The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 11, 1908, Image 1

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    u tv.zsimmsns
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NO. 13
imam. 1 1 u i n
III i vmiw imw
Awards Contract for HrlJc
and Kad Work
9 i
u Idurtlae far Bid oi
Ulster Brld
Tb County Board met laet Wad
neadey and trenaacted considera
ble bueineea. Mead and Peine e
cured the contracts for building
the Vlckers bridge and fill; also
tha fleiger All. All hid on tb
M Inter bridge were rejected, ami
tba board will adveitiae for blda
IWna Hooka, who lost a horea on
tb public highway, by bring enag
ad, some lima ego, waa awardrd
tor the animal.
Koreet Oreve Hore Co , pMiiion
(or refund; ordered that penalty
and Inlorwt to tbe amount of 15 H5
b refunded,
M U onn rrfumivd f- .W "
1ymcet v( U(, Mute nt-irr tuale Praia
'salirr lot U 4.
ITIHilK-n Jl T Turk lu rl alW aatr
of Unit for delinquent Ui; warrant J 1 S
drawn lu itraaitrrr tu rrtlrrui Mint
Huts on VU'kcr'a riri'lji ami lill, I A
KniKhl. U rU cubic jaul "it fill; J 1
Mi-Margur, ls;$ fur rill; Mc.l A J'amr
on lirtiftt ami till, J4. Awarded l
Mrad A I'auir.
Critfi-r lill. J A Kniijlit, 17 rents jr
J; J 1) Mt'lUrgur, Mca.l .V I'ainr,
lo Uimt cotttrart ia awanlr.l
Miotrr lirll(r, aoulhraat o( IlilWIxiro.
J 9 I.nwiug, l.J4. K l tJrrr, a, 77, H
b Kcaaourr, i.lli jH, All Iji1 r-)c led.
ml new blda wilt I raomcd and ii
td J una M
liepoil of wrr cm roal prtltlott of
llrrtuan Stimmlt, continue!
Tiatiacrilita Slsl riillipll of nj-r
(.a!r, and corontr't lniirtt I'ir.l lir
am, allowed,
Chaa It htclirri ronlinnrd i ilrnt
Clrra'a frra for Msjr, lo JJ, ret-ord
tr'i leei, fjb 6
J H Matthews l'it allowed f-M 5" l"
of Indigent auliller.' fund lr rtwtir,
and Imrml of It I Wilaun.
J A liut.rie and J If fkwell irwrr
lo ateel with ro surveyor ami lile
i tr iwuiioii I'ritt Ztmlier eUl.
Q WMarUau4 lmn Bkr ap)ul
ie and lo-ale rd a rr dre tetrivad
from Ueo McKldn
1'irtjr dollan jtatd John Vnlvke tow
aid feudng on c road 44J
Fifty dollar allowed liana Knoka fur
lou of florae on ro tad.
An alwtrical alorm of abort dur
ation, omirrnd bara Monday. Tel
epboiia wiraa (tave oft aparka in the
city, and a ware placel out of
buaineaa. At the old Col. T. It.
Cornelius bnavordam ranch, juat
aoutbeant id Curneliua, now owned
by John HuihMian, a Imlt of light
ning atruck the latler'a bam, aet
ting It on fire, and the building,
and itaoon tenia, oonaiating of about
$200 worth of wool, waa burned to
the ground. It will coat from $121)0
to $1X) to r)laoe the barn. There
waa no Inaiirauce. Chaa. Ward
and hia brother in law, who were
working on a fence, a abort die
tance from the barn, were both
knocked down by the concnaaion of
the thunderbolt, but niiiber waa
injured The barn waa atruck about
3:30 o'clock, and the ooncuacion
waa heavy in Hillaboro.
Pacific Uuiveraity dramatic atu
donta will put upon the boarde at
tbe ileilig Theatre, Portland, on
June 12ib. the three-act comsdy,
' Our Hoya." Tbe Sunday Oregon
ian baa tbe following compliment
ary notion el Miaa Wilhalmina
Hbidel, daughter of K. M. HeidM.
of tbia city; "Miaa Wilhelmina
ohn Simpaon and Grandson
Thrown out and Hurt
Graadiaa la
Nine membni of the graduating
olaae at Pacific Uuiveraity will re
ceive the degree of bachelor of arte,
bealdea Miaa Alice Kleanor Sewell,
daughter of Je. H. Howell, of Ililla
boro. who wilt graduate from the
Coneereatory of muaio. Com
mencernent week will extend from
June 12 to 17. Commencement day,
on which the graduating exerciaea
from tha Uo vera tv are held, will
be Wedneadav. June 17. Tbe ad
dreaa of tba dar will be delivered
by Rev. Luther II. lyott, of Port
Following are tbe member of
the olaaa, with their borne ad
drraaea: Wilhelmina Kather He!
del, Ilillaboro; Daniel Irwin Aller,
Oakland. Cal.: Oeorge Adama
Clapp, Foreet Grove; Samuel B
Lawrence. Foreet Grove; Herbert
Hayea Arnaton, Taooma, Waah
Ktber Silverman, Bkamokawa,
Waah.; Robert Alexander Imlay,
Reedville; Franoes Benton Clapp,
Foreet Grove; Claude D. Maeon,
Bolae. Idaho; Alice Kleanor Hewell,
Mr Arthur 0. Gilmore and
Addle Lee Lane, of this city,
united la marriage t the borne
the brlde'i mother. Kant Oak Street,
Ilillaboro. Ore . Jane 3. 1008. The
bride ie wail and favorably knon
in tbia oily, where ohe haa resided
iooe earl childhood. The groom
baa at vanoua timea been empioyeu
by the city at the power houeo, and
i highly esteemed for hie indus
try and sobriety. The happy pair
departed at onoe for an extended
visit at the home of the groom's
father, in Iowa. Their eastern trip
wae timed so that they were stop
ped by the big Montana washout?,
and their honeymoon trip will be
delayed several days.
Heidel, the young lady who took
tbe i-art of Wallulah. in "Tbe
tridge of the (ioda" lent year, and
whu immediately afterward re
ceived an ofJr from a New York
manager, btcauae of her excellent
work, will lake the part ol Portia
in the trial aoene. and of Mary
Melrose, the poor rouain, in "Our
Hoys." Tboee who beard ber
plendid work lat year wi'l ba in-
teieeled to hear her again in a new
and entirely different role."
II. I. an nlartcom, of near
Vernonia, Nehalem valley, waa in
town lueaday with a load of Ure-
gon grape roota, which be sold to
Hcbuioierioh Uroa. of tbia city, at
he rale of 10 cenla a nouud. Tbe
purchasing firm will eend the pro
hid, c maiming of 5U0 pound, to
buyera m Minneapolis. Mr. van
Blaricom informs the Argua that
be ia ranting ginaeng auoceaafully
a the Nehalem Telley. Tbe root
are perfect, but he bai not yet de
termined whether be can raise and
nave tbe reed. The latter matter
aetilmi, he will go extensively Into
the culture of this valuable root.
I will sell at private aale, at
Witch Haiel, epanof dapple gray
11 lit i A. k it.
marea, i yeare oiti, oai, genue
and well broke; bay driving mare,
gentle, anyone ran drive ber; bug
gy;Jreey ux ; double-sealed sur
rey; lumber wagon; iwnng mower;
O.borue rake, sood aa new; bay-
ween; Jackaon bavfork, rope and
pulley, complete; ploa, narrows,
etc. Thiaaaleia maae oecauae j
am going to iiuit farming. P. 8
Anderson. i '
Tha Ilillaboro Pharmacy show
. 1 -. Ln tMa
window auracieu mwuu '
week. In the center of the space
back of tbe window is a miniature
lake, with a aloop riding at ancnor
the lake being surrounaea wua
background of Oregon moss, grape
llr treea, etc , wDiie a toy auiomo
bile, a stuffed weasel and a aquir
rel. are features of tbe make-up
Hnu Oreear. the troDN6ior, is re
aponaible for the effect.
Tnbn I) C. Thomas, formerly of
HiiiHhnm. oraduated from the Na
--in-" ... , .
tinn.l Univere IV Law Hcnooi, av
u..hlnoinn. U. C. aat weex. mr
Thomas hag been a collector iu
Colliar'a for tbe paet ten years, ana
.t..AA nlaht aaiaions of the
:hna. Ha mother, Mrs
uuvu ,.--. t -
Kmma Thomas, now lives in l or
i..,.r nd i a nronertv owuer in
twuu, , I -
this city.
Oliver Huaton, son of S. B. Hub
ton, of Portland, tbe latter roraw
Im . .U known attorney of Hills
boro, won the 100-yard foot raoe at
the big track meet in Portland last
Saturday, defeating Smithson, who
holds the world's record in hurdle
raoes. Hillsboro boys have a way
of coming to the front, in most any
kind of an event. Uung Huston
is now a student at the Oregon
lAtinn WAa taken last week
nu..v". ...
whereby the Forest urove i v,oiv
:n tha nlaoeof the Oregon
City baseball team in the Tri City
league, now compnemH
Ufn Vnr Ann. Ol JUIIUB. - nuvw
ver, Woodburn, Salem and Forest
Grove. ,
The Oregon Aseooiation of Title
n o n.o atv m ni a new uru'
tion formed In Portland this week.
At about 3:30, Monday afternoon,
n electric storm visited Uillaboro.
t was uabered in by a vivid flash
of lightning, quickly followed by a
clap of thunder that shook the nDDincott Pub. Co.. of Philadel- 8dl7 number of people were prea
very earth. At the time. John lohia. waa in town this week. I ent. including Judge HoIHb and
Simpson, aged 82 years, with bis por Mr,tlemen'a. ladiea' and
ittle grandson. John, were in children7! boae you can do no bet- J- " Tamieeie, president of the Ic-
two seated back, on Second Iter than to bay of John Dennis, cal board of trade presided. Two
treet, near tbe Tuont residence, Last Sunday was one of the hot representatives or tbe Suniiet Maga-
preparing to go to their borne, day I of the season. Warm weatber me were preeem, ana expiainea
about four miles south of town. needed now to fill out tbe grain to the meeting tbe proposition of
be team was headed north, and nd "P0 the sm,u rrDlt croP8, tbe periodical. Several speeches
rhen the aerial exploaion took For 8ale: A Sharplees tubular were made, and quite a bit of en
olace. thauam bar. ma friahtened 0 orB,m wP,rlor-B,m,.m, " tbueiaam was aroused in favor of
nd ran north on Second. Mr.
Hi ui Hon clung a the lines, trying
to keep the now nnmanageable
boraea in the middle of the street,
Mrs. Roy Greear is ill with
The town was full of drummers
Jacob Stalli, of Helvetia, waa a
county seat visitor Tuesday.
Ed. Mulloy, a prominent bop
grower of Laurel, was in tbe city
Louis Finigan, of Laurel, was in
the city Tuesday, aud called on
Secoad Actldtet Witblat 1 110 Argua.
a Month
Frank Carter and Crystal Rich
ardson were granted license to wed
last week.
Hubert Bernards, of near Mc-
Minnville, was in town Monday.
greeting old friends.
J. W, Webster, representing the
To Consider Matter of Adver
tising County
Several Booatera Preaent From Far
eat Grave
The local board of trade had a
meeting at the court house last
Friday night to consider the mat
ter of advertising the county. A
See Our Full Assortment
r D;., mi Tii' ! the echeme. A subscription paper
ivewiTUie. iveeuviue, rum ... -iih .nlt that
14 4 i I v ,v"l " wu au a,uwv
UUJCT- $500 was subscribed here.
A. K. ale ana Homer L. Boy a, county court nas agreed to give
which waa lined with teams at the of Boulder, Colorado, were in the $1,000 toward the sum r quired. It
hitching racks, oppoaite the court city Saturday, looking tbe town was estimated that about $2,000
houae. In anile of hia efforts, the over. They think Hillsboro has a would be required, in addition to
hark collided with the buggy of good future, and may locate in this what the county will give, to ad
Adrian Dant. damaging bis vehi- oounty. vertise the county, and get up a
cle to some extent. The end soon n .. t a : ... creditable exhibit for the Alaska-
visauuia v a a a vr muuj kuiit
came. At the intersection of Sec-
rived in town Monday night. Tbe
Yukon fair. It was decided to ap
point Eome one to solicit over tbe
county in behalf of the sum to be
raised. Meetings will be held in
tbe Grove, and at Beaverton and
Cornelius, and other parts of the
Sanding a Child For Druge
ia perfectly aafe if you direct it to this
Pharmacy. Yoa will be just as sore of
good service as if you came in person.
We treat everybody alike. We cannot
do otherwise, because we handle
Only On Kind of Drugs
That is the best and purest we can get.
So no matter whether you come yourself
or send a child, you are always sure of
obtaining the very best drag service,
which ia the only kind worth having.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
capital will raise land values all
over the county, and tbe whole
people will be the gainers. A few
cannot be expected to contribute
the money. All should help. It
will mean a greater Washington
county, and no mistake. Other
counties are arranging to advertise
... t . . . I . I u w
ona ana urxoin aireeis, me wogue 0reegri n,ve thejr Bt0ck
came dowo, ireeing tne Dorses, ana r.nnh aammit .nd Claude and
a ougning tne venicie w one erne, fjkmi, d the summer in
shoulder, snd the grandson fell in At the Campbell Greenhouse: county will be asked to help. It
v . I 1 : J.LI . . I. t.Mi a n
much the same manner. Help paueiw, uanua ruou, luow, ng not a niiiBDoro nor a forest
waa at hand, and Dr. Linklater nouae planU, and cut nowere; also Grove proposition, but the money,
took charge of tbe wounded twain oaDDage plants, etc. Mrs. Agnes when raised, will be used to ad ver
Tbouah dad. Mr. Simpaon diJ ampoeu, to ana nr Bireoie, use the whole county, so no
" ' . I ritll.t i Q a a? I a as .
not lose conciouneas, and waa as- nuiiooro, urogon. o-m community win oe lavorea over
slated to Dr. L nklater'a office. Ur mil Mn I M Rruir .nd anotcer. lbe benents to arise
where bis wounds were attended rl.n.hur. Miaa Parl. will be in from advertising, need not be par
... . i a -i ' ----- i .. , . , ., . . - ,
to. They consulted of several scalp town from Summit, tomorrow, to ucuiarueu. Aaaea population ana
wounds and bruises. U ith were apend a few weeks in this city,
taken borne, late in the afternoon, They will go back to their home in
ana win recover an ngui. i ne ii Mesa, Ual , eome ume in ucio
team was caught, and damage to I her.
team and hack was alight. Mr. v. .
u: , .u.-.j .m..v.V,u nlunk oaioty Leuuais uuxra si w tiuio
'7 . i ; : Z:::. boro Commercial Bank. Do not
run the risk of loeiog or having
UIB wuuuua worn usiuki , , , l v-uu "
dreeeed. About a month ago, tbe rr g.. il J i. resources. The Lewis &
arandson fell from a waaon whieh ? lu! omJ Clarke Fair made a new Oregon,
was loaded with lumber, one of the nre-prooi 11 and the Alaska-Yukon Fair ought
hin.4 wheela nains over hia body. Mrs. S. D. Powell last week re- to do our state nearly as much
r . . . I . .....a aw a I . mi il f . m m 11T .
ith but alight in ury to him. ceived word mat me ooay ot ner gooa as n win tneisiaieoi nasn
Whila anfiiilenia multin v in his son. Grant Powell, who was drown- melon, provided we let our re-
..... . n ' i.i I , ! . . t. o i i. : n n I u v t ia mi e lenow eeeme 10 near ea in me odussus nror, uim luuraBimiuunu.
i. in.. ... i -t i
been forced over tne tans, was re- f ores; urove cmzenB bUDBcriDea
covered two miles below the whirl- $500 to the advertising fund Mon
Banks defeated Verboort in the
I . . . t l ; O
c-..v r.-k . f.,m hand airarf aeciaina game oi meir aeriBB, ouu
"T-iL'Vo hi., mtr.1. nnrnaliua held the
o, years ----.- If. L" Anmn m ... hits. The There is a man in this county rep-
o oiocx monaay aiiernoou, uu iu -; - -- rMml;nir . Madical Co.. whoclaims
T.I Ol 1 K miIab aAlilk I nALLr IlHH WCSTO. DBU1B. lUIugilUC B . I
lV'ur"l.:nA Bahrmann: Verboort. Lamb, the Watkins' Med. Co. ,b a branch
. . !!... i u ilwl I Havaacker and Bernards. of the Company he represents.
lupwiauu Such man is a fraud. Tbe J. K.
I a t.r.,,.a. tist r 1 1 R alFIfl I i a 11 t t tl . .
UPslfc. UUatu, v uu uau I I aannM Bt - nf 1 mAnfl. HflTH llTatL UfaHitaal fra ia r ft a I
enjoyed good health, was working and Udiee BuiUt WiU sold at branch 0f any company, but is the
on a rpray pump, ana maae tne , i eogt. .nd all broken lines u,ofli m.nnfantnrinir medicine
in lhat I ..... a a o . -w . .
r I carried in tne immense sicca oi m coudidv in the world, with none
r ,. ' General Merchandise Store of tocomDete. So wait for the Wat-
Schulmench Bros. Come early
and get your choice. oltf
The Sherwood White box won
another came. Sunday, on the
iivAa in Missouri, to whom be was home arounas, aeieaung me mucn
sending a portion of his wages. He 1 lauded O. R. & N's, of Portland,
.a ala I? W fill. I l
had Uh and 4 waton among nis
charmed life.
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Capital Stock, $25,000.
. Surplus & Undivided Profits,
$ 10,000
A conservative bank does
not speculate. Stockhold
ers and directors are sub
stantial citizens.
Directors and stockholders
A. S. Sholes, Pres
Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier
day night.
and made the
remark to a fellow workman
he "was about melted "
bad the words escaped his lips,
when he sank to the ground and
died Waugh recently oame from
tbe East, and letters in his posses-
. J 1 I i 1 -
ainn ma caiea mat ue aau rets
i pete.
kins man.
Z. M. LaRue, Agt.
Forest Grove, Or.
effects, and belonged to the Mason-
io fraternity. Coroner Brown was
notified, and went down to the Col
wall ranch Monday afternoon, but
after an investigation, decided that
hviaiMranf to t. This makes Join our PobI Card Uub, ana re-
I - - ... .. . T. - 1 1 .11 4. f Ik.
the first defeat lor tne u. K. x ws, ceive carae irom .u oi mo
.nrl tan vlctnrieB for the White country. For 25c, we will send
you full value in carae ana place
your name in our directory, tree ot
oh.roa fur nii mnntha. State!
year old child of John Lakson, liy- ciaBB 0f cardB wanted, whether
Sox team out of 11 games.
On Saturday last, the little 2
Many persons are being attract
ed to Hillsboro and vicinity from
Portland, who are seeking land and
other Investments.
Thompson Scoggln, a prominent
ranober of Fossil. Oregon, ana
native son of Washington county,
visited Dr. F, A Bailey and family
this week,
W. N. Barrett is having his resi
denoe on Sixth and Washington
moved to a vacant lot on Fifth
street, thia week. He will build
new residence on the site of the
building being removed.
. . m .
an inquest we. no o - 2 WMt of to w bitten . 0rfl(?on . bif h . te
eonsirom roruauu iuu -. . - . , . , Un.r.t:no - ' ,
h rmaina. and the funeral was r"',"J7 v " " oawBiawiiou .tauw. u. uiuu,
1- ihA nnT nnnr nt inn riuni nanii. i j
Wool and Mohair
"We have always paid the
Highest Marhet Price for
Wool and Mohair. Don't
Forget to bring your clip
to us, and, by so Doing,
get the top of the Marhet!
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
had in Portland, under tbe aus
pices of that order. Waugh told
his employer that his wife was
dead, and that he had a son living,
whose whereabouts are not Known.
We will sell at auotion sale, at our
yard, 4 miles north of Mountain
dale, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
About 75,000 feet of dressed lum-
bout 75,000 feet of tougn
The Post Card Bazaar,
10-13 Hilleboro, Oregon.
Among those who attended from
Washington county, were: J.
Wilkes, of. Hillsboro, and W. II.
Hollis, of Forest urove.
Bids for conHtruoting a large
ditch through beaverdam land Ion
v Mnnntalndale. will
....n k ,ta rAnnrvad. Address.
to r eo U"J .n r
F.Bohomberg, Hillsboro, Or. 13 6
For 8ale oTrade-An Bstey or
8an, good as new; also seoond-hand
? LBu An. Cal uo on Ind.
w" ,7, aa. T.DTallman,
Hillsboro. 11-11
the index finger of the right hand,
so that it had to be amputated at
the first joint: Dr. F. A. Bailey
attended the child.
Tbos. Mays, foreman on the Ken
nedv farm, near Tualatin, was
badly hurt last Friday in Portland,
in a runaway. He was thrown
from the buggy, alighting on the
UaxaatA mwA in onmA msinnAr nnA nf
UUlafVa ISJUU aaa aTwatawv wasuuwa. wmw w. ,
his feet became. entangled in the b an Argue caller Tuesday.
harness. In this condition he was Peter N. Vanderzanden, of Ver
dragged eight blocks before the boort, was in town Tuesday
horse was stopped, at was iouna
to be in an insensible oondition,
and was taken to a hospital. Pby
A. C. CarstenB was down from
Banks Monday.
Emil Ospelt, of above Mountain-
dale, was in Saturday,
Mrs. A. Neukirch, of Blooming,
bar: a
lumber: also 'i cows, in mux.
Terms of Sale Under $10, oash; sioians think there is a nope tor
. s at. . ) a t at. as. ..lavla wAMMAvfj ITta AttosinA frram
AHAaa Kill BIT Till 111 LI III n. BU I Ull IDUUT9II) aw "vwi
UVD1 Tu " . T .
proved note, 8 per cent. Five per death was almost miraculous
ceat off for oash over 110. Monday's electrioal storm play
Thompson Bros. .j h. vnA -,tth three of the electric
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. llaht itnM in this oity. On Tues
day afternoon, the engineer at tbe
The Webfoot Realty Co. sold thel.Wric olant turned on theatrhistle
Kmmett Hoover property, at Dll- to notify the men who were work
lav. to Mrs. Mary Dailey, this lng overhead on the poles to come
week, uoneiaeraiion, oou. down, previous to turning on iue
Mrs. D. P. Patterson, of Eugene, current. At this juncture, the j cord
. r rli.- .u. k...: conneot ns with the whistle broke,
18 . j m.. d leaualnv a orolonged blow before
ents, Mr. anu n. a . . KZZ'ia mBnfi ,h atrlnir
J. C. Kuratli and family spent This caused tha fire department to
Sunday wnn relatives in rorusuu, turn Q tjj6 eiror b6in2 discover
Chas. Leicb, of Phillips, had ed after the firtaddiea had reach
bueiness in Hillsboro Tuesday . ed the light plant.
A . C. Hatch, a Cornelius black
smith, was in the city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Gardner vis
ited with the Elwells and Thos.
Tuoker, in Portland, Sunday.
Gray Oaks has a baseball team,
with Henry schlattmann as cap
tain. The boys will play any team
in Washington county.
Henry Mattbea, of Laurel, and
who in the paet has bred some of
finest Shropshire sheep ever shear
ed in this section, was an Argus
caller Saturday.
"Kaolo" the housekeeper's friend.
For cleaning and polishing jewelry,
gold, silver, and all metals, glass
and elaeBware. Will not scratch.
25 cents a box at the Hillsboro
Pharmacy. ' 11-tf
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
We have just received a car of
Bain wagons from the factory.
Will tell at Portland prices.
Schulmerich Bros. 51-tf
Smokers like the Schiller and the (
Kxoellencia. inese cigar, are oi
the beet stock. Yoa can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
v .
' I -