HiLLSBORO ARGUS, AUG. C. 1908 WHAT ABOUT OUR City Will SiMin Outgrow its I'rcHCHt MciiiiHol Supply CAS HE HAP NUU MOlMAIM (''II tfrrk and i Ktarirtir Uiitlit Salve Prul.Uui Mr jf the walar supply l IhlU Uifii la iM-itig tuml in iu fulltl capacity, by thn growing demand for it, a a riwult of th rapidly in iiroaaing ipnlatinn. Tim Iwct mwIin mei) of the cily admit that grave r otiirm rnufronU n, mn rrning the future walr Miipply . Ill time wwerage will I m ft liirrnoi ly, and that, tit", will call fur mors water. I.aat Hutnlay, Mr. Hall, rnginwr of lh watr and light plant, vbli"l Jfti kmiii crwli, fight mite norlh of thi oily, ami uit-an-urnl the It iw of wiitnr in that i rwk, ft! tbm tint" of yar Hough y twllrnated, li found it would give IH HUI Kft htm in '.'I In. urn. llm falla tut tun rrrek ar IT.'i irt almvs th cily, which would, if onawed, i a splendid gravity aystmii ir could im built tn Ihn low n. A rMrvoir rouw ix mint minr met high, which would hold ft Ift'K iiiount of water. Kaliiiialra uiadn mill titn! on tlm lion ol wooden how Ihftt wlnr could I Jm. Hourapas, of Portland, was in lown yralnrilay. TmiU, ramp stools, hammocks, canvass i-otn, at Patterson'. John I iimni tud wifn am camp ing at thnir ranch near Newton I A reps,of near Forest Grove, 'allml at the county at ywlerday Harry Hall, of nar Hliady Brook, wan a county at caller yesterday. Mrs, V. H. Morion left ystnr day for a watt's visit with relatives in Portland lan Htohlnr, formerly of Helve tia, now a resident ol Portland, wan in town Monday, J. H. Hausley and family, of ninth or HilleUr.i, left ytmterday for Netarla beach. For Half Handera' dotih'a-disr plow, nearly new J. N. Miller, IIillelM.ro. K. 1). -t. 21 -if John Hitter, of near Helvetia, a prominent dairyman and farmer, wa in town Monday. Attorney John Wall, who ha lieen au k lor eeveral waek pant, tioptw to iii1 iu hia olhce soon (1 V. P.arnea in now the roller tor of city watt,r and light hills Hie nfl'u-n in in the Chanelle How lr Adkiuaaold hia lumen and lot, I hi week, to I.irkin Reynold, for f7K Kuratli Bros made the deal. Hop picker wauled Apply or write to Joceph Cawrne, Cornelius, Oregon, R 1. parillc Statee' phone :il'2. 20-3 IIUfflRI) FAIR JlJ lU U ;mkI Purses Will h; Given for Livestock I'.xliihits Wm. Hensley, of Orenco, was in town Monday. Daniel Bailey, of Blooming, wan in town Wmlneeday. Klisha Cramm, of Shady Brook, wm in town Monday. John Loudon, of near Cornelius, wan in town Monday. Mies Susie McKinney is out from WITH (.OLDEN SPIKE CEKEV10XIES Portland for a few days. Jos. C'awrne, of near Centerville, Kindle Line Will l.t Campleted is Tliuel Wm in the city yesterday. for Fair For Hals, cheap A 1200-lh work horse. Inquire of F'mmott Bros. The executive committee of the I. A. Duncan and Harry Cook, forthcoming HillelMiro Street Fair of Cornelius, were in town Monday, iselaleil over the prosects, and de- Block and poultry foods, paint, rlarenthat the coming Fair will oil, stock salt, at Wehb .V Hooyer. ecliHe anything heretofore at- Miss Orace Cole, of Pendleton, tempted in this county. Liberal is the gueBt of Miss Lucile lmbne. prien will )e given for livestock Try Colwa, the famou grape eihihits. There will be two big juice, at I'almateer's Confectionery, tents on the hutinees streets, each Geo. Zimmerman, of Reedville, 2-lilSO feet, and it is expected that transacted buBinesB in town Hatur- the agricultural aud horticultural aB' exhibits will hs a credit to the Get Moss Hose, fireat Raiser and TIMBER OS FIRE 11 Dames (jetting Oose to Val uable Timber Tracts FJKES ARE BUKNIXG OS NEBALEM Fire Wardto Pbonts is Tiiulitr Owners ia Hillsbers Roy Greear was a Portland vis- tor yesterday. Dr. Adkins spent Sunday with relatives in Portland. Oscsr Donelson and family went to Seaside beach Tuesday. Frank Lichty, of Cedar Mills, was in town last Saturday. Abraham Zahler, of Phillips, was a county seat visitor Monday. TentB, camp stools, hammocks, canvass cots, etc , at Patt irson s. Services in the Methodist church i.ii brought Into llilieiMiro at a nwi 1 1 a txii l flH.tssi. This would not in clu ) the ront of a reeervoir. Forty crwi, lurluditig the site of the falls, are owiih! by I r. F. A Bailey and V. H. Wehrung, of this nly. Dr Bailey said yeeterday. that no far a his intret ia concerned, it could m bad at a trilling advance over actual poet. He is not anxious to force it upon the rily, but, an a ril ixn, U interested in its future wa i.r mii.i.lv. It is Bi-nerally admit- A Alberts, of near Mountain dale, wan in town Tuesday. He ei peels to leave soon for a trip to California. Special dieoount of l.p percent on screen doors and adjustable win dow screens, for short time only, at Patterson's. D K. Johnson thn week bought the (i. A. Dohnt property in tbis cily, for I .). I lie eale wan maae by Kuralu Bros Wanted, a girl for general house county. Races will he given on two days at the Chappell track, at the old Fair Grounds, unless the Fall circuit dates should interfere. Arnold promiee a baliiou ascension each day of the Fair. General Manager Taibot, of the Oregon Klectric line, will arrange fjr the driving of a golden spike here on the first day of the fair, with im posing reremnuirB. The Western Ofgon Stallion AS '(M iation will endeavor to have a parade of stallions, draft and driv ing horces, and the dairymen of the county will show their finest ntock. Other industries will alio ted that water from the mountains! Mmt mut be good cook. Apyly to Mrs White Mountain Hour of Webb & Hoover. Iiorn, to the wife of Chas. V. Kvane, Scbolls, Ore., Aug. 2, 1M8, a daughter. Just received the new fall But terick fashion books, and Delineat ors, at Baird's. Born, to the wife of Peter K. Van deranden.of Roy, July .11, lflOX, twins, a boy and a girl. Portland Standard Cement at 5 per cent discount on all cash pur chases, at Webb & Hoover. Mrs. Miranda Tucker, of near Beaverton, was in the city yester day, and called on the Argus. C&otor oil axle grease, at Webb Yesterday, F. M. Heidel, of tbis city, was railed to the phone by John Pearson, a deputy fire ward en, and informed that forest fires had broken out in sections 32-3 3, fi-3-3, and 2-3-3. This land is cov ered with timtier, and quite a lot of it is owned by F. M. Heidel and John Shute, of Hillsboro, and Mr. McKinney, of Portland. Pearson stated that he would have to leave for the Nehalem country at once, and advised that men be sent to the scene of the fires in tbis county before they got beyond control, as they had not yet passed that stage The tract where the fire is burning is near Meacham'B Crossing on Dairy Creek. Other fires are re ported in the Gales Creek region and along the WilBon river wagon road. Should these fires get be yond control, great damage to val uable timber will result. It is re ported this morning that the Neha lem mountains are on are. STATEMENT OF REGHITTO David Reehitto, of Beaverton, de clared Friday, to an Oregonian re PROFESSIONAL. F. A. BAILEY, M. Physlrian and Snrgwn OfficeBailey-MorKan blo'k, w Room 12, IU anil 15. Keskletir WMNt ronwr Ha.wUn and twoint Both 'I'hones. S T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. PHYSICIAN AND SUR Office uinrtaW over The tHn Pru RMldeoee Kaat of Court Ho'; In tke corner of tbe bli; next Sunday morning and evening. s Ice cream specials every Sunday, JAMES PUII.LIPE TAMIKSIeI j at I'almateer's Confectionery. 2ltf ,-,,,'.; enors'1' R. C. Vanght and family are L ,, ' '.. camping above tsuxtonjor a coupie Coimululton ln j,renCh or Kngii rice upxtairs, over L. M. Hoyt tVt. north nide of Main St., tlillalioro, ( of weeks Miss Bertha Johnson, of McMinn- ville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, in this city, Sunday. A. B. BAILEY, M. D., D. Commissioner W. J. Buttner, of near Beaverton. is in town at- bs represented Tbe committee is great y pleased wilij the outiooK Uabtor oil axle grease, at t tl)al h-ebad never demanded and is working ha.d to make the Lfc Hoovers. All 10 cent boxes, k B ne ..n road com Dan v I" air a Dig succesi. 4 lor a cents ior two n. . ... , . og8 hifl para. A. A. Phillios. an KaBt Side gro- Uusfarra near Beaverton. A Wash REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS csr. Portland, was in town -1 ues- incton countv mrv recently decided day, visiting his mother, who is ill. that damage to his property was ... ur.ui. i. u. worth $155(J and awarded a verdict UO into ouu v . ; u: f.. .A fnr p.rhn nmim. ir mat bujuuu iu ui. ,,,. I Im had. w heltier Iron J son Kails, or smis other plane m . (Ji, RmiUl 4 iiiBbor0i Qr eeeiim that provision t r ttie luture j., f boiild U made in tbe matter ol lr and tbe beet is none loo good fur Hillsboro p iple. A (; Alexander to J I. Harris, 45 04 ........ ;.. U-..i ll..ai,1 .1 1 r I 1 It A vu t IO towLDi.S of 3500 was asked in tbe A M Siluller ft l to 1'erry h Miller. lot to Millard & ViuiSclmyver tract 700 Kev. F0U0111, of Forest Grove, Htate Supt. of Missions, will occupy ihe pulpit in the Congrsgalionai church next Sunday morning, at tl o'clock. Hep pickers wanted at the Wm Bagley hip yard.norlh cf Hillsboro. Persons desiring to pick hops should register at the yard, or with Bagley .V Hare, Hillsboro. Wtf Friends of Rev. H. C. Sherrill, DR. JAMES V. POPE James V. Pop died in Foreel Gwv. last Sunday, aged ,2 years, from organic heart trouble, incident ti senility. He was Un in Man cheater. Ill, He served one year . ....w iiatiixtia tit of the Frontier tu.,,Am f ib. Militia of Iowa lfore fnrmerlv of Hillebo'o. will be in enrol ing in the United States ser teresled in knowing that be is at vice at Cami. Butler, III , in Cora an (1. itlsl Keginient Illinois Infantry Volunteers, on August 11 isrt'J nervinir three vears. Me wa -i " - dincbaraeil Irom service July .Hi 1SIU on account of disability. On Bfiiterutxir 7.113. while engsgmi in I. a tile on Bed River, l.t.tieei ...1 1... loma.ua. lie m proeiraim evangelistic oreeent engaged 10 . . ... work, at llwsco, n. v,,r Sale 1 have for sale severa I k:Au I m BmII mrai ftl Halt nT. WHIVU 1 ntandiog.shockeil or delivewd.-F. VI. Brnes, 'J miles soutti 01 nui boro. Ind. bone, H i t ' Mr. Well, 1 representative of eo I- West et ill to Surah A West part oflilk Forest Drove 1000 I-'rittik Molt et al to Agnete M Stiu-hr tnrt lillt 7, Forest C.rove U5 ARiirte M Starhr et al to J N Hoff inan, twrt bile IS. Forest lirove ... ioto J N llullinaii et tix to V Mott et ux, irt c 151104 w i"w Prier Klei uian to Knir Dlseu, ru a m 11 Johnson i 1 c 1 1 a 1 1000 Patterson s las A Messiniser et ux to Marion h Jscol.s. H acies sec 1 J t 1 S3 w 1100 M V Jacolw et al to Jas A Messinger, part l.lk 4 Higlilunri park add I tlx) 850 Wm K lhinsinwr to Kthel M Fleck. part blk 4 Soulli park at r (,rove.. joo K.ld Sy et al to August Matthies, 2o acres Win McLin A I c t 1 a 3 w . . 45" . - II... V l Ili.rittU- fuart miI 1 .1 w 1400 iivorou av uh,dwvv W It (Ueen et ux to 1-IIen V Scott, "Wood," ArgUB oflice part blk 13 So 1 rlt ami r i.rove...iwju Man- C RoK-aniial et al Klta McKay 3 heal, which resulted in hearl trou the Sunset Msgims. was in town u. -.i 1.. ... r.mnved to thf I this -nek. and was taken to several where h i.iintsin tbis part of the county, acted as asei-tant surgeon and hoe for the purpose of getting matna ital i'eward until thecloee ol W .ar lis was well educaled, and a man of ability, a graduate of the Hi l.r.i.i. Medical School, and had practiced medicine for over HO ... He name to Koreot Grove 21 years ago, and with the ncep il.m of ten veart.' reeidence in Port t.n.l h.d lived continuously lhat idaoe Hs was elected to the Ugislature as Washington count; representative, ami servru r tl. 1... I lun a member ol t.. I... I... aI A IT ami A M lr 01 iu ij"e," ' " , . ,A years, and a church member lor w In Hd lit IRK Ilinritmi Miss Lauretta J. 0 Mm itnA ROI1. - ..i.i,.i,r nl 111 enoro, and two daughters, me niiseeo " ' fl)r the forthcoming write up of this county, which will appear in the abave named magazine. a l.aaket aocial will be given Saturday evening, August 15, at Ihe new school Douse at aiu.-, ,hs nroceetls to be appusu www furnlehiog the house. The baseis .ill 1m bo d atauotion, anu a epir..- did time will l had Prof, and Mrs. 0. A. Webb, ol tnis cuy, . ' '. ..,;nn oiHwa and sins . ...l 11 gervooov iu- llliliri" 'o- Kverybody vitetl. no Peterson, of Tigardvi le, iwrt sec tl t 1 11 .3 w. IVr,-. Allen ei ux to toa 1 Fallu. tract iSVirKiniu Place (ioacres) u.So Verne M Fount r to C M Adams, 11 a sec 3 t a s 1 w Walter Ilannaii et ux to ,Ios l'ongrat. tract sec 4 1 1 n 4 w '5 lovestnient (' to Walter J Amann, i Vo acres sec J 1 1 a 1 w 1954 (i J Palm iti-er et ux to Addie Parvin, jo acres Chas Stewart die 1 1 sa w 2700 Wm keidt et ux to Crow tlraham Motor Car Co, part blk 4 ron- land Heights ' Herman M-teret ux ta Jos Morton lot I blk o Metner Acre tract 4 Wm Jones et al to A W Moore, part sec t a n 5 w 3 pastern Investment Co to A V Moon part see 1 and a t a 11 5 w 1 Clara Flinslierg and Huso l,eich to Oscar Iich, part sec 1 1 l 1 n a ... 000 llurr Frntchey et al to Wm M Wier, lie ' of se '4 sec t a n 3 w 55 O (I Harlow et ux to O V Taylor, 316 acres Chas McKav d 1 c t 1 n 3 w... 10 Ivllen F Scott et al to W H Green, lH.ai acres see 3b t l 11 4 ,u Western Oregon Trust Co to Percy Allen, tract IK irginia riace i . j a cumuiaiut ana ny spray. r.tnW5n a!nt the Asa N. Eagleton, an employee of verdiet he said, "but the jury did the U. S. Custome House, 1 ort- not do justice to my son-in-law, land, spent Sunday with relatives whom the gave ony $250. He in Hillsboro. leased the place from me and bad Snecial discount of 15 pw cent a large asparagus garden on it. nr. ar.n doors and adiuBtable win- Asparagus gardenB are valuable be- dows screens, for short time only, cause it takes many years to get in era in prouiauio wuumuu. Geo. L hder. a prominent oeav- . - , . nni,UinB. v.n . IIULU tUD U111D a4V wUMa-auw tie druggist, who is laaingnis sum- know nothiDg of gardening or the mer vacation in seeing Oregon, was valug of yegeUble 1nd. 1 am in town Saturday. wiiiino to sav the sum awarded me Wanted, at once Bids on 500 1 was fair, but tbe sum awarded to mnla nf first-class cord wood, de- mv son-in-law was not fair. And Address, ! want to Bay that l waa never oi- fered $3500 for the right-of-way." I Kuaene Dant, who will run a large steam threshing ontGt in this section, this season, was in town from bis Reedville home, Monday. Palmateer'e Confectionery vrrsAWrW B.BAILEY, M. D.,D. Piiysician and Surget tending a meeting of the county OFFICE K.ooms 7, 8 ai board. The Lady Maccabees will give a dance at the Greenville hall, Aug 15. Ice cream will be served. Everybody invited to come. 21 2 Hon. S. A. D. Meek, of Glencoe, was in town Tuesday, getting reedy for threshing. He reports thresh ing in full blast in that neighbor hood. We sell more wire fence than all our competitors combined. The reason is that we have the largest Btock and can sell the cheapest. Schulmerich Bros. 51-tf J. A. Imbrie and wife, Elmer Smith and wife, and the Mieses Im brie and MiBS Logan went up od the P. R. & N. Tuesday, to camp in the mountains near Buxton. J. A. Brown, of Scholls, has bought and -taken charge of the City Restaurant in Hillsboro, and will do his best to please all who Qffi .muIm, ot the Post M-vwtA . WUn In trMvn nitre I the new Grm a call. 19 22 Next Sunday, the Forest drove Colts and the Sherwood White 8ox will play the second game of the series at Sherwood. The Colts won tbe only game played, and a hot game is expected. J. J. Hill, who leased the Tuala tin Hotel for a year, took charge cf that hostelry, last Thursday eve- . m ? 1 ning. Mr. waggener, me owner Bailey-Morgan Block Both Phones. Hillsboro,! ewVWVVAeee DR. W. E. PITTENG Dentist '! Kootns 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey street. Over Dennis Store. HILLS BOKO OS WvWvVvWWrWAMeA Sao. IT. Baglmy W. O BAGLEY A HARl ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Booms 1 and t Shute Build HILLSBORO, . . OB r . M : 1 H. T. BAGLEYj ATTORNET-AT-LAW HUlaboro, - Orcgoa eWVesseeV E. B. TONQU: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms ), 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, HI JOHN M. WALI ATTORNBY-AT-LAW ' and former proprietor, and wife offict Dptulrs, Bailey Hwigan . Rooms, 1 ani 1. HILLSBORO, ORH HENRY F. SMITH car W. N. BARRET1 ; . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Orricit: Main 8treet, opp. ConrtJ HILLSBORO h - OB H .us. who yesterday ewore to a comp.ain . of Portianu, witu inuj 1 .... . .. . .. - man I In a . . aah ti 1 1 ..tna.l C SI 1 11 rlllHIaJ. IU K. and Id. Pope, of Kort -rove . -,; Mt find him also survive cremated. It ie reported that him. The body war arre "'-J' , Gray collected premium for life inBtirance, ami mmi in - Henry F. Smith, who died at the Roeeburg Soldiers' Home, AugUBt T::.' ' jLImi born in Illinois. December ..1 ! .v. Whan in tnarn -U. Biiu uuroou .uv tooaccu iu tut iivj. u: ;n mjii ..... .ll 91 if wreeou wuu um mcmo u ...w, give ub a call. .J,.a . n Hie father. Euirene Knox, dean of the School n.n am;,k Battled one mile east of . " . . . r, 1 1 T 1 . . of Oratory In tbe fuget oounu un-1 Hillsboro, taking a donation land versity, gave an entertainment 1 claim of 640 acres. He married the M. K. church. Monday night, n.iiwinB South worth in 1SG5. and which was much appreciated by dauehter. Mrs. Jennie Olson, tooBe who attended. wjfe 0f F. S. Olson, and widow sur tb Orffon Electric vive him. Of his immediate fami X r II M. UWD V WW. -l ha tha rails down on their track ly two brothers and one sister to a point 21 miles west of Beaver ton. Ballasting is progress between Garden Home and Beaverton. and the poles for the trolley wire are .. .. M l iL. hino d strihuted aB last as tuv track is laid. The new ateel tower for the city water works arrived Wednesday from the manufacturers at Louib oiiln. Kv. It will be placed in po aition bv D. B. Reaeoner, and will It weigns z-i,ispu TRACHERS' EXAMINATIONS haw, Ihat the County SiilK-riuli-li.lci.l ol Washing"" lc,"l''' .. :,l I. .11 millllllUtlllll Hi HP Will iu.ni ,11 i-h . ..... .,1 ,.H,-i.i fornt.Ui- Hint county n w""" the public wlioi'l biiilili"K "'' ait lollnwa: ink STATU IMI'UKd ConiineiiriiiK vVrdi.cs.luy. AK U..l..r.Uv. AllVIlM H. Ht 4 P. 1 1 i.tuinalill). Iilstory, anellii.K. pliy'l B-"K"P1,-V' yeM" ffitX-n -t.nne.ic.O.eory of tracliiUK. Km"",mr'. ..1 1.... i.mcrillllt'lit. ,..7n . n, . , . r. - 1V, ,.m riuay rn) mi"n. c- r. ',,. . ,.i....i,r. i.'.n.lisli iterutiire. r . . . ' ... .. 11...I11W iii.itie Ke.m.rl.y, Blir!iii)' ""i J r i.ener.il liiatory, w h1 lw- (.OH COUNTV PAI'UKS ('..niiiienciiiir Wednesday, AiiKUst U. ,Vo:c.nck,K.n.,..i r;tV We-tnesilay-IViiiHaiisI dp. ij!v. thoumpliy, rea-liiiK. pliyirttl KP',V' Tl,n.t.iy-Wiittcu Hi.tlimellc. theory of learning, granmwr. P'W'V , PrhUy-Ueonrapliy, ai-h w government, i;nKlish hter.iture. B M. t). CAM'-, County School .Si.H-riulcnilcnt. Farm lor Sale ... , the policies Pantain A M. Collins, who for nitor al bis po I wish to sell my fail m anree. 110 aoreB mder plow. good bouse, barn wtf W1.! milMNUth of ltbor and one mileweBtofFarroington. ror .... ther information, address, JC. Burkhalter, 4f6in Hillsboro, Ore. 12 viars past has been isnitor at the court house, reBigned d.b po tion the first of Angus . and will S i' take the world easier. P.main Collins haB been a fa th- I.' i amdnt isnitor and his face .11 be missed by those around the r it. .ill he succeeded by 720-11-. who will fill the niace acceptably. . .1-. w.n.i.u adiourned the . " f nt la t Saturday V ir.m for his home in , rAR? L- Th. cause of the Judge's Ues was the drinking of some near Beaverton, wnuo m. - -!uh the jury to view the land in With tnejurjr i.kiilA nnn. dispute, in tne u. ,lmnation tint. .1 A HAAtt Mon.lav. a lire hrna-eof Ole Johnson b w... , When diBoovl. the yarj was vn . a. 1- .nit defied the ef- onB7th mih handB to put forte 01 mi . . fl ?,uV..Ar: ,a . destroyed. M Eson bs im tea th. loss at about S?5mS The Origin of the fire . unknown, but H U Pmed Butterick Fashion book, and any pattern, for 2o cents at Baird'B. Portland, he 82 feet hish. visited yesterday, with Miss Rose UundB, and cobI 17S0 .less ihe c. ve freight, which amounted to food. John Vanderwahlis building a John Soreneon, of near Reed nsw residence on hia lots on Fir ville.waB examined as to his sanity and Sth BtreetB. before Judge Ooodin last saiuraay n. V 1 n.tl.o nAniintlul I hA AT Born, to the wife F W G.er. while illsboro, Oregon, July -l, l.HW, a . Bentl9man B mti wft8 not aURhter. ; nerfeot balance, he would not be Nfra T. R. Imbrie and family ; notified in pronouncing him in and Richard Wiley returned from Lan6i Ho J odge Goodtn paroled the ewport, Saturday. bid gentleman, who la d years oiu Mm KddinsB. of Portland, daugh- twol-nr, ia still at the same old . ----- terof the late B. r. innMrwn, ,01 Und Hh a fulI line of rurnien it.. iiiaihnn . . . . a 1 Jacob Smith, of John Day; Wm. Smith. San Juan Island, Washing ton, and Mrs. Clarissa ishanlts, 01 John Day are also living. He was a member of the luret Oregon during the Civil War, and an Indian War veteran, ey re quest of relatives interment will be in the Soldiers Home cemetery at Rosehurg. Mr. Smith was here July 4, ami .... 11T--1 ... H....I. attended tne v asmngvou vuuuij Veteran Association's annual en campment at Cornelius. Cornelius, is in the city visiting h 9 for lne tj0Uge I am not mak- 1 inn anv cut in prices. 1 make tne Hazelwood lee out down, when I get the friend?. Tka fammiB Oboe Honest orioeB haB been our motto, vino..., " J - - . . . . .-.. : ,u .,. Hnnila nlatea iust what everyone wants, ana win umu iu " , P.lm.iMr'1 Confectionery. 21tf bought at Dpneleon'B will be taken nv a '--- COMMISSIONER'S COURT ConimisBioner'a court met yester day. The following business was transacted Road petition No. 450; ale Oleson et als petition received ami John A. John son, John Oleson and I. C. Walker, sur veyor, appointed to meet at beginning point, Aug. 5, to view same. An order was made by the County Board vacating the order, made at a for- iner naie, oecmrii.K t. i." , ' The appointment of L. A. Rcod to be deputy ccunty treasurer was confirmed b the Board. 'The remainder of the proceedings will lie given next week. PROBATE back it not found eaiieiaciory, as Btart today for Viewport, where they will spend tbe summer. Bids on the new Methodist church will be received up to Friday noon, Aub. 14. A copv of the plans can be seen at the parsonage, corner of 3d and Washington streets, Hills boro. The Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids. 21 It Ib rumored, and it is only rumor, that when Mr. Harriman comee to Oregon, and he is expect ed booh, that he will inspect the P R. X. line, and decide when the work will begin, and there is much amiety along the line con cerning that matter. The Hillsboro Lumber Company shut down last Monday. The mill has a capacity of 40,000 feet daily, when operated to its full capacity The reason given for the shut down is a lack ol orders. Ihe closing office: Hancock & Cordon's Llvr of the mill will throw about o5 forrst Govk - nvan in plndinor Wcers and mill Will he in Hillsboro. Tuesda; men! out of emolovment. It is not Stunlay. Oflte. at Redmond A C known when the mill will resume work, although Mr. Hare Btated that it might resume work within a month. . Last Sunday afternoon, while the owners of the places were absent, a sneakthief entered the farmboiiBes of C. F. Barrett and Trepbon Dietrich, of Greenville, 10 miles Those contemplating btf northwest of this city s. "tealing K w mfijrun!S. some stiver, iour guiu nuje uu . gold watch from the Barrett home, f nones, lor. 4m x ja and some valuable jewelry irom the Dietriob place. The thief i6 described as about .".0 years old, weight about 150 pounds and 0 feet 8 incheB in height. The City Fathers signed up for a - , . I - vi nuui 4 luuuaitiD, nvia : new Champion chemical fire engint Glenooe in town h Wednesday evening at a oost of . 'i 55. The machine, which is one of J' ' ' : , the latest and most effective pat- Marriage license was isb terns, has two oylindere, each with County ,.Qle'rk Bailey, on a canaoity of 35 gallons, and is inst., to - Claud E. Morr, represented to oe one 01 tne uesi nuiimimn onu,.m hhob,! fire fighting machines, for the puce, sie McDonald, of this count ) now on the market. It is made The ; Willamette Conslj by the La France Fire Engine Co.. Company has rented the H and was purchased of the Com- WftU building on Main Btr pany's agent, in Portland. The mbve-their office eqi' machine is guaranteea 10 uu iu from Beaverton to this plac work required, and the fire boys. ihe offi wm be located, uc . ine engine wm ar- , Electric load is coi R M. -W- I7 (- 1: VI l a ' I THOS. H.TONGUE' 11 ATTORNS Y-AT-LAV . Morgan Blk,. Upstairs, Rooms 3, Hillsboro, - - Q DR. J. H. KN(; Veterinarian he in luvs. tl Livery Stable. G. M. Huntv Carpenter Worh And Contra I Hillsb oro -- Ore ' ' Ft ' Do you need shingles or c Ask Webife; Hoover the pri Wilbur Tompkins, a well'! .. . . . 1 Rev. Kellems, the notea revival- MMMBn, . w 0 noneiBon. ist will begin his work at this city, -r n the big tent Saturday, Aug 8. Mre. Farnham 0 El lenBburg under the auspicea 01 tne v;nnsiiu wnu , wm. wu ..... r.r church. Everybody invited. latter part of last week i The Chicago Girls baeeball ojub . , DeceaBed was played a miwo a Bigter 0f Mrs. O. 8. Allen, ol uea ne with the Forest Grove Colta. The ColtB won the game score 9 to 1. The girls put up a poor game. The young people of Farmingtoo M R. church will Rive an ice cream eooial at the church grove Saturday evening, August o a good program win ne renuerou. Everybody inviieu. w H Wehruna returned from a trip to Southern Oregon, the first of the week, where he went to look al io .Yhihita for the Alaska-Yukon fair. He found that the people were taking much interest in the matter, and predicts that Oregon will have a hoe display at tne iair vertdn, and her maiden name was Wade. Mrs. Farnham was for sev eral yean a teacher in this county, where she had many friends. A an indication of the growth of communication in the rural dis tricts in Washington uounty, it. " worthy of note that there are over 2550 telephones paying toll within the county boundaries, ten years urn 200 telephones waB toe limit Today the Mutual, Pacific States and Independent lines receive ions nn 2Rfi8 telephones, staking an in strument to each five voters out of . nnaaihla eiaht. there beina 4000 o 1 t votes in the district. Guardianship of Eva A Stewart, insane; II D Stewart appointed gnarmau, uunu flo.ooo. Guardianship Mcrrit R and Flora M PotchViss, minors; sale of real estate r,.iU.i ,;uuu,.,.v'.. ...... i-, 1 ' Kstate of Geo Hell, deed; account men and approved. , ' in n MrPherson. dee'd: Ane 6, at 10 a m, set as time fcr hearing in matter of a At run atarniP. Hnu i mi tv m v iiott " be appointed guardian ad litem of VVaiter McPheraon, a minor, heir of said Wtate. . Card of Thanks Thn undersiened deBire to thank ibn who bo kindly assisted tnem during the illness and burial of the late Mrs. H U Burcbeii; H. L Burchell, J. B. McNew and wife, J. R. McNew and wife, are rive within a few days, when teste K0t (jr&ye. will be maue. The two vounK men arrested last edi. cbareed with burglaring the opneral merchandise store of J. H Rinck, at Buxton, were arraigneu- Tuesday forenoon oeiore justice w. W. Barnes WitneseeB were J . a Rinck, B F. Abraham, Frank Bear and F. Burgholzer. Mr. . Rinck identified the stolen goods found in the poBBeesion of the men wben captured, even to the Bhoes upon their feet. Mr. ADranam, 01 ror Rt Grove, identified one of . the men as the person who cashed tbe stolen check. The men were charged in the complaint with Mr. and MrB. J. B. Vrooman and son. Fred, will 'leave for an outing at Newport, Monday. stealing 40 copper coinB, a check for $12, Bhoes, and other roercnan- diee, . Justice Barnea beta tne men to the Circuit Court, eacn in the bum of ,f500, in default of whioh, they were remanded to jail to stay until the fall term of Cir ouit Court. Miss'Schetirman, of nearj ipg.lfeXl from a cherry tree1 day, a? distance of 10 fe while -o bbnes were brol. foicd or the fall temporaril lyzed' , her right side, bo tl was not able to rise. She 1 braised quite badly by l! ur. LiluaiMur nag tnuou v, , to her injuries. I j Grading ia being done,' Electric Company, on the j tract which adjoins the city west. Work on the brit , trestle over Dairy creek t work of grading along tbe ; . 0 . . if,, ti. t tbe survey netween musue Forest Grove ia going on The "Y" from Washington S and from Washington to j streets will probably be put week. This will furnish if sor the Company's caraf .place. ' .... ,1, Y 1