The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 20, 1908, Image 4

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    MIUSiOAO AHOUS. Aua. tO, 19C.
! ii
1 If
1 u
- i
1 1
Are You Wanting' a Home?
Ifyou'are looking for a home, cither a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We huy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
Money Money Money
We art going to la'k to you about money and
paiticularlv hosr I o save it. It is the cotnnKklitT
we deal in." It i our business. We have made
it a study. We full? understand ho "all have
to work to get their money."
The question it "How to Save Money." We
with to asaiat all who earnestly desire to estab
lish the saving habit and start a saving account
at our bank.
We will loaa you. free of charge, one of our
beautiful pocket savings banks These banks
make people save. We know they do. If you
carry one you will be surprised how soon you will have a snug savings bank
account to your credit. Put a dollar in the bank and ace how it longs lor
company. Come in and get one of these banks carry it for a while, and
tee for yourself that yon will save many a dollar which otherwise would get
away from you then open a bank account. Pont forget it 1V it now
today. It may prove the luckiest move of your life.
The Cornelius State Bank
W. P. Pvke is the Washington countv agent for this
Office, cor. tnd and Washington Sts., Hillsboro. Independent Phone, 337
4 .
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Coocerv
We Form af Healthful and DelJflhtful Recreation
abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All mod
ern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets
freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cot
tages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply.
Strict municipal sanitary regulations.
NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to
Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R.
Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout.
Rate from Hillsboro
Season six-month ticket $6.00
Saturday to Monday ticket $3.00
Oar elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description of Newp ort
inclading a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call
on, telephone or write
P.G.VICKERS, Local Agent
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
ocaty3 4 KBSSL
K kind of Fresh Meats. Price Rea
sonable. Will meet all competition.
Chickens and Poultry always on hand
upon order. Free delivery to all part
Of the town. We buy fat stock.
a7 Wish
af ftfMf , MttfeatofHB, 00
Downward Course
Fast Being Realized by
Hillsboro People
A little backache at first.
Daily increasing till the back is lame
and weak.'
4 Urioary disorders quickly follow;
' Diabetes and finally Bright's disease.
This it the downward course of kid
ney lilt.
John Gotcher, of 387 North Nineteenth
atreet. Portland. OreEon. says: "Since
tht early part of 1903, when I gave a
testimonial racommendlDg Doan't Kid-
aiont to net tbe remedy and have always
foonditoffreai valvain relieving kid
ney complaint. It never talis to neip
me, and I thereiore am pieasea 10 recom
mend it on every occatfon ."
For ! bj all demlen. Price,
50 oeoU. Foftw-MUborn Co., Buf-
fflo, New York, sola agenU for the
Unitad SUtoe.
Remtmbar the name Doan't
tnd Uk no other
Notice la hereby given that the under
named caardiM of the person and estate
orVV.w. Ueir, an Insane Pareon. by
virtue of aa oraer of the County Court of
Waabluaioa County, Oregon, duly made
and anterad on the s7iu day of July. 1W8.
estate hereinafter descrilx! at public sale,
will, on the 31st day of August, IHUH, ml the
soutn aooror the court House In Hills
boro, Oregon, at one o'clock in the after-
IVAtl rf KM ill H.v 4 1 1 B mt 1 1 .. t 11:. ....1.
to the highest bidder for cash in baud, the
following described ral estate, to-wit-Beginning
at the southeast vomer of
nm. ueiger Jr. u. U u. in T. 1 8. K. 3 W.
Will. Mer., then ' northerly along tb E
line of said claim 1781.7 feet, which is a
point J leet south of a point 50 chains 8
of the northeast corner of the mmM claim
thence north 88 degrees 31 min. west on a
line Parallel with the north li flA nf I) r.
C. 751 1'i feet; vheuce southerly on a line
parallel to the eaxt line of said claim
1778 3 feet, more or leas, to south line of 1)
u. c, mence along south line of Maid D. 1..
0. south 88 dep. 51 mm. eaat 761.12 fret to
the place of beginning, containing :.73
acres, more or lew, in Washington Coun
ty, Oregon.
Dated at Hillaboro. Oregon, this July
will, lcjn.
Guardian of W.
W. Ueiger, an Insane
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that James B.
Uniiigarj, having resigned as adminis
trator of the eirtate of Jarnta McNulty,
deceased, has tiled his finit! account ut
aucn administrator, and that the County
Court of the Slat or Oregon for theOoun
tJLof Washington has flxcl August 31.
1908, at 10 o'clock A. M.. as ti. tif.,. ..A
ODjections to said final account arid the
aetttement thereof.
Dated July 23, 1908.
James b. hnnigan.
Administrator of the Estate of James
Mc.Vulty, deceased.
Notice to Credttora
Notice is hereby
riven that the iimlr.
signed nat neen
luly appointed by the
county court of the Htate of Oregon for
Washington county, administrator of the
estate 01 Jennie M. Man-M, deceased. All
persona having cuU ma agaiimt said entate
are nereuy uouneu anu requireu to pre
sent the tame to me, with proper vouchers
therefor, at the law office of Bagley t
Hare in Hillsboro, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this 10th day of July, 1908.
C. E. Marra, Administrator.
Bagley A Hare, Att'ys for Adiulnistrat'r
Says Washington County Or
chards Are I in pro v inn
Will Fataid Furchise r Sale f Defect
tve Fi ait
hroit Inspector V. R lUrrin, of
Forevt Grovf, ws iu town Satur
da, and M very much gratifurtl
over orchard result for the past
yar. He thinks we have a great
fruit future here if treee are given
ordinary rate, and tare that he
shall tee that the law at to spray
ing it followed to the letter. Mr.
Harris said :
"Wehavi destroyed aloiit ten prst
rivlilen orvhards, without oinKition. and
a number haw cut down old discard
tires at mjuest. Over 150H orvtui.W
have tea sjirsel for the San Jom- s'ale
but there was a dearth of sprat ing for
the ctnldliug moth. WasliiiiKton rounlv
ftuit will I Utter thii tear ihsu it has
ever beea and, in prviHittion to the
amount raisrtl. there will lie double the
uiarkct.ililc fruit than heretofore. 1 hate
notified ail county dealers that thev tuust
neither buy nor st-11 defective fruit mid I
propose to see that the law is followed in
this detail. Next year 1 shall see that
there is seasonable spraving for the cod
ling moth and we sh dl have better re
sults than usual. Washington countv
can raise a line app'e, with proper care,
ami in my estiuiation i give a Iwttrr
bouquet than the Hood Kiver or Ktgue
River product. Hut the rainy weather
here demands much care, and m-gtect
means non marketable fruit.
Edward Boge, cf Farruington,
was up to toe city luwdty.
II. HelgetrOD and wile, of Hel
vetia, were in town Monday.
J. A Imbrie and family have re
turned from their csoip at Buxton,
Born, to J. E. Thomas and wife,
of near Thatcher, August 15, 190S,
a son.
John Halvorcen and wife, of Far-
mington, were in the city the lad
oi tne week.
Just received the new fall But
terick fashion books, and Delineat
ore, at Baird's.
Henry Wehrung and wife return
ed from their Nye Creek cotttge
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mr. Thoe. Porter and
daughter, of Iowa, are guente of K.
I.. Abliott and family. Mrs. For
ter is a cousin of the boet.
Secator Haines, who was giver
nor a couple of days a week ago,
was down from Forest (irove Mon
day, looking after bis piling con
tract. Wanted, a girl f ir general house
work, small family, liberal wages.
mut be good cook Apyly ti Mrs
A. McGill, Route 4, Hiilsboro, Or
egon. iDtf
M. W. Hahn, of Mountaindale,
and who for yeirs has been a resi
dent of that sfction, was in town
Friday, th Bueist of his daughter,
Mrs. Huffman.
Don StefFa. the crack assignment
correspondent of the Portland
Journal, was in town Monday, en
route to theNehalem for a hunting
and fishing trip.
D. W. Bath, publisher of the
Western Oregon, at Cottage Grove,
formerly owned by D. M. C. Gault,
once of Hillsboro, was in town Hun
day, the guest of his family.
F. M. Heidel and wife departed
Tuesday morning for an extended
trip to tbe east, and they will visit
in Minnesota and Wisconsin. They
go east via the Canadian Pacific.
Miss Florence Bid well, of The
Dalles, is home for a visit with her
father, G. W. Bid well. She was
accompanied by Miss Jessie Wie
ner, who returned home Monday
John Kamna, who is reakina
good in practical farming on the
Edwards' place, which he bought
near Farmington several years ago.
was in town Monday, taking out
Harvest supplies.
Postmastr r Cornslius will in 1
fortnight receive forty more combi
nation lock boxes for postofJice uses.
There is a big call for lock boxes at
all times, and tbe call boxes go
begging. The new purchase will
take tbe places of 40 of the calls
Tbe sawmill at tbe foot of Third
street ban been shut down owing
to scarcity oi orders. The manage
ment expects to get busy in tbe
near future. J he beauty of this
property is that it can be operated
all winter, as its logs are furnished
by the railway.
John Masters recently found a
dead horse on the J. W. Hhute
place, a mile east of town. Tbe
animal was a bright bay; left front
foot and hind feet white to knee:
rough shod all around, and brand
ed "J. H."on left hip The horse
weighed about 1400, and was
caught between two logs.
While C. B Erwin, on tbe Joe
Hate ranch, southeast of town, was
riding a horse to town, carrying a
sickle, the equine commenced buck
ing, throwing the rider, and the
sickle cut an ugly wound in one
of hrwin's knees. Dr. Tamiesie
dressed the wound and the moral
is plain. When you come to town
with a binder sickle iust trail it
MUa Cecelia Greer returned from
Newport Saturday.
Anton Herruent.of Verb tort, wat
in the city Saturday,
Michael Hughee, of near Braver
ton, wa in town Tueedey,
John 1'ebel and wife were down
from Mountsiiulale, Friday.
Try Cola a, the fatuous grape
juice, at Palmtteer'e Conftctionery.
Frank Simpson wat over frooi
South Tualatin Tuesday morning
Attorney W. U. Hare looked a?,
ter legal hiHinewt in Astoria, Tues
day. Harvest crews supplied with
bread, by the City Bskery, Main
street. IStf
Chief McUchUn, of the P. R. A
X., baa beet) on the sick list for a
few days.
ln Cooper, who ownt the Km
nisi place near Si'holls, was in the
city Monday,
County Judge J. W. Goodin wm
a Gaston visitor Monday, to look
over road nutters.
Wm. Nelson and family have
retiirud from an extern!! outing
above Mountaimlale.
Frank Ballard and Ninilr havr
ifone to Seaside for an extended
stay. They will camp.
Clark Patton, who hat been do
ing California, with hit wife, for
two jears, was in town Friday.
Born, August 13, 1'.HIS, to C. I..
DeWilt and wif-, of VV healer Sta
tion, east of Reedville, a daughter
J. 8. I.orsutig, who it nursing a
band which wat cruihed by a tint
her, ou the Minler btidge, wat in
town Saturday.
Senator Will BchnlfHd, formerl
of tbie county, stiff red a lost l
Hre at Astoria, in tbe rrcent bust
neee cot Ihgration.
Miss B-weie Shombutg is convtl
eecing from a severe attack of ill
nees and will toon be resuming her
duties at tbe fa! in a leer grocery.
Mrs. Jas. Miltenberger and si
ter, Ktnuia Tupper, left for Astoria
yetderday morning, fur a visit will,
Mrs. Ben Hay, formerly of thi
N m. Joeee, of We I'uion, and
Alf. Guerlier, of Helvetia, were in
tf 1 . . .
town ronnuay. nr. uttatter is
Helvetia s maeter cheeee msntifsp
rt o t 11. .
v. o iteynoiiiH, 01 Mountain
dale, was in tbe last of the week
and sajs Winter wheat it going
from 25 to ."0 bushels r tore iu
mat eectioo.
Geo. R. Bagley's wbeat on lb
Phillip pltce, at tbe Dudley mill
went 40 bushels to the acre and
that's going some for Willamette
alley product.
Mrs. Zoa Sigman, stenographer
for Bagley A spending the
month with her aunt at Peninsular
station, between Portland and tbe
mouth of the Willamette.
J. W. Connell shot a laree hawk
above Mouutaindale. Humlav
raetsuring 6 feet from tin to tin
The bird was a female, and ctrried
a young turkey in its talons
Henrv Kura'li. Chria Raid last)
Alfred Dysle, and tbe Mioses Ida
and Hedwig I),HI, 0f Phillip.
ptseea tnrougn town Monday, en
route for a week or two at Netarts
Attorney W. N' Barrett and wir..
"kideroned" by Jobo, tbe Czar of
particular habitat not herein
spcciueu, returned irom a tr in to
n 1 . .
Newport and Elk City, the first of
tne week.
The 8t. Mary's Institute, nea
Beaverton, opens September Mth
This is a worthy institution, and
Argni readers are requested to
rsad their display announcement
on another page.
J. J. Fisher, spending hie second
summer on his ranch at West
L mon, says that Oregon is good
enough for him, and that he could
nearly double bin money if he
wanted to sell bis place.
That tbe .Southern Pacific is not
contemplating the abandonment of
tbe fourth street track is evi
dented by the fact that tbe big
trfsiles between the hill and Port
land are being filled with earth.
Henry Hogrefe, the progressive
farmer who keeps tbe Withycombe
ranch south of town blooming like
a rose, was in town Tuesday. Hen
ry and another party have bought
a place and soon expect to be farm
ing for themselves.
Fred and Elw. Grossen. Albeit
lnelle, John Meier and Miss Lizzie
Gros-en started Tuesday for an ex
tended outing over in the Tills
mook country. The boys took
hunters licensee, and expect to
nave all kinds of venison.
"Bismarck," Fred Cornelius
yellow dog, owned by C. Koch
when in the butcher business hre.
is dead. Dr Pauli says the canine
lied from a tapeworm, but it is
more than likely that bis trouble
was aided by a bad kick, or out,
received in the mouth, Saturday
The Hillsboro Reed fc Cornet
Band has vacated the quarters in
the J, W. Hhute building, which
has been rented to Bagley &. Hare
for a law library, and tbe band
will now occupy tbe rooms in the
Hchulmerich Block, upstairs, where
the old justice court formerly held
Liquor Lkensa '
sr. tk or oKKtios, roR washim.
In tit mailer of In Application uf J. M.
Millir for a l ion lo ll K(.inlii.nm.
inoua and Mall (.iqiiar in lu iiiait
ttllm ihan one gallon In Hauka pimiiHi,
To Hi HoihiiwM Countv Court of ll
Sinleul Oingim, ."or Wa.loiigl.vii pouutv:
Tli imdenigimd pHil!oiir, ll rtrs
ol Hank m'liir, WaaUiiiglou inimty.
lngon, and itnliliillit a majority "I
Hi Wat or of ftai.l Hanks prwiiiel.
rormrrljr known a lalrr pno-liiol, and
vrin( a'tiial r.lnl of Mid li.'ln'l
and having a.'lually rl'l.l tliiili llilrt
dart tmtiK-diatvly itlii lh dau of
Ibis iftuioii, would riMirvilly llioi
your tUxly and ak thai a ll
cn to apililuoua, liou and malt
llliior. In lMiuautlim than un italloa,
in said llanki pm-litel, H a'hiugion wui
Ir. Orwgon, b grantfst aud lul t J. M
Mlllr, a rmulpiil of aaid prwlm-l, for a
prrtod uf one '.
I wt.t thia find day ol Jim. l.
John (.itleapie, Stephen Ltu-ter, liar
ry J Mailer, Jack Maina.C C HMay.Jlm
I.m'icr, Wm Smith, tWoige llrrb, 8
Slnrtrr. I. Vaitdrnaiidrn. I S lialloa,
M Cannon, t-'raok t'r, K Kuril, B
iHivnl, V IhtiH-t. I. K Caratenn, John
Krulav, Joe l.iioirr, llcntv Vandrhry, V
II Catrrl, John l.ippert. llartv Yaruall,
Wui S lleltrrt, John Cop, W M Katrv.
Kraft, tt V, Mills. 1. K Inglea, C. N
J-a-lrv. J V Uk. O I. Woa.1. I. Kirla.W
I Sohirr, Waltrr K Heard, IVtel l'.atcl.
rie.1 Sloaell. A N Mrticr, I, I. rep. V
Si hlr;l, It Yandoiiilin, Klin I'urdin, J
Ve.t, )olin B Keynol.ts, C V Kevuold..
C A YstnMi. Jiwph IIisk1"". Tnrodort
lirrcnc, Jno I'anon.U 111 li Walkf", llrn
ry Nariip, Wm Yaiidoiueliu, lleuiy Sua
baurt, lirnty Vogt, J B lirynolds Jr. I.
Simhmeyer, Ccu Yatntrraniln, t" R
Cos.lieo l.ippert, R (5 Thoiiion, t
llelliel, A Yandrttanden. Wm I' IW-anl.
C Y llioan, tlniitiih lVlrnon, Irailli
I'nur, K Sluiul.y. W II Miliitt. 1. 1... I
Vaughn, John Sudmurr, It W lliura. Si
V farmer, Jai k KWrly, CUa Itrilwu Jr,
Oo W lUnicl, Chaa Unrui, J Wlltututa,
t'hartrs Spieling. Cha Krlrr, Vir
N'arup. J !' Cantena, W C Svhneidrr,
r. KcaluiK. K I Kufli. W S I .on worth,
K l Metal, John Narup. J C Cus. Wm
Yanderandrn, D J Radian, Itrnry Yan
dowelin, Thuraton M Keynold C W
lKalon, I II Cs ford Jacob Yul-a, John
Caldrll, R J ilankt. J Narup, 1. M
Kudrr, I .tHiia Roy, A W Mills, C tc ,
K J Ui, T hugrt, Kiauk Sell, William
.irg'rr, A i andrhey, Ivrneat Htiiigrr,
1 J ati.irraiiien, .tl lluia-r, llenrv Iu-
bet, II Iltinnrr. Frank Narup. N A !
ley. A O Killiui. C It Hamilton, J II
llrrb, tail Ia'Txoi. A Kulurnlotrrl. II
(I Mittrrt. Henry Cop. J C Smith, tiro
atii.riiry. j 11 ruman, rrel Hrrry.l ha
I llerii, Hrrman top, O Slwarrr. W C
Ituirt, J W 1'hillipa, Kd Miugsn, Grorge
Ijicdirrinan, Jew J Heard, A andouie
Im, W t, T1uiuihu, t) l Strohtiuyer,
Chester RoiwrH, J M Vandyke, Cha K
1'ieUU. John Y'andomrlin. Cna Kriling.
V I'll man. Martin sndef bruok, II H
H.llrl, C Slroknwter, J II Kbrrl), Wm
Mllian, l Kablail. Wm II Khrrly, I
Fields, J J Rohert. II J Smith. F K liavir,
I'rter Vatidrrianden. W H JUkrr, W II
Relltui. John l Mrllargue. II It laau hy
t! K Nirbatatin, H R Croothrr. Mart
I'liene. I'etrr Fields, II Fndsy, I110 Ul,
ey, Then Vaadrrandrn, M II l'aikrr
Jai k Wiaal, K I. Koy, Frauk Kllitrmaii,
II M Vamlrrranden, K A Kirt. 1 M
N'orii s or l.'i us l.i. r.r
To wlimii II mar rmrn! Notire Is hare
liy firen that lh underaigiietl
llatikb urnalnt-t. 0,'a.lilintiM, nuini. n.
fori, Mill 011 Weilunatlajr Uii "ml ,lav ut
ftftitnmlwr, pajn, at ten n'rlurk. A. M.', ut
aid day prmiit th loretfninit petition lo
ii t ouiiiy 1 nun 01 Ilia tt til Oriyou.
for Waahlngton County, at Hlllaluni
Orfon, aud at said lime and pi a-' ail)
ak that a lh-ia I luued ui the undnr
signed applicant to anil uptritiiout, tinoua
and malt Ikiiiorln Hank
prai-lnrt, Waah
liiKtun eouiily, Orngou, In
less uiisiilltlet
than one gallon for a period uf on yvar
from the date of the Inna'tr of surh II-i-ena.
Dated thia Hnh ly of Jul v. Itm.
, J. M. Ml !.t.l;H. Appllmul
liaglryA Hare, AtUiruxys for Applu-anl,
In the matUtr of the Kitato of
Huaaii K. Tanner, dnt'naed.
To B. V. Kama. William Kama. Hher
iiian Kama, John Karus, Krwl Karns
Newton Karna, Arthur Kama, Muan
Kama. Ktlirl Karna, K. A. Kobartauu, K.
la K. Bagual, K. C. Koliertaon. Marl K.
Kaaig. W . C. ltolrta.m, H. K. KoUrtsoii,
AngBllna K. Miller, Jeaaie Niliari. ilary
Nihart, I-111 Mhoal, Nsllli. hllrkel and
l.yda llixlge and lo all other persona un.
known Interested In said estate, II reeling'
In tbe name of Ilia Hlale of Oregon:
Y 011 ami mu h of you are hereby oltmfaiid
retpiirml to apiiear in the County Court or
the Htate of Oregon, for the County of
Washington at the court room thereof, at
Hillsboro In the said County of Waali
ington, Stale of Oregon, on Monday, I he
Slat day of August, HUM, at ten u'rlwlc iu
the forenoon of that day, and then and
there show rauae, If any you have, why
an order ofaale should not r.s made auth
orizing empowering and licensing H. T,
Unklater, ailminlstraUirof the said estate
ti sell at puhllc auction to the lilghsnt
bidder for raaii, the (ollowlng real proimr
ty belonging to aald estate, to-wlt:
All uf the followlnif liMi:rlle4l re.1
erty In the County ol Waslilugum and
"regon, to-wit, being mors par
ticularly described: Being the southeast
iiuarter of the northeast quarter of section
:J. town 2 north, range west of the Will.
Mer. Alao a tract of land beginning at
thn-afiiitiieast rainier of the above da-ar-nlawl
traut nf land running theiuw north
40 c ha thence eaat 4 i:hs. 51 feeti ttiant-a
aoiitb clu j thence eaat VI feel! thence
souls; W chs. and thenca west 5 ch. l
vim of Ixwlnnlne. iviiiiaininu tjui ........
of land, more or leas as prayed for In the
. ,, 1. lnklaterMnilnls
trator, filed herein.
Witness the Himoriilila f ur' n 1;..
udfeof the County (;0iirt of the Htate of
Oregon for the Count or w.,.1.1,. .....
with the seal of aald
27th day of July, Mm.
Atuwl: j, w. BAII.KY,
C'ounty Clerk.
By KIW. 0. lilCK,
Adminislralor't Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Coty
Court of Washiiiiri.m r . ix,' .'
1 . . ..": j "'rKnt,
oaa ainnie(i Ul lllulcrHlKllwl as ailmi
Niraioror lliH eell ,,r ,.. l um
as such. All persons bavhu. .,1.1...-
agalnat Maid natal are hereby notllle.1 lo
present them to me. with ......... J" ....
ere. at the awoftl. enf W. N, Barrett, at
Hlllslwro, Oregon within ni month,
from the date of this notice
Hated thin July Nut.
tii.. 'I!A T- MILLS,
Adiiiiiilslralor ol II. V ....... ,'r t
Mills, lieceasetl. " ",u"'
W. N. Barrett, Attorney for Admr,
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice, is hereby KVBI1 t, t t ,
signed exerMitr 1 of the in ..... . '.T.
amen of DeWI t 0. Merrill, deceaied
haa lie, her linal syc-mnt as such ei", ,1
trit In the County CoUrt of WashiilgUm
(-oui.ty Oregon, Hlll Mui Court has an
t,d fl'L"Uy "f Aim?.,.?,
IUIIh, at the boor of 1.... ,...i..i. ..." I
day as the time for lieanno -ui.i 11. .1 ? ."
a "' inini hii
MwrnmlxlM-ixl II.. -111 r., --.-,, In(
We Want
Wc ate jneparcil to serve yoti iu any lajuuiiy u i,.ist,u.
No, wc are not puttiuj on a clearance sale of
5 shoes at $2.Xy-nor are we 0,11 out of
1. Our prices on riKeries aie riglit. 2. WV have
the swcllcst line of I.alies' ami fcctits' shits wr have
ever showed. 3 Now, iu tcKanl to a uam; ulien
you think wagou, think Haiti, ami we save yon unit.
4 Let us talk tuices with you ou luiics, j,uwn, har
rows, discs, steel rollers, Kraiu drills, Sjtay jhhiih,
wituluiills, McCurtuick mowers, hitulers and raket. Wc
have just received our hiudin", tvtinc.
M)W, M. I4RMIR, W HKM hO MUM 1 10 (.IM mo
Nor do you waut to jay more for ginals than they arc
worthso you should buy where you can do the I i.
Get our Prices, then the other fellows, and you will 1
Vouf few
Rowell Bros.
Joining town of Reed
ville on the Northeast
Just laid oil ly the Shaw-I'ear Co , of
I'ortlaud, iuto 5-acrc tracts. I'orinetly
known as the Lystruj) farm, aud is con
ceded by all who know the trad to 1
oucof the richest pieces of laud in the
Willamette Valley. 1-or terms and par
ticulars, apply to the
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Orgon
Our Mt. Hood Deer
Has them all beaten when it conies to
purity of water, which comes from the
Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. Hood" uo
purer water iu the world!
Is a Hygienic Product
Call aud see for yourselves. Constantly
ou draught aud iu bottles. It is the wa
ter and the quality of the brew. Try it.
If you want a good smoke, we haudle the
the finest smoke for the money that is
made iu the "Orcgou Country."
Try Our 'Grand Dad Whishey!'
Pronounced by experts to be the fiuest of
blends. Come and see us when you arc
iu the cityWe'll treat you right. Maiu
Streei across from the Farmers' Stables.
A. Z. GRAGG Prop.
One tia a i. ,
k ! , :
l! ,
wllHOidllie rt,..r., J,
Ne .V , ""
1 .",.. ii,. ,.., u'",;,"
.11 km... ( t. t Hu'ki
" .pialllle.. ,
Il.l will Le .. ,., ' ,U' l..f. '
a U lhal,
& Co., Scliolls.
l.l1.--l.Lill mmm mt 1 ,,