The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 10, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 20
cove oaks mi
Arabia" Alfalfa 1'iovca I Ih
tm iu axd 12 ritr ih Htn-ur
lylttdU Sbswleg Meat wild Svmuitf
lnltUn Ntir HliUtsr
Uuob lulerral la taken in the sum
nisr irrillou eirliiiMit station
at Cof lUka farm, i)inl by
uJ W. II. Itagley, north of
HllUboru. Mr. Kornay, government
rnclor of Irrigation nrliurnt
lUWoiis o Ibii coast, visited (lie
Cove Oaks Farm recently, and waa
tUll(biJ wllb tha itiu titiU
o bring conduct! under (bo eye
of bit submlinel. A. I. Mover
goverumaut engineer, in charge of
lbs stations lu tba Willamette Val
ley. At Cove ()ki ha found til
fourth erop of red clover growinx,
tare nuttings baring Un mail
this wkton Tha alover was wl
, ad ob the I'.Hh d)f of February.
'J()7, and three cuttings were bad
that year. In with thia clover ia a
ruu of Utah alfalfa, which is com
lug on, to be ueed at gre feed thin
inter. A crop of Aleike which
tu Kiwo In Ma, of last year, btit
which waa not irrigated until tint
year, baa yielded two cuttings tttin
saeson. Thera ia also a irh of
Arabian alfalfa, KWilWl frl, which
waaaetdeden tha 30tb of May lest,
wbicb it doing splendidly in It
caw home. It la tba product of X
Sounds ol seed brought by Mr.
low, from a lolal government
laiportatlon of W pounds from
Arabia. Mr. Uen. II Hagley Hum
lows up tha auperior ijtisliliea of
tba Arabiao nlaul:
"It taita lo grow earlier in llir srawn,
tl gioaa Utei In the mtma u a banlirr
(4M llun oullnaiy alftlU u. will ) irl.l
I Urrrf loBttagej la the ai-ie. A k'1"-'
tUmi UI H.Ur rutting evny twrnly
dt." Mr lUgley will let lltr rii.p k l
mii. ml iMtljr arttlurt b bail enough In
tl muit gnwiHl. The Arabian wtcl
auWea rut tbrtv tlnwi during the turn
tutt ami Ii now S Inrbr high Knl Col. mrn lantrit June lli i nw
la Unci ami will average m fret In
krlghl. Thla ia rrgnUr rnailani- rotn
anil wilt go Into Ihe (acni'a new nlo. A
tot noii itl (liildrn J'lint rotn will U
WMluiril tat bog fr.. A palt h ol Tlmiia
anj hrail kale, acr.lrd Ihr 17th U nf
Jaar. (arriivrtla dry lant kalr, jilaiilcl
lu rooiitlii rarlirr, in twin lit M'iK,r
urtirla. riiiumlra aixt turnip liw
auk Ktuwth. Con Oak ( arm ha V
aaira un.lei iritnatlon Ihta yaf ami (mi
a'r niurr will t itdKatr.l licit vrai.
All llif inlgalrd crua will I wrijliril
when taktn of the grotin.l anil aiiual
rtul(i In tutinagr will be ct'iiijulnl ami
ptllihr1, Th Iturrau la mm h rUlrcl
ovrr thr airailt holn( mailr 011 tli
faiui and many larmrr ai ariimuly
comiilriiBK pumping planla for tlirii
'ain, rwc(ally dairymrn.
I-aat Thuraday night an engine
and oonatniotion train arrlvml in
towD.over tha Oragnn Klmitria line,
amid tba ringing of belle, eiploeion
of bom !, tnl the ohera of a pop
ulaoa. Tha whole town, allraoled
by tba anglna'a repoatatl whistling,
Hoed tha track, aa tha train heavi
ly loaded with Greek employer of
(be odnatruotioo company, beidea
oitiiens aad boy a galore, came up
Washington atreet to Heoond, where
hundreds of citizen, lml by Tout
luaater Corneliua' itentnrian voice,
Save three cbeere for the Oregon
ilectrlo. The (1 reek lab trere eeem
1 aa well pleaded aa tha ciliiftne,
olappmi their hand end shout
d like school children on a pimtio
eicursion. A puree waa raised to
furnish refreehtneuU for the con
struction gang, which numbered
bout 100. The conetruotion train
I now able to bring steel and ties
foua Garden Home, on the main
Uoe, to Uilleboro, and Hillfhoro
and Portland are oonneoted by an
other band of ileal .
On account of death of my wif, I
"ill aell at publio Bale, 1 mile north
of Koreet Grove, beginning at 10
o'clock a. tu., on
Top buggy, open auggy, -settd hack
with top; Inch wugoo. McCormick Iron
XU biudtr, McCormick mower, hayrake,
NnKlaoth barrow, disc harrow, drag
"arrow, let double harneai, art of ilngle
naraeaaj team boraea, weight m 4 i
Plow, farming looli of all kinds; 9 l11'
owi; 4 heifers, all freab at lime of sale,
"aid cows are strain of llolstelo miature.
I also ofler for sale my old home place
of no acres. Luuch at noon.
Tirma of Hale-$10 and under,
oaih; over 1 10, one year'e time, 8
per cent, bankable note; 2 per cent
of for cash on all aume over 110.
G. Jaapere, Owner.
J. W. Hughee, Auctioneer.
6eo. F. Naylor, Clerk.
Wheat waa quoted at 82o in
Billiboro, Tuesday, at the Climax
Frank Zuerrbar, of noar Hchi
wa in town Monday.
Jt your photngrapb supplia
tba I'.Hit Card Ilizaar. J,V
rm at
Ji. Volfirgnr ami wifBli
m ma iimiroMiii, Munday
John Kitlnr, of Helvetia, trs
11 a
aclml businraa here Tunmlay .
Frank AlsUUn, of Albion, r
-i .i . . .
tu uiacouniy saat last rrlday.
Ilultarii k Fashion Ixx.k, and a
paurn, tor -lit caiils at Kaird a.
Karl Miller, of Portland, visited
rnlativra bfre Sunday and Monday.
Trv Calaa tl.n fa infill a a taa
jui. at i'aliiiat(Kir's Confectionary.
KnUrt Itncker, a citiian of Hu
urn, wai a oouuty s-st ralltir
While Monday waa Labor Day,
iiioat of our i hu'in lahorml on just
mm unuil.
Try "Our l!oii Made Loaf." at
the City Haksry.ou Main street
II tf
IMftaUill fitr liltntirii fume.).
deer liegan Hepteuilier 1st, and will
clone Octulter 16th.
Mis Irene Kllis, of Portland, is
a gurat of Misa Oertba Olson, of
this city this weik.
II. I'. Kasiiiuaiien and II iituer,
of Cedar Mill, wars iu town lbs lat
. - - huhii iia stiaiaair-
ter part of last week.
Editor Wood. of tne Forest drove
Times, waa in town last Haturday.
and called on the Argus.
Pr.Wond is putting down rH feet
of H loot cement sidewalk wbicb he
future will coat about 12 a f.xit.
Money' to loan on real estate,
Terms reaionable. Apply to Ku-
ralli Itros, llillihoro, Or. 2 1 - tf
A S rUinUi sml wife, of this
city, left the latter part of the week
for .Newport lieacn to spend a tew
Vina Anna Dean. loruiarlv of
Jtiilflfl Mollis' abstract otlice. is now
employed by Itsgley k Hare, ol
Ibis city.
We have just received a car ol
Hain wagons from tha lac lory.
Will sell at Portland prices
Schulrnerich Bros. 61-tf
The Frank Peters tract of 11
arrea. adioininit town 00 the west.
wis sold this week to a Mr. Clark,
of Portland. The price paid was
I27ill Kuratli Hroa. made the
Mai Meveral well-bred 0.1
C. aows ami pigs. Will be sold
separately it desireil. i-ait on or
address K. W. Delaman, Uilleboro
It. 3 s
A Um nn the nureert farm, near
Orenco.wsa destroved by fire, some
last Fridav. The ori
gin of the Ore is unknown, and the
loss, with the ronteole, win reacn
about! 1000.
ti,., i) ('antra a retired Forest
drove merchant, recently received
!'2 "conscience money" from a man
mi In Washington, who leu me
drove some yearB ago, owing bim
for a dollar a worth oi eugar.
tf, H.UAt John HanBchel'fl,
on the Walter's place, one mile
east of Cedar Milla, ou the Cornell
road; Portland R. U. V, Voi u;a
a Brat class raoite, Hour
llfJVT vJi-f '
table, new rwker, uaed only one
uf v n.rruit attended the
Shrine' pilgrimage to the "oasis"
Ut Haturtiav. where a
great welcome wae giveu the trav
ellers. A feature ol the parade waa
a live camel, ridden by a Portland
y..i.nli,irinh. the well
11 111) tH v" .
known dairyman of South Tuala-
i., town Kridav. lie re
turned with aome neighbor from a
trip over on the bead waters oi .
Nehalein, Thursday night. Tbe
party killed two bticka.
Persons wiehing to tile their
:n find a lame stock
larms win ----- s.-ii.
flne tile in our yard at Scholia.
We also oarry ,
. uWa Those Intend-
nn i ii uiv
In. lo build .111 nod. large sup
pU of lumber at our yard, and you
17 . ' ... i nil and look over
are invio " , . TVl
our atK)k before purohaa ng.-The
Groner-Howell "-" b
.ddrBse. Hillsboro, Ore., K. U. I
. r .i i ... r.ov nrinte an in-
mi. "MultnomaD our,
. V .4 the formation u - . hu
that a new i-r-r." . . Th
i Mr. White a ne.gnim
riter further eaya na
...... vr. Uf ia not con
. "a - ...,!, nmintrv. In thia
menaX:: :.m0hittnoranoe.
stateineiu uoou""- u, .
f uni.ii. and neaohes ma-
nnlv in the Cedar MilU district,
"bu 'everyibereelae in the county
r f.ot very fln peaohee are
ownt'Snd, right under the
newspaper man'e noee, and it is
SX to ipk of thi. valley aa
not belPtil'- ?
Inquest Hills FiKure Heavi
ly in August
Hrtltno fr Apue-ii in Eltttios
Following are the complete pro
ceedings ol the county board, which
met last week:
KeKirt of Coroner K. C. Brown,
ou deaths ol Win, A. Bui ton and
Harold Davis, approved and bills
ordered paid. Also lulls lor ex
huming body of K. Perdue, ap
proved and ordered paid. Coro
ner's report on death of Ki lmt M.
Wood, approved and bills allowed
TraiiKcripts in the cases of State
vs Fred Rice and Fred Fox, and
State vs F.d Shoemaker, approved
and bills allowed.
Ketmrt of County Recorder Ire
land, showing fees of !1CI .'10, ap
Report of Countv Clerk Bailey,
showing fees of ! 17 1.7.V approved.
arehouwj wind of John Milne
approved and license ieeued.
Reeignstton of J Stilt, road
stiervisor district 10. accepted.
arehome bond ol K A Harding
approved and license issued.
Keeignation ol Oliver C Thorn
ton, justice of the Beaverton dis
trict, accented.
I'rtitiou of H T KuW and II Ilowman
fur ( aullioruInK an aiH a in the
mt of I-' K Corneliua v .1 W C.ooiliti et
al ilrmrd.
KNid iietiliou of R S Kubinson et al,
received and (1 V .Marsh, A D Toild ami
llie rou ii ty mirveyor appointed to view
Itoad deed of the Oregon Nursery Co
. . - f II Tl
wete aci-epteil ami allies oeweu, v u
llui liiuiaii and countv anrvryor aptMiinli-d
to view ami locate th road.
Action on rvixirt of viewer in roait pe
titioned for by Ole (llenoii et al, continu
ed unlil m-tl regular meeting of lxard.
IVntion of A V Wi llord et al lor im
provement of road in district Ji referred
to Coimmioner McClarau.
A refund of J.1 1.46 was maile .1 K il-
liain from n-liool district V4 on ai count
of erroneou assessment.
I'rtition of Weilrm Titular Company
for quit cluim deed granteil.
The billowing claim were auoweu.
Wolf liro it Bradley, R & H t '4S5 47
('onlrman llios,
I'.roner it Kowrll,
12 7K
36 12
l2 50
19 05
1603 90
035 93
5 7
1000 00
36 10
1 143 61
"5 83
5 5S
16 90
26 65
5 76
17 28
45 o
1 5
3 00
51 00
12 00
62 50
20 00
Ho 69
20 00
5 50
l.ivingood & ! d.
IU-lme Lumber Co,
T ' C.txidm, K .t II
R 1-" Itrasoner, "
l-'red Uracil, "
J S l.orsung, "
Jake Keii lit-n, "
I, Wlloiiic, "
John Nvburg. "
C K I'otts, "
A K McCuuisey,''
Johnson Hros, "
P llolliimn, "
Itrach & Keller,"
Henry Becker, "
Hrmlrix & Son."
lleall Co, "
J A Davis, "
V 1. Kussell, "
F T Kane, "
I'red 1. Beach, " Argus, piintinK
M C Ca. Salary, etc
r II Toiik-ur, olhce supplies
II Lorsung, trlief.
U'm Jackson, salary 5 00
I K Butler, rec oh"
5 00
17 50
4 So
4S 75
4 80
I, C Walker, salary, etc
John Olson, road viewer
W R Stenhens, bide rock bins.,
.Inh 11 A Johnson, road viewer...
D II Bailey, juror 20
I V Bailev, salary ..
229 10
137 '5
Willis ireiaim, salary
Irwin & llodson, supplies
A J Row relief
153 10
46 80
35 00
47 75
Capt (itiiles, C H
Josephine A Caae, e 1x1
... . i. 1 u
Western 010 x iii"i -, r
V M Kclsny, bridges
Ceo Wilcox, salary
J Keiger, dead hone ........
100 00
5 00
11 5
15 o
Hillsboro liiuepeimciu, pniiuuK
W O Doui'lson, relief
IIIx) l.iirht & Water, C H
22 50
35 00
19 50
2 00
Jos Marsh, ex Ixl
l)r V A Bailey, relief, etc
0 U Fry, sheriff's off.
1 .1 im wn 10. ircas 011
2 05
,1 V Ooodiu, saliuy, etc 100 00
Johu McClarau, " 7 70
WJBulner, " 7 90
S T Llnklater, ex insane 5 00
J It McNauier, livery 9 00
I B Matthews Post, relief. 13 4'
J .... ..tin.., u.l t,t.,lj.r
FOllOWing HUlOlllll.l WCIV
head of inquests: J A Baker, f 15; H D
Jennings and F T Daniet, 1.50 each; h 1
Wilcox, Thomas Carmiehael, Herman
Kraus-, 11 Dalnes, Mrs M B Jennings
and S H Lenox, 1.00 each; J V l'lumler,
I ;o:K0 Brown. 9-5i W D Wooil, 10;
II L Com-les, 1; K C Brown, lr C L
1 arireand I)r Chas Hines, 10; V. C Brown
... . I I A 1lbr
i 00; ClatK iV lixoii,
v Fred Stucker and Win Dunn, 1.50;
ST Llnklater, to; V M Ball, l.6o; J
Dillaid, Fred Usia, F Williams, John
Olsen and K T Fitzpatrick, t 20; David
Harwr; Win A Hayden, Orla Rolle and
1) 1 Payne, 1.50; K C Brown, 13 451 h X
Harding, 12.25.
T have a limited amount of tares
and rve for seed. First come, first
nerved. jouu .
and Oak Btreets, Hillsboro, lnde
pendent telephone.
wn. Sale A certificate of tuition
in the Behnke-Walker Business
College, of Portland, value $25, for
$20. Inqiure at tnis ouice.
I'eter Hoffman, ol Bacona, was
in town Friday laet.
TentR, camp stools, hammockB,
canvase cots, at Patterson's.
Sheriff Hancock and wife werj
asengera to and from Portland,
Just received the new fall But
terick fashion books, and Delineat
ors, at Baird's.
Miss Klla Bridges, of Portland,
visited with tbe family of J. M.
(Ireear, thia week.
Wilson Bene(iel,rf Portland, vis
ited relatives here and at (Ireen
ville tbe first ol the week.
Call on or phone to Dennis for
groceries. A complete and up to
date line always on band.
W. R Simon and wife, of Port
land, were gtieHts of the former's
ptrents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Simon,
tbis week.
Judge Crandall is putting in a
new floor and otherwise improving
the Patterson furniture store on
Second street.
Special discount of 15 percent
on screen doors and adjustable win
dow scfreep's, for short time only,
at Patterson's.
John Fuegy, formerly of Port
land, but who recently moved to
Phillips with his family, was in
town Tuesday.
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxcellencia. Theee cigars are of
tbe beet stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
W. H. WehrunR's family will
move to Portland this week, where
they will stay daring the fall and
winter months, while Miss Alice is
in school. ...
L. K. Adams, a Portland lawyer,
waa out Tuesday, shaking hands
with old friends. Mr. Adams waa
associated with W. N. Barrett in
the law business in Hillsboro for a
number of years. :
We curry . too many articles to
enumerate, but we have anything
the farmer needs. The lafgest
stock ever shown "m Washington
county, and can and will beat all
competitors. Schulrnerich Bros.
W. N Barrett has closed a deal
with V. B. Huston by which he
becomes the owner of the office now
occupied by him on the north side
ol Main street opposite, the Court
house. The price paid was H800.
J. II. Thompson, of Mountain
dale, was in town Friday. - The
new saw mill of Thompson Bros,
will soon be in operation, on the
site of the one which was burned
down some time since. Mr. Thomp
son says the water is lower on Dai
ry creek than lor-several years
past, at this time.
A suit has been instituted to can
cel the Oregon A California rail
road grants in this stale. II this
relief is denied, the government
will demand the appointment of a
receiver, who will be authorized to
sell the unsold lands of the corpo
ration at !f2 50 per acre. There
are several hundred acres of these
unsold lands in Washington county-
... . .
Mr. Snhnow, who bought a part
of the SchietV.lin ranch, near Cen
terville, while visiting some friends
near Reedville, one evening laet
week, accidentally stepped 'off. a
porch into an excavation made for
a cellar, ai d fell several feet. He
returned next day to his .home,
when be found that he was hurt
worse than he at first supposed
Dr. Linklater was called, and it
was found that Mr. Sahnow had
crushed two ribs.
I 1). Chappell, of the Hillsboro
race track, has shipped the follow
ing string of horses to the Portland
Livestock Show and race meet:
Ktngo (35472), 8-year standard
bred stallion, by Norval'' -King
(2:12), dam by Onward (1411);
Bramford Boy (ZiZZJi.tancy roaa
ster: Iowa Boy P. (2:15), great
race and matinee performer; Alia
Norte (2:1C.J), Lpnmeeta (2:25),
Ohio Boy, fast pacer; Kitty Groce,
registered standard-bred mare; 0x
ala T, filly by Hal B (2:04 J), iam
Lenmeeta (2:25) ; India Girl and
bay mare (2), by Captam McKin-
. Last Sunday, as the 11 a.,' ttrs
train going east approached -the
west enil oi tne .vresue, j weij osyonu
Newton station, it ran Into a rail-
road speeder, carrying the machine
some distance on tne tresue, ana
finally throwing it oir.'i The man
who was on the speeder; jumped
down the embankment, and dieap
peared. Had the speeder derailed
the eneine, as it might 'have done,
another fearful accident would have
resulted. Who the man was, and
what business he had on the main
line at that time, is not known, but
it is said that he was not a South
ern Pacific employe. That he ieop
ardized the lives of the people on
the train, theie is no question. The
trestle at this point is about 1000
yards long and quite high, span
I ning Hock creer
Heart Failure Claimed F. W.
King, Veteran Civil War
Csroacr's Jury Finds Deslb Dae ts
Natural Caases
Washington county's coroner has
been kept busy holding it quests of
late. On Sunday last, early in the
lorenoon, a Greek laborer discover
ed the dead body of Frederick W
King, lying on his doorstep, near
Beaverton. He notified the au
thorities, and Coroner Brown went
down and held an inquest, Dr.
Robinson, of Beaverton, making
the examination. The doctors pro
nounced it a case of heart failure.
Deceased evidently had arisen in
the morning, and started to prepare
bis breakfast, when going outside
he fell on the porch. His body was
(ound resting upon a door scraper,
his hands clutching his cane. In
the pocket of deceased were found
$24 25 in coin. He was living
alone at the time of his death, and
was aged about 73 years, and was
a veteran of thecivil war, a pensicn
being his only support. King
served under McClellan in the civ
il war, and was a member of the
Sixth Wisconsin Light Artillery.
He came to this county about ten
years ago, his wife dying a year
ago. He paid $3300 for a home
near Bethany, and afterwards gave
it to his adopted daughter and her
hueband, on conditions. King's
remains were buried at Beaverton,
Tuesday forenoon.
A coroner's j'ury returned a ver
dict of death from natural causes.
The following named jurymen Bat
at the inquest: H. G. Vincent,
A. W. Pike, Chas. Johnson, H. M.
Summers, Fred Summers and W.
Dessinger. -
he undersigned will sell at public
auction at the F. H. Bowers farm.
miles west of Scholls, and 2
miles east of Laurel, at 10 a. m.,on
Sorrel horse, 10 yrs old, weight 1000 lba,
with 4 mouths colt at side; black year
ling colt; Iron-grey horse, 3 years, well
broke, single or double, n 50; dark bay
gelding, 4 years old; fresh cow, 8 years
old; light bay mare, 4 years old;
well-bred Jersey, 6 years old, in milk; 3
year-old heifer, fresh soon; roan Durham,
years old, in milk; 4 well-bred yearling
heifers; 2 months old Jersey heifer calf;
2 brood sows, with pigs at side; a J75
Empire cream separator; good saddle;
set of single harness; 2 sets double work
arness, good as new; new top buggy;
'i wagou, light hack; good iron harrow;
4-inch steel beam plow; rolling cutter;
louble-shovel cultivator; single-shovel
cultivator; 2-horse Victor feed grinder,
with tumbling rod attachment for wood
saw; bone grinder; grindstone; bracket
saw; scythes, pttcntorks, shovels, noes
and many other tools; all kinds of house
hold furniture.
TermB of Sale Under $10, cash;
$10 and over, 1 year's time, banka
ble note, 6 per cent interest; 4 per
cent off for cash over $10.
Free lunch and hot coffee.
.j, F. H. Bowerf.One
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer,
Mrs. Mary Jarmin died in Forest
Grove last Saturday, aged 81 years,
after a three months' illness. She
came here four years ago with her
husband, who died the following
year, from Osceola, Neb. The fol-
Wing, children survive her: Mrs.
A. G. Hoffman and Mrs. M. S Al
len, of Forest Grove; W. H. Jar
min, of Corvallts; J. Y. Jarmin, of
Spokane; George Jarmin, of Deca
tur. 111 : John jarmin, of Stanley,
D , and Mrs 0. A. Richmond.
of East Jordan, Mich. Funeral
services were held Sunday morn
log- - -
The undersigned will sell at auction
on his farm, half mile north of
CedarmilL. known as" the James
Voting farm, at 10 o'clock
Horse. 4 years, weiebs ijoo. horse,
years, weighs 1380; mare, id years old,
weighs 14 so. foal bvside sired by Coquet;
yearling filly, cow fresli on October 3rd,
Jiiucb farm wagon, Chsuipiou mower,
nearly new; 14-incti steel plow, 00 tooui
steelTever harrow, Scotch harrow, rever
sible disc harrow, set of double harness,
about Aii acres of potatoes to be sold by
the acre, some tares and oats mixed to
be sold by the cwt. '
Terms:' $10 and under, cash in
hand; over $10, one year's time,
bankable note, o per cent, i per
cent discount for cash.
James Cruickshank, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Fancy pastry, wedding cakee,
etc, at City Bakery Main
See Our Full Assortment
cf toilet aidi ia an absolute necessity at
this resort especially. Whether you stay
at home or go away yon need them just
the same. That tbis pharmacy is the
best place to obtain them any one will
tell you who haa once used
Our Toilet Aids and Articles.
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we invite yon to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
A. S. Sholes, Pres
Statement of Condition of
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
at the close of business, July 15, 1908
Loans $181,361.68 Capitol Stock t 25,000.00
Cash and due from Surplus r 10,000.00
banks 9S.336.36 ,. . , ,
Real estate- 6 Wo L ndivided profits.... 930.13
Furniture, Fixtures.. 2,700.00 Deposits 53.j67 9t
$2$9, 198.04 $289,198.04
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
. We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Qaly. Positively no Credit.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
C,We occupy two floors' 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for. office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all
others In quality of instruction. If pays to attend such an institution.
CSald a Business Man: ".Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will wio out in thej end.", Said an Educator "The quality of Instruc
tion given in your school makes it the standard of Its kind In the Northwest"
COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
Reference 1 Any bank, any newspaper, any business man In Portland.
V 1 ' '
W. P. Dyke is the Washington county agent for thia .
w A mm. -V VMM TAT
MU 1 I
Office, cor. 2nd and Washington Sts., Hillsboro. Iadependant Phone, 337 fj
Geo. Schulrnerich, Cashier
Geo. Schulrnerich, Cashier
' '
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