The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 03, 1908, Image 2

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r'M '
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Entered at th Pot-o at HIUsUto
Orpm. a aoeond-clawi ail ".
HKMIV U. ti IM. Mor.
(nty Omcial Paper
" dul.vritin: r Annum.
Wae1 Kery ThrUj
There are 122 grange, in Oregon
and they have plann-d a great td
ucational campaign which will
mnhend vtrioue subject, fwui
-cnnotuie down. The grauge hold .
the balanoe ot power in Oregon!
politic if it willuwit. Moet of i
the real reform? have Den miun
by the grange of thie Mate ami that
hodv contains some o! the bright
est a well as the moet practical'
men in the etate.
B. B. Reeve, of Cedar Mill,
was au Argus caller today.
Jjha Friday, of Bink, attend
ed county court yesterday.
nn Rmklev. a Hillsboro car
penter. left Tueedij, for Kansa?
Cit7, 'o.
Mrs. Kd Freeman, of North
Yamhill, i visiting her eieter. Mrs
llenry Mclntire.
l J Miller, of Guthrie, Okla
hmu, is visiting the Hesei at
Hilisboro and Nibolle.
Hop picking wiil begin in the
Boacow hopvard. Hillsboro, on
Thureday, teptemDer unn.
Albert Wright and eon, of Pay
ette, Idaho, are guests of Mr
Wright' uncle, E. L Abbott.
n. s M WnJt. of Seattle, was
in town this week, lookirg for a
new location to practice his proles
sion .
The County Bard met Wednes
day, and is in session today. The
proceedings will to given next
A postal to the A'gus from Vic
toria, B. C, from F. M. Heidel
states that he is having a good time
and getting fat
Taere will b service at the
Pnnorptjation al church next Sun
dav, at 11 a. m., by ReT. Kolsom,
of Forest Grove.
AKuitaQ addition are reported
t the Christian church revival,
nth good interest. The meetings
w 11 close some time rext wees
Agent Vickers reports that
Anoint receima of passenger fares
were the largeet received at the
Hillsboro station, for several years.
Walls Far and Co. will have a
temporary office this year at the
Malem Fair grounds, and article
cn be shipped thereafter the 11th.
and up to the 19th.
John Reichen. of West I'nion
exhibited some St Lawrecc apples
at the Argus office today, that were
beauties. He won a blue ribbon at
the State Fair on this variety.
A petition U being numerously
circulated in this county, aekiog
the Governor to pardon Bert Oak
ma n Vf ho killed Frank Bennett in
the Linklater alley foor years ago.
Oakman is in the final stages of
consumption, and cannot live long
Rudolph and Emma Becker, of
pjrtland, who were divorced by
MrBride. last Aoril. were
renarried here Monday night, by
Jalee J. W. Goodin. The couple
were first married in ate mver.
Wath , in liiOG.
A larze foro of men are working
on the grade of the 0 E. on the
Tongue tract today, and expect to
finish tomorrow. The Oregon
Electric construction train was as
fur went an Kd. Lvons place teeter
day, and ought to be in town by
The Country Club and Livestock
AsanrMntion of Portland, which be
gins on Sept. 21et and ends on the
26th, promises to be a great anair.
The Wowing Washington county
strifikmen have made entries: 0.
C. Biers, of Cornelius, sheep; Grant
Mann of nrar Comeliue. will ex
hibit the first lot of polled Jerseys
tiver shown on inie coast, iney
were broueht from Ohio, by Mr.
Mann, at quite an expense. J. M.
8haver, of Forest Grove, will show
bis herd of Aberdeen Angus
The Fall Granite-ware
Sporting Plowing; Of
Season Will Every
Will Soon ' Kind
Soon Commence. And
Be We Description.
Here. Have Cutlery
Shot guns The Stoves
$5 Plows Ranges.
And You we,
Up. Want. Undersell
Ammunition See us Competitors
Men a 25c Sox
Fancy Pattrrns
13 pair for 50c
Men's 75c Golf
15 for $1.00
All 25c and 35c
Straw Hats
Nelson Hardware Company
iicl!int pcopUtonMonry
du q coaipotluoa. mer
Dr. fierce t aiMlclne. m
tea print vry lnirdlnt
hem upon the botll wr?-
IU corrwtne unatr oaia,
nt la favor. The com-
Pitrce t medicloM ll opn
f hiving th wrA light of invMtllt
rpn turtwi fully up"'i hi (urmulg, beinj
tlgsa roIirin I known Uk mor?
lUmrwhoiii"nile o( the ctiv
for It It lb
pert and at
art dailr (
Doition o(
to Trybodv
: "Oregon
Are you doing hat you can to populate your Stale
n i r
mxi.L'intl orlnclpin xlricttd from na-
tiva (nrxt rnnU br enct Qnxtitei
oriflnal with I)r. Pierc, and without th
dm of a drop o( alcohol. triple-rifined and
ehfmically purs f!jrcerin beinj u.d Irr
att in eitfai-ting ana preserring m
euratira Tirtow ruidlnf In the roots
mploTcd, the mlicinea r tntirely
fr from th objection of doing harm
by creating an appetiw mr ettner al
coholic beverages or habit forming
drags. Examine the formula on their
bottle wrappers the same as sworn to tj
Dr. Fierce, and tou win nna mat on
Golden Medical Discovery,' the great,
blood -purifier, stomach tonic and bowel
regulator the medicine wnicn, vnue noi .
recommended to cure consumption In It
advanced stagesfno medicine will do that)
yt dots curs ail thoe catarrhal condi
tions of head ana throat, wean siomacn,
torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak
i -a kn.f-r.iiffh which, if neg
lected or badly treated lead up to aud
finally terminate in coniiimiiion.
Take the iioldn Medical Discovery"
ir, u.n ind It 1s not likelr todisaDDofnt
you If on! you give it a Umrouuh and
Jair trial.' iDon't expert miracle. It
won t do supernatural inings. i uu nun
exercise your patience and persevere In It
use lor a reasonaoie lengm 01 uiuw vj
it lull benents. 1 ne ing reoienus 01 u'lu
VT. rierc s meoicines are coru jxwrvi u.
the unqualified endorsement of scores of
medical leaders better than any amount
of lay, or non-profewional. testimonials.
They are not given away to be experi
mented wUh but are sold by all dealer la
aaadlclnes at reasonable prices.
()RI T,() NKF.DS Pl-.Ol'LK-Settlers, honest fariner, inn lis
nics, merclisnts. clrrkv people with biainn, slntiC hmuls and
willing heart cnjnlel or nocapilsl.
Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon)
is sendiiiK t,f )rK" literature to the Kat for
through everv available ajje ncy. Will you not help the kI
ork of liuilifiiiK ' re?on by sen.linfj us the imuies an.l .Mirsrs
of vour frirmls who are likely to intereste.l in this slulr' W t
wifl I glail to bear the expense of seniliii( them complete in
furmatioii alwut OKKOON anil its opportunities.
OOLOHIST riOlfrTwill beonsaledunuKSI I'Tl'MIIKi:
AN 1) OC'luBKR from the K.ast to all poinlt in Oregon. Hie
fare from a few principal cities are
From Louisville f-7'
" CiuciuiuUi 42 20
" Clevclaud 4.1.75
" New York 55.1
Our Motto
Coin. lionK
From Denver. $30.00
" Omaha 30.00
u Kansas City 30.00
u St. Louis 35.50
" Chicago 38.00
If vou want to bring a frieml or relative to Oregon, ilepit the
proper amount with any of our agents.
furtuslira ny teiegra)n.
The ticket will llien 1
McMi beav, Gknf.Rai. I'assksc.h Ar.KST,
Portland, Orkcon
m & i
Notice of Administrator's Sal of Real
i Notice is beruby given that the under
nigne.1 AdmiuislraUir of the Kutate of
Busan K. Tanner, deceased, by virtue of
' an order made, rendi r :d and enterwl in
the County t oiirt or tne mw. 01 viun,
' for Washington County, on the 31st day
o AiitfUHl. in tne mailer ui
W. H. Wet, Plaintill
J. A. Ueid, Defendant
To J. A. Iteid, the above nameiare.,, "i" " deceM-d.
d.nt: In the name of thewau. oi uregon. . rj;j;il ailJ ....powering
You are hereby commanded and tf t,e UI1(jemigiied administrator, to make
uuireJ to be and appear in the above en-, Mle of lhe real property hereinafter de
titled court and answer the complaint w;rit)t,j j wj 0.. Monday, the r.tb day of
tiled airairnt you iu the above entitled : ttHnlier at the south ilinjr of the
oause on or before the expiration of six ! l:oun House in Hillsboro. WashiugUm
Hour or iw o'ctoca
ut riihllf ttllf.lofl.
A. m. oi
to the highest bidder for cash in nana, an
Notice ol Proposed Street Improvement
Notice is hereby given that the City
Council of the City ol Hillsboro. Oregon,
propones to order (bat the nortiona of the
streets of the City of HiUxboro herein
after particularly described and deBig
imted be Ranked with good solid rtr
Tiluiiks. Kl feet long, inches thick and Vi
nclies wide, said planks to be laid cross
wise upon .'i utriiigern. each stringer to be
ll iiicliHS wide and 4 inches thick, by e-
aiireiy iiiuio'f " y , . : , r. ;
kmners, each of id planks to be nailed
U. each stringer with 4-inch splkeaj
si kes to eacu oearn g. i "r" l"
tiit leveled before planking. The m reels
8,,d iwrtioiis of streets to be leveled and
w anked, are as follows: Main street be
tCen Third street and Fifth street and
hAtweeii Kiehth street and Tenth street
between c.ig IV" ..,, Qf Main
!i reel between Hiith street and Beventh
Mteet Second street between I.inco n
St and K.lsoii street and the south
hHlTof Second street between Oak street
R' ".. -. ii.. tinaotront between
, K,.rr.eT;..d end-Vtreet. all In
parcels ot wna fmnrove-
mine obju-nons, n ;, - - - -,
o'clock p. ni.
ri i '
iMtuse on or oeiore mc cii-v..,.. w. t;01irt House in nuisoor
weeks from tbe date of the unit piiblica-; Colly Oregon, at the hoi
tion thereof being on thetfrth day of July, A )f Haj)t rfgy, Bt
liiiti .n.l lliarlutn ot the last publication l ... . i... i.itis.t 1,1,1,1 ar fur o
.1.1 iiVI : "r ' lollowing uescnoeci real prvyvrij,
the Wlblday . ( b()i 8itut in Washington
will pf!sse , ,,.,,. .,,,1 narticularly de
irvmi Ifiil ko to auriear i r, ..-.. .n url,.
I complaint, the plaintiff 'i'(,e southeast quarter of the nor.
the court for the relief nef ,)f ectiI)U 30, township !4
id deinandel in OH" ,' a went nf tiie Willametto Merl
thereof being on the 17th day of tteirtnin
ber, lMOs, to-wit on or oeiore
r u...a, hur 1'SIK mill VOU
take notice that if you fail so to appear
and answer said
will apply to
..A (v.- ..,
uikwi t" .' - -
minplainl, to wit: . For a de:re tlmt
lie is tne owner m ict-uii
of the following descrilie"! real es
tate lying, lieing and situate in wasiuiig
ton county .Oregon, and more particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the northeast comer or
section VI, T. 'I S. R. 4 W. Will. Mer. ami
running tlienne west iz roos; iiiem
l llRllffl l nvn'w .... . - - -
range 3 west of the Willamette Meridian,
and also a tract uescriueu
ileginning at the southeast corner oi uie
ainive descrilied tract of land running
thunise north 40 chs.j thence east 4 chs.
and &4 fret; thence south 20 chs.; thence
east 12 feet; thence south 20 chs. and
thence west 5 chs. to place of beginnine,
i..t..t.w. in atl rjirt. tcroii- mora or leitM
running tlienne west roon; H(tj(j ae w, nia,ie sunieci to con
south 10 rods; thence went W rods; thence nrmatlo hy the County Court of Wash
north 10 rods: thence west HO rods; thence , ,. ..,., Drecnn.
south KO rods; thence east 240 rods; thence
tl.ta jiit fluv ttf A ncriiHt. HKJti.
I'itirn VMia J n
Administrator of the Estate of Hunan
K. Tanner. Deceased.
Bagley A Haie, Attys. for Admtnlstr.
Notice of Final Settlement
..AHii. uir.uU tn ti1iu of beirinntiiaE. eon
taining ll'X arw, more or less.
That your claim of some right, title it
interest to Hie premises above describe!
adverse to the plalntiir be adjudicated hy
tbe decree of the above entitled Court,
and that it be ordered, adjudged and do-
i 4i.u. .... U.,.l ull tuTMoiiK c alniimf
creeu vu ju i - -
by, through or unuer you, i iui' i
barre.1 and precluded from claiming or
attempting to claim, any right, title or , Notice is hereby given that the "der
interestof, in and to the premises alxive . Kxe:utors of the laxt will arid
described or any part or parcel thereof taHlainent of Conrad Schulniench, de
sxlverse to the title of the plaintill, and . t;ttlUKit have tiled their final account and
for such other and further decree as may rHp0rt in the County Court or Waslilng
be necessary and pruperin the premises. . Um County Oregon, and said t-mirt ha
This summons is served upon you by appointed Monday, the fith day or Octo
piiblicatioii by order of the Honoiable ber kh, at the hour of lOo cloia. m.,
Thomas A. McBride, made and dated " i 0f Hait day, as the time for hearing on
open court on theVMth day of July. 190S, Jctioiis to said aiwunt and report, and
which order directs that you appear and , ttie fll,al settlement thereof.
. . . ,,,i,. ,. i . i , u;n.h..r, riru . the 20tn dav
laL.l iininiv .
Of August, 1U00
m m m m m m '
WUIbU wJ v... j ' . .
,w. mx lusfttna m t wimkfl I roil I tlie
date of the first publication of this sum
mons lin the HillBboro Argus, the first
publication thereof being on the 30lb Am
of Julv. m, to-wit, on or before Wept. 17.
St. Mary's
A select boarding
school for girls
Primary, Intermediate and
Academic departments.
. Commercial course.
Special facilities for the
study of music.
Location healthful.
Orounds extensive.
Kvery modern convenience.
Thorough niornl and
religious training.
School Re-open on Tuesday,
September 8, 190
For farther information
apply to
and Hillsboro Street Girnival
September 30, October 1, 2 and 3
;., r; i,.,ur i.f Diirv Ki.ul- m Siallioii I'aratU-. Mxlul'it of Si'iiK
IM llt.M"Vr. ii".. - - - - - r, - - - t .
l-iiicst l-'ruit Kxhihii cvt-r witnessed iu Washington n.iuity. I npi lU'iS'
i'ortst Crovc, says that he will help with the finest fruit display cut m1''"
i ' t ,tit it
set tion. r.riiiK in ynr hi vcKdahlcs, samples of your j-rain, vc. NdiuinuiK 6
every day.
Gov. Chamberlain and Sen.
Fulton Are on The Program
'nine whole hnsiness hloeks of i-anvas. Hig time, rain or shim'. Kaicstwoi
of the session. Ihisehall panics hy selected teams fioin W'.tvliiiiKl"" l,,,ll"y'
Arnold's Big Shows Daily-Balloon Ascensions
Fanners and Stockmen arc requested to ive this l'air and Carnival llicii 1111 '"
iastic aid. Thousands of jx-ople arc coining to Washington county l'''s
many will visit the l'air. Let them sec what the hest county iu the stale can p10
for Information See or Write B. P. Cornelius, Hillsboro
Notice ol Final Settlement
.. . a , i rr -
I HillBboro ArgUB, !.' 'r ynr.
Remember, the OregoniD and
Notli'c Is hcn'l.v ki veil llntl thn iimler.
-IK"'"! eii'euior 01 inn iiihi. viii aim lenui
iiiimiI ol' llrliui M. I lulim, ilis iinsnil, Iiuh
t' lliu lltltll 'I III II t lit NIII'll OVlwillliir ill
I tie County Court of WaliiiiKt.on Count y,
j . i .....i . i.....
toi1!;'!!). nn'i mini i-niiib tmn n'nn 11 hjii
Moiiilny, thn lith iluy of Oi toiier, IIKIH, ill
tlm hour of 10 o'clock it. in. lor the hear uu
III Hllill llCCIIIItll.
II A Ull V V. (I ATKN,
Kxsc.ulor of thn last will hi,i InnlHtiieiit
of Helen M Ontes, (leceiisiiil.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice In hereby Kivcn llntl llm iinilnr
Hl(.Miec ii mi ni''l l ill 1 1 X of t lis eslitle of l,c
iiiulnr KiuiIh, ilernsMi'il, hits lllml In llm
I'liiinly Com! of Wimliiiii'loii Ciniiily, Or
ci;oii, her lliuil inpnit iiml itccoiml. In hhIiI
i'nIiiIii, iuhI "iilii HeiMiiinl. hits limin set lor
I. I. i. 1 1 . 1 ul.l I l.ilil.i li I wMl.l I.I.I...I
on Mutiiliiy, Oclolinr ft, l!W, it I III o'clock
it. in.
AiliiiiiiiNtriilri s of Hie KhIkIh nl' l,eiuiiler
llniiis, ileexHHeil,
.WVliMrcllAUyt for Ailm'i.
Nitlure (Jives Tlmeljr Warning
'Ihul No IlillNhiH-ii ('Illen
Can AltorU To luiiorc
DANCKU SIGNAL, NO. i loine. from
the kidney sectelion. They will warn
Vi u when the kliluey art sick. Well
kidneys eicrele clear, auiher lluhl.
Sick kidneys semi out a t lain . pale anil
ii limy, or a iiuta, rtu. in hiiii'iiiiiu uiiue,
r. . 1 1 r I : . .... i . .
iniiui pcuiiiieui ami preuiar 01 .iis' ine.
l)AMi. ; SIC.NAI. NO. 3 conies fioin
the hack. Ilitck pains, dull ami heiivy,
or ahsiu ami Heme, tell you of sick kid
dropsy, dishetes and Iti ' diseane.
Ilium's Kidney I'llls cure sick kidneys
iinu cure tlieui permanently. Here'
llillsiioru proof:
Mrs. I,. A, Whitc'omli.livlm on Rdlsou
st , II lliilioru, (lie,, says: "I had lieeu
bolhtred with kidney and bladdal
. ji ul fur h loMKlitW"' ";.,,rf
this iroulile I e-MUi.eo n fl (ft,,u
,,... Mykldnr) ,(y,
action ami kuvi ' B Jesulli '"' J!
.specially i'Kl;l i. ,ll,e nio-
lossofresl.l wouhl " ,
frelinu tired ' V.. lift r.""
atletnpled lo slou.) or
sharp liit)H wouhl l"," U,V m
insl'.ol mv hack ;;(dlM
renie.lies. ..... ,,, ponv
my allel.H.'il ' lw; ''.
I"'""1 tion"'"," ,1,1.
kidneys a.e , y
have not h.l 1 .i ijojU
nil.. .....f ll n.rt
ney I in" " " , ri."1
., .... I.. ..II ll''1'"'. Rdr
p ur rim" "J "Mi.iirn tD'Tu.
f,0 tvMitH. K..HiHr-Mir" (orl"
Mo, Nw York , hoi"
pum,.,linr llm ,lftU
4ud Uk nuoiunr.