The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 13, 1908, Image 3

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    HILLSEiGRG AP.GUS. AUG. 13, 1903
0. I
Columbia Co. of New
Vork l llcs Murine, Here
fait Csaelt (' (H KutftfitK Ihir
tv-futu l't
The Columbus Tumi Company, f
Nfw York, the la'ler part of I ml
week, 01 J mortgage given by Hie
Oregon Klm'lrio Company, of Port
UnJ, to wH-urft the payment of i
f JO.IK'O.IhJO loin. The security in
oIiiiIm kit of the right of way, land,
tuilding, iuipriimla, etc., of lb
Oregon Kleclric Company in Mari
on, Multnomah and Washington
4'onntiMi, ami was eieruled on ih
lt day of May, l'.MM. The nmrt
gage la subject to ft leaae with the
Oeueral Kleclrio Company, which
Company la to rurulan toe piwer
to operate tha road and ita 1. ranch
4. Th mortgage fill !U pagee of
a I argit record lok, a.xi ihe fe
charged by County Hmxirder Ira
land amounted to tha neat aunt o
HI ('(), Tha mortgage lakes in the
I'orlland anil Kalmn road, and all
other branch in thealale.
Alfred (iuerber, ol Helvulia. u
n town Tuesday.
Jaa. bmilon, of Iowa
n the city yentnrday.
I.loyd Couuiioua, of near Yanui-
a, la in the city thia week.
Tenia, camp atoola, hammocks.
canvass coU, at I'atteraon'a.
The new aub-alation just eaul of
town will I llniahnd thia waek.'
Tftita, ramp atoola, hammock,
anvaaa cola, elc . at l'atliraon'a.
II. C. Hollenheck. of Mountain.
lain, waa in the cilv todav ami
ailed. '
Io. rVhwander, of Mountain'
ale, waa a county aeat visitor
Miaa Nora Miller, of near (lieu-
cue, visited friend here the liml ol
the week.
Over 2111 delegate attended tl
good roada convention in I'orlland
unTuiwday, Judge J. II. Mneeick
i,f (taker county, waa made chair
niau and J. II. W byte, of Aaloiia
secretary. The following ashing
ton county delegate were hoooretl
with oiltona on ooiumllUe: Ieg
iilalion. Hon. . K. iSeweli am;
A.T. Button; reeoluliona. Judg
Holliaand V. II yl. The ful
lowing reeoluliona were pieeed with
out diaeent:
Hrilvl, thai at ill fain of ci
icmllin ( lutr, county ami iliatrtrt
Ihr nmlrui ti.iu i.( luiinotrU, irinianrli
malu highway uii'lri Ihr m-iwion
a Slate Highway t'oatiuiMlourr, ami ll
the l.rtfialall Commuter l irutimtr
lu work with tbr Igllaliw rommtilrr
of Itie Slate r..Nl KiwiU A latum, lt
of Ihr Slate l'.raiiir, III the prriiaiaUmi
ami Miliwtwioii to Ihr Stale lialature
lit a l-lll MtiladvUlK Mli'b Ick-ltlattoii
thai Ihr rtxad law kuuwil a tht John
nun hill attl I be ttaululluti of Juli!r Wrh
tlrf trlallHg lu aip. initiation lot lhal
iv I rrlrrml lo aenl I'omitilttrr
for thru rulitlilrratiiiti.
Krmilvril that II la llir r-iw of Ih
merltiiK lhal a law ahouhl I td a
the iwt null of thr IsgiaUtmc n-
VhtliiK fuf Ihr working if cotiui U tit Ih.
Stale JVrillrlitiary lit lltr cutturucium
ituhltc hiifhwav.
Rraulvr-I. that It it Ihr am of lb
ctiitvriition that kiitilalloti ! rttaitn
KtvuiK Ihr wrf lo itttr iminly ctnirU t
raltii-l. ii'itu air att'l roiitrul till '
count v ruaiW.
lU-ailvnl. lhal Ihr Itmtikt f lhi nirr
ing hr ami arc dnr to Tmn
II. .n. W k Nrwr 1. . . Il'l. J. "
llailry, Stale l'oo.l ami I Nw l omini
alonrr, ami ulUrra who arttvrlv jwrlic
imlm, In Ihr riinvrlilllL' of thin K(Ht roai
coit fr inter.
Remarkable Feat of Mrs. He
l).cca 'i oniuie.of North Mains
Mather of Late Caogrciaaiaa Taagut
Waa't Ltavt Farm
The Orrgonian correapondent at
thia place eenda in the tollowing
inlereoting etory concerning Mra.
Kehecca Tongue, mother of the late
CongreitHuian Tongue, which ia
worthy of rapililion in thaae col-uinrii:
"I'rohalily the moat remarkable
incident in the Northwest in the
way of an aged woman conducting
a large farm ia evidenced on the
plaina north of thia city. Mra. Re
becca Tongue, who waa 84 yeara of
age May, l'.KlS, perionally con
ducta the operations on a 1G0 acre
tract of cultivated land. Hue doea
her own planting and directs two
hired men the year round; doea ber
own houHework; markets ber butter
and egga.and from the income from
tbeee two uroducta. toieether with
veala, etc., pays for all her help
Tbia leavea her the income from
the product of the e itire farm, net.
Mra. Tongue came to Washington
county from Knglaml, 48 years ago, and
all thia tunc hat rriilel on thia place.
She in a Ulster of the lle Thomas Otcliio,
a lluilson Bay mini, pioneer of 1X39. iu
the 4H years of life ill Washington county
shr bai arm a wilderness tltveloped; has
raivd one child and educated him, aeiiil-
iuic him to I'aciiic t'niversily, and lived
to we that Kin a force in state politics
lirat, then one of the leaders 111 Longrvsa,
repreM'tiling Orrgou'a first district,
l'or years prior to the death of Con
gressman l. ll. jongueue irieti iu kc'
ins mother to move to town, but she
E. E. Morgan, of Cornelius, was
in town Tuesday.
Jacob Uilthrand, of near Phillips,
was in town today.
Virgil Davis, of Bhady Brook,
was iu town Tuesday.
Mies Edna Hink, of Wafco, vieit-
ed Hoy (Ireear and wife Monday.
Icecream specials every Sunday,
at falmateer's Confectionery. 21tf
Miss Kva Bailey has joined the
II illeboro colony at Camp Jrnbrie.
L. W. Hill, of Buxton, was a
guest at the Tualatin hotel, today.
(). M. Marrs and Herman Col
lier, of Hcholls, were In town yesterday.
Track has Keen Laid West of
Schmidt & Kulisch Store
Force af Meo is Rushing
ta Completion
John Ilnlalnr, a pioneer of the
lialee Creek action, wai iu town
There will he preaching service
at the Congrrgalional church, Mun-
lay, at 1 1 o'clock.
Horn, to the wife of Howard
Haird, Hillaltoro, Oregon, Augunt
IJ, 1'HJ a daughter.
Money to loan on real eetate
Term reasonable. Apply to Ku-
ratli Urcie, Hillebjro, Ur. 21 -if
'I he Houthern i'toifk haa a large
ores of Japs ami (ireeks laying new
rails and ties from llillsltoro west
Hop pickers wanted. Apply or
write lo Jimepli Cawrae, Cornelius
Oregon, R. 1. I'aciGc Hlalee' phone
The Wilkes Alwtrart Company
haa secured the aervicea of B. W.
Wilson, of Corvallis,an eiperienc
alwtracter. The growing business
nuke additional help neceatiary.
Farmers along the line of the
survey of the Coiled Railways are
feeling good over the prospect of
the building of the road.
survey goes through the town of
Dares, at Alpha Hall. Cornelius,
next Saturday night, August 16th
Walkers orchestra. Tickets, ,b
cents. Women of woodcrell will
serve ice rreatu and cake, on stage
in the hall.
The bridge across Dairy creek
has been uoiehed. There is but
ons more trestle to build between
llitlalvirn ml Cnrnaliiia on the
,IIMwi'(u " I .......,
, 1 .l- li..: 1 II .1 l.unc rial to 10 retix ernorvrn
line .., r; ' 1 .uM acre, etc J4 t I 3 w fHy,
to the trestle on Ihe Dairy oreeg c blIIllIle.tlll toAnastaaia Sweeney
bollom on the east side of the jol s h Ubman Acre tracta.. 450
nettk tet remains to connect Will) U'rfo Anderson et ux to Harry w nil.
1 y
the bridge.
The Oregon Electric Company has
a construction train running on
the line between Garden Home ami
Henry Johnson, of near Rhady Hillsboro as lar west as 8cbmidt A
Brook, transscted business in town Kulisch's store, which is about C
Tuesday. . Lileseastof Hillsboro. An engine
W. W. I'ayne, a well to do farm- tod several cars compose the train,
er of near (Jlencoe, was in town nich : brioeine the steel rails
Not too late to set out Kale
plants. Morton haa them at the
greenhouse. 22
Mrs. O. A. Patterson and chil
dren have joined the Imbrie camp,
above Buxton.
Eli Poe, of Corneliu?, was in the
citjr. Saturday.
C. J. Russell, of Beaverton, was
in town Tuesday.
Ralph Rogers, of Vernonia, was
in uuleboro Tuesday.
Jeptha Garrigu?, of Manning,
waa in town yesterday.
Fhysirlan and Sutgcou
OIHee BHilay-Mnrvan lilK-k, upl
RiMiina 12. l:l and IS. Kraidrnca Su
west corner lta-elie and becond Sti
Both ' Phones.
K. B. Grim, an Aurora hop deal- S. T. L1NKLATER, M. B. C. M,,
er, wae in town Tuesday. PHVSiriAN and surge
II. Huntemann, of south of Job's
croemng, was in town Tuesday.
Butterick Fashion book, and any
pattern, for 2- cents at Isaird s.
Tom Davis, of the North Plains,
was a county seat visitor Monday.
Columbus Smith, of Helvetia,
was a Ilillsboro visitor Monday.
Office upstairs over The Ilti Drug Sj
Residence Kastof Conrt Houw;
tn the corner of the block
forward as fast as the men are able
to place them in position. At the
rate the work of tracklaying is
progressing, the company will be
in Hillaboro before the 1st of Sep
tember. The trolley poles are be-
ina diotnhnteil alnntr the line, and
ihb rtnnie vtrann.i ih vimuti8 firer.ted as soon as the rails are
friends in Vancouver, B. C, for a 1,5,1 jn lD6 meantime, men are
couple 01 weeks. finishing up little stretches of grad
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred ing between points, and keeping
Stucci, of near Bethany. August ahead of the tracklayers, ine
8. 1908. a daughter. sub-station, near this city, will be
Alfred Ladd, of Greenville, weal .. ir0,.n,i .jD i, k
m town yesterday, attending the Lperation of tue line by the 1st of
kwvusis umi.u, Hcr.tomho mhon tha Cnmnlnv hut
T. B, Perkins, the Buxton mer- promised to convey Portland peo
obant, was in town today, on bis pie to the Hillsboro street Pair,
way home from Portland
Dervlanche. of near Centerville,
Oregon, August 10, 1!K)8, a son. Augusta Angel, of Chehahs county,
Special discount of 15 per cent M" A " D6(W" 'Xint nr
1 , i- . fi in thia Rnnntv. to a comnlamt Dre-
on screen aoors ana aajuBtame win- . , ; - VA.T R '1
.rn. for ahnrt time onlv. viously hied by Edwin R. Angel,
Surgeon Southern Paritlo Rallroaii
Coutiultation in French or Knglixh.
.,..;.,, ....... 1 v 1 1 i,ju .1
an r . 1 i" C lumwiiia, i ri 14, iu, liny n ' o
try toiwa, tne iamous grape north side of Main St.. HilUnioro, or,
1 11 Ina I T'ai Irnt f oitv'a rinnfoMlAnaftf I
Richard Kyle, of Cedar Mills, . R RATT t?v un nn
waB a county seat visitor last cat-
urday- Physician and Surgeon.
Geo. Bechan, a prominent Wee nCrTnj-Rrmc 8 onrl
ininn finnnr waa in thfl ftn 1
Monday. Bailey-Morgan Block.
Sam Orndorf, a well known hop 80111 phones- Hillsboro, O
raiser of Laurel, was in town laBt I ,VVVNwvvvvyvvvvyvVvV
Just received the new fall But
terick fashion books, and Delineat
ors, at Baird's.
C. F. Hayes and wife left for
at Patterson's.
The laat straillantly rrfusrd to leave the farm Bom, to the Wife Of F. A. Ford,
- - - - - I , . t r a II.. I ..a 1 If 4J
wnrrr m-r me nan iieeu iciii. c n IDs raiuenca Ol vt. anu rare. o. i.Klrrn later tne.l to gel 1 er w T BoWBer, HillBlOrO, Oregon, Aug
irwsc uic mini ' " - - , , 4 kAtt ar.n
but SKuiu she always declined. She is , l-W, a BOO.
Sllll 111 me lKthsessiMU 01 ucr imun.r., -m. p. m.Ar'a Cnnftw-tinnerv Car
.Uaj s hat time iu drive over her '"" .,.. t,n!pailt tin-.nd court the sum of $2-50 for attorney
ST MrHtaiWi town tot, .nd $200 for suit fees, and
farmhouse, the ohl one havili(( burned -:v8 Q. a CU. 21tf
.... , ftl... 1...... .v .!
in which Bhe recites that plaintiff s
I charges are untrue; that plaintiff
has mistreated her, and tnat be
has property in Salem worth
$3,000, and that she is sick and
unable to earn ber own livelihood
She asks that the plaintiff pay into
that she be awarded the custody of
some mouths bro. The home place is
now worth $ too per acre and Mrs.Tcngue
has a snug bank account."
Anaiin T. Boiton. master of Ihe
Orecon Stat Grange, denies ih
the organisation ia woiking for or
lending ita aupport to any propoaro
lrcialatlve measure having as
object the grouping of all ih stale
educational institutions under the
management of one Imard of re
gents of five members. In speaking
of the matter, lately, Mr. Buxton
I have just read an item in venter
day's Journal, ibttrd front Salrin, statinK
that a ctitiiiiiittee of the State CiaHK' lm'
t.r.imred a diafl of a bill lo I presented
la lh legislature placing all institutions
of higher education tn OrrK" ,ll"'"-r "Dr
iMwrilof five tneiiibers.
-I wish to aay moat emjdiiiticnlly Hial
jour corresMitdrnt is mislakiu. H r.ronife has no such cotillllltlfe in
eitsteuce. ll bad a committee hist year
tiiakilig certain Investigations rcKardlttg
such Institutiona, but Ibis coti.ti.ittee
made lo the State (IratiKC any
reconiitiendatlona of Mich character
1.1. ....1 ii 1. .tt.iut.tlii.r iimirolmble lltat
such recoitimetitbitiotts would receive the
approval of that Unly if Hiry ever wee
presented to it. ...
"If there is such move m t'"'l "K;
Kesled on foot anywhere in ' w '
any Cranii inlbteiice lhiud it. ",",
la- by aunVe bx al branch of the organita-
The Forest Grove Colls will play
tha North Yamhill team nt Sun
day, on the Forest Grove grounds
Game will lie called at 2 o'clock
This promises to be a great game,
as several playsrs from the tri-city
league have been added to the For
eel Grove learn The North Yam
hillers defeated the Banks team
Sunday by a score of to 5.
Donelson is still at the same old
stand, with a full line of furnish
ings for the house I am not mak
ing any cut in prioee. I make the
out down, when I get the goodi.
iinmwt nrioes has been our motto,
and will he in the future. Goods
bought at Donslson's will be taken
back if not found satisfactory, as
represented. -W.O Donelson.
F. M. Heidel and wife start next
Monday for an extended visit in
the East and California, expecting
to be gone several months. They
.in on to Victoria, tbenoe to Cal-
ton, ll r5 acres sec to l i s i w....
Lyman II l'eters to Sarah H Harvey
40 acres sec 15 t n J w loO
lauies 11 Slemtnous to John J Cole
) vinn V!lrlAn Thfl (VMirdo WATA
LtSl CSUnaay, tne ob vjuiuui . ,, n.m-r Pn nmHn n
baseball club deieaten tne uiencoe .oaj pi. nn , mhAehanrl
club by a score of 10 10 s. i nere . th. hi(1 ifa lef, him with.
was large attendance, and a live- QUt cauB6i and that Bne i8 guilty of
ly game. an jnfraction of the marriage vow,
John Grossen and John Berger, with one, Richard Roe, of Portland
each threshed White Russian Washington county is getting 10
wheat this week, on their farms be a sort of a Mecca, to wnicn dis-
near Phillips, which yielded at the satisfied married people journey to
get the matrimonial narness un
Mary A. Burgess ve. James A
Burgees is the title of a divorce suit
filed this week, in circuit court
rate oi 54 bushels to the acre.
Cecil Humphreys, of Heppner,
lm la connected with the water
40 .l M t . -r,:-"".000 and liebt plant at the above place,
son, tract in town of i;aston........ 35 " 7 ri7,V Th. twain were married in the
G .1 l'.lwteer : "mV J w,,e BUU tu,iu' Earthouake Citv. Aueust 14. 1877
christian Unman et m to Hilda ott MiBS Lula MutBchlechner, of an(j Mary wants the hymeneal knot
lot t block h U'hman Acie tract.-45 Portland, is tilling ine piace 01 severed at the Fall term ot court
(1 j palmateer et ux to F A Markiey Miss A. L. Allison as stenographer ane alleees that her hubby has
ao.inU..Sbtewart o ic t i iw 'oo Bros.' law office, while trflftlfld her "cruellv and inhuman
urn blk 6 Finney's add Hbo 1015 the latter is viBiting relatives in ly," and on one occasion choked
C A D'Hondt et ux to JosephineJohn- Seattle. her, and caused her to make a run
aott. lots I I 1)1 5 i-atrview BOU....1533
F C Alilnch et ux
iVSTadenV's Mrs W. H. Morton started Wed- of it to the neighbors.
acres In sec 26 1 1 1 1 w i75 LsBday to viBit her daughter, who
... - u.-.l l-Wlf-H Hvm I. 1 I. 11 3 VA
.... a. .ml atnn
gary. Winnipeg, c. . jMob Slanghterback et ux
.iih ralativee in Fairmont, raiuu.
Inliitttisii. 1 a I lie W ill tl 1
Thev will also visit In Kastern mw Markee to N B UCourse. pt
Wisconsin, where Mrs. Heidel has
...i.iia The? will come home
by way of Texas and California,
Hopping for some time In the latter
ule' . .u
Contractor Reasoner began the
work of erecting the big steel reser
voir for the Hillsboro water works,
Iviondav. The steel irame wn. w
iB camped near Mt. Hood. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Tone, 01 near
Morton iB up there ana ib naving tsuxion, were county seat vibhoib
a goou lime usning auu gaiuenug yegieruay
hucklelwrriee. . aeu mor8 w:re fence than a
Messrs. Carl Heidel, Fred Vroo- our competitors combined. The
wn 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 : .t . nA (U. lofffoflt
man, rrani retere iuu auuiuu reason ib iuai wo umo m ..6OT
8ieariet, and Misses Kva Catching, stock and can sell the cheapest.
Kv. bailer. Uivn weamerrea iau scDuimencn mos. t-
300 Fay Corwin Bpent last bunday at m. fi , Bervic8 wa8 heid in the
John J Given et ux to c vv btimaon goda Springs, aoove p oreet urovo .. . , , the Christian church
"i wVV.ik'f The rain which came yesterday Sunday forenoon, and meetings
1UIUJW n. --- 1 ;Du. . ' ..A .nninn 1 I1M
I j uiiHti Acre Tracta S Will 00 muuu uuu m muuiuuu uavo wuuuum cvu
to v a ;n fATAat fires in this va lev. with cood aiienaance anu kuuu
etiaj .. hadlv nnndml for I intri. Prof. Kellems is a force
I . 1 ... - : . 1. LftnB1t I . . 1 1. tin a .kn ViAwa In
Ml; 1 Walker's adil forest lirove. 700 jaruouo u .. -r-- 1 - ---
....: . 1 i ... i..v 11 ipii n. t it kiii nnt tninrinrB wuu lueiinn tine. t rot, imuu irouo uo
n I XVlCliaHO"l V.M IbUW. . ..... .m - ' ' J -" - , ,
tract Harvey Clark ti i c 1 1 s 3 w- 050 i...VM ntt rjich 18 now underway, singing. An invitation ib eiicuu
Nancy I Ihinka et al to Uattie B r.o- . Led to all to attend these meetings.
erly, lot 7 niocx 1, nauas The WOOdDUm Doys, wno wero
A Ciutino to Frederick Colfelt, 6 acres
sec it tl a 1 w 1200
I, 1 Heidel to Frederick Geisler, part
lot 6 blk 3 Simmons adit iiuisooro 400
Tualatin Mill Co to S R Vincent, lot
8 blk c Tualatin Grove Tract - 5
Win Brogdon et ux to J V Shute,
acre in Ueo Mliun u 1 c 1 1 n 3 ii
Catherine Britton to A R Scroggs,
ill i-rMl Iff tl I 1 II 1 W IOO
Ktta McKay et al to A R Scroggs, 1.4
acres sec 31 t l n 3 w
ewport last Saturday, to stay
couple of weeks.
For Sale Sanders' double-disc
plow, nearly new. J. N. Miller,
Hillsboro, K. I). 4. 21-U
Miss Lowe, the "central" in the
telephone office at Scholia, was in
the city last Saturday
Note Baird's specials this week
n children s wash suits, and com
pare with Portland prices.
Chas. Mitchell, of Pendleton,
oined his wife, who has been viBit
ng here for some time, this week
Special discount of 15 per cent
on screen doors and adjustable win
dow screens, for short time only,
at Patterson's.
Misses Florence Templeton and
Mildred Snell. of Forest Grove,
nd Fern Smith, of Banks, are
guests of Miss Willabelle Moore.
E. A. Robertson, late of Califor
nia, was in town this week, viewing
the landscape over. He likes thia
county, and may conclude to locate
Wanted, a girl for general house
work, Bmall family, liberal wages,
must be good cook. Apyly to am.
McGill, Route 4, Hilleboro, Or
egon. ; t.. i
Tom Talbot and family, of Cor
nelius, returned, from a two weeks'
outing at 1 rout Late, wasn.,
where Tom says he bad the time 01
his life, fishiog and hunting,
For Sale I have for sale several
acres of oat hay, which I will sell
standing, shocked or delivered. F
M. Barnes, 2 miles soutn ot tuns
boro. Ind. phone, lldd. llJ tf
Paymaster Wetteland, of the
Willamette Construction Company,
was in town Tuesday, dealing out
pay checks to the workmen on the
Electric line, who are in mat iom
pany's employ
Thos. Humphreys and son, of
Heppner, were the guest of Judge
Rood and wife, over tsunaay. Mr
Humphreys is a son-in-law of Mr
and Mrs
Dentist !
Rooms 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Bli
Htreet. Over Dennis Store.
Sao. If. Baglmy W. O. H
Booms 1 and 2 Shute Boildingj
Office, upstairs, over the Post Or
Hillsboro, - Oregon
Rooms 3, 4, & s, Morgan Blk, Hillsti,
Office Upstairs, Bailey Morgan Bit.
Rooms, 1 ana a. I
Orricit: Main Street, opp. Court Hoj
Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 a
Hillsboro, - - Orej
DR. J. H. -KNO?
County Stock
In Rear of Lenneville's Blacksmith !:
Forest Grovb
Rood, and was a former Thone, Ind. 92 Long distant, Ni
111 11 n
I want to say, In H- ",!tl
; that the legislative coinnulfi' tl
State Crang.-, of which I am jha
. ...j .luirire of the h'l!"-
latlve work of the orgaiuntioii, iK 110
favorancha proiHwilion t the l'r"e,u
time and will give It no wi",-
Wanted, at onoe-Bids on r00
cords of first-class cord wood, de
livered at Hillsboro. Address,
"Wood," Argus ollloe
Bruoe and Paul Bailey, who are
flshinir Blunts at
Camp Imbrie, near Buxton, went it., nthnr day. and got lost.
After wandering around for a time,, . (arm house Blld got
tarted in the right direction lor
The Lady Maooabees will give a
dance at the Ureenvuie ni.,
16. Ice cream will be served.
Everybody Invited to come. 21 &
An addillonal local 1 train willlij
put on between Forest Grove 1 and
I'orlland next Bunday regularly.
Two local trains are now operated
between those points, eaving I ort-
land at 11 a. m.anu
n IhftT, P.1LV nil ('
iia wm-
The ameuueu
76 feet high, and the tank will
stand 24 feet anove tne irmmu...
Some of the mains in town are
leaking badly, and new
have to be provided, as the old
ones have been in use lor many
years. When an old pipe begins
breaking up, it is a hard matter to
patch Isake.
t ..i Tknradav afternoon, (he
little six year old girl of Mr. and
MrB. Clyer. or near uw,
the barnyard, ana severe., .UJ-.-
A 1 el.UPawoll n shut.
anu one "j-
when found, a lew m.uu.
accident, by ber parents. The
,.ni..ff.,i irnm concussion for
et ux to C O Hysmg.o . Sherwood next Sunday,
1 3 tt. Tr-."".i""":i "1". .inM ft and ouit. The
acrea Thoa Hart d 1 c 1 1 : a 3 .-9ooo . t 8netwood. The
"Ku.". l" .50 corner 'boys are said, to put
The famous Hazelwood Ice
The Cream, Lowney's and Aldon Choc
uartbiknllillsboro - 3 same will bs between 'ine v nite oiates, just wu vt.;0
got "cold leet" ana quit
Soi and the Vancouver, Wash., at Palmateer's Confectionery. 21tf
up a
resident of Hillsboro
J. A. Brown, of Scholls, has
bought and taken charge of the
Citv Restaurant in Hillsboro, and
will do his beet to please all who
may come. When in town, give
the new firm a call. 19 22
Artemus Wilcox, of Portland,
who is taking a engine ering course
in the University of California, was
in the city Sunday, visiting rela
tive, including his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Manning, north of
G. M. Hunter
Carpenter Worh 1
And Contract!
Tliose contemplating build
should get my figures, li j
'hones. Cor. 4th & Jack I
Hillsboro -- Oregoi!f-:
II Metzger et to Klizabeth E Mil- good game,
j tJlTn'lZr&i&n The following vital statistics for
Forest Grove ' Washington county were reported
O K Johnson et us to K C Johnson to the county board of health for
4,a i,,KI)eWittdlctis3w...a50o fc lh of July. ReturnB on
CtSSS'olV marriages, 10; smallpox, 1 case;
J V Wagner et hk to A L Boldiick, diphtheria, 1; measles, 1; births
lot 4 blk 3 Curtis' add V Grove.-... 400 mftieB( 17; females, 20; deaths
M T l'atton to Marie A raiion, p- , female8i 7.
Korest urove. ruu
Rv virtue of an execution issued
1 1 ' i u..u.Am.l. aaii.i A 'Amlor.
I QUI 01 HI Uliuumau wuu,
hlk a Walker's add
R F Cox et uk to W L Martin and H
Kmbnry, e i sec ie 1 1 n 5 w.......
. "u": " ."SS?: , .. of Helvetia, haa attached 140,
im 11 111 at 2 11 utile au aFwaw , 1 - . . . .i
8 F Richardson et uk to R Boyd et 000 feet ol lumber belonging 10 ine
uk, lots 11 ia blk n S Park ad FO 1615 jfo pence company located at the
T .1 Richardson et ux to G R Arata, ,.-mui formerly owned by C.
lots I a blk 14 S f a r wrov. . -- - d
and garnishment effected Tuesday.
Pence is the man who built a lum
ber Hume in northeast, Washington
A lame force of men who were
eneaeei in trading betweea Hills-
W. S. Hite. a bridge carpenter, horo and Cornelius, were taken easi
fell from a trestle on the lineot tne 0( jown Monday, to bnisu up some
Oreaon Electric, edneeday after- wor near the Hawthorne place
nnnn. to the erouna. a aisiance 01 wn WOrk is being aone on ine
18 feet, without breaking a Done. Tongue tract west, ot inns piace
He was working on me tresue.near , , , n( .tMa 0:11
. 11 ll H nnuiivii jjuoi va vra " w
the sub-Btation.just east 01 town, . . t in officifti
and was trying to place a stringe , - Saturday, and employ-
when his foot PPrtnd ""' fd Miss Featherstone, of California,
fortunately striking on a soft spo . ' ted 1Qth
nf orround. He was somewnai u , rp.u.
n . . irvvana ni hm I'naiitioiovuuu
bruised, ana receiveu a, gou uu 1
... ..T 1
head, which Ur. w 00a sewea up. - .. reCommended
Hon nickers wamea a iue iu. ... ...u.c-c
. r f" . , .. Ti:nk Wm MCUOUri UOUKU luo uuo u
BHlVWPyf."'"' Lore farm known as the Stanton
Persons desiring to pick hops should acre iarm
. f three davs. being unoon-
a part of three uay, ' w n.wnnnrt. minor:
80ious for that lengin o. . ' $ ; oounty
Linklater waB caueu w mRte of Jh8 B Mcl.Uer90U, deceased . c R Huston, an insurance agent
child's In uries, and he reporlB tnai ihat w M )ack guardmn sJ y arrested last Fri-
thrchanoefl are favorable for Its litem of waiter McPherson, be giveu of p"un ,f " 7T W Walch
the cnanTOB Mondav. Aug. io, at 10 a. m to day on complaint of F. vv . waicn,
recovery.' r. ..: ami that hear i hit becon- n.nnriatnr nl tha Commercial Hotel,
nu- fAiir,inir corrected notice timie,i t0 that date. . . .' Lk.M.flri with denartine from the
-- . v, . ui in. linn-1 .f illirl lliplanil. deceased y ... . A .
u""" . v. hntel witnoui onennK to
..Central Meat Marku
Keep constantly on hand a fit
supply of fresh meats of all kinv
4New Era In Prloem '
We are goin to sell meats at prices
erthan those which have prevaile
the past. Call ia and see us. We I
business, 'rnone ana rree us--,t
One door East Tualatin Hotel
Malo Street, Hillsboro, Orego;
and arriving
uo. and 2:50 p
"L' u, "irM for three trains
. .1 n' aa tol OWB o.OU
leaving -- ,.n
1 m ami mill I', w
a. m.i v- uj' " , j
n x, .111 anlve in Portland
" hb,nnl e X bo! ho atfflLlTOS hotel without
Died, at her home, l miies souwi for hearing objections, board bill of 4 .lb. tluston was
Reedville, Or., August , l.H, , 01 Noicetobegiven bv posting. arreBted al Forest Grove, and the
nherouloBiB. Ida J. Burchel . De- Kgtftte f Uos fa deceased. tM WfJ heard Justice Barnes
in KIIOuacouu- Report 01 n. n. ijuc, . Fri(iav n Bnt in the mean-
and was born
Wash., reo,
1878 She approved.
Uat Fridav nieht
time, Huston settled the hotel bin,
,eveB the following re.auv machinery but W.B found guilty ot ine 0 -
mourn her Iobs: H. L. Buroheu, 0 a Monday, at the 8. fense charged, and fined $20 and
her husband and four ch ldren fAZ& JkcFarland the costs of the act on The Jus-
Annie, Cora, Claud and Hold-. BrotbVrB who. it ie reported, will tice, however, remitted the fine, but
father and mother, Mr. and Mrijf Brot t .en, 0 n p , the C0BtB Btand, U appearing to
B McNsw; two bro herB,.J. K. and put j . . eawm wM f a deliberate
r u-v.a. all rtBidente of tne line 01 ,.,. LtUmnt on the Dart of HuBton to
lj0gau -V"-"' , Kalnnaed tO BUXtOU a
l'erBon8ae8iriogvoiu.uuHDnuUu.v. - - wllar this week.
?5 i!,te'd' or wl,h W tSU "u'iM
natr, . ---- , rAnprt. The farm is in a
A woman came to town one day m-gQ Btate of cultivation, and has
this week, and tried to sell some good buildings upon it. Quite a
silk dress patterns. Her scheme lot 0f p8rBOnal property went in
was to call on the ladies and say witn tne place, at the above price,
that ah had iust sold a pattern to Tua nkii in situated a short dis-
Mrs. So and 60, who had told her Uance BOuth of Job'a Crossing, be-
to bs sure and call on trie laay 10 , een HiilBboro and Cornelius
1 L i.lWJnn QU& 1
JTSn landecenT The little 6 year old, daughter of
umiiuou iuv ..v . 1 ni-r,rt0 Mann lha Hnhn Ih mftf-
1 e . . ,iAaa nattavna 1 uiairjuijo 1 w v w
,y, ana 0. cou B0 j Bcalded . th
Iriurwaccesrs accidental upsetting of a buckeVof
.... it,ni wataa laat NanirftAV Avnnin&7.
was a good second for tde abusive ""i ',v
i? L who aold face done which was setting upon the table
uiu , - I . U- A U Thn nhUii KM
here, a few weeks ago. ZZJT fa Xht ahoulder
Clearance Bale of all men'B, boye' hreast. and rieht side, bo that the
and ladies' Buits. Will be sold at ki came off in great blisters.
actual cost, and all broken lines Dr F A .Bailey was called to at
oarried in the immense stock of the ,end the unfortunate little girl, and
General Merchandise store ot reDorig Vw. 1 8ne & oatting along sb
Homo Stylo
Regular Meals, 25 cts u
Short order lunches 11
Opp. Farmers' Feed Shed;
Main ot. J'
Hillsboro - - - Ore$
. A I llVValfliUI IrDlUUKVU
this county. r-h " 1d- been have a cut
ih Christian 1 feet daily.
tting capacity of 20,000 beat his creditor, although under
. Sears & Hartr
Third St., bet. Washingf
' .' and Main !
Hillsboro-" Ori
Oniwrai Automobile Bpiili-lnft. A
blUt iplla or all kiwi.
for liitHroaHonaUiiiftlne. f
Schulmerich Bros. Come early
and get your choice. 51 tf
HiilBboro Argua, $1.50 per year.
wall as could be expected, consider
ing the extent and severity of the
Beat- tnmmi.
IL II . Staart, of Forest L-
manager of the two milk condf '
in this county, .Wai In town j
;.YU:60. . and 4:50 p. m,
a memoer iur '