TT JnlILLSBR NO. 21 HI LLSHORO, OREGON. AUG. 27, I90B. VOL- XV The jUflJD DAVIS WAS KllitD NBAIl UAMUN Tree SUP' lo Mn nd Crulc Vomm Muni" Dentil iSCUAKC tP OKCHAKU USD l.ititr Dfddft Aaloeatal Death killed Helur.lay ",,,,r ,,111,,, irrM f-r ..Um. Tb. ae- :... h.i.i.eud &ocli. k In ,h. .firr n.u, nJ lh.Wjurd m.t. j,ed until '. o'clock. Lvi. ti.p'oynl by 'yu' i- ii. . I'orlUutl firm having ...,.i lo rler land "1,,ul i ... i i... Portland tiartle. Tbe orcci' . .... lo (laaton from young p.... I. ml about the flral of J"" Nothing i uo"u ' ,ll,n' olh" I,., bum U iw r-n nl. "Aitail Deputy Coroner Harding made ; ,.(... ii tmt concluded tn to im1"1 ' i nmiH'Miinr. hr-witoa i.i... ilm-lara that the trunk o! lb. Ut alipp"! backward lo in Ml. catching Datia unaware, I .....Una Klin fatall. DU , The cn of lb ie three tuilM eel of Ul. near trie Jen llUK . , met bin Ugio death leal week. Jn. Jerk, was in from farming Ion let Haturdey. Tenia, rami) aloola. hammocke. mDih rota, el Patterson's. Jril Niohodnmiia, of Karraington, wae in the oitjr Haturdey, greeting frlenda. T. I'll... II U..I. f t " .1 try wur uuii'w matin i'iai, at lh City Hakery, on Main atreet, till lu.a iiiu.iMiro. n u A. Keveruien, formerly post in as tar el Cenlervilla. was in town Heturday. t...i I . ik. .... f.n ni. lerirk fashion books, and Dellneat ora, ai naira a mi inn VISITS H1LLSB0R0 Arrives in Hillsboro at 30 A. M., and (iocs to Buxton MiKES mPECMS OP P. K. a N. Southtra Pacific New Owat Baada of Kaad Jiiim Itiltnr. a a nl 1 known fkruinr . . . i . . oi nkr iiaivaiik, wtt a counij viaitor laal haturday. Call nn or nhnna to Unnnia (or iimnia A muni itta and uo lo n - r i . - i ii daU line tiwaya on oanu. U'm Htnhsna nf Knmal (rov. Joan U Iba citv Halurdar. frMllDg hia iuoMr inenua. V LJ I I 11 T 1. 1 UU ' " " HIV. liUla tko down near Iba Hare mill, wta in ina cut rnuruay. J. W. Mrah, ol Caulaf villa, wm . . . r i . : Tl I. to luaciiy r rmay aTBoioj. tuiwu' . . nil . i : - log la in lull oimi oui oia "j IIIIITTOIMIVITT WW (i W. Hine. of Buxton, v'lBited tlillaboro lam aunuay. tOUNTY BOARD Juliua k'rnitBchniU. diractor of mtlntjinifim for tha Hoothern Pa ciflo line in Oregon, arrived in i mrn from I lllkinook. tlklUf- ila mnrniiiiT. and left out at 6:0 i ' o'clock, in company with K K. I.y- He. iir dent of the 1'aciBc Kail- Navitfttion ComuftDT. and J n - ' C K I.t tie. General Manager, for . .. . a. L inection of the line oeiween mie point and Buiton. The party re tnrnml klout !:10. and tbedietio kuUhed Houlbarn P.ciflc official went on ioto Portland, to go eouth nil mMtwith bn cDiei. narriman tv, Kr.,iiVrn haa kcoiiired the I 1 II U I ' " 1 ' lkitiM knd ih P. K A N .. nut toie r UI inrii'i. children a bo you can do no bet- jn no way ifficU the poaition of K. .1 ... t ... ..I lkn Itannia L' I al. IV. lVa rnk4 whinh Will Mr vuau VJ uuj u, """' r. ijjmv uu i ... , 1 1 built ny me lijuni u Cair Jkuper. who hu been vie- m in OJ0ns itinf over to Tillainwik, u down ; from North Foreet Urove, 8atur- cgLEBRATES ooth BIRTHDAY . - u i iiaj. rWiil diKountof 15 per canton acrenti(H)ra iitMRl fllff " ' n. 1UIU. '"''" - - . leraona. " Lid,! men in Oregon and ona o! 1 . a II L. I .UiUeain Willeri, of rouluweei oipu pioneer, ah oi ui u. U. ami aatk .i. .Uiiuhtra and One BOU, iuu RECORD BREAKER In the County Recorder's Of. lice for Fees RECEIPTS WERE $448.55 Up to the istb of Tbia Mooth Receipts Wert S250 That real estate is changing bands at a rapid rate in this county, is bv the considerable in crease of fees in the office of the County Recorder. A big buncn ol right of way deeds came in this week from the Oregon fclectnc LAST MONTH WAS Butterick Fashion book, and any 1 pattern, for 25 cents at Baird'e. A H. K. McKinney, of Portland, vibited relatives in the city Sunday. Mr. McOill, one of the proprietors of the Oregon Nursery, was in tne fit Mondav. 11. L. Burchell, of Cooper Moun. ,n6 .1 1 : : li;ilrj I tain, trancaciea uubiuobu iu mno- boro. Saturday. Born, to the wife of J. E Bechen, near West Union, Oregon, August 22. I'M. a eon. Harry Cook, the Cornelius old lime ball player, was in the city hriday evening. For Sale Sanders' double-disc plow, nearly new. J. X. Miller, Hillsboro. R. I). 4. 21-tf Hillsboro people are kp busy . 15lh f settinc the new Southern Pacific -fji fim, tlble in tbeir heads. lh. pr ol month nearly 250 in Tbe Tillamook baseball dub will "8" 7 7k h..v.f was play the Forest Grove Colls, at carder. Last month however was y,mj iuo . a v,...i.r in ih Recorder B Forest Urove, nexiounuay. icuuiu - - . .... iVio reinu at the end of the Money to loan on real eeiaw. Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku- month totaling the neat Bum of . . . ... ... ances, the itonth of Auguel bids Mrs. L. A. Rood spent the fore fair t ' gu a6fl lhe previous month part of the week, visiting her maUer of income. Many daughter, Mrs. Curtis, of Forest . ,e are reportej, Grove. anj ft j8 DOw evident that an era of a :.i j:..,nni J 1.1 ner cent .rvaritn BHtilins in for Wash- on screen doorB and adjustable win- ington county. Many of the large . .u... (ima nnlo . r hnrAtiforA held in aOW BCreene, lor buuh "-;t itntu ui i"v. -- - - . I P.Harann a thic muntv will be subdivided ana I 1 aa.k.A asA BklkalTinfJ See Our Full Assortment I iacountofrcnton bis 00th JK?I3Kr HS' ' , and adjuatab . window brlhd M Fofe(t Grove, August Banks baseball team next Sunday, om Qg o the Electric line short time only.i -t- J(.lh Mf Mtrkw 0D8 0, lh. Aug, M fct Bank,. haB haS much to do with the pres- oldeat men in Oregon and one 0! w . - , received a car of .P,;it in land sales, and the u-ij I vte uyo juo 1 eni aciiTiiy u hum .v.i - 11 children. . from thB factory. LnionHia black soil of this county . 1 j .i 1 La.... Ana inn ina i ..H . .1 .. 1 AAB 1 . l 1 n 1 .itiilnnal t,r(rd- ton, wka in waiuraay, enu an uauguier- .uu i 1 sell at roruanu V"- ie another attraction. ueu F Tb. Wlo. ing .ddiii "n Pr;3, Lbal 'u .re rather under avsrags Lany grand and great grand chil-1 8ohninieri0h Brofl. 51-tf le find out about its wonderful inaa ar had tf Inel OUnlT lur I , ..... j .... ..tmnl lr . . .. .1 ;it Kaai. oobe ir,.h and 2-id of tbi. n.ontb. U. Jl J" Mr"Markee was born . . .1 .. 1 ... Vi'.iM.ii u I a. iV.a HKillkr and the I mi . " .Mnnn mflrmo diuh. " n . nnn nut kudus lis wvv.. nu . ... n n.l. .kn has hen nrrxincilveDBBB luoy win u 00 ibe i:m anu i ui ' ..; , Mr. Market i torn AUgusv iu, n v. v, - The resignation ol Terry w aiiu Bm0kere me me nou . Columbus, Ohio, and in visiting biibb - - . .. 1. ... Il.w.l.. ii Tku. nlaara ark Ol lo 1 ur"' . . . .' . .1 .k. alnmail tn her home as juBiie 01 uiw i RkQOiiouw-. .m - 18., lne piain, oyoi io.uj, . m . .,,. : . .k. It .i.wk inu can I iuui au . . , - U:n. hi n I'anil Ifttnn. MOUUBT- pracioci wa i'!'.!. i i"-. --- I locating at teoar buh, u' -....- , V A i aierwin, oi mui. -r iiivnnnij u engaged in farming, ana uycu u H Ualvani, oi me bukiucci- . ,-. pointed JuBtiew of the IW for jjjon j, tuiller at the Cll I W'aabiDgton Caunty ever since. lo- dep,rtment of the Oregon I wish to sell my farm, containing nanaa ureci nut. u na m t iuibod ib uuiw rh phiuiren ureseui " ti,. iii n of Thoe II ftinin ., . ina ai win for redemption iroui ia -. j b h,j yri 0f experience. M,rlMi Forest urove; m-. vu- wlh hii compaDy. m. b ,uu . - - y- . allowed. . .1 u K.. iiiat Gardner. Mouuiainaaie; mr-.. ... . . WiW .nd daunhter. " . "A: 7 Cornner'a re,ort; ordere,! hat .o. vr. " , hio hMkion,; Mrfc Mary U.yee. ;ieen voting intormationaaare., 'A!TJr. ZZJZVZZ S. yofJudgeA.C.Arcld 44,m 0,... ratoHHlsWo, ... m : .1. ir'a-ii i akM i iinivr. uii BVWH- . a i aainvnoi 1 1 1 i 111 l .1 .u.ik ..r unknown inao aeDU lo jour .... v..K Tha t conuineu - - r . tin ii ui ... i - Lieuaui. ii i i Tnuiiiu mhrninir. n..,Timlr. P,nkliua has re-Lu (w-J 494 years. Over 4U uu -, . la the matter of tai till; It b .ft, lhe 40 new combination reutivee were present at the cele ordered that upon payment of the . . ,bey wi b In- )ration. iuui of I21X) by Bagley A Hare t ru,l, on theiouth side ol the de lbs i:ounif uiera, ina. cbaaeprioeof tai litlea Uuigtit by ' .Kaflouth Tuala lu.i.. A Hare m fully satie T. C. Johnson, tbe.Boutn iua,. - n ' For Sale or Rant HILLSBORO TIMS TABLR T. C. Johnson, im.uuu-.- Millca- Jim Young saye be saw the miums be offered for draught noreea tinmillman,wasin town Friday, Th, Hi8boro Flour ng J JjS. S in" Tillamook last at the coming Street Fair, other- and .y. lb. mill now runn ing, 70 barrel.; hn- n ""f i'h . wagon which had wise he thinks the display-of one crew, alternating at logging j olty. Also, the Ugljjoro J nrdajHd J R were draught horses will, be a elim one. nd sawing. uAoT'?fKx1,JSi!E o? to- Sinf a Wacksmith ehop. He says that it is quite aii expense ,fva.d wife, who oon- els. Will be sold eeparate, or to- aeeking a black m,m P t0 ho8emen to bring their animals Sam Moon, of near Centerville, ..a in tha ritv Tuesday. Mr, Moon, who is Presidept of the vt 1U...1 Qt.llinn A aanflfttion. B V8 iUIVUWrDI" - . .u. .iMUiin nf hia nart of the iuai c iul .u,.. 1 .11 1 . U 4 nMvn.w nva. ce, lai mouumiu county win aea iu" i" Jim Young saye be saw the ni i urns be offered for draught noreea Ti TilUmnnk last at the cocaine Street Fair, other- Rrown returned VUIUUCl i last Monday from a weeK s ouung uMmn rivnr. where be over uu 11 now.. . . , - held an unofficial inquest on some nice, lai mounvaiu nuu, l!J., Il.anaa ,-lin.luU lb iaMin bm train. In and out of Hilletwro arrive and leave aa follows: I.r.vri loi I'uiltand Kotr.l 'rof lCkl 1 ' Shriiilan Vft S Hotrtt (iruve Local " l'oirit t'.niv l.iH kl Coilll OverUnd Artlvrt from PoflUad Coiv.llli Dvrrlaud Fotrtt Oruva lxckl . Huif.i i.mve Uacal SlirmUn fljpae Kuif.i drove lKal.,.' CWI. iwae auu " Annl to ducted tb. Commercial 0 HUlgboro. until a few oni- m-. -- -- . . ...I.I I riWB.ntUIMl.1"""- . . . locawi.- - . . . F.ld,yi Christian I.l.aaaw a. Vat in L II B 1 UHI I - ,,...07 Quite a numoer oi u,y t0 the show and keep .them lor Staled Propoaala Mil. .Ill I.. ......... 1 Ii tllf UQ orairu imia win irvn"" .1...1 i 1 Mimilav. AUK. iiTi.inrn, aim --. u. iJI, for Improveiiicota on acliooi llUlllllll Quite a number of people came - nd fc ,bem or in irnm urjnoii . i i.,. iiarn snn Liitiir. na uo flk. Rrook. Sunday, to wit- .TJI : , h J- "es. e baseball game between the -- 0 b ' rb7n7ed to Shady Brook and Hillsboro nines, i ujjg Mr Moon conBUlted n. t? a R.iier. the attending with several business men while til ! P rri'UV,r Tnelv Iwn hi Kindt, of KIdVm Lui 7eport. that Miss Anna here, and it may be that a patm wheat 1- l-Ld.ltt.!!wi7 IU- Garde, StS her left hand in- will be raised for the purpoje al- !? ! !! V" Z. well a. ax- lJtf "VS W. E7 ii In the machinery at the I iUs- though very ew p. "" juago "r." the Wo sundry, last weea, is ns w b"" .-. expected. ... Danford, coneiauic, --j---- ..- any diBplay, me luea uwus .. i u.nanhal 1. 1 . . T( umffll mat JK0lllluuu.w.r - , -,h ...... . KOtbj , wJirV .Uc. "-Hi "hunting or; on eom. We corry too many articles , to - -ible, and at the same Itof Cml. Mi l. on th. Cornell daimed to be unof.r Um icon- enumerate, but we have anytbing J th6 varied and eaeioi euarwi , u D and when tola ,v. farmer needs. The largest . ... ..,.a nf the count?. r'J: 1Tm& fl0Ur to get did not -.kiddoo" f..t ever shown in Washington c -f7he Fa7r last year w new oouoh, a nr.i oiMB , w g . . , d to j,aslen . . and w,u beat all J ,. mBnt f tKe 00untv. table, new rocker, uat nougn. --- . aantlf I"-Vi flchnlmerloh Bros. l """,r k. tK- aame Jl, lor ininroveiiicnia - ; - i hia uepanuro, - - uuui(nvi.u.- ana ine uiuruio . - aiol)Ut.iitNo.. s,eiiBtion month. him over the head with a . r w.rm-nton. Lhit in view this year. ma, U aeen at m hoiue, iiear cuenroe. , VongnU, IH r'.T". 1M inflicting a .evere JOB. IMJUiunuui PJ ; . .. ctt,. oU,c. of County Je a.. I'T down -" . ff-lntf & vS Bupeiintendent of-J ConBtrucUon j " i . f iua aiiBai ui owi" ovanF " . j inrina i jiat wa niLiiri Dccu u j ii i..ra hnvaa van ft. W H V lUUUUBTl .1 4 ..ill..Ho. ore., R. H. .. No. ,. tb. Mi j dowB (d w the oj.rge juu J-'-g;- he wlU be here at " Tom the 7odd FellowV . ti "MiSon ti P. B. N., Kindt imposed a fine of $20. jay. Ptl ith . display of f" and . running up town, I A. C. Shut. I. now the TZtlT town i. .till Dan Burkbalter, of I South Tuabv 8 Mr. Robin80n raises apples JgJJJ Jnn.dmal and Bbugpgy ent (d a line 5 paisenger Oldamobile th " B"mmr' . wa8 in town Tueedty, and are free of Imperfections, and ""V dUch by the Pope photo touring oar, which he purchase.) doing business, any-a. in wa . lh d that Hw)d J horPee ;a9 se ModaRy from the Crow.-Grah.n. lsaa0 Ifly the pioneer rf Wij JW- yield 6 balen a mile for color and PJPj JtahfB poinU The buggy Motor Car Co, of Portland. It h vil,e, ,nd who i. now iw f k h (M have been good. He K t Ruined a broken' spring. The a gasoline motor, and Vorni, o Br b hel. rom CJ the ho WM dri,iDg tha hone go very little noise Mr. Shut wi over lh, ,0ld n nd wlU 8chu hnerich 2 WO Max ora oommeScing firet ouUo shut a gate, when the animal k.... f. iKhm maobinee id for over D"7r"'. . " . i. ham about the same county , . i.l. . . . Tka man Knld on next 'b The machine o-a. he"..w the Oregon ffiffife thZ track on WjJ Jg-tf bosW. about 70 Hop pick nted at the Wm 11 hi'm to tl other n bout Bagle, hp yard.north of Hillsboro. wanted some one P , wfty All wd P.r.ondeBi;ingtoplekhr.ou eee if he . 1? i&hai in -Uoks. o We also "y Tb0;'. Intend- her puanta. Mr ana .. u y building block ,TJJ , Bup. mans, who now hfea between ew ing to build will find a iarg v AlBea Bay. ... Ply of lu-bar t rk o'ver P Ths Beav.rton baseball club ha. WeBb. Uh;.on a visit with her are -0, . few d.Usr fame near Scholls, were county visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Libble Conklin, of Taoora . i l. - Ik hi oflumtwrav u- -tn.itd to call and ooa u tt BOU, a in liwiuo vis - ' I avrruK IW1UI f-. . ... O f l I .a a Jl.aiai .1. P . irUUUa In nKii.u.n. ...h suits, and com- ... wa . oetiUon ask- par. with Portland price.. u-- . prW)identi.l w .D;rworker. nine in a fast Kd. James,, well known farmer X of between Hilleboro andCorneliu., .. . oporl whethei ai fi.,. w88 8 io 7. was In town Tuesday fd 'permit th.catUe Thomas, Anderson and Kstoria 1 Monday eve- t'hT. city. nin- ., , te.1 ih!JB lVli"iBka& Lawrence Brown and wife, of J. C. Kuratll and M-'? Vllnc will ioob WJw .r. in the count, Mat with fronds at Phillips laBtDuuu-,. iu-. aDd ten or Y" 8aa., Berlh., vlW ''lmd'' 1 B,.t.i o mMl J J ",, ... . .ii in i-tnit.Dreoinols, wuri . Osoar I town on it Bertha, vieiting in-. , matur o mo- Iatml Lelcb, of PoriUnd, wa-in Ijl-JJ Uf-U legal buslnes. Tueeday. th.faron th. U.nl1.r. t p Haltzel. of Buxton, was in .u.'ntio Monday. IW v" - . . t ...I H C. Todd was tn irom Mam, A GOODLY StJPPLY cf toilet aide i an kbsoluU necessity kt this retort especially. Whether you aUy kt home or go away yod neert them just the same. Thkt tbia pharmacy is the bet place to obtain them any one will tell you who baa once-used;. .. Our Toilet Aid Article. They are t&Vkind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we invite yon to iecure your aupply here, knowing you will be more than tatisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy A. S. Sholes, Pre Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier Statement of Condition of Hillsboro Commercial Bank at the close of business, July 15, 1908 Ixans. iSi.t6i.6S ou ,........ -r Cash and due from banks.,..: 9S.336.36 Real estate... 6 800.00 Furniture, Fixtures. . 2,700.00 . . faSg, 194,04' LIABILITIES Capitol Stock Surplus Undivided profits. Deposits ,.$ 25,000.00 ., 10,000.00 :.. 930 13 ... 253,267.91 $289,198.04 -Attest:'- ' .. Geo. Schulmericli, Cashier A. S. SHOLES C. S. RISSELL Directors; . ! EDWARD SCHULMERICH V W. N. BARRETT I. B. TONGUE S. B. HUSTON J.W. CONNELL Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicmes We also carrv a 'complete dine of fine sundries. .' - Tf t,,o An nnr have what v6u want iri stock, we will cheermily get it ior ygu... , Having been appointed ui:ot,a..c- icTnrt.-we are puuiiauvij 1 v - . now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Hook line. fnll line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. chnni Rnnk will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. .... 1- 1 I. n . ... ra nr. i . . j I nn man 1 1 r ill uu i with the recorue iuhwuii- siarieu w '" a-r - nee. r rum m,u - -r 1 w uo ....- , . BherifTs office and then, the treas- distance, when he waa forced to let -'. Ik SI 1 1 lilt UIUI BOYOIOil ln utsi : , . n. e.- - - , -Va tn oonoiuae .newora. no . i;mia.nuantitie8 ana will cover the last two years. Max . thfee feet tbick has just finished the Tillamook wuig a county officials books. ford -jftce over on Scappooee, not "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY - . . . 11 n Prlncioa; Tenth and Morrison, Portland, fiegon a. r. T , - el We occupy two floors 65,ty 100 ieei, wwe vw.uW . tri4Cti0. receive more calls employ a arge - "0,001 ad mittedly leads al IDQ DUUHlij "C -- Lr Ka North Trask. They hope to tir!ll..nkK araa in from . far Knnk Of tWO. while KOne 1 :nafl. t, iiiuur""j "-- ko " hevond Glencoe, Friday, and says . Hv . the that Wallace Paeley killed a cmca- YZltM town, set fire .th other day. and upon open- southeastern pari 01 r- . 1. ir. to some bibuiuB . ino- its oraw. iouuu ji" . 1 j ui. nnnim and hurnea ggoid wiHEff his The nugge. wB VI "7k. neighbor. Jabez Wilkes. KCaw. Just wneri the bird Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Brant, of - . . . I . ., , ,,... nf 1 nyi. . .11 .. . mrumrv 1 1 1 n mo I u...i.nn HHrn u linn .a u. . . - - niOKea It UU aui;.v.j, iruivmuu, , iLi -antinn was in the early day a 0reear and family over Sunday, center for the .dd time i placer mi- Apterhalden, 0f Phillips, ners no aouo. uu. u. ,uv rr- l .q TtteBday tKegnld, ..'.,.,.,.,,,. ,, T - ..-y.yf W. B. DOLAN Chenette Row, Main St., Hillsboro' Het. rirst ana oecuuu Mahes Specialty of Metal and Composition Roofing, SKy-ligHta and Cornice Work. V General Jobbing Reapply aolicU. a .hare of thW. patroruge, Satlafactlon . 4. ! If 1 I'" 5 I 1 1 5( n , ,1 -.''