The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 30, 1908, Image 4

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i . a -
, I . J I - ".-I" 'i. a "
Sired by
oca Mnq 23 1 J
Rtx. 2:12 1-4
Sir of King Airy l:l tit ,. l.CK
King 2 t (in Jvr'i. K iig l.-'in
2 I7' , Utile Kce i King Travel
er I ) i:9'.'l o1"- r-;
oa of Norval Vv5. ' -- ,"(W J
Lewi xV. Ouutet Fvc Is' . N i
viu G. Jroo , Fhns'Og Tide ) ', at d
loi others), out of Luhe J.. a
brood mare by the mighty Onward 3 :yt
(.sire of It in l;u ud i; oihrr.i.hy
Geo Wilkea 1:11 i sire ol ihr dams f 15
iu i:tol, ten of Hanihlrtoniai. u. N.h
ill U by Klcctioucer Us,' Hutulile
tonita 10, and out of Nouns, a fcirat
brood uiare, hy Noiuian JJ.
C ut) nv, a Cor-Plaintiff.
IN 1 1 1 K CIKCl IX ' Ul OF THK
! V A I K OK OKF.N foil
V-iilNti ION t'Ol'N TV
1. K'lnl l.ill .t. !.!" t.mUI.
,t e it., frank it-
'imi- and Vitrtt 'iriaml.
, ,,: Nm, Mu I fo and
l. n.lrt
1 1. ,M. H!i. ! i.uil.l, John
I i. m!. I Mulli' " 't and.
r iuli '.n, and o U ul
.ni. Mm!
ti. i
i .i ,; .
Mu.t am
Vl'l. a''l til!i'.l, Vi'ti'U'i.'!
In lh, lialm- .il lll S(S1 .if OtvSMO.
Air lnt. t.y i-.,um-l nllnal
. iiI-1'k-.I .iiurt mi mi. j tliii iii'iil'laiitl
I..-.) !i;n n' y."i in Hip atn fiilUli-t
it un ir I mUmi' VI 'ii. lav Um hull da ul
AiitfuM, Uii in Iwinif tnitr (hail
frmn tlin titl juilih. alinn
lliw H11M1II..U1M, an.! in ilii'a iU UutiI. I1'
i.Unilill wi. I i-n! I.i thP i-oml lor Uir-
hi. .1. Hiamln l 111 Hir ,Miiiiiuit 111,' 1 1 1 I . - 11I tli l'! I
, n tv mrl ol the !.!!. ti! 1, ilwl f'-ai
i.rim sitnat 111 Um I'uuiitv ul Vah
i ?ii;!iiii and Stai.if Onifiiii. tn il: fin"
inniriii) at Ihx nnrtlimt ii.riiir of '
.l.iiiiH.ui Imi.l I'lanit ul "I'll.". Mrwart and
l!r. 111 t.ittllhil' I .utl!
Third St.,lt.WitiK't,Q
uml Main
lll. ll l
and III
,U.,.rr..l Aal.m...HI WrMUa. """"
(.,1. .it.rll. .4 U kind a. A
(,.r i,rrjl"l r'l.
.1 la .
all Wi.i.U ol Kirah altaU.
fcmali!. Will mwt H liXMpatllloli
l.n. and foillUf
Hiomdct. l-t 4arHty loan K1
(he t" il. W "wy ' ,,al
Smoomd Strmml. HUtohor; Of
Firrt Dam Www
lm of Kingio taV. Go Noral a fKinj
Gotnt il) nl i!r to Sphert p) 34,
Dimu v p t MV-
Saxrood dam MUtlws
lUmmt Spbert (p- U. Duma (p) riSV. Onard uit, :J-"V l" of Ooward SiUt-r jss'4. lvn
Ua Jt, Prl Onvaid ipi 06S. (Vrllc (r- ) o-'4 ,
Colbert vp) 7.S. Mantaret O. 2 oS, , Mi ihclia .' om' .
I'bilatu CW. Tbornttn jtnS. Major Mam J .
Cornelia Utile :to. ton of George Vi!ke 5!, dam !V!1,
by Mambrino Cbief 11. A 1 moot Jr. 1819. j;j6, tire of Belle Hamnuml J ii.
Warvell 1:14 V". Glob UViand 45 otbem; ami tUmt i f
Lord Ilerby J.o$S. Batl'.etou jotl, I'asaing BeMe
SV. Kink Charles IP) t:oS4, Moonstone 2 ri. aouof
Altnont -53. dam Maggie Gaiuea, a great brixnl uire !
B'.ood i Black Hawk, by Black Hamk 5.
Third dam hy Donipnaa. Fourth dam by Scott's HighUnder. Fifth dam by Canooo'a Whip.
KIVGGO i beauttfol brown horae. tand 15-1 hand high, weight 1100 pouo.U and it eight yenr old. Ilia
coeformaoon i of the beat. He is per.ectly gentle and of the beat dupoailU B. He U a fatt Hotter and tuliniia
peed from both aides. Hv first aad second dams are producers, while on his tire's tide the firM two dam ate 1 tu
ducers. KinggO will make the season of 1906 at the
Race Track at HflUboro, Oregon. Terms, $25 by the Season
All precantioni taken, but not responsible for accidents.
Keep cooalantty on hand a nas
supply ol Irean weals of all kinds.
A Mmw Erm to rVteasw
We aie giMBg w I1 n"'l Pk
t than ttuaw whivh hae prersilsd la
the i-a.l Call In and as. W luaa
I s,(l ,, Ni .'I'M't I business rmw sn.i rm .wi. r
tine dnor Kat Tualalta Htel
Mil Sueel. Blltshe, Ori.
Hillsboro, Oreqon
I i WkI f liif lUnm.'Kr Mofi.llan
and iiiiinli'K lliniii" .nl'i i digfiw
inmul. s r al tin- bat Inmolaald
i,.nii. n 1 !ind 1 laim ul d I'll"' li"'
at mid will- 111 rtf Ian , i.i i haina and
'v n !ink in the milar of llie
li:iStini and I'nrttand Uoad, Itinm-r
N.irlli '. il.ur.H- SXvhI ainii 'd ruad
l.iitv mie '.'I i-l4l and wnl lour
i" linkK; tlifiii e Nurih M'(ti li'iinu.
Worn parallel llli il... lit, .'f Jld
i l.inl ...n tuiid ( !,m tliirlv nr i ill
(hBUi-. and Ii:lv . lild 'V: link' to l'i
N.nth I 1..
i and Cai'ire alrail, and i:wu.-e
; aim i I .-lu'ii line I ill "me l.'I'i
ivIl.hiii and ti-ntv-iit" '"I I h"k to III"
pia.-e t hoi; i nn i "tf,- I ( rpnr iuitll
.t;iti-i Ui and ea. tl ol lliani,
and lor u-h oilier and liifl!nr r.-iief a to
llm loiirl Inav 'nii n' a1""
1 t lip datii ..f lli lirl piil'll. of It'la
Miiiimoii l Hie 'i 'Hi day of June, l a"
.-ervii-eul llili. mniMn.iiia l) I'.ibln ation
iu .te on vnu l v i rdi r .f Hon. J. W, Judirii .1 the r.mnly I'mirt for
, Walmuilun I'oiiiiti. Mule id ur..ili.
inadi' on liif ".lib d.v of June. I di'e-t
; it-. ic that Hi ai-l .uhiu-ali. u h mad In
the IlltNU.r.i rtiii. a .-al lieaiajr
i -if ireio-rai i iivsil.tti-'ii ouhl.heil at liti'a
U.t. Vahiiifl..n li.untv lat of I If-
ion, ai. I Ilia. piilnii-nuin li ma.
olu-e il week lot' lt . i- .A
i:. n .sKAiuiiMik,
Atlortixy for I'iauili!!.
..Central Meat Market.
IMMOTl BROS., rVstsj.,
oiiijj to A4,kc,
One 1ia lo lr ,,fy
sbonl Ihr inn. I,.
get the W.t ,,!, ,,
ae.,1;t , , ,,r
"ill niiil Ihr ( I,,,,,,.. .
"u,n si:.::
"niieil li,., u
Ihal lll U .m. t .' .
Bi.ll.l. .1 h.. , -"O
all kind.
the lirtt
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
Tlw nce U Go (or Perfect test tad very Cocev
We form ol Healthful and Delightful Recreation
abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All mod
ern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets
freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cot
tages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply.
Strict municipal sanitary regulations.
NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to
Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R.
Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout.
Rate from Hillsboro
Season stx-month ticket $6.00
Satarday to Monday ticket $3.00
Our elaborate new Summer Book gieet a concise description of Newport
including a list of hotels, their capscity and rates Call
on, telephone or write
P. G. VICKERS, Local Agent
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Notice of Final Account
Notice i hereby given that Jaiio II.
l-'lnnltfan, having rogn... a adimtiia-
trator f the e-!le ol Jam M.-Nnllv,
dei-vaiied, has lileat III hintl mioiint n
xtieh aIiiiiiittrator, and that Uieionuty
foiirt of the Slate of i ireifiti for Hm Conn-
t of Waablngtou ha-i Iine.1 Aiifciifl H,
Inn, at 10 o'clock A. M.. an the lime, and
the court room of naid court a( HilNUiru.
l)reon. aa the nlac for Iho hcnring l
objeitiont to Mild tinal arctmnl and the
settlement thereof.
Dated July St. 1W.
Adn.ininrator of the Klte ul Jaun-a
McN ulty , de'eaeU.
SsTATK. K oIlKtiOS, Knit
Our Mt. Hood Beer
Has them all beaten when it comes to
purity of water, which comes from the
Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. Hood" no
purer water in the world!
Is a Hygienic Product
Call and see for yourselves. Constantly
on draught and in bottles. It is the wa
ter and the quality of the brew. Try it.
If you want a good smoke, we handle the
the finest smoke for the money that is
made in the "Oregon Country."
Try Our 'Grand Dad WhisKey!'
Pronounced by experts to be the finest of
blends. ' Come and see us when you are
in the city We'll treat you right. Main
Street, across from the Farmers' Stables.
A. Z. GRAGG, Prop.
Iu the matter of the Ktat of
Susan K. Tanner, ilw..
To B. V. Ksrns. William Krn. Mir
man Kama. John Kami, Fred Kami,
Newton Kama, Arthur Karti.
Kama. Kthel Karris, K. A. Kodertaon. hi
la K. Hagnai, K. C I'.nliertn.n. Mry I!.
Fasig, W.l'. Koliertaon, II. F. Uolajriann,
Angeline K. Miller, Jeme Ntiiart. Mary
Nihart. liu hhoal, -Nellie Mirk el mid
Lyda Hodgs and loail other ieron un
known inlereated in said enlatc. Ui eeting:
In the name of the f'tate of Oregon:
: You and each of you are hprehy tite.1 anil
requiriel to apjjear in the I'ouuly Court of
j the Htata of Oregon, for the County of
Washington at the court room thereof, at
I Hillsboro I" the said i ouniy 01 w a.u
inirtoli. State of Orev-ui. Monday, '.he
Slat day of Augunt, at ten o'l-hw-k in
the forenoon of tiial ihiy, ana men tinu
thers nhosr csiim, if any you have, hy
an order of ale ahnuid tint t e made nith
onimr euiDowering and liieiimnit ,H. I
Llnklater, administrator ol thcxaid rtin e
to sell at liuhlu- auction to Um highrat
j bidder for canh. the follow Inn ri al proir
ty belonging to said tutale, to wit:
All of the following de rihed real i-r.t
srty in the County ol Waaiiin'ton and
KtHte of Oreaon. to-wit. being more oar-
tirtilarly dewrlbed: lieing the nontheail
inuarter of the nor.hat uuaru.r of section
! .', Warn 'I north, range went of the Will.
' Mer. Alao a tract of land beg-uniing at I
the aoiithcHJit oirner of the. atnjye ie.
' scriled tract of land running thence north
40 ch J thence eaat 4 cht. rl feet j them e
i south aOch.iJtbem-eett.Ht VI feel; thence
south JJU ch. and thence west 5 ch. to
place of beginning, containing: 'M1 ., i -res
of land, more or lei(, as prayed for in Ihe
' petition of said H. 'f. LinkUter a'lminis
: tratr, tiled herein.
Witneas the Honorabln J. W (joodin,
Judge of the County Court of the Slate ol
' Oregon for the County of Washington
"with the aeal of aaid lourt t ItUed, lliitt
27th day of July, Iikih.
AtUwt: J. W. HAII.KV.
i I'ounly Clerk.
! Uy KI)W, C. 1.1 rK,
' Deputy,
,ili, h herehv CH. ll that the iltider
ine,l. the do! acn-'Od.-,!. omldled and
aeiiii A,liiilui-I rji.-r of Um Klal of
M trv Jane Sutherland. .!,-. c-i.l. hy yir
in., and m niiriii "I an order uf al
on h- an I entered on llih day of July.
I hy the Counir I'.iuflof the Mate of
nrrtMii. lor Wa.hni.'l.iii I nunty. Ifolll
and al'tt-r August I. !''". 'H 'H. at pri
vate lie t i Hi bidder, lor cash iu! of the right Idle and IntereM
viiii. h Malt Jai.e snther-aiid had at Ilia
time of her death. In a-id to th folios tng
des.-nU 1 real proi-ity, annate within
Wa.litngloii I'liuntv, I'regon, ami more
paftu-uarly Ixmnde.l and des.-rihed aa
,. low s. In it :
i'if'X 'I'ra.-t : lieing i p4rt of Uie lolia
li. .s La ml tlsiiii ul J.iscph lloitonand
M iry lliuion. Ina He, and he'.ntf, all the
oar', of ahl Donation I .and l'!.m in Sec
lion U. T. -' s It '.' W, of the Will. Mer.,
t ult lo lh.i aaid Joseph nnilon,
asc an.i xeeniv llini nw i "'
Ihat li.rnoii of the ;iine coineyeil by
VA id. am Ih-Uwuey and Kiilh A. I'eiaa
m-y. nis ne5 in iv itiiim j i.oinita..ii, m.
the. Ilth day of I i.!....-r. IsiPJ. aln.-li died
is (inly r.-.'"r Inl oi Volume "I of l,ec.
.idsol D-edsi l M aahliigioit i ottniy, ne
eijoii. on l .tg-i V an. I is awnnni as
(oilows, In it .
lining nil I'm trad or pan el of land the North Side of the Tualatin
Hirer anpljoa-d to ' ' " iicrca. more or
lesa, said parts of hind lieinir a part of the
Joseph liinion Doiiiillon ljiud I lalin aa
taken hy said J.mcuIi II uit.m and tiled In
the Mirv.-yor solhee for I lie Plate
of I ireg.i'i, ' eorduig hi Ih" Laws ol Con
gress, ii-iualiv islied the Donation Law,
Second I ra. I: Also (hut trad or par.-e
of bind Iv mg, U-ing and sittiaie Ka--l ol
the 1 asl bin- ol the Joseph lllnton lhma
t on Limit Claim and hounded on the
Kitst smith and North bv the I uuUuu
;,wr. In -e. tt'in II I . H. li. I V. of the
Will. Mer . containing H acres, more or
!,.,. Until traits being In Washington
iirefon. and cotdaming in an v
Dont Wait for the Fatal Stages
of Kidney Illness. Trout
hy Hillsboro People's
IKvasKKul attacks of Irregular
hradache and dlV llls are
Miiiiiioii rarlv ay midon. ol kl.liry dl
.lets It's an rnor In urg'ect Ibeie Ilia
Thr alUiks may i H lu a lime but
.,i,.,ii iih iiralrr iolrtialty. If there
are uiploliia 1 1 drop puffv ssrlliers
llow the rve. hlnallug i ntuna ant an
klra, ol any part of the l1y, don't de
lav a imuutr. IWgi tak ng iKtan a Kul
fill, and keen Ui the Irvatuirut un
til (he kidneys air wrll. bm r old
time r.allh and tr sill rrluru. Cult
in tiu.e Ihr r Ijei-llvencaa ol
Una great kidiiey remedy
bird I jiidiia k. living I iii'it
lliltaboio iltv.Mis: "Mr wlf suffer
r,l from kidiirv and blaibUr I roil I. 'e i.
aloiuiliuieand no mailer what she ton)
cot tin relief She sntlried frosu pains in
hrr !itk and limb and la li.d ol atiaili
over was imsiosaible At times she was
so Uitir and tired out at ulht that he
could not turn over iu bed. Che aim lia.1
trouble with the kidney sectetioui which
were very fieournt and irregular. All
the different remedies she tried did he
no ku.s! "d she ali used plasters and
liniment but failed tu find relief. Al
lat she heard alsmt I loan's Kidney Pills.
n 1 tr.tred a tan. They helped her
from the lust and it was only a snort
time W-foie she was entirely free from
the slightest symptom of the complaint.
, , i i.' i-.. i , it. ....I it..
I 4JSI UM I.WH , (M'llKJ ,,,,.'. I "
rrsulla were highly satisfactory in my
For b!b hf all dslrt PrlfJ.
50 ctnt FiMtmr-Miliiurn Co , Buf
(lo, New York, sola sgenU fur tbf
titxi State.
Kemnibr the nm Doin'
.ml take no other.
..t.-r. s Itior,. or less.
Sni. I sale sln!l be linvl" subject to tin
I'uiilirmwtiou of the County Court of the
St stool imicii, for Washington County
Dated this !ifh day of Jmy. A. D.. I'S'M.
Adminislralor of the F.state uf Mary
Jane Sutherland, Deceased.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of tin) KaLatu of
John D. McDonald, deceased.
Notice l hereby given, that the under
signed, Isabella Mt:l)oiild, ha beonduly
appointed by the County Court of the
Hiatn of Oret'on. for WaMlnngtoii County,
adrriiniHtratrix of the entute of auid Juhn
D. McDonald, deceaHed.
All persons having I'lainiM nguiiiHt said
estate are hereby notified and renuired to
present them tinder oath with the proper
vouchers therefor attached, within six
month from the date of this notice to the
undfiiiiigned at Ikavertoti, Oregon, or to
my attorneys, Caldwell .t Iteedcr, Wi
Couch Biiihling, Portland, oregun.
The dale of the lirnt publication of this
1 notice is July :, Mm.
ihabki.i.a McDonald,
! Administratrix of th Kslatc of John I).
McDonald, Doceafed,
Notii-e U hereby given tbut the under
sr.'iied. tin- duly aniiomted. iiualihe.1 and
a.-tiiig (insrihanof the person ami etat
of John K. -'iHierlaml, a Minor, lr virtu"
of in." i ... r ! it t to an order id sale lit ue
and Mill red on i lit? 20th dayof Ju.y, A
D i taps, by the County l oiirlof the .State
of i eg'di, lur Washington County, w ill
on and after August l !!, sell at pn
vale mle. for cash in hand, the follow ing
di-sirilw-d real estate bnloiiglng to said
.Vi inor, John K. Hiillierlaml, which real
properly is situated within Washington
County, i iregon and is particularly Ism ml
rd mid l esi rihed as fo lows, to Wit:
Hilv lu res in the . M. Unwell Dona
lion Lund I lium No, L'i, iu T, '.' H. II, 2 W
in WadiliiL'tou County. Oivgou, ilescrilc il
us follows, hewit: llenlnning ill thii
N. K. comer of claim No. , T.'ri, H ,W,
W ill. Mer., and running thence H. m in
cIim thencK W. l'Oii chs- lb-iic N
'11. '.VI chs ; thcncn S. liH diigris-H F.. Id chs.
to the plce of heglnniiig, containing llh
:o-re. ninre or less
A Inn beginning l.'t tlia. N.MdegnieW
from llin N. L. corner of said Claim, and
rillillllllf Iheni-H degrees W., I..'i:i cha
t h ei i i'ii H, 'I! decrees W UM cha ; thm
S. (Si decrees :U mili'ilea K. Sffi.fO chs. to
ibi! .South lino of the North of aald
Claim; thence K. lu.'t.'i cha ; thence N.
2I..''eis, lo the plii' n of beginning, con
laming -'HI H'-res. IS dh of aaid tract lo
rn thcr coniaiiiiiig mi acres, mure or lesa.
(itiariliiin of Um Person and LsUIn of
John K. hutlierhind, a Minor.
Notice of Final Settlement
We Want )
We are prepaicd to Mrrvc yon iu any taji uiiy ;u tcasou.
No, we are nut putting on a vlraramr sale uf
$5 shoes at f2,H uor ate wc t f
I. Our prices utt kiroctrics arc tinht. 2 - Wc lave
the iwellest Hue of Ladies' and gents' shoes wc have
ever showed. $ Now, in regard to a wam; when
you think wagon, think Haiti, aud we save ymi $5 u it.
4. lM ua talk orices with you on buggies, plows, har
row, discs, ateti roller, graiu drills, sj,iay jumps,
windmill, McCormick mower, binder and rakes, We
have jnst received our binding twine.
MW, MP. IMIMIII, 1 W Ml HO MOSh 10 W ,,t
Nor do you want to fay more for goods than they are
worth -so you should buy uhere you t an i!o the lied.
Get our Price, then the other fellows', and you vtill U
Your lor a Q Deal,
Rowell Bros. & Co., Scholls.
In the Matter of the C.uardlaosblp ol
John K Huthtrlsnd, a Minor
Notice to Whom It May footers: No
tice it hereby glvrn that the under
signed hat been appointed guardian of
the person anil estate of Jobs K. Suther
land, a Minor, by order of the Count
Court of the State of Oregon, Un Wash
ington county, made on the 1 6ta day of
April, A. 1), ijs, and ha duly iualltied
ts such liuanliao.
Now, therefore, all persons having
chums against ssnl Minor, John K. su
therlaod, sre hereby notified snd rc
ipiired to present them, srllh tht proper
vouchers, to me at my residence, 8H9
Hasi Main Street, Portland, Oregon, or
at the Its, olhce ol Tina. It Tongue, jr.,
in the Morgan-Bailey Block, HlllsUro,
Wtslnngton County, Oregon, wltlu all
month Iroui the date ol the first publi
cation of this not ce, to wit: within tit
months front uiie 11, 100H.
P. C. Anderson,
Gutrdisn of the (trsim and estate of
John h. Sutherlaod, a minor
Thot. II. 'I'onoue Jr.,Atty for C.uard'n.
Admlnitlrator's Nolle
Notice la hernby given that th under
sinned has been by the County Court of
the ntatfl of Oregon, for Washington
County, duly appointed admliilulairalor
or II. A ,-Mlul.. 0 VaIhI fir..l.. .luuU.I
and all person having eiaiins against
aald estnle are hereby notified lo piesent
itieiti 10 111 , who proper vounnera, al nil
Notice of Final Settlement
Yes, We Do It!
All Kinds of Painting
Moore & Shirley
ZXome 9tyls
Regular Meals, 25 cts up
Short order lunches
Opp. Farmers' Feed Shed, on
. r ' rs
lllPl-Bt;iWMB.PMfl II
Notice is hereby givnn that the titiditr
Hlgned executrix of Um b'.H will n'l i l"st
anient or DeWiU 0 Meruil, miccaMid,
has filed her linal aecmnt as such execu
trix iu the County Court of Washington
County, Oregon, and said Court hu ap
pointed Monday, the, 'list day of August,
1WS, at th hour of ten o'clock ol auld
day aa tho time lor hearing said liual ac
Kxeciitrix of the laat w ill and testament
of DeW It t C. Meirill, Dmaneil
Elder A. A. Bry will prnac'i
next Sunday at Karmirgtoti at 11
o'clock a ra. la the evening h
will preach in the Christian church
in this city. Tbn topic will he,
'Jesus Mission." Hpfcial wiUHic
In the matter of I ho Kstiitn uf
James Fitzgerald, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given thai the iimler
tdgned, the duly appointed, qualified and
u'.'jng Adinlniitralor of tlin Kslate of Jan.
Fitzgerald, deceased, has hie. I Ins linal
account ns nnch administrator, in the
county court of Washington County, Ore.
"on, and Ihat wild earn rt, by an order made
uml entered on Urn lllth day of July, WW,
has mt apart, designated and appointed
the Kit fx dav ol'AiigiiNt.llsiK.un the time, and
t he court IiouhiiIii IlillHborn, WiiHliitigtoii
County. Oregon, us Urn place, for bearing
of obceiiohH to said linal account, mid of
the linal seltlemeni Ol aaiu cmaitj.
Dined Ibis bah day of July, PiOH.
C, Aebischor, AdinlrilHtriilor,
U. li. Tuiigui, AtUirimy.
Notice to Creditor
Notice is hen by given thill the umler-
suMiod lias been UUlV aiipoluleil hy the
comity court, of the (Stale of Oregon for
Washington county, administrator of the
esiaie of Jennie M. Miirra, docpased. All
persotm having claims against aaid estate;
1 . , a I lr,.,l I.. .....
lire liercny uoiim;'! ami i"i m ' i"-
sent the s'amn lo me, with proper voiiclinrs
therefor, al t ho law ollico ol liugiev
Hare in llillnboro, Oregon, within Mix
months from the date linreol.
Dd'ud this Hitli day of July, 1WW.
m. Ji' ;i,r.'-M. . VI it ' i y Is ( r h I i tt
rnsldetic, K. K. 1). No. I,
Washington county, Oregon, within
months frmn tho date of this notice.
Dated June'i'i, MUM,
WILLIAM fluism
Administrator for the eatala of Velal
I iinin.i, deceased.
W. N. ISarrelt and Itenton flu w man.
aiiorueya tor eii.
Notice is hsreby given that the under
signed gnardlau of ths uoraon and eatala
(if W. W. Oelgor, an Insane Person, bv
virtue of an order of th County Court of
wasningiori i.niiiuv. tiregim. ilnlv mad.
ami entureii un the 7th day or July, IMJn
authorizing said guardian lo sell lb rsa
estate hereinafter described at nubile Rale
win, on mem si uuy 01 august, lisj, at til
soitin nmiroi llie uolirt House lu Hills
boru, Oregon, at one o'oioek In the after
linnii or aald day, duly tell at public tale
lo the highest bidder for cash lu hand, th
iimowuig UHHcrineii real estate, to-wit
lluglumiig at the aoutheast corner of
win. ueiger it. U. l t;. In T 1 H. K. II W
Will. Mer., then ! northerly along the K
line ol said claim 171,7 feet, which la
point HO feet Mouth of a point 50 chain 8,
(if the imrtlieaHt corner of the aald olalni
inuucR norin nw degrees ni mm. wait on
line parallel with the north Una of 1). 1
(;. 751 VI feet: ilience southerly on a line
naraiici in ins east, una or aald claim
11111.1 leei, more or lean, to south line of D
I, C, thence along aoulh line of aald D. I
C. aoulh HH deg. fil min. east 7M.I2 feat to
the place ol beglnnlnsr, e intalnlng !w.7H
acres, inure or ie, in w
ly, Oregon,
Dated at II illsboro, Oregon, this July
nLii, imn.
Uuarilliiii of
H. 11. HUHTON.
W. Oeiger.aii Insaiit
Ife'tlftSB slg 15 Tftaaa
Joining town of Reed
viller. on the Northeast
Just laid off by the Shaw Co , f
Portland, into 5-acrc tracts, l'oriuerly
known a fhc Lystrup farm, aud is ou
tejed by all who know the tract to !
one of the richest pieces of land iu the
Willamette Valley. For terms and par
ticular, apply to the
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 SUrh St. Portland. Oregon
cither ft
Are You Wanting' a
If vou'are lookinc for a home,
farm, or a residence iu town, call ou the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm rQ sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lauds. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
lns!asntUnt f hone. IV J
Chenette Row, Main St., Hillsboro
Bet. First and Second
Mahe. Specialty of Metal
and Composition Roofing.
Skaas.ltss'Ki satset ComlC
WorK. General Jobbing
pctfully tolidt a hre of th public' pittrrmHfi