The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 20, 1908, Image 2

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arinnriiw-ii inn i iiYisa,lVii
Entered at the Poat-offlc t HlllnOorO
Oregon, m MKVnd-l mail matter.
HfcNHY U. Gl ILO. Editor.
The Range without an Equal
County Official Paper
Subscription: fl.-' pr Annum,
laeaed Every Tbareday
Old Man Long write the Argu.
this week, but hit political editor
ials are all censored.
:' i
With the Oregon Electric ooce in
operation old Washington count
hide fair to be first io euborbao
fame, at well ae the initial dairy
Let an hope that our busioeee
men will get that concrete down
before the bugle blasts for the big
etreet fair. Get the old town into
Shape for the feetivitiee.
Sheriff Hancock ia to be oooi
mended for the neatneei with
which he handled the Perdue mur
der cae. With practically no evi
dence to preeent to a jury that
would convict, be has run down
the slayer, and secured a confee
eion. There hare been many mys
terious murders in this couuty,and
that the first one under Mr. Han
cock's administration has had so
successful a culmination is a mat
ter of congratulation to the sheriff
and bis friends. Speaking ae our
friend of the 0. A. C. would speak,
were he writing this, "Sheriff Han
cock has no 'Rhiixtonia' on him."
'Si 0k
m M
Hillsboro Argus, $1.50 per year.
C. L Crocker, of Newton, was up
to the city yeeterday.
Remember, the Oregonian and
Argus, only $2.25.
Geo. W. Morgan, of above Maun
Uindale, was in town yesterday.
L. C. Brown, of Iowa Hill, was
in the county seat the first of the
T. R. Davis, who is farming a
section north of town, was in the
city Tuesday.
Miss Edna Pordin. of Portland,
visited with Mrs. W. R. Barrett
the first of the week.
The little 7 year-old daughter of
Clarence Mays, badly burnt d at
Scholls, a few days ago, is recover-ing.
Treasurer W. M. Jackson and
wire started tnis morning for an
extended eastern trip, via the Can
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Girod
of Orenco, August 13, 1908. a son
Mr. Girod is ealeeman for the Ore'
gon Nursery Co.
Samuel Moon, the Centervill
horseman and dairyman, was
town the first of the week, greeting
nis many ineoas.
Fred Cornelius severely wounded
ni band the other day while hand
ling an ice pick. Dr. F. A. Bailey
ureeeea me wound.
Rev. Howard J. Smith, of Port
Uud, State Sup, of Cooereeationa
Sunday Schools, will preach in the
Longregauorjal church Sufidsy
morning, at 11 o'clock.
Wanted Hop pickers for Gregg'i
vara ai ieisy vuie, it miles north
of Hillsboro. Address, W. J. Gregg
Route 3, Hillsboro. Pacific States
phone, Farmers 31x. 19 23
Harvey Miller, of Portland, is in
town this week, the guest of -bis
grandmother, Mrs. 8. J. Brown
r. Miller goes to Walla Wall
u uuuma to enter wnitman
yi i v
thanes tames has tnrnt.H
from Alsea, Lincoln county. While
at Newport he saw the Hillsboro
Colony, and reports them getting
along "swimmingly," with no catee
oi "unarlie Horse."
mro. is. a. Birvzer and ounri
daughter, Miss Pearl Hi
Eaet Portland, were out the first of
the week, guests of Frtd Oleen and
wife, helping to celebrate, on Aug.
io, me sora wending anniversary
Ferd Groner, the Scholls farmer
ana oneiness man, was up Tues
day, "enjoying" a sprained ankl
Mr. Groner sUtes that crops look
good down that way, and threshing
uuiuuiouuou toe ursi oi ine week,
A dollar down and a dollar a week
Nelson Hardware Company
I IIBlfll bfl llllkflt With gl).l SM.It.l ir
blank. 1(1 fort lone 3 llirbm thirk aiul U
iiiohra il, a. plunk t. I laid rM
Noli. U hereby given that the under. tn a tnnirni. !. trit.,r I
ti(tnl, the duly appointed. onalilid au.l " Uu'" W,V" '"' 1 I'l'" th k. hy
of John K. Mitherlaml. a Minor, b Tirtne ! "trl"'1. "f llnk to I- nnir.1
of. n.l pursuant to an ,.r.ler of mI tuv u,.1'1' rlKr with i inch J
ami emersion the "nth dirr Jl a "likf to e.-h IwaniiK, aid trw.t t.. be
1).. 1! hv i. W. tloo.liti. jmle of the I !'"' plankiiiK. The atn-eU
County Court of the Slte of OicKon, for j !'" Prl"" atrwela to t l..ell ai
,..OTiin-f. ie i.jit.iwa; .ikiii Hirei
ffen- Washington (Ymntv,
on and after
John W. Sewell and family. F. J
Williams and family. Kulow nH
family, Loren Jackson and wife all
of this place, and Warren Williams
and family, of Mountaindale. tt.
ed yesterday overland for Netarts'
Beach, for a two weeks' outing.
There will be services next Sab.
bath morning at the Methndiat
,1 church, and no evening service.
, A Next week, work will , begin on the
'? K new church building. John If.
Hi Brown is treasure of the building
U fund, and will receive all moneys
, on aurjicription.
i Jim Thompson waa down from
" Mm. mttmSm A.- iLI. w. 1
H. West. Plaiutitl
J. A. Rid, Defendant
To J. A. Reid. the above named d
daot: Id the name of the State of Oregon :
You are herebr eommaudetl and re
quired to be and appear in the above en
titled court and answer the complaint
tiled agaion you io the above entitled
cause on or before the expiration of fix
weeks from the date of the tint publica
tion thereof being on the Mh day of July,
is, auu me aate oi the lat publication
thereof being on the 17lh day of Septem
ber. 190, to-wit on or before the i:thdy
or oepteruber, 1W, and you will please j K. ... f v,, t j m w
! notice that if jou tail ao to appear ;( Wil, ..,, .,- s .
ana anawer aaia .-oinplatnt. the pla.nt.ff .,,,. w. ,- l'rei
will apply to the court lor the relief 97 . .!..... u .1.....:' . i.. ... . tacei
Aniruu MJH. el at ornate 1. fori!""1 1 "'. Hrr1 '" ' t(t" '"!
rub in hand, nil the rixht. title and inter- wl"7'" r.igiun mreet and Tenth trrrt
eat of the ai.i N.inor, John K.Hulherlaiid. ' . Ml h'f uf. ln"t Hrtlon of Mam
in and to the following dmcnbetl real
tale, situate wilhiu Washington County,
iireifon. and particularly bounded and de
acrtbed aa follow, to-wit:
atreet between Kl x th atreel and Hevenlli
trt. Second utreet telween Lincoln
street and K.lwm atreet and the mth
nan in -vvomi mreei ltween Oak ir, M
prayed for and demanded In thin
complaint, to-wit: For a decree that
be 1 the owner in fee-simple of ail
of the following lieacritied real e
Ute lying, being and situate in Washing
wa wiuoiy.uregon, ana more particularly ; thenoe g. ffl tl(1
to the plai ol bt-ginning, coniuining M)
acres, more or tn.
Alan beginning 1.1 chs. N. fin degree W.
from the N. K. corner of said Claim, and
running thence N.Mdegreea W., .:i-h
i-ereeti W.. 5.1'.' cha : theiuti
.Inm -A ... . ... ... I. . .
p, , , ,urt- r ' w .w iminim p. I'll,, io
SSh In u 122 I-t m 1""" ; acre. H of id UaT'ui to-
SSHh n ? ihlSS ; He"f K1"1" containing m mtm. more or lm:
aoulh 80 rods; thence east 240 rodn; thence , p aviikusoV
north Wroda to place of beginning, con- Guardian of theVeon and Kstate of
taimug u.x 3rea. more or lesn ! j,,,,,, j,; Sutherland. 4 Minor.
That your claim of some right, title er ;
uitereet to the premise above deecnl j : "
advene to the plaintiff be adjudicated by i ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE
tlie decree of the above entitled Court, 1
and that it be ordered, adjudged and de-1 .
creed that you and all person claiming ' Xoti in hereby given that the iniiler
by, through or under you, be forever signed, the duly appointed, qualified and
barred and precluded from claiming or : ttng ailinlnistrHtrii of the eMiate of
attempting to claim, any right, title or ' A. Morgan, deceased, by vlrlne of
interest of. in and to the premises above purmiant loan order of Sale, ma.le
described or any part or parcel thereof ! entered by the County Court of the
adverse to the title of the plaintitt, and Btate or Oregon, for Waahington Coun
for such other and further decree as may j ly, on the 11th day of August, ISOn, will
be neceasary and proper in the premise, j well, on or afttr Friday, the aitli day of
This summons is served upon you by j September, lfJ, at private lale, ti th
publicatiuu by order ot the Honorable; nigheHl hlilrter. for cah in hand, all of
Sixty acre in the Z M. Howell Ihnia-! . lr l r" '" "reel between
lion Und Claim No. 4.r, 111 T. 2 S. It. 2 W. I , ,'r,"A "", 8,,s,m' '"reet, all in
in Washington County. Oregon, descrilw d ' """"boro. O-egon. and (hat It la pn.p.ed
as follows, to-wit: lieglnniiur at the i U nMurt""' H'e nai of u.-h street im-
-". i.i,,iTCn. una lourin mere-
of to I borne by the owner of lols or
iarceis of laud abmting iiin and ad
tW deureea K. l: cha J " here aal.1 Improve
iiirniB are uiaoe ami 1 lie remaining , l.,
le borne by the City of H llb.boro,'and
that the City Council will hear and deler
mine objections, if any, t aaid proMwd
street improvement at It neit regular
meeting, town; h. ptrmlwr 1. I'X, at a
o'clock p. in.
This notice is irlven tiv nr.Ur ,.r . i,
Council ma.lftand dated Aumi.i 1.1 iuh
aoe ami uate.i AugtiNt I
Ueo, Hchulmerii'li, Re
1 nomas a. Mcnnoe. made and Oat in
open court on the ith day of July, I'MH. ' Morgan hau at the time of his death, in
which order direct tbat you appear anil j the following described real property, ly
anrwer on or before six weeks from thei'K and being in Washington county,
date of the first publication of thia sum- 1 Oregon, and particularly .leacribe-J a fol-
tuoua tin me nuisnoro Argua, tlie nrst .own, i-wu:
A Most Valuable Agent,
The glycerine employed In Dr. Plurce'i
medlcineji greatly enhance the medicinal
properties which It eilracta from natlv
medicinal rooU and hold In solution
much bolter than alcohol would. It alto
possesses medicinal properties of Its own,
being a valuable demulcent, nutritive
antiseptic and titlfurment. It add
greatly to tbeeflkacy of the IJlack Cherry
baric, Uloodroot, Golden Meal root, Stone
root tnd Queen' root, contained In
QoliJun Medical Ulscovery " In lubdulng
chronic, or lingering cough, bronchial
throat and lung affection, for all of which
wiese agent are recommended by itand-
the riifbt. title and lnirei hi,., fi ! rl medical authorities.
in an cae wuere there
of July, I90X, to
publication thereof being on the 30th .lay The Went One Half of the North KaHt
t, on or Detore sept. 17, I rourin snu the tfouth Kant One
Uagley 4 Hare, 'ourtu or the JNortli Wet One Kourlli of
Attorneys for 1'iaintill 1 1 wenty i-our, 1. 2 .N. of K. 3 W. or
I the Willametlc Meridian, containing IM
-- i acres, more or less.
oaid sale shall be made subject to the
confirmation of the County Court of the
Slate of Oregon, for Washington County
Adminintratrix of the estate of Oeo. A.
Morgan, deceased.
Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 17th
day of August, 1H0H.
St. Mary's
i Institute
iMya ha beard the wbietle of
i .Thompson Broe.' new eawmill, tbie
, morning. Toe ooja lost tbefr mill
, by fire tbis spring, but have equip
, m ped another plant and built a fine
. l,luei dry kilo. Here's hoping them
, ill kinds of good luck.
A select boarding
school for girls
Primary, Intermediate anil
Academic departments.
Commercial course.
Special facilities for the
study of music.
Location healthful.
Grounds extensive.
Kvery modern convenience.
Thorough moral and
religious training.
School Re-opens on Tuesday,
September 8, 190$
Notice to Creditor
Is a Wutln
. - ... J. .... L. ( ... ...
u. urau, ioss oi appetite, with weak
itomjcTi, a In the early stages of con
tumifiiijn, there can be no doubt that gly.
wineacts as a valuable nutritive and
aids Mie Golden root. Stone root.
Que.fVs roU and black Cherrybark to
promiAirigfligeHtlon and building up the
flesh aiiH -.(rength, controlling- the cougb
and briri tig about a healthy condition
of the w .Ale system. Of course. It mutt
not be ei lected to work miracles. It will
not cure Ujnsumptloneicepi In It earlier
Stage. t will cure vrv severe r.hsll.
hang nn. ciiiuii
and la ry
In the matter of the F.kLku. nf
John I). McDonald, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed, Isabella McDonald, lias been duly
appointed by the County Court of the
.State of Oregon, for Waahington County,
administratrix of the estate of said John
1). MoOonald. deceased.
gi All persons having claim against said
miHic are nereoy nounei ana reriuired to
present them under oath with the proper
vouchers therefor attached, within six
months from the date of this notice to the
undersigned at Beaverton, Oregon, or to
my attorneys. Caldwell A. l(ur nor.
Couch Building, Portland, Oregon. '
The date of the first publication of this
notice is July :gj, Win,
iKAUIOI.I.A MMinvu !i
AdminiHtratrlx of the Estate of John I),
McDonald, .Deceased.
c kore
lim. will, lw,r.-nti" In aculecoiiuTI
It l not so eilectlve. irl In the llnserlns
hang-on coughs, or those of long standing,
even when accompanied by bleeding from
lungs, that it ha performed It most
marvelous cures.
Prof. I'Inley Klllngwood, M. D., of Ben
nett Med. College, Chicago, says of gly
cerine: '
In dyspepsia Itserves an excellent purpose.
Holding a fixed quantity of the peroxide 0f
bydroven In Is one of the test
piiriufn tured products of the present time In
Its action uim enfeebled, disordered stom
achs, especially If there Is ulceration or ca
tarrhsl Ki-lrliis (calarrhal Inflammation of
Ujinscli), It Is a most efficient preparation.
Glycerine will relieve many case of pyrosis
(lietrlhurn) and excessive gastric (stomach)
"Golden Medical Discovery enriches and
purities the blood curing blotches, pimples,
eruptions, scrofulous swelling and old aorea,
or ulcers. '
Send to Dr. ft. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. T
lor free looklt telling all about tfaa natlva
medic nil root composing this wonderful
medicine. XUera Is no alcohol In Ik
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby irlven
if"eI has beou dulv atmointwi ml rri i ii if..
!i tratorof the cslate of Nancv J. WilUe-
p) deceased. All persons having claims
i ngiiinst said estate are herehv notllie.l
and required to present the same to me,
with proper voucher, at the otlice ol
Wilkes ilros. Abstract Co., within six
....Nun ui me date liereol,
For further information
apply to
Dated this l.'ith day of August. Mm.
Notice ol Proposed Street Improvements
Notice Is hereby given tbat the City !
Council of the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. !
proposes to oruer that the portions of the
HIH-tMiro I.erttJii-JJ
yliWu . 1... tti .
I"" "Hf jil"1oi ii"..iuiiia..iuii.iailliMsMr--J-
Tliird Street, Hillsboro
Ilctween Main and Lincoln
Phone 092
Steam Heating
Jf you nre thinking of a septic tank
that will tskecareof all waste from
the house have a tulk with me,
All kinds of plumbing supplies
kept 011 hand, fiom a bath tub to a
All Work and all Hoods V rallied
For Boys and Girls
$1 65 Now blSc
1.30 " 75c
V23 " 63c
l.OO 30c
73 43c
63 33c
.CO l5c
B fffl.
$ TOK $
Our Motto
Com. btmK
August 1st to September 1st
On Scjitciuk-r 1st our laudlnrd will couimcmc cxtctisivc nltct :u i.uts anl ni.ti..
timlUiUK we now occupy and, iu order to make room fur workmen and,
ui niurc mixk 01 ruruiiure ami House rtiruishiuKs on Milc at tin- W
count of from 10 to 25 jK-r wnt. Thin is a golden oH, unity f, ,!lt,sC wi
lurnisli llictr imtiii. unl, it. ..,i., .. .t: .
Don't hesitate to ask about our installment plan as it is a very easy wiv t
your home. Notice the prices given below. , " '
ivt t
on the
c will
.lr.ll tlis-
wish Ik
Room-size Rus, etc.
Vn A milliner, reg. v. I. f (0 1,7.00
. 1. M
i.riiiKiis, JJ.50 ,..O.J5
Vu All Wool, " 11 00
" " t5 H55
9XI " " N10 7 J.i
36 Aiminiiifr Rug " j,o ,j
'754 iw a6f,
yl nam Kug ,.75 , 5J
Extension Dining Table
$35.oo roun.l, j leg, ,,t. 0ak Jjj.50
i5 "OKiire, ash ,3 J0
'5-i " " 1'ac.oak .'....13 50
11.00 round I'edfiUl, I'ac oak
lo..V square "
Ji.fio " K-ta. 11 - l-
" . 5
. 3 40
-9 50 it (Hik, pol
It. jj 11 1
Jo. 00 " II
1M.00 " .
Ki.iini 10 r etui
... ll. o
Linoleum, Oilcloth, etc.
"S K,,'' II In I.iuol' iiiu. ' !
7.V " l,(t " ,
IIC " " "
Vc " (lil..h " .
4SC " 3 ft
Thenltovt prlre are rreilioinillv
for the ipialily of giMsU r oiln.
Don't iivrtltnik llim oll. r.
. 7
. VK
Loathor. CobbUr and
Waad D k
All Rockers in this store
h ot, leather u(lioUtrrd j I 6,
8.00 11
3-75 porch rocker, $
" 1 . . .... 9 C sT
All patternH of Mailing rnlmwl
20 per omit
10 pr rent on TentH, Cainp
Htovwi, llamninttkH, ute.
25 per cent on Wall I'sper.
I 13
.. ... ri iaa I
wur .niprovea Cascade Range, Iti all aizes from irt .11 1 ..
,rt' M K00'1 M he t of medium priced 5 VrTVa T'th rfM,,vo,r' "Uf ' l",f ntM
New Perfection coal oil Moves and Standard wU. 7i"Z "
than one ol these stoves-no odor-no ., ' ,t0VM ure re,,"c" ' Pr cent. Nolhlng l.eller for r .'