The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 06, 1908, Image 1

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i I
, M. .
A, School MeellnR llckl Here
MnJuy Afternoon
tt ibt Tawa
Cha. Barrett, f limenvill
In town halurday.
W. N llathnrn. of Laurel, called
on lu A r(ui laul r n.lay .
Tent, run p txI, hammock.
uanvaa null, l I'atleraotiY
Clay Kranuian left Ttieiday, for
Nk uuUug al rsawporl Uatb.
Try "Our Hutu Made," at
(ha City Bakery, on Maiu lret,
HUlaUm. H tl
ll.irn, Id Mr ami .Mm m.
Matika, of near Bwaverton, l)r.,
July :, l'. a anii.
i l- ci:.. rvf nsi t Varmintr- II I II W II J I 111 'INK1 1
a fi in in in ii i it 11 i j mi 11 nni 7i a miumtiuv ii :V v i iin i by
i r a n i u : ai m 1 a n. i aw
LMlliUl iinuj iuu :
... M....dr aflarnoio, lha volereof
. .
,hi Hi!l.ilH.M school di.trirl volwl
w.iiiruly t" have lenlh
, JMialia-l. Tb" aeollment i
prMr.l at lha lll-ellng thl 111
Uh tint lt Kr,',,, ,hm,1J l"
aJtlthl, making the court to I
uugiii i" tia ci,y "uWi"b'
-I i.iaal l la et high school
in' the aula. Tha new grade will
,.. i,l KM llah. Algebra, book
runaia. w , , , ,
i..,iu .n.l (lei.erat Hiaiorv, and
... 1.1 irniiinn of lb Utal
Hi,..d of KducaiUm. Latin may b
ttugbl. Tha Iti.UlUltoll t.f lb
lilib raaun in urniKuiK
mi,y f.miliwi U tbUclly, fur the
mirpoaeuf wltioeliriR Ibtlrchildrrn
Tha lack of Ibla grade ha kept
many I""!'1 tiling in iu tba paH, HUleboro la lo
lulatadoo iUalep f irward
in the iiiMar of education, and bar
cuit-n .hould nol real unlit they
bivna Hiiib Hib(Kl to any in
Orrgon. Ii witt balp a rourb lo
l.uil.l up lha town a any olber
i u. .....In ( at l. C V Clai.ti. Ir
i . .i. . i ...
Hact'H at old Fair Ground
Lust Friday and Saturday
Ilirte Ytir Old Dr. llluiaa, Owned
Ibipptll, in a looicr
John Heifert. of near Farming
Ion, ail in town lunmi..
TenU, camp bIouIh, haimock?,
canvaHB cota, at i'atteraot's.
W. K. Young, of neai 'Sherwood,
waa an Argua caller Haturday.
Fancy pantry, wedding cakea,
etc.. at the City Bakery, Main St.
J firm k'uratli and fauiily iipent
Sunday with relativea in l'ortland.
U.rvaal rrw HUDblied with
bread, by the City Bakery, Main
utreet. y
w I k'uraiti and wife vimted E.
of Dr. J. 1' Taiuiwie
it at Newport for a couple 01 ween
N,. -:uKlii.t MrtK SeruiHY Co lo
Anna H HHU, If IB Yamhill ami
WatlutiKluii roiililir
Uir Nwtwiv Co lo Kmil Krtl, 11
..( ,1 1 t Win Ik-nnrll Iin5l"
1, Hrti"l'li M I' K'lh!UurlKrr, ll
u( f T I I H I w H arrl l
H' Palmoii rl al lo l lillli-, NV
, 4 ( N I 4 i( tt 1 I l n S Jf"
C N llal rl u 10 J W Mmlr. 14$
id we .$ I i n 3 w '
I A 1 .lily rl u lo .Sliavrt.
IU CC i I J I w "0
Ih.iU.tlf frimc 10 l'rnt llartraiiipl,
mninntntUl w V"
S 1 W'alkri rl al lo A V, Alrtamlrfft
l il ..f 11 l IJt ..... ....... . H
luWalxili lo lit.) Waltrra, lit "I
I. a . Cuii. 4,1.1 In V lin.r Hou
k li Km.lrr ri hi lo M V i' rl al.
t.,.1 i,i ii lUairrtuii ... to
11' r. ll.irriuiluT I' Itiulinril rl
in, trai l ill IlillaUirn..
I II Hirrarlal U J M llrlinrll, f
ul oft- H t I II 1 w "
V lim in A I. Ha(fin. art of -c
'A I i w 10
M liroiirll rl u to f II Mlllrr. .l
"I ( it I I ii m lK,
Aim NirhnUft al lo H I' I'ltllrr, lot
mNHIiuH ,Ul llanlrit llnmr Y
Cm llrhnkf rl al to S It llrluiU rl
al lot i F.trctiU! Al.l Titville ... 7S
W M ISikk rl al lo Annif Mallbrw".
,11 1 . . i I
J II Clriir rl nl to Annie Matthewa.
Iiacl ill arc iH 1 3 a w
II Coiirltiry rt al lo M Uufiiry -l
. . ' . ..... i ... ..i
ul, luU lo, J, Jl ailll JJ ,llll.
an.l nS imyvf r If 1
C.mcr Tutllr to Krnklf-To"!'! Co, i ,
a in w H t is .V"
C.rittuilr Wilon ft al to lilla Rey, lot io lilk 4 Forrat f.rov.. u
IIU Klcrt li to !.iir Sainplr,
Vart of hlk C I'airview A-I.l IH ''S0
K l.MKinliiilil et al to I'. Ur l.iml t
al, io a in lid Buiton cl I c l I I wo
fiHMt Slarhr cl al to I) A Hl.lin, f
of hlk 11 I'orcat lirovf I'rw
l". 11 Hal.lwin rt ui lo Atnrtr Stlir
lo ill arc I I I a A W 'S00
H Dtiiiuiiil rt al to Fft.l Hartnimpf.
rt ol wc lo t I w 1
I.' A M...1.1.... .. ... i v H (Murk, lola
fauuil 7 Witch llaaft
1) I II... klna rt in to C O lloiikmi
1 ..I it. a in .' lK t II XVI I.S"
M I) Hiil.inaiill to .1 ft HIl'tmilOllH, ll
iii hoc j t 3 a w , 1
Ujiirrt et x o Mirtie l,tp-"t.
mi.o-) a lo arc 6 tin) w 10
II It D.iichy to 1) I' llopkliia, p"n
m-c 35 I j n 4 w '
J 1. Uarri et in to A U Air xHii.lcr rl
al, pH't of Ulk 30 Forest drove "
Miiry KtiolUtt al to Lrolii Miller,
n a in nc li t a a i w 1
Frank Catching, of naar Foreet
Orova, tha wall known buck maker
wan in town Saturday.
(.'all ou or lilume to jtantii for
grMria. A oompleUi and up to
ilaie line aiwayi on uanii.
Frank Neill and Win. Morlay, of
Fornal (irove. viailed Clark Brown.
in tbia city, lant Saturday.
Money to loan on real eetale.
Term reaonahl". Apply to Ku
ratll Broa, HUUhiro, Or. 2 1 -if
Vi lack and fiwi. Haaaa depart
a.! Monday, lor A"hlind, where
they eiiact lo work (or aouia time
For aale: From 111 to CO head of
well bred Angora ota, $2 to 2 W)
each C. Khe, Fanuington, Ore
,.ii. 20 '22
Ruth, lha li'lle three year old
child of Dr. and Mr. J. A. Baker,
of (leeUr, died laet week of dip
Knix-ltl iliacountof 15 tier cent on
cren dmir and adinalable window
acreena, for iliorl time I ai
taraonV. 2'
Miaaea Delia and K mil Voung,
ai ivnr ih of town, oonteniulale a
viail aiMin lo relative in Minne
apolia, Minneeola.
We have iuat received a car ol
IWin wagon from the factory.
Will ll at l'ortland price.
Schnlraerich Broe. 61-tf
The tryoul race under tbeauepicei
ol the (,'happell atable were well
attended Friday and Saturday, and
A. Wolf and family, ol tieeavuie,
Hod ickea wanted at the Heed-
..ii. i ...... I K'n Iana ornnlov
I ' I VII. H 11. .11 VBIU. . ' - .' - -
tboae who wre unable lo gel their La. Address W. W. HoBtetler,
. . ...... n... 01 II
money a worth were certainly un- ileeclviue, ure.
lorlunata. College Maid eihibi- Kuratli Broe., ownera of the Che-
lion, or Dr. l llman'i work, either nette row, have painted the neveral
.... .. : iLkIahi a npat white color. WtJlCtl
mature, wi. wen worm vue pnew o tha lookg of that
..ImU-mn All In , narhaoa 1 XX B" J ' r -
' , r ' part of the street
paop.e altenuml me iwo a.y. r.cee. w.n, ,Hftnninker, lorGrfM'
The lack of grandetand was the Lei.yvuie, li miles north
only uncomfortable feature of the o HiH8toro. Address. W.J. Gregg.
,. ... ! i i- .-. . ii... r. Ui.i..
miwitiiiir Mini, no oneoomumineu. Kniite J. nuiBooro i buiuu v'"
and there wan aotuelhing doing all phone, Farmera 31x. 10-23
.... .....
the time. Mru. Rowell, widow ol trie aie
i mi. ay Henry Rowell, of Bbendao, vieited
Gentlemen', mad race-Kntriea, her daughter. Mr. J. u. irumnger
Toy, J. A. Abbott. Forest of tnia city, lor me pav
Grove: Bald Indian. C C. Ferguson, returning nome yeiwruajr
Newbern: Jamee Riley. J. Bunce, pkiiiin p.oldt and three sons
Vancouver : Lad? Viomont. R. H. t l V'nratli. of near Bethany,
Greer, Hilleboro: Toy Lace won pag8e(i through town Monday
Gmt and third heats, time Z:Ji! m0rning for a week a hunting ana
aud 2MI giving the game little figbing over on Wilson river,
chestnut mare the race. Cup, or vn K103. M.
tm Tha Nawber.- horse. Bald In .. " . Y. v "TX: :,
. . i ii . : o cai W. A., oi neeavine, win
dian, look He second heat in 2,54 I .v ... M Qny. Bftturday
Greer's Lady Mnmonl weni " ::.---.., 9 nn m;ia north
8t,a All. Norte, of Rawdflllt. Everybody invited.
, i :. w.,r. . :l. I i d u.v.a ath.i has been
J. Si . nuoy, i.araunr, j. . 1 -
.ie Bishop, J. 1. Hmiin, l-aramiH; wornna ior me wrcKuu i.u.c.7
Bushnell King, f-. Chapman, Ka- Corupany, at Orenco, for two yeara,
udne MeBride Declares him
to be Legally Fleeted
"Wets" Wia by Clo Margie f
Votei ia South Hillsbtr
Last Friday forenoon, the recount
of the bsllota of Washington coun
ty on the Clerkship contest was
concluded, and Judge MeBride de
clared Bailey's majority for the
Clerkship to be 52 votea. Bailey
gained in nearly every precinct, not
only by actual count, but by de
fective ballots cast for McCormick.
Ten votes were gained on non de
fective ballots. The greatest blun-
itra in votinor were made in the
towns. More errors were found in
Uillsboro and Forest Grove than
in all other precincts combined,
ojhirh shows that the country voter
is more careful about hiB voting
than bis brother in town: Ihere-
c.iH nf ihu recount will have- a
to make oeoule careful
a)W v j r .
about the way they make up their
. . . i J
billots. The writing oi me worn
See 0"ur Full Assortment
Bimhnell King woo in Brat has quit work temporarily, and re-
. . . . . n ... I J . ..L- I 1) nil lo
moved to hie place near Reedville
Dr. C. B. Brown, dentist, of Port-
h.r.,1 air. h in town Monday,
-i - . . it.
ins in in remain one ween, ne
vill be tt the home ot sirs, nueie
Marrv k'. Kverson and Rota
ami third beats, time. 2:rJi and
2:2i; Alia Norte captured ibe sec
nnd haat '2-2-1 1 I'UrSe. 1W.
9-l.ri irot - Johnnie K and Mma
. I , .. . I t . . nn , n I hi Q
i.i . l 1 1 1 vara mm nniT suinra iu .
l)r aranl over wun oeiu "auiv.j ri ,
" . . . m i. Johnnie K. is a gray uem
and returneti lueaoay. - - v .
... .. i l:ii I .1,. I '" .. . ;
Hrnokera Hie me runnier ...u 1 . . - t d tQir(, neaia, . - L", " . , .mo llt .
.a.Hi 2:2a, the si.ond . ba - KedTasTw
Ilia IkmI alOCI. 1 OU emu niui u . . . h... lha l0 COmiDB in " . , ... wi:
: ntrl0.r. ' . I h. day. Rev. L. f . uennapom.g
""" " ' nose anu noeo. . :i h knot at the M. K
r fih.r,.ar. Knirana: B. ma U
The Fore. iw cemetery i . pif." 'n Hillaho. parsonage
Foreat Grove, baapl.tle! and Died owneooy . .
an addition to the old cemetery ro. ('olleae I ,,ril who have been visiting for
u i i,k..i .rYtn nnlrivAr. nfcfiftd I(Ka Ual thrM mOQlhfl Et raimiOlll
.Tl A1U . WllllUttw " ai w wa . . I r . "uw
1 . .. ... m o.ui Tri r:-- k- a-atiirnpil tft Forest nnn r . ' 1 1 n if. .'. . i . a ..... t i.i.i.ii.. ub if .l... ... -"
.. t fu.lnra nf hnth rimira ar-nnmrianied bv Miss Flor
WaS Vile (DllBUllUUBI iv....- . , ,
j,,. jeoce Hicke, a Bister of Mrs. Large
sati hiiak n.ia Si n Hon ol Thos. sain
0 07 irni Entries. Catherine f SAnoirina vallev. was kicked by
Kimball, Busby, Laramie; Bram- L n0r6e last weak, which laid open
II mi - - -
The old remterv had 240 loa and
the addition will nave vj
The following old soldier of this tupenllv received an
InrreiMof inslon: J. K Bishop,
ci i if Jn han naicn. uu-
ton, $'20; John B. Reynolds, Banks,
1.1. , .
v, Morton, who ha been clerk
ing for Schulmerioh Bros, since
i ... u...i.mlii laft Monday, for a
. -Wa' variation with relatives
ih Portland-Mi. Hoik! wagon
. ...I
rju. roum nf . - --,
i . ..- . ...kmai ami in the en
J K II llllAIUS BIIU IB .U.. v..- , .
J ' . . ... . l ... I . ...... u.i nvar maile a break
Mra. Bailey, ol . Joan.. n " lltnM
.1 i-.. nf tna vfwa i . , . a iu i.i.rnn .ui, uuu -
i,)jri me iav oi . un. . ,
were in Miwu " .n. I L. ... n ft no Entries.
VI. U'i lain was ooauK ' rim'" " i
Mr. William . 0.171 Phanna . owner.
some propny io ZCn S th. Laramie, were
ly . ;i. .n ,ias. Iowa Boy took
l .l.a Al I 1. 11 IT lllltl - -
npanv . . . .
cf toilet aid i an absolute nece-raity at
this reaort aapecially. Whether yon stay
at home or go away you need them jiiat
the same. That thu. pharmacy is the
bet place to obtain them any one will
trll you who has once used
Our Toilet Aids and Articles.
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to' women of refinement. For that
reason we invite you to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
yes" or "no," or any other writ
i. .!; I.. a
nrr nr n laiin ffnianina- uiarao. to
"6! . -o a
a violation of the electiOD law.
Railav'a rlAcisive maiontv settles
the matter. He will make one of
the best clerks this county has ever j
had, and will treat all patrons who
the same consideration in hie of
ficial capacity:
lo the recount on proniomon in
8outh Hillsboro, Juige MeBride
d that the Drecinct was "wet
by two votes. The votes of Bridges
and Francis, wbo testified tnav mey
voted for prohibition, were thrown
out, as it was ascertained mai mey
hould have voted in uornenus
Kimhaii, nusoy, i.Biamic, t Doree iasi weea, wuivu vy
lord Bay, Chapman, driver; Dr. the gcaip Beven incheB in length,
I'llman, Chappell, owner; Dr. Ull- reqUiring sixteen stitches to pull
: tmn alvaicrht. heats. . l . v. : .nna.n..
man wioumg r ' me eaiu wkoiuoi
time 2:274 and 2:32. This was a
"- . . i "Ka nrimiAnanr rnn niuv uo uu
a 1 MHBai hBtni) A UO wuv. I
:.raA .nd'"X the the main factory bi,UdiBg painted.
tk Li I OO vva ? ,
..,i. iik a vauran. Dr. Ullman
A. S. Sholes, Pres
Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier
Statement of Condition of
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
at the close of business, July 15, 1908 nuiiu-j, - , lln this race 111 iwo iraiu
i,irtland. ulayed with a picfd "P , , hig reoorri t,me,
l .11" - - .
te t'ara. iu :."-- ...
biyawere nol in pracuc Runiuog half mila-Kntries,
visitors won out, 1 I" Mike wUdom, bay gelding, owned
W curry too many articles to NVlirJ .i)owns; Brighim Young,
.numerate but we have anything 8herwood horse, Johnson, owner,
?i ! farmer needs. Tli Urgest d m99 Rock, J. H. Brown, own-
ibe larmer neeu atf?Sin4,r i.ii-d to eel off and
atork ever . . ueti "itr . l. uiu and can uul will Iwat IMthe a8 run out ny vyisaom
i. 1 .u.4t-..tK Ural. ' j'.if-.m AViadom winnins Df
competuors. - - ai9 52aeoonds.
Fioreooe WlMr, vn " CoUege Maipaced another mue
har husband ior y. , . Tk .n.Mi nni
lK that he threw
a divo ce llg J 2(ld
her oiu oi u - , j.
orce by ""8" mu "
Deeds have been piloted for the
new town of Orenoa (Oregon Nur
sery Comptny) and for Orenoo
Acres, and oonveyanoe will be
made to many of the men who a-e
engaged In m diking for the com
pany. One of the provleiona in
the deeds Is, that no liquor shall, ne
iml.l Ir. iko 1 1. a. rl Dial nlaUSO beirg nun lunM - .--
incorporated lu the body on the
lined Tha nnmnanv have alwut
280 acres set out In I and I y"
old trees. The total holdings of
the company comnrlse IKK) acres of
the best land In Washington cou
ty. This tnolu lea the towosite and
Ofenoo Ac -as. Streata are b Lg
graded and drain pipes pl
The Oregon Kleoirio u imp-"
have a station on the Company a
hnd, and there ia a prospect Ior a
nice little town at that pUoe.
While it is not generally known,
the Oregon Nursery Co is largely
responsible for the building of the
Oregon Kleotrio Uo. a uo
bro. The company will hi one oi
Ihe largest shiHperB of fruit trees n
the Norlh west, and theelectri? in
will, of course, do the PylD-
ijereioiore, mo uumr"' n mn
ed its trees to the Southern Pofl
The Forest Grove Colts played
North Yamhill C ub as
.i North lamuin,
BUnuaj, to
i il. taiiar f 1 1 1 in m r
, . of 4 to 2 The Colts are
the tune of 4 to z. ;
i nnil ill 1 1 UUUDI uv
UOllS, anu i""
f..... on hla curves.
IUUUO . .a
Following i. rvr.nod.
STlo Portland Aug. U:
W SwoodVW N. Barrett, J.
9 Wflk'Bi k0Mli!w nienioei:
Hillsboro; . :rZ C. F.
A. Kggimaoi u";
TigadlK'":''::-' r0ad;
.si ! Jonn fju'""' u
i. Russell, w. """-- ..!..
Mr. WllUB, Dauar,
Tn.latln! W. J
I.. Russell,
Sain, Gaston;
John NytrB
ST H HoH.Btu.rt J.
W Hughe, Harry Haynes, h. W.
Haines V. H- Limber, A. B. lodd,
J A fhoroburg, Foreet Grove.
guideless, in &l This pace alone
n ii ilk .k. n.iiwa nf aclmlk.
was wen worm uo
Judges of the raoes were: r. u.
Greene and Chae. Lohmire.of Port
land, and K. O. lOOgue; aiaricr,
Harry OsemanJ
Newell on "Good Road"
r wiinnrK. Newell. President
of the Oregon State Board of Horti
culture, and equally well-known in
Washington, has, ai me rei uwi
nasalnnmenl League,
oondensed hie ideas on Good Roads
into one hundred woroa, anu moy
ten me cwi i' .... i
"Bad roads nullify advertising, repel
immigration, cost of living, ren
der the automobile useless, and will .le-
nrive the farmer oi ruiui u .....-j.
r. .7 . i ...i .,.....icwi.. nf mail coll-
"Htaie am mi" bmi.""
structioniessential. . .
"in euuiiy " :
state should pay iYlXi
the cost, county imy wcl
iuc m ' , ner cent.
aTai- -gineers
. ... nf nil work.
''or ecouoT.; --levy taxes and pay as
wc bo. or on short time certificate plan.
. i .:.. .r,i,.r ami corres-
pondence cources in road build at
Oregon Agricultural vns 'i"" '
rW m:.r.n "V i ,ft..1aall sutumer
f-l.PI 118 UUHU atwM . .,
inA,l of talkiilK about them all winter.
aM...r 1
o. .r.iimfln's. ladies' and
r oi , , .
. iu a Vina, von nan do no net
ter than to buy of John Dennis
and a nig sign, iu
has been added, which givee pae-
sengers on the . r. an iue ui
Hillsboros manuiacturing emor-
Clearance sale of all men's, boys'
and ladies' suits. Will lie sold at
actual cost, and all broken lines
carried in the immense stock of the
n.n.i Mflrrhandiee Store of
Sohulmerioh Bros, tome eariy
and get your choice. 5Uf
TKiMr? Y M. C. A. bovs went out
In Vnraat. (Irove lUeSliaV, iroui
Portland, and will waig in 10 ixe
.... Ra whrfl thev will camp
Their provisions and bedding were
t.k.n in ho aairon. The party is
iu " "j r- . - .
ohaperoned by J. C. Clark, of the
Portland . ra- v.. a
a fir. aiartnd at the rockcrusher
oi .ii.a (mm Forest Grove. Thurs-
ft 3 Ulliuo a w." -
day evening, which destroyed the
i..,.v. nf thA men sieeuiuic tucrc.
uuuao . . -
No injury has been done vo me
....k. which is owned by the
county, and has been running for
the last few months, crushing rock
r tk. ...Ha at. Thatcher ana c-e-
ior iu" , ,.
tween Forest Grove and CorneliuB
ii o iaViinu to tile their
farms will always find a large stock
of fine tile in our yard at dchuub.
Those wishing the larger siae tiling
should plaoe their orderB with us
before June 1. We aleooarry brick
and building blocks. Those miena
: . iM.ii.l will find a larce sup-
dIv of lumber al our yam, aim yon
l J .... 11 J 1..L .rA
innit.wi to can anu iuua. um.
our stock before purchasing. The
r ..Dnn..u r.n.Mcnons: r. w.
uruuoi-i" i
address, Hillsboro, Ore., K. v. t
M Td Jane Burchell, of Gold-
wife of H. M. Bur-
. , ... . .k
un a ;.h Mnnnnv morninn nt vua
reBldeneeof U. u. nurcumi, ui
Reedville, ol tuDercuiosie. u
nAaad was born in Goldendale
34 years ago, and she and ber hus vara visuins 1U vuio wuuv,
unuu " v - - . ol
i v... daat.h occurred, she
leaves a husband and jouronuaren
A h. damrhtnr of J. B. Mo
UU HiB mv --o . ,
w in many vears a resiueuv u
iiom va j j .
this county. Interment took place
Tuesday afternoon, at me uoujohoij
near Reedville.
Report of the condition of fhe bank
of Sherwood, at Sherwood in the
Slala nf Orfiffnn. at the close Of
business, July 15, 1908:
Ixuinsan.l discounts f'4T4(i 45
nnVinu hfi.t. furniture AU.i
fixtures '77 00
Other real estate owned 1374 00
Interest due NivitlBS account... 01 ,3
Due from appr'v'd reserve banks 18S05 81
Checks and other cash items 113 94
Expense 8" 4
Cash on hand - 57 4
Total 4543 2'
Capital stixk paid in fc'4o 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 677 '4 unpaid - 4 00
Individual deposits subject to
u. anoi ys
iw..nnrt riTtilicates of deposit... 1 1 5 3
... 1 WA in nr. I
Time ceruticates 01 iiepwu .)"
Savings deposits 394 74
.;. .1. ... ilia.. lnne
l.Hllllllllv-.-. . - .
above stated f
Total 4543 Jl
State of Oregon, (.gj
llm.nlv nf W'aclli lltrtOU. I
I, rrtd .1. r pier, vasnier ui iuc n..
naiiied bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true 10 uie uc. ui u..
knowledge and belie
r-nrrriAtlest: J. E. Morback, L. S.
M,.i...,.ll and Arthur V. Hall, Direct
or- . . . , .1.:..
Subset bed and sworn to oeiore me iuij.
31st day of July, 19-
M K. Hue, woiary 1 uuue.
Loans f181.361.6S
Cash and due from
banks 9s-336-36
Real estate 6
Furniture, Fixtures.. 2,700.00
Capitol Stock
Undivided profits..
- $.29,198.04
,.$ 25,000.00
.. 10,000.00
... 253,267.91
Geo. Scliulmericli, Casliier
1. wife of the horse
MID ucav .--! .
thief, wbo broke jail a tew weess
ago, at this place, waB in town last
Saturday. She noara rjeiore com
ing that Trail had escaped, but did
not believe the Btory 10m uor uy
anma nn who had seen u in a run-
land paper. She says she came to
get her husband to release to her a
buggy and harness, which was left
near Philomath, at me u
Trail' capture by Sheriff Connell.
Sheriff Hancook gave her the little
arAimt AfmnnflT lnunn OQ irnii vi
UlVUUI V V"vj , -
fVia twrifl nf his caDture. Mrs. Trail
Itaa Kaon nrnrlcincf in a logging
cmp as cook, until recently, and
said if she were sure ner uubuhuu
m.t nf lha oonntrv. she W0UIU
n..i n ir.. hnmentead near Peak,
(U UUI .mi
Lincoln county, and begin residence
on the land, as she bad previously
filed on it, hrBl Becurmg a reim
nuishment for that purpose from
1 1 j k:i k. Ttaa tiara in
ner nusoanu, wuuo "
iil. She is of the opinion tuaj
Trail will not return to his 01a
home, as that would be too riBsy.
She further Bald that Trail had
neglected ber, and that she intend
ed to get ft divorce, as Bhe feared
k.'.ii ak.riff HancocK nan never
U1U1. umv.i" ,
beard anything from trail, Bince
ik. hlnndhounds ost hiB sceui
north of town.
1.. Rarratr. rftllirnftd home TUC8
day night, after a week's outing at
Elk City.
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries. .
Tf we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
TvnMkhersV acents. we are
now prepared to supply all
your warns m wvnuv.
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc
c,.i RnnL. will be sold for
.H.IIUVI ww ,
Cash Only. Positively no Credit
.-nn Poland. Oreson A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
1 emu moa iriui wwi - ,
feet, have a equipment,
itLwe occupy m y . . . more calls
employ a large faculty, g've
r- than we can meet, vui -uw. "-r-.
. rr: " ,: nf iirtion. ' It navs to attend such an institution
OmersiUMuaiiil v -""-- ' .... - ,
u 2 . i....-1 n br.rnmrh
T aid a Business Man : " Keep hammering, away.
JSaitt ft Business . vdn,.ator "The auality of instruc-
work.. It will win out ZTZrt kind i. the Newest.'
tion sriven in. yourcnooi ma.c irr. . . , ' ' r.
uou8 J . iT...j .... rima fnralrttrue free.
t il. mvi - Kiniiiiirs BiimiLieu di aui a
euupen aii vuc ycai.- w. -
Refereoceai Any bank, any newspaper, any bualness man to Portland.
For Sale or Rent
The Hillsboro Flouring Mill; ca
pacity, 70 barrels; has a large cor
ing capacity.- aibo, hw aunuuiv
- . nir I VMM k.i.k
Warehouse, capacity, vsw.uw oupu
els. Will be sold separate, or to
gether; Apply to
John Milne, nuisuoro. iu-i . ,
. NQti'ci i,to Contracture
Sealed bids will be- receive"1 until 'i:oo p,
m., of thefltfi ' Ati'gnsf.SioS, by
the Couiuy Conrf of Washington ounty.
...I Itien nnen'ed for thecrusu
r b . .r m.iI. li
iug anil naming o.i,- hjaiiii. .vu, .
yards of rock, on the farm, of f , Purdy,
"near Oastpii, Oregon. f ...j . .
Bidders will lie rcquired.todepqstt with
! their bi&a-ceitified chetk-i-for 5 per cent.
r a.. vf (iimtt hut. -
, , jfvJtlfrViftWCojintvdoinwIaalonerav
a H fi n nam nf if ' 1 . rMlJUN.
4.T. ftuu",v" ro.'l Ts'ar --" -0&uty;jitgc.
1 !'
s 1
at UilUboro.