L TheT JnlILLSBR HILLSBORO, OREGON. SEPT. 17. 1908. VOL- XV. NO. 27 A ll.il Show Will be Add til o the l-lt of Alli tuliiiiiH FKIh)K ALL HVtttKFAr LOMIM Faml l.r Hl!llf It tinted Ui r'lf VUM A gather int" f h vilii r tiiinit f In il lit" lltll'M"'' Street Fair it Mil t ' I"1 " m-1 1 chamber, .Monday night The MHiiiniN''" Untrue r-MirtiHt pngrt, Tit" roOOMUU "f ii- eill-Hlg thum prtMIll ! thai l' uld I tbt grxlft and Im1 ever held in Ibis ctl y . and 1 1 1 the attraction toulil w'li of tt former caUli. It wa decided loglvea pfil f 'f (til) hatidaoilieal triil lwt ppriiig child under out year of tl. A rullitliiUr will he el td (tow t distance, an that no parlial ily uy I shown. t bulla I lil lolilral tu U.I lu till I l l l IUlk Irtlrl miI fttllK-n (tie ti. oil hirla i'l j tt a!"" ! I.lrd 1m Iii the I aim r rlt i itlrt 11 rr I .lc l I tl. j .txl H 1 1 1 is 1 . i . . a uit 1 1 Hit loiiuri liMiij Wall u. 1 1 illUi(u a ill (flvr llir .jurm 1 U ull ll'4l. Anion llir alltai limit .niiinc. l I AllK't.t 11 i Hi u, a ilnlv lalixiii ax m j Moa ati'l (dim Imtr )inup I br n.iutii.l ; l In i liaif ilrli lllillinl u make tlir j bit a girat atitiraa, and lhrtik an taJlr -,i. )tr '...itt.ullui.il aii.l K" rallulai t lul.it jittimlK In r iitI lliow al ftr tvtn lit l lirrtnttu Itur linin CiUllilll Dill l- lii.l.hfl III I'll:.- I. if llir tut, ati'l l it; i mwiU Imtll I'nillau l air tla-tri! nrll at flom all lt of llir tMIII I ( llllrc ll'W Will lnlin.il lllll.li dorim llir rlillir lull. Auli"ini llirnl uf tun alliaituuit Mill l IH4'!r Iimiii tltnc l.i tmir AUCTION SALE On trc mill of lUalli of mv wif, I ill toll ftl pili'.i'J ttlo, I lliilo linrtli Of Koirol (irovo, lrllitllll tt 10 o'cliM-k a. in., uri SAll'KDAY, hKIT. Top lliiK( . oirl tiiijky, I aralnl lii k tub toi. i In lion X .ig'Hi. M Cmtiili k ttiailri, Mi l. uiiiili k tiinarr, liavtakr. tjrtlUKOMlt liattour, line lialluw. 4li; karn.o, irt iloulilff liarnrM, r of tiuglr ItamrM; Irani limara, wrlM Hf.n. 14 in plow, funning loota uf til kin. la. 4 milk tv. 4 l.cllria. all (trail tt time ol alr. Sal. I n.ai airalfaln llnl.lrlo nmluir. I alau nllrt for aal( my oM home plan of tin a ir. I. mu ll ui noun. Term of Salu till and uiult". Ctih;ovrr tlU.ntie yrar't time, s p" iil, hankaliU note, '2 por fiit O'T fur ruritj on all mimt over 1 1'1 C. Jteperx, Oiviitr. J W. Iliinhoo, Ailrliooocr. (eo. K. Nay lor, Clerk. CAHHIBL SOHLHK Gthe Hohlor, anil nearly ) yre, ilietJ nuildt nly of orgtnio lioarl trou kit In the harvaet field, two tnd one half iiiiUa north of Koreet Ofova, where he aa wnrkiuu, Itel Saturday tflernoon. He had juet btuUI a load of t,r!n to the ma chine, taid he wan not fooling well d told hi aon to unload it, then ttrled to hit hmne, only nhort litlance away. He died a ehorl diatant-e from the. machine. Ih "'I a wife and family and had lwl in thin county almut 2( ytr HlLLSBOHO TIME TABLF. 'mler the new rhdulH the iiHtn l"f IrainH in ind out of HiHel-oro "five ami leave an follows: I.tt.Vr fill- 1a...lu...t . - n III iiniiii f orm r.iotre Local "I'fii'Un I'ljrr JWm (irove Local.. Votth ('.rove I.o.l .... Coititllia Ovetluml .... Arrive! from I'oitliiint vorvulll, Ovrrlaml rottn Orove Local st (;fove or(1 olieiiilmi vye, '"rent drove LochI 6 Tit t. m. 9 il it, tn III 4V H. til. V4 l. '" 4:iy p. m. H:4 u. 111 u:"); t. 111. a:o7 p. 111. 5:30 j. 111. 0:47 p. in. NO I IC E We hurehy givfl notice that we will not he reepontiible for any didite oj)ntrcWd hy our eon, Andrew liana KanmuHHen and Wile. , 1'nted at HillHhoro, Ore., Sept. 2, 1SMW. ' 2.r-7 W. Hotoow will liniMh iok nH hiit hop crop, near town, the "Iter part of thin week. He had wut 7J) picker, and reports that " crop niU fall abort of lel yield by Ti.OIK) pounds. He Pft from other yards indicate llt there will he a lioht crop all ov the county. It ie believed hy poHted hop men, that the yield the Willamette Valley will he one-half lean than that ol lft year. For Sale Several well-bred 0. 1 . niiwg and pigH. win "wb and iinn. Will he eolci "I'araiely il dew red. fall on or on or Hr.ry II 1frf, ()f Hnull, Tuala tin wax In I.,.,,, H,t,mty, John Kamna.of ,!, Karuilngton i.iair.n, waa Ujwn Hatlirday 1 1 ... . . . n-lj Nrholtield. of Cornalii.a, wt a cunty imI r.lUr Kriday. L ft I i ... r. I arter, or (union, wat in v'wii rrmay, on hiiainaei tl the nirl t)i)tii for SU: Thirty f..ttr hud 0I well bred Ku.tt. Aim. (ionlon, uriimniK, u j. '27 '21 Tlin liitiitKninntit of itm Hir. trtinpl wtrtliouM will Iikhp, tntpli. II ,r f ir tlmnkttinK rink, by lit" filal of Ui 1'iUr. Wf Uv juat rmitived rtr of lltiu wkih from llm fcUiry. Will toll tt I'ortlttul .ri(M)t- St-liulrjifififh Hrut. 6i if Tim OrKKoti Klnrtrir rtn tD ei fiirtiun from I tot vorioii Ui (Lit city, laat halur.lay ni(lil, briofio ojr t row J t,f U,ib ioim lo ttUiuJ the lioi ilaiico hrt. i'rriniiiN lUairiug to buy or tell horo or liMiack of toy kind will In woll to roiiiinuiiicile with Cud nrll A ('ornrllui, tl rotl MttU of-Iti-o ovor U'elirunm' itort. '2ii 'J Tli now rrciilonrtt of I'rof. H. W. Iltrnod ttul llixxirder Willii trrltinl, on Mtin ttroot, trt re roiviiif( llm finialiiiiK louche tud will aiMin I rotdy for occu(tni'y. (' ('. Whiluioro, Win. iltkortnd (iro. llurkhtllrr, of South Tutlt tin, iiril throu(li town Mondty iinriiiiit, Uiuinl for lbs uir No luUin, mi a t n 1 1 1 1 ii k tnd Qnhing lrip O. M l'ullry, of Huilon, who ll wrt'k tdvortitod for t lot tele- ' Valite, CttU III town tDl got it Moiulty. Il wit found by J. C l.taikin, who ari.ig tbe lortl in llm Art;ua briitif(bl il in. Il aja tl adverlita. I'tul litiley, aon of County C'lork litiley, it probably tbt youiiKOKl imtlour photographer In tlin altte win) like negative and devrlopi them, without atalttanoi. Ha Inn a nice collection of viewi lakenjhit year. A. W. Orion, of Multnomah County, nd elected to the Houte of Ueireonlttive on lb Btate. inenl No. I ticket, latil Mprni, wti in town laot Friday, in theinUrettt of hit candidacy for the Hpeaker- aliip of the neil II mine. I dwire to annouuee that our Kill Mock of heatem baa arrifed. We alto have a full line of rangel, ti kiiowluloil to l at gool at any on Hie coaet. A written guarantee ti toiiiptniee each rtnge. W a can furninh them with or without water roila.-K. Cave. 2fi-7 Owen Cateidy, a lineman, em ployeil on the Oregon Kleotrin, fell from a trolley pole, ettt of town, Uat Kridav. a ditlanca ol 20 feet, ttnking upon hi feet, and ditlo eating hit ri,ht ankle, and brak ing a Inine in nil 1001. ne w brought to town, where hi Injur irn were attende.1 by Ur. F. A. Hailfy. Thoe. TallMit, of Cornelius, was in ,,0 Uet Haturday. He in form the Argus that he has sold tnort of the addition platte. this a . a J .1 aatllinijA summer, ana mat 1 now uw....-o- are noinii up on the uacv ! Oregon Kleolrio will put In iW idirack on land given them by Mr. Talbot, and now have the lumlmr on the ground for a new depot. . J 1). (hay, the Dee Moines In gurtnee Company's agent, charged will, larceny by bailee wa 1 brought to Hillehoro hy Sheriff Htnoook latt Friday. Gray ntignment and hearing and Jus tice lUrnes Hied U bail at 5W, which Gray has emce raised. 5, Or. 1 HUte. that the com anv at Des Moines owee him a ItHn'of money for policies written He says that be retained the Ti gardville collections upon . the ad vice of an attorney, sending the ,,.,-ifliM back to the company. m-ii Smith, of Forest . .l u j.aninv. in the vamoin river near me nun-n" r yard, 1.... H.inrdav afternoon lB ' r.n lhfl ii'Liu nut on some ioB vv""a. ''"'i.h Tott her footing : rfoHint thVdeip watery ot the Umh!l.,.ooi.lentalM land, in with her. land girl oaugni un . - V i.i.i nn for some 'time, llU(1 r. :-- - . but WM Dal tier noiu - rBm' Mi i S3 "iok the third f?J S ! Raleigh Walker, a SIg bo spFangio o..v Z downaleo. A y0"0"";"-0.; they came . p . - ujBB united enoria o. - - . saveu. . - j. ng lauiew, anu I" " -r m not want epeated during a 1,""t WMUe Smith iaasister of 1 1.. art nvnorioiiun " t avnnriHiiun nuiw- - r MIr Smith TAIJJST iXDIilW o.c.r -'""i',":"" "Ik kinhivr nmm? B tll UIJ1 Ufc J I I I I Ik I II I III I II fill mm irs ma E TallcHt I.ic.-ncd Hunter is J- AyerH, H Feet F Inches WASHINGTON C0UX1Y LEAD1 ALL Oldtal Hiatrr it (it. Araientroul, f Ptrnt Ortvr, Age ;j A Linn County writer in the Orgonin brags about having the talleat hunter in the elate. Hi name it A H. Hleingrandt, and he it f. feel and 41 ioche tall. Wath ingtou county can heat that all hollow. F-. J. Ayere. of Gales Creek, measures C feel and i inch en, and iweara lo it. He is .12 year old, and weight 1H0 pounds. Between the date of July 14 and Hi, VMM, out of 2.1 hunters who txik out license Indore County Clerk BaiUy, 12 of the number were over It feet in height. Gales Creek lead all olher precinct in the county, for tall men Ihree ltd ion have taken hunter's license, thus far in this county. Wash ington couuly hereby lays claim to having the oldeat hunter in the atale. vit: Geo. Armentrout, of Koreal Grove, aged 7:5, who not only hunts, but usually gets his share of tbe big game, each year. athingloo county now claim the lalleet at well as the oldeat hunter in tbe stile, and if other counties can letl us, we will nave lo be shown. HAVE YOU REGISTERED? County Clerk Bailey will open the hook for registration, as provided by law, on tbe 2 let day of Septem ber, and keep them open until tbe 20ih day of October, inclusive of that dale. Voters who have al ready registered this year are not required to register again for the Presidential election. Those who have not registered since the Orel of January, however, must register if tbey wish to cast a ballot in o verntier Voters who have moved iuto different precincts than those in which they are registered, will be given the opportunity to record the change so that they may vote at the polling place of the precinct In which Ihey now live Su niotiih' residence In llie state it arcruaiv in oturr 10 regiaici, iuuuKu tbete it'no reijuireiiient as to residence In tlie precinct for the registrHtion that begini neit rek Koreignerl who have been admitted to cilieu&liip, tnd thoae who have nude decltihtion ol in tention one yetr or mote tgo mty regis ter tnd vote it the l'residentitl election. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction at Amos Huli'e place, tn Cornelius, beginuing at 1 oclock p. in , on TUKSDAY, SKPT. 22 r.w.k stove, heater, extension table, center table, sideboard, tewing machine, 1 iron bedsteads, springs ami tniiiiesses, -1...1 i-niich lounife. dretser, a wtsn- attmls, chillonier, 4 rockers, dining room chtln, kitchen treasure, oitiumK, ...1. tub. Willi Doner, uisnes, cooking utensils, fruit jtrs and other articles too numerous iu mrun aturi is nearly new. Tarma of Sale $ 10 and under, . - tlft C. mftnlka lima caan; over ?", bankable note. ' per ceni. ui' oounton all auma over 10. koo nun. B. I. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. HILLSBORO TO STATE FAIR Tha Southern PaoiBc Company will eell tickets from Hilleboro to the elate fair at Balesx, from tne mm to the lth of Hept.,gooa unui step. 20th, for $2.10. 20 7 rratt viciere, ageni. For Sal or Rent The Hilleboro Flouring Mill; ca- nanltc 7n barrels: naa a large aior- inff oaoaolty. Also, the HUiBboro as .' J 1 " ' . .at warehouse. capacity, w,vw " " - ruui fuvi kn.h els. Will be ioiu geparaie, or o gather. Apply to 10-27 John raune, niii For soma time past, ooyotea have been playing havoc w no gaais ana ebeep out in tne noiuumu mnumn north of town. They inhab it a Btripof depie timber and brush eitending 4 miiee nomm uit li'mai.Ink nlace 10 tne noicumu ee tate. Wm. Batohelder has lost a number of goats, and Alfred Hoi oomb'a sheep have Buffered from the predatory auacaa 01 iue .iMaaa unimals. . Last Sunday, coyote hunt was organized in uit, .hnnt lfi hunters and anum- took Dart. Holcomb u-,i th. oivnd luck to kill two coy otes, which were driven Into the open by the hound-. The bun U will e kept up until the band ib C. J. Rogers, of Gaston, was in town Monday. John Kuralli wsb a Portland visitor Saturday. I i ItVtJUIl I Jt 1 V II 1A 1 ly la John Kurttli waB a Portland . Get your photograph enpplies at the Tost Card Iisr.aar. 2.1-H Geo. Lmmerman, of Banks, was an Argue caller last Saturday. Butterick Fashion hook, and any pattern, for 25 cents at Baird'a. Herman Koetrnke, of south of Job' croteine. was in town last friday. Just received the new fall But terick fashion liook, and Delineat ors, at Baird'e. J. Smith, Alex. Gordon and T. It. Davis were in town Saturday, from the North Plains. L J. Palmateer handles the largest assortment of high grade cigars in the oity. Give him a call Grain is coming in at a lively rate at the several warehouses in thia city. Moet of the threshiDg is done in this county. When in town, call and try our hot co Hue and cocoa, and don't for get the lunch at Palmateer con fectionery L. J. Palmateer Prop. Mr and Mrs. S. F. Humberg and Mrs. S J. Bergy, of Missouri, arrived in Hillshoro last week, and are gueets of Mrs. Bergy'a mother, Mrs. M. A. Lane. For Sale A good, paying butch er business, with slaughter house property. Good reason for selling. Call on, or address, Corwin & Hei del, Hilleboro, Ore. 2litf J. C. Allen, of Garden Home, Kansas, was in the city, last Fri day, a guest of K. C. Brown. Mr. Allen is looking for a grocery busi ness, somewhere in this valley. C. Jaspers, of near Forest Grove, called on tha Argus, Saturday. Mr. Jaspers will have a sale on tbe 26th of September, and will leave soon after tor his old home at Depere, Wis. We carry too many articles to enumerate, but we bave anything tbe farmer needs. The largest stock ever shown in Washington county, and can and will beat all competitors. Schulmerich Bros. The dance at the Reedville Hall, ast Saturday night was well at tended, there being 40 couples present. There will be another dance at the same place next Sat urday night, Sept. 1'.). Don t miss it. For Sale At John HanBchel's, a a a . t 1 . !1 - on the alter s piace, one mue east of Cedar Mills, on tbe Cornell road; Portland R. I). 2, Box 13; a new couch, a first class range, Hour table, new rocker, used only one month. 24 tf The new depot for the Oregon Electric Company at Beaverlon is nearly finished. The building will present a neat and attractive ap pearance when finished, and it is said that the depot buildings will all be alike. Clearance sale of all men's, boys' and ladies' suits. Will be sold at actual cost, and all broken . lines carried in the immense stock of the fleneral Merchandise Store of Schulmerich Bros. Come early and get your choice. 51 tf Fred Oleen. one of the R. F. D, boye, encountered a cyclone in the road the other day, which carried his buggy umbrella into the air about 200 feet, and nearly Scared his horse to death. Fred captured the parachute later on. The marriage of Miss Myrtle Miliel. of Beaverton, and Myron Fersuson. of Seattle, took place on August 31, at Seattle, after which thev left on their honeymoon for Victoria. Vancouver, ana oiner . ... British Columbia points. Mr. and MrB. Ferguson will make their home in Seattle. - PeraonB wishing to . tile" their farms will always find a large stock ol fine tile in our yard . at Scholia We also carrv brick : and building blocks. Those intend ing to build will find a large sup nv at lumber at our yard, and you are invited to call and look,, over our stock before purohasingThe Groner-Rowell Co , Schoran; O address, Hillsboro, Ore., Ki U. 'i Judare Rood, now acting as dep utv Treasurer in me aosence 01 5 . .a 1 - a Treasurer Jackson, waB appointed Fira Warden bv .the County Uourt and up to Monday, had issued 138 permits to farmers w ourn siasn ing. The office ie. purely ienev;Q- lnt one bo tar as we vuuiib n ou earned, there being ao 'pfovieion far remuneration 01 any sort, vine ' a - . , .. a - .. fML, . laar ia a fool OU6. to . begin,' fth, and puts the farmer to a whole ht of useleee trouble and he is just ae raanoneible. if bis fire damages an other, without the . permit, as he would be with it.-; 't he , ataiuie hooka of the state are oumbered with a lot ol lawn, the effect ,o which is to put somebody to,.un THE TUALATIN PLAINS United Railways has 500 Men and 300 Teams at Work 13 GRADING 7 MILES WEST LINTON Will Push tht Work Weitwtrd Stopped by Winter Rains Until Tbe United Railwayi Company means business. It now has .1O0 men and 300 teams at work, and tbe grading has reached a point 7 miles west of Linton. A tunnel, 3,(KX) feet long, will be driven through tbe summit of the hills lying between Multnomah and Washington countiee, and bkidge work was begun early thia week. Chief Engineer Wickersham says tbe tunnel will save three milee of road for tbe company, and will be worth the expense. It is confident ly expected that the road will be graded, and some of it finished in to Washington county, this fall, and only heavy winter rains will stop tbe progress of the work. The tunnel work will be prosecuted during tbe winter months. Those not knowing tbe actual amount of work being done on this line would be surprised if on tba ground. Wren iV Greenough have the largest contract on the line, and have sub let considerable of tbe work. Tbe road will go through the fertile ualatin or North Plains, one of the richest farming and dairy sec tions in this county, and it is no secret that the road is to go to the Coast, some point on Tillamook bay being tbe present goal of tbe company. Jt is generally believed that Jim U ill ib back of tbe enter prise, and the fact that a large force men is at work, and that tbe work is being pushed with vigor, indicates that there will also be something doing next year. Hills boro will be connected with tbe road at a point about 5 miles north of this city. New stations on the road will be Claremont, Glen Har bor, Newberry, Holbrook and Sum mit. PUBLIC SALE Tbe undersigned will sell at auction on his (arm, half mile north of Cedarmill, known as the James Young farm, at 10 o'clock SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Horse, 4 years, weighs I too, horse, 3 years, weighs 1380; mare, 10 years old, weight 1450, loal by side sired Dy loquer, yearling filly, cow fresh on October 3rd, inch larm wagon, I'litiiipton mower, nearly new; 14-inch Heel plow, 6tooth steel lever harrow, Scotch htrrow, rever sible disc htrrow, set of double harness, about 4 acret of potatoes to be told by the acre, tome tares and oats mixed to lie sold by the cwt. Terms: 110 and under, cash in hand; over 110, one year's time, bankable note, 8 per cent. 2 per cent discount lor cash. .. James Cruicksbank, Owner, J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. LEVI SPARKS ivi Sparks, aged 76 years, died in Forest Grove, September 11, 1908. He was born at Winchester, 0 , were his boyhood was spent, then moved with his parents to Dubu que, la., where he lived until com ing to Vancouver, Wash.., in lai4, where he remained nine years, then came to Washington County. He married Miss Savilla J. Spurgeon in 1S62, at Peoria, la., who with the following children survives him: Ed. Sparks, H. W. Sparks, assistant editor of the Washington County News; Livi Sparks, Mrs. W. Ai Bellinger, William Hparis and Miss Maud Sparks, all of this plaoe, and Mrs. Harvey Brown, of Portland. Tbe funeral was held ast Sunday with interment in the Naylor cemetery. ' APPLES WANTED Cider apples wanted at tbe Knight Packing Co a cidef mill, at Cornelius. Highest market price naid. We will also do custom wori. we nave wniBiy Darrens for Bale this year. Independent . ... 1 , 1 phone, No. 7 151. 24 1 Mrs. M. M. Mead, of about miles eaBt of Hillsboro, met with a eineular accident last Friday While she was trimming an appie with a sharp knife, the implement slipped in some manner, cutting a tfoen gash in her left hand, and severing asmall artery. All enorie to stop the bleeding proved un ftvailintf. and she came to town when Dr. J. P. Tamiesie took the artery. ' ::K,Xy , Films, plates, card mounts chemicals and - cameras, at See Our Full Assortment r A GOODLY SUPPLY cf toilet aid it an absolute necessity at this retort especially. Whether yon stay at home or go away you need them just the same. That thit pharmacy is tha best place to obtain them any one will tell you who haa once used Our Toilet Aids and Articles. They are the kind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we invite yon to secure your supply here, knowing you will be more than satisfied. Hillsboro SEWERAGE PROBLEM SOLVED BY SEPTIC TANK Scientifically Constructed, tbe Appliance Cares for all Household Waste, Preventing Danger to Health or Offensive Odor )...- . V The above diagram illustrates the most approved type of Septic Tank. A problem that has long oonfronted those desiring to instal modern plumbing in localities without an adequate sewerage system has been how best to dis pose of household waste without danger to health. Science has come to the rescue and, by employing the destructive agents provided by Mature herself, haa solved th problem. It has long been known that under favorable con ditions certain bactetia will ditroy the offensive elemeutg contained iu household waste, leaving a residue chemically pure, which may be easily disposed of. Experience has proven the aliove type of tank best suitetl to the purpose, in that it prevents disturbance of the bacteria, which it essential to enable them to properly perform their work. Many tanks of other types have proven failures because their construction was such as to permit the entrance of air and light. When built of cement, unless the material is of the beat, surface watr will seep into the tank, and this with the constant in rush of water from the house will prevent the bacteria froai performing their work. In the tank shown above the three-chamber device prevents this dis turbance, and being constructed of the best quality of tile, leakage is impos sible. Parties contemplating building or wishing to install -modern plumbing In resideuees already erected are invited to investigate. . Kstimates cheer fully furnished. F. H. MILLER Third, between Main and Lincoln. Hillsboro THE DELTA Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine "sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers', agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. ' . .We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books Cash Only. l OREGON FIRE 1. ' j OF M'MINNVIM.K W. P. Dyke is the Washington county agent for thia fiRF AT MUTUAL up the I Office, cor. Xml and wattiagtoa Pharmacy DRUG STORE will be sold for Positively no Credit, RELIEF ASSOCIATION INSURANCE COMPANY H ... - . . . f THr1anArlf1awnf PhftfleV tlT " -, "r:. ZEXZZIZ ' ; I t