The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 24, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 28
' L
Simrl In Yield
SUlf Will lt AUUl HO.IHKJ
Tbbop yW I lh" ' of (,r"
ro ibti sraauii i 'limtUil at HO,
0 biee. 1 hid wrk will finish
M picking i lh" Willamette vil
, in J in itch biling will alao be
dot! wilbiu that Tha yield
I, llgbl compared with tbl of last
jair, but the qualliy of tha Imps is
Bucb bettrr Mold and lira out a
Sill figure this "oil, and hop
rttMfi are p!raMJ with the excel
liol appearand of the hops. It U
(Bought by thorn who are po-led
lhalsllof the crop will bt In lh
UIi within iwn torli Many
Tird In Una county have lieen
fiiiaid, and ulhere will (b lu the
hltr of ilm hup hnuiMi by th
tod of the wk A Portland com
Bwoiil I'!' I"1 lb b'llowitig
(owaat l' prices:
J'ii.t. Utlrr lliati Hernia will III all
jvtalt!ilv ! aiil In On Inaikrt lint
Ka." llir roiumrnt tl a local ilralrr
luUy ' Hint la llu uur.llull lull lint
tktaxilicl It lillrl. aliI lilt talmrlt who
stt Bui rl cuiilnw ( llirie crope ate
drci.W.!: v liimrt In thrlt lrm Ihati a
k mil K' (rlinallv arali lli( II
uIJ tc ilillii'ull (r drain. ! txiy li"
k tirn l ft rrtila. for llir ptudiirria
km i.lra lhal y holding llicy alamt
KauiT of grlling iiioir,"
Cbae. Hull, of Albion, villi In (lll'.l
(own last HtimUy.
J. C. Meier, of near Ulsyvllla,
called lut Haturday.
M. M. Mead, of Weal I nion,
in town Haturday.
Oio. HelUIre, of Mnunlaindale,
u in town ltat Saturday.
ilullerlk Feihloti book, and any
pattern, for 'l't cenU at Ilalrd's.
A K Rice, of near Cornelius,
ii county mil viiitor lut Krl-day.
riltna. plate, card mounts,
'hemirels loil caiiwai. t IhilTbihon houae owned hv Mri I
or u ... r '
i , iunn uuuu ui iunuf
J. P. ami Wra. II. Vch and caught Qr lut 8turdar afternoon
niiliM, lfi Tuday for Bherldan, luoul 2 o'clock. from the kiln where
(lafchcN Fire From Kiln and
IJuniH, Saturday Afternoon
Oily Jituu Imriict wii Carried
thi Owieri
Mim K.lrll Kurd, of Portland.
ii iumI of Mri. J. W. Connell,
vor Hundiy.
For Sali: -Thirty-four had of
li iirmi k'i 11. Alei. (innion,
ornoltui, K. I. 7 M
Mi (ric llrnhaw, nUci of
Wrw Halalrmir innnii Bnata
I I- l J n
y.IU uiU touuucww oy n Ci 00 or ifJdre A. Bendler. Cor
Hinclair a aoni.iod they were about oeliua. Ore., R. 1. 28 9
half done p.cking, when the fire oc- u Thorn Dion, of Thomnion are Deip conducted, tie ex
curred. The yard contained 20 B oi.' aawmill, at Mountaindale, Pree8ed bimeelf aa bting well
u.. ,i. i t i i ii... acree. and the hoi were fine thia wai in town Monday. pleaaed wilh the work done out
ira u run. innm uiaiuia ill i uri-1 i - i
aod. la.t Hiturdar. The Ion it eatimated at J. W. Hamr.a prominent farm- lDere lU8 ummer, ana remarteu
u i u tv aixiut z.j,aoa tn oovereu by er and dairyman of ureeham, was that better demonstrations ol the, w Mr. ana mm. inna. $160() ineuranoe. The balance of ... in the cit Saturdar. L.l.,. f .mm ii,..inn .MM
. a daughfr. " " L J. Palmate handle, the - S'
,7 "T nf Kioh " BJU lu" uu-"uB, iu tuu-
i;iauli urwar nai Kiiii niidrav mm u owy.ipeciai agent oi me "T"" 'TT ' B neciioo with
........ I a M . tn V.m . kn a UnL.n ami arAaahra ITra I n-I CIBIfl IU VUO OUT . UltJUIluauau
VIF I II r IW 114 I I naiw n ill I oaiu y w h waaiwaiMia -
tn l (KJiey,
eroafUr conduct that huiliiMi.
I)rvi.loping, printing iml fioiih
ing, done f ir amateur pbotngraph-
in. at tin I'oil Card Bmar. 2Ctf
Mri. J. Railey and Mill Mor
lion, of Portland wri lUMli of
Mr and Mn. W. N. Barratt, Mod-
Os ircounl of drath of my wif, I
ill Mil at public lain, i tiiile north
of Kurwil (irove, brgiuning at 10
o'clock a. tit., on
Tap lUgv. fft IiUkt, 1 aralnl haik
rlaluf. j In nun M'Cinriiua
taadcr, Mrl'ui mltk muwrr, hayiakr,
pieiuli baimw, diac harruar, (Iik
atiru. ir iloutilr bainrw, art of alntc
U'Mm, tea in liufaca, wrltil w. 14 in
(iow, UrniitiK UhiIi ol ill ktuiU, y milk
tvai, 4 litilru. all lirtb at lluil ol aalr.
raid roa. arr alraln ul llol.lrlo uniiuit
ll' Cillrr (of aali ujt dM lu'ine (ilact
rflJcaiir, t.onill at lioon.
Tumi of Sale - 111) and under,
caihiofnr HO, one jrar'i tirue, M
r-rctnt, bankable note; 2 per emit
off for noli (iii ill mim over 110
C. Jirrri, Owmr.
i V. Hughi, Aucliouiwr.
lieu. K. Naylor, CUrk.
r i . ...
tornnnui won a rare lull game
from Wmhill to 8
ID 12 Inninui. li one of the
reatrat Garriaon fiiiibei evfr ien
Id thi. county, Corneliui ovurcitne
Irad of 8 to 1 in the ninth inning
od tied the icore. Habernichi
pichnl ,.r Yamhill and not a hit
made off hire in eeven inning
lo the ninth evrrybodf fell on him
tod the wintiMi got eight hits in a
Jp. Halleriea itnhrinann and
wnnliui for Corneliui; Dinald
od Habernichl for Yamhill,
Ihe old Indian volunteer of
O'egun will irk caa)gri to give
Ibem bark pay for their aervicea
bile engaged Infighting the av
Mm bark in the untie!. They A
've all they can gut in the way
01 remuneration Thma ara nnlo a
f" of the old Indian war veteran
oere In Waahinglon county, and
'bo Argun would like to nee them
"paid for their eervicin. At nree
ml they are getting about S per
"uniu, Inderal pension.
Grant Brown, of near Reedville,
w" arrneteit by a "deputy game
men, Monday.olurgedwiih kill
'og uail, out of eeason. JtiHtice
ofne impoBed a fine of 120. am
Uepended payment of lame during
yood behavior. The etirpeneinn of
one waa due to evidence ollarecl
Dr Linklater, who eaid that
Brown kill.,) iK. Vila
a .... va inn UHII aa-
borae for amok child, who had been
under a phyniciau'd care for three
. According to the new law
Ly the last legislature, all taxee
paid by the first Monday in
wiooer will beoime delinquent,
"ln the Bherifl will be obliged to
'me certificates of delinquency to
,n7 one making aDolioatlon for the
Mine on any enecified pleoe of
prooerty, Taxes for 1908 will not
Hue until February 1, 1909.
rnation milk, put up by tb
oillo Coast Condensed Milk Com
Py. at HillBboro, recently drop
i'u iuc on the case. A Portlan
Paper says: "The ffl'ct of this
aroP in price oaueed a big flow of
""lets to the Gail Borden factories
wcause evervbodv wnnted to oet in
M heavy stooks as possible, before
"u aavance in price."
, When in town, call and try ou
not ooflae and cocoa, and don't for
?et the lunoh at Palmateer con
t k If U'lr.... la alail
t i if. i ... ... a i . u . q.... ir. i. oi tour orders at Palmateer's con-l.v.. ..... ; .u. .... .
g nil will. I parenn, nr. aou ui, rriurnmi uuiu mo on rai, -' i iud ..hi iu ,ui uiuuuwiu innnii
Mn I. fJoramona. at Una. Uregon. Monday, wnere ce eintonea Dib ""-' nor use in irrigation
tbii week herd of Polled Jerseys. 1 hey look I Miss Delia May, of Ulencoe, is I ' Uood crops can De grown in me
. , . ,,, . . . Brit premium, and enjoyed the die-1 attending school ia this city, and Willamette valley without summer
Jonn r-H. oi r.i i iiiuo, vaiiiiiir. . . . . , . .,Ann;.. .i.k iXa (.mil nf irrigation." aaid Mr. Slnar "hnl
nia. viniled Hilliboro, Mondiy. He . . , . , . . tT ?. h n.n at frnm t.n m iK
the hopi were drying, and before
anything could be done to check the troti Michigan
Dtmea, it wai doomed. Ibe nop
B. I". Hirapaon, of Buxton, was in
town last Friday.
J. W. Howard, of Buxton, was
in town last Friday.
Get your photograph supplies at
the Post Card Bazaar. 2.V8
Mrs. W. I). Wood was a Port-
and viiitor, laat Friday.
Mrs. M. Sauer, of Oregon City,
waa an Argus caller, Monday.
Mrs. Hancock and children were
Portland visitors, last Friday.
H F. Burohell.of near Reedville,
transacted business in town last
Just received the new fall But-
terick fashion books, and Delineat
ors, at Baird's.
Jack Muoger left ibis week for a
visit to friends and relatives in De-
In Connection With Summer
P. Stiver Siti Irrigitioa Will be
Gcaersl la tbt Valley
A. P. Htover, in charge of the Bum
mer .irrigation experiments in the
Willamette Valley, under the su
pervieion of the Department of
Agricultural, was in town Monday,
and made the Argue a pleasant call-
Mr. Stover spent Sunday at Cove
Oaks Farm, north of this city,
where the experiments in thiscoun-
a summer irrigation
in this vallev. is an absolute necee-
ruranoe Co., fur which Joho Van Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Blair, of sity. The ground must be broken
derwal is local agent, paid the Portland, visited the former's moth- ud underneath, much deener than
loei on the Sinclair hops snd er, Mrs. Ruth Blair, over Sunday, an ordinary plow will do it, in or
home, Monday, giving Mrs. Sin- . v i.A .. der to make irrigation the success.
olair the Company a check for the L itt gaturdav. He will conUmplated by the government in
amouot due. .. ur'.u .... itaexrjerimenta. He nredieted that
ramnvav in n. vawrawi a. . ii aan ii . . imiai a -
t. sommer irrigation would become
POLLED JERSEYS TAKE PRUB Quile Beoer., in thig -aUe- : time
We open our own oysters, there- ln ,mK ,n(i .n,v.R ftf ln. w,in(l at
Uraot Mtnn, who Uvm t Cornell ,oret ineJ we aiwiye ueao. uive rwerv 0irB M men8 of conserving
I u- :a...i
Dr. C. B. Brown, dentist, will be ' L
U MiltKr..A Mnn.Ua Rnt 28lh. " l""'" ."1""
See Our Full Assortment
cf toilet aiili ii an abaolate necessity at
thia reiort eipecially. Whether you ttay
at home or go away yon need them jail
the lame. That thia pharmacy is the
beat place to obtain them any one will
tell you who has once tued
Our Toilet Aida and Article!.
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we Invite yon to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
a aaji nn war i a, r iiianr 1 1 nr bhiiiibbi i . . . . .a
" of Nfbraika. Theee cattle were
n TMr '0' b ,UBht of the American Polled Jer-
The ladle of the Christian , Cattle Co . of Springfield. Ohio. ,n a ."'T. '.n l-.C1 menu, it sets the farmer and dairy
burchwill serve luncbei during uti November, and oonsist of a bull "aL w' 0 man to thinking, and that is the
the itreet carnival, In ths big t-nt ,nd cow. Tbe bull is Oregon Duke, ""uu w object of our work. The business
n the court yard. 2U 154. a grandson of Nubbin Ridge Henry Lane, who purcnased me 0f tbe government is to show what
. ii tu. Uueen. the most economical pro-1 ice Lream ana uoniecuonery par- Can be done with irrigation. 11 is
u. . l . 1 u. !.,,.). Ha will decer among ou cowi in tu unrj wn m uu, umuB, u .ui...iu, latu Up w lrje ibiiiumw urmer w
State Fair. lel Saturday. . . . . ,A .vi. I..... .u. u. u..
..llinala wilh hi ho rid in th I OUUieBk a iui i au nuici iu " l I - ujtvju iui iuiwui.huu ud ubb
1 in 1 1' ...... 1 . . . 1 1 rr 1 r . tr t ni . : ill
1 .. il it,!. W poellton. at iiuiiaio, in imji. ine amnkra like the Bch er and the received.
rirei in iimiHia .. n..v una 7 . . vf . a. . d..i.j
. ... ... cow 11 wreguu I'uui, i Ktffjiiencia Tbeee cigars are 01 - tii Cu m iui.ui,
For Hale-Heveral well-bred u. 1. Bt.lla. first in her class at tbe New ,h t, -u Yoa can't fool an Monday afternoon. He haB several
sows and idge. VUll be york and Ohio State Fairs. Ore- Lathority on a good cigar. lb stations in the Willamette
eeparau.iv 11 cieaireu. .. " gon Ducheai is a full sister ol bolus,! valley, wbere similar experiments
addreea r. W. Peisrosn, 12o, (be bull which is at tbe bead ? ' 10 e C0Unly tre 8
K. 3 '- of Hon. Wo. J. Bryan's herd, at ,u'u" "- rtl""" i""- made
. . L .j t.:. a.i.t .... i.innln KaK call a mis 0111C6, wnere ring win u.u " ..rr.r'-i. . Kraa-ri.,. be identified, and a libsral reward wit 1 hurt onFr.oM dairymen
-1-.- a 1 1 is 11 a, in ir linn 1 mr 1 1 lid i ui ru af oi vv 1 an a vi vrv-v vi vi - -
...... f...nv. v,nraa down from Forest sejs without horns, and are great gn
Grove, to ths horse show at the producers of butler fat. Mr. Mann Claud Jackson, son of the late Rulings have recently been made
Street Fair. Wl" "u,u" uo, "r" onn wauaiuu, imuiunu vu nr- 0y ine federal fure rood autnori
u , f l... ,Bh. coming oireei r air, wnere upj win rjoro, laet weei, aiwr an aowuce 01 lie9 ,fjrCtiD(! the standard of con
r or pup n urau. . -, n0 d0Ubi attract mucD attention. four vears. Two years ol mat time 4anBaH milk ih unrlanl hlni
nil ti. Mm. a so 31 wigon aou t .u. 6i.:ii:.. . ' . 7 . !7
f.- MJin-Innttlraiof . .... wh bi-jui . u u...FF.-w- been apparently based upon me
1 1 aa r 1 vrrfii am 1 1 1 1 -i,iniia nAL.n 1 . . . . 1 1 1 . i ml
. V. ...... 1 tv,;.,i Ui Persons des rina to buv or sell coemicai composition 01 mux pro
U. H. nioy.l, our.., au...... k" 11.. L.... :J.:il JJ in 1Kb E.Hftb atandard
it 11 t 1 1.. yiv if 1 DormMi ur iiVDDkirut. ui but iuu win - - 1 -
e, Hiiiiooru, ... Ths untjergigned will sell at public j -.n communicate with Con- which is based at 7 7 butterfat has
Claude Oroear and Kd. Miwre I .,,,jr. ,n .u. hisheat bidder, at 11 t. r i:., . t ...1 ..1.1. nf. hmn chintni to 28 nr rnnl snlirla
" . 1 " mv - 1 n.ii ul uui uri UB. a. iv.i VDHra ui i n r - - ------
nurchaietl the butcher buiinesi and the A Heywood farm, on the n Wehruna-a' store. 26 9 This recommendation made by
slaughter house of Corwin Hei- H,jna mad, 2 milea west of - eastern members of the Pure Food
11 .1.1. ..k anil Will OOnOUCl ilill.l .A I m! nf Hnrna. U. M . I UII1B, buuuiiukuiwui 11 I O Ik.
UPI, una n , - jiiibuuiu aim . avn.., v. w, w IkDUf. vumuiiDcmu win nvjuiia .uq vvu-
lb. lu.ini l It. oW liua. it 10 o'.lock . m , on 'V "? , dm.riM lo .llher .dallmle tbii
W.l.h..ho.oldlb.f..H TUESDAY, 8BPTBMBKR 29 " . i V J T.k. v.. P'."!" 28 p.r c..t
Scientifically Constructed, the Appliance Cares for all
Household Waste, Preventing Danger to
Health or Offensive Odor
N. started work on bridge No. 1
v f vu. .h who io id me lurni- n h.suai. oar lanD&n i . ... . . j .... 1: uiuuu
r.v-. ... . ' , L. .at ma uiiamooa; enu oi uo ..u - . na . -in . ao
..... ,.r ih. I'ummeroiai iiuioi. i. iiiii-kakiu none, wvivai. ii. wirei i :.u -r 10 1 "...
mi" , . ... r. . " iu. nasi wt a. wuu onu i 1 u..v,i. .ij
marr. weiKin, iu3ui waj uiair, wci;ui, . 1 uiaraoiauio uvjuucubcu uiiia
uw; 10 Jerey cowi, a ireiu last July, A brother of C. R. Cox, of Banks, The Pacific Coast Condensed
was killed recently at Waitsburg, Milk Co., in order to overcome tbe
Mr. I
a iL. .aa. r.wr.iirtallr
K. IO ins Uflff mwirnviw'
ti Z .. I k a A at m.
r srtinre. Will SnKIRI IU u vau- - . , . - , - . . v. ...
-e . , , IT Mil 111 vv... , 1 I . -..v.
,.1 lui.mau nnnimori, : . .... -... 1 i...;r-
nery iroui.Mu - ra .. .,l7!"r,!.., W.ah -hil. raiain a house. The mlin. nf th Pnra ITnnd anlbnei.
freill in Nov., I irein in warvu, 1 year- -"" - .7 m. " " , , . :
4 years; I jaciscrew gave way, teiiiug tueiuee, nas oegun an extenaea inveeu'
Tbe butter fat contest held at the
1 a.;ru it. 1 1
v . 1 1 nut jerirv uciicna. ic.ipct mh.
8-lem BUle Keir, U weei. wm htiy0tX rJ0Wi 0ia wagon, a-teate. hmck, Uj0Uge diwn , andcroBhicg Cox, who aation of ibe milk production in
. .1 II.I .1. a Btaaatll WW Ml 1 a 111 a..naaAa Irlnal nil k - . .aaa . a . . I w . .
won ly
close in
r ths Holstein herd, by a crt, I'Uuo mower. 3 iio-g. l. Was under the building, to death, this county. Circular letters have
.rain, the Other breeds iep- cans, 5 tons loose clover hay. 40 bushels ... . ' tn A. j.,m.n
" - rtinl(Ull u-jn- ihe of wheat, ami many oiuer aniciei too jpor g, Ar John HanBChe 8, P"7" . "J-
resented in the oonteal being me n,,n.ion .f ,.r7. ' call inn their attent on to the ne-
.... I U H UIV I waaaa . w . . . 1 n BM lat aiV I V ami H W) I Bl lM 1 1 II N III UNI B
Jersey and Ayrshires. T.rma of Sale On sums over ... t ni.. u;ii. h. Pnaii ceesity of coping with what seems
We carry too many artioles to ,l0 , year's time, interest at 6 Pnrtl.a R. D. 2. Box 13: a . be D UD,air rulin. nd have
k a k. at awa. B n W I II 1 II If . ...J Alaa Kill aia ' . a
..numerate, du. wo u ";--" i ner oent.. apuroveu uuica. fivauu
.u. i., mar needs. The largest lin.i.. n.Bh.
' . . . ', ' a I aaked thoan hn wnnlrl tn make af-
aaiiak a nvar niaaa r.nv. nnnr i v i - aJ v,a. ,,..ri An fidavit to the condition of this milk
-,..,1, 9a. If uu ocuiouuiroi lot. a iicai uiaui
U1UU.U. .... - , - , ,
aairymea nave reeponuea anu iuo
Frederick Qeieler, whose "if" testings thus taken will go a long
be farmer needs, me under, cash.
stock ever shown In Washington Ai Heywood, Owner,
oounty, and can and will beat all g (jorneliua, Auotioneer.
competitor..-- - . . . ?. " " Vwl "
J. 8. Robinson, o. F.r-llo-. Ue? tha7& uih
In town last OaiUraaj. l"u""I . r -ifa .nr. a 7R vaara .l. i.t...... j.;. "
... , . i nnn.: :nn nf a naar Mmilharn hi, aaaium u - j
mammoth squash. Pw" f'n.:i'. , tn ,K. n.,mrn,mr ib a warrant, and may, not proceed
"T f i orot uoU a thTstmt in.dequ.te to the comfort of the f
F.r Hta wKoJ ui-- this traveling public, a. the- travel in with th. complaint
Fair. 111. appiecrop ,nd out of Hillsboro ia greater than Virgil Waters
H0U , . , at any other point on the West Corvallis, visited relatives in this
Clearanoe sale of all msn s, DoyB side divl.ioni Itiiexpeoted that city, over Sunday. Mrs. Waters
,d ladies' suits. Will mmMM th new gtruoture will be jointly was formsrly Dora Wiley, of this
and family, of
BUU iw"" " , , linaal"118 BOW bhuuiuii nui w jvmu; wh luruiaii ii.mji u.
actual cost, and all oroxen lines i Qf tne gouthern Paoifio snd city. They were traveling in their
carried in the immense stocit oi me . fi Railway & Navigation automobile, and oame here from
General Merchandise own oi p,,,.., M lo tiUmook. the State Fair, at Salem
Sobulmeriou ton. v n. . T w .
a a ahn A. U1U I VVUU I vravsam ne awwa.av w aw
ag.j.-.v-. .uedmarri,Be licences to the fol-
wr. Malann and W. ii. layior , . nn V,a .l.a
conducted a blue rook h0n?OD nmfd: Frank L. Jenson and Lu
test nesr ths "Bungalow last Bun- CoIemaD( 8epti 18. Ira Crawford
dav. About 26 to 30 shooters were g lg John D
" 1 la I ..M aAlTlal aTntHl I ... .fn'an
present, ana ii - Trachsel and Hulda muocl, Hept.
shootibg was done. 0eww"e. 18: Daniel R. Amadon and Mary
nriaes for which me men Uou.vW. - . ai The ,Ml
Ah Moy a Chinaman, who was named groom is 64 and tbe bride
brought up from near Sherwood, 46.
i i.iaa.i in (all. the latter part fl.m n Rtnv. who lives on bis
(.UU UBV " w (f ' . , , a 11 wweoa. - j "
of last week.oharged with insanuy, rtDoh of 8 acres east o! town, was
. ..L.aa.1 hv order of County I ,uar.:. Unndav. Hiram Smith
Judge Goodin, last Sunday, for the f(km th, gtoy r$iDoh neil year
reason that the complaint wa not na?ng already moved upon the
slimed. Ah Moy, it was alleged, laM Jonn Vanderwal, who has
was acting queerly in a bop yard llvlng on the Stoy place, has
a. n.a i.lana. near SberWOOd. . j kI. alnnV anit farmlno imnla.
Ou HIO r""" j oviu ui. ruv " o r'"
Moy denied that he was craiy, and menU) ftnd wlu move to Hillsboro.
asked that certain , Chinese In Port- on
land benotineaoi Tm9 tM,. Apply to Ku
VWIS' l"Ui Hil-boro, Or.
Persons wishing to tile their
farms will always find a large stock
of fine tile in our yard at Bcholls.
We also carry brick and
building blocks. Those intend
Ins: to build will find a large sup
dIv of lumber at our yard, and you
are invited to call and look over
our Btock before purchasing. The
Groner-Rowell Co,Soholle; P. 0
address, Hillsboro, Ore., R. D. 1
E. W. Dant, who threshed out o:
Reedville for 29 seasons, states that
he recently turned out 3000 buHhels
of wheat raised on ths Hare ranch
a mile south ol Hillsboro. that Dro
duced 40 bushels to the acre, this
has not been unoommoo io this
oounty this season for Winter
wheat, but this grain waa sown this
Spring. Spring oats, however, are
reported as light all over tbe coun
he undersigned will sell at auction
on his farm, half mile north of
Cedarmill, known as the James
Young farm, at 10 o'clock
Hone, 4 vears. weighs I too, horse,
vein, weiehs 1380; mare, 10 years old
weight 1450, foal by side sired by Coquet
yearling biiv. cow irein on uctoocr jra
viuch farm waeon. Champion mower,
nearly new; 14-inch ateel plow, 6tooth
teel lever narrow, Scotch harrow, rever-
lible disc harrow, set of double harness,
about K acrea of potatoes to be sold by
the acre, some tares and oats mixed 10
be sold by the cwt.
Terms: $10 and under, cash in
hand; over $10, one year's time,
bankable note, 8 per cent. I per
cent dieoount tor cash.
James Cruickehank, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
- v ' AT rUOf
z. tt'r'; , , ,u " 1 --
ftOf fwCoO
A. rV
The abote diagram illustrates the most approved type of Septic Tank. A
problem that has long confronted those desiring to instal modern plumbing
in localities without au adequate sewerage syste n has been how bent to dim
)se of household waste without danger to health. Science has come to the
rescue and, by employing the destructive agents provided by nature herself,
has solved thi problem. It has long been known that under favorable con
ditions certain bacteiia will distroy the offensive elements contained in
household waste, leaving a residue chemically pure, which may be easily
disposed of. Experience has proven the above type of tank best suited to
the purpose, in that it prevents disturbance of the bacteria, which is essential
to enable them to properly perform their work. Many tanks of other types
have proven failures because their construction was such as to permit the
entrance of air and light. When built of cement, unless the material is of
the best, surface water will seep into the tank, and this with the constant In
rush of water from the house will prevent the bacteria from performing their
work. In the tank shown above the three-chamber device prevents this dis
turbance, and being; constructed of the best quality of tile, leakage is impos
sible. Parties contemplating building or wishing to install modern plumbing
in residences already erected are invited to investigate. Estimates cheer
fully furnished.
Third, bet-ween Main and Lincoln, Hillsboro
Mrs L J. Kreps, of near Banks,
met with a severe accident, last
Saturday morning, while riding on
horseback to a near by hop yard.
Tbe animal reared and fell back
ward, throwing Mrs. Kreps to ths
ground and breaking one rib, and
otherwise injuring ber. She was
attended by a Bmks physician.
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
W. P. Dyke is the Washington county agent for thil
Office, cor. 2nd and Washington Sts., Hillsboro. Independent Phone, 337
'eotionery.L. J. Palmateer Prop