JnlILLSBR VOL. XV. HILLSBORO, OREGON. AUG. 13. 1908. NO. OF If ASH. GO'S In in the HaniUof Non-Rotl dent Speculator lorU AKIA II 440.0(H) UK IS tattMallst Data Cfmplltd lr Clsik Ballsy Ojuuty Clark Bailey, In response to Inquiries from lha National Cun ervetion Comrolaaloo appointed b I'reaWeut Roosevelt, after meet io I with lbs governors, last May, baseanl tht fullowlog data relative to the natural resource of Wash ington wunly: ToUl airs t" Sirra... 4. Tirtal avrr clrainl .$ Aim mrrrhaiiuMe ltrott .v. At'tr Umlf rul, - !. Clerk lielley reports an estimate of 4,500,OuO,(x0 of merchantable timber, and bat but 15 pr cent ol lha good i0C timber is in tbe band ol farmers or Individual holders. PIONKBK OF I'" Shady vinitor op to Tboines K. euotber tif Koresi lirova'a honored ciiitoni and pio ueers, died tt bit bora on Third ..nut. Frldev. Amusl 7. Vm Funeral service were beld at tba Until; reaidsnc Huodej morning, l 10 o'clock, Interment Uclog ntace In tba Nat lor cstnetery. Mr. Ra was born at Auburn, Cayuga county, Naw York, Auausl 21, ma lu 184 U. wasengageu In aaartnllltna' in I'almm. Mlcb Afur remaining there two years, k aanL to California and workrd in lha mi dm at Cold Htirinit. H eaoia norlh. settled on tba CowliU takina- a donation claim. Hit tint venture wee in lha mercantile linn at Muniioolb. where he remained until 1S70. In 1871 ba came to Koreal drove to t near 1'acitlo I'tilvereity for bia childrni to 1K57 be marrltd Mi Mary Aou Oatrendar. who cams lo Dra gon lo 1H52, and who survives bltu, with the following three chil dren. Ilsmetl V Koe" who ba cam a lawyer, but ia now living on a farm near Forest Urove; Cbarlaa U. lit, a furoitura dealer, and Mr.. Willit UIT, both ol For est Grove Mr. Roe served aa county school superintendent in Coaliu oounty, and a member of both the Washington and Oregon legisla ture. Ha wae for several years a probata judge. Advertiser Lsitrrs enle, rnip stools, hammocks. canvass coti. tt PiUprson'a. August WwUklng. of Hcholls, waa a county seat vial tor Friday. Try "Our Hna Made Loaf," at lha City ll.kery, on Main etreet, HilUUro. i t! Mr. and Mra E. W Auderion, ol Portland, viaiud Miia Arab Iloyt, Hunday. A. C. W'lnniiy, of D-ar Hrook, wu oounty anat naturday, and calltnl. Call on or jibona lo iWinia lor groorma A oomplata and data Una alwayi on hand. Dr. Win I'iitniKer, Cal. Jack and Chai I.kmkin mada a Hying t'ip lo Claltop l)irh Saturday and Hnoday. Kor oaU -Knirn 1(1 to fifl hunt nf wall brad Angora goal, 12 to 2 60 facb C. Hibaa. KarminBton. Ore gon. 20 22 A. Harherff ih M'mL I'ninn butchrr, wi in town Monday fore noon, on bUdlneu, and called on tba Argun BoftcUl dincountof IS nor rcntnn anrnrn doori and adjualable window crn, for ehort time only, at I'at lereou . There are iighl inmate at the poor farm, at Una time, who are maintained at a ooet of 112 per month. 1TV HOLDS IPG. MEETING R. M. Banks, of Banks, was in town Monday. Fancy pastry, wedding cakes, etc, at tbe City Bakery, Main St. Peter Welty, of Helvetia, spent laal flnrwliv it lha Vinh at N'W. Audits Large Number of Hills port. and Makes Orders Hamat crews supplied with bread, by the City Bakery, Mam klEETH AGAIN TODAY, ALSO Al'G.22 ,tTeet' 1Hlf Urover Combs ana Kay uamews IN THE DAYS (JF OLD TEE DAYS OF GOLD" Death of Patrick Ryan Re calls Arrangements for Duel WITH "YAGERS" AT FIFTY YARDS f Clerk a ad Recorder, for July, Tttal OKH jo Tbe County Bjard. which Wedoeday of laat week, audited a lirge number of bills and made left Monday, lor a short stay at Newport. John Bcbaer, of Mountaindale, waa in the county seat Saturday. "Hand called. Bew Duel Between Ryai asd 0' Hear a Was Frustrated Geo. Hensley and Ed. Mince mover, ol near Orenco, were in aeveral orders in road and other town last Friday. matter. Another meeting will be Clarence Russell, of 8cappoose, bad today, aod atiil another on the and J. L. Turk, of Kiat, Columbia 22od of this month. The following oounty, were io the city Friday, i....; 4. For centlemen's. ladies' and Juhn McClaraa. aal.ry M 8o Children's boM yOU Can do no bet- ...... .. ; . - . I k . n in Kim nl Inhn Ilannia U (.oouln Mil Btiil no. ltilUlioro Argun, printing Geo W Wilco. mlry Geo ( lUnrix k, Ixjard pnoueri. li G llonrork, tiiiciiiie ( C, Hancock, aalary lml Trl court hotiae Chu li StrpbeiK, aiwming S T I.inklatrr, inuuc ex... IlilUboro l.lir Co. court kouae J K Gill Co, urvryor'a office S T l.inkUtcr, inwnr ex J Cruikihank, ancaa and collect, Src Vault ami MrUl Worka, C u. ter than lo buy of John Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron, ol in 65 65 00 16 75 Portland, were io the city Sunday, 55 guests 01 Mr. and airs. a. 1. "7 5 Abbolt. a SO 9 00 Leslie and Hugh Miller, of Port- J 00 land, are in tbe city this week, vis- y iting with their grandmother, Mrs. 5 00 8. J. Brown. . 4J SO l.L .4 .U. R.ui ... nop picaora nauwu mt im i !....;- ,.r.M Z villa hoD vard. No Jsdb emp'oy j w naurv, lyoysieu. nuuroiw . J H llutler. rcconlcr'a office 7 SO SnilU Ore. 21 tf . . t t . - .1.-1. tu- i.r rA ' i-apv. 4 . i merrymao, hi me n j ' v" 1 . . , , . , u. t...i-- 1 --. ii W M Jckon iraaiurrr't office... 40 Mra. UCfee ana QSUSnver, miee loruauu v.uvoiu u"up. eimni .. . , ... . - 1 .... . ... 1 , ." 1 I r-orrtt orove jmiea, priniing 4 w Veata. and MISS Ura wniunore ' - 1 1 imanu. rtconicr uuttx... 10 illillOoro. IkUt Drug Store, aupollre .IaM CdIIhh rourt house.. jUM receivea a car 01 HilUUiro Imlependent. auppliei... 4a 00 TU., PAinr . 1l to do from lbs factory. Jai A Zimmernnui. wit county cU too We bave Uio wagona iiveeva, auu Dime vi nui.umi' li1 " departed Monday, for a week's va , 4 00 1 cation ai ;ewpori. Theodore Pointer, a well to lacvory. Jai A Zimuiernmu, wit counly cu 3 00 , . . v.. will av.11 ai Portland price.- John j.ck. wu county coon iir::w"7 u:r.::. K1 tf W I Ingram, wit - - J K iwsen TaeaiDKVu mu mu.m lunu iuvu rtchulrnerich Broa. Clvde WaUon a d ile. of Port land, came oul Tuesday, and went nut lo Ulencoe lo visit with the Tompkins (amity. Hmokers like tbe Schiller and the Eioellencia These cigars are of iha lwt stock. You can t fool an authority on a good cigar. T P Ruth&rd. who sold his 6- acre traot cna mile east of town has bouibt a lot and will build a f.uir.rnom ooltaie on Fourth and Jackson. Ml.a Uertrude Featherstont. ol Loa Angeles, Cal , a graduate of Dr K A Bai'.ev, insane ex j 00 .,.--...! in thai VWti,,nV M Moore ill 10. Frank man.uru a 1; inhn Hri- puaiviuu iu iu iM..v r Miss Ooa Foord, stenographer t,x, Wilkaa Bros., departed Friday f... tri.KKaak. on the N'ehslem, iui a where she will spend the month, a guest ol ber auol, Mrs. Shearer .imtjei, inquest, etc 3 00 mh counties, was in Capt Guiles, court hcuae l so . business ,i.i iii. Wnt t 00 atJ 00 OUBincSB. w k Ham, fruit luaprcter 10 00 Wanted Hop pickers mr uregg b KJ (io.li.ian, ants an.l collect...- io 50 .j L.i.TVille. li miles north S i XXX. aaurv...'. '"ZZ of Hillsboro. Address. W. J. Gregg. 1 ' " r...o I:ll.l . D.n.Rn Ul.loc' L U Walker, surveys 5 ROUW o. niiuuuru 1 wuv M C Caae, suprrinlenlent salary ... 98 39 pbone, Farmers 31x. 19-23 t 6 47 Mrs. C. P. Blanchard will preach j Frank Motictt, sur office ' 30 1 at Mason Hill school houee Satur- joha Borwick. road 449 ! 00 dav evenina. August 15, and at JWSewtll, " " o oo , r u.v, ftn-Har An VA Kine. duUling fire 7 50 ooauy .uu vu-.vU j, CUss eV frwlbomme. supplies I 50 gust 16, at 11 S. m. and 8 p. m. , SrJinlVt::::::; .s - w-j. .fhrid7'viu: Wah Co I'ui) Co. supplies 13 5 gust 7, 1908, Berntce, tbe 4 year Gordon & Misener. sherifTs offi.... 00 0i,j daughter of Mr and Mrs. Clyde Watson, formerly ol mouniainaaie. Diabetes was the cause of death Funeral services were held Sunday, and interment was in Multnomah cemetery. Mr. Tolls, of Portland, gave the nw nhemioal enstne a trial, satur dav nieht. which demonstrated that it was all right. A pile ol Arv ffnods boxes and other inilsm able material was set on 8 re near th P R .fe N. track, and the lit The death of Patrick Rvan. ol Jacksonville, Ore , at the age 8C years, which occurred recently, re called to Geo. T. Led ford, of this city, an incident which took place in Jacksonville, in 1859. James O'Meara, the Irish newspaperman and orator, was at that time edit ing tbe Jacksonville Gazette, and while at a social function in the town, Ryan, who was a merchant ol the then flourishing mining place, made a remark which called forth violent criticism on 0 Meara s part. Ryan retorted sharply, the incident resulting in a challenge from O'Meara to fight a duel. Ry an accepted, and named Mississip pi "Yagers" aa the weapons, and a point just over the California line as tbe place 01 meeting, nyan seked Led ford to instrnct him in tbe uoe of the "Yager," which he did. and in a few davs Rvan be came an eznert in its use. Before tbe time for tbe duel, bowever, tne authorities got wind of tne im pending duel, and arrested both men. and bound them over to keep the peace. O'Meara was later shot in tbe fieehv part of the hip by Henry Dellioger, editor ol the Jacksonville Sentinel, a rival pa per, but he lived , to make many uery political speeches, atd to write many a vitriolic article with hie treoche nt pen, before be died. Ledford was an express rider at the time of the above incident, and was considered a good shot with the "Yager," on which account he was chosen by Ryan to give in struction. intra a Jno Ireland o. Chas Barrett 9. J C Hchulmerich 9, J H Wirti . u.l,..f.-,,l-th Hielaml 16. Peter Vauilecoutering 10, Jane Murdorf 3, Joe Ego 6, Ann Freeman o, airs unas no o, Joe KR0 9, W U iwneison 10 70. 11 T D.,.inn II K f.nr.lnn anil 11 II Italnh Wann, of Bethany, who is Clark. 3 each, for elections. . . ti 1 HnAila anil DUinWITH-Dca tak ins a course 10 a roruaou uur ness college, wss in town Friday s HAD BODY EXHUMED He J C Auatiri, Frank Aruit. Mr IWh ,,...ri 1. .....!.. tt...n I w Hull. Mr J Dennett, Ben Bynon, Mr Carnitite K Cola, Daniel Decker, John Iieltann. Mr rutnam Firld, Charley Hage. li llr.ll Mr Ol V Hrmlriam. Mr John llamnv. S llmiiill. M Jfllklll. I. A lorir. Mr V Kvn himIv Mr trtik Ij-hi-l. S I. Ixjvriirll, XI.. Wn. M,...l.fi.. Mr U' M(HlfV. MlM Alice I'ie.eo, Mrs Alice rhSm. C 1' I'rcsnell, Mra Alen l'rck, Fred I'araoiis, Mi., n.iiik ui,-. Mr Ib-Mii kav. Strnhru Skiha 4. Mr U N Sproat Sidney Skagg. Mrs M A Himpaoii, Mr K Khimisu (Jp gang), Mr I'etcr Kchrani, K It Smiihaon Mias Matwl HuntU, James Iran, ir win ton Whltlon, K M WckkI 1 care II Jen nings, J A Hall pkg Kdmonloa V 0, tr iilliiuoro, uregoti, ug, 9, 11 P Cornelius, pnntmanlrr , Vlnn was lUcoriler 01 COn in ihla nountv a few ypjBllwrv ... .- ' years ago. w k Hnnn of flaaton. and W " ' . 1 ... it H.,.,1 of Heaverton, auenueo rural mall delivery lorce. Coroner Brown has received letters from J. A. Cnrran, a Portland real estate man. askine about the iden tification marks on the man woo wss found murdered near the old Burgholzer cabin, a short distance from Timber Dostomce. Uurran hss a brother, who has been miss ing for eight months paBt, and he was anxious to Bee whether the corpse found might not be that of hi brother. Last saturdav. Uoro ner Brown secured men at Forest ..). an.l liiuhwarn Beall & Co 447-- 07. Sec Vault & Metal Works jo 40, S O Hughe. 10 96. i-iea wacn 74 45. tUeI1Bine B00n had it under control man Bros IS 4. 100 15 anu t t, u'B Pour Ur co ,78 y. Keeves A Keeves pergon. wiBhiD(, to tile their Q ro. -nd in the presence of DrB Vl'o MeK' ?y:rs 8,;:cii frms will always find a large sto Urge; exhumed the ..5 ,0'.J ! iw,i Rr nlfinau a n our Tard at Scholia. K1 nt tKa Jn tkft nntter's ... 1 v cu ,K u T. w House 1 UTa. Alar. narrv brick IDaic.ii t?i. .,: Aa aA fn a 1 T allanrt Jin 111 v. ' ' -. " . I j I I1H1U. AlUUUlnUUU Tfo UIAUO i ' blockBl 7hV ,ntend- the purpose of further examining the 'Good Roads . N ! Ct ;. Tili i!n una to build will find a large Bup- VAS man's teeth, but the Poland, u " ;n;-r" XTraS,., U pl of lumber at our yard, and you deBcrib9d by Cuan ttVSS 01 IDO ,!....."B ' " - ,u'uft a Bivirman t6 SI. J S w Intritud to call and lOOK 0Ver ..- . Vita K.nlr.ar .... not Lorsung 700. T P Goodm 1284 J5, Chas our Btock before purchasing. The foUnd on lne man whose name is .-"'"r "q r:: S Groner-Boweu , oonoiiej-r. v. BUDD0Bed t0 be Perdue. 'L5 ' " " " J " address. Hillsboro, Ore., R. u. 2 a(1(lit:nn ta othflr di.Coverie8. jurors county court R J Thomas f 16. the P. R. & N. surveyors the coroner found three sharp holes C I James tr, Robt Thompson ao so, n Mill-.- .mn at Tim her. in th riirht ooat sleeve. cloBe to lt VoU qte a fire the wrisand he thinks these were a 4 'iu a to. w w Williams : .l. tir-k-. Thn fir warden made bv the sham Drons of the . " n ..a cs; - . t nm P . .aiii aa in 1 u,.haaraji in 1 . ni" r l iiiiiijuui aa .it tbe larmer needs. ne arKW .t.k aver showo in asningwu ... .-,1 nan and will beat oompetitors.-Schulmeriob Bros iiuhler and son, mn. ' ' 0 , all .. - O-. I llUICATt I . M t c ta. F.mll liearaaii 5 ou, .1 v. """ .ni tha anrvAvora lor assist r '"rir : n thecitv 4. w w w. Le.r ,vSnonded auicki Of Ban rrauuiBk, "------ - JOi pponteroy 27 00, . the Utter part of last week, guests R a8 40 H n sch, a. 1 I.. Uwa I lit F I .. . ai .f..:iU.. i (U I U v ... I rmerly es'lden ol this Ls Jaiuot 9. W a Marlin 34 40, A J ling was former y rwMU V , Roy '40l oiave Johnson 31 so. city, and will be remembered as Roy ay 4 tAXUan vltnAen , 1 R C Baldra. Mrs. Dar P Barrett 31. Schmeltter 34 so, vm McOuillsu 4 80, J R Eoes s8 40. C. W. HUDSON C. W. Hudson, formerly a promt nant marnhant ft (laslon. died Sat urday morning, August 8, 1(.K)H, at thahnmanf ralallvna in Portland. His death was due U an attack of HrlnhL'a HUaaa Ha was 50 years of age, and U survived by bia wife, father and mother, a brother, U. a. Master of the United Artisans, and a sister who resides at Lltlle Rook, Wash, uis father, W.8. Hudson, lives at sor est Grove. L ... ..:n t o .,,,1 a iS. W V Wilev I 12. J V. Y.l . ,i Rr M IGlaasoil r n.,lo. . fa nt tuas riaou j" jj L. DOiee, W lie oi v i, , .tand t 8. Thos n. Peter Hoffman 16 18, W ,t .u.- .atate. has sued fire warden made by the sharp prong of the a for aesiet timber boara laiorum, a piece u A iUa woonAnriArl ntiioklv 1 vaonn tirft IS inches in lensth ftDUe IUU iUOT IVDUWUWVM vj I iasaw to the call. They carried water up and with which the murdered man from 9 a m. uo- was struck on the head. This is lin mUUUSWIM mimmir m - 1 fjrhftn thai.. inRtrnment found at the Burs H imW IU iuv ssiviwvm " i - t , Barnes were extinguished. Tilla- holzer cabin, and it is oovered with Miss Klla Dixon .. -!.!.-. r Ro se, wife oi - "uu. : .'L.r' , . tw m, nuim"j ' . 16 o. Cnris jonnn i j the former admit svraiur SuUiv congealed blood. Farm lor Sale For Sale or Rent Cath tiawinornu """"i . .. , ii niiia aecretarv of tne or I no , . the estate, lo oblige her o be tbe books exported, huih, the land owned Dy me ev- in this oounty. Will Montgomery, formerly farmer, but now ol MOUniaiuu-i . u.inr. Portland, was In town last Salur i.V While here. Mr Montgomery (ley- V " ff-nt that reoetyea P .- - , . hi. The Hillsboro Flouring Mlll;oa nartii 7(1 K.rmla- has a lame stor ing capacity. Also,lhs Hillebofo Warehouse, capacity, 200.UUU ouen els. Will be Bold Beparale, or to gether. Apply to JnVtn MllnA Hillsboro. lo ii Tra T.alln.ar a barber of Tilla mook, and a eon in-law of Jemes Ynimo nf Hiliabnrn. while hunting near where Mr. and Mrs. Young are camped, at Netarts, was acol antaii ah.it hi Billv Martin, a oompanion, the contents ol shotgun i.tkin t .iuunn the faoe and body, infliotlng painful, but no ' .r.l -min.la. AboUt iinuiiniiarii r i v-i - . in .u. i..A ik- rlaah. and Latl- mer lost ooneiderable blood. j . - -.mi, when l)t. Boals wat summoned, who tbinxfl a :. nf Hales W. W. wena"M -!-- ... nreek were in town Saturdayj r. 9"r 7!". -I- hunch of dairy well ri " rtha nrodoot from the herd to iu . . Qr0ve. lie mm -'"'-timner V8 haVVrro. the acre, . - -.. county is improving Tha Sherwood White ox ej the former u- 8ox asooreof I ' ......raun- landed on BODtne-- mercifully, r.u :;..ab,und mr. ivu"-- , , BUIIlvau i 'W - - - ' .. -..i..n , n.i Rrvden A Stewart io 1UIBUI J 7TI J -- i,s,' .,..1 i to John Ritttr 3o, Wm Tolke a5 M, Sarah Long 19 oj, A B Davis 2 44. lOD ia'a S - " .t Davison .51. Kt.e Bothman J T Sin tii ana u u bwij "3. 1 io, Aug Bothman 5 n.N C Shipley 12, J H Shearer 37 2o, Jas Hartweiger 3 31 ind 11 16, A L Stephens 13 96, E Alberts 4 and 7 44. J E D.ckason 1 10. Geo Wil cox S3 94, Wilcox Lbr Co 70 54, H Latta 10 39 no '7 a, - r- aud9 85, La Flanders 2 25, t Prib now 1 38, A B Garrigus 1 38 and 3. J F i.ee o an p.i Kaymouu -y- . .((SB Huston O 50, rainurc "bb 7 in r vrn..w n aa. V Ruefuer 5 95. i ... inhnonn loo and C. V. flSklT ' lsX i C Bias and Jd'K Church. Hillsboro; ordered that nuit claim deed Cw inaae an jiray rV - '...i. -r.iiMilnn for a license to store grain; bond approved and license Teport of County Clerk approved; fees J39.5. .., i.onnlr aorjroved Henon ui fees I448.55- . , r,trt Hnor ' . m reiver's reoort read Keuun .-.v t'.T. - ...... i . , .1..... onlered estaDllsueu petUione topry dHmagesand expense ol opening mook Herald Tn the suit of a urominent tim k..m.n auainst Columbia county t.. Ir JnrlaA MnRride rendered . j i.inn that thn timber assess- f wiflh to sell mv farm, containing """"" - -- . , - i manta should stand, mainly aB loz aores, uu acres unaer piow, - . I . . I J oi .i nt.4- lino rirm naked snnri hnnan. harrt ana orconru. OS iubv naig " " -1 , lor a reduction ol "f zou.uuu on us miies souin oi nm, wu .. ...-.omant hiln another wanted mile west of Farmington. roriur Dora.....i - - . nf fyi nar nent on S'Z.UUU.UUU. ther information, adorers, uu w. r - - -. i , n... p.-.-nnilna Attnrnev. K B K. BUrKnaiter. VIUl iivvv-i-b ' ' .. . , rt 'ftniiia.conduoted the cases lor tne 44 6m nuisnoro, wre. nountv. and was assisted by Gil ht Hedsea and w. a. roweu, ine ffrar,w Rim. of Gaston, was in Uter being the uommDia oouniy Hillsboro last Saturday deputy. Mf. xoogue does uos uo lieve the cases will be appealed, .r.,1 aava the decision will be 01 great value to other counties in the state. T.aat Thuradav afternoon. Rev . A ff At tot H IM at hi ?t0t allowing rKT. pterin, best, '1?1D!? . " . t-.ive men ." 'rirn trVtobear The run g--- --,xfl LeMUe JoTdloPo1 r, M ..i nf all men's, boys Vieai"v --- A l.j:..' mill. Will uo BUtu .lt.d -.11 broken Oiae. oarried in the immense evuv-. . General Mercnanaise Sohulmerioh Bros. Come e. and get your choioe. oin See Our Full Assortment A GOODLY SUPPLY cf toilet aids is sn absolute necessity at this resort especially. Whether you stay at home or go away you need them just the same. That this pharmacy is the best place to obtain them any one will tell you who has once used Our Toilet Aids and Article. They are the kind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we invite yon to secure your supply here, knowing you will be more then satisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy A. S. Stales, Pres Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier Statement of Condition of Hillsboro Commercial Bank at the close of business, July 15, 1908 RESOURCES , LIABILITIES Ijans -f 181,361.68 Capitol Stock $ 25.000.00 Cash and due from Surplus 10,000.00 banks 98.336-36 Undivided profits-... 93-13 Real estate 6 fcco.co ,,,i(a , ,67 or Furniture. Fixtures. 2,700.00 P08118 a53,rt7 91 J7i S9.198.04 Attest: ; Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier Directors A. S. SHOLES EDWARD SCHULMERICH CS. RUSSELL W. N. BARRETT E. B. TONGUE S. B. HUSTON J.W.CONNELL 1,M11,BamaaaBBaaa THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in ' stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared, to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full- line of tablets, pencils, slates,, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. Wantml tn rent, a farm of not than IRQ acres, bv a No. 1 farmer. Address C. 0 D., care of Argus. H. T. Bagley and wife returned Last inureuay nwiuwu, . - Beery and family, who are camped Sunday night -from a two 1 weeks n.ar the Christian church, heard a stay at Collins Springs, on the Col- ,at noise in the ohuroh building, umbia. - . . . ., j .... . . Upon investigating, tney iouna Rev A gpieiss, local pastor 01 that eometmng or someuuuy uu gt paQi'g ivangei;cai ijumeran caved a hole in the ceiling, through cnUTCh, located near Sherwood, has which the lath protruded, tne received the appointment of dele- t - 1..Iai(a it mma m. minor from I ... . . u u..Anflttitt.l T.nfKapan the church attic Believing that sDOclical Conference of the United THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armatrong, LL.B., Prlncl aJT We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipme' employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more ct . for office help than we can meet, uur scnooi auiuuLcutjr others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such aa instituti-, CSald a Business Man: " Keep hammering away everlastingly on moru . . a. :n iM wiiA Atiri " Main Ait r anraiun iuc uuwwj va , tion riven in your school make's it the Standard of IU kind in the Northwew COpen all the year. Students admitted at any nun v.-6- -m Refenaceat Any bank, any newspaper, any Duaineas man there wae some one in hiding in h t tin who had steDDed irom M V the ioists on to the ceiling, tne in. rah al and deDUtv ehenff were ..111 TlAnntv Hhenil JJOWOB in j . ..... . .aA tha loft with a lmni. put V BJBJVt VV vhw w found no trace of any person, so the matter will be a mystery. Su perstitiouB ones are advancing the ghost theory, in the absence of oth er material explanations; Rtatnn. which convenes at New Ulm, Minn., August VJ. A timber deal, involving 4.800 acree valued, at J410,000, haB been nlannrl of record in this county. Th buver is L. B. Menefee. of Houston, Texas, and the seller is the John Schroeder Lumber Co., of Milwaukie, Wisconsin. The price paid is over 975 per acre. W. B. DOLAN Chenette Row, Main SWHillshpro Bet. First and fcecona MaKes Specialty of Metal and Composition Roofing '-v.' . SKy-lirfhts and Cornice -' WorK. General Jobbing Reaptfuliy .licit, a share c " 9 1 i J of thw mou"' ing was purely Moweowi. he will pull through, ineanou.