The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 16, 1908, Image 4

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    HtULSBONO ANflUS, JULY 18, 10.
: '.I
... kv.v;
) " "'5-V
I I (m .-
A w -??W . -V -.
fill " -' I . V ' . ...
V I I ' ' " :
HI mm Jl QMS
I Drilling piacie Go.
Sired by
Soral Kinq 29543
Km. 2:12 1-4
Sir of King Airy iM (U) jv4. Lilly
King a:i6V tUi JxrS. Km Um
i7'.Uule Ri. King TtvU
UV (ir) fW. iJ Bio- olhr.
oo of Notval 5X5J. V ,rr of V J.
iwi xVi , vouotwa Kif SmyV. No"
vib u. . , Flowing TiJ and
warn.), out ol Lulle J., a grvat
nrooa marc by tbe nnlit Oawar.l iih
(sir of II in Mo and 1S7 other), hy
.o nuin (tim ol ihr damaof 15
in i:iot, aoo of Hamblrtoniab 10. Nw.
al it by Klectioarvr 1 s. b Haiubl.
Ionian 10, an.l out of Norma, a great
unwu mare, fy .Nomiao JJ.
thk ciKrrir cot rt f
statk ok okkwon roK
First Dam Goi
Im of Kiogjo :,. Go NorrU V jVv.pCing
Cooing (3) t ,. and naier to Spher i'p) :mv.
Duma i,p iSJa'. WJ.
Secood dam Mistrwss
Dainoi Sphere (p) t 15 Duma (pi'j iSk '
Kilrain (pi a:j. CUaIC.S:?:,, Oaus
1 WU iw,, ttol. Tborotc. tS. Major Maloa
ird rli,K 4,,?1l? :' 45 other.; .odd... of
iS... Bltlrto. ,:ooV. IWn Bell. U
Almont u. dam Mw r.i . . "UB.,M
Btood'i Sick H..k :Tt?"w",c" ',nw "'
Third dam by Doniphan. Foarta dim b, Scott i Highlander. Fifth dam by Cannon-. Whip.
KIXGGO i a beantifol brown honw. stan.l it 1 k...t.
coe formats u of the beat. He i. r'e!. i Ur ' P0"8'1 1 'ht year, old. Hi.
peed from both .idea. H,. 6rst and send dam. . n .Hiu . "Vs f' Uotler .wl inherit.
lucer Kinggo will make the season of tooS at the ' ,ne two d"u r P'-
Race Track at ffiJIsboro, Oregon. Terms, $23 by the Season
All precaution, taken, but not rwponaible tor accidents.
VVHirii Oririi Trunt t'.Miunnr. for
vlin. I'lamilfl.
Alfml Uuild. Kth.-I tiuil.l. John tinlUl.
WaImI llutl.l 1 i . . u-.t h. . vft...
i . i . .1
I '"'ii'ift, t'harlf Nicn, M.ii t t. mi,
iKItlaht'oi. Iv.t.,,.1.,,1.
lo AilVrd Uull.1 rtlwl liiiil.l, J..m
Uulld. MaM Ui.i. MtMI (Mevetaml.
nana mi an,l Kigali tVi. and who
ri. al nm.l lu.ii..i...i.
In th niii ni it., ui.i. ..r it.... .....
ar bvrvby rvilnp,! toappMMn iIikU.i
.vim aim aiuivr inv rtii(uatiii
titU airainwt . i .t.
UH or lfor M Midar, tha loth vlr ol
ui. tu, Mma i,,,,. mori. than
II Krrki fhiM, it.. n.i ,.,,i,n...
UiU iioimoim. ami In ihrfault lhrt. th
v hi apjiif u, in ,Hiiirt lor Ihnro
lkl ilrniAii.l,l i ti.. ...... i.i .i. i.
that tha tillf of tli platiiUft to and In
J Ui luiioauiK ii-ritmi mil
tHr (Itiiata In the IVtiuly of Wuh
acton ami Staia.r
iiifneliitf i t h. ..r
thHiatiou lliJ ola I in olThtw. Htart an.l
"iiw. iu lownabiu tin HI South. Kaii
Two j) Waal of il,. Uiii. ....... u..i.
iwluute Kattaloiitf Uir Kat lin..fuitd
IKiiniion Land Claim of md Tho. St.
at and wlfa iKiro l.. itn i-k.i... ....I
Utr-ait lltil. u th .nir of 111
North RT dwr tt'..i .1..,.. ,.l ... i
J4 link; thono North tiWnvt il nun.
neai arallel w llh III luut 111 of ul
imi t laiui 1 1 nr ami ill
i eievlitii; aidant at
IlRTi.ANn, tKI-t;0M
for the ni.iiiiil Jvtuie ot their
iwld Union
hRT.ii.K wrtx
f.r w.'Vr, oil, i;., eicetv.
A nifrnff nmnunt of
Bionrv will iart you la
m inifilabft 6itatira.
haw U n rior. tiv
('.im (Ui' Trt to !
'I'Iip IW--I li 1 1". Wotl.l,
For foil UirticnUii lesuU
iii vll lr ilium ni4 liuirn,
to.K uplir, etc., will to
40. OHIO.
Smoomdi Sir 00 1, MUtmboro, Of
Hillsboro. Ocennn I
1 1 nil i"f 1 ii- iii in ii 11
Paf a
All kind, of Crrh Mrili. Piicea Sa-
, 1 .1 mi. 17 u.ii. 1.111 . aoaaiue. ni uieet all iouiilliloa
and Ka.. alorwmld. and ibm K. "I? 0"1"- . M p'
along aal.l amnion lilt tH)l-on (Ji OI ,0- t Uuy lal atot k
cnaiim and aaveiityn 7I) ltnk to lh
plao of binuliig,-l forvver uuit
agalnat th dlu,ajU ami ach ol limn,
and tor .ueh othar and flirt hr rv lif ai 10
th court may wtun touttabl
Ttiatlataof Hi rlmt till KKaUmI nf Mil.
uiii num. la th XA day of Jmi. not.
frl' of thta auinmona by iublK-a(tmi
T . 7 " "7urnr,ii tton. j. w.
ML.Rvuu munir, piai ot llrmnm
mad nn th Uih !. ..r in.
'f A1 publication Iw iiia.1 In
IB llllliihom I rmn . il. ...
. 7 . -, t,v w imp.
of renral dmiUii.... .... .i . -1
...... 1., 1 1 1 1
iviu, n annin rum tiunly, Sial of Ktr.
Mr.!. ....I II... 1 I -
m'... nil ll.BL Inn hi .....I.
fw It a It A H KtMiK,
aiiornny ior t'laililia
Dont Wait for the Fatal Stages
ot Kntucy Illuess. I'rofit
by Hillslxiro People's
(kvasHinal ntlm k nf lm ki. tir, icirgutar
UtIlKllotI lirai'.i lir. an. I .li. v .i.l'. ...
iTIIillH-ll mily tnpt.m. of kldrrv di
urn. u an mot to n -girvl thre 111.
The alUi k uiy tit lot a litne bul
rrltiru with ifiratrr If il.r.
are tiiil.nn i f d roxy - u (t r rl(if.
I HteaUaawta f
Ton want a. i. ! Mi. a 4TI
air iTw 'qafck rttf M Aol
Too winti ntMdy ttut wffl n.
Toa want .HaaltBuiwin
twrmct ny taodaMf wwvmM pao-
. Ton want
ChainbwTlaln's , Osadk BmiMdr
BMto U of thM rw4QirwmiU, -aid
' fr m4 nrMBMt cur
0 Ud ooid ataBdi wttlMmt pnr.
AWCQCadfcy Oca.
wtatwr I miM wwry avrwrw oold
vkica Uarw4 tor vwfea," My. J. TJr
tstaArt, of SwphTr, OnMrto. - My oou
vufMTArHllmk. Tktoo.laalr
--flhiihwlnli nmniiBiiji
a4 rawMtMa h. I T H trUl.
OMIDllla(ial.rfMnniu t k.M
' Cfcunbarlaia-a Owgrk Ba to tha
wm I un arwr om.m
It b Eqiiy Yaluabie fcr Children
It CCaits no Nercctk and is Safe Sm
Ask your Druggist for it
IK tuv I'nitvTi' . "rr vniiiomii uroixv lioHr wr lr
... .r. I'unMu.i, run air, orauv lunt of w v .l.,ni .1.
WASHINGTON COl' NT Y lay a niinuie. Ilrgit ink n Uwn'. Kid
Dry I'll), and krru tin the lirainino .,.
I .1. i. . .
111 mr auuir) are rn. wlirn Vinir ol
m t iiiiiiRiru in ur inr r ni't tikriiu .1
To John K. 8iithrlaml. Urv I. Andr 10 "iII,!m"u Imu' " rrt -turnr u
aon, Milini tl. Kow.ll. Kdward J ,u" K"
Hiithnrlamt, tin u Hiitherlandi, luing on Thud Si
. ' .W .''l,,el' od Mra. farrl HilUlmro. Ore , uu Jlv wtfo nulfrr
Hltrncork. navt nt 1.0, .. .11 ...i. ..1 f...... 1 . i.. i. .. ...
- - . auu mm. arrtcl 1111100. nrr , 'Siv wtlo lultri
HtU-hcwk ol kin, ami all othar rd from kiduev and Madder tr.mblr k ,
praon. lntaraatd in u..i a.i... 1.1... ....
1 1011 k uuir ami no uiaiirr Hal lie ttir.l
ot no relief Slir mllrir.l rnmi lulu, tu
L. A. Duncan, nt fVun.i:... -..
id town aaoDdif.
Chris Euh-ll nf
, 1 " W VIIVU
wu in lowo Sftturdty
John Powell, a nrn ml nant f..n..
ui urn union, wu in town Mot
Binder for ala A j
- . gwu RKUUII
nana binder with imoi. t
. . r . irnri, nuisDoro. 16 9
A. E. McCumMv. nf Uiin....'.
oawuiui. nraf nnmi .J. . ..
I iu to wu iDetdaj.
VI'. k ... .
" tj uiii 1 urn riwiiva.f a 1 . . ' ....r, ...I iiivr. . 1 . ... ,
Bain Wacom from th,.. limhi.H.m. ...11, . .: Il.niiiiriic. I... 1 (..,1.. 1 1..
. " " w mivi t . 1 " . -----n- .".iiim ..iu iiiY.iM.111v r .: I ....... ...
ill Mil at PnrtlanI nrl.
I Andnrm.n, th gnarjian of th IM Chilli
lt .he heard about I . una KLIiic- fill.
r, . . 7 . LIIVW. ...J ,,.,. J - ....I , . . .
-Bcnuimencfa Bro. 61-tf U.kY.ZhAZ lu" "'l'1.""
Tt. . band, all of th.Vleht. into. d . .T", ..a... 01. v a .,,o,l
rooming an i Uornaliui th. id, i ti.. following d-r"bu ,,um
I ran I tilnl a-t tA - i . I IEIUII Y III Illtllll III I Ilw f". nn hlaiMt
I r -t " ... .. . .: "-
....... ...... iur.rm.1, at (iiiinoro. in Hi rou 10 in
UTlLnt J.'!S":.Z H IWU'le i,h M"r? - 'H.o. whirl.
rWoonor that d.'th.n.J tn.rV to ,7. , T' . """ l"rl,U,' A"
.how n.,,a, If any you har. whv an or" "'"''"V"" remr.ltr, .he Uird di.l he.
.1.. i.l ,. . ! H) If. M.I a.Kt .1.. .1. .. .1 a.t - - I
-- a ... . i.ia.irrv ami
to lilid rrllrf. Al
. , , ""B ' wrueiiu uiu minor in in rollowlng tlna,.
ClUol nlavarl a tka i... i I real bioiMvrt. In u.
kgt Sunda- lh-v,k.Tl m. Bl,t' """-'nthaZ M. Howell Im. "d ln't Kidney I'lll. and the
an OUOaajr. ltie -core being 10 to tloii Und ( lain. No. , u, T. 2 S K -J W re.ull were highly ti(a, t..ry In my
BID laTOr 01 Blooming. In Washington County. Oregon. d-rnlr.l
In V ashington County. Oregon, dewrnb'd ""
D tt-iL a hiiiow.. wit; Hfttnn ng at th k.. a.l. k- II I 1 i. i
B. V like, want in pnri a N. K. rnrnrof -iai..i v.. t iu u u." roriale bf all dealer! 1'rira
Tuetdar. to attend a tntwtin. i w,u- M,r- J.niuning then,- k u 50 oTita. Koeter-Milburn (i . Iluf
'a - a-g-, w. i t: iibi - rtaariiiaa w . . i !. a . .
r r i tta a .. . . - .-. i ani. ihhw i nrm autiai anania f.- il.
' - - - mriB iniHI IUI
th. Title Ae.oci.tion of Oregon, of AZ New Vork, ,ie age,
which be ia a member 10 ,be P'1""' o-aimitng, containing ai tnited Htala.
acre, mora or las. Un,mla.r tka .,...
n.n .t 1 i.u. rr.11 i. ai,, ia,i,,ni..o ii .i.. v .M i u, emeaif trie name-
Fatorda? evening Jr7l7 i w . fr0,l,1?- .- of a.T.. i
cBturuaj evening, J aj J 18. W. runnlnethenr N. d-gr. W., 33 oh
ker . orcbeeti . Tickets. 75 cent. L11'.16-s ,l"!Er"" w- ' : '-
Ice cream will be aervad nr, tK. fjl?
c. cream will be .eryed on th. .XXr. Tftnnf( D,.'
lawn near the hall, by the Women '"i ""' ; ihinf-. n 1 ftHSOr TrillCe
ol Woodcraft. 1?H I. CM-" " pbK of tglnnlng. con-
1 taimng 30 ' r B.rth of -aid tra.1. to-
In theiramanf hiu Kail QnJ . .
. uuuu.r ,
neiween iroreet Grov and
For Sale by The Delta Drug Store
i , J I ' . ,,uci 1 ""iii iouuiy, and ntat of Oregon on M,
has entered hi. b. c Zecho, Zolocb- dr . w.a t uk. w " .
Wavahinirtim (finite i-k.-. i i.
: " w; -. . u.rguu, inn n
bMrlrta rrmii th. aiiii.. ,.r..i.i .i....i. r
tluu ft majority of all rolm cmt wm
WMOinton i;iuHty, Orenon, No
Our Mt. Hood Beer
n , .. W,,K.,U, .,uw
fur. iiurMOHiil Ij. tl.a .n.i.i..... .r Ji...i ...
.... r. , ...FIS ,j, -1,.(1. in
14.ltli.Mn. .. 4.1.
... .. . . ..... .. ...".ii h n iiiioiaieii
wii aim niaiuwa or Oregon,
Notice I. hereby glren
That In aizty day. from the data .r ii.i.
notloe it will be unlawful for Uwk to run
Bit I Bt trfttM ti a.1,1 117...!.: a .
-grin, under penalty of ten dollar, for th 1905 SEASON AS TOf t owe.
flrit ofTenae and twenty dollar, for earn Jw x- 'ULLOWS
and eyerr .ubneooent oiranaa m i .. .
red frriiii the own.r in civil artkin In th f v
naite of the BUUt ot f iretfon l,r..ra . r.... LorncllUS. ( ir fn..l., ,...
of the Peace of the rWnT-t in whtah , , , ' """"
1 owner or krwirMir r. Aitl... r n V.rlmAl. .i A... tv
line or tlier-eaceor the Preolnct In which , J
m'iyrwiT.''rk'M,l,er,or6't,,er r t,",",' Vcrt,0rt: at Autota Hcrmcns'
on Monday eveniut'.
Has them all beaten when it comes to
purity of water, which comes from the
Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. Hood" no
purer water in the world!
Is a Hygienic Product
Call and see for yourselves. Constantly
on draught and in bottles. It is the wa
ter and the quality of the brew. Try it.
If you want a good smoke, we handle the
the finest smoke for the money that is
made in the "Oregon Country."
Try Our 'Grand Dad Whiskey!'
Pronounced by experts to be the finest of
blends. Come and see us when you are
iu the city We'll treat you right. Main
Street, across from the Farmers' Stables.
Olvan tliwlar n.w I.....1 ....l ...:. .
-i ii... . ; ' oinciai aeai,
im. (Seal) " ' w I " ' Pnv at U n lir.ii
!niintw tM.,i, ,.e v. waiKers'
J -a hi n UlllllirUIIl 1 .fill III IT I - a
A. Z. GRAGG, Prop.
crack Multnomah club boxer' b'r ke d., oUuuZl
hi. HAkl 1.. .....I ii ... I ..... f ....r, .....
i.ui "K "ear toe anile. WDlle I . . " . ; ' ' uu". I lerk.
derof J. W. (I.kmI... t.,.i. A
Birdlock. eh f! 7 V.Sn-ki.J ",,l'..(,.rt1.hi,:h order wa made ou
owned by Fred Cornelioe, of this j thor h. Toxat'K, jr
CUT. USB been enterivt tn nnmn-t- w"iey roruuar.iian.
J WWMlr-Wl
in thai eaiaa a. Ik. U... V . ! . . I ... ....
an lha hmai. All. U.l D . I nUIILB
, "i. d, owneo
bv VVm Mntlnlllan .... u:n.
V. . "IU8- A, i, -i,,, , ..... ...
wro. jap. Keevee. or nam hn r." . ""u was iii
Beulab, for the State Fair race..
Postmaster Corneliu. lUtee that
tor me rear endm Jnna ?s th u.
cal poetoffice wrote 781 more money
order, than for the preceding year.
These order, represent over 15000,
auu at ton ratio tne out going or
der, would repreaent over $50,000,
a. again.t $40,000 for 1907. The
increase in .tamp .ale. was over
10 per cent.
A. L 8cho field, of above Buxton.
near tne uic tunnel nn tha p r a.
N. road, was in town Monday.
iiuou m weea ago, mr. Hcnobeld
let bia bouse by fire, which otigi
nated from I defective stove pip.
The building wa. valued at $1,000.
and wa. totally destroyed, with no
insurance. Mr. Bchofield i. an old
settler, and bag been living in Bux
ion siDce Di. nouie wa. destroyed
Mr. Otto, of Bald Pfak, near
ianrei, wa. the .tar actor in a
runaway io this citv, Tuesday,
shortly after noon. His team b
came frightened at a bicycle, near
ue r. a. oc a . croesing, on Second
etreet, and ran up town, the wagon
colliding wun a poet at tbe south
east corner of the court varrt hi.k
J 1 " a- a w M
stopped tbe team. Outside of some
v . i i .
uruaen narness, no damage war
W. Q, Wharton, a carpenter
wuramg on toe new oarn on toe
Hcbieffelin ranch, near Centerville,
fell from tbe top of the building,
Monday, a distance of 16 feet,
breaking OHfl of tha hnna In kla
left foot, and otherwise bruising
himself In alighting, be na rrowly
missed a trap door leading to an
other floor. Had be gone through
this bpening, he would have fallen
another 16 feet, with what result it
i. bard to .ay. The injured man
live, at Carlton, and wa. attended
by Dr. Linklater,
pther containing an a.-r-. mor or l.. .....
Wltne.. tha II..11 I U7 11. II.. .... .. I nli.U VI I ass -v
" wau aUTJ I i--wt..v vvuiiu I no niaMfl III I Irai. I
Portland Blues, Olm.r Dranga, the S?'J l??rX.?l JllWsn ! American No.. 22R4R
- m tuuii ill irti aiiisi i ft 1 1 i w w
Largest Stallion in the
Washington Co. Stud
"J? o
One li.i.
I. lb, ,, h,
it.. ,:,?;'! ni
l.ll h.
I l.i.l. ... 'in
Nr. k.. " .,,l'lu.
Wr ll.a,.i
" ni'id Ihr
..i i.-i.
Il ,., " .,)
". H..,.,a Kt
n kimi. ni i .!.!. ! ' "in
" i etn.
he U.
that will
We Want
Wc arc prepared to serve y,. i any talai ily lu
No, we are not ptittiuK ou a dcaramc sale of
H shoes at J..S9 nor arc wc KiK , ,lf
Our prices on Kr.K-eric! arc riht. . vc tia,.
ecr showed. 3. Now, m rrgan to a uhon
you think wsgon, think liaiu.aud we save yXulni
4-Let us Ulk prut with you ou ,KKi, ,.UVL
row,, disc, ateel roller., Krdu drills, sp '
w.udmil 1, McCormuk mowers, tiu.Icri! m!j k "ft
have just meived our bimliuK twiuc.
Nor do you want to jay wore for rchmI.- than tky 8rc
wortb--jo you should buy where you can ,!o ,heV,, our I'riin il. ait IIia .ill.... r tl I a ...
"VM " "wicr iciiows , ami you u jll be
wu vi ii ceil,
Yours for a Deal,
Rowell Bros. & Co., Scltolls.
Joining' town of Reed
ville on the Northeust
Just laid off by the Shaw-Kcar Co., of
Portland, into 5.aCre tracts. 1-onucrly
kuowu as the Lystrup farm, ami is con
ceded by all who know the tract to 1
one of the richest pieces of land in the
Willamette Valley. or terms ami par
ticulars, apply to the
Shaw-Fear Company
243 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon
Administrator's Notice
Tuesday night.
Glencoe: Wednesday night
West Union: Mauey Farm
NOtil-A la tiArfchv (..... 11... .u. .. . I -
toh.UlVJ..,"P-. 1 hursdav n r1,t
the Btate of Oregon, for Waahliigton Tf.-li i T, . ,
t-ounty, duly appointed admlnini atraUir Hillsboro: I'ridav. Satlinlltr
of the e-Ute of Vetal iMn.Ino, der-wt-ed, nnf1 C,1 l' f)alUrUay,
wd all peraon. having olalin. .gal,,.,' ana Minday, Redmond &
aid eatat are hereby notified to i"eaant Cotini11'a TIL..
n "ill UM,
Terms: $ic; 2n: In
Care to prevent, but will not
an pe-mon naving claim, aval mil
aid -.tale are hereby notified to prevent
roHldence K. if. 1). No. I, NlmrwiKnf,
ll.ll l......n i...
".wwiuii.1.1, M, I, Viit Wilt H)
A,im ''MtNo, I be responsible for accifltM,,
CI tiling d3Cv)Mml.
w . Barrett and Benton Bowman,
Puardian.hip Notice of Final Settlement
Notice la hnralir !.. u... n..
.. '" ...a. vun iiiiunr-
?r . 1 the pernon and eatate
ofjohii i() .Match, Malr llretlmrton, for.
E'1'"' f11"'', harletoii V. Hatch,
ui.i. 7i ; . " . our. oi mo
ai l ti i 1 1 wanington Oounty,
Oun.d n.
The Hillsboro Shire Co
W. F. Huffman. Groom
Ii T. M. ItCRB
I Are You
II Ifyou'are 1
I farm, or a
lir i -
I wewoot
III you have
ty to put on
We buy and
Wanting a Home?
oolting for a home, cither a
residence in town, call on the
Realty Company
a farm to sell, or city proper
the market, list it with us.
sell Timber Lands. Also
Specialty of Business Chances.
Indwpendwnt PI,... ion
N'.t(.,,l'Klnal 8ltlmilallt
' waas- STT-.
Notice to Credltora
"u wiit Mia court by an order mad arid
dumii rM I laii j ii rtai t rta im I. iimhi i i
umwl tbeiwun house at Hllltiboro, Wan
"KMinvo inty, Oregon, aa tha tilarw. and
ulr at ten o'clock a. in. a the
time for the hearing of objection, to aaid
of .aid eatate and the cloHlng of the aam'e
Dated tbli 20th day of June. A. 0. 1H08.
ob.,, Ii T' HATCH, Guardian.
F. F. Freeman 4 , B. Tongue, Attyi.
NoUceM,re,,y Hk ,,, & Wj3S2 &
Auu,,. V V;"'
Adniii.lHtrator .! Ad.,'.n.'".Krl,'"y'
Pllvel.ofthiMLaf.u. 'n T'!1'
'nr, deceased. w "' "''-'"'da- Krl-
W.H. t.Attorne(ltllU)
uiontu, from the data Kf'
Baiflav A u... ...
tlon-r, ' " ' orneyt for P.ti-
May 16, IfcOS,
Seara & liar tfUftiP'
Third St., bet. Washington
and Main
Hiusitoko :: " OrMON
Ominrul AuIoiiiiiIiIIh Miiilrln4. A'd''1"0
blleKiiuille of all klml. Ain'
for Interna rloiinl Enlii
bu.r In ue.