Krgos. Ihe HILLSBGR NO. 30 vol xv. HILLSBOKO, OREGON. OCT. H. I90B 1 SCIIlil MKHICII TALKS dm mm jt Dairymen That They Muni Un.k tt tlic l ul urc Kill' IP THEIK HtKltS Dili 7 CaltU Cedar Mill. nd; John nni Tim UP V I V - 1 mm rnciUixuio i Laurel, Wiu. Bcliulmerlcb, ill Farming mo dairyman. Friday. ..iii.dl . h..u of warning l Washington Couuly dairyman in en addr u dr the u(il?w f lb Kair win uilttM. Mr.Hcbuliueiicb look t i k h ground lo hla tlwnit-one lint louche heavily ujxm dairy mull uf lb future lor this aevlloii. lie If Washington County keep' till iu Ihe lead In the dairy inter U her farmers and dairymen -,,,.1 mill ahull faC and KIVB Iff oii consideration to lb jtition of supply of their herd. Hince the laobig condenaer ojened (or bin-inn tb hrdol milkir K enwahav not been increased m they ahotild Mlik baa txwn aold l (bo eon denwr with no thought uf lbs fu ture m to kMiin( up lb numerical couidralion. The htmtta of herd tr getting tH) otl for profitable ill km, end tht new addition are but ulhVlully numerou to keen willing Ih output. It will aoou bexmen-try.un' Im there it mora breeding and railing hrifere of good etreina, Tr nur dairymen li import dairy oowa at least KMX) hraJ carl) yrar Tbia i a nialUr of ital iniorlanc lo dairvtnen. We ran raiae our lock met aa cheaply aa we ran iui port them. It will mean a alighlly miller paycheck fr each umrilh until the young Block grow, but we roust either atand thia or par tog price for stock from the ouUule Tbedalrvoian wbo today wlshe to im-reeaa bia hard of milker find that ba mul pay hig price for good oow. Thoee who have eilra floe drain will not aell al all. a Ibev wish to Slay In the limine while Rbeaner Block, bred out of and bred lo. inferior air, are no worth tbeir Ooet. lei alone the lone e that u'ual oome from feeding high priced mill feed, and attend ant iHxir relurua al the milking itoul. rkrnib oow will rr-iui mora feed than good cowe, aa a rule it i a eerioui tueiioi), and must either raiae our addition our herd or Import from other eec lloo al the ruling high price ( profitable dairy cowa. PUBLIC SALS W II. McCormlck. of wae In town, 11 Friday. N. tieoghegiii.of Valdai, Alaska, waa in the oily, lul Sunday. Mla I'auline Man, of lUnka, an Argu cillnr lil Friday. limterii k Faahinn bonk, and any pattern, for renin at Haird'a. Mai' liieealoin, of Cortland, visit el Willi IlilUhori) friend, Hunday. (' Y. Iliu hnx k, chief eiigiuear of the Oregon Electric, waa iu town Hunday. I'.u! J tUk, id (laelon, Icxal magietrate, wta an Argu caller U1 Haturday. Hiru, lo Mr and Mr. Herman llnrprrl, id Hlooiuing, Hepteinher '2S, puis, ion. John Miller and family, of Moiitaviila, vieited relative in the city, over Hunday IVinlt-ri'i roiifectionery for your choice ronferliotii, fruit, nuta, clari ami tohacoo K. H Hhortridge and Warreu Corey, id Mouiilaiiidale, were Kair vieitore, lat Friday. Henry Kverett, of near Outer v test Inhibition I vcrllclJ in the City of II LIST OC THE PREMIUMS GIVEN Vldi l Willi Giinde.t ib tcr Held la Ceeolr ury il In. ma i county eeal viilor last Halurday, and railed. Hic)rl Comill, of I'ortlauJ ame out laet Saturday, lo ee the Kair, and called on the Argu Developing, orinling and Goih- uk. done for amateur photograph i. al the fuel Card liaiaar. Vol! Mr. Win Maechke, of Vancou ver, Wach , i in town, the gueet of rr brother. W alter Iteunett. ami wile. We (ien ou own oyater, there (ore thev are al war freeh (live tie your order at Palmateer' con ertionery. Ch. l.autt. of near Buitoo Mii a barn by lire, on IK-1. 1 Job Vanderwal went up yeetenlay, to aljtuit the toe We have jut received a car of Itain waiion from the lacuiry Will eell at Portland price. Ht-bulmerioh Hroa. 61-U Kva Catching, of Portland leacher in the public achoola ol that ciiy, wa the gueet ol Irtena in tbia city, over Huudey. rminlv Clerk llailey iued -a'.. .. . .. I'ms in llerirv Keeee aim iwriu Dem'min, both ol tbi county Men wanted to do KM) rod of .litxhinir. 11 mile aouthweat of " . . ... a It'll I.- -J. M. Ilnuge. numoo IG STRUT KAIR WILL VOTE ON The Question To Be Decided, Shall Stock Run at Large ILECTIOS NOTICES AHE 5t8T OCT StalinitBt Hueag Fr Cbg la Utaauia District the .ant Haturday wound up the Hill oro Mlreoi fair, wuicn waa ine moet tucceeeful of it kind ever held thin city. In fact it put old i merit in mind of the event bold al the old fair ground, went ol town, n year pant. The borne parade, !ie balloon aeceueione, the baby bow; lb etock, agricultural, borti ultural and poultry exhibit, and the dieplay of needlework and manufai-lured article, alt added to the mm total of pleamDg attrao lion and evoked favorable com. ment from vmitor within and with out the (Mai nty. Ilritliculliltal Ainls Ai)V, ilijlay: I'elrr ZucrClirr, llnr Mill. Ikii rollrcllon ol I itarriisleiu, Noitbrrii Sbv. Knl Cheek Pippin and Kuu il iiiriiouin Win. K. Newell, of nitty, ik rollriliuii ol joiiHiuitu ano iniiirt liol'lrn. Jiid. It on best iliatilay of kjrn;r, lifUwHtr, Moutc llMtnoml id Waidcn U D. .Syke, 1 orest (.rove. lt ou l.iinir' liiildm Pippin and Red I hrtk Pippin, K. M. Hire, HilUlioro. aud ou (liinir'i I'.olilrii ami Ked I'lirt-k I'ip- pint, lid on SpitenliK. lt on Ben ! vii j llimtriuno. near IlilUUiro, ut on I'Her'i Red. Kill Pippin. Yrllow Nrwloo, Writlirld Nonrnuib ami Wolf Itiver. J. NichoU, drove, ut on Baldwins; Pt-lrr Zucrclier. Ut lUldwmi No I K M. Rice, ud on Bald w mi. J. Nulioli. lit Ni.rllirrn Spv.Joha Mairr Jnd, H. 1 Stowell. Buitoo, ltd. Red tk-itigbeiutcr, A.W. Matlirr 11 O. If . SI tickler. 11 on kink-, I'-eo- I Njty nd. Jas. ltobmson ya. Tii. Mlio Beaulv. Fted Harl er, Hillaixiro lit. J. Siihol il on hpitetilx-tK. er y.mi'lirr Jud. K. M Rice trd; lt OU LID hrrTariir Wairn and Ben Davn. Fred Battier atid 0. II Stnck and Hi on Yel low BelWower; Pted Barber 11 on North wit r.rili: J II Robmioli. Scholli, lit ui,i..t,. u'm Ailitus ut Rome Brauty J Nuholi Ut Graveuitein, and T I mrr.ui iWnlon Phillip. Huitou, lit on Wealthy: Ceo lH)ly and; Ben Uavia, Js u.,l,n,,ti tfdOwar Kelav lit on (.loria il until. John Meier, and; Mm K I- Kerr SilrlMll frill) IDOU'l. IV. r-fUitlctl John R Bailev, Itui ton, lit; J Robinson Hid. Swan'i Oiinire, W A Mirlin 1st. l"ound pearl .,,.1 I .ui.r Iloune d'lersev. deo IKty lt Bearre flaire d'Mu.Wm Adam IU, J W nid Bei-rc d Ainoii, I II Muni erniano lit, Oeo SMiulinerkh Jud. J I Huntertimu 1st on lHtcliesi. i i,ili,.-r. -I'rlf r Johnson 11, Ceo 10' John Melrer, Meier ird. I)tft horwi lolin Mailer lt on team, II l Schmelter and, Zlna Wood rd, J A .lohiiwin ut on pony cluiiif . : Agricultural Product. Alfalfa and rye, C Y Oreliel, Hillaboro. Turnip and kale need, John Oatei, Uny ville, Uourd, carrola, muikmeloni, r Ijeeti, peauuti and table beet, I) B Kranonet, West MillaDoro. iurnipi, r. I, Jainei, Wert Hillilxjro. Banner oati, T I Stream, Pt Plain. K I. Kouinaon, PirtiiiiiKton. old Coin wheat, t A Moore, Hillaboro. Barley and Winter mil, J A IajUKi Mountainuale. Kale, A Anilernon, llelveiia. iuruii, nam Moon. CrnUrville. Hunflowen, II II Crliwold. Poreit Orove. Manglea, Wm rimliiirn. C"enterville.. Cttrlv Kale, reier Nelton, Weit Union.' Ixing green corn, (J0Qnt- Clerk Bailey htS Beot out -l-olion notice, to tha 21 preset,, rnnklin ixiuKlity, v Hiiuboro-. Ag- ctning atlentioD lo the Presidential nniltural eabibit by boy under 14 year, - nrecincla will BiaiD prire act carpenter ! Ujoli.Wm Chapman, election. even preClDCtB Will again IlillilKjro. Buckwheat, Benton Bowman, vo(e on the question Ol Cattle run- llillilwro. Sweet corn, William Adami, , ft. . g IIiIIiIxko. SUMh. William U Votary. DIDg H Urge. VI toe BeTn, CUX iiiiiiboro. Beit collection a((ricultural fa0 Okies Creek and Mountain ;1T precincu "e in tbe moaDUiD,, Ml oiuoui. Wm Thuriton. Beavertou. pop- Gaston, Reedvills, West Butte and wZF&Zh"mS 800111 Tu,lUli0 re.lh6 other di; White dent com, Zma Vtoort, miiiiooto. fg0Dt Wtlicn qUSSUOn me 01 WKYcS&m lt June, declaring lbs county op- Cucomljen una corn, r. r W COWB rUDDlog ft. irgo. See Our Full Assortment Iwro. the muing. Rasplierry orneliua. foot. Floui and man cream. I will aell at public auction at my larm.lj mile weet of Hilleboro, beginning at IU o'clock a. m , on HATUHUA Y, OCTOHKR H Huau boriw, weight turn; black nia'e. U; aoirel borne, 1100; black lillv. 1 yr old; bay (illy, 1 yn old, 1 head Cow. In milk; j a yr old helfen; a iprlug heifer calyei; j-vr old Jeraty hull; theiw ar all good (faded Jeraty; a yr old Jeiaey helf cr. 4 head ahoata. a do. chickeuo, Buck te mower, 3 Inch llain wKon, 3 loch kuiMofd wiion, Mitchell apriiig wnijon iinitli Iiuuiiv. 1 ii liu-li nlowi. Hanileri roliiiiir iliac plow, Kconomy cream ep- ItilOT. art team haineiM. Planet Jr. cm livator, 10 gal. Imrrel chiirii.6 loo ol on hay. HarDoon bay fork, and other irtklea too nuineroni to mention. Terms of HadeHums under $10. caah' till and nvae ft mnnthn' lime at C per cent lulereet, approved nous. 2 per cenl off for cash on turns over $10. Lunch at uoon. 1). B Ueasouer, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Itillaluim n 1 Vn Hialna' I'hon 354. nd. Prol Birlier inl. ,k- 1 ' ' iWfliM W A Martiu 1st. Thus. CornrliuH, of Halem, ar- p,nei lVter Zurcber ut on Italians, 1 . , V.'.Mtrn Oreaon. , llarla-r Hit Oil Silvers. nveu in town ..o.u VT i.Yl K-...e Claude d'Bailey. Ceo laet Sunday, ilh .orne nuncngrae. t,n,ua in which John Connell nas . 111,i Kerr it. ... ;...l.i c-.raora-t) 1) Svkrs and ou basket col . . -:it -.1 in n Wlion, Aiirei wwn-i uver in i inaui' .... -- -llUr took one d nun 01 uooweg pr.v Meven 1st I-raminelle walnuli .ha.." -.,,1 I.iiiia wneonC10U nr,n r.uer oer. tleiveim, in ow wnieae, ---, U ia i tbe "UOOUeggera uirui cnrr. : . ;ik -.wt alcohol. Cattle, Sheep, CoaU, Swine HlHir oom ..... ,,i,uu-m Srluilmerich I UofiiH U'agRener and "tfe, wbo j ,,r A B Bailey a-yr-old . ... S 11' . I i j .. .1 i (,, been viHiling Wltn ueo. n n- R Beamiah null uuot-r a yean. wife for a lormigm p"i fHinmrH to a.iuina y. monuwy, - .. Corneiim. ,t Oo ib will HUend tbe Winter rr, Jersev bull and lieifer K grand ball will b given .1 the Wj up,- t-; hall of the M. W. A., at Cedar S"f. Yh-Tuitte nBR "... . n,,t 1(1 Hn an- . ar.,U heifer. Herdshoi Mill, naturoaj ? , on vyM)l,U did orche-tr. ana goo.. -uh lstand and L'linil. A IVWvU'i 211-30 Ne uy.ortn i-iainj ; ..-Thai, is much sentiment in w K Travlor. HilWboro. Blue bell po-1 mountain districts in favor of ct utoti, l. Ryan, North Plain. na"k tie leing permitted the open range, powoei, jonn - m families have bul a few .City IU hh.o.t. tcfM dwed( (knd to kw)p up thfM Tomatoei, Mr W h V heeler. "'; . fn... ftowa 9aA DraCticaJlv Cat luiro 1'car Witter, craoapple lenv ano - - , com M.1 Marth. jack. H.iisWo. whole down the lorage supply so much dim, cucumber relnh, Mrs J w Seweil. that it would be neceeeary to sell Minced clanu and canned trout. Mr. 1 0ff g part of the Stock. Many ol William, themes. Mr rri A-jau... . , ,. , the mounUin- Kngliah KookrrltS, r. LH . . r acklterne ana ptai, .tin e. d v-o'""- i -. icklei and gooseWrries, MtJ A Iuilirie. ana lO keep Up lOBir BIOCK woras B ixti tar. Mr Alice wuses. -i hardshi d on tnem. it is proper rb. iliced plumi and whole BartlMK. ln.1 nntinn ahnnld he fiven CrTwWireffi eb precincU that each may de jtrawiriie, Mn T R lmbrie. Black- termioe such queeliona for itself. berrieiand craUpple picklei, Mr iJUl Jn lne more thickly settled Sections, Set Mr. B ScToid. m.jorily sentiment favors restr.ct- Whole peaches. Mr. A Light- log BIOCK irom running at large. 1 breakfast cereals. Oil- . at - . .M.I!ini Co. Carnation cqmlenieu l THE DIVORCE MILL. am. Pacilic Coast Condensed Milk Co. ,uilU,MAABeeny. Rug. I this weel in U U oouri o Mr J A Kirkwood, Mexico., tDlB county, aou will oo uru at Mr. J K Williants. Shawl, Mrs Hot- .jj- nell 9tm 0f the above named liURSworth, rorest lirov. oesi acwiug eihib.1 for g.rr i-Kier 14 " pc 1 . . a....A akT u m warn rm itiiriiMiii. aaya w w " lewuiv, B"--. - rt: v Koraat Grove. Cuihiom, Mrs lieorge vorce irom meivin a. uuuu, wuu Helraire, Glencoe. A GOODLY SUPPLY cf toilet ai.U i ii alxiolute necessity at this retort epecilly. Whether you tay at home or o away you need them jtit the Kime. That tin pharmacy is the best place to obtain them any one will tell you who ba once used Our Toilet Aids and Articles. They are the kind that especially ap peal to' women of refinement. For that reison we invite yon to .ccure your supply here, knowing you will be more than satisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy u. Cotton is charaed with cruel and inhuman treatment, and a laiiure 10 proviae Miss Grace Reeves, ol 1 oruana, ior .w. n.intifr and her five minor was a euest of tbe Miseea Weather- children. red; Sunday. Rosalie Robinwn wante a divorce t.w. AFAhbold. at Port- from Geo. E. Robinson, who sne and. visited with ber parents in claims abandoned her tbe same . I X KB-aB OtwAwa WSBI V A IMaPVIaVI this city, last Sunday. - yr u Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole, Mr. and . . . . t s j. Robinfon. ask rs.O. Is. Roe and daugnier, "pent r . . . MD.ration. Plaintiff Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. '' allege that defendant waiexUeme- Ballard. 1 1 ialmm. without cause, and vari- Mnnlev. nf Banks, wbo on other things, upon which used to swap fish stories with the grounds for a divorce are based editor, 30 years ago, was an Argus ..tU., PUBLIC SALE iai.v. - - j - ft. - rimva C.nla were lue ri" v..w. . 1 U .t .,klU i.i...i u.i attnnt like lamta I ine unaersigneu win eon uuuhv ll.noivu ---- - - . - . it:i i.k by the Beaverton club at tbe Urove aucuon, o muee east v 'ev i..iflnn.U. rscore was 10 to 7. on the Base Line road, and 3 miles , -4 n t northesBt from Reedville, at 10 a m Claude Qreear and Carl Olson H.TrRnAV OPTOBKR 24 went over to Summit, Benton ooun- SATLRDAY, OLTOBB.K l , o , . , inanrn neef Sorrell driving team, work wngle or ty, Sunday, to drive in aonie oeei Me. 3 a rld heifer9i coming fteSh cattle from the G-reear Stock rancn. mMm. 3 yearHag heifers, coming fresh In T. HiHahoro Prune dr?er will March; Stndebaker buggy, with shaft The Hillsboro rrune aryer wiu Freeman feeJ cutter; cart; he orjerated this season, at the cor- , ,on, of K.i.d clover hay; No 8 1 - ... 1 T 1 .....Is I. " ... . . . . 1 ner Ol m anu jaoaeuu bmotm. IJersry Uiy cooaing stove, b , - a . n B Report ot the tonamon 01 ine vuiuchus omic a- Cornelius, Oregon, at the close of business, September 23rd, 1908 RESOURCES Loans and discounts f 53 6o3 3H Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 256. Banking house .furniture and fixtures....-, .3 K5 l)ne from approved te- icrve Ijanks 17,4 'o S3 Cash on hand 4.003 0 Total $77,642. 22 UABILITIES Cavital stock paid in... $15,000.00 I'ndivided ptofits, lesa expenses, taxes paid... 3.97 o8 Individual deposits sub ject to check 36.94 90 Demand certificates of deposit 935 00 Time certificate deposit 4.374-0O Certified checks 2,200.00 Cashier'schecksoutsfng J.530-29 Savings deposits I0'95 Total t77,42.22 State of Oregon, County of Washington, ss. I A S Sholes, president of the almve-named bank, do solemnly ' wear that the above statement is true to the best of my k"1 gig;,,,. Correct Attest: C. B. Buchanan. J. C. Buchanan. Subscribed and .worn to Wfore me this 008. m m v 1 " 1 : 4a Rates bb UBual. J. F. Kerr, pro- new; set new chain harness; household i.i, 1 . . i v.xii 1 lurauuic uu vtusi - .--- Herd short norns, irioi,ui . ... one to mention Tha Multnomah county grand T.-m. nr aal- Sums tinder $10. "" . , .i l Wkiln Roil. I . m,n I. tl.. .itV. - .. . . i. 1... 1.1 1 nirv iu ino uw m "v in nisri .ons rwt d miu on 'buck' lambs, ut and, 2nd ou aged returned "not a true biH." Boise haietwi at 7 per cent on approvtd bucks and etfes. ; .L was charged wun miBappropiiitMuB note9 Lunch at noon. uitats Litesier mewaii, s..' R Beamish ist on registered I l..l.lirt in v etnlatttfl. 1 lll'lii ' innludingsuiiuer.ll J.h, WiUe. Secretary of the bckndr . i:- ur.. v.i.rana' Association f Washington oounty. has issued Swin,R Beaniish 01 vt aniuonv l'.i.,ii n..l.l,l Wine HI . ...II r,, iimHlinil 01 ion t i .- c. .. L "i mil.lwr,fO. OfMon. On ro,,rT-iu.- "." . lk. . WJS,7oW M. m p?rr feH-.rrJK a l ail 1 1 1 . ni . I am f im fin rUtUJ. tin V I. 'iv nnnniv KI1I1 UKU B1I1U Will ww COtir nou, -' ..'J f Jlmrn,: I Heaillish a-U.,1 :-K orras "-" . , .... COmuewWJrn. ocuuiiuouuu ' ' money in the Hawthorne estate. We carry too many" artioles to ve any (oing I The largest John Vanderwal, Owner. B. P. Coruelius, Auctioneer. t t i i i i M f i l SATISFACTION" Is the cry of people who visit our store, because we sell goods cheaper and pay more for their produce. Give Us a Trial : m :' m w m M i k M H II k radesow. Lm.ia hnt wa have anvthinel I OUUIUVi "ivj .w -- w I CHANBY WET DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice U hereby glvrti ttiut on Hit first 7 ip the J . 17 lorcas ai W. (libson, a pioneer ol im, Jml Ilu, of Reed'ville. waa in to the Fair last hotn Bantam, Kriilav and called on tbe ArgUS Lent and Bo friiiay, aim - K.raiaed a nd Minorca, Mr. Uibwn rerU that be""jea a tM Bert Hsrber ist Belgian n ir Borneo Rocks, W O Jacobs -' . :. one ol her pioneers. Mr Illonl ist aim ami i' " . In the death of Chaney West, which occurred at Portland, Ore., McKay. the well known Sept. 27, 1908, gives back toearth ..We want your eggs at 34c per dozen and butter at 60c per roll . cash or trade. REEVES (EX REEVES Cedar Mill w m m m m mm m m m, .a m . in: m m mummrm, m B i P Mr. Mr. Weet was born in Harford, Mr. Uliwoii ,rl"" . Li-i, Hurl l,etiioriis cwni mm..., la ...... j.- nui, -.. Jt . freak (incumber, this reason, which ,iR)i mt , Muff Brahma and and MoKty WM born "iOfo in .as a o. . . oncoop.r r -mi, day of September. IOoH, the co-partner liii. ...ill.,.. I,.l..n (-nrllplilll W. lll'U drieki and Alphonsos H. Hendricks doinK xeueral niercliandise business in tor nelius, On'Kon, under the firm HHine 01 Heudrlck Son, wa dissolved by mijt usl consent, Cornelin W. Hendricks retiring from the firm. Alpbonso S. Hendricks will coutluue tlic biisim-HS ami will pay all account and collect all bill due the tirm. C. W. Hendricks J8 0 A. S. Hendricks :horiis Sam Moon, ist ami 3 ttor, last rriaay, muo vue. . M , j Feb on 1835. and came '....., Muff Hrahma and and ML'. .aa Knrn "d0?ri in the Mryiana, reD. tu, xooo, uu u uj I... 11 anil " . , L'..i. ..,,1 ivmn lUrr Kock. J.. . ',. . A m 10 UfeEOD llOV., lout. m ui n... - I ou coop, r -; ; HL1CKB. in IDIB uuuutr,, auu imb.i - . ... n ir.l .t ,B . "i ' " 1 K. i. t a loss to ao- Loren,. Ooff and Uanie nan wuia. r.oyo arilllftlnUn0M, while in mariiea W mi m. vegeiaoie, - r ff IS. Bn,i ,ml Bun wyaiiaoues.iueo u.-uj , Hillaboro. Ore.. March 7, 1WJ- in ootint for the growth. Fanner and White Leghorn pen, H W town. 1868 he bought a farm near Man- Hieut Of the ounee ra-B t null Orpingtons, 8 Comos ist vmie BQippea irom rwiwua I wDeu DB movea Ki roruauu. u -u" mook Bay, w oe usea on uo iijoi be moved to vernonia, wnoro NOTICB Mv wife. Clara (ieisler. baviliK left iy bed and board without ilist CHUHC or provcxatlon, I hereby forbid all pvrsons to credit her ou my account. a7-3o F. OKISI.KH. Hillsboro, Ore., September 15, i'H. Hunters are forbidden to hunt or otherwise trespass on the ranch of the undersigned. Proneoution sill f..ll t.MBitaaa MrH. t. ivinm "'I a tl Wren. 2-' Jl Miaa I jhiaIm Ynuouer. of Tort land, was the guest of Mits Fay Uorwin, Sunday . Uk. LhA flnhlller and the Kieellencia. These cigars are ol the best Block. You can't fool an ritten the Bo"l of Trade that . Leghorn and pen OrpinKtons, W Pitt hntnTranhs Of Washington OOlinty ut8 Jhorn Bantam, W II Lockey h?.TVelhenountf lHK)klet are pen. Buff .Leghorn., Clemeusam W nbnti I ... f... Iba nnnntV teaiuree io .v.a fin wit vet seoureu iur VUO MM - V 3tJ --.1 .ftu D R n flh'ai linA- J.1.. ! I -.. 1 Hiiii iud a w nan 11H.M Hiiinn iDniuoui nur i . ... 1 - . . K,.f5" iU:i,iA . He was converted and baptusa 1 , - - , , ,,... .... uers, "'..i.'. .a. 1,,,-v R.httits. lohu man liniM in Oreiion: K. E. Ly tie, hp.air Riindav. 1903. and with bis ..1 iU Haeriman bureau. ' i ... lvlit. dueks. Cleuieii8L..:j- nt Iha Panifio RailwaV & :J uk iK. M R nhnroh. lartmeni 01 - ,K. mmttV . V"" ,., .J.,, white l,"D'"D" " .'"r . " t w"f T"".."" . i Z niWons Mrs ftvigattoD cowVj , of Banks, wnere tney are buu iu.m- 1 ;ii n it ftrpaa tulB woea 1 .ni hb U00I win " - r- " ftf i "-:: ,,. lmbrie and nitteons, Mrs vB" .11. .u . Dr .u 01 0u, rime, and men uuuuiv - .-. --- ,-- nv a, inimid IJaviB. CDiei engineer i hers. ,...-,-- ...L... 1 k- pj i ranuau. tv www ."--. , I . . . them will besent to nome wcv .... - - iiuntermati and coop Khode 00mpany, and tt. a. miner, pur- While with his wife on a DUsineeB t.n b.oe written in roei - i8iau,i Keus, wm jupper ist yK"""r ona8ine agent 01 m u.miu.u .. .0 K0rtiana, ne was oiiou """"' . .. ..nniiunMI I ... .1.. V.wt nf IjtlHvl 1911'.. . r. . 1 J IL. I.ll.. . r. ... I V. t..a tir...t.;niirtn I nuniv iiiuuumw- nyuiomua, v.ii -- -. i lines, leu roruauu tuo iaim i ith naraivBiB irom wuicu ne uovoi U,UB.::( u...liia Homer pigeon, Miaa An.iersou m van- ---- . . Till.mnok. makinB 1 "".I.i n. t. .II hv his n tU6 OUiw" '"" I whin C M Kucler ist lioiuion, mrs i " ----7. "7 nwiYww. " " -j tu. lU.months-old ohild of Mr Connelly 3rd pen Buff Orph, Jhcoos in I tbe trip overianu ,u a.u.o. wife, two Dromere ana one eiewr, . .. " i.k. VVunderlich, of CooP Hamburgs. The oonstrucuon woraron n .1 anil mre. 1.-., Horses and Colt. l.mnnk road 8 ndW being pushed NOTICB lianas, .:,. a Navlaa- standard. bred-A W Mills 1st paw,- ith .11 Doseible speed. The fort mi tbe 1 aoino ""'.. . .Ur wll9on htM 18t trotting stallion, il reck , . Rridoft & Ruildine oompany, A 11 ,1;. .hrA anoounta with me inio m"" " , tr:i r : THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete Hue of fine sundries. lion line, fell r?.V..r::. I w.1l.a .8t; which has the 1 contract tor ine iu- hlve 1een over tix m0nths out i Tha .little one was in bed Ce mui Horse Co and, Reeves-Mer-1 lamook end of the line, reports ina 1 abrading are requested to settle. The little e.i. D - - , u.,1 1 1 n aa iisirruio aaauv asleep an" r--- j,, thouahtofany danger. The boil ?3 eft full of cold water at the no rill 3rd; German coacii, roresi umr mj needs more leameverB. wo Horse Co ist. ateum shovel crews are al wort De- Dr. S. T. Llnklater. - .i,l .lrufi . H Keevea. toriienus .. ... n t . M. Mill.t.ul. tween Hay utty ana i.u.uioua, " u- l ".. .nd the little one "V..rt ff drift coite-J K Reeve, ist, and two bridge crews are wbo on rear 01 W" bilked to the back Joseph Connell. Uleaeoe. 2nd and 3rd, awakened 1. Vcklinn colts, standard bred-Jo this section of the toad. waaeneu - . , Hucklidu colts, standard breu-Joiin a .-j . roh, where it fell Jl yffl colt out of Hat B. tat; George J a saVing. acc the IllllBDOrO VOUIUHIIUIHI -.--Atmum) . per cent interest compounded three tituee a year. porch, Where 1 - "T" V A Vanderwal, colt out ot itat n L. . .i. knard no outcry, ana ... . . D ., 9Ud ine P" ' . . . h little one mVi "r. it..loiias Molin ist ou cosch, were horrineu , "u 'of the John Meye and Percl.eron, John J V.n dead upon going to the Dftoi 01 m jonn wey j J J. Hartley, of near Glencoe, waB in town Saturday, and cauea Dr. Baylor, a Sherwood physician, was in town Friday. WJ. Staley, offBuslon, was in town lBt Friday. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheeriully get it ior you. Having been appointed Dublishers' agents, we. are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. 1 rai!itiBj araawm a. I OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION j OF M'MINNVIIJ.K W. P. Dyke is the Washington county agent for tbi jj GREAT MUTUAL i . INSURANCE. COMPANY Jl Office, cor. 2nd and Washington Sts., Hillaboro. Independent rhone, awjj ir i 4 r ,7 h r". 1 1 r authority on a good cigar I premises