The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 30, 1908, Image 3

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    Kicuuiit l Precinct llivcs
Wet Miiji'iHy f Twenty
l, OiJf l tee"1 Bm,
( i'iu'litiea Order
Tbt recount "f ln balloU
lln Jun election in Houth HilU
bifrt precinct , wnc!iiilml Tu
dir. beii'R "H,u'1 ' ,u ""der
(uf such recount made by Judge
M. Hride, l th ' n(t of the
prmotit lorm. when Fred Corneliu,
, llilUlhim li'unr dealer, (lint
million fr recount, alleging that
wtuy uf lli ballot voted fur pro
hibition lit J thereon dialinguUh
u mark, "If . bleb entitled them
In l ralb-d ill gal, The r
p i,( tli rnounl, w bu ll we had
(.ir Judge Mr Bride, give H
v4' for prohibition uJ KiS vote
Knii'l, leaving a tutjorltjr uf 'JO
.iU agaili! prohibition, Th
JuuV ruled that the ballots thrown
uulnad plain, dilingulhlng mark
tUriMiii, which under the Supreme
Court il'Ciniui in the Crahlrr
,uJ Van Winkle rate, gave bun
&o allerntliv, but lit declare them
illryal. lu view uf th change
tul by lli" rrrount, the Judge
iuiJ in or. It directing 'be Coun
ty Hoard to tn mi I the proclama
liuti recently mili, declaring Houlb
Hill.boro to U a "dry" precinct,
idJ It further belit Ibal hit order
ibuulil titnl an order of vera
Hun, u n ul Hi count board shall
nt an itiaiructril III rtouol,
titli rrni'M'l to the McCormick
linley ronlel. reetilta lu a Iocs to
McCormick f 25 votes on defective
Ulliui, ami give jUiley a lead of
fl vote, in South il!horn pre-
nod t in uiunrt(KKl that bulb
F. K Cornelius and W. V Wiley
t opened their pi area of hutine
lliii uiornuig
Vo'.icr l lir ii i uivrtt ' the Count
Mitrtiutrii.l. tit ol UOllti;!MI lountv
nil liniil tbr rrgtiltr eiauiinallim of t
(..ifni ii.r iii- mi.i unmlv
r Hir al
ikiil.!u- mIiuuI liiiittini); lu
1 IkIiom h
i Trn i-i-i,a
I'uiiimriiriiiK Writ, ewtay, Aukh( i
'. jo'. t.k 4 in , unit tuliiiuiu until
SluiU. AiiKnt li, at 4 p. ui.
Wr!nr!4. IViuturnlilii, iil.nv,
(llii!;, (.Imical Kr,lt'''' l"-llli(;,
(Mi'Ih Ux)
ThutkUt ritleii mitltmrlii-, llirory
"( (tjitiin: K,i"lii, lHKVkrrjMii((,
(JiiIi-h civil Ki''liux-llt.
I'ri'U) I'limioliy. rtiiiliy. Com
iiinii. .V' ''t I ngltb l.lrrnliire
t'41.11 in, lluUur, ilnr griiiiietrv.
J'ttnal liulmy, t, hm.l nw
i" itH STV luri'.M
Ciilllllirlti mir Wrilnmdav 4uiui.l il
v uVUla m , ami ctt iiiuiiik until
Im.Ui. iiMint 14. at 4 o'cl.ak . 111
ttnlr.r-l.vv - IV iiiimnlili, In.l.ny, of-
wi4 liv. liny , t.hy aica! Ki-oxrafV.
lhurtilav Wiitten i illimrlli', itteor y
If 4( Itllll L'ttilltlunr i.ltLMinl.
I "''v - '"'K'opliv, u bifcil Ian, civil
' i i. i-.iiKlnh litrniiura.
M. V, I'ASr ,
1 1 1 m v S'IkmiI Snrriiitriilrlit
K'li'rt id Dm oondiiion of the L'or-
"HunHute Uoroellua. In
iMHlal (r Oregon, at cliweof bun-
July IT), I'.HW:
urn ati.l iliwmintt t,,j7 ,
aufc mK bomr, furniture ami
liltum ....! ui.
V rl
i 'Mliuin ai.pv.l rrarrve tianka J.Hj, 29
Mki nini uiher caiili Itttui , toi ( 76
Mb on luiu.l tnj j
T,,ul JL746.M b
I'HI ,ck paid in
n livul. , pu,(ia , ei
.....f i'hivo 00
ili,i.l..i t ............... t-a J.i
"" laiei liniil j.iio n
' r
"niai ij(
poHtla aiiirct lu
!miij (Tiilfu atu of depoait 1 10 00
P1'ii(-i'rrlil',il,,u(,rl,o,i, 4(0J oo
!'lilr'i check outatandiiig... Jin 70
,VI"K 'li-oit
U9'9 37
U f 4614 6.
ttolO.Cit.m. ,
Ol""yol WaahtBKlon.i Ml
'AS Sllolru I'mikI.i.I ..I ll..
ti"1 '""'k. do Holt-iunly twrar that the
'"""laieincnt It true lotlu-htit of ruy
nolnlKe MMi
fl I'rtiinVut.
turret-Atteti: All ert Bunuiog and
IHi. luiiiau, Director.
Mrnrn In luiTurt til
'Mb day f jy. ,,0H.
ru atw, Notary J'ulillo.
n Hdimirned mMtinv of the
l"ullty lliard l,i.l,l la.l MAlnr.Uv
following l.imineBH was trans-
filed ;
Bl,' on Kowell bridge: K K
Mnnw $1108.28; contract award-
a " I'. UfiHHOner,
, U'(,a n McClaran bridge. Chan
' I otu, .1(205.45; R K Reaoner,
nit Contraot arded Rearoner.,
BiilH lor crushing and hauling
t the I'urdy riuarry, there
e,,,K but one bid, that of T P
l00'1"). tl, Urd awarded the
'"tract u, him; the bids for the
Jf rangd from 4o to $1.70, ao
IUlIIK to distance from quarry,
understood that the amount
to be crushed shall not ej-
1 'J (Kill ..i . it..
ft'nt of $3,000 will pay lor, i.
""inn Lh
CiVUHiihiuu III HUV awe
,Mive fftid rock.
h Ilaird'e new ad.
N H I'r'ukBtt. f
town tixlay
". in
'r V J. Hailey. f l'..rt lea ta.l.
in town this morniiiK
Tenia, camu atoola, hamuiuk
rnuvaa coU, eUs., n ratierBon'a. '
Wu.. Haruia, of Mountaindale,
bad buainoea la the ait Tuesday.
Burn, to lU wif.ofCha. Hit. b
cm k. uf KcholN, Or., July w i-jos
rrank l'"U, a proeront frr
or the l.turel WM in 11WD
till lure in m in
At noun today. Jud,(e M, I'.ri.le
adjourned court i Krul.y u,,,,,.
Ing, ou aiwount of illneaa.
Mr Jno KueKy. ,,f I'oM 1 . n, . i
viailing her parent, Mr. and Mr
II. W. II e, id ttiig city .
Mia K.lella Wiae, the email
I'atienl at Thatcher ha recovered
and the iiiarantiiie ha been raierd
Mr. and Mr. W. U. Knd. of
Kaatern Oreunn, ire vititing with
Mr and Mr l.uther, of Mountain
dale. U'aiilml-Ctrjienier wurk, day
or contract, (nun owner only.
AiiiHe, Hoherlaon, care Argue
office, HillrUiro. ' Li
Jacob lUfletr, a well known
Mmiutaiudal farmer, wm in (own
the lirtl dl the week.
I'r. Itaker, of (ianlon, report to
the County Health ollicer the
preeence of a (aim of diilheri, at
that place, in the eriHiu ol Hutb
Hpecial iliainunt uf l.'i jer Mint
on arreen door and adjimuhle win
dow acreen. tor a liorl time only,
at I'allereuo'a. 17-20 '
Maniage liceute were iued to
C. M. Itaruee and Dora Kiecher,
and U Clareoc K. William, of
Corttand, and l.ulu K. Harnee, ol
tbi county.
Wanted, a girl f r general liouee
work,iuall lauiily, lilieral wagee,
muni m gtMel conk. Apvly to Mr
A. Mcliill, Route , HilUUro, Or
egon. ' I'.lf
Ir Croi ketl, a fpecialiil on tu
lerculoi, wa in town yterdy,
in coiitullatioii with Dr A Hai
ley. lr CriH-krtt i a relative ol
Ihe famous lavy,the hi root the
Wauled Hop pickers lor Urrgg's
yard at l.eiiyville, 1J unlet, north
olllillnhoro. Address, W.J.Oregg,
Route X HilUtKiro I'ariQc HtaW
ihone, Farmers .'ill. 1 0-2-1
Arnold, the sbowiuan, who will
furnish the amuseraeots for the
forthcoming Hilleboro Street Fair,
was in loan yeeterday. lie stated
that he will give a sewing machine
as a premium for the best plain
tewing eihihilod at the Fair, and
a box of ctrpenlei's tools to the
Uy rxaking the heel exhibit of
farm products.
Judge Uoodiu has appointed the
lollowiug persons to attend the
"good roads" convention to be held
in Portland, August 11, P. HIS:
Hilleboro Dr J I Tsmieeie, h A.
Ung, Hons. W. D. Wood. W. N.
Barrett, S. A D Meek, R H. Ureer;
Dr. Mines, of Forest drove; Feid
Orouer, ol Bcholls; A. Kflginian, of
Cedar Mills, W. J. Butner, of Bea
verton, and others to be eelected
later -The following nersons will
represent the Forest (Jrove Board
of Trade: W. H. Holli, president;
() H. Allen, fecretsry; Col. Harry
Haynes, K. W. Haines, A. B. lodd,
J. W. Hughes, John Thoruhurgh.
John McClaren, H. II. Htutrt, .
H. I.imlier.
Mrs. Minna Peopples, ol near
Beaverton, has reipiested Sheriff
Hancock to apprehend her claugn
ler, Miss Martha Peopples, sged 17,
and who left her home last Friday
The mother says that she thinks
her divorced husband might nave
persuaded the daughter to leave
the home, and thinks the girl
might have gone to Seattle. Mrs.
Pemuiles procured a divorce Irom
the father last Fall, when he was
In f!alifnrnia. Peonnles came
home last month, and is now in
Portland. The daughter is about
fU feet in height, bss brown hatr,
is freckled, and wore a yellow straw
hat with blue ribbons iheruna
way speaks good Knglish.
Rufus Mallory, of Portland, one
f tH attorneys in the condemna
tion suit brought by the Oregon
Klectrio Company against the
Reghittos, is 77 .years of age, and
la still a formidable antagonist in
. Old timers will rernem
her that in the campaign of 18(0,
Mr. Mallory was elected to con
.jma nvnr .IaH. 1) Fav. of Southern
Oregon. Mr. MUory ran on the
republican ticket, and was Known
. ilA aii VA1- tnnfftied" orator, lie
... oftentlvA camDaigner, anil
could hold his own with the best of
k. ainmn BDealteri 01 mai wmo
He has
of his profession, and with him the
praotioe or law, ai me pro. 1
U more a matter of choice than ne
:i- in the nnnvention 01 iw
.f-'ated the late Wilson Bowl-
by, of this county, for the oongrea-
1 a ! a!A 1 lP If A
Bional nominauuu. . .. - - -n.iia
who used to meet Mr. Mai-
i. in ivolitioal debateB, in yeare
gone by, renewed old acquaintance
with the latter, while he was in the
city, and toe twain chatted inter
..AL.m nuar old bolittoal and oth
er' incidents, which belong to the
events of three or more, deiiadee
1 11M 1
I nine Crowd I xpcctcd
I'icsciit I rom Portland
Fine ttndiiiva
fur Fait
The big rare meet ecbeduled for
this place, begina tomorrow after
noon, at 1 ;;:) o'clock, and will con
tinue over Saturday. A number of
Que hore are here, and some good
ran are expictnl. Mr. Chappell
ays hi track will be in good
shape for fant performances. Col
lege Maid, the famous guidelee
pacer, with a record of a mile in
2:0!i. will U one ol the attractions
Following 1 the program for both
1 tnnv
IViiiK, rlavi, wild piirs
iiiiiiiiiiIiii; l.i f ion.
I rotting, 7 J7i l.n-. pur - (100
I'' 1 III bit 11 m t.y Hie jjniclrlrss lu.rc, lul
K' Mini, lor t-liuuipiuuklii cuu. (C.uri
illiont ilrivrr or piiiniitrr. )
Trot or Oacr, mile lirati. without rrc-
rils, fur lix ul tior v. to.
Tn.Hiiin. 1.1 cIhm, f tK.
I'm nig, frrr-lor all, f inn.
t'.riitiriiiru'i rmiil mcr In cai t. o nri
11 ilrur, enp or jhiim-, f k,
Vluurli-r tinlr ilmli or 1 nl liurM-s.
Sbute vs McKinoey; decree.
Wiberg vs. Hannick; demurrer
mini ti ned , CO day I r pill' to tile
amended com plaint. vs. Hillnhiro Commercial
Hank; demurrer overruled; 211 days
to anewfr.
Coflield vs. Miller; decree.
J. C. Bennett vh. Annie C. Ben
nett; default and decree
Mary Sams vs Klmer N'olau; de
Trtcy vs. City of Cornelius;
ntlgment for plaint IV
l etereou v. Peterson; demurrer
overruled, ."it I days to answer.
Wilkeeva. Wilkee; decree of di
Matthews vs. Matthew;
Wtlker v. Walker;
On July 21 I'JiW. - I. Crocker.
a pioneer of 1 Sti.'t died in Portland,
following au operation for etrangu-
ated hernia lie was thought to
tie doing all right by his physi
cians, when death came suddenly.
Deceased wa horn tn county,
owa, in 1815, ami came to Oregon
with his parents in ISii.'t, settling
tit a 1
near tliiiHiioro. a eon, f.vereu
Crocker, and three brothers, J. P.
Crocker, l.oe Angelec; J. C. Crock
er, Mountaindale, and Chas. Crock
er, Uillcbsro, suivivs. The dead
man was prominent in Christian
church circles here and was highly
The fuueral services were con-
lucted at the Christian church,
Sunday forenoon, by Klder Beery,
and interment was had in the Ma
sonic cemetery, on the same day.
Ueo. W. Rice died at his home in
Rainier. Ore., Thursday, July 9,
l;Ki8, of Bright s disease. Deceased
wss Horn in au. 1 leaeaiu, iowa,
. w . ni t
Jan. It, 1W7, aud came to Oregon
n ISH-l residing iu Washington
oounly for a number ol years,
where he bad mauy mends. u
leaves a wife, live sons and four
latuhters. beeides an aged mother
ami one risier in mi. 1 leaaaut,
Iowa Deceaeed was a son-in-law
of J.U Adams, of Witch Haxel.
I lia lemaius were oruugui 10 vue
West Union cemetery for inter
Dr. Q. B Brown, dentist, of Port
and. will be in town Monday
Aug. 10, to remain cne wee. We
will be let the heme of Mrs. Susie
W. H. West, of Banks, was in
town, (his week. .
John R. Bailey, who served aa a
juror during a portion of the court
term, returned uome yeewruay.
He savs hie prune crop will not
yield more than half a orop, this
year, owing to toe coin rains eariy
in the season.
Miss Maud Binkley, of New berg
Is visiting friends in this city, this
J. Swalley, of Reedvllle, was in
town Tuesday.
Daniel Baker, of Forest Grove
was in town Mouday.
Frank Rowell, of Scholia, was in
the county seat Tuesday.
Drs. C. B. Brown and Jack
Alwyn, of , Portland, were in town
Sunday. I
A nartv. consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Lot. Crawford, Mr and Mrs.
Ben. Ingles, of Manning, Will
Hines, Ray Boehrens, l(ewis and
Ira Crawford, of Greenville, and
Id Stewart, of South Tus!atij,
went in to the mountains near Cape
Horn, last Friday on a hunting
anil berrying expedition. The
hunters of the party killed two big
bucks, and the campers feaBted on
venison thereafter during their trip.
HilU&GRO AftCU JULY "ii. Wj4
Fee Baird's nobby caps Tor chil
dren. J. K McNamara and wife, of
i .1 . .1
1 oriiHou, vihiimi menus in mm
city Sunday.
T. R. I'ij brie is now aHociatd
with John W. Con null and L A
Long, in the real eetate bueirieee,
Wehrur.g Block, upHUir. (jive
Connell, hong it Iwbrie your rtal
estate contracts.
An Kpiecopal service will be
held in the Congregational church
at this place next Sunday night, at
H o'clock, by Rev. Hreck. of Port
land. The public in cordially
A lire occurred in Portland Tueg
day afternoon, which destroyed a
portion i f four blocks in the north
end. The los will amount to about
Kugeoe Knox, the popular im
peraoualor, will give an entertain
ment Monday evening, August '!,
in the Methodist church. Admin
sion, adults, 2r cent; children, 15c.
K. J. Wood, a well known Port
land Insurance man, was in town,
J. II Hi nek, a Buxton merchant,
was in town yesterday.
Gus Patterson and Mr. Smith, a
orlland friend, left Wednesday
morning un a Hulling trip to the
Nebalem, to be gone three or four
J. A. Brown, of Scholia, has
bought and taken charge of the
City Restaurant in Hilleboro, and
will do his beet to plesee all who
may come. When in town, give
the new firm a call. It) 22
The Oregon Klectric Company
as a large force of men and teams
t work on the right of way between
Hilleboro and Forest Grove. Piles
re being driven for the bridge over
Dairy creek, west of town, aud the
grade has been finished from the
tie ranch to the "bungalow."
Rev. Gilpatrick started for Bar
Harbor, Maine, Tuesday, where
is family is staying.
Special discount of 15 per cent
on acreen doors and adjustable win
dow screens, for a short time only,
at Patterson's. 1. 20
Larkin Reynolds, who recently
sold his rsnch near Phillips, is
staying in Hilleboro. The place
which Mr. Reynolds sold was taken
p as a homestead 4d years ago,
nd is in a high state of cultivation.
The plans for the new Methodist
church of Hilleboro are ready for
contractors' bids, and can be seen
at the parsonage, corner Third and
aehington streets.
Taken up at my residence, 3
miles southwest of Beaverton, July
, KH13, a red cow with calf at side,
alter about 1 mo. old. Cow has
one horn broken oil', other crooking
in front ol forehead. K. W . Liver
more, Beaverton, R. 3. 17-20
Preaching in the M. E. church
both and evening next Sabbath
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; quar
terly conference on Tuesday eve
ning, August 4th.
Mrs. Preston Predeiux, of Port
end, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Pern Frost.
For Sale I have for sale several
acres of oat hay, which I will sell
standing, shocked or delivered. F.
M. Barnes, 2 miles south of HuIb-
boro. Ind. phone, U.s.i. rj-tl
Miss Kugenia Sandford, of Port
end, was the guest of the Misses
Hartrampf, Sunday.
Elmer Reese, of Salem, one of
the beet hop experts in the state,
visited the Wm. Bsgley bop yard,
north of toyrn, this week, and does
not hesitate to say the yard is the
best he has seen in the state.
Mies Bertha Roberts, daughter
of Mrs. Lena Roundy, of this city,
was severely injured while attempt
ing to Doara a street car in rori
land. Monday evening. In some
manner she lost her footing and
was thrown under the car, bndly
bruising her limbs and one arm.
She was taken to the G,ood Samar
itan for treatment.
Hop pickers wanted. Apply or
write to Joseph Cawrse, Cornelius,
Oregon, R. 1. Paoi Be States' phone
31x2. 20-3
John Crocker, of Mountaindale,
was in town Monday.
J. Dysle, a prominent farmer of
the Bethany neighborhood, was in
town Tuesday.
Hep pickers wanted at the Wm.
Bagley hop yard, north of Hjllehoro,
Persons desiring to piok hops should
register at the yard, or with Bagley
tV Hare, Hilleboro. UUtt
Silver Leap Camp, No. 8193, M.
W. A., of Reedville, will give a
dance at Aliens Grove, Saturday
evening, August 3, one mile north
of Reedville. Everybody invited
On Saturday last, Butler Raflety,
while baling bay on the a. A V
Meek place, near Glenooe, met
with an experience, which be is not
anxious to have repented. In
some manner the young man be
came eptapgled in the baler rope,
and was earned toward the ma
chinery, when, fortunately for him,
the rope was switched into the
oogs, and out off. releasing him.
Raflety sustained numerous bruises
and cuts, and partially dislocated
the elbow joint. Had Raflety got
ten into the machinery, in all prob
ability he would have been killed.
Dr. F. A. Bailey attended the
young man.
l.levjn l'rccincts Recounted
iive Him Iad of oO
"to More Prtcincts Kcmsis te be
The Clerkship contest is more than
half completed. Today, at noon,
11 precincts had been re-counted,
which gave Bailey a net gain of
36, which, added to his majority in
the June election, gives him a clear
lead of 50 votes over McCormick
In Buxton precinct, where it was
alleged that there were irregulari
ties, which upin a recount would
giv McCormick a majority, Bailey
gained 3 votes, and in Banks he
lost only one. At the beginning cf
the re-count, Bailey's attorneys
agreed to stipulate that the matter
of the recount should be left to the
circuit judge, without regard to
distinguishing marks, etc., the
judge to take into account the
probable intention of the voter,
but McCormick's attorney refused.
The recount probably will be fin
ished this week. It is not likely
that under moet favorable condi
tions, McCormick will be able to
overcome Bailey's lead. Every
thing now points to the confirma
tion of Biiley as county clerk, with
a larger majority than was given
him upon the face of the returns in
I-a-it will ami testauieut of Alansou Hin
uian, ilec'il; will admitted to probate;
Chas L Hinmau and Alansou Hinman
appt'd executors
Estate Laura K Mills, dec'd.hond filed
with H Hannan surety; approved.
Kstate Herman Bremer, dee'd; Mon
day, August ji, 1918, at io a. in., set at
time for hearing objections to final acct.
Kstate cf Jas McNulty, dee'd; resigna
tion .las B Finnegan ad air accepted; Wm
Kiinifau appt admr de bonis non; bond
of $3000 filed and approved.
Guardianship V V (itiger, insane;
guardian authorized to sell rtal estate
for cash at public sale.
Last will of HeWittC Merrill, dee'd;
Monday, August 31, 1908, at 10 a m., set
as time for hearing objections to final
Kstate Sutan K Tanner, dee'd; citation
to heirs ordered to issue, requiring them
to appear in court Aug 31, to show cause
w hy admr should not sell real estate.
K M Stewart, insane; H IJ Stewart
apptd guardian; bond $1000.
Frank Bowers, of the Laurel dis
trict, was in town Tuesday.
Dan Burkhalter, a prominent
South Tualatin dairyman, was in
town Tuesday.
John Simpson, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Tuesday.
F. C. Francis, of southwest of
Hilleboro, was in town Monday.
The Echool meeting called to vote
on the matter of additional grades
for the Hilleboro public schools
has been postponed to August 3,
when it is hoped there will be a
Urge attendance of the voters to
consider the business on hand.
K. Kobineon, of Progress, was a
county seat visitor Monday.
The Forest Grove local did not
arrive in Hillsboro from Portland
until nearly 10 o'clock, Tuesday
night, the train having been de
layed by fire which, occurred on
Fourth street, late in the afternoon.
Kuratli Bros., this week, pur
chased Oil front feet of theChenette
Row, on Main street, of J. r. Jack
son, for 3,000.
John Schmidt, of this city, has a
copper coin minted tn some foreign
country, which tears the date of
lbJ5. Ihe cojo is badly worn, but
the date is plain, inscriptions on
the coin are: "Mon Rein. Yal-
leeiae. S, Theodolvs."
Hubert Bernards, of McMinn
ville, was iu the county seat Tuee
day, shaking hands with his many
Hon. W. K. Newell, of Gaston
one of the good road advocates of
this county, was in town Tuesday
Brother Wood, of the Forest
Grove News, was in town last Fri
day, and made the Argus a pleas
ant call.
Bert Rowell, a well known busi
ness man of Scholls, was in town
Mr. and Mrs Karse, of Portland,
returned home Sunday, after spend
ing the week with Mrs Karee's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hall,
of near Glencoe.
The Oregouian correspondent at
this place says there will be
movement on the part of admirers
of the late Col. Joe. L. Meek, to
ask the next Legislature to appro
priate a sum sufficient to erect a
monument to the memory of the
brave old pathfinder and patriot
Some action in that direction should
have been taken years ago. Ore
gonians erected a monument to the
memory of Dr. McLoughlin, who
wss a British subject, at the time
Col. Meek called on the settlere to
Champoeg, to "divide" on the quee
tion of the "United States" or
"Great Britain."
Remember, the Oregoniap. and
Read Patterson's Alteration sals
Big reduction:
Boyd Long and Clyde Newell
were out from Portland, Sunday.
The hay crop in the court yard
wa narvestea yesterday..
Paul Beck, of Gaston, was a wit
nees in the clerkship contest, yes
terday. , .6 ' .
A marriage Hcee was issued on
tbe 2Xtn int. to Cha F. Wetzel
and Marie Louisa. Schlich ting, both
01 ibis county. - ,
H. Harrington, of near Center
ville, was in tbwd yesterday, and
stated that bis eons and daughters,
accompanied by several otiiere
from the same 'neighborhood, are
camped over at;.Netarts for a few
weeks. "V
We sell more wire fence than all
our competitors combined. The
reason is that we have the largest
stock and can sell'' the cheapest.
Rchulmerich Bros. 5T-tf
Born, to the wife of Chas. Crock
sr, of near Hillsboro, July 26, 1908,
a son. '
On Friday last, the five year old
son of Max Crandall fell and frac
tared the left forearm above the
wrist. Dr. F. A Bailey was call
ed and set the arm.
Jas. Miltenberger. Wm. Tupper
and Arthur Tupper departed Sat
urday for Nehalem, where they will
spend a few weeks hunting and
Miss Meta Wallace departed Sat
rday morning for Hammond.
Ore., where she will visit her nar-
A basket social will be given
Saturday evening, August 15, at
the new school house at Kinton.
the proceeds to be applied toward
furniehing the house. The baskets
will be sold at auction, and a splen
did time will be had. Prof, and
Mrs. G. A. Webb, cf this citv. will
show stereopticon views and sing
illustrated songs. Everybody in
vited. The County Board at its last
meeting approved the following of
ficial bonds: Bond of Willis Ire-
and, recorder, with E. I. Kuratli
and Lewis Carstecs sureties. Bond
of county clerk, with F. A. Bailey.
A. B. Bailey and Ed. Schulmerich
sureties. Bond of county coroner.
with E. I. Kuratli, Geo Schulmer
ich and Chris Peterson sureties.
he bondsmen of the other county
officials were given in a previous
See condition of Cornelius State
Bank iu another column. All
state banks are required to pun
ish a statement ouce a year. The
Cornelius bank makes a good show.
C. C. Cate, of Portland, a nephew
of the late R. L. Cate, was in town
Mrs. W. N. Barrett and bods,
ra and John, left yesterday, to
visit relatives at Elk City, in Lin
coln county. W. N. Barrett will
join his family in a day or two, for
a two weeks outing.
Mrs. Wm. Wolf, of Rock Creek.
had half a di ten chickens stolen
ast Friday morning. Upon get
ting up to investigate the noise
made by the marauder, the thief
tired at her and lied, carrying the
poultry. She waB unable to get a
description ol the man.
Judge McRride discharged the
jurymen drawn for the July term,
at tbe conclusion of the condemna
tion right of way suits, Wednesday
Wm. Batchslder, of Glencoe. was
in town Tuesday, getting harvest
ing supplies.
John Surenson, an aged Scandi
navian farmer of below Reedville,
ibis week entered suit against i
son, Carl Sorenson, asking for ejec
tion irom the borne place. Last
Saturday, two neighbors swore to a
complaintcharging insanity against
tbe tatber. Ihe old gentleman has
not been right in his mind for some
time and last year swore that while
setting a gopher gun the rodent de
liberately came out of his hole and
pulled the trigger, causing the old
gentleman to lose a finger by the
discharge of the weapon.
An exciting game of ball was
played at Jackson Falls, north of
town, last Sunday. The Jackson
Falls club was defeated b the
West Union boys.
Dr. A. B. Bailey and family
spent Sunday at Jackson Falls,
where a number of people were as
sembled to take advantage of the
cool Bhado and mountain water.
Michael Bullut, the landowner
at Beaverton, against whom the
Oregon Eleotrio Co. had a oon
damnation BUit, settled the matter
with the Oregon Electric people out
of court, 1 uesday, before tbe case
was called. Bullut asked $5,000
for the land and for damageB to
same, wnat be really got is not
known, except to the parties con
cerned in the deal, but it is pre'
sumed the amount received is not
equal to the sum demanded of the
company. TbiB settles all' the
right of way cases between Hills
boro and Garden Home, and leaveB
the Oregon Electric free to push its
work to completion, which it will
proceed to do. The company wil
put a depot on the Bullitt tract
Beaverton. Bennett, the man who
had the Henry place rented, near
Beaverton, was paid 11,000,
the Henrys received $325 for their I
Roouu 12, w auH 13. Beitaucerfetati
went corner SajeUne arnt tfe6Jtjia.
6ap muir Mjr th tfcrtu i)uit. f r
-' tWatdence Salt oT Oonit Hu&
'In the comer of i.the Worij. ?
Surgeon Southern PaclOo". Rilroa4 Co.
Couaultation In French he, English. ' Of
fice upstair, over L. if. Hoyt Co1, atqre,
north aide of Main St, Uniboro, Or
aVb. bailey, m;d., D. D:S.
Physician and,$urgeoa,:..
Qffice Rooms. 7, S and 9
.Bailey-Morgan Block. 1
Both Phone... Hillsboro,' Ore.
Ilooius 10 and 11 Morgan-Kailey Bh,.
street. Over IXnms'Stnre. ' ..
Om. R. Bmglmy W. a. Hmra
Rooms 1 and 2 Skate Building ,";
Office, npUiia, over the Poet Office,
HUlaboro, - Oregon , .
Room j, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, HUhtbore.
Office TJpetalr, Bailey Morgan Block
Rootna, i an 4 a.
Orrica: Main Street, opp. Ceuirt Houuei
Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 and 5
Hillsboro, - , - Oregon
Veterinarian ? ... ,
Office: Hancock & Gordon's Livery Barn
Forest Geovk
Will in H;IK,Vn., rr,
Saturdays. Office at Redmond A Connell'
.Livery stable.
G. M. Hunter
Carpenter Worh
And Contracting
Those contemplating building
should get my figures. Both
Phones. Cor. 4th & Jacksou.
Hillsboro -- Oregon
For One Month Only
Here is what you can gt
at the Post card Bazaar
for 25c
Stamps, coin or money order, and tent
yon prepaid:
25 cards, assorted foreign views, comics.
leduy bears, etc asc
3 Oregon view cards, 100 different
cards to select from.. asc
3 assorted cauls; regular price is
ic each 2?c
Seven 5c cards; birthday, greeting,
etc 35c
Three 10c cards; birthday, greeting
etc 25c
Any 2 cards in store that retail iSc 21c
Two 25c cards for- 40c
Don't forget to include in your order one
ot tne new cards, Z4 views of Oregon
in one card; regular price 10c each.
This month three , for 25c
Another special card Let us put your
Mill. Ar vnnr friur rla'nnm.a A tinc.i
card for j5c
Fill, cut out And mail us this coupon 'and
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