The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 30, 1908, Image 2

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nlered at th Pint oftot si Hillaborni
rfun. a aas-rnid-rla . mail aiattar. I
HKMiY U. U( II. I. KdU.vr
The Range without an Equal
County Official Paper
- 1
! Subscription : ll.Mt per annnm.
iHifd Ker Tharaday
. 1
H. Wen. I'laintirt
i . A. Keid, IVfendant
, I XoJ. A. Keid. the ab-,T named d.'l'en
,lanl: In the name of the Slate ol Oreou.
i oa are hereby commanded n.l re-
Quired U Umd appear in the ahe eo
;,illed court utiri anaaer the cooiplaint
'. lied ajaiu't u ill the above entitled
i -ue on or before the eipuauoa of til
' Ueek front the date of tbe tirtf publi.-a
I ion thereof twins; uu Ih Mh dav l Jul,
li !v and the dale ot tha lat publication
.hereof on the l?ii day l Sep'-rn-i-i
fuse. 'i- it n or t-ef n I ? 17tl J r
i'f r-eileiii nor. I"'. and tou will pura e
' " . - ..1 . r - .. .1 .. -.... .
uoit.-v i.tai it ;on in w ri'
find ausver aaid .Miiipiamt. the piaintifl
'ill apply l the .urt lor the reitrt
fared o: rniil demanded In tfu
sHi"ipiani. to-it: r"or a decree
,e i the oaner in fee-ain.p ol ail
f Hi folloams: dewnbed real oh
ai lyins;. I .if and aituate in W ahin
Mi county.) irea-on. and more rtioi!riy
lesTibed a billow, to wit:
miiin at the north.-at tvrtiar ol
ection 11 T.SX.K.1 W. Will. Mor. ami
tinning thano wet St rod; thence
outh lu rods; Unoe et rods, then.-
.urth II) rods thence t i) mit; thoi)i
Hilb W rodt: tiiem vast HO rodn; ttionco
lorth Mdt to place of kiinnitij. on
Klnin 117 a tor. moro or loan.
Thai Tour claim of souir nhl, tit or
juterant lo tho prroiiaos at doacnboJ
Vlroix to the piainiin do aljud.fati tj
I ho dcrrrc of ihr aluvo onlilied Court.
4 Jind that it b ordoroti, a-ljinlifd and do-
reod tdai tou and ail prui ciaiauutf
ijr, tbrouih or undor you. bt forovor
arrod an1 proclndod from claiming or
iWoiiiptinr to claim, anr nslit. titlo or
iiiorp-4 ot. in and to tno prowiKos alwro
, Iricnl! or any part or parrel lliereol
adverse u lb tulo of the plaintiri, ami
oraucb other and further derTe as miv
necessary and proper in the premixM.
Thi aunimnna m served upon you by
ubliraliou by oMer o the Honorable
! I'l'riouiaji A. MoBriue. aiaje ao.l dateal in
pipen court on the 2th day of July, In.
arhicb ordw dire that you apioar a:id
mer on or oerore rn oeKt irom the
late of the tint publication of Ibis sum-
ihidi lin the Iliusooro Argu. the rj rt
ublicanon iberoor bvinj; on tbe Mb lar
f July, I, lo-it. on or before !ept. if.
w, BacioT A Haro.
Att'rney for 1'iaintif!
AdminiaUA'.or Notice
Jotic to whom it may nontrru: Notice
i oeieoy x"e tuat uie uuuenneneo nar
on apj"iintot ad-umtatrator of tbe mtate
it P. J. Hitcbey, deceased, by order of the
flinty court of the Mtaia of Oregon, for
he County of Washington, made on tbe
.lib dar of July, A. I'., ai.d bat duly
jualified aa such administrator.
Now.tberofore alt urrns barinc claims
lrainst said estate are hereby notified aud
requirea w present mem. wnn uie pror
.oucnors, to me at my eiaence ou ser
nlii street, or at Uio office of Tbo. H.
l'onffue. Jr., attorney-at-iaw, in Uie Kaii--y-hhuto
block in Hillshoro. OreTii.
kitbiu fix months fiorn toe date of the
.rst publication of this none, to-it:
ithin six luonths of July IC, 1XK
Adminintrator of tbe estate nl I . J.
Ritcbey, deceased.
1 bos. a. lougue, Jr., Atl'y fur AJui tr.
Guardianship Notice of Final Settlement
Notice m hereby eien that the under-
-liriied, liuanliao of the person and estate
( John C. Hatch. Mabel hretherton. for.
bierly Mahel Hatch, Charleton V. Hatch.
Kred M. Hatch and Ktiw.n H. Hatch, mi-
foors, has tiled bis final aj-count as soch
jfciiiardian. in the County Court of the
put of Oreeon for Washinrtun County.
jUnd that said court by an order made ami
jwiitereo. on June tue Wo, hdmiif.
nUHl tue court bouse at Uillsboro, Wash
i jjrton County. Orevon. as the nlaco. and
uly 27, IK, at ten o'clock a. ui. as the
Itinie for the bearing of oLi:tiuna to uid
piinal aivioum and for the final settlement
ail stud estate aiui tbe cIo-ihk of the aauio
oi reooro.
iated this Jdth day of June. A. Ji. Wis.
K. T. HATCH, Ouardiaii.
F. F. Freeman A K. B. Totiftue, AUy.
Administrator's Notice
i; (Notice is hereby piveu that the I'onntr
j:oiirt of Washington County, Ore.m",
I pa appointed the nude rsitfiied as admin
,Htratorof Uie eiato of nra K. Mills
.debased, and that be has duly qualm. d
;ia such. All rwiis haviuft claims
' tSNrainst said enUie are hereby notitiwl i
'(fprosent them to me. with proper vouch
i t. t the laar oftire of W. N. Karreu. at
t Uillghom. Oroeon, aithin six months
itfrom the date o this notii.
I Iated this Jnlv .', 1K.
j fl!A T. MILLS.
. , Admlnistrau.r ol the K stale of Lonra K
Vfill. Imael.
ij W. N. Karrett, Attorney for Ailuir
h The Modesty f Vom
i, jfatnrally make them shrink from tfca
.jlodellcato questiobs. tb Ataoiiou ax
lasulnatlous, aud unpleasant local treat-
ii.CMontlal to the treatmeut of dlseaaea of
'women. Yet, if help can be bad, It it
Lbettar to submit to tbla ordeal than let
: the disease grew and spread. The trouble
i is that so ofun the woman undergoes all
trie annoyance ana shame for nothing,
i TaotrsaiidsNf women who bave been
geared l) Dr. Pirc's Favorite Preacrlp
l Uon writ. InWeclatlon of tbe curt
i 'trhlch dlsAsfiaaSsaiii the evamlnatlnns
rf and local tl-eatieitiAThere Is no nihoe
li Bilciut, KL.mrf ami twifti f'ir. rji-iirug
vpmen as "ravoriu; Prtxrri ptlon.' Jt
.ji cures debilitating drain, irregularity and
Ifealkl weakueas. It always belps. It
v almost always cures. It is strictly non
'l alcoholic, lion - secret, all lis ingredients
iicueinf irlnutd on its bottle-wrapper; con
tains no deleterious or hault-fonolng
drugs, ana every native meaicinai root
etiterlng Into Its composition has the full
eudorseajent of those most eminent in tbe
several schools of medics'! practice, gome
Uot these numerous and strongest of pro-
leaaloual endorsetneuts ol its Ingredients,
will be fouod la a pamphlet wrapped
round the bottle, also In ft booklet mailed
fret on request, by Vr. R. V. Pierce, of
SUuffalo, N. Y. These Broesslonal ea-
dursements should have far more we lirht
'I't'liiau any amount of tbe ordinary lay, or
i The most intelligent women now-a-davs
(n.lsf on knowing what they take as med
ciue instead of opening their mouths like
lot of young birds and au bint down
whatever is offered them. "Favorite Pro
: 'Jcrtptlou" is of knows composition. It
1 Imakes weak women strong and sick
tvoinen well.
- A iJr. 1'ierce's Medical Adviser is sentre
?bn receipt of stamps to pay expense of
I dialling onlu. Send to Dr. K. V. Pierce,
' J Buffalo, N. Y., VI one-cent stamps for pa
" .Mr-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound.
. ' If sick consult tbe Doctor, free of charge
V fj loiter. All such communications are
ill i held sacredly conddentlal.
) Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate
i ;utd regulate stomach, liver and bowela.
.afe1 ,
Vis?: l
A dollar down and a dollar a week
Nelson Hardware Company
, 111 ilir
I'ursusr.t to an ord. r nf the County
'ourt lor Hh- I'uuniy of it jit:. onuli.
Stair of Or-icoti, naiii,- arid t-m.r-0 on
the Jttri of Juli--. !.. 1 ;li .n ;u,d ..ft. r
tlte liiu Jj of AuiCkit. ist-U at i r i -
dte i-air. tor m tutr.d. for it. -ur-
tH- of paini: Ihr debts of III.- it:it- if
A. 11. JoluiJtn. lfil. f
d-!Tll.w-i rnul proj-rl ttu:il-ti
Cttunly of U'ashucton anil'
fa. to-wit:
F"rt of the Jim.- Ki:k-r I
cumiiK-ncing i the S. W. lom.r
s. K. l, of V . of S... 1, T. I ft
K. 1 W., runniiii! iti.nic ast .J .Imiiis:
Ifurn-e nortit ;y t'hai.; tio-m --si ;i
chains: thrwc south .'"i iliams to tin
place of is-ainturuc. conuinii.a; i a. r- -Harts
of M-ttior II irul I: T. 1 It.
1 W.. LeainniriK at tlie X w. . ,,ni. r of
section 1-. and runniiiK tli-n.- i-jm aiot.a;
seotlou line 1J.:S f hau s to a stak. th-n. .
wiuth 7a chain: thn-i- wt
i hams; iiionci- r.orth .T" chains to a
sUkr on the si-.. tion IIion th-n. .-a.t
ilotift section lim- lu .li.ios to th.- ptirr
of iVirinniiiif. containir.u '.ft ixirm more
or Irss.
All of hl.Kks No. 1 and .No. :, Town
of li-a erton.
Isumtion Land Claim of John lnn.-. ii--'nld
as Claim Notiti.aiion 1 'Ti
tieir.if tart of IT. T. l S.. . l v .
and b-iclnnlr.: at a .nt 17 cluiins noiiri
of P. W. corner of sahl S tion iT an. I
running th-no a-t W.l'i chains: thence
north chains; thence west 'j pi
chain: thence itoutli 4C:'ij chains to p.a.e
of )eKinniriK. containing z:u i n r .
Part of the' I. W. Hmith and wife nrd J
II. McMiH-n and wife li. I., r. In s.-.- T
t. i g.. a. , and r:. r. i s . n '
S .: a fan of the Kdw. at:. I ts if
I'. I- C. ill .e. ;. T. 1 S.. It. I W.. r.n.l
1i-i.tiiI ax commetw inie r,j ct tms
s-nlh 1 iKir. in mm. west of th.. .- y
corner of th- A. J Ma.-t. is f.. I. c i
t: J- 1 S - ,: : W - '"''
I dear. 20 mm. w.-t Sa.Oi chain S W
corner ,,f a ru-a. re i,iiKi,r .,rf of
J. if. AhMilien claim; then.-.. ,,,m, v
lea;, vi nun .-a-t sum: .ao.s t., a -lak.
il.en e north : u K. . min. . -ist ; : '
hams; them., south h i:, ,iii east
on north boundary of n-iid .M. Milt, n . u.n,
... -n crialiin to it slake .hi lange litie he--en
li. I and : V., T. 1 S ;
'- t chains to a stake
? ;, r "f a tract ,,f land sold t.
I W. hnillli ami wile lo said M Miiien
hence north SH d.-r. z:! min. east on north
boundary "f last nam-d Iracl ,-hains
o -t l.nndary ,.r K. :.,rtoi, I.. I.. . .
hetue Kouth I., H. w. comer of ;,,d U
, : ' '" nee ea.-l on south line ,,f ,aid I.
' 'on. K. crner thereof, tt,., ,. ...irth
on east line of Raid It. U . s .'.i . hams
. south line of I,. ,-. of John Klhott
ihence north M a.. Si win. wet I.! 1"
criains lo at. .k ir. e re-enuant ,, ,,er
of .raid liarton l. I.. .; then. .. north
- min. east on cas.i Is.nn.l.irv of
said liarton 27. IK .-luiinM to ili.i-.ior,
line between north half and south luilf of
mihI Hart on Claim: thence nottli kh deK
') min. t on said division line ::i ss
"haiuB to a stake on west le.iih.lar of
said ilalm; th-nie north l; cljt,H t
nwiheast corner of kwI Kmith i-bir.r
Ihenc west on north boundary of
Hmith i lalm cbaina to stake on ranK'
line; thence nouth on ran.- line j
chain, to a point S.M chains south" of
'luart.-r section corner of 7 unit I -
north M jjeg. ::3 mln. w.-t to Tlie nlace
of oeKlriiiltig; .ronialniriK 371,
or leMB.
Part of I). l c. ,,f rjeorire Hornlni. kle
and wife In T. 1 S.. is. , V. lleKlnnl-ik
at I he northeast corner of Sec. s T IK
K. 1 W., runnlnir thente west on north
boundary of h. r. of llcl.1 n, wife n
chHinH to southeast lomer of Harlon U
) ' V;"0' n east boundary of Kai -
ton C laim St chaitm to the northeast cor
ner of Harton claim; thence Mouth deir
10. .h?inH "" ""u,h '"'"Hilary line of
Klllott claim; thence soulh Six: chains
hence west on north boundary of John
Innen claim 26 chali, to northwest cornet
of lnnes claim; theme north on west
boundary o Keid Claim UM chains !7,
the place of l-mnlntf; conialnliur no o-i
acre, nioie or b-iw.
Part of the Jan. H. Heed and wife Do
nation lind Claim No. 4t. of T 18 H i
. and d.-wrihed ns follows: H'-kinni'ni;
r,.nninJ"'?h'W",t """V'f '5
rum ing thence east 65 cbjilna 10 the,
northeast corner thereof, thence 0t.lh on
ff-nt-r of the Portland road, thence south'
. deK. .)0 min. west 37.30 chains; thence
noi th 5, il. if. it) mln. west 24.S5 chaii.a to i
a point un the west line of Haid claim;
thence north 1 de. an n,i ....... ,.,' !
chuli.B to il. ,,u,e of t-KinnJr.K. Con-1
turning- 21,1.0:1 acre more or less I
Also bea-tmi nir t i.,u ..,.,i... .
of the Itichar.l While iJ.I "
Claim No. 47, T. 1 S.. ft. V.. Hnrt n,n.
.oiik west on tile l,r,D .. ..1.1
claim 10.00 chains; thence north 40 00 1
"tm!"?J.Z 'le ,''"'' "he of name, thence1
eat 10.00 chains to the nottheaHt corner
thereof; thence nouth on the cast line
thereof to the southwest corner of Hie
John CJiaham Donation ljind Clnlm,-he-'
ina; tne K0UinwHt corner of the fractional
northeast quarter of ttie northwest final -,
ter of Bee. 12, T. 1 K It. 2 W., thence
eaot on the eouth line A said claim to'
the southeast corner thereof, belli the i
southeast corner of the northeast nunrter
of the northeast ijuarler of Bald section 1
12; thence south l.ut 6.17 chains to a
w.iti. in tha AatL IfnA ef w.i 1,1 U..-lnK in
12.64 chains north of the quarter section ,
corner; being the northeast corner of the 1
land of Kliaa and Andrew Olson; thence I
west to a point 63 links; north of the I
northeast corner of the A. J. Masters and j
wife Donation iJind Claim No. 40: thence i
south 63 links, thence west 1.6:1 chains to
the place of heiiliinliiK, containing 74
acres, more or len.
mbh anna ii m in ii niTrirTrrn11-" rrimrr "" r
The Initiation Ijimt Claim of Joi n "ra-h-iti.
and C. il liralum. his wife. Certl-O.-ate
4':; Notllealion 4tl. beina; lite
..uth half of outlou-t uuartor uuJ the
n..rtr,.-t ,M.iri.r of siuthe.iM nuarter
and loU .', r. ,.iid I of Sec. 1. and north
h..;f ,.f northeast "luarter and lot 1. of
!-tion T. IS. K. : V.. lontatnitiK
"2 a-tes
l-lt.l in t' 1. C of J V W.hhIs. belt's
Mrt of S-. lions .', 2. 1". 11. T 1 S . K. Z
V. . nmni. r. intf .it a H, , hain4
Wist and U7I cluiins sotitti of
the N. 1". corner of N V.
of .u. S-ction lo. thence .ast 40 it
.-luii:. thet.,.- soutn 1 dK z nun. west
i" .i. u' s. ih.-n. e s.ith .: deK i.i min.
east si; chains: th-ti.e north 74 40
chair.-., tl-.en, . .-t iii h chains, thence
south all chains. Wr.t lu SJ
chaiti: then'-e south 15 chains to the
.lac- of i a-inr.ii.:. i ontaiiiitiK l ai-r-
( ex.-ept .". I acres heretofore Hold. Iea
Ire ..t.l -o re-, whl, h lo acres are platted
as tracts lettered A to I. inclusive, arid
trots numbered 1 to ;7, inclusive, in
"JohiMon '1'ta. t "
Those ! of iand known as tha
Srit; Hill 'rm. and dcrll-d as fol
lows The Donation j.n.! Claim of Jacob T.
'--I in S. lions 1'.. and :iii T I 8 , It.
S W , and S.-. ii .ts ; nod ii. T IS. It.
4 V . t- i',if SK. i, of S.-ction 21. N. K
of He.-uon ji. H. V of Section la.
and N. v. i4 f M'- lion "u. containing
1 l acrev.
The S. f-7 of S-ction 19, T. I S.. If.
3 S'.. f-oMalitina- li:n a.-res.
The S. W. ', of N H. of Sei tion '
T. I il. It. :i W'.. ci-nta ii.iiiht in ait. n.
The S. W. i, ..f Section ;(. T I S . It. 4
VV the H ; of K i, n,,, lots I ,,r,d
; ..f s.-. tion T I S l: I W . contain
ii i; l.'I.CN .,. i s.
A li:i-t .! I ,! .1 as f. .!!.. I:. icitttiii.K
at the S. I., lorn, I of the V. K ', of He. .
ii. .n j::, T IS. I; 4 VV.. and riitihlnK
ihen.-e south 1 7 47 . I . . r. ., the diviulon
litie n til- nortti ii and the south
of tt . .. c. ,,f Jo-inn lc k-.,n and
lie in -.old T. I M . ft I VV.. Hi. n.
' c-r OU -.ll'l llliidn line to the ea-l ltt,e
of fiKbi of way of the . . A C It I: . thence
flollh 21 .-K I" mill, east to (lie pi n e of
b-iMnnit.K, .oniainii.K 4 :! acr. s.
Cotniii.-ncltiir at tin- S. K. corner of he
. V. of S.-ction 21. thence north sn
cli.iir.i; th. to e West to th- ( i. & -. It.
P. tra.k: th, in . ..oiith .1 ,. k- in rttiu
.st t., the H. V. corn, r of the V W. i,
Ot Section J ,-iforoald. thence east 4U
'chains to the place ,,f ,eK IniuiiK. contain
itiK 72 r.2 a. ics.
Ti e WCt I- of the C. J l:illl'k I) I..
C the whole of which i c. include"
th- fr iction:. I . VV. , of tion l'i. T
I S , It. .! VV . and the fractional N.' K
t of H.ition 21. T. I S . It. 4 V , and
contains j.,-y.u7 a, rc, mote or less.
All sales arc subject to the approval of
the Coon ly Com I.
VM M I.AIf).
, Administrator of the llate of A. II
Johnson, li-ceas-d.
'ilouielin. Taunton M Krtuo'ils, C W
: Dolsou, I II Crawford. Jacob Vuhi, John
i Caldwell. R J Hanks. J Samp, 1. M
r iidcr. l.ouis Koy. A V Mills, C V .
j K J Ixwn, T Kn;e r, l-'nink Sell, William
; Z ((,U:r, A J Vainlrliey. Mrneit llunrr.
i I' J sinlrtiainlrii. M llulwr, Henry To
Iter, II Ilunifrr. Frank Narup, N A -
I ley. A I) Kilim. C II ll'iuiiltoii, J II
Ilcrh, Carl f l.oreo. A Koltu-nlo(rl, II
; O McHtrrt, llcnrj Cob, J C Santli, IVro
, Vam'.cliey, J It I'lttiiau, Krrd berry, Chai
lierli. Herman Cop, t) Shrairr, W C
; limes, J W rhillips, Kd Morgan. Oor;r
I l.nrtnctttinn, Jtsc J lu-.ird, A aniloine
: lin, V U Tliotniuti. l I' Mrolilitsyrr,
Clu-stcr ko.iert.i, J M Vandyke, fhai K
I, John Vandotnrlm, I hat Krilliii(.
!V I'liman. Martin Vanileflir.M.k. II II
, Heltel, C Strohmcver, J It Kls-rly, Win
Kalhan. M KahUn. Win II Khrrlv, 1'
I I u-UU. J J Kolrt, II J .Smith, J- K Dnvte,
l'cter Vunilcrii.ieii, W II Itaker, W 11
j KrilniK. .loho 11 .Mrll irnue, II K kiurhy
C I-! Ntcbalson, I) R Crowtlier, Mart
Cuene, l'cter Kn-lds, II 1 inlay, Juo Ii.miI,
jey, 'i'li'O Van.leranilrn. M II I'uikrr-
j Jack W'.hsI, I-; I, koy, Frank Klliieiiian.
1 li M VunilrrancU-n, -; A Kirts, I M
, Miller.
Vol i it or I.'vji os i N-r
. To whom it may concern: Notice Is here
! l y Kiveti that the UnderalKUeU reaidnut of
1 Hanks precinct, WashliiKtoii conty, lire
K'Ui, mill on U iiines.lHy the Viid day of
Me pteJiilmr, l'.s, at ten o'clts k. A. M., of
said day present the loreKoniK polllloil to
; the County Court of the Stale ol HreKou,
for WastuiiKtoii County, at HllUlsirii.
Oregon, and at aaid time arid place will
I a-k that a llrsnse I insued to the under
siKiie.l applicant Ui el spirituous, vinous
ami man Manors in tiaiikH pra.-lticl, Waali
t liieton eomiljr, t reu;on. In leaa (tiiantltiei
than one gallon lora pen, si of otia yeur
. innii .or uutr or tne issuance or aucli 11
I Dated this .'Hull day of July. m.
J M. MII.I.I.K. Applicant
; intjiey a naie, Attorney for Applicant.
Liquor License
STATK OK OliKiiOV, Kolt WAhH I.N'Ci-
' In the matter of the Application of J. M.
' M iller for a License to soil Spirituous.
i Villous and Malt I, iiiiurs in less quan
tities than one gallon in Hanks precinct.
! To the Honorable County Court of ill.
, Slate of Or.-sroii, for Washington county:
; The iinilersii;ned petitioner), hval voters
! of Hanks orcein, t, Washington countv
Oregon, ami cjtistitni Inir a inajorily ol
the le;al voters of sahl hanks precinct,
formerly known as Dairy precinct, and
l.ftHii actual residents of said precinct
and having actually reside.) thnrein thirtr
, 'lays liniiiediately p-ecwliiiif the date ol
! this petition, would respoct fully p.ttitiori
your lioiioralile Uody and usk ilmt a li
1 cense to sell spiritiious, vinous and mall
' li.iuors, in iesftianiities tliau one Kallo.i,
; in said Hanks precinct. Washmguui nnin.
tj', Oregon, be granted and issued to J. M.
iiillcr, a resident of said precinct, for a
period of one year.
Dated this :ainl day of June, lfKMl,
.lolm (Jillespie, Stephen) Liirier, Har
ry J .Mailer, Jack Mausa, C C I'riday, Jim
Lucicr, Win Sin i 111, George Herb, OS
Khiffcr, I, Vanderzatideii, D S (ialloway,
M Gaenioiis, l-'rabk Crcps, K Kulli, H j
David, Dieii.-x. J. y Carstens. .lolm.
Friday, Joe J.ucicr, Henry Vamlclicy, W I
ii watrei, .ionn i,ipH-rt, Jlarrv Yaruall,
W'm S Hcltzel, John Cop, W M Kasley
A Kraft, () K Mills, I, i,,gW ; v
I-asley, J V l.ock, 0 I, Woo.1, J, Kirls W
J aonier, waller I: Ilea .1, I'clc. (label,
L'....l Lli 1. A V . ...
cici. niuncn, n ,s 1. t rens. V
Notice is hercbv viven ihni ihs L,
s.irni.d. the dol v uo.ioi.ite.l o,,miiiiu.i u...i
acting Ouardian of the person and estate
ol lolm K. Mttherlund, a Minor, by virtue
of. ai.d pursuant to an order of sale mtile
and emeied on luOilli dayof July A.
1)., liiu, by J. W. rjoodlii, Judg, ,J tll
i oulity i ourl of the Slate or Diegon. lor
Washington Coiir.ty, will, on and after
August 'J, llsX, h.. at private sale, fr
cash in iianil nil ilia p.ul.r .1.1. .n.i i..i..
.-- , .... ..... . ,n ,,,, nM,, in ter
es! of the hhiii V. Inor, John K.Uulberlau.l,
in ano io i ne loiiowiug dete'Titieil real es
tate, si. tiate anion Washington County,
Oregon, and particularly Is, muled and de-s-nls-'l
as follows, to sn:
Hiity acrea in the X M. Itowell lions
lion Land Claim No. t in 'f. 2 H. It, 2 W.
in Waslinigton Coiinty, Oregon, ilcscrih. ,i
as follows, tiewit: Ittigluii jug at the
N. h. c.rnorol claiu. No. 4,1, T.2 H. It 2 W.
Will. Mr.,and ruiiiiliig thence H, 'a M
chs.; then,'.. W. 12M chs.j thence N.
li7..'U chs ; th.tnce H. IM degroes K. . chs.
to the place of h'Tinning, containing .in
acres, more or Ies.
Also beginning l.'l chs. N. lis. degree W.
from the N'. K. rarnHr f mmiil a
, . - - ., " vixm, nil,.
running thencn N. lin degrees W., H.-'Wcha.;
i.iH.ioB o. n oegroesi vv ., f,.fi elm ; thence
. 0() degrees .'10 niiu'ites K. VtM chs. to
tli .South line of the North of said
Claim; thence K. 10., chs ; thence N.
27.32 ch. to the place of hngliining, con.
taming .10 acrw. Hoth of said trai ls to
gtllicr coiilaililng mi acres, more or less
1'. !. AN'DKIOiON,
c.uardiari of ti(e I'erjon and Kstate of
John K. HutherlHiul, a Minor.
Schltgel, Vaiidomlin, Kills Purdin, I
West, John li Reynolds. C 1' Reynolds,!
C A Watson, J wcph Hivgins, Theodore
Greene, Jno i'arson.W'iii G W'alkc, Hen-1
ry Narup, Wm Vaiitlomeliii, Henty Sua-'
baiter, Henry Vogt, J B licyuoltls Jr, I, i
Strolinieycr, Geo Vainlerzaiiden, (J K 1
Cox, Geo Lipirt, K G Thompson, G
Heltel, , Validcraiideii, Win Ucanl,
C F Hrown, Hcinrich I'eterson, Irwin i
Tissue, K fcliamhy, W It McGill. Ciias 1)1
Vaughn., John Susbauer, G W Iljncg, M i
V Parmer, Jack KU-rly, Chas Ueilien Jr, j
Ceo W Hamel, Chas Ixirenz. J Williams,
Cliarlea Spiering, Chas Kessler, Fred I
Narup, J V Carstens, W C Schneider, 1
(i Hcsling, K J Rufli, W S Longworth, :
Ii D Meoil, John Narup, J C Cox, Wm I
Vanderzaudeu, It J Kalhau, Uenry Van-1
Washington Street
Ik-twetn Second ami Third
Uillsboro, Oregon
Steam Heating
Jf you are thinking or a septic tank
that will take care of all waste from
the house have n Lilk with me.
All kinds of plumbing supplies
kept on hand, fiom a bath tub to a
All Work and all (mod, Waronled
Luilies Vesta
ami yn-
Fancy Sox
Values 2c .in.! Ui
Ladies', Children'
alius 45c ami jJ5c
Golf Shirts
X'aliirh jnc aiiil v
Opposite Hillsboro Commercial DunK
$ f OR $
Our Motto
Don't foirl
August 1st to September Ist
- - - -' . ... I i , 1,,, ,
Ou 1 .SejaemU-r 1st our landlord will commcucc cxtcu.shc altciati.,.,. :,i,.l nja,,. the
lm.ldtnK wc uow ami, m order to mate room for workmen au.l matn,.,!. t- ill
l-lacc our entire sUkV of Furuitrc ami on sale at the 1.-, v.ish ths
count o from i,. u, a.s wr ceiii. This is a golden oj.ooMnuitv f, tl,se l. isl, ..
turnisli their homes, with the best good, at a discount.
Don't hesitate to a,k about our installment j.lan as i, is a vciy easy av " l.uiih
your home. Notice the prices KiVen Mow.
Room-size Rugs, etc.
uiu Asminnter, te(. val. io Ji7..m,
Kruaat-ltH. .w ..iu J
yxi J All Wool,
It'' Aiiiiiualer Hw
J'y. Hath l!u
II oo .
H lu.,
5.00 ..
1 "0 ..
..10 ri
. 7 JO
.. i.cri
Leather. CobbUr ana
All Kockria in this stor rrdu.-e.l
fMio uplioUltrrd $ 6
H I :
7 in . .6.U
3-7J pofcli riK-kera ... . 2.
i.SO " .1 M
i S
Extension Dining Table
f?j.cio roiiu.l, j leK, t, 0aV
youKjtiar, " ash
1500 o I'ac.oak....'..'
ii.cki round I'edralal, I'acoak..
10. so aijtiare " ..
8.r,o ' s.,.Ki "
6.CM1 o
m I I 1 I I
I lt-i
' 0 Tr a f
Linoleum. Oiltlnth. ftt
5'' K'''e II III l.iliol. .nil. --'I )d
75C 1,11
lttK " "
V " ' (ilKlolh
V " (I
Theabov piu-.- ate cm rplionslU iua
for the ijualily of jooils r ollrt.
I loll I ovt 1 look (Ills ulli r
-1.1-So ' f
. ..3,y l50t oak.p.,1 I)Mer. J55 " "
9 45 a,... .. $
7.6 itt .. .. H-lO "
6- 5.40 U"-5o,u. $,i,t, ,y," i67 r 2r,,er centnn W.ll I'.per. Um
I ' reduced 10 jirVeiit riolfclinnn.
Our Improved Cascade Kacve in all si?
r.nKe. are a. Kood a. ,he ,.'of ntAhgj ' ...r. an.l iih tfofi rf(lm,r(, , ,.,. rhe
. ' JL U"""-H to .Ive prrlect Mtlafartioil
Twenty per cent reduction on all Porch k.k. r "-
u Rocke, hv'r, k-i. .t i.Htt. fr. ,zk7;r
All irilleriix of Matting
'M ir fruit
10 ir rent on Tenld. (Jainp
Hlovna, If aniii)ockl elf.
Fifteen pr rent on all .j,,, , Scrr.
lioora. both plan, a0. fancy, B'a, on
in, 24 Hod 3H inch Hilni.i.i.'i .i..
c-reen., '
Nu h.rt.,.i 1 .
Rtao. ar.l w.ckleaa oil Mvet are re
duceil j o per cent. NolhinK l.ettet
for ani.i.iii.p ..... 1.
V '"no one ot these
dtovf h an odor no unit.
sMsiaJc: m m .y.s.t