The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 16, 1908, Image 1

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    i i
NO. 1
buys sim IIIB
41 '
AreCupl'cJ Shcrlir Han.
click i lllllhburo. Monday
Ctattibt Ctuita saj
Ibciu U Capitol I'm
HundtV morning et aluml 3 o'clock,
hart end buggy tl,,"u frulli
the Urn of A I.. Brown, of Haleiu.
Ule Humlty tiht, t boy l,riv
in drk eorrel mere attached tu
t ruhUr tir buggy , sloppd at the
hum of Paul Heck, nf lUley.
and ak-d to "'"y "'k''1- Tl'
neil morning. Mr. Beck iiuewliouiHl
tbe boy, l "Id " '",r"
buggy belong! to ltiir father, in
Independence, ami tiitl lby were
going lo Portland to viait tu tunt.
After breakfast, they bitched up Lf HilWde, wert In tbe city, lest
end started toward Hillalwro, when Hundey.
Mr J. Dietrich, of Laurel. wt
in towu Monday,
Mr. Itiuiffner, of near Helvetia,
wm in town HalurJay.
I.yton l.indeey. of Hoitlh Tuela
tin, waa in town Haturday.
Claud K. Kmilh, of Kuront Grove,
vihiUhI reltliVMiio thecity Moiuity.
T. U. rnrkinw, the well known
Ituitou merchant, wti tu Argui
caller, Haturday.
Cell on or uhone to DmiuiH (or
grK'.eria. A complete aud up to
date linn tlwtyi ou hand.
( Irwin Hale tnd wife, of Port
land, are camping out ou their
farm, ltween Hillsboro and Cor
nelius, for t few weeks.
W. N, llerrett, wife, and loot,
Ira tnd Joho, spent t oouple of
dam tt the lach tt Seaside, hat
week, returning home Mondty.
Dairy farm
Clerkship Contest Case Will
Come Before McBride July 20
Plica Mellta U
aith tbc
Late Thursday afternoon, E. L
McCormick, through bit attorney
H. T; Bagley, filed an amended
complaint In the McCormick-Bailey
couteat for theclerkahip. The com
plaint alleges tbtt irregularities
Mr committed or clerks and
for.ale:-OnaccouDt Judge, ol election in several pre
of death In family, I will tell my cinct. In Beaverton, '4 or more
farm of 11') aero at K5 er acre, ballots had dlatinguiehing marki,
C. Jajer, Koreet Grove, Or. l' 1 initial and character! thereon.
Phillip Snyder, of 3 miles aouth which were placed there for the
of Corneliut, Richard Kaycraft, of DUri)0Bfl 0f identiQottion;" in Bea-
east oi numooro, ami n. mu., erj,m 8 or m0re votee were un-
d-rcnrd. etc:" in Burton, "10
! r.ui inr luilev had thereon
Mr. Beck, laming auepitw, m fulton f Portland, a lb. ordl!. ..Rom,." "voted for;"
.boo! U) Miri iiamtK a .. . hoy, and one oi in f:ilumb:. gmVoo. North Hilla-
,d ptrti m tornrliiianoiily nun Lh9 1nflt(l co!lm footracera in Umo Houth HilUWo, South Tut-
in t ""7 Drenon. ainrnt Sunday wito i not. u,n. wHhinirton and Wett Ueuar,
Hailev. in thia city. irrreularitiea are also charged
i . . ...
u i .i. r iUm It. I i'laintiff aaka tbal tne mauer oe
Mperiaienl In tlie w h- nrougu. w
to ine I uiy, ut uvo ui m in.uu.MB
Try John Dennis' for shoes. 10 !)
John Yost, of near Phillips, was
n town Tuesday.
Chae. llolcomh, of Vet Union,
was in town Monday.
Herman Prahl.of north of Hills-
boro, was in town Monday.
Tents, camp stool, hammocks,
canvass cou, etc , at Patterson's.
John Kamna. of Farmiogton,
was a county seat visitor Saturday
John Sieeenthaler. of Buxton,
wti in town Saturday, and called
Born, to the wife of J. Schaefer,
of Linton, Ore., July 9, IMS, a son
Mrs. Angelina Catching6,of Port
land, ia visiting her daughter, Mm
Richard Baldra.
VnT irentlemen's. ladies' and
children's bone you can do no bt
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
J. T. Young and family left
Tuesday for Netarte, where they
will remain until
Kacs Meet at Hillsboro
July M and August 1
CbaDDtlle lets Some Fine Goera ta da
Preparatory work Here
See Our Full Assortment
(.liotjui cuum
through that place. JvpcHvlug a
t.bone Ibat tbe Iwya had paa.l
' . .. t ii - wk..iir
through uirniivi, itjuhj t
Uie tut ti uik
A. P
ooroer of First and Uaaeltn aireeu . .-" " lh- jtti, torm 0f Circuit Court.
Imtut .... j. -- . . . . ,ttn.n... Toneae
custody. Su.plc.onlng maiius .."a Tonaue. and Basley & Hare, J. W.
were the ptrtie wanwu in Baitaf on Friday last, filed a mo-
TF i I 1 I rM I . . a
rniy. y "",r,", l'. ,J Uon to quash tbe notice oi conn
weight KM); gentle, nn ,h(. fio-in- Br0unda: "Fi
Salem, the Snentl pmne.i t For sale: rniy. oy i-ovnace, o . 0(lUtlgh the n0ice of contest,
crlmion of th rig and horae to tM 0jj; WHRbt 10W; gentle, on (h(l fon0-iD grounds: "First
Salem ofliniaU, who replie-1 ilt well-broke, and gocnl traveller. htt aid prelended Notice of Con
they would come lor in" Will male io i nnunim, u.j wm not served, tnd
oulnt. ine wiya gavo wru 1)foIe.
i , i ii . i... i id i
at Ulinoru iar uu
rd, and claiuii Ui from In
dependence. A.ked if lby ld
,tr been in in iimorm rH..i.
they indigtianlly denied the charge,
and even wept cwpioiily. A a hour
later, they were chaning each nthi-r
around the jail in high gl.
gave bit age aa 13, and Hillitrd 10.
Uaar claimed to be a greu louu
Geo. DeRord. of Indepeudence, and
rm.rl. nf Hillethiro Aked why
they ttole the ouiUt, thy replied
that they wantd ti vieil tbmr
tuuU, who live in Portland
Tueedty, OontUbl Ira Hamil
ton, of Salem, and A W. Myern, of
t.. nrrived in town
Myera look tbe horae and bugay
home, while tbe constable took M
boys on the train. Hamilton alaU
that both iKiyt livein McMtnnvilla.
tnd that tlaar waa not long not
in the Reform School, netr Salem,
hut waa let out on parole.
waa not
Frank Weiaenback, Witch U. witnin lbe 30 days following
I. D. Chappelle, who has the old
fair grounds leased, and who bae
some good track hones, has sue
ceeded in eettinir a number of
horee owners to bring their animals
out to Hillsboro to work out for the
several track meets which will oc
cur in this state, later on.
Tbe object of the meet, like that
sometime in wbicb wag held by 8. S. Bailey at
Albany laBt week, is to "tune up"
Soeoial discount of 15 percent .t,e trottiotz and pacing talent
on screen doors and adjustable wid- i hich win make the j0und9 0f the
dow screens, for short time only, at NorthwMtern racing circuit this
raiierons. n.
. m rail. mr. nappeuo Br
Wm. Baelev. of North Ilaine, ,.,tt;n v. f.nm on in horses
was in town Saturday. He has 90 entered jQ the8e tryout events, and
acres in bops this year, which be . , . tne BtableB in
says are looking good. Oreeon will be represented, in
- 1 o
Bmokert like the Schiller and the eluding nags from Salem. Albany,
v.m. u.nnU Thw c Mrs are 01 KoiMibure. ine wanes, mcaiiuuyii.o,
r - 1 . . a i-wii 1 A
.1.. Vnn cn't fool an I'ortland and uiubdoio. aoiuhr
authority on a good cigar. the talent that will appear at the
i , nuieooru nieci win w wo
uainoroia marc icinnu, "
a. mile at Albany last
week in 2:0"i, and one of the dan
M K. Banham has
..... . . 1 1 1 : k;u
UiUBDoro uom Laurei, mu uu..- . ,
ing anew houBeat the corner 01
gerous conteetants in the 2:05 pace
in the meet to oe neia in Sep
"College Maid"tbe famons"guide-
lees mare," with a record 01 z:ui,
will cive an exhibition at tbe fair
Catherine Hiatt, of North Grounda on Jmiroi, ,10 ..n umu
Fifth and Jackson streetB.
Var sale. cheap: Eighteen small
.i, H nn We school desks, all in
good condition. Address C. E
Hedw, Cleik School Diet. 48, Bea-
verton, Uregon.
Sending Child Tor Druga ,
ia petfectly'iafe if yon direct it to tbia.
Pharmacy. Yon will be' just aa inre of
good service as lf you came in person.
We treat everybody alike. We cannot
do otherwise, because we handle
Only On Hind of Drugs
That is the best and pnreat we can get.
So no matter whether you come yourself
or send a child, you are always sure of
obtaining the very beat drug service,
which ia the'only kind worth having.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
. . 1 t 1 i s - : 1 11 m 1 aa
llaiei, ure. ' - the date of election, as preecnueu ur..u wm J.nnette. bo. wbic
.. ... i v. r r-.u. Mill. k U.! R,oond. that said pretended l" v m...' n.i ... nf neriance on this Coast
IT, Ira ... in filed in' the above antitled - ' l r F. C Erwin.of.the Kuste, &
"J u.h.. .ndealled. He has cbuhs. on the Oth day of July, " mnt'hB. .nd Mr. Erwin Horse Co., of Laramie, Wy
. ' . -..w nnm. hiB iwk doa not state facts Buffioient V v. 1- omine. will train a Btring of
f ,0,c! .MLwT." uIO. . v. the above entitled Court Jaclueiw . .. , horses on the Chappelle track
nam, wuii un - -e. ,: , .-,. nniit nor of "hrn!o" the housekeeper's ineno. T!,. .,nAta tn arrive anv
Murray . place, insoarnwu. ""TX:: ir M..inff and noliab nK jewelry, 5 v " hZnAr dnllnea will ha
1 tne ueieoii wi u. uo.omw"m. . D . , iu.t.
uv I ,1 -I 1 .11 nil 11 olnHlll. . , 3. 4
40GU feet.
C. L Hinman, of Forest Grove,
has bought the S. G. Hughee Hard-
bu"inM8 ,B W,'?.: m. 1 .ill tell at Pharmacy to meet d o a ru-. . - 7' ".hMtof y fitker. who livad
in a Duemeea w.7. -rT", . n..nJ milM west of
nVlnok a. m
herdwtre. orwuv...-, -
.. auarji, uu
The Southern I'acino uoropauy SAXURDAY, JULY 18. 1W
I.IKl . ...
,.;u nd caUuii tot. h win
V "I . . K. I.J" V .. -.." .
to Ity a new waca yra, Wright liOolus, eacu.mnre.uu
irold. silver, and all metals, glass
nA e-laaawars. Will not scratch
9R Mnii a box at the Hillsboro
for 15
years near Greenville, has sold bis
" a Ml aA T a no
ranch, ana win go up
County to look around
hung up to be divided into purses,
for the winners of tbe eeverai races
enheduled to take place on tbe
above dates.
Advertised Letters
to Lane
He will
hning the rotdside between I ort- .o.wit.
nd tnd Hillsboro witn netvy - . . , eiKnt
jco lbs. each, team o( mares, 3 ana a
u AWii tp Amilt. Hueo Anton, Albert
return'in time. to the best county kffiSJ:
a. I .a4 a tf-.Afjr 1 1 nn. I - " - ,
Itolbev. A II Kuierson, a l-ronnmayer,
Mrs Oeuir. J Hoover, Mrs O bhepar
in tbe state, as they all do
T. C. Wtdsworth, cashier of the
American Type
pany. Portland,
Capital Stock, $25,000.
Surplus & Undivided Profits,
$ 10,000
A conservative bank does
not speculate. Stockhold
ers and directors are sub
stantial citizens.
Directors and stockholders
Founders' Com
tnd wife, were
n( ilia (lrAonn
VVashiOBtoo counvy, i " row, a sm
L'-..- l?-lif Aaaocitt on of McMlon- .imm cultivator
Dr. A. U. Bttley rprta the follow
ing .ccldenU, In bi praoi
Hoy Schulnierich.soii of Kd. SiUiui
mericb, fell from a cherry tree,
Thursday afternoon, in lhi ;lty
usttining a fracture of the right
mi. , , .. .
t..... L'i.Uri nrk urn on w"
nkn I'm.nHll tilace. nor
town, fell from a b.rn
r"' ' 4h d amiUt prltf
receiving m iu
other bruieee on the body.
Jos. Meier, who live, near New-
nn iuirtimd frOIll a load Ol Dy.
last Saturday, breaking
tw. In th. left lt'ff.
Wilk lb; new equipment, the West- y, Kl.M, u f Dr. J. E. Adkins.the lore
eida branch will be one oi .uo ' ;".oM beifer., 4 head yearling heifers, p.rt 0f the week. Mr. wadsworin
roads in the .late. null, a ym; full wochi noisuen - . wife ,nd w. F. Adams anu
W. P. Dyk. i. the agent M'
keiootn narrows, t i-iu piw., iuK
cultivator, Bam wagon - t H..ftK.nAr aired It vearB,
. .. . im w iaua up mvm 1 n r
II asitll f.BV Tim fcW iuomiv uiii ... j
IT." ." "nth. Great Mutual Wy
J""'":.' nffl,- Corner 2nd
1 .11111 iisaii i - ucw. a - .
Washington .treets, Hillsboro, Or. i, harness. 1 set new, aset. s .oveis , w f teUnuB appear-
:!?'"lnt ohone 337. 17-20 chams. hoes, mkej. . trgat ..all heboid nto 0 , death
n'"rr""" r fiirn lure, anu omer nitic '"o , . u 1 1 , w nl1Mi
u L' . to mention. . The funeral and burial took place
;.w, i (XII acres in Washington Terms of Sale: All sums under Tuesday, at the Cornelius oemetery
l" TI lnenl od The lio nash. On Bums over one
U5 UkSIWoV,1" of near Cornelius, died last Sunday
i a set heivy work harness, nearly 0f tetanus. About two weeks pre
K new llitbt double harness, a set viou iQ nig death, he ran a sliver
lng on the LndB, time at 8 per cent, interest
onheast of Argut is MJM J I dmSnjB. J ml noleg. On sums over "'J1
J Tra tor vL U uW. of PorUand. .-ojper cent, off for caeh.
it Saturday, " "' Th Dr0perty em- Free lunch at noon. 0T01 'ions
a Biiiau
The projerty
iim innriHiiii iaiw
Evill and th. Spring Hill
Itnch ne.rGt.ton,the latter con
tatning C40 acres.
Columbia county, tne
... Aunt no- tne iwi
On ltat Sunday, while In Umber met , w j;"5iB fc. At- IIor86 baling is again becoming - M. M. "uftSI
mingtn Dairy Cr-k.Fr.ok 1 ur - j brief- JSmon in this county. On th. MUm Everett, a former Hillsboro businees at the court home, Tues
A. V. Uaker, uwner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Geo. F. Naylor, Clerk.
The Catholic Educational Abbo-
ho d its second annual
the West Side High
Portland, on July 21, 22,
23, 24, 1908. A splendid program
has been prepared
. Mr Rrhriher. Rev H A Schwichten h W Srhlottmann. Wm Salzwedel,
. . T 1 -.1 Dnkl
A Stoller, vvune, jonn, jecuu ouu
twwi Wm B ThoniDSon. lieni i
Tucker, J E Tobey, A M Harrington. H
HolbrooK, jas naves, amy " ."i "
Warpel, J no Wheeler, Bernard Wunder
lich J M White, Miss M Watson, Ralph
ami Dorothy Wilcox.C Hendrickson pkg,
Knh Hewitt. m nenunins, m'
thorne, B H Howard, Winford Hall, M
I) Jones, Jas Kraig, Mrs Aiom umu, a
Ml i..n Wm Uvfield. Mrs Ola lender,
Mrs Daisy A Myers, Mtoel Mcrnersou,
Jos Moravee, Mr Pielow, Mrs P H Pier-
son, Anton Pagel, Helen rowers rreu
Parsons, Mr Pauley, L C Rogers, Win A
Rader, Bertha Ream.
B. jr. vorueiius, 1 . u.
HillslxmJ, Oregon.
For Sale or Rent
The Hillsboro Flouring Mill; ca-
nacitv. 70 barrelB; has a large Btor-
and Catholic in nunanitv. Also, the HillBboro
people from all over tbe state will Warehouse, capacity, 200,000 bush
be in attendance. Many of the i8. will be Bold separate, or to-
best educators of the state win vate gelner. Apply w
part in the work of the session, j0hn Milne, Hillsboro. lb ii
-hinh nromises to be of unusual . , ,
" r xt ,r m-j nf wait 1 mnn. niu
ton, .ho is wontiig ou , X. :. and a etubborn fight nth inst , a blaot mar. oewng u d igtf but now 0i Mar8nueu,
611 south of uorowiue, . " There wae no aerious to NftUne Garbanno, a ceaverwu CoQg county waB ln town iaej
his right ahouiuer.
W. A. Brown, of near i.aurei,
1 tiritt: ..u hii
jasper '"' ""':, .11W0 r r .k.,-will
llallKB, w" u ,
working near
,JU"!f;. ,K. tax in this county, Lrdener. mysteriously diBappeared, k the nwt o! his aiBter and traD8aoted buBiness in Hillsboro
Zn ?Pr,.l .1 lbs a substantial re- arjd a day later, John Johnson, 01 brothe.t Mr9. j0hn M. Brown and TueBday
U1.W mati.
1 inia iiiiiiiiLi, ut ta 1 .rawHBi . iirnu bb vavwvw-
Tuesday, suiraring from an n c- daoton A,8eBsor Both case, were reported to SheriB w by hl
I . a . : . nnlloAAV. I . . n
linn nf the riizhi hand
poisoning. He i Hating
lli I Dealers in Pure Drugs 1 1 . !
I and Medicines . '
We also carry a complete , ,
line of fine sundries. I. 'j
If we do not have what ',
you want in stock, we will . t
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed , (j r
publishers' agents, we are "i ' '
now prepared to supply all ; j.
your wants in the School ij
Book line. , ; v
We also have a full line I J1 ,
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. I ,ll
School Books will be sold for I K !'
Cash Only. Positively no Credit. .
1 I
. 17. '. I
the Argus.
thia nnuntv. CI., nreek. lost biaoK mtre. ...-u vvett. He was accom-1 . . ti. ouo.;.t.n itrno.
, . a, : ... .., Mnesi niu. wo uuoi" --t i . . . . .
KiBt.wa8in town the forepart of John Bi ter, ot tiemiia, was iu
r. i namnta Mr. I tnvn Tnaedav.
. 1 ! vuiu. . ,nn w8I. VIBlvlUK U10V-I ' ""
beenacustomof rtaio unaiacuv . Preeident 0I .e8 Mr8 Ulrich Haas. Wm. Kakritz. a Portland Block
ered persona w i mtrmaoeuuuai amwwwwi
The nodereigned will sell at pul
.. . ii. ..,..,! near M
auouon a viin..v.,
Z. T on timber, by,
Wilcox, as heretofore published
i ucuu m v"D" w T ii
,:u their ered pereonB to take horseB ana pha.maoeuUoal
" .--i. .1.1a lham riurioir the nigni to near ...
flnd . WIS?: PnTtland: and then turn them loose, rv J
. Bl T i-U'.llllllDi i w ' i -
- ilia in nnr vhiu i . i ai.;M hnma. kh imnb i . . i
yz:: Mt:T or town, but
.. . iki nninru nu i , ik. Mimii
ahould p.aoe h.
I . . . m I- 1 U
. i i n I la tneir oicu - iu.iu- ..,,i ,,T ..i nn i n nvi it trim hnvnr wan in lowu iuwuii, iw-
tionna wiBniua - , I , ,v,m Hiirino t ha nisrni 10 near I Aa:nn an hnnnr wormuv W aniea. ow uuu m" ---i , - i
- . a ..OH H LI II', ft I . .v.w " . 1 I .1
7" " a-A l.rire
farms will aiweya um-
a J. Rav hoo yaras a neewviuw ing ior muMUft. Bvr
and Witch Hazel, Ore. Pickers Emil Zin0t who U9ed to farm the
. 1 '.lo.;k ,, on be or. -J. fnMnd. V"'
old; bay
, neatly new
horee. 1050
. j 1 .i. , iv uriivriiu
cowa; 1 iiiciibw""1 " n, .
amen cnicac m, 1 - - .,ltrow
cross-cut taw, 1,0B .".L mtl, new
garden toolt, k- - , a Iockg
uillK. tCHU-r, wii -i
chairs, ... .,, ma under
. ijj nf the winning the game in me iu'
nd ridden it out 0f the winning g g Qn
: i' iiiciinwi'MK .UI1 1 - , if.a niiTnhasinir. "D . .. Han. 1 ammu. iov
double harm-am set 5 0ur Btoca goholls; P. 0. nlng after Dis escape. ouT'"r;f Uvor 0f North Yamhill. On laBt nUi
WVV.r cook h bent out deBcript "
MrnrZ Portland to.
. 1!.CUB u .la .lr from
Tms of SaleAU Buins unde jaaun. - now
$10, cash In. band; wra. with the Oregon iec"
kt 0 months', at o p" - - that win not mate
... ...nFnvnd security.
M, w.a -HP-Alber.B( 0wner.
B P. CorneliuB, Auctioneer.
Kdmond Cornelius, Clerk.
Faun lor Sale
LX ! ?J.r Portland; was in the city
UU. m.v tokn one ol th. una. -? In.' W, B. Prtewon. Tuesday.
the winning u. - rtl 1aot Wm. Harmes. n . -j ;f fna,M.
VJU CVU1UJ .""-l ' , ' I W Ul. DOUUHii uu - --
rMintaindnle farmer, was haul-l,: .nj ,na nhanmans. of Gales
inn hay, when one of the single cu' 8tart thj8 week, for Netarte
score being 4 to 3 in I trees broke, causing .ne and Tillamook, lor an ouung.
Yamhill. On last lurch forward, wn vne nem v . ia:Fifteen head of 10
Blues, acore 8 to 6. i wo oi oe ,en Bailev was can- ro-Cornelius bridge. W. H Tay-
Colbest players were attending wrist. Dr. F.J A. Ba ley waa cau , , ,1548
a . nnn a. I I1HCFI1I1 1 ATI in t T. I tt TI 1 1 Llin 1 Li 1U11U.I I
autauqua erU.T Wm v TTnnriRtetler. of Holiuee
City, Whicn weaaeu0u - , Dan MlU'i camp, uuu,p. Rnd . and their
We greatly missecl tne pawonag jr
faces of our customera last year, ow v
the fact that our yam waa iiiu in ui r
we could not attend to them, but v f
pleased to state that a great num!
them are returning thia year, anc h
we are eqnipped to supply tery j
low piicea; .Price on rougn lunoei
6.oo tof9.ooper thousand in yard j
cut any specials, not exceeding 3 h,
length, for $9 00 per M; or lengths . j;
tn it trr. tro.oo: ixd Sheetine,
' T . I, . - il J- .. thm
n..i- Judae Goodin states that . Jff ln near hy countie. are on
u u co 'tin about $120 per yard ,he i00kout for the animaw.
Notice t. Contractors
ii a tf A IT tAama
e m Sealed bids will be received nntil aao p. xbout $3,000 haB been raised to nouj w bwu 'd ther, 0. A. Crow, andwite,
dPr0, m. of the 6th day of Augwat, 1908, by dvertige the oounty at the8alem rac ion eng n .B"BS"a;gged e the gueata of the former's broth
he can & Couuty Court .of' 04. $ Yukon-AlaBka Fair, and P in-law. C. Blaser, ot this,, city.
" " i.i- nf nnnntv roaas
Aiaaui tiiia v r . . . . . . ir..hinnian Louniv. ' . . m l.
wv ih.i nn 1 ftu ii.b rniiiiiv luuii vi im.; . u . vnknn.A hti p nr. .uu iu.vv ,J .
WWUfi ' .. "" ar cubic, Oregon, and tlnopea town , TUeBaay, ' g" hBteUlet h a Boa-nd
Rt. 5OD8 it will not g ? "I"' hr'faof rB:. Purdy. '"j havinn the matter in charge the Fore. urov. --- - T" ohter livinl. in thiB C00oty, to
'"'".TVamaio thorough- ""Vris'tonT Oregon. . t that the whole amount Is Oregon J"ir Mrs. Jsbb Mays, of Glencoe,
; . i th week uu - Diu..." - .
I Deiwcrou ljna a their bid a ceitinea cnec.
nty and the Multnomah me, ,a et'ure RUlount of 8Ueh bid
gh, $6. 00 .to 7-oo p tho
,We are also stocking tne yaru 1
clear to season, and tbia fall, will t
pared to fprnish strictly No. I ad. , .
IOr Uuliumg imwv. n
able rate.. Webave juat goi u ,
road extended to the JNO. I xirauei
will enable us to .lurnisu .imw. ,
house material, but we especially ;l,
barn orders. We also nave on um -5000
or more tias, 6x8-8, which art t
in every respect, but culled pfl a ;t
of wain edges: Jbeae will wajte 1
lent fence posts, and,, we will sell
for ioc each on tne jfflru
Union Logging & ym1
'. 1, No.?, Box an
w F nA; and htn
nd if tbii""?:V Mn..
lg Until in- -- ;- - - near "- -.
fare between iu- ".fc Una. a tii bid a certified check for 5 per ceu.. ainnft fnr the will locate
. i.nv farm, containing 25 mil-, Will particular, inquire of the aboy.
"lBn." 1 n acreB under plow,,-, The average num- Co-unty j,,,, Alaska
JO hjuivo, . .i-Q-rt i WPV-- , ,1 nn a.
a uituwi 'Mi varilH uwu
uoi v" f. .
. LaSil UtlL
UiWlofFmingwn. Fori
44.6m HlU8boro' 0re
mile is I
1 3 i 1 f.i air an iiifui
BvoyrderoftheCotyConm. wymHto
J. W. UWlini I m. . ..!. tka anuartlHlnff matt
County juugc
Argua and Oregonian, $2.25.
: - . . . j
. j... ,tiQ. 1 tinnn in reirara wj
ThissemeB tne laaverue.uB i. -,nw.Bn(i of the
for this county; and gooa reBui J"-' "
are expected to reBult. thia year.
" ""YOT"' ""r . " w w Hr-,Wtler. of Reed
aomewnere oeiwweu u ... . rr:--": iAooai
The mov- tne. i ne vieivore m i
nrnonn. nut win Boena iur
in th "Ruftkeve state." The
. .. .. .I .nVnnmiadmia nleaaant call
the DUUUing O Aigu. g - r-- .,,
. n. .1 I l-nm 1V1 MHHrH IlllLUaiDl.iVt . ,
Crow. - '
PortUnd, C
Clearance tale of all men b, ti
and' ladiea' auiti. Will b.
actual cost, and all broken ,
carried in tb immena stock ; ;.
General - Mercbandiae Eioi.t
Rchnlmerich Bw. . Com. ,
. , and get your choio.."
lDot to exceed iw '