The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 02, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 1 0
Wuh llouuhl fr County by
juJuc KkI Year
In Ciitti4
n.lns (lixitliu 1 ' 1" opinion
tbtl out of tbe l"l invasliiiiit.
lb etiiiuty avar wade was tin big
KM'k nil". t 'tuU" I"
I t(jaci. tl roitil nf a lut about
tu) M blah ' ll I-
ivm hvigbt of .met hi rig like :()
f,sl, anJ contains :tj acre It ii
o lb miiUt of brtverdeiit tract,
mil is f basaltio formation, and
hii blast! coiiiMtiul broken u
Into about lbs right fr road
utk. x tUt a i(Hk crualinr will
Dol 1 iiixtasary. Ktrinr County
Judtf Komi dwrvaa th crudit Ir
buying thia tract, which bids fair
to I valuable aat of tha conn
(i hu lb matter of Macadam
roads is Ucoming popular. Judge
Uxl piJ MM for the l.ulle, eome
year g. pampln ol it were
htrnn tbe Ariiui laat wwk, at tlie
court houee, ami it wwim to h
imi I he thing for rail budding
Alur being put upon the r-'la. It
f.irm a eorl o( a cetnt of it own
tod will he everlasting. IV
Cuuoly Court bae Immmi inyetlg
tint the matter of union this nwk
lileljr, and laet wek, Jud,f, (ld
to tiw the. manamr of the Oregon
Kleotric Company, who line will
come within a few hundred yards
ol the uuarrv. and obtain! aur
tare that reaaonihl rate will he
titeii tbe county, for the traneimr
utiuti id the rook over it litir
Taking Into consideration th
cbMpneet of handling the rock,
inasmuch aa it will not ttuire
crushing, and a reaeonalila trans
purteiioa charge, together with th
atrnoel inexhaustible iitantilin of
the rock, lb county can eongraiu
IttelUclf on tha huv. The W ills
burg ileaverton branch ol the
Southern I'aclllo also paesw quite
Dear ton quarry.
At lluiton. on Juna '24. 11HW. oc
curred tbe wedding of Miee Maiie
UDoiinel, daughter of Mr. ami
Mrs David O'Donnel. to Kred H.
Caldwell, at iK (Ulholio church
Id thai ulacn. The church wa
crowded with friend and relative!
of the rontrarting parti and the
reremouy waa nioet tinprrasively
twrformetl by Itev. Father Ketlen
botxin. The maid of honor waft a
Cousin of the bride, Miel Kvelyn
Uoobr, of HillalMiro, and the neet
ttltn waa Ilarrv (llnamiii. of Port
land. Immediately following the
ceremony ibe happy oouple ie t lor
Tha Dai lea where they will epend
two wenka, and upon their return
to Kllltnn Kk will on tit llOUKO-
keepiug q t newly built houee in
that oil v. Tha kridaianneol Hux-
tou'i ninat lunuilar vnniilt Indies
and baa for aeveral terms taught
ohool in that neighborhood, the
iiroom ia wall and favorably known
tu that city, lie ie engaged in the
lumber hiiMineHe and ia well Uiteu
by hii many friends.
II C, Atwell, poetmaster at For
Cirove, baa reoeiveil a letter fr
the fourth aeeietant poetiuHHter at
Waahinston rllinj hla attention
to the condition of the roads ov r
Which the two rural routee run.
Ihe letter ia an follows:
'Tl.. .1-. ....... . i.... il.U .Uu nillril
M UCMltUICUI .1"" "
tllr Htlrnlinn nf nlVir-Ull In tllB l)Bll
.omtlilon of rouda on route on al
10. You will take up the matter who
lh fluifl nHlMlula .ml ...Imnfl ItllpreMlt!!.
anit inform them that unleHt all roioia
covered by rural delivery front your of-
'e are properly repaired ouruiK
preatrnt aeaaon and pluced in good con-
... .1. .. ...I run
...mum u iimi uuinicriupivu pv...- -
ha maintained throughout the year, the
"iiiitirawai 01 tural ilr-nvery irum
"-iru roaila will very likely ioiiow.
HUn!t 1. I.l. r.ll,lr
tliPht akmiM K. i.. I In tnnlr time
to admit of conaideration of anieinlmenta
oi routea before the beginning of wuiu-r.
Hfi'l. KcbolCald. i,l
waa on tbe etreeta Monday.
Colllllv ('illllliiiaai
lUavrttoii, waa in town Halurday.
Cut Ilavillte. of Knrmit llmv.
had bun ni-na at thn oourt hoil-e
I(ori). Ill tllM wlfw All. in It
f Kiiie, tli in iiiiiiitv. Juna '27.
I'HlH.a daughter.
For KnotlHiotiu'e. lad'.ea1 and
childrau'a lu.x ymi can do no Ut
ter than to buy id John I'ennie.
l'aol ltik. of I),U-v. waa a
c tiinly aaat viaitor Monday. Hh
aaya cropa am looking tine in
that eiut of lb county.
Mra. Amanda I'ordin and iliimti.
nr. Miiw l'.iwaia lUiiin.ll i.f Pnrt.
land,aMiol Halurday and Monday
lib relativee in Uillaboro.
llairv farm for aa!- On aiwnnnt
of death in family, I will aell my
larm ol 1 13 acroa aL -i. ir arr.
C. Jaaper. Forest lirovo, Or. l.' IS
DnWitt Hmith hae moved tbe
houe iurrbatv of Mra. Kluilth
Hbute to a lot ol bin own, juet
aciutb, and it remodeling it. V
will Imi for rent when tiniahed.
"Kaolo" tbe houaekeener'a friend
For cleititttif aiuI tHiliMhinn iewelrv
r f n a
gold, ailver, and all metale, glae
and slaaaware W ill not acratch
2ri centa a Uu at the Hillahoro
Pharmacy. lltl
Leon (iirml. one of Ihe Oregon
Nura-ry'e huallnra, waa in tbe city
Monday, with hot daoiibier, ami
railed lie baa a nice little borne
at Orenco, and will eel bin tract to
Iruil thia fall.
Mr. ami Mra. Uirarn Hcott, of
Hill-boro. were failed to this city
laat TuedaV. Jlllie 2. having been
euiutnoned by tbe death of Ihe lat
ler'a father, David J.arollelte -
MiMinnville Telephone Kegieter.
Sherburne Wileon. who live at
th ronmr of Hecond and Jefferson
alreeta, ihi city, exhibited two
atalka of wheat Momlay, wnicn
were raieed in hie gardnn. Tbey
meaaured t feet aud 1 inch to
Clearance aale ol all nien'e, Imya'
and tadie' auita. Will le sold at
and all broken line
the imnienee etock ol the
General Merchandiee Slore of
rtcholmerlch Hrna. Come early
and get your choice. oltt
Tl., C.ate. of Tillamook, who
recently went lo rortland to aeoure
ai-ceptam-e ol tbe Tillamook euh
ecription to the 1. It. i N. road,
upon hia return reporieu o wui.
on the Tillamook end ol tbe road
would begiu July let.
v.rmara are KAttiiiK their ma
chinery ready for barveet time,
; .iraarincr near, i no
won ii - ,
eral macniuery unu t
. .I.iinu a ffiKK Ill8ineB WUB BPa-
..... in the eale of harvesting up-
plie. From every source come
ihe cheerful news that Washington
county will give her UHuat oumper
crop of wheat ana oave una .
virni;. t,land'a new two atory
reeidence on Main, between oth and
Cth. i in co" of construction.
jt wii U 2-1x2, witn o rooma
rii(ieiiC is r
V 111, i"'e" - a
ceivlng the finiahing touches. Jt
will be 28x:W, 2 itorife, with 8
roouie, and will wet in tbe neigh-
r r; in wnen uiiibuto.
B. V. Uarnea ia excavating ior mo
f ".!.... nt a new 2 Btorv houee,
luunuaiiuii . , ,
onMftin.I.etwwnSth andClb. Ita
dimenBione will be .. y-
Smith la building a Dew r
su 1 .j;itne. Wm. Nelson.
The Btruclure will he 2Ss3, 2
atoriee. with 8 roome.
i u v....,tanthal and daughter,
ii:iiu. mm an inVllB
of near "llB,w,"'?-;-7 ... .J.
lion to a number oi tneir u.-u--aodfamiliee
to spend the day with
them laat Sunday. A One d nner
d .upper were fea ureB of the
entertainment, anu a
time resulted; im
were: Mm. Freudenthal, ol Corns
litw. mother o toe
ling, Mrs. Lwflei, ran j
Including; onuuren, ......
about fifty persons present.
i.',!r.v a foreman ior
iom .
Wakefield and J"""-w" rn , i
Which (iivcH Road Districts
iht to Levy Special Tax
Partlaod Cream Ceuipaaf Paid latia
)o,ouo Laat Year
Judwm Weed, a well known citi
zen ol ut-er Vernonia, was in town
Monday, and called. lie report
that thing are flourishing in tbe
Nehalem Valley. A year ago, the
road diatneta in that valley levied
a 10 mill tax for road purposes,
with the result that tbe people now
have HO milei of good 'road, moally
graveled, from Vernonia to the
Clatsop oounty line. There are a
few small gaps, which will be filled
up this year, the special tax being
3 mills for that purpose. Mr.
Weed save the owners of timber in
tbe valley will make an effort to
have tbe rperial tax law repealed
at the next aession of the legisla
ture Farmers in that section are
broeueroua. and there is much da
rying going on. Nearly everr far
mer keens a few cows, and a hand
wnarator. From K iat to Mist, a
distanoe of 25 miles, up and down
tbe valley, tha Hazelwood Com
pany, of Portland, paid oat to tbe
farmers tbe snug sum of $40,000
lor cream.
Tbe undersigned will sell at public
auction in Buxton, near poet office,
at 10 o clock a. m., on
Ilrivlnv liorw. ( vrara. weieht I loo:
1 maira, 4 and 9 yeart, weight hhoat
HUM) 11m tmch: l niilch eowa. I fresh In
August; atrer, l year; apriog wagoa, t
turn, aiuiom uew;aie-i oayraae, cross
cut w, aluioil eew; ooo Huloittee, Kteel
uikc, almost new; aud other bouacuold
article! too Dumt-rout to mention.
Tarma of Hale 110 and uuder.
caab; over $10. G moo the' time,
bankable note. 6 per cent interest;
10 per cent, of! for caab over Hi
H. Huber, Owner
6. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Victor H. Limber, of Foreet Groe,
and Miea Kdna Merrick, ol 1'ort-
land, were married at tbe Preeby
trian Westminster Church in
Portland. Wednesday afternoon,
June 24, 1908. Rev. Henry Maroott
iflioiatine. Mr. Limber is a well
known busiueBd man of Foreet
(imv. After takimra short honey
moon Mr. and Mrs. Limber will re
turn to Forest Grove and oooopy a
nicely furmabed collage in aouin
Tbe undersigned will sell at public
auction, at tbe Herman Baptist
church, at liethany, 2 mties norm
of Cedar Mill, at 1 o'clock p. m , on
il furniture roDRUdnir of 9
its. 3 iron beila with serine's
anil mattress, 4 rockers, ia chairs, good
orgau, new aewing macuioe, coo am
i tiratinir atovea. Darlor table, ei-
trntion table, kitchen table; also about 4
iloen i hickena, hog and many otner at
Terms of Bale: Cash.
Rev. A. Becker.
J. C Kuratli, Auctioneer.
J. C. Hoover, of Beaverton, was
an Argus caller last Haturday.
Wm. Curtis and II. L. Burchell,
of Reed ville, were in town Monday.
Hugh Rogers, of Buxton, was in
town Monday, on bis way to Port
K. W. Hainee, the Forest Orove
banker, had busineaa at tbe county
seat Monday.
Oo. Holshnimer and wife, ol
Beaverton, were in tbe city laat
Haturday, and called.
Call on or nbone to Dennis for
groceries. A complete and up to
date line always on nana.
Sheriff elect Geo. G. Hancock
baa told bis livery stable at Foreet
Grovs to Geo. Mizoer, and will
move to Hillsboro this week.
Harold Merrvman. a senior stu
dent in the State University, spent
a couple of days thia week with
Hillsboro relatives and friends.
For sale: Fifteen head of 10
weeks old pigs. Inquire at my
place at west end or tbe HiliBbo
ro-Cornelius bridge. W. H. Tay
lor. io-ls
.ludire Rudolnh Crandall and J.
W. Collier returned from the G. A.
R annamnment at NewDort laet
Friday, and report a good time
with the old veterans tbere.
At the Camnbell Greenhouse:
Aatera. nansies. dahlia roots, roeee,
houee plants, and cut Mowers; also
cabbage plants, etc. Mrs. Agnes
Campbell, 7th and Fir streete,
Hillsboro, Oregon. s-u
Died, at Foreet Grove, June 26.
1908. of Dneumooia. A. H. Austin
' aged 55 years. Deceased came to
Foreet Urove from jseorasaa, aroui
two years ago. Funeral services
were conducted by tbi Masons.
O. L. Hinman. of Foreet Grove,
haa honffht the 8. G. Hughes Hard
are busineea in that citr. and will
be pleased to meet his old friends
in a business way. Mcl-ormicK
farm machinery, and all kinds of
hardware. io-io
Demurrer to Injunction Sus
tained by Judge McBride
Official Order County Board Put Oat
Tws Sa loess
On Monday last. Judge Thos. A.
McBride beard tbe matter of the
injunction against tbe county
court, to prevent the board from
issuing the customary order de
claring Sooth Hillfeboro to be a
"dry" precinct. Tongue k Tongue
and Bagley & Hare appeared for
tbe plaintiff, W. V. Wiley, and At
torney H. T. Bagley for the Board.
Tbe Board filed a demurrer to the
injunction, which was sustained by
Judge McBride, who held that
where a city is involved in tbe ter
ritory of a precinct which votes to
be "dry," tbe local option law ia
paramount to the municipal la
and that, therefore, tbe county
board may . proceed, according to
the law. to declare South Hillsbo
ro to be "dry." This order will
cauce two saloons to close in South
Hillebnro nrecinct. Tbe 6aloons
which are now in the "desert" part
of the town are owned by W. V.
Wiley aod Fred Cornelius, l be case
attracted considerable attention on
Monday afternoon, and the court
room was fairly niied witb specta
See Our Full Assortment
t . . . .. i-n jrt
Card of Thanks
Tbe undersigned desire to thank all
thot-e who 10 any way assisted tnem
in the time of their misfortune, in
tha InsR of their mother, the late
Rebecca Miller, whose death and
burial occurred last week.
J. C. Miller.
H. W. Miller.
J.C. Raflety.
For Sale
Owinir to tha advantage that Marl
nn oounty would have over others
in onmnetinir for the Grand Prize
cup ol $150, it has been decided by
iu Ub ttf Fair Committee in
Marion iMuiniu ill nnt be allowed
t' compete lor this prize This
ill aa . a - 4 w.r. A
win give all outside couuu
equal chanoe. TdIb doeB not pre
vent anv arnamr in Marion OOlintV
elsewhere entering personally
for this prize, but only debars the
oounty exhibit ol Marion county
w i Youth truly,
" the P. R. A
orB on me wev .
. . .1 in tnnn thia wee.
. .'-l:i.i 1K0 niaw of a bear
Tom exoiuiicu u mm
S killed a short time V.T
. 1 AaAia a nanvuu, wnwu
9 on " r uT.r. hrin. ' One of
hear, but aB new"
fight be refused. Pretty soon he
bear climbed on to the same log
Sstarted toward him, when Tom
" .. . naan of SbOOt Or
Jl!.nm his W nchester to make
bruin fltt t, and wneu it
Prm". L ' nnndition to have its
wTeaVed without danger to
A 2-vear-old Jersey bull, sired by
Tan St. Helier, Ladd's first priae
bull at the Lewis & Clark fair.
Mia dam ia 15-lOtbs Jersey, and
kae a Vint Apr record of 14 lbs. in 7
itaua. Hia srand dam has a record
ol 15 lbs. in .7 days. Will sell
very cheap if taken soon. D. B.
Cooley, Hillsboro, Ore., Route i
Pacific States' telephone, Farmer
49x5, Hillsboro central. 1516
.Tnhnann Porter, of Vancouver.
Wash., was in the city last Friday.
Ha wnnt ud to Buxton oo tbe r.
R. fe N , thenoe along the line of
1 1. a nrnnoeed extension for some
distance. Johnson Bros, are the
contractors who built tbe North mad from Kennewiok to
Pr.rt.Und. and it is rumored that
the firm may take charge of the
construction of tbe f. K. .
from Buxton westward to tbe Mi
ami river,
J a Millar, of the Vineland
neighborhood, was in town laet
Ratnrdav. He aava his orune crop
promises a good yield this year.
hut that tha once tor tbe anea
product should be better than it
was last year, to pay.
J. 8. Lorsuns. who received the
contract to build tbe new Minter
hridfffl. will beein the work of con
struotion immediately after tbe 4tb
of July. Frank Kelsay, road su
pervisor in that district, win attend
to tbe fills at the end of the new
Mra Emma Blanche McCorkle.
hit diad in Portland laet week.
was well known in Hillsboro, as
was her husband. Many friends
here will regret ber death. She
leaves a daughter, Lucille, agea 5
vaara. heaide her huBband. Mrs.
McCorkle was formerly Missciancne
Oliver Wood, a son ol John
Wood, of Banks, was run over by a
vVimI acrerjer. while working on
tbe grade of the Oregon Electric
last Saturday afternoon, ana-naa
hia ankle severely Druieea.aunougn
thara were no hones broken. Dr.
Wood was called, and dressed the
arnnnrl. Wood was later sent to
the hospital at Portland until he
f! H Koch, of SDokane. was in
town Monday, shaking hands with
old friends. Mr. Koch left Hills
boro about 5 years ago. He was in
tha butcher buBineea here, ana was
well known in this oounty. He
nnrta C. R. Bockwith. a former
Hnnthnrn Pacific aeent. as married
again, and having a po6iuon at.
$250 per month, wiw an interest,
in the business.
Th nartv of P.R A; N. survevorB.
who had several oases 01 smaiipox,
u thair camn near Hamlin's saw
mill, are all convalescent, and have
Mtnmad to work. Tne disease was
nf tha form known as varioloid,
and was quite mild. The party is
- - Will I
in charge 01 engineer minor, auu
is at work near the first crossing on
the Nehalem river, working west
ward toward the coast.
Work will beein the first of this
month on the P. R. & N. from Bay
City to the Miami river. Accord-
ing to tbe new agreement 01 ine r.
R. & N. Co. with the people of
Tillamook, it is obligated to build
10 miles of road tbia year, ana to
have the line completed between
Hillsboro and Tillamook by the 1st
of February, 1910. Wakefield &
Jaoobson, contractors, win nave
charge of the work.
C. R. Blovd. of Holbrook, has re
moved to Hillsboro, bringing with
him his sawmill plant, which he
will use again, when be nnas a new
location somewhere on the P. R &
N. road, between here and Til la
mnnk. Mr. Blovd is an old saw
mill man. and the firm formerly
was Bloyd & Sigler, operating in
this oounty. Mr. Bloya nan pur
chased the Max Crandall property
o Maple street,
Sending; Child Tor Drug;
ia petfectlyaafe if yon direct it to this
Pharmacy. You will be just as aure of .
good service as if you came in person.
We treat everybody alike. We cannot "
do otherwise, because we handle
Only On Kind oi Drugs
That is the best and purest we can get.
So no matter whether you come yourself
or send a child, yon are always snre of ,
obtaining the very best drag service,
which is the'only kind worth having.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Geo Armentrout et ux to Christian
Rieben. 12 a m sec s 1 1 n w
and ti t 2 n 1 w fci75
A W Haines et at to Albert Cooper
7 SS a in sec 30 t l a I w 1100
R F fotts et al to fcustacne Kiin-
irer. Dart of blk 2 Tualatin
Thos Blum et al to W W Thomas,
part of blk 4 tiaston ..i
Miller Murdoch et al to E L Mapes
in a in sec otlst w
M Murdoch et ux to G Whittnore,
40 a in sec 9 t a t 3 w
J E Bates to Meresse et al, lot a
and 3 blk 17 forest tirove
R Shinman to John E Bailev. Dart
of blk 7 Forest Grove 187 50
Maria Scheitlin to Effie R Arns,
17.50 a in A Bull d 1 c...... aooo
Cicero Hiues et al to John Heisler,
tr in sec S 1 1 n 4 w 75
Mary Marsh et al to Ed R Wirtz,
Dart of blk s Forest Grove ias
Walter nannan et ux torrea n
Caldwell. Dart of sec 4 t a n 4 w
Frank Ballard et ux to H Asbahr,
lot 8 blk a Finney's Add Hbo...
J N Hoffman et ux to H Schmale,
a 1.40 a in A Kmgbten d 1 c 1 1 s
1 west -
G F Knighten etiix to HSchmale,
part of A Kmgnten a ie 1 1 S4 w
Jane Smith to C L Bump, lots 4 &
5 blk t Smith's Add F Grove.....
Harry Graham et ux to A J Killeu
part of sec 14 t 1 n 4 w
A W Lambert et ux to Geo Kilner,
part of sec 26 t 1 n a w... 10
Blanche Moore et al to John Sus-
bauer. 107.41 a msec 12 1 1 n 46565.65
Walt Hannan et ux to Jno Bellish, -
part of sec 4 1, 2 n 4 w 10
Samuel Kunz et al toO Liesman et
ux. 1 a in sec IQ 1 1 n 1 w 1200
Nannie Odell et al to Ira Allen et
nr. lot 1 blk 16 Forest Grove.. .
Nannie Odell et al to 0 W Isham,
lots 1 and 4 blk 36 Forest Urove
Wm Merrill et ux to T A Hughes
it ux. 8 a adioininir Cornelius...
Julia Carlson to Julius Christenson
35 a in rntlip Hams a 1 c
Ed Curtis et al to H H Porter, lot
3 Curtis Subdivision of Stokes
Robt Walker et ux to Geo A Riggs
et al, part of sec 7 t 1 a l w
Lillie B Haynes et al to Celinda M
Deford, part ol sec.19 1 a s z w...
Robt Hulme to Margaret Johnson,
rwrt of lot 2t N Tieatdville Add
S S Hatch et al to Verne Fonner,
33.4a a in sec 3 t a a t w
.... 1250
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Capital Stock, $25,000. :
Surplus & Undivided Profits, ' .
$ 10,000
A conservative bank does
not speculate. Stockhold- -ers
and direclware sub
stantiai citizens.
Directors and stockholders "
A. S. Staoles, Pres
Geo. Schulmerkh, Cashier
For Sale or Rent
Wool and Mohair
We have always paid the
Highest Marhet Price for
Wool and Mohair. Don't
Forget to bring your clip
to is, and, by so Doing,
get the top of the Marhet!
The Hillsboro Flouring Mill; ca
pacity, 70 barrels; has a large stor
ing capacity. " Also, the Hilloboro
Warehouse, capacity, auu,uuu Dnen-
Wilt be sold separate, or to
gether. Apply to
John Milne, HiUBDoro. id-zi
Farm ior Salt
I wish to sell my farm, containing
152 acres, 110 acres under plow,
good house, barn and orcnard, 6
miles south of uuisooro, and one
mile west of Parmington. For fur
ther information, address,
. Burkhalter,
44-6m Hillsboro, Ore.
I F. BaiIa-v. Forest Grove -
af" - . - . I a , ;
Mra O C. Thomas, of North Ya
kima. Wash., is the guest of her
aiBter, Mrs. R. H. Greer.
Poranna winhinff to tile their
larma will al wavs find a laree stock
of Ann tile in our vard at Scholia.
Those wishing the larger ewe uung
should place their orders with us
before June 1. We also carry brick
.nrl hiiilrlincr blocks. Those intend
ing to build will nnd a targe sup
niv nf Inmhflr at our vard. and you
are invited to call and look oter
our stock before purchasing. Tbe
Groner-Rowell Co.BchoUe; r. v
address, Hillsboro, Ore., R. D. 2
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries. ,
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line. '
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
u ii .'I fe
' "
.n tut ? s i
9- -1 t I . I
We have just received a car of
Bain wagons from the factory.
Will toll at Portland prices.
Sohukmetioh Bros, 51-tf
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Excellencia. Thww cigars aw of
the best stock. You can't fool an
authority on s g od cifiar. (
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l ' F. W. Power
I tbe operators