i f i Me JnlILLSBR v- H1LLSHORO, OREGON, MAY 20. 1908. , m n IT IV K 1 1 I H I "IH,.VJ. ."""W nilU PnllVTU Til IIIUU Frit. Pelch, of Shady Brook, II IUIjU UIJ UlUIIJU ' ' , '''", rall on the IN lllll II I 1 II II A Ti rri?n oinii' mm rti) fi t ii Mayor A. J Karl n, - - J i " "Mini mayor of The Dalles, railed on the Argue laet lridev. Mr. Farley is I the opinion that coal will he found in the Willamette Valley, In ,iueuear iuiure in mvin . ,MiiiBr iuiure in paying quanti- The Champion oi cmcut.urfll0. s hu M Number OllC ; places where there are coal Indira. to the elate- W. Hhute .ia.ik. on The , wunr vnere are coal Indict j Hons in the elate, and thinke the OltCGON KIIOS AFPK0PKUTI0Sln!,rlh"r;1 lrt of the valley is the .dace where il will he found The - .., liwl i H'ninn Oil Company of California, Cli ...!., HI. V.jtfity ca. g.t , b coat oil corporation, already Htm j large area bonded in Yamhill I county, not far from the Washing t it,.,, a.meer. to U littl.S1"" 00,101 J ,in- J-..I.I that il Is Ran.atnr TaWa! Attention U called uuu" " : . ment of thej r iiroaon. mine me ceiuna an .. . .. v' '; V ,,, " to outeiae page of tbie papi-r. Started tl Speeouy eeeu mat ,utNuent Wi. m,j. l0 lbe Hute lb ofl-boa.ted personal Kpularlty j Hank Kiaminer, and t prual of of tieorge, the Governor, via. not eo , l report will fully acquaint the almighty .tout a. It once wu f"Jf condition of this r t ,u . ,l ..,. ml. ""'' HilUhoro'e financia de V.riou. thing, that .o n. pf(,ilorlM .r, 0 . ,oud and thriv gniinuwv uuyiu.rim.i wu- ), condition, and 11.. howmg live btv.com. to light, and a lot i made by them U t rkh1 index to of folk. tr. todtv doubtful if Ueo. bueineeaof the town and siir ... .uch t wb.U of . man tfier all , roundio countr7- The nearer Oregon make, it' I have received a large shipment ooanlmou. for C.k. th. teller furl1 " fcl " ,. , , j lurk of the celebrated Mar brand, Uregon. ner. are .w r.ac. outrinU(H lUicUy ., Af(H,nale bar. party politic .till count, ,0f Uad. warranted to 1 lite beel tbev don't umally in city, county i insecticide In the world. I euaran- ind dietricl affair.; but lhy dlo!lee to tv. you money, wholesale national affair, eepecially in the or retail. n. I.eie, Hpraynun, 1 upper hou of V ngreee, where the ! mile rati or Beaverton. il tf lil'f AT Provided County Commercial Bodies Raise $2,000 COl'MtY WILL GIVE k THOUSAND Sou to Ctvtr lea Advtrtialoi litluB. Pr.po- At t meeting held in thta citr last Friday with th. Commiecioner.' Court, at which President Hollieof the Federated Commercial bodies of the county, wae prerent with directors of the organization, the County Court agreed to appropri a ted the turn of 1 1,000 for th. pur poee of tecuring an exhibit of the county', grtiot, graeie. and other resource., at th. Alaekt-Yukon Fair m-xt year, the exhibit to be gathered thii year for the Btate Fair, and to be ready fur th. Beat tie rairtn r.KJ the amount i. aleo intended to aeeiet th; Sunset Fritz Petch. of 8htdr Brook. wa. t county teat visitor Monday John Joaeph Br., of Phillipi, wae in town Monday. Albert Friday, of near Green ville, wa. in th. city Friday, and called. For ffentlemen'a. l&dW and children . boee you can do no bet ter than to buy of John Dennia. The ra.il wiv r.ommiHinn hat or dered that a depot be built at Gas ton. The order maet be complied with within 45 days. Open tn account with t conser vative Bank. 8imply a Commer cial and Baviogs bank. We do not. peculate. 11 The barber .hop. of this city will close next Saturday, the 30th, at noon, and re-open at 6 p. m. Shaving, 25 cents. The poet card bazaar will give away $5 00 in gold, free. A chance with every 25 cent purchase. Con test opened yesterday and closes June 19. 10-11 Hon. Q. W. Marsh, of near Cen terville, was in town Monday, on bis way to Cedar Mill, where he made a good talk that evening for the republican ticket. f . 0. 1 PICNIC A BIG SUCCESS Fully 2,000 People on the Grounds During the Day INTERESTING SPORTS PULLED OFF Nt.eteti Ca.didate. are Initiated 1st. Weedcnft - r - i Mamzln. schnne for advertiat"-HfLfiale:--A.8harplese tubular this county. This sum is pledjl 39parator almost as (HtiBiWkwaMMMawjawaawMaMawHawawawMiiWMawawafawaawawawiw ; VV""'V ' ' I A' : tng the fplendiil reeoiircM ot tnip ciuniy, and resuh in biirging i ihouaiid4 of dollar, to lbs county, ; together iili a largff population, thereby advanciug town and farm ' values. NOTICE There h a mun in thn cuinty rp reeccii g a Medical Co , whocUims the Walkii.e' Med Co. is a braiuh of the Company he r -presents. Such man 's a fraud. Toe J. R. Waikhih' Medical Co. is not a branch of snv coniDny. but is the largest manufacturing medicine nwiinv in the world, with none to couiuete. Ho wait for the Wat kins' man. . Z, M. LaRue, Agt, 11-14 Forest Grove, Or VOTE FOR S. A. D. MEEK li tt.a fniirt trn ihn mri-tSl Vr1i rM. mile CSrVlDE BBII VUB UU VlliO W mi.,..i.i tVu,-n.,ne ih.li I ai . T -J tibT Mrs. Clarence Young, $2 i.ii,un.i ivm L . i;k. nm -"ssflw j- - r, frank Lorsung' now The mm ouEht easily to tu. ihua ti:k 'aliUr-ii.--8;- I Im rained The concensus of otiin ....j .l. v t n - n.'.i. ' I ion. n sardine the nroDosition ol oa.i i.o s.i.,..n .t thi ere ipinM- rr':- I the e uTuy court, i. that the money .r,,;.;'.; Woodcraft, at Wehr-11, ji IL ...1.1 i i ..tu.r.i. P '?e'E.nd ren0.w .l.De CMpi0D the afternoon. The foUowTng of " ' ' " 7 I- - -- - nan ernrim utRm in intj cnnniv. i The weather for the W. 0. W. pic nic at this place last Saturday, was ideal. The attendance from surroundioi towns and neighbor- - . . . hoods was good, and the town was in gala attire during the day. At I about 10 a. m., the Woodmen formed in procession, and headed by the Hilleboro band, marched to the nark, where H. L. Day. of I Portland, State Organizer, deliver ed an excellent address. Then followed the nail driving and the cracker eating contests, both pro ducing much fun for the on-lookers. The nail driving contest was won hv Mrs. Chaa. Bradlev. who re ceived the first prize, a beautiful $51 won in the See Our Full Assortment Sending a Child Tor Drug ia perfectly safe if you direct it to this Pharmacy. Yon wilt be just as rare of good service as if yon came in person. We treat everybody alike. We cannot do otherwise, because we handle Onlr On Kind of Drug That is the best and purest we can get. So no matter whether yon come y on reel f or send a child, yon are always sore of obtaining the very best drag service, which is the only kind worth having. Hillsboro Pharmacy majority parly gels what it want od the minority sits tight and waits. Oregon wants a lot if thing, from Congress; it can never get them through a democratic senator. Between the men personally the Issue ia mil ilraarn- It ! nnl 'rir- onal campaign; if it was Mr. Cake rangements and would not be on the defensive. It is also remembered that Cake wa. one of to. Republicans wbo had the nerve to stand on a State ment No. 1 platform when it look 1 as though that meant defeat; he stood for the popular election of the United States Senator whether it profited him or not; Chamberlain has stood for it because it was his ole chauoe of ever landing the place. The vast dirTrtrAnnnlistwann beini good because you hope it will pty, sud because it is right, represents the difference between the stand of Mr. Chamberlain and Mr, Cake. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES in ficer narticiuatf d: H. L DtV. A public dance will be given at State Oraaoizer, Portland; W. F. Greenville, Saturday night, May Hoffman, P C C , Hilleboro; J. W. .'iO.h, at K. 0. T. M. ball, for the Cornelius, Banker, Forest Qrove; benefit of the Bnks "Outlaw" R. L. Wann, Advitor, Cedar Mill; i i-ii . . t:l,-. m n . ii r n..t-. D oaseuaii icaui. iiuicio, uu v., ivo i eiguujr Linwie, ivcuiuuHiuj u, oream and cake served. 10-11 A. Barber, I W , Hillsboro; T. B. , . ,. j Caudle, 0. W , Hillsboro; Frtd D. Marriage licenses , Were ..sued to L, clerk;Hiii8boro. IDD lUOUWIIig uauitu p.Buuuu .uc a .in .nrt trae nna re. naies cameo: nane vyonno sou , . . ... i,u.ii Kmma ; patronized. A free moving picture Croeni and Mary Oyger, May 22, entertained the dI at John C. Wastneclier and Susanna . . guod R- Be,k. Fahrnl, May ia. Dreached a sermon at the "V.n'r." tK hnnooknAnnr's friend, eronnds. Altosether. the affair wae For cleaning and polishing jewelry, a success, which bhows that the gold, silver, and all metals, glass Woodmen boys know how to enter and glassware Will not scratch tain. Fifty candidates were to 25 cents a box at the Hillsboro have been initiated, but larm wora Pharmacy. 11-tl prevented many from appearing on -ru- nni.i k.k.ii e oay eev. iney wm oemiumwu k ha Sphnlla plnh last I J "6tu """" Saturday. The Hillsboro boys were not in practioe, this being the A a. 4 I La.-.,. an.1....Asl tlila orsi gameiuey r: n, n..A PlnK A ra. It is tinned that the conn- "lu uul UD '""i - POST CARD CLUB Republican candidates for the of fice of justloe of the peace by 1 pre cincts are as follows: Beaverton, Oliver 0. Thornton; Buxton, John Howard; Banks, P. J- Vanderzander; Cornelius, II. Q. 'itch; uolifmbia, J. C. Miller: fl-asij Butte, H. B . Tigard; East Cedar, W. L. Davis; Galea Creek, J. W. McRoberUj Gaston, K. X Harding; Hillsboro, Q. W. Barnes; Forest Orove, J. H. Wirts; West Butte, C. K. Kindt; West Cedar, M. 1C Buoh. Republican candidates for the of fice of constable by preoinots are as follows: Beaverton, C. H. Fry; Buxton, B. F. Bimpson; Banks, Kd Morgan; Cornelius, M. H Otis; Dilley, Har old Hanson; East Butte, Arthur Uland; East Cedar, Wm Moore; Oalea Creek, J. F. Allen; Gaston, L. K-iburslein; Forest Grove, R Peterson; Washington, Wm. Joss; West Butte, L W. Crowder; West Cedar, Miles J. Haynes. L. A. ROOD Independent candidate for JubIios of the Peace, for Hillsboro Justloe of the Peaoe and Constable Dis trict. 8-tf In order to make the encamp ment at Cornelius a success a com mittee consisting of F. A Haines and R. Crandallof Hillsboro; . J. R. Beach and George Thomas ol Purest Grove; George Mow berry and Henry Challacomb of Corns Una was selected to make the ar rangements and to prepare a suit able program for the three dys reunion. li. L. McCormiok desires to an oounce to the voters of Washing rn,.ni ihii his name will be on the official Hallott at the general election for the ollice oi wmnvy nu.ir ,nA that he wishes it dis tinctly understood that be will not withdraw from the race. The Oregon law students debating of L. W. Hum- utbiu, vvmh i r li phreys, F. K. l'eiers anu u. Portland, defeated tns OIUIVU, VI . , . Washington team ubi r-nuay, Seattle. One of the Oregon team .. n..nb Patars. a former Hills- boro boy, now reading law in I oit Und. Hillaboro bos always get to the front, At the Campbell Greenhouse: Asters, paneies, dahlia roots, roses, house plants, and out flower, for deoorations, also cauliflower, toma .,i nlnntv of late cab- Le plants in a short time. Pr.oe roi j . a Mil. .1 Campbell, (in uu Hillsboro, uregon. ...nna .iahinir to contribute m09. or roses for the W O W iwt the Rose Carnival at I ort " i " r.,a A.h will kindly oom lBUU UU v li uu ----- w ......in.ta with rea u. nuwur, Hillsboro. The building season is now at hand and any one contemplating hn2,: .ua ii. should call on the Climax Milling Co. when figuring nnouas. r . . ... A nice recognition or tne . . i.ik mt to Hi lsboro, would be the erection of a number of comfortable seat, in the court 01 . . j n...i,Ja trees, where r v u ha annreaiated rest, u woum -rr--- ho the townsfolk. Tl a mm Mann Uteet stvles, best A. I). Mfk. candidate for repre' " ... . i sedative on ,he republican ncKe . eaeon. a n i;."" - oeive cards from all parts of the was Dotnin . c',ullv . 'I f' 1 ftma this aeaeon country. For 25c we will send and rece ved his education in the m the game tnis season. ' , , , i vuu aaiaa laiua aaa unsuo wuu wavw common ichools of the county, tie g . t Deposit boxes at the Hills- v0ur name in our directory, free of has been school clerk in his dis- boro Commercjal Bank. Do not charge, for Bix months. State trict for IS years, and enjoys the rUQ the rUk 0, ig or having dans of cards wanted, whether (V.nfldence of . host Of fnendB, WbO ..... AaatmvaA Kon nn - n.nnn .;aa Kirtkitav ar I Villi I LfBLTOID UVO.IU T .. u v. u w w i mimilj, UIQKUU TIOOBi Wll uul , wwv. will see that he gets a big voW on , th g neD08jt boxee in Satisfaction euaranteed. or mone? atantinn dav. where he is best . f.u n l.f..j.i W.W.'UH J I L Tarn vnara affn. Mr. Meek came within 65 votes of being the Eatrayed Two Poland China ......l.iUan nnminaa inr renrflHenta- nioo noiirht about 150 DOUndseach. ret'u . r r o i , , , l i tive, at the primary eiecuon. vo- coior oiaca asu suiw-u i... -in tnaba nn mistake in elect- has two rinas in the nose. Left m, , . jj ,ng "Steve weea, as ue w.u vu preui.. "J'""-Z Belnff a firm believer in the principle only for good ana wnoieBome call UP reier joeey, nineuoro, . lhat "our United states Senatora should .... ilia latliflr the late 1. nhnne Glencoe 18x2. 11-14 k. hv iha iir-t vote of the oo- Col. Jos. L. Meek, did a great deal . t. . . . . . . . , , pie, I have accepted the aominatiori for 7 n .a all hn have knnwl- ft oihi''u"m'u,J state senator, tenuerea me oj me ow- for Oregon, 88 all who havi knowl Nq g9 known N) i MaM Meetlng , A , edge of the history of the state Haywood distrct. A nice pecttvof P.rt,th. support of all who .11 trrm wa nan nil MiiiiinLiiiiiir i . wrjll hv" o I m St&a ForestGroV? slk)n of the BANK t , At the call of the Comptroller. May 14, 1908 RESOURCES Loans & discounts (121,242 86 U. S. Bonds & Pre miums 26,265 63 Other Bonds 5,00000 Band Premises 12,085 26 Other Real Estate... 1,500 00 Furniture & Fixtures 3,474 R4 Dne from U S Treas 2,050 00 Dae from Banks... 95,88 85 Cash on hand - 34,570 94 Total t302,05838 LIABILITIES -.I;; . Capital Stock $25,000 00 Surplus............ ; 1,000 Co Undivided Profits... 1,525 34 " Circulation 25,000 00 DEPOSITS i4,533 04 Total .....:.l.f 301,058 88 DIRECTORS r , Thos. G. Todd J. A. Thornburrfh John E. Bailey 1 ? 'f J. W. Fuqua W. B. Haines r refunded. The Post Card Bazaar. 10-13 Hillsboro, Oregon. FOR STATE SENATOR BAILEY'S STORE BUYS something " fl'I"n "T believe in popular goverament, and .11 in honor the memory of the brav. P"w"? . ei. .t who believe that the people should elect . i nmrti.H b iiiuiiiibnu mj buuui wtiv auu i ttm.i- miraiia rmrr ni riFir iihiiuih electing niH SOn. r ..K u. .-. K m,rKaa r Hn.tfullv. old Dioneer by He is No. 30 on for him. l . tr.i. I will db uneu tuwaiu uo uutuuasv me Dauoi; vow . . . ... ..., k. - Mioo 101 a Dell lOr UQ bvuuui uuun uuo Mae Enochs is the teacher. ResDectfullv. A. N. CUTTING. DR. CHAS. E. H1NES Pr. Clms- E. Uines, candidate for repre- aaaaaltlll V 111 this countv. is thoroughly uuulitied for the duties incumbent on a member of the legislature . He will . . i j . i , .1 a great game wae piayou a. Alexander, of Fern Leaf o--v.. .a a,,no Waraan thai - ' lianas ibdi aiuuuaaw avv n " IT..M mm, mm iw tAtawn MnnrilV H a a i a it. TT1! n m i in. ww an a u wunu auwuMwa mw R. Fir streets, 8-tf great game was a last Sundav between D.li nlnh and ItiA TTnlidav Ma has 2 acres of strawberries thu roon8 0f Portland, the score being '"v"6'"j year, uui umug aio l in lavor oi ine uanas oiuo. 'iS'tawd! wor.reou.y experienced wH Banks got in two runs in the last '"" " . , nnt nasin n oiini muou uaiuro tui i u.it tu. rik hi. mil t na ited, dclilKJrate anil will not vote rnsive legislation. nc win oiu u - j - . visitors got one run iu iuc uici a big vote t his home in I vest is 10 dayB behind the usual L.-tof the 7th inning. The game SU nnaninB nArind thlS V.ar. I 1 1 i tk nl Wool and Mohair We have always paid the Highest MarKet Price for Wool and Mohair. Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so Doing, get the top of the MarKet! DOS foolish or ex cpensive legislation null a biir vote St ill t.n...-f f;mvtv 1)111 will TUU wcti iu parts of the county. He has long been a J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove ripening period thie year. wag aimoet errorless on the part of ... . Qki.lu TTillaluMn eaident of Washington County, ami ine m be as follows at the povn oiuoe. """"T: ...o iii make no mistake in electing . .... nL....i. -i qj.. I hnv. nlavina with Banks. Knocked CSfti the Legislature. T,o a m P,.aS the leather sphere over the fence at 11a.m. Subject, "Pleiades and scoring two runs for Banks. Orion." At 8 o'olook there will be I Wanted, money to loan. If yon SALMON AGAIN SCARCE union temperanoe rally. This have money to loan, we can get you TVn davsof salmon fishing in the Co-1 ,,, . ninain(, Affnrt of a ,i n. nn 'anilt-adim Real 5ffiiK.nM!a for Rig5teousn.ss E.raTe securities; we handle no the finest sslmon ot tue river tne oesi ana Temperance in aeuiugiuu olner una. ur, 11 jou waui i wa in the world. Soon these fish will be an fj0Unty. All friends of "the saloon iand property of any kind, write eillnct breed. They are the fish that . . j a vin(j ... w. ... reBnonsible Real Ka- SiClS b. t invitation is exnded to others. A tato Dealers. Vaughn & Burt, 402 tected with closed season. The open grand chorus of voices will tumisn Corbett Bldg., r ortiana, w. iu-h .eason should, W put on irom April 15 tn8 mUB10 ; VmriV ot Arlington, who 10 Msv is. Alter liini tneresuouia ur 1 uuu , ; ' , my V . i j-u l-.l 1 m .! n. I . - i niollino with vala. .1. . .iaa.rf Niinniw ana riuiii rEiruiBiiua I ri' u . vAh mm ni AmnaH nr inn n.n. I nnnni M. inw iin.n iidihiub n uu f all kinds of near aillnets, traps. ..... " ui .u (Aiin.. tinaa in Hillsboro. left for his home , - - - - 1 ut3Knll OBOIUUJJ 'o '""w""' 1 1 seines snu w .rc... d.:j4 M.a Ui W. Sm th. Monday. Masttr F sh waraen van irastaqum imoiiwu., ... r,' - , , . , m... . u.oinn tha imiiiatr in n.inia Pass- viRA-nrMident. Mrs. I niaarannfl aala of all men 8. DOVB . 1 a -,lil,i l la loo much to aav that in TniiaMHirianiw' I .J l.Jiaa' anita Will hA anld at he is wholly to blame for this condition ..... m.. orft Cosner, Dallas ; aCi ual oost. and all broken hnee of affairs. But me nan .action wuu . - JmmBnMi atock of the whicn ne naa ueeo aiiiw mu.u w - . --- - -- - , . . nih.r unni-la nnra Ulanta. traaanrar. Mrfl. Edna JS-1 Hanoral Merchandise BtOTO 01 trrasping ana none nas aeieaieo as mui-o 00D. iJorvalllB; marsnau, mre. HobUimerion uros. collie oj D "11 1 1 . .I AH UKAtM lha llMflAtl. I . M I . S Cliff remeaiai ieK-. Belle Belohers, -uaiayeue; con and get your cnoice. oa an, ofo'o-i -7 1,1 .,,. Mm. Maa Hrear. Hi 1800- n U.m. alantnd a . ., m.i...i.. ... r, Un? nhanlain. Mrs. Jaca Willouah-I ji.. i.ai Saturday bv the W Tue Vi i3. ouicou vi ....... ..... i - . ia i uwv,.v . . . f . i i a lone time been endeavoring to aecure by, HiUgene; lneiae guaraian, p mu- q yft lodges Of this OOUnty, to ioo iubi Butu uu . . nie xiwjaiuBuu, muwu """"" I alter tne mavier oi auo n aouiugwu objected toby the lowei r rivei LUftrd, Nettie Burnett, MarshBeld. LallntT woodmen in the big parade a snort x.mB-gu v Thr was a close oontest between 11 1.1. Win Pnrtland on the after- the U. O. UZVnl LU1C UL Ul VUllllllclliV M I - - . - I u VD Mw.u I . ... ... ..li. . i:.t .til.ln.rai DJ Rival, anil AlhanV for SelBO-1 I T. Aid. L.BUOI, sei iuilu a no. vi ,..iiio un,vD.j i uwu v. - --- " i nouQ Ol auua to ssve the industry, initiative Din on .e the next meeting place, DUl No. si8 X yea was framed to carry "-Ha. a laMainni.r-',..v-,i.'-r i-W!3''' THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. ' If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. PoeHrVely no Credit. We have just received a car of Bain wagons from ine factory Smokera like ti.&sUlLr and Ce ExoellencU. 11tt fri cl !t t 5 I . u ill , , i.V a- iV hi , vt i j li; ' h'J