Mir JnllLLSBaR VOL. XV. HILLSBORO, OREGON. JUNE 4, 1900. NO. 12 'I T until HUJU LL ) Fire Starts at 'A O'clock 1'rU day Mornlnn tossn rt.A IMUtMCI, ,w lkl 25.000 Pttl ef tetf se 4- dllUaal A flrs broke out lo Thompson Bros. ... mill et Mountatndal-, Friday Wyoming. about 3 o'c111- wllb ' 1W .li it., mill aiaa Imrniwl in IMU lUa - " tht ground, together with t lose of 35000 feet of Doe lumber. I be origin of the Are is a mystery Oo of h proprietors flatted lot plant t ibout nine o'oloek tbe evening More, tod everything wee then all right. The proprietors ars careful and caulloua men, and took every nwiiilnn to ureveot fire. Tbe machinery it wetped and practio tilt ruined. Tbe firm was dolni hmineu. erd bad niaov or dsriihead. Tbeloeeol mill and machinery will approximate $KXM) which la oovered by only fttXX) in uranoa. Tbe 25.000 Ul of lorn br it an additional Iom. lbs Arm baa not decided what to do Tbiy may ay oi bulld. Tbonpo Bros are food meo, and the ocmmuolty aympaibiie with tbem In tbelr loss. Card of Thaaai 1 with to tbank all tbote who a liiUd, or in any way showed kind Den during tbe brief lllnMM and at the funeral of my baloved wife, tbe late Uertrude Unooln My tbenki arealM due for tbe many b-aull ful floral c iT-tlnga prtwnUxl at tbe grave. C. 0. Lincoln. BENEFIT DANCE Tbe young people ol St. Matthew's CatbolU cborcb, ol HilUboro, will give a benefit danoe at Hilleboro LU1I, Saturday tveiing, June 0, VM, tbe proceeds lo go toward Im proving tbe church property. Tbe promoters are lo be commended for tbelr energy, and tbe alTair abould be more than wall peUonited. Tbe ticket will ooat one dollar, and the young folk hope to Nil two hundred. Kefreanmeou mm i aerved In tbe ball. Olve tbe young folks a un. i., Lidice areCVeaia special invi tation to be in atleadance, F, U. WINS At the track meet at Forest drove lait Halnrdav. between the P. U anil MnMlnn ill Collem athletea. Peoifio Unlveraity boye csplared a majority or tbe event, winning y lha ilanialva annra nf 70 10 40 Ar chie llabn, tbe Michigan sprinter, and Knrraat Hmlthann. the OrecOD Wonder, gave an eihibltion hurdle race. KnrraaL Rmltkann hal been train log under Archie llabn, Paoiflo's ootoh. the naat week, and will re main at Parrel Grove until June 6, when be will go to Portland to take trt in (ha V. N. A. meet. IJahn it noted for being a fait man off hit marka, and Smlthson ia learn Ing the Michigan form, at ne aa miti he la alow in starting. Smith ion haa been leaching tbe men bia form In the hurdles, whloh ia one be bat worked out for himself, and they show remarkable improve ment for tbtihort time he haa been with them. While bleating on the right of way of the Oregon Klectric, on the John Pmmii place, jut eaet of town, on Monday, a slump, under wuiuu o't (uoie ui giani powder bad beeo placed, wai blown into the air, a fragment of which atruck a home owned by Kred Kood, kill ing me animal. I ne borae wai fW fiwt from tbe ei plosion. A large pirce of tbe atump alighUd danierouilv near the enuina which oertiNi the pile driver, near tbe juaion place, iwt fortunately no one waa bit. Tbe animal waa val ued at (150. 1 ha liuiliiincp Ulinn U nna mi hand, ami an nna rnnlaiiM.l.lina work ia thli lineibould call on tbe Climai Millioa Co. when flsurine on maUrial. We have a complete atook alwava on band. Both pbonee. 3 tf AnrLliinta ftfLun on In lntihta Tueday. little John Btrrett, eon of n . oarrsu, mn egainet eiove, and wai quite aeverely burned on tbe armi. Ia lew than ten min utea afterward, Mr. Barrett mieaed bar fooling on tbe dooretep, and auilained a ipralned ankle, which ia cauelng ber coniiderable eulTer Ing. Dr. A. B. Bailey attended b tb patienU. Monday night the Heavena were Illuminated by flashee of light, which came from the dirxtion ol Portland. The flaibea evidentlv came from tbe eearcb-ligble of the cruinor and gunboat now in Port- laml harbor. The cliv of the arch light a Itiud for aome min- ulea, and waa nottd by many ol UiHeboro'e people. Httnuel Conrad, a brother in-law of Wm and Willard Tut)txr. of thii city, wai in town the Bret of the week, viiiting bn relallvea ana friend'. Ha waa a former rldent uf ibie county, but now reeidee at Woodland, Weab , leaving bare in 1KG7. He natural! t findi many cbanaee between tbe Iiillaboro of then and the preeenU W. 11. Walker, a eon of R. H. W.lk.r. of Baverton. while viait- irni a brother in Scogaloi Valley lail FuoJay, waa atricken with ap- ntiil la t a. Dr. I, nfc later waa turn- tnoned, and took bit patient to Portland, where an operation wai bad Monday nigbt. The opera lion waa aucceaaful, and tbe young man will recover. IT BY A Clyde Wilson, the Will Live BOYS STONID BIS Vaeag Lee, leaeirvana, Held ie tbe Ceaetr Jail Clyde Wilaon, who wai ahot by Quong Lee, a laundryman, at For eet Grove, Saturday night, will probably recover. Bher'.ff J. W. Connell brought tbe Chinaman to Mra. F. J. Bailey, formerly of HilUboro. entertained the Daueb tera of tbe American Revolution, of Portland, at tbe liobart Curtis, one day laat week, with a musical. Tha aoloiita were John Claire Mon- i.i.i. , i. w : u v. ni.... ... .. Iteiio, uariwjuo, miaa cwitu unun. contralto, ana mibs wuma wag mnar. of Hilliboro. DianiBte. Mies Waggener, aa Argue readers know, anAB DAa tmAfilhW t V tm9. WASB BOUSE ."T 3 "Vk. .V-i .7 Z ,V- il brated teacher, Alberto Jonas Clearance tale of all men's, boys' and ladiei' suits. Will be sold at actual cost, and all broken lines carried in the immense stock of the General Merchandise Store of Scbnlmerich Broe. Come early and aet your choice. oltf PKOaiBITION Two Saloons South of Center of Main Must go COBSEUCS LOSES TWO SALOONS Fsreit Grave Prtciact Data the fer the Drya Werk A bia orowd assembled at the r & rri . 1 . U....-J. B Vreeoeot lowairo iait diuiuj jail Sunday morning, where be will nisbt to hear republican speakers bahald until it davalona whether IT. J. Cleeton. of Portland, the nm not Wilann Ml null tKrnnah Drincinal speaker, was introduced vi uvs vi ueuu vyw in uuu vwi & Tbe fight on prohibition in this county was the center of the polit ical storm, on Monday. In South Hillsboro the "Drys" won out by a majority of 12 In North Hillebo- ro the "Wets" won by a majority of 26 votes. Cornelius was linked with South Forest Orove, a dry See Our Full Assortment t not Wilaon will pull tbrougn. iruwipi , w iuiwuvu m,u wu,u uicc uium, The sympathy of thecommuni- JlJ'JtSi Precinct- bich Bve large mjor- .... ' .wnu! .... ma rattling good Ulk, for fully , f orohibition. and Cornelius a. w iHwnnisi ui tm w ur auew uuiubiuibiu mm i . w u a m kail u,a afnaaa i u uuur uu m ue.ii. uw miuivm t - , . , . against the hoodlums, who have waa logical, throughout, and made flled to OTeroome the lead. This (ormanud tha Calaatial for months vote. Judie Dimick, of Oregon puts two saloons oat in Cornelius, put to such en extent that be City, told some good stories, which and the two in 8outh Hilleboro. found It nectary to barricade hi. JJJ" E!V. JZ1W1ZL windows and doora against this el- turned Q overwhelminRl- dtci8i ITLw ndoTan'd ' coo?. h. bo Commercial Bank. Do not m.jority against prohibition. In ana the winaowa ana aoors nave ...... i; . k.i aavara mnmncta whw it waa snD- b0k" f":.Q?Di 7T Zr ner7 dt el "n ' ol poeed the dry vote was in the ra- mwerio uewn . y, '-. A.a Si,.lir tt. ' .,1 in jority. large "wet" maiDrities were """ri;-'" n 'given. nw!" .1 In HillBhfirn alnctinn dav waa Saturday night's affray occurred For many years Hillsboro boast. a8hered , fc f. . of churjh at about 11:30. when Wilson, who lad of the oldest woman in the I . ... :. ----- . . . i : . . . . . uciib. bqu larite cruwus wcio iu bad been drinking in .company United States, in tbe person 01 front' of the poii, iQ South Hillsbo witb a young man named uevnn, Grandma Mary wooa, wno aiea m u . y0t coffee and sand .it a J a a .. a a 1 & f'kina. I DULL... T.ham lat tkia waa I tiempMu mj wrunui wf nuieuuru, auu.ij w cbes were e ven to voters, and a man by throwing beer bouiea ,Red 120 years. Forest urove now oumber of gtood ftt he u, againat his door.it ! said, which comas to the front with the oldest dorD (he da h yoien broke tbe lock and lore ooi a pan- man in waaningwo county, in e w yo - fof prohiWlion- The anti, el. The Oriental says several at- person of James Luck, who at the . in .viimP. an(j lempU had been made to gain en- Uge o 95, in posaeeelon ot bis gome heated a umenti took plloei k.n k Itrxl Ihrmivh Ihel rannltiaa an1 tnimmf anna health. I . . . . . i .u, ... .. - , , n together witn mucn gooanaturea oroaen uuur. tus uuuat Huua feci in Wilson's windpipe and lodg ing in tbe back: Wilson is a eon of tbe late H B Wilaon, wbodi-d about three w-eks ago. One boy of this familv, about five years ago, waa drowotd. B yi have been arrested before on obargee of annoying this Chinaman. ROBERT C, MILLER Rb3rt C. Miller, aged father of Cbas. P. Miller, of this oity, died in Portland, Monday evening, May 25. Ha was born November 20, 1825. Deoeaaed was an Oregon pioneer, coming to Linn county from Missouri In 1847 and for many years wa one of tha promi nsnt and leading men of Linn nnnntv ha aa a. matcher of the legislature for a number of years and waa an honored and reepeoted oitiiAA. Ha Wvra the following ohlMr.n. fenatnr M. A. Miller, of Lebanon; Cbas. F. Miller, of SWat n, Vrank Miller, of Prairie City;' Mrs. Jsnnings, of Goldhill; Mrs. O. D. Montague and wuiiara A. Miller, or rorwana.. . Tha ramalna war taken to Leo annn WmAnmmAmn tat interment Funeral eervioee were oonduoted under the ausploes of Lebanon In.), a tr a a M at the Pres byterian ohuroh.--Forest Qrove Timed. At the Carnpbell Greenhouse: A at.. a Aahlla TOOtB. rOBBS, house planU, and out flowers; also cabbane nlanta. etc mra, CamnKall 7th and Fir streets Marrlase lioenaee were iwued to the lolloeing named eraoni, on the dates named, to-wit: A. S. Lylle and Joeie S. Henderson, May n-n E Hnnner and Ollie Dulety, Hay 25tb; Wm. Bell anu Derma C. Sherburne, June 1; J. A. Voas and Ottilie Uolmagle, June i. . rkrl. Rnnha and wife, who ilarled the Commercial Hotel, and who lately sold it lo tbe present proprietor, were in wwn lueauaj. They expect to start soon for Lin coln, Nebraska, where tbey w ii i.W. Aharaa nf a botel ior a wunr. Tbey eipect to return to Oregon, however, in tbe near future. xi.. a.mn.l RlHott in a sueet of ber daughter, Mrs. C. W. Red- mond. Mrs B.uiosia.uu--u-built Washington County's origins brick court house, and was one ol ths sarly and honored pioneers. n...i n.v nf fiaiton. was elect- I aui wvi . i. .-.! t tk Pr and Con- stable of Gaston pw'".B"'u" receiving a vote lor sheriff. Paul will probably compruua JuBtlce omoe. Tbe annual meeting of the Coi fee Club will be held at the borne Vu.. i n Lamkin. Saturday af- ,..rnn at 2:30. All membera are m.uw-, . ,..! earnestly requestea w w. v.., as this will be tbe last meeting un til September. Mrs. Vrooman has sold ber mil linery stock to Mrs. Rhea and Mrs. K.gley, and will retirajrom business. Tbe new proun...- possession the first of the weefc. Gospel Mission, undenomination al All ohurobee are aeu . -nrkers with us for theeaiva-oo-workers wiwi uf,.i tlonofsouls.-BeT. a.u. . Hillsboro. Misses Anna and Lsttie Connell nt Portland, visited the home folk. over Sunday. They wer. , .ccom- panied by Miss aauuo ... j aashier ot me Forest Grove National down Tuesday, greeuu of county seat friends. On last Saturday the Stepnens . y.?.,:"V..ain dub waa defeat- the latter place, euu - -. . , j r nraanville. was John areianu, v Mi. t guest ol ms Dr"i .-r- iir. ilia irftiauu. ...... i .all.hrad ooinier For oaie-f "r: nuppy. Anq01 12 Pharmacy. w .L. -Ifa ftf Jno. Hi. Wlf Born, w o - - 0ft iqaq Us, of Mountalndale, May 26, 1908, a daughter. Born to the wife of Grant Brown, orn, VU " na .ono . ann MRS. CASPER JASPER Mrs. Casper Jaaper died at ber borne at Verboort, Monday, May 18, 1908. at the age of 63 years. She waa born in, Holland and had lived in this county for about 35 -aara where she made many friends who witb her family mourn her death. Tbe funeral waa conducted fmm tha Catholio churob on tbe following Wedoeeday. She leavea a husband and the following children : Walter, Ed, Peter, Kate, Annie and Mrs. Goemans. MKao!o" the housekeeper's friend, raillery. For oleanins and oolubine jewelry, gold, eilvsr, and all metals, glass and classware Will not scratcn 25 cents a box at the Hillsboro Pharmacy. . 11-tf John Miller, wife, dauehter and son, of Montavilla, were in uius boro, Saturday and Sunday, visit ing relatives and attending Decora tlon day exercises. NOTICE There is a man in this county rep resenting a Medical uo., wnociaimB the Welkins' Med. Co. is branch of the Company he represents. Such man is a fraud. Tbe J. K. UTatVlna' Mai4ial Cn la not a wMwaMg i if nia,tuD Mwewawa w " Both Mr. and branch of any company, but ia the .is it. mil- I, : J : Mra. Millar formerlv lived in Hills boro, Mra. Miller being a daughter of Mrs. Susan Brown, of this city. Mra. Millar's son. Leslie, and Miss Kanev Frame, of Portland, also spent Sunday here For Sale: A Sharoless tubular Kn 3 nraam annarktor -almost SB Paul Beck. good as new. Mrs. Shieve, mile towu Tuesday. east Keedvilie. Keeavuie, rosi Q F MiUef umn. largest manufacturing medicine comnanv in tbe world, with none to compete. So wait for the Wat- kins man. Z. M. LaRue, Agt. 11-14 Forest Grove, Or. of Dilley, waa in REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS tha Forest Grove droesist. was in town Sunday. ,l s a " on" OK, H.,m. Polliar .as in the dtv naara nn tha l'nrt anrl-tllllBOOrO I ------- " branch ol the Oregon Electric Line Saturday, and called. - haa made a bet witb another party, N. C J. unrisieneen, oi lurei, ii that the line will be completed was in town the last of the week. from uaraen uome 10 ceaverwn, ... f i UU UViKDIi UI UWI jurwwawaj j i br the 4th of July. The size of the I aiairar la aaid to be $500 a side. Many people believe tbe road will be completed to muenoro oy Sep tember 1st. Fnr flala or Trade Afi EsteV Or gan, good as new; also Becond-band I Uiam hamea. UAH UP on ina. phone 167, or see T. D. Tallman, Hillsboro. H-tf i P M Heldel et o to Willis Ireland, lots ii and 1 a block 7 Tucker and Biewatt Aild HilUboro w Ma Crandall et n to Clarence R Bloyd, loti 1, 1 ana J dik 15 oim n,n. Add HilUboro ......ljoo Robeit McCracken et nt to Huah E Moote, 55.18 a in C Conklln diet . ' sooo Milr PurdVn et al to J D Rode, Cre- ent MilU (intereat ln).................- W S Reynold! et u to Herb Smith, .r nf hlk ii Forest Orove 050 . . . 1 1 (1 .... . 11 v an a in J wm Bakta 1 111 ! ..." ' W. H. McEldowney and wife, of R W SiniDson et ax to Anarew rwr-. 1 Orova. were in tbe CUT un- aonet ux, 19.81 a in Geo Ebberte K rf Mrs. McKldowney's dlcti new ...........- T A" u.. dii. Thar V Geiilecet nx to John wnroann, uuwra, b. "J part btk 9 HHleporo vw I were acoompanieu uy mi. tji la .at- a IT M X downey s motner, mre. n. . Notice el Final Settlement 1 Eldowney, of Monmouth. Fnr mntlemen'a. ladies' and inthaOountT Court of the State of Of" LhiWrn'a hoM vou can do no bet- WlAVTX& to buy of John Dennis. Sommera. daoeaaad: , iiaAdwlntalraUr ot the above en J RSd eataU. haa nled hU Bnal report and xs)aiit m .me TJ Frank Rice, an old timer of this city and county, was in town last H has told his ranch and that Wedneaday, the 8th day of thi oiiy Prank J. t reBident ikiaoSrl t forth; hr- of Portland, but like all persons uj , , v.. rata and th aat- I L . L.. .... i;naj hara haa I WDU UaTU Bim - hankering to get back. Will a Hare, of this oitv. deliv hi! tha I)eoration Dav address before the veterans at Cornelius laat fiatnrdav. The addrees, we learn, was well received by the Una and! Anne nrasent on that occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clevenger and familv. of Arrovo. Cel., who visited friends in mnsooro several to fort hfg of any objections thereto and theaet- Admlnletrator of the eatate of Fred Sommew. deoeaaed. . Cbev eennawai, wiw mlnlitrator. PROBATE In the matter of the gnardUnahip of Jno. 1.., a minor: inventory and .ppraiaement filed .and .PPyed. Ketaw 01 LMim 4. - W. Bain, noocii ' . ..,.. J Matteaon appointeaappii 1 aays iaa wooa, wu,u iKton county, and A. A. RuaaeU, B. Cj . Sunday, where they expect to Omnia and Erneet Matteaon appointed appraieerefor xamnui coumy. - county olerk of this county, was in Hillsboro Monday, greeting oia Tfdnom Poet" Card Club, and re- Wends. He came over to vote, join our roe v vm, . . . t5 nl.M oelve cards from an parw oi s - . " ,r 7 , , nihr. For H&C wt wiu eena a Lebard. 01 roriiana, lormonj .,ii .aina In cards and place Af nu, Raavarton. waa in town a vans vour name io our iiwmj, , uonuay, idu maun . -I . Bla. I . 11 charge, ior ei ""u" I pisasant oau clasa of oaraa waniea, wnetnwr oomlo, Oregon Tiewe, oirwoay, etc. Satisfaction guaranieea. or bwbwj refunded. Tha Post Card Baiaar, 10-13 HilUboro, Oregon. Harhurt MoKinnev and sister, Uiaa flnaia MoKinnev. of Port land. vieiUd with relative over Sunday. u f. I Rarratt and daughter. Deborah, of this city, returned last a.i 1. tmn a alv afaaka' vlflit tO Wm.Sahnow.of naar Cornalioa, Saturday from "to. wai an Argua caller Tuataay. i reianvw iu .., was in town, TueBday. John Henrv. tbe oldtimer of Tu alatin, was in town, Tuesday. Chas. Herb, of Greenville, was in town Tuesday, taking in the elec tion returns. T. R. Retcliffe. of the Scholls Mercantile Company, was in town Tuesday. n O Roe. Secretary of the Re publican County Central Commit tee, of tbe Urove, was in we cuy ueeday. T W. Marsh, of Centerville, waa a county seat visitor Tuesday, and the news pleased ' wai. Tha naintara are DUttinC the fin- . . - ... I ishins touches on John M. Wall s t a a new residence, on Liinooin Bireet. Ttnm Mav SI. 1908. to the wife of Julius ChriBteoBon, ol Laurel, a son. Ram Paialev. of Buxton, was in town Tuesday, on his way to Portland.- StraathnrriAfl am - rirjeninE In Hillsboro. and the cherry crop is beginning to turn red. A number of people from vanoua parte of the couniy were in town Tuesday, to hear the election news. 1 F. L. Gustin, of Sherwood, was in town Tuesday, and gave the Ar gus a pleasant can. HiiBh Smith, of 8outh Forest Grove, was don to the oity Tues day. Both fall and spring sown grain looks yellow, on account of tbe cold weather, whioh has ruled for some time past. t aall at private sale, at wunh hm1. nan of dapple nay mares. 5 yeara old, 2600, gentle and well broke; bay driving mare, gentle, anyone can arive ner; our mm Tavaair now : double-seated sur K V , Wwvj . - . rey ; lumoer waguui 'us Osborne rake, gooa as new; nay sweep; Jaokson hayfork, rope and pulleys, complete; piowa, narrow-, eto. This sele is made because I am going to quit farming. P. 8 Anderson. 11-18 Sanding; a Child Tor Druaa ie perfectly tafe if you direct it to this Pharmacy. . Yon will be just is sure of good service as if you came in person. We treat everybody alike. We cannot do otherwise, because we handle Only On Kind of Drug's That is the best and purest we can get. So no matter whether you come younelf or send a child, you arc always snrc of : obtaining the very best drag service, which U the only kind worth having. ' . i K ill A W Za rTY a asisaWl W Jk Aaua auuwa Hillsboro Commercial Bank Capital Stock, $25,000. Surplus & Undivided Profits, $ 10,000 A conservative bank does not speculate. Stockhold ers and directors are sub stantial citizens. . Directors and stockholders A. S. SH0LES EDWARD SCHULMERICH S. R.HUSTON C. S. RUSSELL W.N. BARRETT E. B. T0NGII J. W. CONNELL A. S. Stwles, Pres Geo. Schulmerkh, Cashier BAILEYS STORE BUYS Wool and Mohair We have always paid the. , Highest MarKet Price for ; Wool and Mohair. Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so Doing, get the top of the MarKet! J. E. Bailey. Forest Grove THE DELtA DRUG STORE j .Dealers in Pure Drugs 4;v Medicines , We ako carry a complete Hue of fine sundries. k If we do not- have what you want in stock; we will cheerfully get it for, you.;. ii&g;fbeen appointed publishers' agents, we are. now prepared to supply all your wants Tin the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for I Cash Oflly. PosHively no Credit. We have last received a carol Bain wagons from the factory. Will sell at Portland prices. Soholmericb Bros. 51-tf Bmoken like tbe Bcbiiler and tbe ExoeUenoia. These ctare! arf,tf the best stock. Yon oan i kcj authoritj on a good oltr. , f v , I r t i i'-. t r it s i f. a h .1. i' i- t f . f H 1' 'I 1 1f k it Ft I.',! ft k i nr. . I X V , 1 ii:' f.'i Hillsboro, Oregon. 8tf at Reed vine, may