The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 30, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 20
f ! "
Award IHM lor HlRht l
Way ii n J Da inn (ten
failatnl CtMitd Make Ciart Hiuto
KIp( 1'ttb Elsatate
Tha r f tit Orgon Klectrio Co
vt H KfghiUo Murillo.a suit to
cuDiUntn right f way, near H"
v-rlott, cauia l' an end Monday !
ternixit), when conn no I cm both
-idn llnisbtd their argument, ltu
fus Mallory, the iiver-tonguo or
lor, and V. I. Kenton, ami Ilurke
Tingu wad-strong nd eliiiient
Uai to lh jury, ml in Uhalf of
tha KegMttoa, while Judge ('ary
anJ liarriaoa Allen tireeeiiUil, la a
masterly manner, the cane of the
Klectrio Company. Judge Mo
llrlda ihrgl the jury, hiob
brought in a verdict for the de
fendant, of IIHOO, In the verdict
hloh was returned into court
Tuesday morning, tha jury gave
HMO to tha owuera of tha land,
and f'2i) damage to thn ranter
It la imt known how much waa of
frrvd to tha IteahUliw hy tha Ore
gun Kll'it' Co . for the land, prior
Ui the auil. but Mr. Allan, attorn-
fur the Company, atatn that no
iiwcitlo amount waa .fferrd The
bat ririied coneidrteble iu
tvreet all over the county, and par
llcularly in arid about ilraverton
Following are the naniee tf the
lurora who returniHl the almve ver-
diot: Robert Thvitnn, I) II
lUllev, C. J. Jaman, (Have John
ton. Ueiiht I'oaieroT. Jno. R. Kn
nea. A. J. Ko. Krwin Hitter. H H
Johnson. Jaa. jacUotb, J. C. NVil-
aon and U. V. Harrrtl.
A panphiel lately iaeited by the
Department ol Agriculture, n
Irg of the eiperituanU tuade by
(loo K Uagley.on the lUglay farm
at tha Dudley Mill, give- bi et
tierienre aa follow:
t. t"i, t. l!Ktry,of, ho
cinliii-trtl one of the iiiiKtt "J-''-
input tfivrsall aiYtHHlt of 111 olieralhltlft.
-' - . I -
ml liy wy of mtro-liii lioii myi that his
Uml nail licfu ur lor grain k'" '"K
lusiiv vesrs. ami Itial at a dt'ti h of hIhmiI
unlit lui!ia a film Mlr (ir ai tlf'icint
hunt pea had formed ami that Una waa
w han! ami luiprrviou an to hinder
gmwth of routs to grrstcr depth. Hi
In at work waa to irl of the land
loadriilhol twrnlf liu hea. The rrault
mitirrnlile In-fur anv Irrigation wa
attrinlrit, for iluring the winter vetch
rrojm in the vicinity were injured hy
firriinu tfrrathrr. Iml nn t li i ll l v ana-
tallied on the laml that had been aiib
miled. Vetch and red clover had leo
Miarn anil llif vrtrll waa Itikrll 1)11" tarlv
in iily. Water was then applied to the
K)ovrr, and a crop protlured the tiie
yra'. A rtion of thr hind aveded to
clover had been snhaoiled and part had
not. In $J day from the time water waa
applied, clover on siihaoiled land had
reached a heiht of three feet, and wao(
a deep green nod beallhy color. That
iiKin the land not aiibaoiled reached a
height of only ten indie and wh light
gteen and au kly.
SilaaP. I)ickeron, aged 70 yean,
died at Corneliua laat Haturday
night, where he had lived for 13
yera. He came there from Athena
County, Ohio. He was an o d
loldier. He enlisted in 1801 in
Company I, Seventh Regiment,
Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, nd
eerved fi ur yeara. interment waa
in the Cornelius cemetery Monday.
A widow aod 10 children mirvive
Farm lor Sale
I winh to aell my farm, containing
162 aorea, 110 acres under plow,
orinil knnaa bar.i and orchard, ii
mile wuth ol HilUboro, and one
mile west of Farmtngton. t or mr
ther information, addreee,
K. Uurkhalter,
44 Cm Hilleboro, Ore.
Cbaa. Jatuea. of Corneliua waa
n town Monday.
When in town rillim U'.U, .1.
Hoover and eiatiiinn "Wilgtow "
Judua C. I k' i,r l.'i..i,,
waa in town Haturday.'and called!
Katirv naatr wadd
eto , at the City I'.akery, Main Ht!
W. N. J al'lll 14(111 and mtm frr.m
almve lUnion, were in towu Tuesday.
HairvHt rr. ii l.
bread, hy tha Cllv Hakery. Main
atreet. IHtf
Uoro. to Mr. and Mrs. Carl I.
Itlllllian of Knraat !rA lira
July 24, l'M)H, a daughter.
Call on or phone to ttonnie for
grocenee. A ootuplete and up to
data line always on band.
Mra. Htanwood. of Harramantn
Cel., ia visiting her brother, 8. V.
Heeley, and friends, at Hcbolla.
For eenllemen'a. ladiea' and
children's hoae vou can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
The Moore Laundry, of this city.
baa a neat new delivery wagon,
which adds additional tone to tbe
Don I let the nine eat your cows
and horaea uti. Uo to Webb .V
Uoovera for "Ho Koi-Ho," "Flyo
Curo" and I.illy'a Fly Killer.
l'rof. Wilkereon.of Foreet Orove.
who made the race for County
rtuiieriutendent at tbe last election.
ill remove from roreat Urove to
Portland, soon.
Hoeoial diacounldf l l tier cent
on aoreen doora and adjuslahle win
dow screens, for short tune only, at
Patterson a. 1 AJ
Whitcoxb A Hherrill have the
contract to build a aeveu nxim col
airs for Mra. Shuts, on the corner
of Baseline and Third streets, to
coat about 12500.
Hmokera like the Bobiller and the
Kioellencia These cigars are of
the beet stock. You can t fool an
authority on a good cigar.
IVrrv WaUnn. the second man
- .....
in auWnU for the Ariua in v aen
inglon county, immediately alter
ta f rat iiwua. waa in town irom
near (ireenville, Monday.
V.ndararal who live! 3
northeast of Hillsboro, took
32 Ions of clover from lu aoree or
land this season. Three acre
yielded 4 loua to the acre of clover
Th nw (liant cherrv. a cross be-
.a.n tha Lambert and the Bin?,
created a sensation on the Portland
k.i laat week. There were
some specimens that measured an
nch and a ball in uiameter.
tcavcrton Woudclioppcr lx-
pi res After Protracted Spree
Ursncr's jury Find Death Due to Ei
Ctaaivt lat f LiUor
) IV!
Coroner KrneHt Iiron was notified
ate on lat Kumlay afternoon,
that a man bad been found dead
near lii-averton. Accompanied by
Dr. I.itiklater, tbe coroner went to
tbe scene of the discovery, 2 miles
south uf Ueaverton. Tbe dead man
was found to be Win A Bolton, a
woodchopper, who had followed bis
vocation for the pat 10 years in
the vicinity. A coroner' jury was
empaneled and an inquiry devel
oped tbe fact that Bolton had been
on a prolonged spree and that he
bad returned from Portland a week
ago Tuesday, where he had been
1 rink u ir beavi v. Coon his re'urn
a ----- s
Bolton clainiml that he had been
robbed of some money while in the
city The body wan found shout 6
o clock Sunday afteriiOin by V m
Havden auil I)je llaiD'r. nuan
bora, lying in tbe duoryard of hia
home. Tbev immediately notihed
the coroner. The veid ct of tbe
jury ws to the tffect that Bolton
came to bis death from natural
caunea superinduced by drink. In
iha cabin where 1$ j ton lived were
found I21.7H Deceased an a na
tive cf Connecticut, aged 57 years
He had no mana outside of a few
trillina rflVcta. Nothing is known
of bis relative and the body wis
buried in a neighboring cemetery
on Momtav.
For a'.e
A tiatented county right, a self sell
er and a money getter, with exolu
sive rik-ht. I have other business
and caunnt look after both. For
particulars call on, or address Fred
li Adam HilUlnro. Ore. notn
Phones. 17-tf
Last Friday, the 4 year old son
of Chug. Karnham.ol near uien
roe. fell from a wagon, on which be
was playiug, and broke his left
arm, near the wrisi. inn is me
aec.und child in the family to have
a broken arm. Dr. L'nklater set
the fracture.
Clearance sale of all men's. boyB'
and ladies' suits. Will be sold at
actual cost, and all broken lines
J. II. Willis, former Hillsboro
bay, now residing at Juneau,
v. . i iniui.rr. Monday. shal
lug hands with friends. Mr. Willis
is Hpeoial Deputy Collector of Otis
toras for the port of Juneau, nd is
Jl .11 1 . hnaleiflflR WBV. DUt
uuiiig well iu m , ,
till has a warm feeling for old
n.. ...rii,.i.Urlv his former
home. Hilleboro.
Persons wishing to tile tbelr
farms will lw-yB find a large stock
i n i:u )n nn card at HcnOllS
Those wishing the larger sue tiling
should plaoe their oraern w..
bne. Jine 1. We also carry brlok
and building block.. Those intend
i i ..ii j :ii fln,l a lame sup
mg io ouiiu win - - -1
w . Am vard. and you
are Invited to call und ook over
our stock before purabaeiog.-th
Groner-Rowell Co , rwnoiw, , . . -
address, Hillsboro, ure., u. '
We carry too many articles to
. V...I a hua anvthins
enuuieraio, uui -j r -
.v. .,ma naatg. The larger narried in the iiu mense stock of the
w.q ........ - ... ,. ,
stock ever shown in W asnington General Mercnanaipe more oi
county, and can and will beat all Schnlmerich.. Bros. Come early
oomiietitors. St'hulmerich Bros. nd get your choice. 51tf
W. P. Dyke lhe Rnt ,or JudgeTbos. - A. McBride had a
Washington county, of the Oregon geyere chin ja8t Saturday, while on
Fire Belief Association of MoMinn- t(je bench. " He adjourned court to
ville. It will Py ya t0 in8ur 1 o'clock, and later, to Monday.
. i- .v:. riraat Mutual j... m. w a
your nome m iu vnv-. mj was unuer luoiaiom in, . n
Company. Office, Corner 2nd jjgiiey jurinf the remainder of the
... . . .1 H illalnrO. Or. I i . I ..I nl,l I.-, rannma kia
WasmnglOU ihwupi '" lOay, OUV wan auio w i"
ndepeuuen puuu" uu" . mines wouuuy wuiuiuk,
vPnmaat Smitheon. the Oregon nnnri(,! the uioneer violinist.
boy who broke the hurdle record whoJilSd jn Portland the other day,
. . L. .1 ka intarnational meet I ll k.,,n in and h,-.lll Killa.
last weea : . i was wen a nun u uu
i u-nniand. did most of his train- . uprB :n vear, BOne by. he
i. f ..a Kaf.IA 0olnff tO 1 1 t .1 ... nrtA mAa a n.aal
Ing al POreei virvvo, -r - iniayeo lor uaui-m, mu nnu o bik
KUrOIe. US l 8'" . " ,," IriemlOI inoa lliuaer. usaiwuu
. .. i rv.ll.... ami nnrvalllS . . i i' .u l il-
Agricultural avonoRD, r eu me rourvu oi uij i.oiruiauu
celebrated his victory with much I t Qoroeliua this year, where he
0T mel ft nuuiner oi iu iuduud. ucu-
.a. . i ! MH feaan Tnp mr.irini niKrriru a umi bip.h
m a ia. n s Arnnii list i riiiiHr. in l'uiiuiiui n uw nwu uu
On auder, oi norm m --
U(liauui at.lJS-a l.rnlra I oaonnd llf.
laat Friday, tne scanoiuiiig - ow.
lanv , ,r,. . tn the m'.il. .... r u
throwing f rana a.iiuS - Florence u iiaiacr va. u . u.
around a distance of several feet, jH the title of a divorce suit
S' . ' u.i.b u and aeverelv , . i u .... Tna
breaking nis iem "bi nieu iu ciruon. uun
UM,P .. . ! If- fknlanrlar I . j n..l J
bru s ng hlB nip. "t"--"" parties were marneu iu iimuu
.. . Iha orAlind but T , i in to .! .11. nai
was also mrown -. r-- m june, im, h'"'"""
eacaped with a few bruises. Dr. A. th.t de(endant has treated her in a
R Bailev was called to attend tbe j tnj inhuman manner, and
man :, Ka. nn Jnlv 20th. he threw plaint
. . - 1 rtr . f . l. mmntlr naiiai na nor
. r u..At.anan n i itt m i ill a naiiiuiuvB uu. . i k uw.
n0, ii 'ftn the first day of the to be bruised, etc. Plaintiff asks
Cornelius, on the first nay - ui o , that he be al.
open season Ju y . re8ume her maiden name
".i -Ttay which wmFIoiwho. D. Calef.
found the game on the upper Neha- gberiff Hancock haB heard from
lem, and it tooa "" . I the autnoriuee v cpaaim ou uo-
half to get tne carcaaBoo " attle, wno say mey uave uu a.uum
road where the buggy had .wen Ldge 0f a missing man by the nime
roau, who i,,,.,, vaiohed i... .1 .... iu
left. Kaon oi uo uu . ol retaun,""' u i" uiuiiuv
la mi hAn lfflirOUt mn.t1.NI1 TtHRr I llllliri w I1D DUU
IU.u-, - ----- Baoh.n. "k"T Tf ia nn. hiding
w" ".. r. ii.. itaada mounted, r. . .l. ...... ,i k.daa fAimd in
ans will nave " jnai iomiauip
IB Will " " e- '
' 1L nd nf a re- the pookets of the dead man were
Knowing he great need of a re i P for th OBeof mig.
.! in Hillsboro, we, the mern piao rnflI.inr the authori.
lv.l in Hillsboro, we, me n(f nr nn(mDa the authori
hers of the Christian churon, nave . - ned wron
secured on. of the J-JJJJ"- de out, while the one in which
gelists In the we ' R e7y he stamped badges were found was
Vir. .l.n have DUrObasea a very vu j- ll.nnnnW
no -.a- - - - . 0.Dgoity unuisiuroeu. "7,T
large tent, with "'? 'Pn' .Dent a day or more in the vicinity
ftf almost one thousand persons, sp en a y
-hich will be made comionao .ur - . . -
MJtmnTdmt, which consisted of a
one in ana niuu . , o Wftgon t,re,ahoui is i nones
out and bear, me Wtf' V'J.rr' r tnau The weapon was eov
out and hear the Wiiito Id length. The weap.
ln power. f-SSTS !ed with blood. Th
to ioln us in great .rro ri o on r
WJiAVnlJd effort- result in landing the.
A. A. Beery, pasior.
he sheriff is
which may
result in landing the guilty party
behind the bars
V. M. Ball, of Buxton, was in the
city Tuesday.
Judge Ueiger, of Cornelius, wai
n town Saturday.
Tents, camp stools, hammocks,
canvass cots, al I'attereon's.
Geo. K Shirley, of Scholia, was
sn Argus caller, last Saturday.
H. B. Huston and son. Oliver.
of Portland, were in the city Mon-day.
Trv "Our Home Made Liaf." at
the City Bakery, on Main street,
Hillaboro. 15 tt
Born, to the wife of Peter Kim-
ouist. of near Keedville, Oregon,
July 22, 1W8, a son.
Farmers needing pack twine can
do no better than go to Webb &
tioovers for it.
R. D. Pairley, of Portland, spent
few days last week with his
brother, 8. Paisley, of Buxton.
For sale: From 10 to CO bead of
well bred Angora goats, 12 to $2 50
each. C. RehBe, Farmington, Ore
gon. 20 22
Chas. L. Mocson. a representa
tive of the Pacific Paper Co., of
'ortland. was in town Monday,
and called.
We have juBt received a car of
Bain wagons from tbe Isclory
Will sell at Portland prices.
8chulmerich Bros. 51-tf
H V. Hales and daughter. Miss
Helen, returned to tbeir home in
Hillaboro Monday, after an extend
ed visit in the southern and eastern
Autu6t Tews, his son Walter,
and damrhters. Lena and Elsie.
started last Sunday for Netarts, for
an outing. Thsy will return about
August 15.
0. B. Buchanan & Co.. of Corns
lius, are building a new warehouse,
40x80 feet, which when completed,
will cost 1 1.000. This makes the
third warehouse for tbe firm.
Edwin Ellerson. of near Beaver
ton. whn waa onerated on for ap
' . ... . r .. . ... i
pendicitis, in a rorliana nospiiai,
on the 18th inst , is reported as on
the way to recovery by Ur. ung
August Matthies. of near Corns
Hub, who wsb operated on in Port
land, nn the 12th mst.. for appen
dicitis, is still in the hospital, and
there is some doubt as to bia re
A grandson of Mr. Munger, of
the Yineland neighborhood, aged
14 years, nearly Bevered the thumb
of bis left hand, last Saturday,
while splitting kindling, with an
at. Dr. I.inklater dressed tbe
Married, at the home of tbe
hrida a narents. Mr. and Mrs 1. J.
fltt. a mile east of Forest Grove,
laat Wednesday. July 22. 1W,
Mian Marsaret Steward and nev.
Clarence Swander, Kev. v. u
Ml I incur, of Ashland, oniciatinc
aat O 1 ' -
rinlv immediate friends and rela
tives were present. Ihe oride
looked charmins in a beautiful
dress of white silk batiste. After a
trip up the Columbia, Rev. and
Mrs. Swander will reside in ron
The White Sox. of Sherwood.
anatained the second defeat of the
season when they went up against
the Colts last Sunday, at forest
Grove The Colts had a new
pitcher, who proved to be bad med
icine lor tbe wniie ox. n was a
nmttv exhibition of the national
game, many of the boys playing
like professionals. HiiisDoro ians
were nresent and rooted for the
White Sox, but in vain, the score
being 4 to 1 in favor of the uoits.
Tt ia understood that Urove sports
cleaned up quite a bunch of money
on the game.
Wm. McQuillan, who lives south
east of town, has a ben wnoee
breed will hereafter be known as
'Rnnonvnlt. " The hsn in auestion
this season, hatohed, at one setting,
28 young ohioks, all of which ars
alive, save one, wnicn was aevourea
ho k hawk He also has a three-
i -
quarters Jersey neiter, wnicn ne
states is giving mux oi gooa quali
ty, without having gone through
the formality of becoming a moth
er. The animal is only 1 mourns
nf boa For freak cows and poul
try, Mr. McQuillan is entitled to a
blue ribbon at the coming uiusdo-
ro fair.
Hon: Austin T. Buxton, of For
est Grove, Master of the Oregon
Htaia Ornnse. will nersonallv at
tend the Good Roads Conference
ha hold in the Convention Hall
nf the Portland Commercial Club,
August llth, and be is anxious
that anh subordinate or local
Grange in the State and one dele
gate, and he requests that such
delegate be named at once ana re
port made to w. ii urissey, at
PneiUnr). Countv Judee Goodin
is also much interested in the Good
Roads Conference and pledges a
delegation of from 12 to 20 repre
sentative Washington County citizens.
ON MS Rlil
Sixteen ton Gasoline Roat
With Flat Bottom to Ply
Willi Smut out Could Easily Came U
8cott Bros , of Vaucouver, Wash,
will soon put a 1G ton, flat bottom
river boat on the Tualatin river to
ply between tbe towns of Tualatin
and Farmington, the latter a point
on the river about 5 miles south
east from Hillsboro. The boat will
be a flat bottom craft, of light
draught, aod will be propelled by a
line engine. It will stop at the
various places along the river daily.
and will take milk, cream and oth
er freight which the farmers may
wish to ship, and it tbe snags are
removed between Farmineton and
Hillsboro, tbere is no reason wny
the steamer should not corns to
HilUlnro. or ao even further UD
stream. There is plenty of water
at all limes cf tbe year, (or such a
boat, and if it can ply the river
successfully, it will be a great con
venience to farmers and dairymen.
Years ago, steamboats of light
draught used to come to Hillsboro,
but tbe last trip ever made on the
river, as far as this place, resulted
n tbe snagging oi tne noat, wnicn
was owned by tbe Kelloggs, ol
Portland. Since that time, until
now. no attempt has been made to
navigate tbe stream. It is a crook
ed stream, and, while narrow in
places, is quite deep. The new
boat will make a round trip daily,
connecting witb tne ureeon Elec
tric Co. s main line at tbe town oi
See Our Full Assortment
Financial report of the schools of
Washington county for year ending
June 15, 1(J08.
In the report made on July 20th
hv Sunt. M. C. Cat to the State
Superintendent, the following fig
ures are given:
A ventre (lavs taueht limine vear 141
Days attendance .464012
Tluvs nhpllf -4100
Average daily attendance 91,
urtraaizeo districts iuu
School district reporting 100
Mi. trav. hv Sunt, on olhcial duties..2TO0
Time devoted to visit each school... hrs
Monthly salary of male teachers.. .fb2 89
Montniv sal. ot lemaie ieacners...j3 30
Pndi nn h.nd at last annual re
port. July 15. 197 $ioS6S 46
Rec'd. from Co. Treas. from dis
trict tax IISSIQ M
frnm Pn. Trp from Co.
school fund 4753 87
Oba'iI fmm On Treas from state
school fund 97T6 39
Rec'd from rate bills and tuition 693 84
Rec'd from sale of bonds and
warrants 4891 59
Received for library from other
sources 5 3
Rec'd from all other sources...-., 6731 58
Total $985 34
Paid for teachers' wages .....$50649 47
t'aul tor rent ot rooms anu sue... 21 1 uu
Paid for fuel and school supplies 5070 18
I'am mr rprmira nnii minruvmi;
grounds, aud janitor work 3081 70
Paid for new school houses and
sites 4441 7J
Pol.! nn nriiii-inul and interest of
' r ' ' 1 .
bonds and warrants 0001 19
Patd for insurance - 300 90
Poi.l fnr rlprlr'a ftulnrv 126461
Poiil fnr lihrnrv hnokn 72 26
Paid for all other purposes . 1596 36
Cash on hand.
77?6o 4S
Notice to Contractors
..$1354 89
a goodly surrLY
cf toilet aids ii an absolute necessity at
this retort erpecially. Whether yon ftay
at home or go away you need them just
the same. That thia pharmacy is the
heat place to obtain them any one will
tell yon who baa once used
Our Toilet Aids and Articles.
Thev are the kind that especially ap
peal to' women of refinement. For that
reason we invite yon to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
A. S. Sholes, Pres
Ceo. Schulmerich, Cashier
Statement of Condition of
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
at the close of business, July 15, 1908
Ians -$181,361.68
Cash and due from
banks 9S,3o6-36
Real estate- 6
Furniture, Fixtures- 2,700.00
Capitol Stock $ 25,000.00
Surplus 10,000.00
Undivided profits-.;. 93-i3
Deposits 253.27-9i
Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit
Tbe Directors of District No. 72,
nf Wnnhinotnn countv. Will receive
r: " : . 1 . . .
bide for painting bcdooi nouae 01
said district. Said bids to be bo
much cer square. All bids to be
opened on August 4th. Successful
bidder to turoisn sumciem oonu to
have said work finished by Septem
ber 1, 1TO8.
By order of Board.
L. H. Holtz,
District Clerk.
Buxton, Ore., July 23, 1903.
For Sale or Rent
The Hillsboro Flouring Mill; ca
namtff 7fl harrrils: has a larse stor
ing nunacitv. AIbo. the Hillsboro
Warehouse, capacity, 200,000 bush
ele. Will be Bold separate, or to
gether. Apply to
John Milne. Hillsboro. 16 27
Wanted to rent, a farm of not
than 150 acres, bv a Ho,
farmer. Address C. 0. D., care ot
Rev. H. W. Boyd, who has been
nuatnrnf the Conereizational church
nf Forest Grove for the past four
years, has tendered his resignation
to takeenect AuguBi i.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oiegon A. P. Armatrong, LL.B., Prlncipa,
C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
emolov a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calU
for office help than we can meet, uur scnoot aammeuiy '
others in oualitv of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSald a Business Maui " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
u t n -i r..,Hn the Said an Educator! "The quality of instruc-
....... .!.
tion giwsn in your school malces it the standard ot its Kinaunno
Tfinen all the vear. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
Referenceai Any bank, any newspaper, any buainesa man in Portland.
Webb & Hoover have machine
oil and axle-greasa.
TTlrioh KamDf. of Helvetia, was
an Argus caller, laBt Friday.
Tents, camo stools, hammocks.
canvass cots, etc , at PatUrson's.
Jud McQahey had his left hand
badly lacerated in a cut off saw
last Saturday forenoon, while work
ing in the Trump sawmill, near me
Onwnn NnrflArv. He came to town
and Dr. A. B. Bailey dressed the
wound, in the afternoon.
Notice to Contractor
Sealed bids will be received until Too p.
m., ot tne otn aay 01 nng"i 'rr "
the County Court of Washington touniy .
Oregon, and then opened for Ihe cruh
iuz and hauling of about aooo cubic
vatds of rock on the farm of B. F. Purdy,
near Gaston, Uregon. .
Bidders will be required to deposit with
their bid a certified check for j per cent,
of the amount of such bid. - . v i
For further particulMS inquire rf tue
County Judge. ,
Bv order of the County Commissioners,
y 3. W. GOOMN,
X8.ji County Judg.