The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 14, 1908, Image 4

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Was the fastest horse, either trotter or pacer, on
the North Pacific Circuit in 1906, and was also the
largest money winner of any horse, cither trotter
or pacer, in said year, pacing two races each week
throughout the entire circuit and losing ouly two
heats, and is considered by expert horsemen, to be
one of the leading pacers in America. He not on
ly comes from a racing family, but is without ques
tion the greatest racing pacer ever bred in Oregon;
XXo la tlio ouly homo, trottor or l
oer, to liawro boou Uroi, rlocl ud
rnoocl lu Oi-o to tlx record of.'io
After being three days and three nights in a
car, he was takcu from the train and immediately
started in a race where he forced'Sherlock Holmes'
to pace to the record time of 2:06 in order to beat
him. He is not only a horse of remarkable speed
and gameness, but is so consistent and reliable
that he has made but one break in a racing career
of three years, j His disposition is such that any
child or woman can drive him.
SB 1X1X2X3
He is tired by "Lovelace," one of the greatest three-year old trot
ter in America in tS$4, be being by "EgUist," he bein by "Elect
ioneer," the greatest of ll trotting tire. litrg or dead. "LORD
LOVELACE'S" dam U "Msggie," full sitter to "Kosie C." 2:i6.
the dam of "Prince Direct," record, 1:07, tingle, and x$H doable.
"Maggie" it the dam of "Lord Lorelace, tuo, contending horte in a
race a6; "Portia Knight," l:l6!, contender in a race, i:iiy ; and
"Sen Bolt," record to a wagon. 2:1S. trial, l:tl. "Maggie" it tired
by "Doroc Prince," tecond dam,-Frankie" by"Oregon Psth6nder,"
tire of the dam of Altao, rootf, and "Pathmont." f9l, the tire
ot "Pathmark,"
"Lord Lovelace," will mike a thort teaton at tte home barn of
Termw$4B for tho Boaaou
Our Mt. Hood Beer
Has them all beaten when it comes to
purity of water, which comes from the
Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. Hood" no
purer water in the world!
Is a Hygienic Product
Call and see for yourselves. Constantly
on draught and in bottles. It is the wa
ter and the quality of the brew. Try it.
If you want a good smoke, we handle the
the finest smoke for the money that is
made in the "Oregon Country."
Try Our 'Grand Dad Whiahey!'
Pronounced by experts to be the finest of
blends. Come and see us when you are
in the city We'll treat you right. Main
Street, across from the Fanners' Stables.
wta You lave
I U Col
1 'ft"i"
v Inpnrnv
( asaa.fc.w
Tou want a remedy that will not
only ffirv quick relief bat effeot a
perxaanent our.
Tou want a remedy that will re
liere the lunge and keep expectora
tion eaey.
You want a remedy that will coun
teract any tendency toward pneu
monia. You want a remedy that la pleas
ant and safe to take.
Chamberlain's Oough Remedy
meets all of these requirements, and
for the epeedy and permanent cure
of bad cold stands without a peer.
A Severe Cold Quickly Curd by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy.
"Last winter I eeusbt e Ttry ntni oold
whlott llngarad for wka," 7 J, Ur
quhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. " Uf oough
waa Tary dry end harsh. The looal dealer
raoommandad Chamfearlala'i Oough Bam
ady end a-uarantaad It, ao I fara It e trial.
On email bottle of It oured m. I balleve
Chamberlain's Oough Bamedy to be the
beat I aaTe tvar uaad."
It is Equally Valuable for Children
It Cc.itrins no Nsrcotic and is Safe and Sure
Ask year Druggist for it
For Sale by The Delta Drug Store.
French No., 50527
American No. 44233
- . j
T ft Tlx "W r A VTT
m uivmuu voi. irnwn S
Dr. J. H. Knoi will be in Hille
boro tverjr Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, and will be prepared to
treat all diseases of domesticated
auimals. Headquarters, Connell'e
Llv.ry Barn. Dr. Knox is now
duly appointed stock Inspector
and assistant to State Vet'n., Dr
For Sale or Trade Fine modern
reeidencs property. Will Bell, or
trade for a small ranch, close in.
0. M. Hooter, corner Fourth and
Jackson Sts., Hillsboro. 51-tf
Imported Percheron Stallion
Imported From France in
June, 1905; Color, black, with
star in forehead; weight, 1950;
IS hands high; foaled in 1901;
Owner, Cedar Mill Percheron
Horse Company. Recorded
by the American Percheron
Society as Number 44233.
Coquet will make the Seasou
of 1908 at Herman Glaske's
Barn, near Bethany, 8 miles
Northeast of Hillsboro, all
week during the Summer, ex
cept Tuesday and Friday af
ternoons. No service on Sun
days. Owners at time of the
service who sell mares will be
held personally responsible
for charges. Terms as follows:
Insurance, 20. To insure,
payable when mare is known
to be iu foal, $15; Season, $10;
Single Service, 55. Care to
to prevent, but not responsi
ble for accidents.
The Cedar Mill Percheron Co.
Notict of Final Settlement
Notice in hereby riven that the wider-
signed hat tiled iu the County Court of
the State of On-sun, for Washington
County, her final account tut executrix of
the last testament or Mi A.rieineek.dec d
and that said account haa been tat for
bearing and said aetata for settlement, be
fore said Court, on Monday, May SO, 1WJK
at 10 o'clock a. in.
Hannah Matilda Helneck.
Executrix of the last will and trutameut
of Eli A. Heineck, deceased.
Dated this April 23, lift.
W. '. Barrett, Attorney for Kstate.
Esecutor't Notice3
Notice U hereby aiven that the under
signed haa been appointed executor of the
last will and leelameiit of MaUnda Tup-
r, deceased, and has duly qualified as
audi, auu ail persons baring claims a
galiiMt anl enisle are hereby imtuied U
preceot inem 10 m. wtin pror vouch
ers. at the law o(Il re of Kenton iWman
in HillHtxiro. within six month? from Ibis
date. Dated this April 21, IHOm
William Tiipper,
Executor of the last Will and This
merit of Malinda Tuuoer. lJeceased
, lieii'on Bos nian, Attorney for Kxrcii-
..Central Meat Market.
Keep constantly on hand a fine
apply of freah meat of all kinds.
4 Mmw Emm In Prhtoa
We are going to tell meats at prices low
er than those which hare pre railed in
the paat. Call in and see us. We mean
business. 'Phone and Free Delivery
One door Hast Tualatin Hotel
Uaii Street, Hilltbor, Oregta.
gives new life and lustre to otd
tables, chairs, furniture and
picture frames. It if the ideal
finish for floors, interior wood
work, batb rooms, sash and
Thirteen colon too differ
ent uses 75 cents a quart can.
All the beat and most widely
advertised goods are always to
be found at this store, and at
prices to please every purse,
G. A. Patterson
Are You Wanting a Home?
If you are Wkiu; fr a home, cither a
farm, or a residence iu tow u, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with in.
We buy and sell Timlcr I.atuls. Also
make a Specialty of Business CliatKcs.
Inlpnvinl Plwtt.
Tansor Prince
English Number. 666O
American No., 2284ft
r i
Largest Stallion in the
ArVashington Co. Stud
W. L. CAS10N
W. L (iMlon, civil tngiuiwr, !
wss a prominent (actor in tli
1-iiiKlmn ol th first railway In
thit stale, tlied after lingerirg
illties, slurtlar, at the bout ol
his brother, Joseph (iatlon, al CH
Saluioo streel, ihI fortuetly uf lias
ton. Mr. llaston csttia Weal In XS.7
as a Lieutenant ol volunteers sent
out by I'rrai Jrnl Kurbanan to up
pre a the Mormons, wbn wereaiak
ing raids rn Imiuigrant trains as
they croeseJ ths plains Later h
was iletaileil Tor ervloe on lha im
migrant rosil from Kurt Halt to
Kort Wal!a Walls, to suppress the
lis engineered lbs construction
of tbe blKh bridge tonss the
gulche on the heights back of Ful
ton for lbs I'orllaud and Hillsboro
railway, anil lho bridge remain
to this dy.
Golnjj to SMya
Oi e bs In I r vrt. ,., .
loul thep(cll.!' V '"I.,
KM llir Hr.. , . " "
tlio.,,,,. , M.h.l.,,,
Kt a .. hrij ',. bollw.,w, u,'c
Cornelius, Or.: Mouday noon, j
Verboort: at Anton Hernicus'
on Monday evening.
Roy: at W. G. Walkers', on
Tuesday night.
Glcncoe: Wednesday night.
West Union: MauzeyFartn,
Thursday night.
Hillsboro: Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday, Redmond &
Connell's Barns.
Terms: $15; $20; $25.
Care to prevent, but will not
be responsible for accidents.
0Md By
The HilUboro Shire Co
W. F. Huffman, Groom
I (mi cot
cboir. rRrit
fsiwias Cwunilita hivi
VsIWti ItA mllra sut u(
AFIICOI Haeknoni. Rle .ud rml trmo
aurtatkia: Kmall Trscln Kr
r Uraw. Wrtlabalatoautiun.
m UMiirmr
oorwsx a Hand
All kinds ot Fresh Meats. Price Km
aoosble. Will meet all competition.
Chickens and Poultry always on hand
upon order. Free delivery to all parts
of the town. W bay bt stock.
Srnooml Sir mot, Hltlmboro, Or
There is talk of re-organiiting tbe
Hillsboro board of trade. Hillsboro
ought to get a wiggle on itself.
The Grove baa reorganized its
board of trade, and other towns
and oonnties are getting In abspe
for a publicity campaign. We
need a county organization. We
have the best county in the state,
and yet tbere is no united effort to
advertise it. Hillsboro ought to
begin come active work for Hills
boro. Now la tbe best time in the
world to make our splendid re
sources knowo.
For sale: 79 scree rolling land;
20 acres cleared; balance blaibed
and burned; good house and barn;
orchard; running water; mile
from school house; 3 miles from
Buxton, Oregon. Price $1500.
Address Joe. Rurgholzer, Baxtoo,
F. G. Haas and family, of Salem,
were in the city the first of the
week, visiting with Ulrtcb Haas
and family. Mr, Haas is a lead
ing Salent druggist.
For ral'e: 1200 pound Lady's
driving horse, also a two-seated sur
reyprice reasonable. Address
Alice Ellereon, 62.') Clay Bt , Port
land, or inquire of Knratli Bros.,
Hillsboro, Ore. 8 11
Max Grandall is in Prineville
doing some finishing up work on
the Crook county books.
Dorr Waggener ia with tbe
United Railways surveying crowd
in tbe vicinity of Holbrook.
S. J. White and wife, of Reed
ill, were in the county seat tbe
first of the week.
A. E. Mead, of Buxton, was in
town Fridiy,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R
Bagley, Hillsboro, Orrgon, May 10,
1908, a ion.
Argus and Oregonian, 12 26.
F. Albert Moore, o( Portland, and
Mrs Ivy Hartrampf were ruarriml
Wednesday, My , l'.KlH, at th
home of the bride' psrent. Mr
and Mrs Nelson LaCourss, at For
est Grove Kev.C. A.Sia oflki
ated.and Mis Darling played tbe
Lohengrin wedding march Tbe
bride wore a tailored suit of rham
psgne chltf n broadcloth, and car
ried a bouquet of orsrge blossoms
Tbe bridal party stood under a
floral bell of whit lilc. and th
bous wai decorated with fern and
polled plants.
After a wrddirg tour to th
Sound country, they will reside in
Portland, wbers Mr. M ors baa
business interests.
Died, in Hillsboro, Orrgon, May
10th. 1908, Brighl's disease, Mrs
Carrie Waldron, aged I'M year
Decewd was bom in Maryland,
and had lived In this county nam
time prior to her drain. fJbe Uave
one son, Lstr, to miurn her loss
Funeral services were held at tbe
family residence Tuesday forenoon.
uy t.ev. 1,. r. Ben nap, or tbe M
E. church, snd interment wss in
tbe Odd Fellow' cemetery.
We Want
We arc prepared to serve you iu auy capacity :n reason,..
No, t are not putting tu a clearance sale of
$5 shoe at I3.S9 nor arc wc l f
1. Our prices on Rrocerica arc right, a. We have
the swcllcst line of Indies' and Rent!.' shoes we have
ever showed. 3 Now, in regard to a wagon; when
you think wagou, think Haiti, and we nave you $5 unit,
4. Ict us talk pruts with you on buggies, plows, har
rows, iliscs, steel roller, grain drills, spray pumps,
wiiultitilU, McCoruiick mowers, hiuilcrs ami rakes. Vc
have just received our bimliug twine.
Nor tlo you waut to pay more for gooU than they are
worth so you should buy where you can do the be.;t.
Get our Trices, then the other fellows', and you will 1
Your for a Deal,
Rowel I Bros. & Co., Scholls.
in Tho Sick Room
wSIM fatallutt ft kit III m
110 ITE
hUaw ra4 l eaitMaH't Is Sr blnatal tat
SflvraM I ft.) M ' H) m Ut I n f ..lil.r. TVf
wiiltal In lk MilMw rl-ii ..( rr '"r,
tbrUln i.t tu.iul, sn4 tMl4 to (MiMaMlf M
mA. UMllliftJ (
mm omuomura, bami w otut.
w. j vo kRcvm a co.. t .
Du Sloller, of Portland, was in
town Monday.
John Abbott, of the Grove, wss
in town Monday.
Wra. Harmes, of Mouotaindals,
was in town Tueiday.
John Cornelius, of Forest Grove,
wss in town Monday.
Mr. Simon and wife.ol Portland,
visited relatives in theoily Hundsy.
A. 0. Repperte, of Hanks, was in
tbe oity Monday.
J. C. Lmkin and wife vieited
Portland, Monday.
A. B. Davie, of Uuxtnn, was lo
town Sunday,
Mrs II . R. Davie, of Portland,
visited friends in Hillsboro, Satur
day. For 8ale:-My entire stock ol
millinery. All goods now in stock
will be sold fnr less than oost
Lula Coleman, Cornelius, Or. 8 11
Chas. Pierce, of Portland, and
formerly of Greenville, was In town
Tuesday, shaking hands with his
many friends.
We sell more wire fnoe than all
our competitors combined. The
reason is that we have the largest
stock and can sell the cheapest
Sohulmerich Bros. 61-tf
Mrs. F. J. Bailey returned to
Portland Suaday, after visiting
with friends and relatives in this
city during the latter part of the
Strayed from my place, 1 .'miles
north of Reed ville, April- 25th, a
Tull blood Jersey bull, with chain
tie on neck, and copper ling in
noee. Notify Jas. Borwiok, Reed
ville, Ore. Paciflo States' phone.
A number of the cumber of the
Forest Orove Masouio Chapter
csme down to Hillsboro Tueeday
night, and met with th. nm.i
chapter. Work was exemplified by
the local lodge, followed by a ban
quel, and a good social time.
The Modern Woodmen of Ameri
ca will give a dance at Allen's
Grove, 1 mile north of Reedville
on Saturday evening, May 16ih.'
Tickets, 50 cents. Good rauulo and
good order guarantied. Everybody
lovitsd. '89'
The best of all Beers.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
Here is Your Chance
If. a 1 ...... . . 1.
. " " nufinweii ui i urusnn; 17 sires cieaiwu; i........ -
StUUD IftMlt ftll.l lln.l..r. ....1 .11 .. I .....II .l..r.l nil 0OUI1
ptilillc roait; small hiiutej lain new bam on t fouadstion; ru-.
$175 per sirs; hslf cash, balance on or Ufors ft vrsrs. al 6 al
20 Af re near lUaeerton, on good public road; all In '
eullivatloo; larua ur M r.Km bouse, larK aw bars, new outbuild
Ioks. i Knol wells, siusll orchsrd, iniprovtmeats worth if"o; l"lc
ooly Jft.yiu; fi.joo cash, Ulsnce lo suit th purchaser.
Ha I t Arre wlthla 10 miles nf Portland, all In blh stst of rultt
aiioo; wall feaccd, 10 seres of om1 i year obi appl orclisr.l,
wall, good 9-room bous and locslr.l within half mile of sond rsll
road station. lrlc, fv.5o; I J cash, Ulsnc lo suit pun bsier.
10 Acre nsr Portlsn.l, on lea.lln public rod. wllbln 3-4 otte (
good station, all In blah ststa ofcultivRtlou; good young cnch'd,bi
barn on ston foundation, worth fi.coo; bug nw house
roundstion, worth lijoo; good outbuildings, good fenrlnKi P'lce "
l5.oo; on of th best buy in th violnlly of I'uiltaiul,
UH i a Acres on Um River; M seres in gornl stnte of cultlJ1
nil is acres mor ready for th plow, rest good timber, estimated fstt; well wat.r.d, fBced, fair house, new barn snd u -buildings,
io ksad cattle, farm InipUmaott, etc.) price, Sj.Hoo; bslf
csh; balance to suit purchaser. .
Shaw-Fear Company
243 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon
Brice, Judge Ooodln's son, wrote
home from the hospital Monday, at
I ortland. that he was 0itin.
uo woum nee to have some
home made bread and appl. Jelly,"
Marriairn linnnaA mm.
ft Ith 10 KllMj- Bnlasnd
nuauue Asniey,
Farm lor Sale
I wish tosellrrm,onn8lnN
152 aores, 110 acres undsr pw
good house, bar.i and orobsrO, JJ
miles south of Hillsboro, and J
mile west of Farmington. '
ther Information, addreM,
K. Burkhaltsr,
44-6m Hillsboro, 0r.