'fill The JnlILLSBR0 VOL- XV HILLSHORO, OREGON. OCT. 1. 1908. NO. 20 1(tolllUmrcna4Rfr Par! ui H- IMirecr Propcily (iliiiiMOlsili uiktUOK D4.lil.iU4 M Case.U. leaf ( ll.lt lit? TtiiwiUof the uew HUUUiro Or no KtM ro depot U a 'hI a mi ii tvuipriae) ' f"1 on ........,.. .Ida of tbe It II. Orrer H ' prupariy on First end Wahinglou Krneal llerr, of (laaton. w. in the city Friday. W N If at man, of Hank. w lu town lot Friday. (' 11. Iluchauan, of (,'i.rulim, waa In town last Halurday. Mie lD Wirti, of Mountain- dale, mi In the nly. Hattudav. K. It I'.r.l.. a Tillamook attnr- u y, wa e nmiily nri vintor. Mon- d.V. Jul rivd t hn new f. lint- turn k flion hook, and Ilelineat or, al Baud i. At lb ('ruikihank tals near (V utr Mill. U. I HaMirdav. a field o Miltira iulii at III per acre. It pI.iiii,((, priuliiiK ii l finish ing, iluiiii I ir amateur lioto(raiU- er, it the Tout I ia liataar. it. II Fml K ie-ht, owner of the Ore- Kn Creamery id Portland, mi in tiwti Tumi ay, In the Internal of Ilia liimjinwn. Open a paving account with the IlilUhoto Commercial Hank. 4 er cnii I interest ciiiiikhiu Jwl three limee a year. Ira Barrett la attending lb med ical department of Ihe t'nivaraily of Oregon, at Portland. Tbe fall term Cntl lal week. Hiiioker like the Hchiller and the Kicvllmria Theee cigare ara of . I . . I I . I .... itraaU, ami an auuitiuiiBi ri . Watbiutou, for which negotiation ... I,., a w th lha lieu o lb an ,.--. - laU Congressmen Tongue, will, .bto tlUUd, give Iba Company I tract fronting tin WaahiuRUm m from Firl, dieUm of 3M hi.h ill coiunrWa all U truolage oil Washington to the I' K Ji S. tract. Mr. Uier still n Ulu ooUb of bia Iracl lu makv lauu fur bia raal'lnioa. wbielt Mil Uwovil norlb aUiul T'i fnel Th h ratuiD of Iba ilriHil l.ulld bl ou Kiral ami Waabu.gloii will tbo lal aUl. You cau'l fool a d ktf Undaory l I'ring l.uaim auuioruy on a bkm cijar In that dirarlion. Thanourl bou.e Tillamook la bawnit a li build lllalwaya ba Iba ruler ol hum j,,- kw, railroad proaiwcla bM lo HUUUiro. A DJ now, inii ir, ,re , r .lixl, and tbitiK" are lb Tonue IrarU arn at-illn. Ijr IVP, i M iri buainiMNi laaaou Ul iui nirvino una ( pi ,1.1 1 1 i . I. .1 ... .. . i . 1 i Men wanliNl lo do ll rdi of .. . .. . i . . dilrbiiiir. H nulra aoulbel of 10 I'liy win tiit lii'tl I. : .1 it..i k .Hn.. Comtiauy will build a modern and Citnuiodioua dol alrurlure. jul John K link, whn baa li) acrea on Mtooo aa iba dirrolora in tba r.l tbe Inibrie Irart, Ml ol lown. u ran naai uuon lha tlrl. wbu b will liuildinit a bouie. and will move M HxiU. 1 Hunter ara forbidden to bunl or dlbrrwife trfHpaiui on tba ramb uf Ibe uiideralgiied rrnwculloD ill fulloar treeuaiMi Mri. C Wren. 2 31 A iiiarriaiB licene wai itwued on S.iriDlr '.'.. vm. by Clerk Bal " . . . W . I. - e t turer A. Wx", 01 muuno -J. M. Hnditea. HilUbo I'ac. Htalea' I'bona VA. W ACTION TAKES Oiuiuil I'dwciIcss ti (irant '1 he l iuiuliiHC Ankcd II. II. Clark, of Foreet Grove, wan in the city Monday. C. I'. Claude, of Vernonia, wai in the county aoat Sunday. liutlerttk FaabioQ book, and toy Iiattern, for 25 cent at Baird'i. Abraham Zabler and daughter, I of I'billii, were in town Monday. -SHALL STOCK RUN 1 Precinct Elections to be Held in Huxton, Gales, Mountain TVif.rrtka MnriiKv Anil J rail Kuan r MAIUK IS IP TO THE I'EOPLK of Mouutaindale. were in town lait TT0KS11 biatmi, win urisius Friday. lilec- Kr Hala.-Kour Tounff oati. Clark Bailty w 111 P.l Vatal.aa o. Call on or addren A. bendler, Cor- th Ballau la WaablajUa Caaaiy oeliua, Ore., K. 1. 2 Will Uiu u al (lit Uueklpil titn la lit criubtr li H. Alexander, of the Fern Il Several precincta in tb'n county Farm, on Iowa Iiill, loat 4 tone of mui Q ,ij0(iej to T0U on the vimai..uj .uD ,.u ..-. uegUon , tock rnnaing t large, i. i I'tiiinitTAaup ninn m ldi aa i. . r. mill l,,r ib . atr and libt . . V . 77 "I. Mparaieij. a. u ' " larvfwi aasorimeni oi ninn uraue . . . .. ... i . nl.nt. nrovid.d the council will L; . n .k. f ;.. hi Tc.ll on. majomy oi me tegai TU.ot. i I I 'i a, i M bhv "M f The rity council met Thursday night, and opened the hid of F. li Hykeii, nf I'orllaud, who (.flared decided that all itock must not be reaaon deliver the plant lo the above torum. without firet re- u'e have iuHt received a car of 0 purcha-er on vii VHif IrttfifhiHe nil . i 01 - 1 " J. u. Uooiev ami wire, oi oaiem, .. . . i tv.:. .;,.-.. i.w-n ih l.i.l f,,r th. i.i ...! ' . ..a -if- aiiowea w run a. thai thenotmc cou d not of Hethanv. The brother, were In wora """'"6" ' tnarnTiiMi av. I eeilleu atstncw, wnfM me mouQ tain range are cloee, and no dam Be I urn imwrou m j , l. ceivinu nanction from the ople of H.in wagons from the factory. -g 0BU" U1 .-- the city, a majority of wbtwe oU Will Mil at J-ortland prtcee.- upon large area. o. tu. 1 ' . ' I 1 1 l 1 . ' U U . 11 1 Irk 11..L D.:1.M I n lha will be nectjeeary to enable Ibe acnuimencu dtub. ui-h wceniiy, Vii oaiuj caunoll to extend the franchise to a John Nortbrup. formerly a hotel Attorney General of the itate aek- leriiH of 2' year. Hixty day a no- m.n iD Hillnlwro. was in town Mon- iDv lor an ooinioo as to the legality ticemuHt m given, prior to the an- jiy Rreeting old friends. He ii 0f placing the question, aa petition- uual city li('iiou,lefore the matter ow a resident of Portland. led for br the several precincts, on can In voted ou. The rniuieile no lv ... v.. . :J the November ballots. The Attor- lice -ill be given, and then it will . 4 ? i.: i.lu.i u.. nev General decided that it could be up lo the people to eay whether " ,r,n ' "ZilL nLt not legally be done. Mr. Bailey, .1 -in ii,- n,.....!! Hurake.ol tbe Home8tyle Re-Uu- ,.;.. v,. w.a.nK r,. rant, and will take in the Fair. 7 "'u""' T;" iZ When in town, call and try our .hud and nultinir the aueetion on hot coffee and cocoa, and don t for- UDe ballots, and will dii so. He est tbe lunch at Palmateer con- L.B jnd-e Moore's decision, which fectionery L. J. Palmateer Prop. ci4im, k presidential election is not ...... ..i It.,rn lo the wife of Fred Knnia. " P11 eiecuon. enuue n.u HeanponM, Ore., Sept. 20, 1908,. ' a i . M V ! - J.n.V. I rUUff TUB BalVa US an vwmhi aaugnier. mra. xi.aui. i uuu- - - ,k. ter of J. J. Meacham, of Mountain- " " .7 -mI" . dl- I.i. U. R.il.w 1 lie ooara oi iraue is receiving letters from all points of the com See Our Full Assortment bev will eiuiKiwer tbe council. Tbe charier, aa at present coneti luttvl, ilocm not give ibe r(iiired authority. IIESSK - MATTHIESEN A GOODLY SUPPLY r.f toilet aiili i an absolute necessity at this reort eiecially. Whether you itay at home or go away you neeil them jut the same. That thi pharmacy i the heil place to otitain them any one will tell you who hn once used Our Toilet Aids and Article. They are the kind that eiecially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we invite you to tecure your supply here, knowing you will 1 more than aatisticil. Hillsboro Pharmacy A very pretty church wedding was aolimiuuml at the Ht. Paul Luther an church, near Hherwuod, Thurs day, Sepl. 24, at high noon, when William ii. MfMirte and Mirgarelbe K. MatthieKeu were uuited in mar- nage, Lev. a. npieiaa oiiicibmuk PUBLIC SALK hack to this county, from Portland The bride wan beautifully dressed pass, asking about thechances to in white aim. and carried a oouuuei inula 1 new lines oi dubiiuxui iu of while carnations and acparagus Hillsboro. JUDGE COODIN WILLING For Sale A team of bays, weight Judge Goodin, of Hillsboro, in answering the invitation to attend I till aall at public auction at my (ami, It ttiila weal of IIilUlMiro buiutiiua- at ( o clock a. in , on BaTUHDAY, OCTOBKIt l lm butt, wttahl lim, blark ttia-r. iuuo, uiii lux, iioo. hUik iiily, s U1D county, and Anna Mwwinger, -.uw . . k..,i... . ..,.i ol una wiiniy. i y. v,.i m ... . . . -r n dim. w uM Jcratv (mil. Ihrae air all good ieid Jeiary; l r old Jri' lirll I, 4 bral atiuaU, dix. chl kn. Duet t) uiowtr, j Inrb lUlu wk, 3 Inch HwbfuiJ wgua, Will licit ilU( nann lad hu. ii lucu tiloo. NiMin lulllag illc plow, Fconoinr riram nep aitlu, art Itatu bar im-m, l Uorl Ji. cut llvtluf , iu kI. harirl i luiiii.d Ion lit ut bay. Ilaiuuoa bav folk, and olhri ilk It luo aaairtuti lo uirtiliou. Tarma of Sale Sums under $! raab; 110 and over II month' lime it o pr cent intral, approved nota '2 iwr cent off for caab on luuia over IU). I.unch at mwn. I) B Heasoner, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. u. uaye.wnau f01Mj8 x Tnu. rJi1 ?ROnD;nnf mook held Sept. 4, bad the follow tZlVX'lt lot. J concerning- the good ami A HHrwlHir luibrie are working bard to have It linirilie-l by that time. & a New innaenger coaches tiavs ap ferns. Anna Matthieeeu, sister ol the bride, acted a maid oi oonor, i.,m um also Wlliio neriu uomirei,. v.. - harneiia all lor fVid) lOUUire 01 . . .v. bridesmaid. U.lb carried louqueU TdV. i I I.ThiJ Ah M.. io J coooerning the good . . i . i. v.... . u..- mnv.m-nt in th B COnntT m iima roruta auu aeuaiaKun iciuo. . ii:iii..- u i j - i n n. riniBuuiu. vid. ' i ... . . . u. . .. u... .n,l U'a im Haa. " ' . . ' "The iubiect ol good roausia ine pan . . ,i -.l-I irr. Unorofa'a ! shirh iw. in.uint inf. with n in Washinifton couu- a a-ss ..... fria.,,.. wr ----tisra: rin. on Uautiful cuehions, lollow- comoe rancn, was wen avw-uueu, . , ith us- I . . . .1 i . li..: ii. t . I mil Avnrvthinff went at ffood nsures I i.n.clin,liiwriiiiin throughout The aweeainent roll U due lo he . "J , ... . Th averaved fi,r each. the atate should demand of our legUla- ... .. .. 1 ....,-. I tlUHhell ailll AOUa UOlUVrTIIB. IU e.- . - - ..,iM vwttf iImIi.,1 lir lUe 1 'III Ul viuhiwi , l , i i 1 I ... , lUrc in lyuruyiiiiiuu iu ,u v vw....v couipieimi iy " ...ari b was n aved lV J W W Hnatutt Ur. manager of ..l v.uiMina na to w UiH)x ana ie nmy . . . ". , r" -, IVIMUI. aiioi niw "--line lliKl i leru unuyniu, wo iu 1 pure iuc wui uuw, -r" luncheon was served al the home .- Mondav. He says the 50 - In regard to the road by way of Wil hride's father. The dmlug room .rj wi n bn e about Tft.WW was lieautifully decorated withered poUn,e of prime hops, this season. operale wjth you roses and arparagus ferns. Tbe Uj8 finiBbed picking last week: necesary.,,-Tilla! tables were draped in white crew, . which opened from tbe wedding I .n.lfc. CALL FOR BIDS . I 6UULUDIB0 WUw VT V ua.v wi aaj s.la ThA UroMt .... f il ..rwirMiMiil Mr I40 tm 1 w wa hvmv - aw IlirioiiowiiiKKi"""--.." . . -u !- VI'..Vln.i .. ..,.,,.;.. :.Jk.n, ml Mri Juhll MiitttlieM-ll, Will, ftlallllie- SVOCK ever euowu iu 11 muiuiu viim ouis win ur iwmci ... m ii.i,. I'nnk Mr. and Mm. C. Unnnlw and ran and will beat a court of WaiUington couuiy, uregon . . . I .. .1 " .. . ' . of eaet of town, lell on a Hrcn anu MlM K,Uia msw air. ana oomltitors. Schulmerich Bros. broke both bones lo .er rigni aru,. . r - -- - t a at Mat tut I IVfinrr ai aum, - - SEWERAGE PROBLEM SOLVED BY SKPTIC TANE. Scientifically Coustructed, the Appliance Cares for all Household Waste, Preventing Danger to Health or Offensive Odor peared on the Weetaide divinion of the S. P. Tba trains are alsomsk ... ..neb better tune on the new steel rails laid down ibis fall. l.aatHundav niitbt.tbe little two year old daughter of Kalph Itubrie. ' . ,. M' ...ft. son river from this county to Tillamook I can assure you that Una county will co in any improvements! mook Herald. I' ' I ' TT-. IT1" " H 7 l " (Mb ' X'W7? DISSOLUTION NOTICR until a o'clock p. m. of the 8th day of October. 1008. and then opened, lot the rm 1 .. , v. !a a. I MMi ii, Muintv mor lam and for the I ir Tain eeie was rauru 10 auruu .. ., , ..,., H..th , , ... u- pare of theinmatea lor a term 01 iwo ber ioiuries- Vlmt Mra KwV,r MrV: . T.y,o bma alT ST.k , .v.. U..l,ll' M o A111111 hu-llliorn. roiuaim : r""r' . . roi uft"11"'1"" "!'" ' r j A grand ball w KlVPn , MaUl lMvis and Kev. A. Snlrisa, of he can do. He baa just adUSU SI By order of the commiastonera II f M W A l l euai I . 1. , li...... ft.'. 1, u,1 .nr ... .1.1 .nn.. w mill HI. I . W . OOOUin. VUUUIV J uiiKC nan oi iii" " . . 1 snerwvioii. .luiiu, 1 . , , , . j 1 new euii iiui.ci , , . . ' . ..o ..... .1 1.. .... M..t 111 Hn an- w.iii. .ml Annual t.cmhel 11: .. r. ik. K.!. I Dated HUlsDoro, uregon, oepi. iy Notice I hereby Klvru Ibal on tl. HIM nim, , i .:. ... ... ' w ' , u.l.V. ,l Mrs. Schlic- F""" t r u. ..f ,.i. ..s n,- twiinrr 1,11.1 nrcbes ra. ami gomi nmn i.e...,, --- ... .... warrants. fu. :r,.: t-;,,ir w.He,, ii,ii0 invitmi. Tickeu. " ?.,r-i: . .. ...,. notice , . . . . ... bu...,. - ...,. iMrn.11. luiueiiseu, "- r- i i ..rancn aaia 01 a 1 meu e. uuvo aiua. ao.lAlpl.oit-- K. Ilrn.lti. ua uoihk j .,i ...i lll)ler. II. . 1 .,1 jiimcniftfii. Mrs. M. Coiuelmann, , .. ... umi w ' 1.1 .1 a Kr. u.eichand.ae b.i.u.r.. in 1 01 " .,,n.l Ileitha Martin, Oeorgr and Herman ana lauiee buivo. n... knOwlnB themselves U) atRua. orrwo... under tbe linn nme oi A n indiotment lias len returned i," . 1 M,s McCiure. Mrs. actual cost, and all broken lines A PVJ. ,'r0Wi A. H.nd,uk.is.,,.wrd,.r.lv,d bv mui , Mullnonuh county against Dr -" 7; ; M Klir .,, Marie oarried in the immense Block ol the lDa.e,T-m rd..nali and set" u iDUMht i-utnr in w. rii.liiik ,u ." -in h.va o .,i a..., i'.e.,.in . m..i 1:.. o. & Ileidel. will please call anoi set- ..unng f,, AipboiiMM h. 1 . . tl.u.liil k.willioiillii.ietbebui..r. a..i. ataii.l vriai " l ,1.. W.,sh ami Walter Fuurer. Mr. ooi uiuinu k. anbl and 'are oin OUt .11 ... 1 ...n... .11 l II. I , .. L... I nnnimillinri WHU llirJI"' : ., ... . , ... .1. nhnM fllll , v -' . D " ",,1 iy an iiniiin. miu nmn - aiauirnier. hi -m...- - . im,. it .,,i.tsoii uerina ami inua anu ko iuui . 1 ..., .1. . ..... ii 11.....1.,. l. - . ... i.'i.i. nf true. "" 1 1 01 Dusinee.. uir iuui, v. n. ........-- .I...I, id MIBM niaoei inn'i" .,.b.ini. Mr. ami Mr. erre ft-iirisuiia, r t. v k f P.. . it.:j.i . ".v :: "...1 t. .uwiir.in.lMn meu. n. ii. . .Z3.i, uorwin ot xwiuoi. eel urove. .-"'.:": ; s,atl,. K., hand nlaved the Forest U rove club . . l .1. 1 k. aiara, i.vuib "'" ""- , r--j-- - .... Tharn d weather last weea uo- . lio,ilk.i, ami i)tt,,iel Werre; Clans Ugt Hundav. the thirU Ol Mr . ... . . Ik. w-i:. tV.t Htrove.1 several tboundrunds ol t "'J ies of three games, the former club lmiliboro ;m b, io u. baseball a-mul hone for Koiieri ' " " nJZi i vinDini tbe odd game, auuaay, . Alr-rl. there ..- i. n.,.in. . liial leauiuui csrm ....... c . tw. "" Forest Uiove. r. . -;."v ,UM.,ieoll the happy couple departed for pf i Bcore o i . - a u- -.. - con.iderable Ulk about organic t,r00 worth of bops n',,ut'm California. They were showered v.th WkR characterized Dy poor playing ... leggm tobecoouposed of cluls hop house which uurnexi .ivo.uD-ri , ,)lemy t,i o,.. . wc 0n both siaea.- . WhiDiiton. Yamhill and t : d iitak III o liun uiiw e In the awards made by the Port- . . t n.l nlaml land fair lor tnres yer o.u .-.. ard bred stallions, ti:llol.r.n wai Hor.fe who ha. ha. the Withy ' prlw on Dr. I'llmnn. In the pom- . Uiiiue, resulting from asth- lair stands are 1 scattered over the nogrefe, who baa ba l .!...il m.niHHl. It. H. Greer got 2d on "er atandlnir. court vard. itiviiiB the whole scene I,Huborns. Last The above i 4H0 A. S. Ilriiilniki NOTICE 1 diagram illustrates th most approved type of Septic Tank. A problem that has long confronted those Ue-iiriiiu to u.siai iiioueri. r'"'l,ut'.a 111 liKialities without an adequate sewT.iKe syste n has been how beat to Uih. i,ose of household wa-tte without. danKpr to health. Science haa come to the rescue and. by employing the destructive auenw provided by nature herseir, haa solved the problem. It has Ion been known that under favorable con ditious certain baeteiia will distroy the offensive elenieiita contained In household wast, leaving a residue chemically pure, which may be easi y disposed of. Experience has proven the above type of tank best suited to the purpose, in that it prevents disturbance of the bacteria, which i essential to enable them to properly perform their work. Many tauk of other types have proven failures because their construction was such as to permit the entrance of air and light. When built of cement, unless the material Is of the beet, surface water will seep into the tank, and this with the constant iu rush of water from the house will prevent the bacteria from Perr'"WU!r.! . work. In the tank shown above the three-chamber device iirevatsU this Hn turbance, and being constructed of the liest quality of tilth Mfasji, la luipoa- 8ib' Parties contemplating building or wishing to tniti modern pianibing In resideuws alrealy erected are invited to InveaUfata. Kstimatea cheer fully furnisheil. s T. H. MILLEK Thtwl. bwtwwwn Main and Lincoln. Hillsboro My wife, Clara C.eialrr, having bfl my btj mil buaid without i.ist cn.ise or provocation, I hereby forbid all mhoi lo crrdlt hrr on my account. 7 30 V. C. KlSI.KIt. Ilillilxiro, tire., Srptriiilier 15, iv- AtentcitT has eroirn up within! Multnomah counties. The main this city, since last Sunday. The thing needed here is a good ground, James Withyooinbe, vice director of the Oregon Agricultural Uoiiege was in town last Friday. Henry ULR1CH FUEGY bis auditorium tent of Arnold, the home near Phillips, showman, together with his side his , 1, ""fl" im.,1 .1 I- I a? I iinu. an .saw - a 1 ' . . was awaroeu 'Hll.,a niaui . KV.10. of shows, and numerous inaepenaent h. nmil . I laei. . 1 ftk. . l . .1 .,.. 1 1 ire niinioni. . . .i n trnunin. ill iooe bibuuiuk. i uuui j nu, ' , uumue rsncu renteu mr I r ." 1 . l ast vear he " . t,' .i..u s..;r . ..M..Mmnmii years oast, will move to his own Brown K"'- . ' horn8. Ulrich Fuegy, ageu i years. lu.unu.u-a, . 1 Place, near Blooming, and it ia br.; took urn p.. - was born w ud m uerne, Robert LiUy, aged 61 years, who llsved that Mr. Withyoomlie will Oll0) Kl year-old son ol S Sha - 8wU,erland April 27, 183o. lrnmi- Qftle8 Creek Friday night rn lobs farm, as he is plan- .-..brand, a lanner ree. ...B g,aleU w omuiwe .;, b uri there last Sunday. He to build a modern farm bouse, one nl Weet ol miauieiou, w ,imi, tnence to iow .u .o,. return hlnn I. with other improvements. Many lhrown from a msnure spreaue , m8u,,( ne wsb marrieu 0.m8 from Kansas to this county of hi. republican friends are anxi- run over by the machine ana sen- Qfe er, who survives mm, iogeuer following ohil- V injured by a cogwheel, which witn 13 children, e open his scalp end produced Mr. Fuegy and wile r was Dorn in west Virginia auu dren survive him: Mrs. Cora Ja .. . . . I. . .1 .1. lltu iuii u uuiiiu wkiiiii "--- - niiaiv iuj...'" - - . 1. ..j - ... . . i... uc for governor. tore o,,n bis sca.p.na, eeveral oiner ibjui. ---- eae, Uu.., - ---av -- jaoobBon, all ol t'ortianu; wra A hop raiser named Lebow, liv- .. uui Hi iimm . 1. t ..iditinn Olie leg auu wiiu ing on the rang, of hills wrst of hea. 'X m thrcollision. The Hherwood, is reported to have Uken JU,t Friday af a teaanonnful nf nrnton oil last rrr -v- -.. , , ... ., nrk day afternoon, by mistake for cas- tn0" n''" 1 an., j.. ' ..r.i mil on- near his home. "II. IIWUIUI WW 1. " I ... !.- ...tn mark... ..i .a. obtained from an ff,i0htened at the incoming train unlicensed seller, who, under the ate Saturday tiMa00hZ present law, ia held responsible lor teBm, attaobed to one of be bote, errora. The attending physioian is ,BBes. dashed through a narrow aid to hftve no hopea of bin reoov epftoe between two ireigD. ein, , mu r A.a nn mtd run ud town, lev- fITi I HbiriDU w. - , - , l.i ,1 a i,ns Alt AT inn o i.ut- til. their inn the venioie .m. . 1 oi auu wibuiiik . . . n,. .laiuit farm, .ill .1.... find a laraflstock harness . Oneol the . . j . ... .. bmu.aa.1 finwwn olflnileln r yard at Hohol.a cr.jy an ma- J- Wa alan narrv brick DU auu. - .k.nik.i " w - J . i 1 I fl hA nnHLUILlUD. auu '- building block.. Those intena - . m ng to build wil flnda large sup- uvl.. x .r,0?! " r.ny, r lo k over streets were In some danger he v . ; .p. . !no ru0 nver by tne eioimu uruw. and settling near rnimpB, pk.,.ksii .ml Mra. Liizle . - . .i . a i iwBamv uutiivutia . . hare he resided up to tne time oi . , n. . 1882, where ne reeioeu up w ii . p. - . 0 . c k ki. .1..1V1 VnnrtnAii cbililran were I ' horn to Mr. and Mrs. Kuegy.one The frost played havoc with the dying in infancy. Those living are crops at the Bagley ranch, north 01 as follows; Adolf, Portland ; Chris- town, where experiments with sum- .!. aKnni,ir I'biiiuiH: Koberi. 1 mer irrigation were uiuk uouuuu' VlaJBl a.vjaa tav.-. 1 - a f ' I " . w-v Skomockoway, Wash.; Anna Tsoh- ed under the supervision of the De. .ki.i u.iuati.- John. Wm . Ed., nartment of Agriculture s agent, A ' . t f ! . n Tk. M.n anil H.w.nlta Theodore, Mary, uenry, uhw, imwiw. ,4uw --. Lena and Emma, Phillips. other crops were m-wuiwii j ru.uwu nreach- bv the frost, and in the case ol the bid lUMVtui ' w WM--- " a I i ' . . ..1 k. D.i ijhrr at the (lermftn corn, wbeu another two weeks n.in.,a.i nhnrnn ii rniuina. VH9-1 wouiu uavs uiwtui.u ... uw. ... l.D I U. UJVU . n v. . www . . 1 j 1 - i , . . . . terdary forenoon, interment in the Bagley, who 18 one of the owners or Phillipe cemetery. Tne lunerai wb me r-inun, wi- tij "" -er I-. wa1 V.V all.tAn dd. anores of friends arieved over this unoalled for prank .nd neinhbors atteBtlng their deep of the weather. He wanted to see regard for the deceased, who was how big "Jumbo" pumpkins would ... : ..ii. noiuniul wrhnraver orow on irrinatrd land, but the ex lllllVOrBliiil T a UP jvvwum a ww . - - IB - . . . knn.n r,. hi. man . oond Dualities c-eriment will have to be carried feUUffUf J B 1 is of heart and mind. ' over to next season. and enough money to fence and improve it, and last, but not least, a man ol "ginger" ana experience to manage the local club. Fans here believe they have round tne man to manage the club in the per son of E. L. Moore,, of the Hillsbo ro Steam Laundry, if he can be in duced to take holt. He has had experience in handling club in tbe fiiaat, ana is nimseii m guuu iwy. Tbe Anus hopes to see Hillsboro on the baseball map next season, good and strong. - The body of August Larouge, one of the boys who was drowned in the Nebaleni, last fall, while on a hunting trip, was found this week near the mouth of Salmonberry. The body of young-Mellis, hie com- - . . . , nanion. was found aDOUt 0 monins ago. The two boys left Portland a vear aso. this tail, and it is sup- ... ... 1.1.!J. posed that tney unaariooz to nu down tne river in a do wuicu Ur wt and canaed them to drown. A dog, which accompanied them ap peared at tne home oi one oi tne boys some weeks alter they left Portland. The nnding 01 Larouge s body clears up the mystery of their disappearance. We open our own oysters, there fore, they are always fresh. Qive us your order at Palmataet's con- 1 faartlinnArv avviivaiwi j a THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc, School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. i 1 r OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION OK M'MINNVII.LK W. P. Dyke is the Washington county agent for this GREAT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Office, cor. 2ml and Washington St., Hillsboro. Independent Phone, J37 1. ; U I n 'i it r. h v I m 1 ai i r fl address, Hillsboro, Ore , f - ' "