The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 23, 1908, Image 1

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    MILLSB6K 0
NO. 19 I
Sue J. J ,t:,,H 1 ,lcJ
lull flM 11 ',,1U"" '
y( jriitnnift. "f county, Mon
.u. filed a wuil lu cirmiit rourl,
' gailt l'olon ,','K,n 1,1,1
?,r Company, who havte.uiil
u ihi aoutbeaalero part of tble
couuty. c"M h Clacks mat
Hun. Klitcrufi su lor 7H. aud
coal aud disbursements. Ou the
hiui Jy. b"i1m" f U,BU
ployed by the company appeared
Id Hillaboro, and U1u ,,ou"
tbt company, Mgrneting quite
ium, for wage dua I'11 30
Jars. The utll la one of the moat
modem In the oouuty, aud it sup
k) to Uin good financial
. Willi- K roller, a Portland
'.' ' . . .. I. . ....I. In
lumber mm. PM,f 10
lb mil. K. O. roller, j-rwnni-iii
ami manager of the Unlou lagging
Company, waa interviewed T"
daf.aml elated that a railroad run
trtd was undertaken with Willi
K. Poller, who agree! i itoenc
tha matur for 2 r oml of the
profiu He ftd to furail the
rT,(uiil amount of money
Mry to carry on the work, and the
mill shutdown, ft.' rouereeya
iln mil ami lien Med will not ef
fect lb stability of the company.
.. W K Potter i nol connected
ritb it. Owing to the low price of
lumber and lack of demand for
anything bul Ural-class material at
aecomlclaM prlo-s, the mill may
uy abut down Indefinitely, but H
ii cot involved to an eitent that
ciuwn theowueraany eniiety.
Try John Dennis' for shnea. Ui !
K C. Banks, of Hanks, waa in
to ii Monday.
(',, A. Cavell, of Hhorwood, waa in
lowu thla week.
J. It. Kiua, of (,'hehaUiii, waa in
town laal Haturday.
Judge Hollii wan in town from
the drove Mouday.
Juhu I'nUmon, of ltstheny,
lu lowu lait Haturday.
(! l'hillii, of iowa Hill,
in HilUlwru, naturday
If you want Rood ahooa at right
prloe. line Joun DeDum.
Kdwin Morgan vUitnd relativM
to McMinuvilU, Munday.
W. I'. Cbandlar. of laurel, had
butinM in town Monday.
Henry llogrnfa, of Month Tuala
tin, waa in town Monday.
W. O. Donislaoa traoiacUd buai
din in i'orliaud, Monday.
Rot Hwktll. of Cadar Mill, wai
a county ttt ralUr Tnwday.
K. W, McNutt waa In town from
Corualiua, Saturday, aud called.
Fancy )atry, wadding caiw,
to., at the City ilakary, Main Ht.
John K. liallay, of liuxlon, wa
ia town attending circuit oourl thia
Ilirtul rr.ii autioliBtl With
bread, by tha City Hakwy, Main
treat. i
Mim Nora Millar, of (iUncoa,
Uiuni friend in tha city, the fint
of the week.
Mim Uerlruda Kirkwood and
iiler. of Koraet Urote, ware in lb
city Tueaday
l.aat Hunday waa ona of tha hot
(iwt dayi aipeneoned in thla ooun
(jr tbii aeaaon
Hull J to Hillsboro
October I, VMM
B. F. Purdy, of Gaeton, wan in
town Monday.
A. N. Turner, of IJankB, wh in
town Saturday.
C Uehae, of Farrnington, wan an
Argui caller Friday.
C. F. Jeeae, of Banks, wan an
Argun caller, Haturday.
Tenta, camp Btoolti, barnmocka,
FIFTY MEN, 15 TEAMS, AT WOHK Canva8 cottt, at l'attemn'g.
Frank Watroun and wife vicited
relativea iu the Grove, Hunday.
Geo. Marzei. of Portland, waa in
the city laut Friday, and ctlled.
In order to aave itaelf from the Tenta. camp etoolo, hammocks,
forfeiture of the 25 year leaae, con- canvas cota, etc , at Pattirson'a.
ditionally made by the city coun- Mra. Geo. A. Brown, of Portland,
oil of Portland, the United Railwayi wa viBiting in the city Haturday.
Company began work last friaay Alfred Guerber, the Helvetia
at the 0 mile poal near Linton, and cbeeeemaker, was in town Monday.
Ill continue the work until tne A nw line of men a and ladiee
Charged With LootinK
Hawthorne l.state
SliUtt CirUada of ktili Have Beta
Ualeaded Aloog tbe Line
Buie Sar K. L. lu got Away With
See Our Full Assortment
Whitney L. Boise, for some time
administrator of the Hawthorne
estate, was arrested last Friday in
Portland, an a charge of "felonious
ly embezzling and fraudulently
converting to his own ue" between
R000 and 5,0G0, while in his of-
will continue tb won unu me A new line of men s ana amea Boise immediately
road i. completed to the Utter shoe, ju.t at John Dennis store. JJ
place, which it is expected will he jM C Clark, a Forest Grove ent m rf
done within W da,.. Thecomp.n, real estate man, was ,n town Mon- 80mtime 0 , and ac-
will continue the work, ao it states, I nay. .v...i., v, k.
I t i 1 I nilHrHl Ul CUilir61CAAJCUk "uou aw
until Hillaboro i. reached, wbich County IreMurer jac.son ana
will UOASl7 rB'B"VB ' Wand sine dead.
The company will .tao continue the uQderBtpod tfaat Cale
JT.lV dr Jtfoulfifd buV,nZf L fitted using $20,000 of the money,
over ine uiouoimiuB i" r . I w
on Tillamook Bay. The road will
pane through one of the most fertile por gentlemen's, ladies' and
ectiuoa in thia county, and will children's hose you can do no bet-
n1 Inter tariied over all bis prop-
erty to the uawinorne neira. mat
he died practically penniless, is
well known nere. Deverai large
(arxa belongiDZ to the estate are
.nit In niftkinir WasbindtOU CUUO
ty one of ihe richeat aectiona on the Oarrinus. of the "Church situated in this county, and the
Pacific Cnaat. ... Lf God." will hold a camp meeting estate, at th? time of Hawthorne s
With two electric lines parallel- XhaUjhert beginning this week, death, was worth in the neighbor-
ina each ottier ai a uiaiauo oi - - . hood of ll.C0O.0OO. It is claimed
(. mili tbrouKh a section where Wanted to rent, a urm oi noi R . .
.l - . :. nnh and black, and Una than 150 acres, by a
iiiwi bmiu lm uwls w ? - i -
ideal in quality and location for all farmer. Address C
kind! of lariulng. me miure oi iu Argua
county i certainly ongni. i
bia tracta will Da aoia enu iuu
divided, and our population will
increase in a corresponding ravio
i nrnm nani railroad ouiciai re
No. 1
that Boise spent much money in
nuV f gambling. He is a lawyer, and a
" D", w ion of the late Judge Boise, of Sa-
1 lm
Henrv Wehrunit and wife, and
n.n Kmnrirk. leave today, for For Sale
f H - - " J - . ' anniial nimmtr mitinir at
tuou m v. . . . d i t
Newport. A patented county right, a self sell
I will at 11 at public sale, at my
residence, corner Main and Heventb
ireeta, Hillaboro, boglncing at 2
o'clock p. m , on
llouiebold good and furniahingi
aa follows:
W.itic mnitr, 2 liealrie, il-lr.,
ililn iimui lumllute, Jimirr rl.
wl. coukiu utenilU, ir "da. piliiK.
umltitMc. twl ctiUi U.ilulloiiiti, tlt tp
uBic ollut cliair, iit "".
t)cii Wave whOig tnm-liln. wtmg,
n-cl. Mile, tvjw rilt, eome crp-oU-i
tool., canoed ltull ao.l )r. ptclniee
and lilclur ftmiiri, ami nimif roua othei
atlltWa. Alao our rt, H uluuir, John
Ka I oivrraal Cyt loj.lta, boiiml in
lull lunroct'o;
lionaiy, ami almul fo volutin o( liclioii
uil mlai'tllaoeotii lliriatnte.
Term a, cash.
Howard (lilpatrick.
J C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. 1
Notice to Conlractora
Hulrd bl.lx III Uriiivo.l ly itiKi-mnilr
wiiirt or Wiu.IiIiikU.ii .oiuily, rtn.
....ill 1 . .. ... ..I I Km ' ,lll llV III
J illy . l'.m, ami llii'ii uH-timl for Hie wu
trm lliiii uf a hrlilK" ''' ,'B real'lem
of Howell lnw.,at8-liolt. alao for
IimiI loan tmar Ihn rnalJiii'" of John
NM'laran, on lialtw 0?ek,
HUilura will Iw riHiulmi to umII Willi
llieir hid a rartllled fliwk fur live P"'
in of nu-b tiUI. Hy orif r of Hte witiiity
itiurt, J. W. tliHxIlli,
July lfH tmn, fotuiljr Jo'jKe.
Farm lor Sale
I wiub in aU mi furiii. containing
162 acres, 110 acres under plow,
good houee, baro and orchard, 31
milea south of Hillsboro, and one
mile west of Farrnington. for iur
tber information, addrees,
K. Burkhalter,
44 Gin Hillsboro, Ore.
Mr.. Carl Leopold, of "ocJ U0uy uude the .Utement.n H.lla- i have other businees
im.. i. wUittna In tha i-,,,, "ihai thia city would be on pn acroou uuuro u . ,
nnnt lrvnk aflpr both. For
IUTTIi v im a. I Wl W I n TtuYfwt 1 1 fll A nfl I V Ik I I e-
city, thia week. the main line of a great tranaoon- ' -uW particulars call on, or address Fred
.. . i. ...i iinnii rnuie. winuo uju i i Ananis. nmaDjro. vjio. ouiu
Call on or phone in i-ennaa iom ..h f .he. lectric lines now Jnho HumnhreyB. of -Buxton, Phnn. ' 17-tf
groceries. A complete anu P w , , ,,miimii. ... i. R.t.,l. nn hie viv
V . a 1 I ralllllllUS W kUIB ytmv - rTAO IU wwu ...i.-n v- j .
turn railroad aVS-ltn Unmnu. Wauhinoton. where he I Trvin Ritter. Fred fetuckt and t
Mrs. Olaf Johnson, yiiited bar . will stay for a time. Townsend, of Bethany, were in the
eon-in-law. John Hiraueon.of ttoum w!trPd a car of city Monday.
Tualatin, and lamily, tbU weak. TRACKERS -'vn Rain "on s from the factory. Peter Groesen and Geo. Krebs,
Hinder for sale: A ool eeoond- , u'ill sell at Portland prices. Uf Helvetia, transacted business in
-. . .ilmL- hnm nirn II1H IIUCO I . . . r. ci i . w l .
appijnae wmw ---- , , ' . j achuimencn oroe. oi-u uuisDoro, monuaj.
1.J ttona win oe " . .,,,, ,u
. .ataa at B (rtl IAkt'a I nftlTl Ia,BIlBlV. Ul 1 jl Vinuu, "
vw--7 r-r . a l I.
Joha SimpBoa, ft prominent
TVlL.. nfli. m.thnda and had been vieiting his brother, Jake, dairyman of South Tualatin, was
.?.;.i hnTtk-keeuina Pt I; physi- of Mountaindale, was in town last jn town last Saturday.
..- ,.: j. u:. . t,n.a ...
LiuruBV. uu uib wy uuuio. ni n i.m. .nnn a( v Ai-nnnia..
- I VfUBBt U. niulBHuujii'i . ,
JaV Raffetv. of Mountaindale, .hose father is sick at Cornelius,
1 i a . U I ' . I 4 U.l.i.J.n
was in town iasi oaiuruay. ui wgg m mwu ibv
says farmers in his neighborhood
are getting reauy ior me grain uar-vest.
For sale, cheap: Eighteen small
hand binder with trucks.
to K. K. Peters, UilUboro.
Henry Ford, a well known Port
. . .i 1 .1 aloF
iff ,,f Washington county, was in v Hutchinson; U. 8. History, Saturday, on his way home.
the city Tuesday. 1)oub; civil gov't., Strong bhae
Smoker, like the HcbiUer and the t. theory and practios. White s
Kiorltencia. These cigari are of ,rl 0f teaching; arithmetic, Smitn,
"r1 . ' . . u v.. W an ,.r from Bueh er; neography,
ZSilTn a good cigar. Natural school; psychology from
Wild blackberries have ton sell- m Uler,ture, J from New
inn ill fiiiiHLfuiu mm -
1MB ...
pound. They ars said
mi in im.uj i"- - Van ce: eu oy w. -o - - m io
For sale: F
veal. - - ,,
- .. . , -.1 MAfbl imva nr.
we -Droia, anu , si) Maomiu.n, h . Kw.nn. of the San Joaquin
Will ma. oi rv Winkle-U.genuo.?l - V":. "".'L.n p.. -hr, has a herd of
broke rrana veiau ""w"lwwt Minister AODey-ovrawou winter 0ais in boujo pmuro ui nriivj, ' .
M o,.. im IK-ari..""-. ki.,J M a. ,uid p..- ;.;. mj u-i a.-'bo.
i a f.itrth tnii mr. uu nri iflvruuiu' . i w jwui i . .
v."u .'"j; oM.i.n4 H-a.eMn books mav be had . . , ln ,;J Monday morning
M. i ii wnarvou-oi iuim a" - , i h. a. rtunaer, wuu uoru w m . , ,
rs. J . " "'r ...,:. i.t lr ,u- i k'. Gl Co.. Portland, n:. " , . ...u r nnA Th RnV baseball club defeat
were in town v : " on..lDe. ueie .
ir.i.iaB Mr uroucu ia uui" uiMiuu. . , i nniius in vne aeveuiioo, men mmu, cu uw . rr.
Friday, "r. iwwut v nnnting PBilu.H V?.l Tr' r..v. ir:. ,;r h .i ft.n.a. hv a Bcore of 5 to 3.
man nt AbingWU, ilie.i vib , IT ai Unensiie, naou. i U:nK
; nf Mrs. WhM ton. the revised staie couree ot - Burvive8 him ig the oldest A special wain ran uom
t 0 osnt. Koltoh ""Vow ng sued doubl. school desks, all in
ddtobepWmti- "BJkSt0' giwl condition. Address C. E
,in the momt. y"" by W J ' RoHe, Am. Hedge, Clerk School Dist. 48 Be..
Venice, eu uy uartnn. Oreaon.
Reach, a lumberman and
farmer, of near Glencoe, la serving
on the trial jury tnia weea
Claude Greear has rented the
.imnnrtv owned by Mrs. Harriet
R. Davis, on Fourth and Fir
For sale: From 10 to 16 bead of
, , , Bk. Co , price 47c; Scott.-Ivanhoe, verton, uregon. - q mQ
Filly, by Uvelace; d u, Uloughton, 4c; j0hn Paps, a well to do farmer . n ,.f Ore-
...Ai tnrjt. -ant e. V"". . l 'i. .l.l .lu. . ol ' A in n.m " .
riRu ii tving. eaeicn-oooa, vf"""" 0i near duwhuuu, " " "- m iy i
l ,1 .Mva nr. " -ii no.. U r. V.nU'i . l nn tho limia 6""-
i..ln nfMrs Whaxton. the revised stats course of study, Burvive8 him, is the oldest A special train ran fro
cousin of Mrs. WDMi u. qUMtions wiir be given on s.d fg 'Markee, of For- to Banks and return.
u-V.ntunty of iff S egon l Agt(l Geo. Armentrcut, of
SSiSio- MoM?DD- "ml"U!L Kmmett Quick returned, from Grove, and aged 73 ye
riro -""' . I--,,..
... t. in ... .m to insure
vllle. 1 win ymj . 1
!." in ihia Great Mutual
2nd A!
Company, umoe, " Tn- Ln..... in,al baa the follow
u.ah'mffton slreeia, njinw"' z iBe"("RUM -- .
Wasningwu ,0 ..... .hout dairying, and in
ndependen.pnoueooi. ' " . ),iatauV. in that connection,
K, M. Wsrd, WJffSJ". '""r: 'oomnlims,
Grove, suffered a ewjw"
flre ai North. Bsnd, Or..,8undr
morning. A large waren.u e, -
-i.n mill nurneu. " - .
WUUluu ----
ina .uppliw on id
near Forest
irMmtt Ou ck returned from Grove, ana ageu ,o vwd,- -
Tillamook, Friday night, where be a hunter's license last Monday
41 .. ..i i -t.nm wnr. m Armntrout is the oldest per
went 10 vaae eoiuo ireuum nu. , u... ,
i Ornve. He reoorts lots of son to take a hunter's license, this
the beach, and mauy season.
vaa aa j- v I
lumi irninff in. The fishing on rai,i r,nO hnn nickers at the
oa" aj" r t , i i aMa,,v r
Trak and Wilson rivers is said to t d-- hon vards at Reedville
ABMW ill 1 " J r af -
na Wiloh Hazel. Ore. ficgers
approKiinHti iu wastuuK- ali.nt.M 0f it. . a ,ftl,iHter on or before
ton comity, where the una wn " ",D . mZ'S vtr:K.nV .n
r acre, becaueif lue larmc. he hu d ins Ot an AUSURl 1. rraua. ,iu.-
SjI I nillNIILHll iu - - I I'MAa I
v-Lnmnlimsnts Washington county: , oersons are
a loea l"-r- , . linroimjlte4l ,n Washing- -r1 "7 s: ' BUU
-t. I I I. nrlh (1(1
Mra T. ulnar nf
waa a county seat caller last Batur
County Commlaaioner Bntner, of
Beaverton, waa in town thia week,
attending circuit oourt.
Married, at the home of the
bride, in Beaverton, Ore , July U
lttOS, by Rev. A. B. Snider, pastor
of the Congregational church, Reed
Walworth aud Lois Vinoent.
We carry too many articles to
enumerate, but we have anything
the farmer needs. The largest
stock ever shown in Washington
county, and oan and will beat a
competitors. Sohulmerioh Bros.
JiiiIoa ThnmaR A.
MoBrlde will
take his outing, this summer, over
on the Siletz river In Lincoln ooun
t Tha initaa hH made several
trips, during his vaoation times, to
ui u. ui.. ii. la an ardent
fisherman and keenly enjoys bis
i uanaiinn. sway
uuuu buuiujsi ---
from the monotonous reading oi
prosy authorities, and the conten
tion of opposing counsel, which ne
is supposed to endure with more or
less fortitude, on bis several circuits.
I: " ii fVm Insurance
He oarrieu uu. .i l.,ina
10.(W0 policy recently ' W
"Kd." bas the sympathy of his
Washington County friends.
in tile their
Persons wibuju ,
of nne uie iu j - - . tiuna
. i t ! urr sue tiling
lo .n,l .on
1UO rilDH wmw i ti n
.. ., i. a. aA tr TJ Ptosann 10?)
niHkefl iu v 77 irJi.. tut T. a Antrio line inTOUen 1019 uoumj iiU 1 i 1 aji a taw.
1 . ...udc and 11 isiumviMK 1 www .... I . . . k
.u re.tue iand to it. primitive fertility. Hillsboro stimulating prices oi Heavy blasting on the ngnt oi
f . avior wiiiiiiiiL i I iiiakiAnmtnaiinia i .ia m . wrma
1IUVI mww
atorea tne lano to h1""'" , , 7.
ThVtaman family cannot exist w.thout lftn(J tll along the
,mlk. It could u"tJ?- Mrs. J. N. Patters
wtalonir passably wdl without cereals, R.ven
but milt to nuike the Daoy grow, -
milk to sustain lite la essential. a "uu"" . ' .77:
Everv ton of wheat taken from the aoil tr(kflt waB not much improved, but
removes l worth of fertility, but a ton undef cuUivati00. There is no
of butter removes but 50 cents A ton cf in WMhingtoo
jnv tea 10 - Thll
' . nnM,haRtncr. -ine
our Stoci neiwiw - p o.
Groner-Rowell uo. ,wu-. '2
.jvi.-. Hillsboro. Ore., R. v.
"""'""l . .L. 1.
1m K.roa ot vne tr-
.nnt eeverai u.
"f-- . ,nkini lrriaanoM
BTy The new pump "to "orkiog
the ODOppor i -
Ideated at the same time,
operated a vu , . fc
Sending a Child For Drugs
is petfectlyaafe if you direct it to this
Pharmacy. Yon will be just as sure of
good service as if you came in person.
W'e treat everybody alike. We cannot
do otherwise, because wc handle ,
Only One Kind of Drugs
That is the best and purest we can get.
So no matter whether you come yourself
or send a child, you are always sure of
obtaining the very best drug service,
which is theonly kind worth having.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
A. S. Sholes, Pres
Ceo. Schulmerich, Cashier
Statement of Condition of
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
at the close of business, July 15, 1908
Ioans ........$iSi,36i.68 Capitol Stock' $25,000.00
Cash and due from Surplus , 10,600.00
nk 9S.336.36 1 Undivided profits-... 93-i3
Real estate 6 S00.00 v '
Furniture, Fixtures. 2,700.00 Deposits 253.207 9 1
Geo. Schulmericli, Cashier
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
Patterson, who owned 10
. or.nn Tt.
a naweomer iur t-ww.
of butter remove. 5": ,,nfhuu better soil than in Washington
wheat is worm w r-j - r j .
t6oo to ISoo. w esu-rii v - -milk
bJings higher prices than that of
auv other part of the country, because
food and other conditions
John P. Canles. of Port-
country, lictnuatl vp- -- ,
.b. ; hotter, l.nii itiAit last Friday, from the
food anil outer wnumuu. " . ' , u.
Oreiron butter Iitiurs Deuer tigurea eBeotg 0I paraiyeta. u "
the celebrated Klgiu, Uhuoia product, f fa t known men ,n the State,
Pr..rSeSerk and was an orator of great ability,
operaiea a rrr h the ex
Stover is well P rrl wiU ta
of lana on tn
gestloosfrom Mr. Stover.
country , - frcvvs
iire j r . annuallv.
:al gold and silver product o( Jhe
world, ami it comes uiosuj
For Sale or Rent
The Hillsboro Flouring Mill;ca-
naoitv. 70 barrels; nas a jargo o.-
r.. oaDaolty. Also, the il isnoro
-o . oiwi mill iman
Wareb.0U8e,capuiiji v,v,
els Will .be soia separaw, or
gether. App to
John mune, nuwuuiv.
John Holler and daughter, Miss
r HaattU. are visiting Mrs.
V. 8iegrist,ths former's siBter, In
this citj.
RUU TfwMJ ww. - - n
. .Aii aa ft aiieflftful advocate be
up no" " ,
fore the courts. Robert Uapiee,
rhnaa home is near uaston, dui
ho is no in the East doing
reportorial work on a Chicago daily
ib a son.
Tha nnan Reason for killins deer
Wndneadav. Julv 15. Under
.v.. aama law as thcv now exist
u R- - . . -
the open season ior oucrb uegmo
July 15. and extenas to ixovemoor
1, except in Uos ana uurry uouu
ioi hnrA the sea-on closes Octo
ber 15. The open Beason for does
begins September Land extenas 10
November 1. In Coos and Curry
counties the killing of female deer
is prohibited all the year, ine nag
limit for the season ib five deer to
each person.
.a., nf tha Orppnn Electric line be-
tBn Hillaboro and Cornelius, the
r..a faw davs. sounded like the
r . frL :Ui f
booming ot ariuiery. luongunu.
vav tmn der artists make Bhort
" - j 1
work of stumps.
nio.nnoa nale of all men's, boys
. . .
and ladies.' suits. Will be bow at
.inai mat and all broken lines
carried in the immense stock of the MArr-handiae Store 01
VfUIJ. LU. w .
8chulmerioh Bros, lome eariy
and get your choice. oltt
Tr. n,v and W. W. SnodersBB.
who live on Chebalem mountain,
between Scholls and New berg, air
ed their differences before Judge C.
E. Kindt, of Kinton, tne omer uay.
Srindorana BWOre to a complaint
"""r-- . , , - -
charging Cox with tne larceny 01
a cook stove valued at $8. Con
stable W. E. Danford arrested Cox
.nd brntiirht him before Judge where he deaded euiltv,
and a fine of $25 was imposed. , It
Via.l nnlti the stove to
OUUUia VVav - v ,
SnodgraBB, but bad not received
hio na for it. Findine isnoaeraes
away from home, he entered the
house and removed the stove, ana
thereby got himself into trouDie.
HillBboro Argus, $1 50 per year
Tenth and Morrtaon, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Prlncipa.
C We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
1 - ina fofMiifv ctv& ltimviauai lusiruiiuu. icwiw
emuwy a vj, 0 i j n
r cr t,0i tii an we can meei. uur scuuui uumiuuui;
IUI VIUlL-w va - - ,
others in qualili of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
I -i 1 .jnni;MirT am tinrnotfll
i.sam Dustuo.. . -"r ' -;,,-, fiMtrUc
it will wm out in tne end." saw. au cuucawri - -
1-. ut at-Mi ifr ti Rtanclard Ot itfl Jtinaiuwo rtwmwvw
LlOQ KlVCU 1U VUUI -t-iiwa - - , , ., -
COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue irec,
Referencea: Any bank, any newspaper, any Diisineas man
f!hti Lehman, a Garden Home
dairyman, was in the city Monday.
Try "Our Home, Made ' Loaf," at
the City Bakery, on Main street,
HillBboro. . : . . i "
Wro. Kiarron. of Portland. a land
owner in this county, was in town
Monday, aocompaniea , oy niB
daughter,",' "V .7..'. (
Judge A. C. Ajrcbbold and fami
ly have, gone tip ;to Meacham's
Crossing, on Dairy creek j fur a few
1 weeks' camping.
Notice to Contractora
Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 p,
'.nt., of the 6th day of August, 1908, by
the.County Court of Washington county,
1 url then mwned for the crush-
iue and hauling of abdtit 2000 cubic
n - . .t. e e ii tt D..a.t..
yatils ol roCK oil me ianu um.r.i m ,
near Gaston, Oregon. ; '
Bidders Will Derequireo iouemii hiui
their bid a certified check for 5 per ceut.
of thp amount of such bid. : t? :
For further particulars inquire of tha
County Judge. ' "
Hv order of the County Comnnstonern.
". 3 . J. W. GOODIN.
,18-at County Jwlge. .