.1 I VOL. XV. 010 HUILDING GKDER CONSTRUCTION n bold PrctdJcnt Wrhrung Auks Vm p to(t Exhibits Keitdy SUl ALL Of THIS Vtak 3 STUFF fill AJffll Orrga t Alatsa Ukta fipltla W (rint a portion of ft riroulu Utter duw Ulna Mill out to the Oregon newauara for publication br rmlJi)l Wrhrung of tblt city i bo will bva charge of the Oregon Iihibll at the AIaka ukon Fair: "W nrouoae to make ftcollitcllvt iihibll of the tlate a resources in Ibii building, tni) it ta of tba ut Bwt Importance that we have thorough and attractive eibibil from every county. We will have to una tbe croa railed thie year, aa the Kipuailioo opto lb first of June, 'M too strlv fur iieil year e crop. Vour tiMe will soon l)i ready fur bar vMtandil i important that you tlhr them at the proper time II they are over ripe tbey will not do fur eihibliion purpoar; bene jou rs the neceaeity of anting promptly. We will viail your county aome time in June or July iDi will be glad to aaaial you In tba work, thtugh it will be nrce Htj fr you to hgin oollecting jour exhibit before we see you, Tb f i pcne to your oouoty in collecting eucb an eibtbit wilt not bt Urge, (let live man to take bold of Ibe work and puh it, br log in wind that it ie quality, not ((Uiolity, that la wanted. After jou btve gatberrd your exhibit we till tnniiport it to Heal tie, inntall luJ maintain it without further rlptnae to your county; we will al io plare an attendant in charge ibil will kip in clone touch with you duriig the Fair, so that your county will grt all tba b-nut poe oie 10..UI WV ri a.i '' . , Ibe Commi'Mon la aleo bavlng orinted a 0 Date booklet on the hiturrM at llrmnii which will he diilnlmtel diirina the KiDilion - ee - e U'aaU Inland I, a iKn ttV llinlnff wssim ww f ! . . hUhiMrf lit faeeMa neK til U lie v i U,.(,rii,i.)k dr re to an fnuiuiv I livr miliir, uiviwiui I tt . ttliutW liivKe ntnlt Hlftlni ell tmm ITiftV I ntinrA 111 lha voters of Washing .. i . i i . i in ..i.l I .... n i. it.. i Mi name will of inn fnf viiiinv in iiiiBivflh lu caH , mn ..iiuii.y - . . . . It la reported that thne rM,M n the vicinity of H-averton. .r. Nocking the progress of the W Kirclrlo line, by ..king eiorbita, HILLSBORO, OREGON. MAY 21. 1908. - i prlcee for tin re in e riiiht nf n... Ur mile more than acre or land, and othnra are iog ianu at proportionally higl trio Company will auk Judge Mc unue to call a apecial ariun of i-ircuu i,ourt In tbli county, that Condemnation prooeding may ue nad, In order that 1 1. iomioy may proceeil with the ouuuing oi ine line. If the matter were left to a jury, tbe owner of land wuo are blocking tbe builj ing oi me road, would gt,t caoty damigee. They ought to have tel.. I 1 1. - 1 I ! .t tu. nun ii worm, and no more. The right of way between MUUItoro and lieaverUm ii inttlt..! It ll Ut) to liaaviirlnn rigrji or way In that vicinity If you are in need of imiot, go to Webb A. Honvur'a TK.. I,... - - WVI IIIIV white lead, raw and hoiiM. Ilnul oil, readv mixed naint. Inm, iml outilile nalnt. rmil n,l (1 eblogle etain colon ground in pure ii i.i, t i uuieru on, Kornao ana varniHb aleo epray material dieparene and areenateof lead and ipray putnoi; flour and feed of all kind. hv , j t oaia, oat chop, rolled barley, bran, -tint i.i . roiuuniigft.aiiaue meal, acme chop, wnrei corn, wno a mil rrti kwi Coulaon'e Pry chick lnod and i)ia- mocd chick food; tUxk tonic, and food of all klodi. The reiiublican randuUln !inlr F at nana mot nay nigm 10 a good ait J houe. Burke Tongue wan the principal ipeaker, and 'lie raid that Hurke made tbe fur fly from the back of aome of the men who have fattened at the pub'ic crib a epublicana, and who are now doing 11 they can to diecredit certain candidate on tbe ticket, wbo won out at tba primaries. I am now prepared to ehow you the new and correct rnrinK and u miner it t lee in tailor-made luit. eklrt and ilk shirt waiel (tiite, made to vour eiieoiel order from your own eelec'ion of material and trimming: alo a full line of coreeta, n.d will be glad to onng .... imv i in vour house upon re- " : ' . . ...... Kui ....i in,iiiiiiiiiini nnoor. tint iijn-. , - u. M K I iid e. 1 a an i w county. W. II. Wehruni. I'reeident. PUBLIC SALE IUU VU"J on the ofliciel ballottat the general election for the oflica oi wuniy Clerk and tbftt be wtenea ii a..- tinctly understood that ne win noi witnuraw iroiu ii ihe Camnbell Greeohouae: I will .ell at public auction oo roy Alter, mmIm, dahha roots, rosea, farm, 2 mile, eaut ol (lleoooe and 0 house plant, and ou 0"" mile northeast of Hillaboro. t decoratioD. alo oaul.tU wer loma 10 o'ckx-k a. rx.,on TUKftDAY. MAY 2fl, 1008 Guy ttmrt, 6 ytt; bay luf 3 )"; uogormuu". ; .o.i nUntv of late cab Llf II UM H f n . bage plaota in a uon 1 ..nnahle. Mr. Agnr n.LW 7th and Fir streets, vauit'"""! j .( HilUtmro, uregon. ii; Mnnhnn. whose home t, nearly new; ici.orniic m re. , , .1, ntarly new; CIi.wpiou h, lo Ontario, Canada, terminated . . ....t.l... illau- liar I. ... T.L L .ialae Mrfl A. D. i,w iwn, urli, imifviuvi 'w. i u-r Hiaii Willi Uor iiwe tow, 4 .lo. chickD, more oc leu, iei Monday, and went to Port- rtoK cook itovt, nearly new, conch, Hftliey, i Bon""' ... it lr. taaion table, cealer table, kltcl.ee table. land, where he will wult her par illimig worn chair, J Mien, oa ent, Capt. nu rare. . . 1 ......... ...i iBna luanai i man. bluk yf.tlitiK nmrc roll; 4 gradtil cow, lenmitiL. frM). In llr!ntif bull Calf. H BlOhlll.' 1 .liliala' 1 llll' McCotllllck wwrr, Ua.1. ncarlv new; McCornitck , 10 lot binder, 6 foot BW II'. I). IV. PICNIC IIEHE NEXT SATURDAY Initiated on That Day A FINE AMUSEMENT PROGRAMME tdl Tula Will Bring Huodrtdt Fmu Portland On next Saturday, tbe town will be turned over to the Woodmen of tbe World, who will flock into Hillsbo ro from all points of the com nana Hundreds of people will come in to witnus tbe big parade, and tbe amusements which have been pro vided fur tbe entertainment of the immense crowd, which is sure to be preeeut. Chairman Fred Adam assisted by Hpedal Organizer B. N. Hounds, of Portland, are busy, with other members of the order. preparing for the big event, and if bard work counts for anvlhinir. the airair will be a r-uccess from start to rinish. The tifntrrum will h fminl nn - - -P) - w i ivuuu VU the fourth psge of this ieeue, Come to trtwn on that dav and brins your family, and have a Roid time. ibe ball paiues will be hotly con tested, and a etesm swing, and a free exhibition of moving picture, will be other drawing cardson that day. GOV. CHAMBERLAIN Governor Chamberlain, candidate for United Statea Senator, will neak to the voter of HilUboro and vicinity at 2.00 o'clock in the NO. 10 On last Saturday, E. L. McCor mick, of this city, waa made the nominee of the Independent party for County Clerk, hit friend filing ft petition of 100 names. K. L. Atkin. who waa Drevionslv nnmi. There Will he 150 Candidates S!?dJ wU"rwlDi ."iiumuujiJ., Jn Rmiii nf nniim in .l.n filed ft petition, which make him tbe candidate of the Independent party for Sheriff. Reeve later withdrew. I have received a, large shipment direct from the factory at New York of the celebrated Star brand, guaranteed strictly pure Arsenate of Lead, warranted to be the best insecticide ia the world. I guaran tee to lave you money, wholesale or retail. B. Leia, Sprayman, 1 mile eaat or Beaverton. 0-tf State Gam Warden Stevenson hat issued permits to Herman T. Bohlman, George I). Peck and Wm. L. Finley, of the State Audu bon Society for the purpose of making researches in natural science and animal life generally. Tbe party ia working under the auapioee of that society and will collect birds, nests, and eggs in Eastern and Southeastern Oregon. Wanted, mnnif li lnn 17 inn have money to loan, we can get you bow will you VOTE IN Ml Upon the Initiative and Ref erendum Amendments UASY gUESTiOXJ BEFORE VOTERS Vou aa Ya Plte, bat Vt far tbe Taipijtra' Pocket There are a number of Initiative and Referendum measures to be voted on In this state, in the com ing June election. The Argus has not given them all careful scrutiny, but it will be a safe thing to vote "no" on most of them. The editor does not wish to influence others, except against bad measures, and if he were called upon to rote to day, he would vote as follows: In crease in 8uDreme Court, no. Change of state election from June to November, no. Free transpor tation cf public officials over rail- 1100,000 for National M M IUVUVV BjrV aUBU WD L)U gOI JUU I 8 percent.net on guilt-edge Real road1 Da estate securities; we handle no f, . -- u vicguu, do other kind. Or, if you want Port- U.n'Xe,,.l.ty PPr0Ptl("J. no, em land property of any kind, write Pn"caijy; vote this appropriation us. We are responsible Real Es- uu""' "u". v.0l. ,n couniJ nign tate Dealer. Vaughn & Burt, 402 ch.ooL. .Smiting poer of state, Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. 10 tf Dd S1"15 oonnties nghte to sup w n j j . n Pre" nd control, no.. Single Ux Mrs. Greear and dftughter, Perl, amendment, vote it down hard start for Ortgon from their home Return to tbe old grand jury sya at U Mesa, Cftl , on the 26;h of tern, yes. Port of Portland, no. this month. They will go direct to It will be a pretty good idea to the unoh at Summit, and come to vote "no" on any proposition HilUboro about the 10th of June, placed upon your ballot, which you They expect to spend the summer do not think would be of value to in the Willamette Valley, return- the people. To our mind, two of ing to their Caiiforni home in the the moat objectionable measures up, are the big appropriation for On last Fridfty, Benton, son of tl?e O-egon University, and the Benton Bowman, while walking in 8ln,e T" humbug. When you the yard, stepped upon a board, in re 10 doubt. 'ote "no." which was a rusty nail, which went . throuah the sole of his shoe, and RE6UVILLE AND SCHOLLS uenetrated the foot to nultea deDtb. causing a painful wound Dr. A. The republicans opened the elec vuoiu iuui ruuuu ii . n, iuo icuuiiiuo vucqou me eiec- B. Bailey was called and attended I tjggj:apaRAftftj. io.W.xi rl fTtf 1 HIT W sfyVS, It. u uoiion, manager oi "J? toe occasion. Judge Hoiiia.ot For ll a w . MassachusetU Mutual Lite ineur- egt Grove, and W.N. Barrett, of ance Co , of Portland, wbo owns cilTi epoke, and were follow- G40 acres of land and a sawmill hv nr. Wood, candidate for near Middleton, was in the city g.ie Benator. and Hines, Meek and last Saturday, paying taxes. Mr Oreer, of tbe legislative ticket The P.. linn thinks Washington has the ... nJi.lloi f r lha laniQlalnra marla brightest future of any county in Ubeir maiden speeches, and all did .. .. -...-!J. If .. 1 , . nW . U ,, . ,T 1 J If ine siate, ouieiue ui muimumu. i well, irom wooa aown. meeere. n n..n uM.ii.iAn Hollia and Barrett both touched - . j. u. haa on national Questions, and seemed l.li :j limkuinm o nleaee the audience. John W. ProuaulV oruioou uium iim. 1 " r - . , r . u. .i.i Railnv randidat for clerk, made a any oiner one man m uo - ,v. rr u having been ftt the Dusinees ior uffx l ."nn . ti. v.. MMnti canaiaaie ior Bcerin. inerewaea aDOUl t-J TOro. u n v.u..j 7 ... u. oa l. v..,.j. a orniwi sood crowd out. and mucn mwresi a ternoon, on inursuy. i-v - - - --- . - manifested in tbe succees of v niara irruinm'.iivi ui ubiisjT biv idu uun uh rivivm k-" i . . . . . . i J . . T.,:.,i- 1. U n at end- -rvlcea. the ticket. uosaturday mgnt, ine i;in ma. i t iu v iiwu w " i ance. CANNERY FOR FOREST GROVE ni , , . , candidates held forth at Scholls, D. Corneri, the onion grower, ol wJmw tfaey htd a good nouge low Newton, was in the city Fn- Woodj Barrett) Hinee) Qreer and an1 BftnAVia I K Si tlA h AH it) a a- V 1 . Tft TT 1 See Our Full Assortment Th Vary Baet Stationery . I the cheapest as well as the most aatis tory to me. If you do not know this from experience yon can find it out by Catting Your Stationery Here No matter whether you use little or much you'll find your correspondence and ac counting easier to handle if we supply the stationery. We solicit a trial order and confidently expect it will result in your becoming a regular customer here after. There Are Seasons. Sure. Hillsboro Pharmacy Forest Grove National BANK You can Afford to DanK with a Conservative BanK - Can You Afford Not To? DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd J. A. Thornburgh John . Bailey J. W.Tuqua W.B.Haines r Halnw a.w and rAnnrU that he has 10 "- r . r. . : . I acres in that product ioib year drtMcr ami riininimle. t IroB tied, Ptiiiir. ml tiiattrtM; linoleum, carpet, . waalnr. ijoo (ret ol feucliig, Mmpl The building Beasou " cram atparator. h,nd ftod any one contemplating Tertnaof Sale-$10 and under, "k'j0 this line should call on the cash; over 110, 12 months' lime, at iim. Milling Co. when figuring 8 per oeut interest, bankable note material. We have ft complete Ham nai rooiav. I. i. nn hand. DVu Auotloneer. Jno. Kuralli. ?,iwa 3 1' ' . II1IVJ.1VU . ... n...L. Tnona has snipped me iurao ...-- r . m . 1JUIU - " SMITH BACON Hn QTiTB QRMATOR V aawwe"""-- one paw., r-. H Hfl). , . , P easonton, vai., wu .. Btlnif a firm haliairar In the principle . . n .nnwri trainer, Will that ur Unlle.1 Slate Senator hould m Oregon Pcer for the U elecie.1 by the direct vole of th peo- condition l O W P" Pi. I hve accepttd the aomlnation for Northwest cirouit this summer, tale senator, tendered uie by the Slate- . boyB niml No. I Mas Meeting. 1 . Uiearanco -- pectlv of part, the eupport of all who jjie,' IUttS. Will ne so a ai believe In popular government, nd all , 0.tt ,Dd all broken lines "u oeaeve mat in peouie aiiuui" - , , , i,nine Rioca oi mo their nubile c Ihrera b their ballot. carrieu 10 "-r. fl,M f , . usHiinsiniiiiin Litui w Bros. Come early ,nA DAt vourchoioe. lu tiu B" - - , niL...in a leadins real W" . TUaiiartnn. WBS lb oatate man ui . Ha reports i tOffn lUOTuay. -.-,,... teams .nd W r" Meek spoke, also Bailey, Hancock .1 . . .a. n u acrea iu iu r ,,, and Uaee, tne latter a canaiaaie m a a r X ar.M Hnnbina a ft. t a. 1 7 Tj1 TkAena John aicn, reprBSBUHiiR oFu-u ue nas nougn. .n u. uu.u fof 6cnooi 8Uperintendent. The msaersoi canning uibuuiuoij, """iranco ftt me bouiu uu ui uuu leeislative candidates promised to i... nmitnaitinn to Forest Grove amt sill talre nn his reel- ... . j u : .l. :.. i uibud b '"r"'u- .,, , ion, ,7 r 1 VOIB ana won in uia lumivsis ui I ummnnllt In hinld and eaUlD I iK.m Iriia Fall. .. . i. j .ii l UU tl'lUiU U ""J " a I UWIW UV. W a.w - - - . . at.. Ill a canning plant ai mai piauo nw. the fruit growers and business men mMA Master of the man of the countv central commit will organize a corporation lha convention tee. was nreBent on both occasions. . l. .i n. altar it ia nnm. d -- . . taae vuo p.u. v, - ... . Ku(WM taBt meetL, lma is PW1' . .. la deaarved oomoliment to one of Washington coun y iru t - Q worker, in the TfhmffteihZl Washington county B one Byron M.Smith and Mrs. Anna need of a home mftriet ior .neir .ran ire centers in D ... .;a tk..h.w . I i !. ll W alAak) M I UI VBW wwe wapa, - as- O I I lrBlilfll WOIO Uini lltu aum (Tuaai. v v produce, ana lh Sute. . . , nin(T Mav 14. 1908. .t 8 o'clock. K. .nlarnriaa win ne BOIU BB BUUU . - o' " ' . . ., a. an M organ ration can be effected. Uo. Schw.nder ftnd Gottfried at the home of the groom in aoutn as BU uiguu.. i j I .. ... .1 - u..i.;J.li I P.rV ffriraot IJrnwu. R. C. V. JiiHae Hollis. president oi tne Doara uonifteni, oi auuvo Buuuiamu. -- . juogenouiH, jiiooiuou i TK. ... nUnn nfficiatinir. The ceremonv of wade, has lntereBiea nimevu iu were in imu i ".v,"', . rr I j .v, . fheoheme, and will send out in- pact to have, public meeting ftt wm performed n the p esen ceo ft me eoneme, u r- .i,.. ahova Mountftin- few intimate friends of the families. lormaiion W iuo to vrrZl"l" ..I .. M. Smitt. ia a hnilder and con- UBlo, iu .4 u VnMt a . . . : - I I rii'Lur aim 11 nn xbdiucu iu i' uicdi IOr WWI ut W"u. - I " . ... .... i iiivove ior manv vears. ine unuo For genUemen's, iftdies ana . , , t n. th , , w .... 1 M A knl. I t.v. . . oniwren e now you o.u uu uU goQ and wife wbo r68ided near ter than to buy of John Dennis. GreenvUle Tney will make their YVlllIB irOIRUU buu win BiNvvi i I uuluv IU i'ftvoi mivib Mrs. Wilson, have moved into the county. BAILEY'S STORE UamatMftll.V. A. N. CUTTINtJ. BODY NOT RHCOVERKD in Wnndmnn ol the World are re Quested to assemble at Wehrung linn - . - morning, to take part in ine nig . thev will re- parade. Remember the time ftna Mf IreUud.. new hoUBe place.-sftiuro.y, - is finished. - XIOU u. Auau'i Word has been received from Spo V.n. ik. 4 a. n.int Pnw. ii" iui im wnij ui jim. i earns auu - .. ell, drowned a fortnight ago, hftsrV on the Oregon Kleotrioner not vet been reonvered. Barely. I .w.t nlane. ever, is a body found that goes over rf btar WH give me laiis into tbe whirlpool. -wtJfn0iB BOid, free. AC"oe Bides his narenta. in this oity, Mr. wy Wn go . CoD. and Mrs. S. D. Powell, and wife nd two children t 8pokane.de- test opened yesiex r m , ceased leives the following ol his - - . the Grovs, immediate family! Mrs. bjit.. FrrtA,"-.--, the Auoker, Clarkstnn, WasD.j m visited reian- - KtliA n..n ,l. WilaAii I'.tmt. WD . A. at ni ine wena.. --. ihijuuiudi if i.u...a v 1 I uim . , . mm i. a i i-iiiiannrn! ran, . i.ioai bvidd. in . n. u, IX . uuuk. ..III."".-1 i u. miwr. laiiiww. - ' ' . . I A lJ . . r . 1 1 . utllB OB WV" O ll t j;. uun roweii. mvuiun, ,.,.. u. , uuu, koX paper, Nellie Daniels, San Frftncisoo; Mrs. rl ht pTioei Grace Black, Manhattan, Nevada; JJJJ' p7hMniaoy. nM-,tColes. of Pfttton's Valley tn inn Tueaday. TV SID 1M ww.. - . and wife, of 1J, Iiaiuvi --- .... tn tnwn Monday. n Tt.i nf Laurel, visited in Independent candidate for Just ce ti cHy Monday. ... of the Peace, for Hillsboro Justioe rf Buxton, WM in town and Mrs A net ha Revnolds, Wilson n. . a www T ree, wash. L. A. ROOD Notice to Woodmen of th World POST CARD CLUB Chairman. DR. CHAS. B. HINES Dr. Chan. K. Hines, candidate for repre BUYS Wool and Mohair We have always paid the Highest Marhet Price for Wool and Mohair. Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so Doing, get the top of the Marhet! J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove Tsir fin Pnal Hard Clnh. and TB I tfViU V vww j Call on or phone to Dennis for ceive cards from all parts of tbe ..nnariaa A (Vimnlflte and UD 10 1 fnnn t T V. VOT 'ZOO. WB Will B8DU Aaia Una alwava on hand. Unn full value in cards and place i . . - , Alex Chalmers, of neftr Center- your name in our airecio y, , . ... . .. - m u. nharffA. lor BIX mouiUS. DlW ..ill. aaa in ma rnv priuav. air, o-i --- - . ... inS Chalme". is one of th.'biggest class of card . wanted wnatner nuHlined fr the duties incumbent on a breeders of Shorthorns in the state, oomic, Oregon views, birthday, etc. nu mber of the Legislature. He i well oreeaers oi onoruuruB iu Satisfaction guaranteed, or money rteil, (teliucraie ' ' TnOf, MftOlBOn, oi near r bi uiiuS- jofunded ,11811 or expensive reB.-.--. - i.. marl the ATffU ft PieaSftm . . 11 . 1.;,. at ma nnme in i wm, - - o . notoniy puii.-s ',r " "",7T . L.n a.i,,.. iforest Grove, but wi " el1 u CBU oaiuruwy. irts of the county. :nen on? rn- the Witch Hazel waTO' -- Sftturd.y evening and him to the Legislature. I Sunday. - Mlaaea Minnie Hartrampf nd t T .f nnrth nl Keavar. I . n ... ,.!.. ! f.: j. In M.. j , ii. ruTB"! V rear i smun vibhwu uiduub u mw- ton, was an Argus caller Tuesday. Mlnnviue 0,er Bundfty. Dance at W, O. w. uaii.uien. Dr. Lowe, the optician, is corn- May 23. Ticnets, i w, in- . Mn dale uext iMue. The PoBt Card Bazaar, 10-13 . Hillsboro, Oregon. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. W. Ricbter has ft good watch dog to give away. No oil paintings or fancy dog collars thrown in. Miss Effie Godman returned the Rrat nf the week from ft visit with friends at San Francisco and Free- una ailOT awa wa - - eluding supper, w. iters orcne-ira. house, no. Cal. .A public dance will be given tatd MaT 23. by Reedville T.fivi Sncial Fridav evening Greenville, Saturday '.night. May Braaa Band. Mav 22. at Reedville Hall, by the a ir r s' mja nan tab v nw i i . a, m a 3Utn,fti.Jv. u. a. . --;;--,", w W Raldrt and wife, of Port- Reedville Band. Musical program yPAJ Mrs. Ladies are requested bring has baaeDBii e.ui. ..---, --- . - . g . , kel9. jcyery nooy welcome. maam ana caae eerveu. - , THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the1 School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively aw Credit We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory. Will sell at Portland prices. Schulmerich Bros. 61-tf Smokers like the Schiller And the) Kxcellenci. These cigars srs of the best stock. You can't fool a authority on a good olgwt. n tf. I f X ! 1 " r A l it x 'i. f; i i? ir1 t i'5 . S, . ( .V 1 I 1 4 ,1 , ,t . Hi I :.s 'i . t fiV .u. reaoe apu wu - Uet Saturday.