wa. in town the last of
last week, visiting with Mrs. Cave.
For Rent A nicelf furnished
room in a new nouee lor one or iwo
centlemen. Inquire at 3rd and
JeflerBon street.. oO-l
Marriages licenseBwere issued on
February 1909
I Arithmetic.
2 Civil Government
3 English Literature.
February 1909
A. One-half from text: Newcomer's
English Literature, and Newcomer's
American Literature.
B. One-half from the following classics:
1 Lowell, The Vision 01 Sir wuniaiiKiv.
lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c, aic.
a Webster. The First Bunker Hill Ora
tion (Riv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c, 22c.
3 Scott, Mann ion ( rocket uaastcsj mac
millan, 25c, 22c.
August 1909
....... . 1 a. une-naii ironi lexis: ntwwiuci s
the dates named to the following English and Ameiican Literature.
IIFIDUIIP. ....... 1 d
Vandehev. Oct. 10; Alfred Meinel 1 Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Ri v. lit.
an.. (Jftftrtria Mil er. Uct. lo. . ' ' a i
JT? '
Choicely Bred Registered Jerseys and
Registered Dairy Shorthorns For Sale
1 Kuskin. Sesame and Lilies I K1V
On October 24, the undersigned ; Houghton, a5c. aac
. ., , , ., . . , .1 3 Carlyle, Fjsay on Burns and Burns
will Bell tne following property at poempoctet Classics Macmillan, 25c,
John Yanderwal's auction: Two a2c,
ood milch cows and a double Beat 'The hrst hgure is tne puonsner s pnee
d tnn hack O K SheDird. 31-2 e second, the price to. scnoois contract
ed top naca. u. n.. ouepsru. 01 i,,.-.. th(.Oron librarv Com
Wade, the 11-year-old eon of 1 mission and the J K. McGill Co., Port
i ; , .-ii .1 ,t,A 1 land. Oraaton.
KUUOr rviuen, .en auu uruac .u- 4Graph y-One-fifth from State Course
large bone of bis left leg, last Hat- f sr?d our.fifths from Redway &
urday, while playing with some Hinman.
boys on the BchOOl grounds, ur. s CJrammar-One-nttn irom ute course
J n.:i . -.n.l . ,1 lofStudv. four-fifths from Buehler.
P. A. nauejr n0 v..ou, .i - c0nefifth from SUte
the limb. 1 Course cf Study, four-fifths from Doub.
Taken Up at my place, near 7 Orthography-Keen s wore Lessons.
nWrnmo ami 2-vear-old heifer 8 Physical Geography-Terr' New Physt
B Mining, a rel l year old nw, riSi0iOgy-Kron, Hutehinson.
" ' - I 10 KeailingT-swie vjourse 01 oiuuy.
and tail Owner can have earns bT I -tnni ijiw-S.-hool Laws of Oreeon.
proving property and paying for 1 a Theory and Practice-White' Art of
aniaffH and advertising. M Y- "."s-
terment wa In the Plea.ant lew
cmtery, on Cooper Mountain, Hat-
urday, Ootolier W, WW.
. . 1 - I..ll Ka lira last
deetroyeii c'imiiwwi; j
ir.:.i. Tha content, of the barn
i.i.t to tha renter. The loss
i. about $500. The origin of the
Ore i unknown
Ham Oreno, an Italian, who wa
Ham ureno, an
The undersigned will sell at public seated last week on lb charge ol
..! .. . i 1 I ....I... .. 1 l.imtftf frAm
uuuoii iiu ine preiuiew, i iuh etealing a norne auu uuaaa
north of Bank, at 10 a m., on lhe ranch, near this place,
irnuiui.iv ivn'rniii'ii oit .uau.t Haturdav night, UD0D
Matched tea... of uiaie., 6 year. old. delivery of $2SOoh ball. OMIIO
wlghl about 1303; a Jersey cows, freah; 0ajm that he will have no troume
red Polled and jersey cow, freah; year. . bUshing an alibi, nd says
i-..r-,,iiC,1.i..i..i.l..." , Drove tnai ne wa m
ll 3 inch wagon: a 3 4 Mitchell wagon, he can l,rov ' , . l.
ti. double team b.rne. with collar.; City, above Albany, where bt 1 wor.
t.i. 1 .i . . . ...... . . 1 oimn nn IDrj UlV
in a logging cam 1, on mo -
1 . . 1
... ...... 1 , j hoik ..en belore n
a none plow, cultivator, gram crauie, ... ,u
Pitch fork., boe, rakes, a and other aTraok Kelflay, rreBiuen. u
arinioo a. All household kml Hiteiieii .,.,... nraan xat OH Ol noau u
hirniture, oat, wheat, by and growing v whi0h was formed last
potato... Nothing reserved. ''f "Tl'nT L,nn ia.ue a call for an,, ewer. w . " . 0UB.odianB
Termaor Sa e-AU sums or iu apou "r . . . j
nd less, cash: over 10, on. year', of Washington county roads, I
time, approved, notes, without n- m. oy. - ' BOO0mpU8D
m I paid when due; If noi, r ' onc8
wresi from date at rate 01 o per n.. , - , . 000d roads
osnt will be charged. Three per a year. The Bubj BJ"
cent discount for cash on sums in this counvy
over $10
J P Helitfll. Owner.
J W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Ueo. F. Naylor, Clerk.
nA.I at flAA
(Illl HSHVV,
t . ! aaa hatttA
The Couuty uommuwunw" '
1 ..I tha nnnr farm, situated on
the Southern Pacific R.
mile east of tbia pity,
for the inmates,
ah parties whose accounts wim me iarm, - nlnlnnB ior
have been over six months out providing board and lohln. I tor
landing ar. rM.uested to settle l0 p.r monU. each. A. 1 aule.
l)t. B. 1. Liinaiawr. inero - . mL.
inmates at the place. '""""V"!
Dan O'Meara. of east of Hillsbo- inUffht the present poor farm aboui
10, wa in town Saturday. 20 years ago, and could now reaii z.
Read a,d of flommeroial Hotel, several times w.. r
In iki. i-a.. ft i. under new it wished to sen.
management, and the new proprie- when in town, call and try our
i. 1. : a 1- iha Kiiriine.s. u.. nnm.a and cnona. and don l ior-
ui ia eauerieuuou iu niiv w" , . .
, w. n. B,...,.! Sb.,.a,... ftjwiM gag P ,
lo town Tuesday. fectionerv. .
2(k) 8S
ThoaH Tongue Jr, distatty office... 20 00
Cupt tluiles, janitor 44
M J Haynes, oepuiv snerui " o
W O liouelson, rec ofliee 9 60
Hbo Livery Co, eip 19 60
M C Case, sal and otl'eip i 35
J A lnibrie, asst and coll 69 00
Geo H Wilcox, sal and exp uo 62
C B Buchanan, road viewer 4 00
JasvSewell, " " 4
O W Marsh, " " 8 40
L C Walker, surveyor 7 50
,i 11 ...ii 00
Willi Ireland, sal and exp 136 'So
City Water & Light, c h aa 50
Dr F A Bailey, insane exp 5 00
I. K risk, insane wit
Albert Woodard, insane wit
J K Butler, rec office
W I) Wood, health officer
Hillsboro Argus, printing
Hillsboro Independent, printing
W M Jcksoti, sal and exp
K I Kuratii, insane
J W Bailey, Mil and exp
Frank Barr, wit J r ct
w..k i-nimlv Tub Co. wiutiiiB..
alnnsn Siiler. wit dist attv 2 00
hid Tel Co, rent c b 9 55
Sidney Westfnll, wit a 00
Forest Grove Times, printing 4 50
W R HarrU, fruit insp ao 65
11 35 ao
Pacific Telephone Co 6 65
r-i.. lriiillinninie. ammlics 4 75
Boys' ami t.irls' Aid soe, reut i 00 u
Hugh L Wahl, damages i.....6o 00
V I lVmrlanll hrnsh t 50
Tbos Tucker, refund 4
Geo Westcott, " '. a 10
3 90
Albert Wood, insatie wit
Claude Noland, wit pros atty
rii Water A Linlit 1:0, c n
chen, Cornelius, Or , R. 2. 31-3
W. M. Jackson and wife.of Hillf
hnro Am here for a visit at the T
S. Cozier home. Mr. Jackson and
2 60
a 60
3 50
....93 40
.-53 75
....11 10
....50 79
.... as
1. .134 5
, 1 20
I! 60
U. in thn same com-1 16 Cnmnraition-HerTlck & Damon.
HI a vUlityi u v a 1 vva h Mfc" w w " 1 - - r - ,
.u Tl k-J 1 17 Phvsies-Millikati & Gale: A First
nanv uuriun luu war. luoi uu
been in Indiana for a visit with pgu. -
relatives and Stopped eff enroute ,9 Botany-Bergen: Fdements of Botany
a .?.. v T 1 ! tW. Anata - a llnai 4trA CLtl
UUUJO. mi. vvm a wv 1 j ; -- ,
WaaKinrtnn ortiintv. W Geometry, Questions on Plane Gcotne
Oregon, and is just about to Start History :, General History-Myers' Gen
.. a 60
...a 30
,.2a S
...a 00
,.. 3 00
..11 93
..20 00
...14 65
,,..9 20
..14 16
..64 45
Albert Bunning, elec andrel ...
R J Wood, election
Conzleuiann Bros ..
Glass & rrudhomiiie, supplies.
Irwin llodson Co " .
Ind Tel Co, rent
L W House, gasoline
i iruurwlc nherifT ex
VI. W V. ,
11 lut iirisoners SO 00
i " sal anil Uep 825 00
Gordon & Miner, livery 4 00
ur 1 wnnil e h 234 SO
O & C R R Co, refund 44 3
Ttuatees Banks Hall, elections 10 00
Wash Co Pub Co, sup priutiug 37 50
Geo Hancock, aal ami dep aas 00
11 " exp 94 10
bd prisoners 70 75
ix Writine-Outlook .Writing System
Tests ill Writinir.
. . a - .
ii Aleebra-Wells: Algebra for Second
arv Srhotil. .
ic Rnnkkeemnp-Omce Aletnoos ana
Practical Bookkeeping, Part 1.
on his fourth term. He is a very
nlearant fellow to meet and the
voters of his county seem to know
it Russell (Lucas Uo., Iowa,)
Last Thursday. John McNamer
brought in to town J. P. O'Brien,
vice president and general manager
of theO. R. & N. and S. P. rail
roads in Oregon, It. B. Miller, gen
eral freight agent, S. P. R. R., K.
K. Lytle, president f . K. & IN. uo.,
and Geo. Davis, the chiel engineer
of the P. R. & N. Co. Theoflicials
inspected the local line around Til
lamonk. On Fridav. thev proceed
ed to Nehalem bay and beach and
thoroughly inspected the right 01
wav. Saturdav thev sr-ent exam
ining the shores of Tillamooi: bay
and coast line, going to Uanbaldl
beach and inspecting the road-in
that neighborhood. Mr. U mien
BrnrnsBod himself as more than
pleased with tne ouuook, ana aiso
with the wotk done, eBpecialty
nraisina the treBtle and bridge work
at thia And of the line. He stated
that the bridge builder and engineer
had done a fine piece of work on
this trestle. He also stated that
the work would be Dusb.d to com
pletion aB quickly as possible, and
that Mr. Lytle had plenty 01 money
to keep things going ngnl along
Tillamook Herald. tlioftarv.
An examination ib required upon
the first thirteen Butiects for a
firet grade certificate valid for three
vears: unnn the first eighteen sub
jects for a State certificate valid for
five years; and upon twenty-one
subjects for a State diploma valid
for life.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oiegon A. P. Armatrong, LL.B., Principal
flWe occaov two floors 6 s by 100 feet, have a $ jo, 000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for office help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leaas au
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSaid a Business Man: "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
it -ill win out in the end." Said an Educator! "The quality of Instruc-
Hn iriwn in mar school make it the standard Of its kind in the Nortnwesi.
COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
Reference: Any bank, any newspaper, any business man In Portland.
I will sell at public auction at Hillsboro Livery Stable,
Hillsboro, Oregon
Four grand-daughters of "Recorder," No. 29,239; one
daughter of "Chief Engineer," No. 47,148; "Pedro," No.
3,187 bull; yearling "Combination," No. 4,389 bull; one
grand-daughter of "Oregon Stoke Pogis," No. 2,296.
With the exception of the last one, they are all de
scendents of the choicest blood from the V. S. Ladd
estate registered Jerseys and offer stockmen a splendid
opportunity to lay the foundation for a registered herd.
Two 2-year-old heifers and one yearling bull of the
Kirklivington blood of dairy short horns. They are
descended from selections by Professor French, of Ida
ho experiment station, and are good specimens of this
most valuable family of shorthorns.
The Stock will be on Exhibition on
Friday, October 16, for Inspection
Terms: Three months' credit on approved notes at
6 per cent interest.
Thomas Withycombe, 609 Commercial Blk, Portland
mmmm m m m m at m m m mmmmmmmammmm m n
The. uujereigned will sell at public
auction, o miles east 01 nuisnoro,
pn the BaBa Line toad, and 3 miles
northeast from Keedvilie, at ru a.m
Soirell driving team, work aingle or
double: 3,a-vr-old hejfera, coming fresh
&o0, 3 yearling HeifeTsrcoming fresh In
Marcn; oiuaeoaar -uaasj; whu auaiw
nA nn)-:, Hitcaun iaed cutter: cart:
arwtal tona of baled clover bav: No 8
Jersey Lily cooking stove, a good as
new: set new chain name; nousenoiu
furniture and other article too.numer
on to mentioa. . . . , . . .
Terms of sale: Sums under $10,
cash; over $10, qne yar'a time with
interest at t per cent on approved
notes. Lunon at noon. .
John Vanderwal, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
L. J. Palmateer handles the
largest assortment of high grade
oigars in tne oily . u ve mm a can
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Book will be aoM for
Cash 0ly. Positively bo Credit.
!' .