if"- - lm i JnllLL I vol- xv. HILLSBORO, OREGON. JULY 9. 1908. NO. 17 a RBilllTTII TRACT INVADED UN SUNDAY 0. 1 CiitrctorH HiiilJ Htm d llutaiuli DbpiiteU Territory 0y KUtklVIH A HKOkISS AKU U.i.R CeeetU sad l'ff' '' Itl.td le tit" SuttJil J. H. Humphreys, of Biiitno. was in tho city Sunday. H T. UAr, of Hillsdale. ii,ut llin Fourth in Ifilliiliiiro Mm, John WilbycoiiiU.of Hoiitb Tualatin, was iu town Tuesday. H. K. McKluney iu out from Portland Holiday, visiting relative. N 1'. Nelson and Louis Holt, of Button, wiir Argus callers last Friday. Kalpb Williams, of lUiuier, vit ited relatives iu the city, tbe last of HE E1V AND COUNTY OFFICIALS I.d.I.uce Will be Deputy, for Clerk J. W. Bailey SEW FACES IN TUB CUIKT HOUSE Wsrd Utwse Gcli Firm Place Under Sberlfl Bnctk i Mi HuiuUy, C. J. Miilr, manager .. it,, riiimiiuclitin work on the f M- - - Utt-H"" KUrtrle line between Gar Jmi Hume d Hillsboro, a-wmii bled 11)0 Greek laborer end Mor n)..re lriw, ami '""M" ' '" ul taf rail through lb Ke,uiltii tract near Beaverlon Mr, lluae Keghllt placed ttrlf agatnnt lbs r.ti.v and when the fireman nmked olT th lop f'l "''I' ledge hatum', mm rUiiu her .rit. broken. With Itt-r were Iti father ftinl husband, ami fur lime, it looked as though eriom trouble wuuM result. I'eace was unp irerily restored, end the work uiu continued, unlit just brfnre tb srrivel of Miertlf Coutiell and futty Ken, who when they e' lifttl. fouyd the Invading peily ofl Ibe lUghilUi premise, end, alter waiting until ' P io . returned to HtlUlxiru, not being eld to tusks my arrest. A twn as the oflicer e U-lt, however, the conelrurtioii gaiiK rwtiruMl work, and fully completed tbe rot ovrr th premie (it)' til Mtiftgr Tkllxitl mil otliH otlicuW rn on lh grouotl in the flernono. Tht KfKhiUtm luv uit tit rircuil witiit f.r i!ihkw, ml U Oregon Kl lrlc jieopleiUo h A ttlil for (' llldf UMlillUII of riiht of wf At "iUHiir to lh tlTnir on HumUy, lUviil lUghllto ewure out cou iiUmt MooJty, llur Die trtPl Attorney K. H Tongue, rhimititf J. 1;. Mi.ler with imritm dowu ft feme not hie own, m lilml iof.irtutttou ititkitiei 11 tiriwk for trwe. th nutter ritueup In-fore Jtnlg" liinnliu on MonJty. K. B. Tongue ttJipKiretl for tu iUm, ml lUrrieou Allen fur ilefendnite. Mr- Miller wee IkiuiuI over t lh circuit court in lb uui of .fjixi, mil the (irek were releeel on the proniiee of the ofliciile of the Oregon Kleotrie to refratu from treepneeing on the Kegbitto jirerniiM" until ifter the reee now (lending for oonileuirulion of right of wy, ehll liv bn elllel iu rourl. 1 HAIL MAKES .sUKh tiSCAPB (be week. Miee Ketrellt Ford, of Portland, J, W. Bailey took charge. wm ib.gueet of Mr.. J. W. Con- Clerk., offl(MJ Mondty , lion, uoi nit ruuriu. Call on or pboue to Deo nil for groferiea. A complete and up to date line alwayi on baud. W. M. Curtii, of Reedville, wa in towu Friday. Mr. Curtia ex of the morning, Kd. Luce, one of the most popular young men in Hillehoro, will be bis deputy. Mr. Bailey ha made no miitake iu ibe selection of hit dep. uty. Mr. Luce has been employed BUSY SESSION Or THE COUNTY BOARD Large Number of Election Claims Audited iwh to move to l.enta, iu Ibe near "J " future. title work, and that firm ii lorry ftmnkftp. lik.iK.kill.r.mi ih. l ! bim. Mr. Bailey took hold Kioelleocia. Tbeee cigart art of of hm dutiea Monday, like an oia A . on the old J. C. Moore i cruickshank, the heel etock. Vou can't fool an timer, and we predict that he will farnl, near Greenville, July C, 190$, Ward Down. authority on a good olgar. gjv, tne jple of Washington a daughter. Eto'n Howard Baird, of thia city, and County a njuare aod impartial ad- Harry J. Veach, of Veach Bros. A M Collins, janitor Clareure Hoyt, of Foreat Grove, Ll0iHtratioa. He ha Iwth the paintere, left yeete.day, for Sheri- 'r'ZZ'.'.Z I J.. lr .Atvtinn hin nlfl nnTtlfl I .. t I .1 dan. Wyoming, hit r " where be will remain. "I""1 lK,rV"n 01 in" rB" y " ahilitv and inclination to do it n ... I ' ' " - . n. r Mnwlr ImaKn hia illiliMI " I ... . Wairv larm lor eaie: on aoooum .., rr Mnndav. witb Wara w. rv. Livue anu J'oren i biuib w. I Hutnrr. aal ami exp of death in famllr. I will tell my H,,-n rhif denutv. This was teer whipped Wolf creek, above j w c.oodin, aal ami exp. . ... ' . .m I w I " a 1 ) ii. ...V Si. t tt-jlmncfv i r u .i iip anta i . iif... i : mi ,.u . u...iAit 'I'lioai a atnn mi mh unrm i ntiMiuiii; w. vt . .... .". . ..i -i I. .t-i .t.-rai k i i. v acquainted WHO me UUlies 01 me CRICU oi imuuuj Al.iert Hemsen. ror witness oflice. and has proveu a good man M M..it. Kims and daueb- lohn Caldwell, cor witness . i . for all kinJa of wort io tne ouice, , Red Qak, Iowa, have buen under Sheriff Jno. w. Connell. -iniHno fnr aome time with Mrs. 8. Other deputies have not yet been paiBiVf 0f Banks, who is a niece of selected uy me incoming numiu jjr8 ftmti k. 1 1 . 1 . . V ... V.1,l nf m An-l At the Campbell Greenhouse: iaf that he will make a first class Asters, paneiee. dahlia roots, rose. ...... . i viUlVieaa. av a I , . .1 k .t,on-ue HiltelKiro buiinew, when- cn, made a good oflicer, and .P1"?' ."L " ever i.rarlirahle. ibe Araus desires to thank him ud vu. ,V i ii. ..!.:, Ihia diiiiuties. Frank "A?" 7 Tii ' lh "d Ward Downs, for courteous treat- UfA Saturday, the wife of. Fred a Vorneliui on the Fourth, while Ueut given the news gatherer of Dietrich, Hying near Laurel, (,'. Jair. Forest Grove. Or. lf 13 A. J. llitchey, of Klleuehurg, Vah., who came down to attend the funeral of his father, Ibe late r. J. Hitcley, returned U hi home Fuemlay. The HilUbnro laundry started to work Monday, with a good patro nage I Try John Dennia' for shoes. 1G i) J. II. Crawford was in from Banks, the laet of the week. Mies Eunice Paisley, of Buxton,! was in the city the laet of the week. K. J. Sutherland and Frank Howell, of Scholia, were Argus call ers Monday. Frank Mitchell, of Pendleton, a SOfjTH hillSBORO DECLARED DRY former Ilillsboro boy, spent tne UV...IU In Hilluhrirn rvuitu iu ... I,,.. ai . Ktiunu kiceoae nunc; w uaiuu Kditor woou.or me roresi urovo M. . in th ritn TnBilav. arid I 1000 Ban made the Argus a pleaBant call. For aentlemen's. ladies and The following bills were allowed at children's hoae yoo can do no bet- the July term of county court: Class & I'rudhomme, stat'y..: Yf no J K Gill Co, stat i 5 P A Bailev. ex msase 5 00 T A McBride, sal circuit court 20 S3 Ilillsboro Independent, printing. .. 14 t W 1) Wood, health orl.cer 95 4 Win Martin, retail license 177 " C K Buchanan, sal etc 39 5 W II Rinijle, court house ' C A Unikin, " " " 3" Willi Ireland, sal. dep and ex 141 05 W M Jacksou. treasurer sal 50 65 fhas Stevens, assm't and coll 7 00 03 00 5 50 96 00 15 00 40 00 100 00 3 50 ,.i2S 00 .230 7 ,. 40 Ho -io? 3 . 24 00 - 14 60 1 .. I 50 . I SO L M Bnell. bridges 9 "Si Thos Wilkes, judge's office........ 00 Hillsboro Argus printing... - 10 25 I ml Tel Co. telephone. 5 Knness & ljiiKless, bruiges.. 2 73 10 00 2 00 4 75 . 80 1 73 85 5 4 IS 2 4 29 00 17 20 See Our Full Assortment ter than to buy of John Dennis. Misses Susie McKinney and Julia Conoway, of Portland, were the guests of relatives, over the Fourth. At the Poet Card Bar drawing last week, the cah prize of $5 was reoeifed by It. K. Graybill.cf near Keedville. Born, to the wife of Frank Van- nome, t w rIinell. sal and dep.. K .1 (iodman, clerk Sanding a Child Tor Drugs ia perfectly.tafe if you direct it to this Pharmacy. Yon will be jost as sure of , good service as if you came in person. We treat everybody alike. We cannot do otherwise, because we handle Only Ont Kind of Drugs That is the best and purest we can get. So no matter whether you come yoursalf or send a child, you are always sore of obtaining the verybeat drug service, which ia the'only kind worth having. 1 . "1 armacy ! . i I I; I if ungaged iu a fistic encounter. Tamieeie set the bone. Misa I.ura Cornelius, daughter of the late Win. Cornelius, of near GUnno. rams out from Portland in company with Miss Lucy Davis, to fell her A G Vaughn, slierijTs office.. Hillsboro I.iverv Co, coroner .1 W tJoiinell, slientTs office...... J K Gill A Co, surveyor's office Baseline Lbr Co, election M C Case, sal and exp Ilelta Drug Store, C h and reliel... P 1) Cunningham, treas office .1 W Connell. sherirt s omce M C Case, trav exp.., We wish also to thank h. J. Goduiau and bis deputy, his dtuabte r, lor their courteous treat- mi.ni of the Arirus, in the past. gotid ctsra, Hefmid tax. O Johnson. 2 so; O J Ja- onlKi-n. 27 u: 3 S Connell, 4 17. J Klinnin. a: i P Co. IS SI. Ij.wrence Dixon. H C Todd. C R Mc Coy, O B Kraus were each paid f9 for service on Board of Kxaminers. 1. ,l o T A tmbrie. G V District Attorney E. B. Tongue .,., an.i ias sewells 50 each-.G W appeared in hie official capacity for Marsh and Daniel Baker a 00 each; L C arm out of place at the elbow joint Dr. F. A. Bailey was called and re duced the location. isil with Fourth. .l tfl.miware Will not scraicn. sterling .... - 1 1 . if, cents a Ikix at trie nuisooru 1 10 maae barmi(7. ,lw nkr. dauahler of Cbal. Jamea Trail, the Lincoln county borsethief. who broke jail here last ThiiruUtt mi noon, made umid his eeca lie. Andv Vaughn, the Port land man -hunter, came nut Thurs day uighl, and put his bloodhounds 011 Trail's trail, a few minut iw f.ira 11 o'clock. The hounds began bavin after the scent was stiuck, and fotlowtd the man's tracks to a point about 2 uiil north of town, whara thv lost it in ameadow. The trailers relumed to town for the niaht. and the next morning again tried to get on the fugitives traoks, but without success. After getting in the heavy timber north of town, Trail must have insds good time in getting out of the country lie has a wife and family ti 1 homeateatl over in Lincoln county ami mn atUmiit to rejoin them Th HhnrifT nf the various counties have been notified, and lie may be nlrkad 1111 at anv lime. Till tha man mhnm Hhenff ColHU'll fol lowed for 5 days last winter, final lv naiiini-ino him near his home I Linnnln r-nimlv. Trail was a model prisoner while confined here, but it is now evident that be had been planning to escape for sometime AUCTION SALE The undersigned will Bell at public auction in Buxton, near post otbee, at 10 o'clock a. m., on SATURDAY, JULY U i. i., 1.... t.n.M t witra. we it! lit 1 100; es 1 v 1 1 1 Q 1 1 win. 1 3 j 1 a fresh in naaer. uuaw v 1 1 n ' ai imnw . - , 1 nan. assesBor , " . -v--'"- . . : ... . , . . 1 Hmwri. of Hi sboro, jumpeu uuiu -- .... M r. n Phool been visitina nere ior me past iow a back, at this place, on the morn- Jur;'ri0otendeDt; selected; Willis daye, left for Newberg, Tuesday, ing of the Fourth, and Jiroke a j,. recoraer, re-elected; L C. The hop mftrket is growing small none m oer "- w.ik.r. .urveyor, re eiemeo. rar. .onM. Carmichael, of Salem, is team became frithtened. ana now entering on his Lfr,,ini to contract at 10 cents, and ng a runaway, Mrs. Baisr JuPf fiflh to ftnd has made a fine reo- deaier, are looking for a fur- it ith the above result, nr. 1 ami- gMping his books in a careful ther tdvance. Tuesday's Oregon- me aiieiHisu mo .nit gv...mat!C manner, ana m iin Bated that Jas. a. seweu, 01 a hlnhwavman held up the Unrteous and popular oflicer. Wil- Hillsboro. had contracted with Snrth Yamhill stage at me pom (B ireiand is one 01 ine ui Carmichael at iu cenis per pouuu . x L 1'nasa I i . l Kiasa Attaf nan of a shot gun, last wee. coraers me coumy u i ub ronuoi im iia r.iHciiun relatives here, over the Mr Gmlmau made a . a la and the Argus Has nothing mn fi t Monday, in the Walker 19 00 IIIIRIIIOBB UV Mww ' . . 1 1 I a . I n.ioai.kt.A warKn "Kaolo'tbe bouseiepr menu, uaren, me new raunu.... ..", Forcleauingand pollstiiog jewe ry, eat wim is.cu., uu.lu ..1.1 , an. all metais, aiass nrgi ume mis I .,U .nl baa tha a i lltv I- . j . jionu, 1 "o. 'l - to St. Heleoa yesterday, to attend F wmlBi a 5;j a Patterson, 40: Mays eood member of the Coroner Krneei urown. is vwniog . . 1 . 1 I a it. t : 1 vmA Miaa Krnwn 1 .1 a. k:K Kaa Jf an ttlAlAai . I m IDB I1LU IV UUiUD. wioo .ut.m Tb, other cflicials are Max Cran- is from , T.co ,rna Miss Alpha V. M Jackson, treas- orown, 01 iuo ui" v, " a special session Of tne Circuit COU" Bros, 13 65; i A bverest. 2 45. - v. nan (nr Columbia COUntT. cock, 2S; R H Greer, 6;H Limber, lor l,Olumoia couniy. KliMbeth Bielaml, 6; Peter Vander- Miss Bessie Brown, a niece of couvering, 10; Jane MurdofT. 2; Joe Ego, rcial Bank Capital Stock, $25,030. Surplus & IndiVided Profits, $I0j000 A conservative bank does not speculate. Stockhold ers and directors are sub stantial citizens. were four passengers. Pnranns wishing to tile their farms will always find a large stock cash and 4H pounas o. - inienaenv ?vrM "."l Those wishing the larger sixe tiling mail. A posse started o h o -p time to tne auuea o. ""-.--- ,hnld Dlace their orders with us I - . . t .. a , . . 1.1 flhti aiii in i .m.ni in nia anuiLV. duudi - .... .n nr cured two gom uxmipuuiv... -----0i fine ,ie in our yard at ocnons. uis wuu" - ... : , and .l . .n i.miitr nnarin im- ,ha annoiH 01 lue muuij inre inn iuau. - ---- i" : riaan. of MoMinnvilia, nui imaile l.iat ths trail. efficient Connell A I on real estate ii.nt ilpress under bis Wore June 1. We alsocarry brick eicellent progress under dw Mnska Those ntend- !L"SiZioMm find a large euP mam i . . 4 ji inir ui " v ' , 1 .u. a .n..a Knth as neioro, formerly editor ot iu .a- - i a,. in the Dat are popular and well mown, exp.r- ut will wake a good . tbe Argue takes ocossion to ranged b.ve well furnished rooms upsta rs nM th- mo8t efflcienl in the Wehrung building, anu in ' f Hbfu, oBicerg the couoiy has White! t large audience. Nt Sunday laoJ died t big morning, July 12, the M.E church J 0fe Tbu SHm.hoiowUJtafabjMj orni at u -cock, of I hi J ' . " . . l a i mares. 4 mid 9 er. "'. 72 nnm Ihu ,-li-i in Hell COWil August; sleer, I veer; spring wagon, a inch, almost new"; steel hayrake. rro ..... . ... ahtnvlra, Hteei viii nw, nullum urw. r , , racgr, almost new; end other houselim articles too numerous to meution. Terms of Sale-$10 and under, nash; over $10, C months time. bankable note, 0 per oeni "" 10 percent, off for cash over iu. H. Huber, Owner. B. P. CorneliuB, Auctioneer. Farm lor Sale t t.k in .1 mw farm, containing 162 acres. 110 acres under plow. nr,,i imi.ua imr.i and ombard, miles south' of Ilillsboro, and one wile west of Farmiogton. For fur ther information, address, K. Burkhalter, 44.6m HillBboro, Ore. r , ...J lnV ntrar -..i u t nrm iu nm i ... i . i am mviiHU 10 uu i Th"iri WO- f Sheriff J"U0r tTTZnb before purchasing.-The li'nW C nnell and L. A. Long, charge of the l.n 3d1 Groner-Rowell Co, Bcholls; P. O. " V ' ... ..L. !... Hnth as Oeioro. wuo " .JJ . U;ll. (Ira K II 'A Wbile his term auurww, i A umi of baseball has been ar ranged for between the Colts oi Grove and tne onerwoou a i. . a i i ai a v. niaas,i hag I iifw:- unw i haa niiina nr in mav . . i i i.. ii i rn i niiir'Hrii liib auviii v t m w i vi ii in l hi a . a uw v m w i j .ii . i aoa i ill i miiuiui ' i . e ' .j nan biiiii ihtit i - . i . i . . i . tt a. 'i'an v ta their irieniB - v.. j ! iK nraa mt tnoumoeni. nn Jnlv "2riin at roresi urovo. iuio lltam I , . . ir.An mi x m he Hiioceed m hn a. trame worth seeing. Tbe li.n- vu.tarman-Findlay I , Mar firandall. Coits la? claim to being the cham Human Body a J Lion club of Washington county, -poae on . , . o DORLAND a ibe White Sox have met with .iiffi,. last Sunday morning, to . but one defeat this season. Last Dorland died at his home Saturday, the rsday tne oi. raui muu, v. .i i. at. Sherwood, bv a score of 5 to born In 2, and on Sunday they defeated the St. Pauls, lt to J. The United Railways has con nlnriarl its first preliminary survey taken for the speaker. i.d to Angelina Jackson, May 2 , into Hillsboro since its present . . . . i . k-a an d nis iqca anrl moved to uanaaa iu vuo 0 inert control, ine 11110 Adolpu Auuermm a J.,, 1 i72. In 1877. the famUy LAmaa fro near Linton, over the oo D i VnrMt -i in Oraonn. then to Wash nn.n-i;na Paaa. runs throviffh the half nniee i.w u. m flflO. i and return to Ore-U-.K-n.Pr.5iHnH.Wsst Union se son in 1KW. Deceased was the , ion, tne ti0heBt. dairy Bection in " . . o .L!IJ... T Uni- -till I . . - I ll,. nAtth -. .. . ...,- r. nnnsiBieui rathA! ni a cuuurou, m ih Ninniri.inu uruwius vuo Washington coy - l0 , n. ,anB lVltlA in Kliokitat County, nUin, nt .he Tualatin, strikes 80 seres, n ao i ftod He ,eav(J8 a wife and illgboro three blookB eRgt 0f town 8.rBPB,.t..'"rr.ai.,re. Mr. An- .he followinn children to mourn Main street. The new survey i !anl . tied on the place 20 years bi8 John II . and Grant Dor- Up8 n tmmensely rich section n .hen it was mostly ttmner lftnd and Mrs. u an urown, a.:oThas by hard work earned L Mrs. Minnie Bumner, o Da- a fortune out of it. mai Kdub , Doiel, The undersigned will sell at publi m. Annia Gever, a widow iauy I Tha funeral ser ..mUnn. at the German Baptis of this place, was ;f" ;ioM We a conducted by Rev. L.F. obUrori, at Bethany, 2 miles north harn of insanity, Tuesdayrefer- vices w ? a j n,clock p m ( 0D w r nAiannnrii. s i w ' - . a - i . u ... ir n red by one 01 " r'Bt;r medioRi church on July 4, tws. MONDAi, juiii io r.inklater conducted tne , .,0.t,i1i f,,,iture consistine of i.iinn. Mrs. Geyer eviueut t ...u. i iron beds with spritiKi eaaunu-"- w.ii,,ntnationB. " - .vT - . - ,i fiurins iroiu u""""' i i ana mattress, a rucaeia, .".. s- . : h..u r. a- Ann V'rmiun. 6: Mrs Chas Pio. 6. Roads and Hignways. auii ami Metal Works, 197; A B Todd, 6 50; E G Hagev, 56; Jolm Nyberg, 500; E1 Kelley, 11S! I. M Buell. 10 14: T P Goodin, 1000; Mead & Pavne, 8i8; Ira Bradley, 1327 03; .1 A Johnson, 3S2; L L Crawford, 35 20; Peter Hoffman, 21 15; Groner & Rowell, c 01: L W House, 30 85; Mays Bros, 1 60; J Laniberg. tS; L C Walker, 4 50; Casper Bauuian, 3; John Welch, 6. ao; II I. Russell. 2S5 50: Wescott & Son, 60 99; J T McGill, 3 75-. J H McNamer, 8; B S Jones, 13 50-. , , ,, . - The following received 6 each, tor work ou election board: G P Essner, J J Meacham, Olave Johnson, SL Hollen Iwck, C C Nelson. E X Harding, H A iivke. Rert White. E .1 Ward, H Wes cott, W R Stephens, Wtn Hammelman, A R Roberts. Harom xiansen, j n un tie Vrnnris Chalmers, lohn Loftus, C F Miller. A E McCuuisey, Ule uison, jas ltowninR, Harry Robinson. L, m riesse, l R Wheeler. John Borwick, Adrian Dant J T York, Geo Jack, Jno Heisler. I) G Lilly, W R Douglass. C D Staley, F f White. M 1 UOX. V. K. Auams, McComiick, J J Krebs, Finis Brown, H 1 Simpson, A Guerber, R Kaufman, Clyde Lincoln, f rann jacusoii, neury aiuwu, v r West. Thcs Perkins. John Johnson, .. nr." 1 T ,T . 1 XV Louie HOlt, 1. r iigaru, j r. uu.mu, K Shaver, B G Leedy, G A Plieth, Robt Thompson, Nels Johnson, J J Wismer, D C Burton. Erwin Ritter, Ira Smock, E V ihnonn A w Pike. M S Barnes, a a A. S. C. S. Directors and stockholders SH0LES EDWARD SCHILMERICH S.R.HUSTON RUSSELL W.N. BARRETT E. B. TONGUE J.W. CONNELL A. S. Sholes, Pres Ceo. Schulmerich, Cashier "I ... ... . r T . . I. D.. Pike, C lv Alien, v. ixH.--u, "jw I. Jurgens, C Guvbeiger, E A Green, H H Clark, Leonan Smith, H F Gordon, L ifin.iuv'a nractioai """""". ,.ku Mr. norland was same subject, "The Human Body a Edwftr( cduoty) 0nlarifJ) Temple", At the close of the ad 14, 1845. and came to Ore- ...-a a sneoial oflenng will M.v 4. i65. He was roar- AUCTION SALE ly is sut and imagines TL,n: The Hillsboro Flouring Mill; ca talking about he, uri want t , 70 bMrel8; ha8 a Urge sto. jure her THE DELTA DRUG STORE Z other hand, the pacity ra ner. --.. , linn rat . ahn ta aS lnoonnrou.- neignoora j --- hourB, lv. and raves a u i. Orbing the neighborhood. . organ, new aewlng machine, cooking n 11 aa r 1 n (r iiivr-w. UB IUI anuavi v Btor- "r:;,"hu. kitchen table; also about 4 na capaoity . Also, tne nuierjoro dozen chickens, hog ano many tug j nnnnnnu.k. ,u.. Warehouse, capacity, 4uv,iAAj iuou- i..... win ha .nM eenarate. or to- Terms of sale: " r , . gather. Apply to John Milne, Hillsboro. 16-27 -Cash. Rev. A. Becker. J, C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. A Dixon. Claud Mason Thf followincr received $9 each, for work on election board: A C Shute, J E Barrett, W E Pittenger, F F Hantey, R B Collins, Peter Boscow, O Christenseu, r TT t-l.,v 1 M VlnntllQn. W IU LAUkflCV. R W Peterson, W W Goff, Jno Marsh. H Challacouib, E Kramer, . Amone net- msns, Scott Woll, Henry cuuerman. Flection. J 1 ortnrup 7 ao, n. Dennv S, J B Imlay 7. S J Hollenbeck 5. H T "Buxton 7 o. Thos Murphy 9 . r.t,.nn R 80. Paul Beck 8 6o, Abner Briges 8 50, A Zuercher 9 20, r Dtiijcr o c.kinl i.RC Zuercher 2. J O (Justin to, A S Craven 7 50, John John son 8 60, J U Henry 10, E C Molloy a, Geo Thyng 34 90. ifls wu".-y-ner Briggs 4. K L Say lor a, C Hickethier a AT on nil l.ntlPieV , AU. Saudfbrd 2 70. B Burkhalter 7 60, T r T 1 .1. a kn I ' A Wo. Connell 7 2Q.J u xveuv.. y , terson to, J A Thornburgh 10 20, Base line Lbr Co 1 73- . , . ... . The following orders were mane oy County Hoard at the July term: : Tualitv ijotigc,- n r .... for adjustment of taxes; ordered that iiisted as oer petitiou. liarnmn iscnmuit. uuuuv: timiu".., port viewers adopted and easement order- .l .ctaVtliehpri j . . . ... . Peter Zurcher et ais, report 01 vicwcn read 2nd time and adopted, ana roau or- .i....rl -ctahlished. UtICU .... . 1. ... , r In the matter ot mating an orucr ui prohibition in South Hillsboro precinct, i. i. nnlered that the sale Of intoxicating litiuors be and is hereby absolutely pro hibited within the limits of Sonth Hills- boro precinct, wasnins1 Retiind of license money to wm Mar tiu it is ordered that the sum of $i77-8 t,.. rofnnded to Wm Martin as unearned license, account of prohibition in Gaston Road No 44S, report of viewers read first time on July a, 1908: nn! hear ing report was adopted and road ordered In the matter of the transfer of liquor license; liquor license of C E Smith in E Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. . If we do not have whatt you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full -line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. t - t ) ! il t 1 f 1 il Cedar precinct ordered transferred to B W Davis as per petition and bonds of Ictlor nnnroved. Coroner's report; deatk of T Waugh; ordered that report be approved and- bill drawn for expense. Coroner's report; death of Mrs Geo Kronebeck; report app and bill drawn. McMinnville Telephone Co, applica tion for franchise, granted as per petition . E J Godman, report tor June approved, fees $158.25. - Willis Ireland, report ior juuc nrnvml. fees ttSd.S. G W McGraw, application for permis sion to erect scales, granted as per pen J W Connell, application ior reiunn oi tax, ordered that $4.17 be refunded for penalty anu interest j yv nni,nau.v. 1 U jonnson, appiicanuu ivi iciuuu x tax, $a refunded on acct of d'bl' paytn't. J N Flippin, petition for refund of tax, ordered that the sum of $18.31 be refund H aa rvpr netitiott. '' L F Carstens, ordered that the affidavit j of L F Carstens on cruise of timber iu certain lands in t nriv be- accepted as proof, and that warrants be ordered to issue to patties interesieu ior aims uvci navttifMit of taxes. ' , . r , .1, j. 1 .1 .I... Approval OS uouus, 11. iavmcic vum the bonds of the Sheriff, Cletk, School Supt and Treasurer be approved when tame nave oeen passeu upon uy mc Prosecuting Attorney. -, v . CHABROL Chabrol (22732 RsgiBtered), Bel- , gian 8alliop, imported irom ftu h i rope, and weighing 2160 pound1! !i' . i , t Tl I....J U.fl.a t ine lajgeev oi u ui uui m . i . . .,i l- .1. v : Wasmugton county, win maan iuw season of 1908, as. follows: :' Monday morning-untu luesaay ,; morning, at H. H. Boge's farm, ; : j near Farmington;. Tuesday noon at i W. E. Smith's. farm, near Johnson's t, ,' sawmill; Tuesday night, at Hills'- boro; Wednesday noon at Bagley fj; farm.Dudley 'Mills; Wednesday . evening to Thursday morning, at i. Mays Bros.' Btables, Gnooe; ,baJ- anceof week at Hartrampl's sta X ble, Hillsboro - , jVt , Terms 10. $15 and 20..,.Care r taken to prevent accidents, but wil I not be responsible, shoilfd any oc-, cur. For further informa'tionft , Otto Hsrtrampf, Manager.V f , , 6-tf , : 4 Hillsporo, ure. y t , 1 1 " " ' ) s Clearance sale of all men's, boys' ' and ladies' suits. Will be Bold at fi For salei-Fifteen head of 10 actual coBt, and u orweo noes weeks' old pigs. Inquire at my cameo in ine wuinm place at weet end of the Hfflsbo- General marcn.n.,,.. ro-Cornelius bridge. W. H. Tay- Schulmerich Bros.1 Govs mpf oti . , 1518 land get your choice,,.. ..iOHl j ,j?waiasaaaafia5!