The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 20, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 23
Says lie Robbed Dead
of About $110
Arretted SuiJn Nih', It fast Part
IidJ, bv Slier ill Hiactk
2 year.
Cbn. M
rau a aa
Walter Johnr-on, aaad
.ml a hoii it th late
JubiiMOt, who formerly
lion at t'oriieliu, anil
dueled a lnj ril nrr (! union, u
arreted Sunday night, in an Kaat
PortUJ retitaurent, by Sheriff
Hancock and Sheriff Stevens, of
Multnomah county, ami three
hour later ronfetwxl tha atrooiou
crims. Johnson killed Kloier Per
duo, whom ha hail located on a
pice of timber laiul hack of lha
SiJwell rsniti, txryoutl f.leuwood, In
NorthorM WailitiiKlua county. Thta
iu about the lt ot June, or uit of Ju
ly. Joauu in tlml tic anl I'er.ttw
c.uiiol at thr tlui(ho!rr raliiu over
light, and thai in the moentoK they
qiurrrltd lout the locatloo. I If allot
Frrttuc (s I'erdue' kull wa crushed
in he uiiut lic uwtt some otbrr Instru-
nieot, probably thr j.ihc of wagon tire I
tuadr into a t 1 1 1 n K I tun) anil then drag
Kil htm into the ravine loo yard away.
lie thru rrturued to the cabin, cooked
Jos. Kobioaon waa up from Farm
intoo Saturday.
Uaac Kqom, of low Mill., waa
io town Saturday.
Tenia, ramp atoola, hammocks,
pan? ana cola, at Patterson's.
J. K. Patereon, tha Bethany
thresharruan, waa in town Saturday.
Fancy paatry, wedding cke,
etc, at the City Bakery, Main St.
A L Holcorub, of near Bethany,
waa In tha city Friday, greeting
Try "Our Home Made Loaf." at
lha City Bakery, on Main street.
ililUhoro. is tf
JpthaOarriua,of above Bank,
waa down to tha county teat tha
laat of lha week.
Call on or phone to Den nil for
groceries. A ooniplete and up to
data liua always on hand,
J. J. Krtba, formerly a Farming
too merchant, was up from his
ranch tha last of tha week.
Frank Bower, of Scholia, was up
lo the hub tha last of tha week, on
bualnee at tha oourtbouaa.
T. C. Meeban, formerly of Farm
inglon, is building a home for
Andrew Jack, tor rental purposes.
For vale: -From IO to 60 head of
well bred Angora goata, $2 to $2 50
each. C. Kehee, Fariuington. Ore
gon. 20 22
John Overroedar, who baa a neat
little home east of town, on the
Oregon Klactric, was up to lbs city
k. . - t. - f . .. I ..........1 ( . . i.ll.H.I
PH huh iimiur't v ll'lliautl I . . ,
io iunlalut way. Jolinaja aaya be -ja.uruaj.
took beurea $io and . 40 off the dead 8,j dicounlof r per Cent On
U.dy, and lo a watch ami tome other ' . i- . 1 1 j
u.akru. The, he hi.l. and tava he will ecre-ndoors and adjustab a window
tell tbr oilurt. where they are. CWM, for short time Only, at Pat-
waa suipiclonol Iikiii the wry firt le-1 terSOO a, Zl-tf
n 1 . I .. .. ...... a tttm I
Geo. A Brown, who ran the
Milite warehouse the past year, was
out from Portland, where he now
resides, Saturday.
Gur Weiaenbaok, who ban been
superintending lbs big Johnson
ranch at Reed villa, the past year,
waa in Saturday.
Green Walker, of Greenville, and
who plays tha violin in "that good
o'd fashioned way, was in
rtiuc be had len locating niru In the
titubrr stve Bin loo and Titiilief Some
ul thr men he fraudulently located, ft
qutully putting thetu 011 land alrtdy
passed to patt-nt. Jobuaon W4a married
to a daughter c( Riley Tboiuaa, a relia
ble Neh.ilem rsmbcr.
lobutiin stated to an Argus reporter
that be korw I'enlue about a werk tie
fort be took hi 111 to liuttuii, and lbal he
tint met htm at the Acute Kinplnymriit
ultic on l'ourtlt and Ilurnaide. He alto
tat(l that to think Perdue cauie from
tuber Nurlh Carolina, Kentucky or
TenoeM-r, and had beard hint aay that
onte ilru( balnt, altboiiKb Ilia pallor
tod tierviHianeaa may I the reault of
the otdeala in going over bis cotifeaaloii
two or three timra. He admitted that
be bail nut Kne through Perdue'a watcb
pot ket, conlainiiiK the ladi't with Per
due' name, the ontv nirani of identifi
cation found on the dead man
"I killed IVrdue. We lept together
in the tiiljiti aud that uiorniiiK we bad
"iiir diiputr nlnjnt moiirv utattrra. I
had Kjn- with him into the timber to
knalr him on a uartrr wction of tnnlx-r
Uod. Wurds aiwd and tbrn I Kl "y
llllr mid lilrw the top of Ilia llrnil otT.
"Ik- died tiiitiiiitly mid I M-arched hia
mx 111-U mid took brtwren and f 14
1 alwi tiMik Inn Miiti h and knife mid other
per-.iuiil rrfecta. I will allow the orli.vra
where 1 hid thewr tluiiKH nearby.
"Afti-r lnktiiK whatever of value be
had in (XM'keta I dranK'-d the tuxly
away a short distance into the wood and
dared it in a ditch, where I covered it
ovr with leaves ami brush. Then I
went back to the caliin and cooked my
breakfast. Aflrr eatiii it, I mode my
way by a roundaltout route to Portland."
Sherilf Hancock brought out Johnaoil
Monday iiiorniiif and placed In 111 in jail
to await circuit court. A murder i not
a bailable olfi-nsc in a case of this kind
lie will remain in jail until court meet
this Kali. The confcMioii put at reat
any doubt a the J'erdue'a murderer.
Only for badge founil in 1'crdue' watch
pocket marked "K. K. I'erdue, Spokane,
.luliiison. the dead man' identity
perhaps never bave lieen eitnblinhed.
JobiiMiii clainifi that I'erdue, after quar
relling, told hi 111 be would get him, or
words lo that effect, and that he then
tired, with a Wincheiter, which he had
Urrowed from Mr. Kelly, Fifth and
liiirnside, Cortland, lie then aay he
,..,. 1.:... 1 -ft... tttLittu Ilia
aillCII 111 III LUU lilVIIIC, .1111 .ft .1.
money, walked to Batik and from there oompaliwrs,
drove in a ri to the drove, taking the
train to 1'ortlaud. He ray he threw
away IVrdue' purse upon reaching I'ort
land. .lolniHon aay he iloe not think
lliey will hang him as he ihot in defence,
Just how this will go down with a jury
remains to le seen, as Johnson admits to
robbing the dead man after the killing.
Mrs. Kerr, of Mlddletoo.
Lanes a House, by Tire
Htust wss
Occaplrd by Wm. Preset
Back uf Cider Fsctary
Friday night was a bad one for
two Uilleboro nnmertv owners.
About 10:.l0 a bonne belonging
Mrs. Kerr, of Middleton. caught
Fred Wilcox, of Greenville, was
n town Monday.
Jake Smith, of North Plain, waa
in the last of the week.
Uev. J. Soper, of near Scholia,
waa in the city Friday.
John Kilter, or Helvetia, waa
down to the bub, Friday.
0. II. Pranger, of I,einyv'ille,
was in the city Saturday.
Julius Aabahr, of South Tuala
tin, waa in town Saturday.
Butterick Fashion book, and any
pattern, for 2 cents at Baird s.
J. A Long and A. K. McCumaey
were In from above Mountaindale,
(0 Saturday.
Cbas. Hickethier.of Cedar Mill,
Mayor Dennis Names Sever
nl Important Committees
I'otititiiftlrr Bra Cornelius Appointed
At a meeting of the executive com
mittee on the Htraet carnival, last
week, B. P. Cornelius was elected
secretary, and the big show will
the "as up to the county neat the laat soon be on its feet. Stockmen will
01 toe Week. I tM ainrnchil with the mirimaa nl
I it " -i -i
ilh Irwin Hodson, making a One stock exhibit some
t men tt t 1
me 1. 1. imnrte ik no t,.itnr than la nana . and to
this end cash tri.H are lo be offer
Ur lAA. M ' . . I I I II...
sUrted. The b!ae evidently T: ' '
, ioi oeyoiHi jieiicoe, were in vuwn
the wiKHlshed, used aa a Fr.iiT mornini,.
tire, and although nearly all
edicts of the renter, Win. Preaoo.
were raved, the buildlug ia prac
tically a total loss. Mr. Preaoo
says hs does not know how the Ore
Fred .illy,
was a guest at
home this week.
started in
kitchen. The fire department ar
rived, but before water waa on it
had too great a atari for aucceeafttl
coping with the HaiiiM.
At two o'clock the K. I Tborne barn
waa discovered ablaze. Thit must have
started from a cinder from the Kerr lira,
ud Inald of tell niinutea the entire
building was envelopul In (lames. There
was a Inn of hay in tht structure, aud
thin constitute the Inside Iom,
Mrs, Kerr' los is about 6oo, while
the Tborne loaa is about f khi. Neither
had iunuiauce.
Speaking of wale- there waa pltuty
of water at all 1 1 met, and the bugaWt of
lack uf water has been put down and
J. B. Walker, of Bnaverton, was
in town Friday, the gnent of hi
mother, Mrs. Mary Walker.
Bert Mead, the Buxton old-timer,
vlslled here the ourrent week, with
headquarters at the Tualatin.
A. F. Millard, formerly of Kio
to it, now of Portland, was in the
city Saturday, greeting friends.
Money to loan on real en) ate
Term reaionable. Apply to Ku-
rati! Bros , IIlllsWo, Or. 2 1 -tf
I Nortbrup, of Shady Brook,
and Kugene Delplanche, of Center-
villa, were In lbs city Saturday.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's boae you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennia.
J. A. Zimmerman and II. M
Baaford, of Harris Bridge, on the
. .a in inmn
- t u.u I .n u mmjt w mm ...
he slso bad lt n iu Spokane. The prl- . . . afternoon
oner arts as thou,eb be waa the alava of Saturday Ilar0O0n.
. . ... ..I . .
We bave juat received car ol
Bain wagons from the factory
Will sell at Portland prices.-
Schulmerich Bros. 61tf
Sam Elliott, eon of Ladd Klliott,
killed a bear which dreaaed 300
Johnson made a signed confession al pound, above the Boyd mill, Col
nelius Pass, last week.
Frank Weiseoback. manager of
the Witch Uszel hopyard, says the
product is getting along nicely, and
a good yield is promiaeu.
Smokera like the Sohillerand the
Kioallancia. Theae citars are of
Lha heat atock. You Can't foot D
authority on a good cigar.
The afllliatea of St. Matthews'
church are building a handsome
oew residence for the resident
priest, Rev. Father Buchoher.
Alei. Gordon, of Glenooe, was in
the city Saturday. Mr. uoruon
has shipped bie entire hay crop to
an Astoria firm for many years,
and this year will be no exception.
Rev. W. H. Black, formerly pub-
ll. k.. Af Tha Other Side, a DODIllist
publication oonduoted here in the
pokane, (ina ... in tn.n Baiuruav, ioe
Wash." and which were overlooked by I . ' . . li. Sher-
.lentity would Bu",..u' '
burne wueon.
w narri- too manr .articles to
.numerate, but we have anything
the farmer needs. The largest
stock ever shown In Washington
...! and nan and will beat all
' ' . . ! L I)
, Bcnuimerion orua.
Kmeat Schaer. of near Bethany,
while trying to mount the J. B.
Peterson seperetor while moving
from the Peter Traschel farm, Sat
urday, caught one leg In the spokes,
throwing blm in euch a poeitjon
that tbe wheel ran over the other
leg. Both anklee were lacerated,
but no bones) were broken. Dr.
Tamiesie attended hit injuries.
lahinff to tile their
Tbe Prohis want the county court
to appeal to theiupremec urt over
thedeciwion ol Judge Mc Bride, in
. l - u ....I. 11:11 .1 i:. ......
toe CHIUIU Illiiaooro uiuu, usee, T.,.u,i . ,u. :, B-.l
which on a recount threw the . "F -
JIVIIVI Tf WW --.. y w--mmw v
had proclaimed the district as dry
. . at S Ik SI a
as tbe plains oi rem. county
Judge Goodin, in speaking ol the
matter, said: "I think the matter
is settled, so far as I am concerned,
although I am not speaking for the
balance of tbe Hoard. It would
cost something lo get the matter toLn(j ftmj
ine supreme court auu n wuuiu
lake six months or a year to try it
out. I do not think it will be
carried up if left to tbe court.
Hop pickers wsnted. Apply or
write to Joeeph Cawrne, Cormiliua.
Oregon, K. 1. Paciflo Stateh' phooe
31x2. 20 3
Cbas. Meaoham and wife, cf I yt wen here.
Mountaindale, were In Friday, and
spent the day with Henry Henre
ed. Tbe committees selected at
the meeting follow;
I'riigraiull. V, Cornelius, lr. I', A.
tlailey and II. ('.. (iuild.
Advertising I,. A, Long, Kilitota Ml-
len niul n 1 1.1.
.Soliciting p'tiuds W. V. Wiley, I'al.
Jack and I'M wind Schuliiierich.
Music A. C. hbiili-, Mrs. S. T. Link-
later uud l'.lisuU'tb Suiiili.
Agricultural Kthlbits TIhm Council,
lilcncoc; I' M. Kelsav and 1'. J. Wil
liam. Hlllnhoro.
Horticulture (leo. II. Wilcox, IlilU-
lioro; W. R Harris, Purest C.rove, niul
A. McC.ill. Oreuco.
Caltle llxhibil James H.Sewell, Win.
Schulmetich, lr. A, B. l!ilcy.
Horses Suiiiuel Mooa, Ceiilt rville;
John W, Coutiell, Hillslsiro, and II. It.
,lolii,on, l'orest C.rove.
Poultry C.. A. Patterson, R. II. Orecr,
Hillslioro, and C.eo, t). Sloan, Purest
Sheep and Cents John Millie, Hills-
boni; P'erd ('.roller, Scholia, and C.eorge
Navlor, l'oicst drove.
Swine I'.slubit Richard Urainlsh, Ho
mer I'.miitott ami lleui. iKnlsell.
Sewing Contest- Mr Joseph Ikiwua,
Mr, li. W. Moore and Mr. J. A. I inline.
Committee on Race C. W. Itedmond,
I!. 11. Tongue, Hiltslioro, and Thos. Tsl-
Imt, Cornelius.
The various oomnnttees will get
to work at onoe, and from the ap
pointments it ih lo leel thai we
ill bave tbe beet featured exhibit
See Our Full Assortment
II. C. Hunter, aged 84 years, died
at Beaverton, Sunday, August lo.
Geo. Sloan and Bud Watson, of
ITnMt nnvA ilntin Hia laat I
....... . u , v, .... .. t 1 1
of the week, mixing with Hillaboro l'ff"e,u w" ,n wreievmr,
unio, may i.iiJ, aim waa weu
Under tha new schedule the tiaasen
ger trains in and out of Hillsboro Reedville, Ore.
business men.
Hop pickers wanted at the Reed
vllle hop yard. No Japs employ
led. Address W, W. HoBtetler,
21 tl
arrive and leave as follows
Leaves for Portland
forest Grove Local 6 II a. m
Hberi.lso Fiver 9 u a. til-
Forest Grove Local io:4i a. in
Forest C.rove Local V4 P. til.
Corvalli Overland 4'.ty P-
Arrive from Portland
Corvalli Overland., :M . m,
Forest Grove IacI 9:(7 a. m.
Forest Grove Local :o7 p. m.
Sheridan Flyer.., 5 -o p. m.
r'orest Grove IXKal 0:47 P- "
Caroline Baaford, aged
mm. died at ine noma 01
brother, H. M Basford, Thursday, Utream, was in town Saturday.
13, iwn uecsasea was a
Warren W. Willis ma, of Moun
taindale, and his neighbor, Alfred
Krickson, were down to tbe city
Friday, on business.
W. P. Beard, who has Iwen up
n the uascade locks uiturici an
summer, was nere the last 01 tne
week, enroute to Banks.
Geo. Krebs, of Helvetia, was
lown to the city Friday, and says
tbst threshing is under way, with
a fair yisld, in bis section.
Jacob Raffety, of Mountaindale,
and who hae been up in that coun
trv since Dairy creek first was a
1 t 1 i . - o a ii il
den 10 ituanna itecaer in iom, in
18-l'J be and bis wife went to Cali
fornia, and later to Oregon. Going
east be made bis second trip to I
Oregon in lH75and fettled at Beav
erton. His wife and the following
children survive:
Alonzo Hunter, A. L. Hunter, Sunny-
side, Ore.; W. II. and J. F. Hunter,
Beaverton: Mrs. II. C Hausafus, Arling
ton; Mm, J. H. UllerHoti, Heaverton; snd
Mrs. H. .1. Poilius, Portland. The fune
ral ttok iilnce Tursdav. Mr. Hunter was
a democrat of the old school and well
reiiiemiM-rcd the memorable campaign
when Andrew Jackson was electeil presi
native of New Hampshire, and for
veara has kept bouse for ber brotb-
er. They settled here over a year
ago, having purchased the Corne
lius Brown place, below the Harris
bridge, southeast of Newton.
For Sale or Rent
The Hillsboro flouring Mill; ca-
nacitv: 70 barrels; has a large stor
In nanacitv. Also, the Hillsboro
Warehouse, oapaoity, 200,000 bush
Is. Will be sold separate, or to
gether. Apply to
Jonn Mime, nuiBDoro. i
Wanted, at once Bids on r00
oords of first-class cord wood, de
livered at Hillnboro.
"Wood," Argus office. 2124
Dr. A. R. Bailey and District At
torney Tongue hunted and Gshed
over on the Track the current
week, going in via North Yamhill.
The Poet Card Bataar has just
received a lot ot photographic
views ot JiHisnoro.
Arthur J. Prideaux. of Marion
county, snd Miss Frances T. Sor-
enson, of Forest Grove, were mar
ried at that place, Saturday, Au
gust ir, l'JOS. Both are graduates
of P. U. The groom was promi
nent in athletia and oratorical oir
AddreHB, cles at tbe University, and the
bride taught in the Forest Grove
public sohools last year.
Farm lor Sale
I wish to sell my farm, containing
lf2 acres. 110 acres under piow.
iuiw. pvivb ---- ( i i oinH. ' - o
Kood bouse, baro and orchard, J i fhtm9 mill alwaya find a large mock
im hh Hniith nl Hi aboro. ana one a n. t in our vara a dou...:
Wm . ,ian oarrv onoa
hnildlnir blocks. Those Intend
log to build will find a large eup
..iZ. r inmhar at our yard, and yon
vl iua tn rail and look over
BrO IU"""." Vmm
F. K Rowell. of Scholls, wa up our StooK . "
prominent HcbolU' peopi
mile west of Farmington. For fur
ther information, address,
K. Burkbalter,
44 (1m Hillsboro, Ore.
K. K Rowell, of Bcuolis, waa up our lioca flKrll." P O
Friday, and state that he and otb Groner-Rowell Co . ,'DU
er prominent flcbolU' people hav addrees, Hillsboro, Ore., it. v. -
Vutan trnino In -t the OrftffOO Kls0- I t.L-. U7kttmnUi eaaldloB 00 BaSB-
.. ri" . , jiHnaw-Tl", - I
Latween rirsv anu,,cwo
trie to build a branch into wai
section, taouine one of the most
tanked ud on CJbrnellMJJ5 Ol!
fertile rinrtinna nf
Waahinaton ooun .j ;anfnad that evening and
ty. As yet tbey have receiveo - big hrouy, tnieMeniug
mtle encouragement, owing w tQ Da wire, ana oiuerwiw
fci ikr manv nrnnnsed lines arc I, n..if dnmonstrativs. Mar
. f ' I I U U I iubv" .
first up for consideration. ah Atkinson called in several men
... ... . n . 7 . ta nhalreoerous Jacob,
noute 3. Minsboro. raomu Pv"Fu",:,n. hnlhi Whitnaort
tibone. Farmers Six. county jal for the nlgM-
Geo. Loeb. of Po
,ith h. ArnhhnldathlA week. UtMouioi-. aAtA
the be baa Dean udmiw u b -
wife ha. bien camping with the he hay -J-
l :t. . Maachanv Li'-'-" ' '
8am Smith and wife were down
from the Gales Creek country, the
ast of the week. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, it will be remembered, bad
a "double wedding a few weeks
Nice things to Ugo being married at the Tuala-
send to your Eastern friends. 22-tf tin at 2:00 in the afternoon, and at
Gales Creek in the evening all be
ll. G. Guild and wife are spend
Ins the week with relatives at Klk
City, and at the beach at Newport
They will return tbe hrsl oi next
Cbas. Koontz and wife and Mine
Maud Alexander returned the last
of the week from a visit at Seattle.
The Glenooe baseball team was
a . . . a 1
haatan bv Helvetia on tne local
o-rntinda Sunday. Tbe married
man of HHisDoro piayfu a six
Innintr same with the singles, with
the result of a score of 7 to 5 In the in ne,ith.
.i ika UAnatiAta an. nniiifl i
. T m' ' u:. Peter Grossen, of near West Un
Q,rt om in town Friday, enroule h.m thought might have been
cause a Uales creek junuoe neia
Cunid's court out of his jurisdic
tion. Here's a knot that enouitt I
be well tied.
Coroner E. C. Brown has re
ceived word that J. H. Cockerham,
of MoMinnville, baa located his
Eborn Perdue, formerly
i f toilet aids is an absolute necessity at
this resort e-cially. Whether you ttuy
t home or go away you need them just
the same. That this pharmacy is the
best place to obtain them auy one will
tell you who has once used
Our Toilet Aid unci Articles.
They are the kind that esjieclally ap
jieal to women of refinement. For that
reason we Invite you to secure your
supply here, knowing you will lie more
than satisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
A. S. Sholea, Pre
Ceo. S hulmerich, Cashier
Statement of Condition of
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
at the close of business, July 15, 1908
Loans f 181,361.68
Cash and due from
bank V-1. 3.t. 36
Real estate 6 Sno.oo
Furniture, Fixtures.. 7,700.00
Capitol Stock
Undivided profits,
. 10,000.00
930 13
f.So, 198.04
Geo. Scliulmericli, Cashier
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
Hue of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
m in w. 7 relative,
MISS Aiexanuer ia uiuuii improvou . .,,.-, ,nH ,w u- 1, nnw
married and living at Fries, Vir
einia. This was the Perdue Cock-
1 1 l ..I 1. ,a M,t MnAH nllBM
PiajOU O'U MWW .ww kn.inaaa l. lUm Vloll.
1 1 f... tha marsinil man. and on luaurisuu- u.
euouu . .-- .....!
th all covered themselves WHD ""7 '-""
glory. The gsms was called to al- A. Q. Watson, of Forest Grove,
in. the Glenooe-Helvetia game. has sued W. E. Beard and bis for
J, W. Connell and J. W. Bailey
ara mi above Mountaindale, Hun
day. and witnessed the killing of a
. ' . n.. IIt!lll D 11.-
Haar r J noi. Willis, rreu- vur
home from Buxton, where he went the murdered man found near
W. L. Hoehren, of Dallas, and
who has charge of H. V. Gates'
water system at that plaoe was in
a . ma I m i . r a .a . t sir
mer partner, mi.ner, tor money to jrn over punuay, me guest oi uis
due on a note, and the BanltB' Lister, Mrs. Klsworth Wilkes, Lesttr
nrooertv of defendants baa been at- Soehren. of Los Gatos, Cal was
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, O.'ejtoo A.-P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
CWe occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet,, have a $20,000 equiptnetit
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for office help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leucw an
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution
CSald a Business Miiur Keep hammering away everlastingly on- thorougli
work. It will win out In the end." Said uu Educator I "The quality of instruc
tion given in your acliool makes it the standard of its khifl In the Northwest.''
JLOpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
Reference! 1 Any bank, any newspaper, any bualnesa man la Portland.
tached by Deputy Sheriff Downs
.oiin.nd John Houser were also i"""y """'
up with the party. Word has been received here
r. -1 u M..t!n m iih I mat Ariuur uuiuurt, lor vosvrn
IV 1 UMIUB. Ul mo luniiu "- I ' l !,L .U-IIMI .I II.LlIm . It 1 !..
l i.t... itu t v. i.i icooneoieu wiiu mo uiunuuru ukuh ipoBBti. snenaing a wbbk whu rem
aUo a guest ol his sister over Sun
Ulysses Jackson, a Washington
countv oldtimer, is down from
Thos. Bailev and friend,
Beck, of Portland, came out
T?k1 -TA and stalas that the -- Plant' waB badlv burned "ves out in the Glenooe section,
wheat weT' 2o bustlfto thS: Clear Lake, Iowa, a few days He i, a brother of John W. and
BRO. ni WUB ICUBlllllg junuuuo yy, u, jhukbuu.
launch, and bis neiper was smog-
ins a Diue. .The gasoline ignited,
. . i i nil - I ... . 1
paaiy ourmng u..-or a .ou, u d d f f d ,
m ,f89,M Dd U. t nn outing alove Denny's,
that ha will loss his eves ght. Gil J
. ... I - 1 I I t T I Vnm Qm U.nliin' ltnhla.ilian
T. nMtna of Oraanvi a. was more IB a Bonioiaw oi sirs, usuo, "'
Md Lnd he and his wife are on a hon plow, nearly new. -J, N. Miller,
anmnnn in mwa. i uiiidui-iu, ... . , -
out his way
Special discount of 15 per cent
on aoreen doors and adjustable win'
dow screens, for short time only,
at Patterson's.
W. B. DOLANi!ffi
Chenette Row, Main St., Hillsboro'; ' , ,.
Bet. First and Second . .
MaKes Specialty of Metal .
and Composition Roofing,
Shy-lights and Cornice
WorK. V General Jobbing
Respectfully solicits a share of the public's patronage.
guaranteed. '
In health.
L,-rVf i'SW : ft.'.'i-ifc.. '' -yH-"
1 .1