The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 03, 1908, Image 1

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vol.. xv.
NO. 25
hi ii i' i v HMv r I I. c
The KcwouN Mum Over Immi
Awiv ViiCiml in 1 liin'C jdinly
UMI UrrKK l"H N'H WklrV
ol ( 1 Link" MomrtrJrl (Her
la (.olini.lil taunt
Willie Hroe , w h workii.g on
lli rtM'l n-r lt and ruiiitly
m.'I ""I". KrU'"K
' tiili llif work. ,l ban '''H
j ib, however, and roiii.lerll hard
ink yl remain l' I" I"!'" ir
Ibt wink i iiiiiehnd. Amirdiiig
Ui llii imiiily reoofda, wL. h ttiy
ti gnu,: "vt in their of k, uii
i ut i l i vr r i im-nl land yet r
ailili In b taken in thin dimly
la uii linhi there ere
icim, which epper varmii laud,
iml in two ullr l wiiiii, h'tf
an 1 i m, Mixl t tin- tiacie
.11 Ui""l ( I" in what i
known lh 'burnt ilmtrirl," Kinl
lultlirflv the (jr tllxi a thui;,t
in I r t ti 1 n "eliot land." bet
Ultra that ria nt lnnd ha. Imii
kelllril Up, U'" baa '""r" f 1,1
bwxciily linn for fruil and, in
fit iV'fylhitig flw thai in Kfown
in the valley. Kitiveyiir Ikrr
UlU lf lllkll "tl IMUIIH lilllil lgll
fjlid on nhitt lie Mippiil .h a
burned it ". only ti find later mi
tbil covered willi fill tiiti-
hit 't which fl-rfl f ill""
f.if If III 'liiiliilMil. lliolrn'l Mmii
jmt over line, in Columbia
ruiiiily, however, I .a I irintf.
lliillb tn 111.11 look ill IHIIIllu'lH
of i lil nl land iii r V rn vrmii, in
lliil cuiily, tul went til th
Cnilf.l Slates land uHii-p, mn
OpIjT In find tint llm win. In
hut l'i n lilnl nn, fii'' one
pee, which wm ncii (iiili home-
trading It may lw taken fur
iihIih llmt al of III" khI ( i v
;rtii;;nl !i,. in W aldington
county ha Uet taken.
I have a limited niiitjiil of tarn
ami rye fur mei.l. Kirel cmue, tirl
wvni John A Huliim, KiHirlli
mil link etreeU, IliUelmio, hnle.
tnlelil lelepbittllt 2' l'
II S .TitHKuly ii, irrniilllit l't lllf
P"tlliul Itmlw.y l.iifhl A l'nrr
(-0, ulaltnl in mi itilftviri will' ft
roriUnil .nH-r UhI Sumlity, llmt
bn roiiiiniiy ih . nl id hi mil x i( n'
fiir i tip( tin- IlilUlmra liitlil it 1
It iUnt, llmt of Kr-et
Urn.! lt i-nlil that K i Hykm
fH)iiiit In Hti alt til (inllii'1! lltf
pliiil mi lux nan nocotinl It waii
Hfldi-tHtiHhl hitrit. on llit ocraiiitn i!
Mr. Hyknit vmil, that iho I'lirllatnl
Mtnpiiiy iU.nirr.1 lint iitant, al
tlmt wax Un itiiprHinit ri
iiw t y llin riuincil it nta itnl
"llT tiitii-h. Imwiivpr ih it ia
likely ,si jn ilWfVnt tha pUnl ia
fM it aill Im Imiinht liy litcal cap-
ii lm thiiifc lhay know what ll
""tirtli, hh welt aa outaiilera.
iTatik Kwlaay, tlm mail niper-
i'"r (if 1 1, i iliHtriot. tininhul ilia
J'llinf rn ili'fkinn tlm long liriiltia
"lamii illH.(iro anil Curm-liua.
'I'lav. He a I -n nut in nuine
l' Ktrin(;irM, wlitrn llify wura
J"Ihi. iho new (ilankiiiK w
I'iii Uin the plaoka, Imiglh
"'fl, ID f.'t wi, In, ami it took almut
'MXHI .t I,, Hnjgi, h j,. The
b,il, aliirh la .rtiK) fiti.1 loiiir, ia
" in Knoil comliiiiiii for travel.
Ftiuhti 'lil'cl tiu an niilniiiiili'lln
"mt niiiH o'clock Montlay morn
" Jiiiin itrown'a Imrao, attarliiul
WIIih 'i.h Karjiit ditlivHry wacnn,
away. Thtt animal cirrlwl
lroijii'l th handHtantl in the court
',ri'i mI UihhI the trnui, am)
tlii'it cttpturHil. The wagon
""UiiiHil HoniH iliimagH, litit the
"iiiiml wan unhurt.
llllltriu li.iu Ititmt a II I.
llHIllllv I'lllml . I.. i llun
Hi.;,. "7 "nu i '
. W I I'llV .... .i i .. i
i. , nun nnn Kiiirtrii tinni
0I" ilHtiea. Mr. Imlirie whh for-
WUrly rotllilu uluik nl ll,;u nmmlv.
IH Hi llfUiiU U lilt ll.o tAlirf ItitllUU
Hon iii.liu.. i .. i i. tt'..
R i i titutrii ni tii" ii in
yh ipyiird.iu.rlh of IIillHlioro.
l'rt)IIH(nMriic' III liinlt llOI.H Mllllll III
Wwat the yard, or with Itagley
I" Hum. Hilki onif
Jollll Kii1jnhlr will liouin liidk-
IH Irnpn i ,ia hiK, SO acre yard
Mim.lay, s,,Ilt 7 nH win em-
luiun in t & wn.
Hut, nj.x
I ,. i wvin nnuiru nt tun it
"He l.o,, yttr, No JapH -mplov
I.. "iinnn y , yy , llllhlfliri,
''""'ville, Ore. 21 tl
W It Ui i n -i
N- nirnttier HUH Wllfl, (il i uri-
1111,1 if,Bml ay.
Ilritwii :iu .
., "Hi VIMIlfil
I nrtlainl Hatunlay.
H II ami Mm l!nl,k,of Hai,k
ra in town Unt Kiiday.
IliilUrii k K..hi(, hiMik.aud any
patli.rn, fur 2't etinta at liaird'a.
llfllaira, of MminlaindaU,
a a rntiiily mt , rr Haturday
Iry CaUa, tlm fainntia gra
J '' . l l'alinlir'i Coiifn tionery
J. M. Ilri.ln-a ami wif., f U,,u,
Vl.itrd iu ling ,it, Hun
day. Iid Urihittti, of imar IWar
t"ii. win it, ihe county atiat taut
Try "tdir Hlie !..,f," at
Ui" City liakory, on Main atrwit,
IlilUlxiro. tj
W. M. Wahrung ralurtifd Hun
day ft nut a bu.iimaa trip to Cooa
Hay puinU.
Moimy to loan on rual anlata.
IVrin. rra-oiiahlit. Apply to Ku
ratli tiro , HtlUltum, Or. 21-lf
Mia. I) C. Morrill, of near lira
varlon, w.i in tlm city Monday, ou
hiiini...a pfiMaiiiinx hr hu!
Mia M.UI Withvcomlia, a
datiKhlar of Dr. Jaa. Withyrtiuikta,
f Cnrvallia, ia a gtmat of Mtai
Klorfiii-a Tnnitua.
' have jtiat tm eivnl a rar (d
lUiti wigima from Ilia farlory.
Will anil at Portland prim.
-hiilmarich Hroa. ft-tf
SliMilF llatiiitck piirchaawl 70
cofd. id word fur lha variuua ofliera
of lha cotinly, rwanlly, moat of
wliii'h haa Imnit dalirercd.
For Sala -Several aall hrtnl 0 I
('. anwa and pi". Will ! told
ai-paralnlr if ilnairwl. Call on or
addrnta K V. lialamaii, HillaUiro
V. :, 2 ri H
Hupt. M. C Can infurma the Ar
Htt" lliat the atifiply of tnarhera for
tlm Virioim tcliiMil dmtrinla of tha
(xittnty ia mora than ual to the
A. M. Carlile. I.. A. WbiUomb,
Mr. and Mra. O'Hhaa, Mr. Alice
KiMird and Mi" Kliea Wilkna were
among the HillaUiro riailora to
I'nrtland, Sunday.
J. A. I ml iria had a foroe ol men
at work I.hI Saturday, tearing up
the old aidrwalk iu front of hia
tniaineaa prnMrlv ou Main atreet,
pr ptratory In pulling in a near re
mnnt aidewalk.
II. O. Strvenaon, Slate (lame
Warden, maiding near Koreatlirove,
haa I iff n appointed a delegate to
the l.'aguaof American Sportamen,
to I h. held l l.kwlon, Oklahoma,
O, toti.r 12 and lit
la At John IlaiiBchel'H,
on lha Walter'a idace, one mile
eat of Cedar Mill, on the Cornell
road; IVrlland K. D 2, Jlox 1.5; a
new much, a firat rlaa range, Hour
tahle, new rocker, uatd only one
month. 24 if
The Foreet Hroe Colta played
the Marrieil Men of Forent lirove,
Friday. "IUd" I.aughlin pitched
lha liret hall for the married men,
and wan eo long in winding up that
ha almost forgot to pitch the hall
The Colta won the game hy a score
of H tot'..
Sheiitr lUnctKk, who went to
Ardoria to attend a meeting of the
SherillV Aaeociation, returned Sat
urday morning. He report that
15 Hhrnirii wera in attendance, aud
that lite boyg were royally treated
hy the city, during their eojourn.
Matt l'omeroy waa re elected l'rea
idenl of the Aseociatiou.
Pttraons wiehing to tile their
farnia will always find a large stock
of line tile in our yard at Scholls.
We aleo Prry nnca
building hlwka. Those intend
ing to huihl will find a Urge sup
ply of lumlier t our yrd, and you
are invited to call snd look over
nur Block before iiurehswing. 1 he
(Ironer-Uowell Co , Scholia; P. 0.
addreea, Hillaboro, Ore., K. l. I
Mine Manohe Langley.the versa
tile local editor of the Forest Grove
Times, was in town Saturday, ao
companiad hy a beautiful hver-ool-ored
doggie, whioh was presented
to her hy nn admiring friend. I he
doc, however, was prone to wander,
much to the owner's disgust, so a
false Iriend told her to smear the
purp's nose with oleomarKarine,
.n.l it would not leve er On the
ncasiaaof her visit to H eboro.
Miss Lsngley greaseu .
plentifully with eipenwve oreaoi
iry loo.l.lm still the dorg would
stray. While at dinner here, the
".nine vanished completely, and
h owner .eked obliging John
Vanderwahl to bunt it up . fo her
promising John "a nice puB talh.
Times" for his trouble. After ooi
aping trouble with the owners,
John threw up the sponge, and in
anoloRiaing for bis failure, said,
apniogi. i a fire-insurance,
hunting butter-nose dogs 1 m a
l alls I' rum O.H.& N. IVeiRht
Car an J Loses Hoth Lcrs
Wm Huntd la 1'ie.liyttriaa lliurth-
yaiii, Vorlli of Uill.bara
Samuel T. Freeman, who was horn
in tbia rounty 21 years ago, was
buriiid iu the Presbyterian church
yard, north of lown, Monday. Free
man was a brakeman ou the 0. R.
k N.and laat Friday night, while
riding on the top of a freight car,
Unt his balance and fall under the
moving train, and lost both ol bis
lege. The accident was noticed by
another trainman and the unfor
tunate in at u waa picked up and
taken to Portland with all possible
haute, hut while being conveyed
from the train to the hoepilal he
died from loan of blood. Tbe re
maim were brought out to Hills
horn, Monday morning, aud taken
out to tbe Scotch church, where
Itev. James A Campbell preached
ihe funeral aernion, interment fol
lowing in the churchyard at that Freeman's father, mother,
and brother live at North Yakima.
Waeh. The father ia W. P. Free
man, an old reeidentof this county,
and tbe brother, Thomas Freeman,
is also well known here. Thomas
Freeman, the brother, was present
al tbe funeral. Tbe funeral was
largely attended, several relatives
and friends of the family going
fin in litllebiiro.
A very pleasant surprise party was
given Saturday eveninir. Auguat 2!),
in honor ol Mit-s Kda Heckman, at
the home of her parents iu Bath
any. A pleasant lime was Bpent
in playing games and dancing
The lawn was beautifully deco
rated with Chinese lanternB, and
refreshments were served at 12
o'clock. Those present were:
Mr. mill Mr. A. Uerkiiian, Mr. and
Mm. e.invri, Mivk's h'la llrcktnttii, Kate
Krlirli, Met. Iliiuwn, lk-ll Hunt, Annie
Smith, Sutan Thompson, Kale Thomp
son. ImIh'1 Thomtwoii, Louisa Kintf. Kl-
ranor llaiin-1, Mninl llaniel, Wliitten,
Ann. Ilollirook, Anna Hess, I.oinsa
Smith; Mrssrs. Herman Toellr, 1'rank
Hiirtim, Kowor Palmer, Preil Hess, Wil
lie Hansen, Portland; Jay Snnimons,
Willie AiUims. Koh llousewirtb, Walter
ll.nui'ii.Ilnb King, Reinolil Houarwiitli,
Willie Mi-Allen, (;ottte.b uercber, An
,l(t w Hc.kmaii, (lottli iti Heckmau, Lt e
.Mrait, Allreil Holi'oinb, Howanl Hoi-
For Salt or Rent
Flnurine Mill: ca-
- D " '
7(1 harrals: has a laree stor-
, j, ... . - , ..
ing rapacity. Also, tne nutsiHtro
W.ruhniiitA ZUU.vaai OU6II
els. Will be sold separate, or to
getber. Appiy io
John Milne, Hilhiboro. lfi-27
CaiJ of Thanki
W wish to oiler our heartfelt
tK All ka for all the kindness and
sympathy shown us through the
Bickneae and alter me aeam oi our
beloved wife and mother.
J W.Howard,
Bessie Howard.
Buxton, Or., Aug. 27, 190S.
Tbe following business men are
preparing to put down new cement
wa in ironi oi vneir property iu
" ..... it ttri.
thiB oity: W. V. wuey, n. tven
.(. Snna Kd. LvonB. Fred Cor
nal i lid r;Ip Cava. Wall and Hei-
,t-i Rnfiis Waaaener. Dr. 8 T.
t intt.iar Hchuimericn uroe.. rvu-
..ii n,na Dr. Wood, the Crescent
Theatre people, and the County.
The latter will build on the east
and Bouth side or the court nouse
Some of the hoyB are already tear'
Ins up the old board walkB.
k WAiaenbeck. manager of
the Witch Haiel farm, ana w. u.
Miller, were in town Monday, rar.
that nickine in
n rirrii-x. - , m' tnn
the Witch Hazel yard of 100 acreB
!ll l.nnir. nn Rmitflmber 7th. The
nnnA in that vard this sea'
oroii i" a . . ,
. n,i n nkimrwui na easier iubu
last year, for the reaBon that there
are fewer leaves to contend with.
Mr Weisenbeck Btated that be wae
going to pay $1-00 per hundred
for nicking.
"Does the Cam pbel lite Christian
m v. tlm name, doctrines
and practices of a New Testament
church ; will ue iuo euoj. .
Baptist church nexi ounuay moru
pk.iatiana nl all denoimna
lions, including the Campbellite
denomination, uuwv
Geo. R. Varney, pastor.
card mounts
rituiDi r . i ,l
l nd cametaB. at tbe
NFerd (Jroner and wife, of Scholia,
were in town Saturday.
(Jeo. Hatborn. of near Laurel.
waa in the city Saturday.
Tents, cam i) stools, hammocks.
canvass cots, at Patterson's.
E. J. Wood, a Portland insur
ance man, was in the city Monday.
W. 0. Zeiirler. of Philomath.
was in town visiting friends last
Just received the new fall But-
terick fashion books, and Delineat
ors, at Baird's.
F. W. Deleman, a well known
farmer of the North Plains, was in
town Monday forenoon.
Call on or phone to Dennis for
groceries. A complete and up to
date line always on hand.
Mr. Trent, a cousin of Jabez
Wilkes, visited the latter Saturday.
Mr. Trent lives near McMinnville.
For sale: A good Jersey cow.
freeh in September. Inquire at
ord & Maple St , Hillaboro, Oregon.
S. D Powell. 2.r,.2H
Mr. Withyoomiie, of South Tua-
alin, was in town last Friday.
Mr. Withycombe has a real estate
office in Portland.
Miss Mela Wallace returned last
Friday from a month's visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wallace, at Hammond.
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxcellencia. These cigars are of
the beet stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Alfred Ladd, of near Banks, was
in town last Saturday. Mr. Ladd
taught the Banks school last term,
and gave good satisfaction.
W J. Buttner, County Commis
sioner, of near Beaverton, was in
town last Saturday, on business
connected with the county board.
Lost Hound, black, with ring
of white around neck; tip of tail
white. Wearing a leather collar.
Notify J. U. Houser, 'phone, Far
mers' 304. 25 6
Geo. Schulmerich and wife, Ed.
Schulmerich and J as. Cave went
to Portland, Sunday, to witness the
baseball game between Portland
and Oakland.
Uncle Isaac Leisy, one of tbe
pioneers of this county, and at
present residing with relatives in
ortland, was in the city Saturday,
shaking hands with old friends.
Tbe Oregon Klectrio was pre
vented from finishing the road into
Hillebnro last Saturday, by the
Greek laborers, who to tbe number
of 175, laid ott' to observe a holiday
of the Greek church.
We enrrv too many articles to
enumerate, but we have anything
the farmer needs. The lamest
stock ever shown in Washington
county, and can and will beat all
competitors. Schulmerich Bros.
Tillamook ueonle are elated over
tbe visit of J. u. wood, tramo
manaser of the Northern Pacific
railroad, and rumors are atloat
over in that country that the
Northern will build a branch from
Astoria, which will give Tillamook-
era an outlet.
Mrs. M. M. Pitteoger and son,
Dr. Pitteoger, have bought three
lots of Albert Hartrampf, on Ibird
and EdBon streets, in .this city, and
will build a cottage on one of the
lota this, tail, for Mrs. Pittenger's
daughter, Mrs. Lake, who has a
position in the public schools here
Kx-State. Senator J. W. Maxwell.
of Tillamook county, died on the
2Gtnst., of Bright s disease. Mr
Mil i well waa a member of the Leg
islature for several terms, and was
also one of the first" men to enlist
in thn war of the rebellion. He
waB born in Hancock county, 111 ,
in 1831.
Portland same hoes are accused
of slaughtering deer in the Tilla
mook country, and after cutting
out the hams, abandoning the re
maimlnr nl the carcasses to BDOtl
One deer carcass, so treated, was
thrown in to the Nehalem river,
and left to decay. .The game war
den ought to make it hot for such
As no admittance fee ia charged
by the HilUboro Fair, it will be
seen that it is not a money making
nroDOBitton. All tbe money raised
to defray the coet of the Fair cornea
from private subscription, and the
Fair committee cannoi inereiore
nav nramiuma for stock exhibit!
Manv owners of fine stock, however.
have offered to bring their animals
here and exhibit them, as a matter
of nersonal Dride. The old county
fair ought to be revived, so mai
Waahinetnn county could have an
exhibit of its livestock on a targe
scale. Then an admission lee could
lw nharoad. and firemiums riven
for the beet exhibits of stock, There
ia lots of talk about reviving tbe
old fair, whioh was such a success
In hoannn daR.' hut. thna far noth
ing tangible has resulted regarding
.VI 11.
larriman Orders Completion
of Road to Tillamook
Gradiag Will Laat lotil Bad Weather
Seta is Tbia Fall
be visit of Mr. Kruttschnitt to
Hillsboro and Tillamook, two weeks
ago, resulted in much good, as his
report to Mr. Harriman was so fa
vorable, that the latter has ordered
work to begin on the P. R. & N. at
both ends of the line, and to be
continued until the road is finished.
he projected length of the line is
80 miles; and the approximate
coet will le $4,000,000. One mil
lion has already been spent, and
the other 5,000,000 are now avail
able. Bids will be opened in a
few days, when the successful bid-
r on the Hillehoro end of the
line will be known. A number of
bids are now in. On tbe Tillamook
end, Contractor Wakefield will be
allowed to go ahead with his work.
hen tbe successful contractor
on this end is known, he will as
semble his men, horses and mater
ial, and work will go on as fast as
possible. Tbe road ia now being
operated as far as Buxton, a dis
tance of 20 miles, and 8 miles be
yond Buxton have been graded.
At the big tunnel, at the summit
of the Coast Range, there yet re
mains about 200 feet of rock and
earth to be removed, when it will
be ready for the grade. The com
pany haa not yet decided whether
it will use the high or low survey
on Salmonberry. There is a differ
ence of about half a mile between
the two roives. Work on the Til
lamook end, under Wakefield, be
gan Tuesday. Tbe order of Mr
Harriman now removes all doubts
about the future of the road, and
there is rejoicing all along tbe
line. Tbe line will be finished in
1910. C E. Lytle, of this city,
says that the grading will oontinoe
until bad weather drives the con.
tractors out, and that tunnel and
other work will probably go on all
John P. Adkins, 75 years of age, a
resident of Gaston, died at his home
Friday. He was a native of Illinois
and is survived by the following
children: Hiram Adkins, Sheri
dan; James A , Minnie M. and
nomas Adkins, Gaston, and Mrs.
Lillie Beck of near Gaston. The
funeral was held Sunday with
burial in the Hill cemetery.
Farm lor Sale
wish to sell my farm, containing
152 acres, 110 acres under plow,
good house, barn and orchard, 3
miles south of Hillsboro, and one
mile west of Farmington. For fur
ther information, address,
E. Burkhalter,
44-Gm Hillsboro, Ore.
John Loeli, of Helvetia, who was
examined by Dr. Linklater, on a
complaint of insanity, was last Sat
urday adjudged unsafe to be at
arge, and was accordingly cox
milted to tbe IoBane Asylum hy
Judge Goodin. Loeli was born n
the canton of Berne, Switzerland,
and haa resided in the vicinity of
Helvetia for a number of-years.
On Monday last, on complaint of
Supt. A. J. Roy, of the county farm,
Wm Hart, an inmate 0! the poor
house, was examined by Dr. F. A.
Bailey, before Judge Goodin, and
was also committed by the latter
to the asylum. Hart is an imbe-
oile, and has been paralyzed. He
was born in Honolulu, Hawaiian
Islands, and was a laborer previous
to bis commitment to tbe poor
farm. Both Losli and Hart were
taken to the asylum Monday, by
two guards from that institution.
W. O. Donelson. the furniture
dealer, has sold his stock of furni
ture, and the business appertain
ing thereto, to his brother, A. C
Donelson, who will hereafter con
duct the business. W. 0. will
still own and have charge of the
undertaking business.
Wiyi Raolev will besin rjickine
in his hne hop yard, north 01 town,
on the 7th inst., with a full com
o t - d r 17
plement of piokers. He will run
5 drying kilns this season.
SnAcial discount of 15 Der cent
nn aoraen doors and adjustable win
dow ' screens, for short time only,
at ratterson s.
A. Schumacher, of near Bethany,
YT:ll-t ' 1 . r 1
WBB a tluiBooru vmuor luouuay,
Get your photographjuppliee
See Our Full Assortment
cf toilet aidi ii an abtolute necessity at
thi reaort especially. Whether you itay
at home or go away you need them just
the same. That tbia pharmacy is the
beat place to obtain them any one will
tell you who haa once used
Our Toilet Aida and Article..
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we invite you to secure your
.apply here, knowing yon will lie more
than satisfied.
A. S. Sholes, Pres
Statement of Condition of
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
at the close of business, July 13, 1908
Loans f1St.361.6S Capitol Stock $ 25,000.0a
Cash and due from Surplus 10,000.00
banks 9S.136.36 v 1 j r.
Real estate 6Soo.o I mhvided profits.... 930.13
Furniture, Fixtures.. 2,700.00 Deposits 253,267.91
; ' ' 1 $2.,198.04 j 289, 198.14
Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold far
Cash Oafy. Positively no Credit.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
C,We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads al!
others ia quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSaid a Buslaess Man : " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out in the end." Said ail Educator. "The quality of instruc
tion given in your achool makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest"
COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
References: Any bank, any newspaper, any buainess man la Portland.
Chenette Row, Main St., Hillsboro
Bet. First and Second
Mfthes Specialty of Metal
and Composition Roofing, '
SKy-lights and Cornice
Worh. General Jobbing
Reipectfully solicita a share
Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier
of the public's patronage.
or sleuth." At UBl accouuin
. .Ill .1 la M ft A
r, 25-8
to iu re-estaousnmeni.
the roil Win '.,, "
"fo viditor riunday.
do wsb sun av a-
,"; Ellsworth, of HdhollH, was a