The JnllLLSB! NO. 15 HILLSBORO, OREGON. JUNE 25, 190 i ! . lata a a I k 1 1 I MKKOAKUW I Mill EETS SATURDAY KVH . ..... ut . . . . ........ k Maav III Hoard iTht I Ml! Meutive committr. of lb ti -.1 .r i r Ad m nmm rnr .b)fU P.r.. Mimi " " .... ? L I l.a Iriailli I Bf, Saturday man.. t,,,, of ii ,,utuu Dla,u.aoof this city are urg I lo h,, .U4w"HUk..i to "r . .i - u ....I and nut I raorgaoit in- Mgoo.l 0Tking bMU. A I.r4 j uad.. I" orJ,,r l" b" ,T,KJlivrt Bnlt have the of U,B wh,,le ciif,.oJ H.lUbjn haa arrived at . in her al''in'"t. whan Mcliv.ornlitim of ihi kirj, will d irylJly turn ul- "public salb Tbittnd-rrigntl will sell at public auction In Huiwn, ir i- - "' it pit. clock ro.. on WATfUDAY.Jl'I.Y 11 , 4 en ?" w,'"hl( .. .... . ...1 1.1. ml. i iu OtU l- " " ' RmV I. K I'.mI If flrftl WllM Rlttl Pj (Uutthlor, Mini l.orena, l Jtitirltoii City, lirctfiin, Junii 21, I'.HIH, RllPiidiutf Uih WKiMinK of Minn Rati, it vim Millipiu t" thiir aon, llavnti V P.idknap. Tli i'1-rH' .11 ..ii i ftiiuiv 11U1M i ii'k mi I iih ritirtiM 111 - I tlm lirid' iiriiii, th fttht-r of the groom nUii'ik'.iiiK. .Vlnr a hurt ni'j ;iirn at Nfwporl, th nw y wmlilrtl cmiil will r"4in Hi Al- haiiy, wh"fn Uih Kf'''"1' l"11" . : ' . i it .. nun h n uriinu1"1' ii'ini klul Iniuily iftiinii"! hiilim linuy Cleimnrn ul nil rnmi'n, Imyn kixl Inilink' HilitK. Will 1 1" Cil'l ht iti'iiittl ruhl, ami til hmk"ii Iiiuti e.meil in th iuiiii.'tiw ctock of (inllTl MlTohiili'liKn Sdiri of rfchnliiirii'h C'ouim trly kiul K"1 y"f ' I""1 ''It' l.u ,.1, lirnlmlfi lillHI llfHH I'OllllWl''! with hi unoln'n Mtuii", tlm lnt H Ihrii, who wan Ktli'Hi miori liv train. iir vein. OrrgiMt, on UihO. II. N ., il'i inili-n cMi of rorlUiMi. Mr inniuHH w ....I (...,, ,-t,il,ln.n Tim FKlntfl Ik livt tui - valiinl t l nit I.DiXI. MiH (IhhIH watt ncculfiiUi mid Im livit inn fHw hour afirr llm omirrHire WHAT THK COUNTY IS Mi IN ROAD Two Rock Crushers are Kept at Work on lull lime SIX AND K HALF MILES TBIS YEAR llnUlirr Koik Koad U Practically ill Piaiahed iKb.l''u ntw,i'l bnv'.V. " I . 1 1 i.rfvi liilltlrd. t'"l (111 uw, f . .. ttt, .Ituort l.r. .' ' hiucli..l.l Tiftn f rlllO itl UJ'I'r. et.h; ow HO. C itianlh' -rctit mlMi, 10 wr cDt- c fl for cith over IH II. Hulwr, Owner, B. P. CornUu, Auctionm. HAY BUILD TO P OH EST CHOVB At Ui Caini'lwll (irffiihiiuim AtftMr Ohm (leu. ilahli root. rocW. lioiiM) iilnitK. rihI till lluwpre; ihi cliUii i.Unt, Mr. Mr. A,!iif Cuiit.t!!. Tib nl Kir MrMt, HiIlKro, Mr W. K. Wood, of Hay City, niimitv. leli'olioiifd to !)r. W. 1. Wood, County Health oilier, Tufdy, kmK about the ..minion of lh 111-11 in the tmiall- not tamp, near Tunh-r. ntaling that h had a ou in lb err. tr Wood r'plwd tlil r nn na 1 H4 hrtVHJ'i th5 tltHHftHH, thua far, lbouKh all tb 11 eoibf r of lh jmriy had b-en upod and I. ..!.. In Inmira lb plcctr'lO lbciUniof Koreal Urov rouat procure tht company a fr right of y, gtaot the neoranary op-ratinR Iraocblaa arwl provide, fro of Hl. land for nation purpoaw. Id return lha coaipauy bb. " kaapon with the Hillalxiro eJtten lino and build line Into that city ao aa to have ll In operation by December 31, lW. H the pe-'! bare act promptly tba company a atenta are of lha opinion that it will have the Hue complMU not later than October 31, and poaaibly before, barrio trikm and othr untoward clrcumatancea. ti,. ..n it. rnmi)inr ankf quick actloo on the part of the peo ple hare ia that ll wiahw lo build thia eiituoion while lab r and aup plies are in the vicinity, a they could not afford to move their plant later on to build from Hillahoro to KoreM Grove, aa their plana for the cut two yearn are all mapped nut. There are many imiuiriee a to why llill.lniro doea not have a lMmll team tuiayear. Thomain reaaon, we uudrr-tnnd, ia tbat fUil .! urounda cannot b' leaied for . f esr.1. K ff rt were made by a partially perfrt-twl com pany thia aummer to pet groumln, but without auccaaa Hilleburo baa .Iwaya bad a good ban-ball club, and tl i a matter of unfavorable comment tbat the county feat can not allord a cltiD. Children' Pay "'uv i. .1.. iin,U Sohmi of lh M. K OT ill" " J . m,, I u c i. nip hi. The exer- ciaea cnnniHtHl ol apprnpr - tationa. nging, mo., 11 uiv young peo,.le.m,uiUed themwlvM with credit. Thaold church waa taxed toita HealinR cpc ty, to accommodate th audience. .... . 1.0 1 1,. i,iui.1cm tMT'H friend. -ivao.o ui- - ... gold, eilver.and all mMal, glaw R0,l, . 1 . umi .,,,1 BiTtrh Pharmacy. Married, at lha rM lbe . , - Mr. and Mrs. t. O. The County Court ia well pleased with the way tbat work ia progress- iri(? on the various stretches 01 Macadam mad, which are to be fin- iebt-d in this county this year The uti nt of men road will be 0 milep, acd reprtsents road dintricti where uncial road tax bas been voted fur the purpose. Tbe rock road, known as tbe Tbatcher.bigh wav. in nearly done. The crusher at Thatcher is getting out about SO ,1 . yard pir day; from Thatcher me rru-her will go to the Dilley quar ry. Another crusher the one ubbo in lbe weal part ol the county ill bettin work near Sherwood next week, and when done there, will he removed to me quarry iu t' L. ll.. iV.nna In DiHl. o. , n.'ar nvuuun, iuuw the Tiuardville quarry, and later to a. point on the canyon road near n...,u,tn where it will be operated nnfii Ute in the Fall. There will be completed this year the follow inn amount of Macadamized road , .. . . v.if miles on the Thatch uuc , er road; 11 miles near Dilley; 11 ipilea near utawn; 13 mu. u trnrRt drove and Cor IWPU t'UMM . 1 neliua on the baseline roaa, nu 1 ih f'nrnell road. The limn -- ; .1 nnr.irr-nrR wnrkmi on nils, fJVIl ww.w m t grades and crushed roca rn'i along well witti tneir wora. ti,. riMUVurn Hieurn Laundry A uo miu.v will lie In operation about the sec . . 1 ti.. .1... ona ween in juiy. iu v,au', nut in nhine for busineHS as fast aa possible, and will lie one of the hsst country pium u state, when completely installed and ready for business. Mr. If ak. r.rnnrintnr. IS ft man Ol ... 171 ;i o, uv " "I" 1 ' iracllcal eipenencaiu mo i,.m.u nrl ia ft hustler. He ays his plant will stand him about I'uvvi anri thai ne oaa euina ui T" . . . TIMl-t latest machinery out. imieuuru people ought to sustain this laun dry. It will employ several per sons, and win aaa w me cjr pjr .11 Th ! tn DU1 U UD HUIK boro ii to patronits Hillsboro business men COUNTY LAST SATURDAY J. S. Lorsung gets Contract for new M inter Bridge FIVE PRECINCTS DECLARED "DRY" Bid en Dairy Creek Bridge was Rject td by Board iru:i.. nannnf men were workioir on bridge No. 5, north of Keedville, Monday, on tne uregou ciruwu. line, a timber C18 and 32 feet lor.g, suddenly fell from the trestle, etrik ing II. K. Raymond, a carpeuver. glancing blow on the left shoulder .nd ihiph. bruisina him quite bad- 1. ir.rt lha timber fallen two ,7. u --- iochea nearer itaymona, iu ... nrnhabilitv he would have been kUA nntriffht. Df. Wood WaS called, and dressed tbe bruUea sue 1 kM lha man inn lub uuui laiucu uj "--"i -- , pany had him sent to a Portland hospital, until ne iuny retuvo.a. a Fred Petch, of Vineland, bad the .;f,..t.. m antTr & compound 1 ..... r Kia risht pr bv settme in the way of a falline timber last Monday, wnne wuihuk uu . t n, A R Railev was called uaiu. to attend tbe wounded man. Less than year ago, Mr. men Drote See Our Full Assortment AUCTION SALE 11. nn.iuruid nffi will sell at public auction, at tbe uermau church, al Bethany, 2 miles north of Cedar Mill, at 1 0 cioci p. iu , u MONDAY. JULY 1 J .1 1.1 f...,,li..r. rnnnlililisr of 3 llOUHfllUHl ..... . l.lroom auita, J iron beda with apringt orKu. nw acwing machine. cookinK love. J lirliK ove- P,rlc", U , ' , , UMio. table, kitchen labia; a-'" ,loen rhicken. lg ami many other ar- tult, . Terms of sale: tasn. Uev A Becker. J. C Kuralli. Auctioneer. Notice to Contractors U, ami MiMi a l-'V",. al rrr. Jl bid,, id ,1 ur rail on, ,... iVtZE. Clerk. K.D. N. 2. lM8 ntt two years are all mapped out, .ViUUui. Rl Huinier, Oregon, on and if this eitenslon ia completed , eilUy June 17, l-''8, M. i. ...... i.. .i- .nmmr. vB(iiic ,. Williams ii uiudi no ii.iim .t I'ntttra ano iirD . . .. im ,s knnw ih, Hanks and Ureenville HfCtion. being A2.year.old Jersey bull, sired by 1 former resident of tbat Kir- Tin SL lleller, i-aiiu s urei uu. bull it the Lewis A Clarl lair. County Clerk" uuu Ilia dam is lft-lGths Jersey, and Lj.rriage licenses to the f ol wing has a butter record of 14 lb, m , j ierBonB on iue days. His grand dam has a record u,llior Mubly wul Un MnjJ of 15 lbs. in 7 d.yi. Will ' I June IS; Noah l1'" '"! I r very cheap if taken soon. ' K. Goodman, J ''(V,Kinnen Coolay, Hill.boro, Ore, Uoute 4. cMmM aml 0 Uonneii, Rarmer i io i auiuu niaiOB ioio".""i , juuo lu.r, i r : 1 1 i lo It) io, miinouro uuun... A report wm urr"ll(" the . . " . 1. inot Tu t was in RoWt W.lker. cf near Heaver- Utreeti uj . Uw rilft, l . TM.tao. tOWIl. i 1 , jn tl,H hjii, win iu lum. 0f McMinuVllie, "", , , Don't fail to see Baird's white on bui)inWe. , i i ' paraiola. They are lieauties, ano Mr. Taft thai w w - the price la right. liana, ol unio, iu t .ai'v.i . .r u'.aaiii tin vui Chas. Miller, a well inon ry. c ( mnruan, oi ulB" T." , est Grove druggist, was in tbe city the g G. 1 Ittghaj . llanlj M0D Iw buBr 1 hi: old friend, Horn, to the wife of Hay layior, be pwaeeu - Mfi0lirm,ck ll,.b.-,o, 0,,.,,., Jn. I. in . ,u ki,l..l a ion. . i,-1 a . :r. r r. M. Fish- hardware. er, near Cedar Mill., Ore., June 22, Q fc. B WhnrD, "u. . " : u" " . tn hia neittbborhoou Chas. Webb, who bas been in bnl ftre at least three Tortland for some time past. is now uA in growth, on account topping with nn orou.m, - . lhe cou weather. . , Webb, of this city. Lorsung & conwau- For B.le:-Fifteen head of 10 ; JZiL. weeks' old Plg.I-r aity, H" S5i !.,rLe,T W II. Tay phone, RonU' ir01"0""0 15-18 geftrB a Hartramp hav j K. Marsh, of Boise, Idaho, is in the county, vieiling relatives and old friends. Mr. Marsh used to Uveio this county, and I" to the Marsh and KlrtB amtlieB. He was In HilUboro Tuesday, and made tbe Argus a pleasant call. , ..j..-i m P. f! Is re JETS- !- sohool dlBirtowin """" V ' .... reaaU of. tbe annual ncbool meet Inga. and when they are all In, ne Iff make up a list of the w r of -Beers for tbe ensuing terra for pub u S Third. Btreet, W.n .n w. Washington, . other oolumn. A guard from the W" judged inBftne, to Salem. J B . . i :n as cashier , Cornelius State bank dog the absence oi nis". - Mrs. w. H. j 1". a visit with Alice, left Tuesday, for a b relatives in uayio. - t nut to bis r reu bcouihuuir ,Uiry ranch Monday, after spend- Dg a week in towu. J H.Crawford, of Banks, was in town Monday." D. B. Cooley, of Phillips, wai in town Tuesday, and called. n ll Rtenhens. of Forest Grove, was in towu Tuesday. ii-.uii IT. Caldwell, of Buxton, wasiu town Friday. 0 Hatch, of Gaston, was in tne city Friday. . . M. and IVUS. iJ. r . Er-Hiiuu,o.j. 23, 1908, a son. on.V ilaushter. VeBta, returned Monday, from ,a visit to t,u r,l.,.- T tnrt nn iniV. relatives near naiey,ii.. , Dr. F. M Uobineon, of Beaverton, were in loot Sdturday. Chas. Smith of Port and L who ington Couuvy, . . ira nt Alex. J. mu- Horn, to tun - . . dure. nnlee st of Linton, i..-'fti: 1908, aeon. ; t ii Wnfid a well known .Jl,B.Un '.u!.6 ,f the vicinity of sonooi fr" .u. nis aeat Yernonia, was in rv Monday- A; Btaoryarge was b?. y !riDu.,;aav. wMoh of meant).. v K nBiahbor. drawn, ana ou j --- . Sned before Judge Goodin, Dr. exftmioou jni the exam fnation. Wolf is 18 years old and has smoxeu .-- - - - . - and the w. -- . , rJm.-S H-as accordingly committed to the in SSijliby tbe County Judge, iuiu m J- . his arm in a runaway, and later on broke tbe eame arm in a similar accident. It would seem that he is paisinK through an uniucy period of bis life. tu. nr toatVl rpnuired to ad- vertise Washington county at the . a it al i.Vti. State Fair, ana at tne aim--- " kon Fair, and io the Sunset Maga -; n . k. .ii nRn iiieuizru ui ruw . '.. . ... -i . tt(V Thia ........ nr. mil. KllllUb TJUV. " includes the amount which the County Court baB agreed to give. Ml .. . . r lt.PTB Urillll 111 1 in LUUVftW Strenuous tuuim . ..: k. ramainrier nf the BUM, as the advertising would be of great value to this county. tv.. .nrvavinff crew under Mr A Uw tJM" ' J m . MillA. who are having a siege ol .n i their r.imD near Tim PUIWIl UW r , ... . 1 .nrl ber, are getting aioug uiwu.,, -.11 :n .nnr. Ka zvinvftlescent. A U wu , -...i . tv,. nontinn nhoned Vt Be.wicr, ui u. . i Tamiesie, Monday, that some of the men were "running ruuu much," but aB the nearest settler is 7 miles away, it ia not thought that there is any danger of infec tion. August Tews informs the Argus . i; i). ..i hn ia livintr in mat Diaruu, I-"., o Minneapolii, was married on the , c.u ki. mnnth to MlBB Katie tT ... .1 tV.. aama r.itV. Paul 18 a barber by trade, and will be re membered aa a former Hilleboro boy. He writes tbat he may come to Orenon, in the near lurtner. w I m Sheriff-elect Geo. G. Hancock, ot Forest Grove, Ib in town daily now, .:i!. himanlf with the du- i v.;. nffir-B. He will take Utffl Ul u" " , xt . t . Km.i tan wrbks. mi. cnarEo m - , i aancoua. una u". , r u , :fi who his deputies will be, but will make bis Beiecuon ouuu The County Board held a seeiion last Saturday to open bids for new bridges over Tualatin and Ualry Creeks, and to transact other busi ness, an account of which follows: Tb9 bids for building the new structure to span the Tualatin on the site of lbe old Minter bridge ere: C. P. Long, McMinnville, $2882; D. B. Reasoner. $274G 13; J. 8. Lorsune. $2905. J. 8. Lor sung, being the lowest bidder, wbb awarded the contract. Only one hi.1 was received on the Dairy creek bridge, tbat of J. 8. Loreuog. j which tne cnurt rejecieu. waB $475. In the matter of Her man Schmidt, public easement; continued to next term. Hans Rooks, who was allowed $20 fjr the loss of a horse upon tne pumic . iha monlnr term in June, was allowed $50 more, mak ing a total ol 1UU lor tne aaunai. By an official order of the board, the precincts of Gaton, Dilley, . rr. .. r .u 1 0,V, Vnr. lvast Butte, corio auu ouuu u. est Grove were declared to be "dry," the vote in those precincts having a .1 ..J. m h. lima maoe mem urj m " - election. Sending a Child Tor Druga is perfectlyafe if you direct, it to this Pharmacy. Yon will be just as sure of good service as if you came In peraon. We treat everybody alike. ' We cannot do otherwise, because we handle Only Oa Hind of Drug's That ia the best and purest we can get. So bo matter whether you coma yourself . or send a child, you are always sore of ohtainine the very best drug aervice, which ia the'only kind worth having. Hillsboro Pharmacy THE WAGGENER RECITAL tu. fnilnojino annreciation of the ..j. " " b -rr- , , . ... a'..n.r repilal. in this rtSvOUk 1 city, appearea in iue ouuu.j .v eonian: ..: i . tir:i.M rt a clever .U1SS . - . pianiste, writes concerning a reciUl Riven ... . . ,. Viatt late lv returned f:om study in Berlin, tne a highly successful piano recital at tne . : .i . u;iisv.m last Wed- crescent uirauc i - - nesdav evening. She was assisted by .:. ' ..iio narter. viclinist. and .1111.9 . , . rr..ilr V. Vrooman. tenor. MlSS Wacgener'a well developed technique anu niusiciau.j - ----- fied the expectations of her friends, in the Chopin Impromptu in F sharp major her beautiful singing tonea nd charming . .l:....l.....l T tnne touctt were uesiuispiacu. - colorine and a breadth of style were markea also in uic un-" , m.,i,H The entire program was well received. The accom- iiaiiisies were ;ui w.v Katheryn Shannon." DIED AT BANKS Hillsboro Commercial Bank Capital Stock, $25,000. Surplus & Undivided Profits, $10,000 A conservative bank does not speculate. Stockhold ers and directors are sub stantia ; Directors and stockholders A. S. SH0LES EDWARD SCHULMERICH S. R. HISJ0N i S. RUSSELL W. N. BARRETT E. B. TONGUE J.W.CONNELl ... i - f Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier ; A. S. Sholes, Pres v tl1lawman nf Reedville. was in town Monday, and called, tr. annnmnanied by bis brother-in-law, Geo. W. Johnson, i-. i .u nu;i null. T.onemont, eauor ui uo j - . lr Jnhnson 18 well ... ... & f 41.. at., A pleased with wis pa 01 i " .... rk....n In 11 UQ and may come io viosuu - - Louie Spaulding Phelps was born in the State ot aew icra. utsai i u. ton, in Oswego county on the 27th day of May, 1862. He lived the most of his me near uie Uuu.u. his birth. He came to Banks the latter part of July, 1807. lie oiea " 1 - a l 3m la car -a hrrvfl rvT niH IHLUt3rklU10i n . tun uuujv j if. Wrioht nn the evening nf June 17. 1908. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife and daugh ... .u ara with him. and two VOI nuu " " ' - - Til .1- ir. Kaa York and the 0th EUUB, UUC . u . v erin New Jersey, mtermem. w in the Banks cemetery. r BAILEYS STORE BUYS r Wool and Mohair n t :u:.J nf naar Laurel. WaB r. iiii"Bu . t ,, , in the city Monday, and called t. t :n:...l ha 8 acres of bopB, which he says look better than the same yard am a u year, rour uui j o borhood were plowed up this year. M Laird and eon, of Garfield, u. -- . . ,,r.iu -A Wash., visited U. a. weou uu family, the latter part of laBt week. Mrs. Simmons and daughter, of w-.j-nu Mn. also visited the uenuTitiv, ... . WBbbB last week. The family of editor Killen, ot the Independent, arrived in town last Friday, and are comfortably . j ha hnnae latelv va- oted by Station Agent Vickers on Front street, oeiween v. uv ... m. :n k. a nnVilic dance at mere wm - v - , the City Park, in Cornelius, on the evening of Saturday, June 2, 1908 Walkers' oroheetra. Refreshment Btands on grouna. Mrs J. C. Wilson and daughter, of near West Union, were in the :. Mioa Wilson has City monaay. , been attending the St. Mary's Acad- amv. Portland. ... t Rutloe visited her aunt, MrB. W. H. McEldowney, at Fnreat Grove. laBt weea. .... . n... Toff, at Reaverton, MlBB zOt avaaw, , was the guest of Miss Ona Foord, over Sunday. For gentlemen's, ladies ana children's bose you can do no bet ter than to buy of John Dennis. Votera Take Notice. i District ' 58. rariuiu((iuu uvumum . There will be a speoial meeting ol .L. t i .nhnri vntara nf School mo t"B "" or. TI ... RU nn i II MUM H V . U 11 1LO uu. UlBUlOb uvz, va Jl 1908, at one o'clock p. m., at the T..l.n1nn On n Ifl I LU1UBO. 1 importance bf the business to be tranflacted demands a full attend ance. See posted notices. By order of the scnooi dob Dist. 58. ! ' V . J. J. Krebe, chairman. "We have always paid the Highest MarKet Price for Wool and Mohair.; Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so ! Doing, get the top of the Marhet! of J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove Unarnan PntllAr &nd Wife. Scholls, were in town Monday. Peter Zurcher waB in from Bux ton. Monday. ait fiordon. of North Plains, van in town Monday. Tom MoDaniel, of Buxton, was in town rnuay. n . t.r,a t.Vin dance at Glem coe, Saturday night, June 27, W08 Wa kere orcnesira. iw"i J. E. McNamara and wife, of tr.rl friends in the rorn"ui to Rnndav. , i F. L. Watrous and wife returned last Saturday from a vibu w tivsa north oi uuxiou. H. Huber, of Buxton, was in the nil v Monday, iwtu uuuw . aale in tniB issue. .v..i .Jiatrlnt nf Cornelius held its annual meeting Ust week and elected X. ft.. r ',""" Tnm Talbot director. . , t..Jtr,V. Pranrlftll. of thlB .1 llillZH uuuuiy" - . ,, city, and M. C. Collier, '8 a ii n..aiifl(i rri urn i uu iu bvuh w ien iu , iT" . .nt .t State Veterans ..uoauiy-x-" Newport. THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers iii Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carrv a complete line of fine sundries. Tf do not nave what you want -in -stock,' we will cheeriully get ir ior you. Vippn flTiTiniTited iiaiiug r r ..v.KcVirc' ao-ptits. we are 7 . J a. m.. v nil nrpnarpii 1 1 1 iiijuiv an . : ,t,. C.VinnT your wnuu iu w. w"-"-"" Book rime. v AX? nlen- liavp a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc School , Books will be sold .for Cash Only. Positively I iJ V . '2 . I - . lv; f 'is I i. I I I .1 x . .... Ii I II jJSarSaaiSaiaJ We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory. Will sell at Portland prices. Sohulmerioh Bros. 51-tf Smokers like Jbe Bch Her andtbe Excellencia. "fS ihe best stock. You can't fool a. authority on a food oigar. ' i 's l i' 1 1' it .Jlcatio!