The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 14, 1908, Image 3

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    Thc Trouble vcr H'K,,t ,,f
Way Didn't Happen
niiklMlM H,lB r,,,, I,U,M
rod r u
jo rttcl ,rI in th" Oregon
i,n, Tu"'!y. ' h1 lhOr
r,o Klectric olgrcted to Ulog held
up fur rlgl-t "ay. end l un
i melt" ul8,, i.lly,
,1,, wwnj ou'' handon
Hillaboro branch, ami go lo work
oo ibe Ntrg branch. Greet t
tiifniMit prfvailnl in this oltjf on
jrcunt of news, but almost
iin)uiunHiu!jr with the oea
cm Harrison Allen, attorney for
lU codh'7. " Mr. McDowell,
right of way man, ko lgau eloa
uptight " way, mature along
line Ir.itn llilUboro to lUaw-
lOQ. SUU'H worw ('vital 'ijni
id it tbi 'ml of lb tout, and
filbuut difficulty, and we learn
tint tbxr ara but one or two canw
lo b iljuiiiHl Ulwn this rity
tod Garden Home, anil that n
(ttuclinn aors U i.r.H-wMling with
rt vlr all along llta line It I
i(wrll that Ibe Company will
bir it construction material
ihippi t Hillaboro "V" Ibe H I'.,
ted ibr-oca by the I. It A N to
Wubingtoii trel, wbera track
U;in( will begin, and prowted Mat
ure! Ail right of way matter
bit bn aottUil from Hillaboro la
Bwtarlon Twenty-aavm teama
in it ork near l'rta. Jacksou'i
!, rant of town, and 75
iMmi ars working on Iba gradU
star Cianlxn Horn, (hading will
begin on Wellington street tomor
rot, 10 it in dialed.
Cbtbrot 1 11: ,1 lUgi.tered),
giao M'alliuo. importm! from Ku
ropt, tod weighing L'ICO pound
lh UrgMt of all breed horaea in
Wubiogton county, will make tbt
waton of 1'JOH, m follow:
Mouilty morning until Tuesday
Bormng, at 11. 11. Boge'i ftrm,
war Farmington; Tueedey noon at
W, K Smith' farm, near Johnaon'a
Htmill; Tuesday night, at HilU
kow; Wednesday noon at IUgley
(um, Du.lUy Mill; Wednesday
moing to Thursday morning, at
Maya H-o. stable, Olencoa; bel
iBoof wiwk at Hartranipfa sle Ttm-$IU15 and 120 Car
Ukm to j rpvunt accidents, but will
sot I rpfnonnib'a ahould any oo
Kr further Information,
Otto Hirtrampf, Manager,
6 If Hillaboro, Ora.
RpuM'un rtndidata for State
jkoitir, wit txirn in Hillaboro,
wing a native on, not only of Or-
Son but of Washington county.
edunatmi in Tualatin Aoad
my and I'acittn UoiTereity, gradu
"lug from the latter initiation In
7, iB tt,B ( Umaieat couree. He
lbo gradimted from the medical
prtmpnt of the Uolveraity of
"icbigan, at Ann Arbor, in IiK),
a bai m nee rceided in hia native
"D, where he haa practiced hia
Proton. lr. Wood waa Coroner
tbii county from 18D2 to lmiO,
ni,wiih that eioepiion, haa never
i' oiiioe, exoept that of county
JMllh olVmnr, which ha now holda.
Df- Wood, it will be aeeo. ia io
'7 way qualiOed to reprerent
waabington county in the State
"nate, and ihould receive a roui
H vote on June let.
Window Sale
wmnuoted by the ladies of the
briHtifcn clmrnk lll In U'.l.h
nOOVHr'a iIapa aa Halnff1av
rf Rood, freBh, home made bread,
m, ckeHl olher deiicaclej,
PWtfcern.oa . 811
Wynona Hunt Kiaenminger,
o meu May 10. 1008, aged 22
Jarg and (J montha, waa born near
oollH, November 11. 1885. She
""d in thii county during her
fly childhood, when her parnti
ovedto Poitlaod, and later to La
man. Waiih . where. In lflOK. ahe
8 married to Wm. KiBenmlnger.
neral anrvioes were held .at
oI1h, Wedneiday, a Urge num
rr ' friendiiand aohoolmatea be
H present to pay their last re
Pfota at the grave. Her remaina
"fire laiit A mi if i ika UAnniiin.
. . - IU 1 1 o nuuuwu
cemetery, A number of peO'
iienaeu Irom this olty.
J r you ready to vote intelligently
Pon the many Initiative and Ref
wndum questions now before you?
f not, come out to the open meet
M of the grange, Saturday, May
2 o'olook p. m , and hear
"lege important mieatlnnn dUfiUSS-
J- The meeting will be held at
orange Hall, Hillaboro.
H. Soholfield. Seoretary.
My 12.19QS. ,
l)nn l'lr,.... il.- :. . .
of Mr. and Mr.. Fr.d Watrn.m, of
TorMt, atttmij.ud Ut Ht
rdy to clin.1, Ux.n a moving
agon heavily load! with fr
tilur, hia grandfathrr being on the
ophite ,U, of the wag,,,,. The
child ilipped and 111 iD front uf
the hind wheel, whb h paee. over
one of hii h,, .C(, r ov hij
heawl. The aole of the thoe waa
torn o(T, end while the boy'e head
waa hruieed no lHne( were broken
The wonder ie that the child waa
not killed.
Dr. J. A. Raker, of 0Mlon, tele
phoned to Dr W.kmJ, county health
ollloer, Monday, that there were
two caaee of diphtheria at that
Place. He alio reported one death
from the dread dieeaee, which oo
curred in the family of Andrew
I.undeen. The I.undreoe arrived
from Bt. Taul, Minn , on May 2. in
a atranded condition. The two re-
Maltilna t
'""""I vmmm are under iiuartn
line, and the family in Uing aided
y ma counlv. The child
died waa a bo v. aired H
I'eraooa wiahint to tile their
ferine will alwaya find a larveetork
of One tile in our vard at Hrhnlla
TboM wiahlng the lamer eiie liliuu
hould place their ordero with u
Mora June I. We aUocarrv brick
and building biorke. Thoee intend
lug to build will flnd a large nun-
ply of lumber at our vard. and vou
are Invited to rail and look over
our atock before nurchaning Uro
ner A Howell, HcbolN, Ore.
The Modern Woodoien of Ameri
ca will elve a dame at Allen'i
Orova. 1 mile north of lUfdville,
on Saturday evening, May KHh
Tickele, 6t)cente. UochI mut-io and
good order guaranteed. Kverybody
Invited. Io caae of rain, the dance
will beheld in the Kay Hot) ilouoe.
J mile eait of Kendvilie.
Vital ataliatici for Waehington
county, aa reported lo tbe County
Hoard or Health, for tbe month of
April, 1'JOH: No. returne on mar-
riagee, 0. Contagioui dieaaee
diphtheria, 2; eoarlet fever, 1;
meaalee, 4. liirtbi main, M; f.
ma lea, H; total, 22. Deathi
male, 7; female, t, total, 13
Wanted Ity a flerman Hwiee, 27
rear old, a place to work with ao
Kngliah (peeking dairyman. Hai
had eiperience in dairy work. Ob
jrict, to learn Knglieh, Adolf
Schauuer, lieaverlon, Or. -1 1
The great revival will begin at
the Cbriitian church neat Sunday
evening, and will continue for eev
eral weeka, Prof. I). C. Kelleroi,
of Kugene, will do the preaching.
Good muiio. Suhiect for neit
Sunday evening, "Tbe Mieion of
the Church." Sunday School at
10 a. m , and communion at 1 1.
Mr O'Meara, of east of Hillsbo.
t t TV
ro, was in town yesterday, tie
ay a the Oregon Klectric Co haa 12
teama with scraper, and W men
grading on bis place, and that
teama are hauling piling and otber
material for the big trestle near
his place.
A District Convention of Pythian
Sblera, comprising tbe Temple ol
Washington, Tillamook, Ulacxa
mas and Multnomah counties, will
be held In Portland, Thursday,
May 21. aile a number will at
tend from the local Temple.
The dance at the Farmington
Hall last Saturday nigbt, was well
attended and all reported a good
time. One of the feature of the
evening waa the prize waltz Mus
Maud McClarkin and Mr. Herman
Rehea carried off the honors.
We carry too many article to
enumerate, but wa have anything
the farmer needa. The largest
stock ever shown in w asningion
county, and can and will beat all
coropetitore Schulmerich Broa.
A. II. Garrison, of the Oregon
Snldiera' Home, at Roseburg, is en
hying a (50 day furlough in this
city, the gueev oi m
Mrs. Wm. Finney. He will re
main until after the Fourth.
Love A Cullen are the new
blacksmiths at this place. They
have a shop on Main street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets,
and do a general blacksmithing
at this place. They make a spec
ialty of borse-shoeing. Give them
a call when in town. 8 H
Miss Nora Miller, of near Glen
coe, who underwent an operation
at the St. Vincent Hospital, Port
land, last week, ia rapidly recover
For Sale-Pigs already weaned;
alao a thorough bred Poland-China
boar, and a few tons of good horse
u. ! it M K.mes. 2 miles south
. tini-Kntn t nil nhnne. 1183 5 If
01 HI1D"VMV - " f
... . 1
n n F.rnhem was in uum
.l. 'mJii. Plain vesterday. He
k.t ih recent frosts slightly
inured many of we young uui-
- J
hmshes. hand brushes,
bath brushes, tooth brushes; largest
and bet aasortment in the city, at
Hillsboro Pharmacy;
Mrs. Mary Shipherd. of Edgar,
Nebraska, I.
visit with her brother, C. V. Farn
ham, of North Plains.
For the largest and beet line of
perfumes to be found in the city,
Jail on the Hillaboro Pharmacy.
Harvey Miller and Miss McFar
land, of Portland, were guests of
Mrs. S. J. Brown and family, Sat
urday. mi.. Rffla Godman is visiting
the mm
Over 5O0 Piece, of Land to
be Sold by Sheriff
bt Givta
to Laid
In mother column of the Argu
will be found an advertisement of
itie delinquent lax land owned by
Wahington county from 18'Jl to
l'M4. The county haa acouired
theee tracts, at a reeult of the fail
ure of individuala to toy them,
at former delinquent tax Bales
The county, and in fact all coun
ties, are forbidden by law to
peculate in iuch lands, and they
must, therefore, be aold from time
to time, until all are disposed of.
Tbe lands now advertised for
Ie embrace something like ftX)
pieces or parcels, and the county,
in caee of sale, can only give
such Interest as it mav have in
them, tbe purchaser taking bis
chance on the title. Many eucb
piece have been bought, in the
past, without trouble lo the pur
cbaeeri. All the county i inter
esled io, in to get the amount of
laxne uue n, ana u is lor im
purpose that tbe rale baa b-eu
ordertd by the county court.
Io the matter of the estate and
guardianship of Merrill K. and
Flora M. Holchkisa, minors; bind
of guardian for sale of real estate.
In the matter of the estate of
Fred Sommers, deceased; Bale of
real estate confirmed.
In re estate of Geo A. Gore, de
ceased; sale of real estate confirm
ed, and upon receipt of purchase
price, ad m r is ordered to give deed
lo Albert and Robert llle.
1 1 ave imt improved the Herring
ton patent Washer. It ia light,
durable and easily operated, and
its weight ia lees than four pounds
Its force ia oom pressed air; price
tb. It la all coDoer and will ltst.
I will give $50 to any party who
will find any two oraok or lever
clothes washers in the United
titatee, that will do tbe work of one
of the Harrington Washers, in all
kinds of washing, both heavy and
light. I ue eompreastd air. I
have no use for air. Agenta want
ed. Can be seen at the Tualatin
Hotel for a few days.
R 1) Harrington, Patentee,
Corvallia, Ore. 910
The Hillsboro GranKe No. 7J, Patrons
ol lltislMUulry recently passed the follow
ins rraolutlous.
Whereas. Our Heavenly Father In his
all wise ruliug has teen fit to remove
from our miiist a beloved nietnlr in our
order. Mrs. W. I. Hare, whose conscien'
tioui ixrfornistice of duty, and most lov-
ible disoosition. with the hiirhest of
ideals, won for her the resjwet of all the
mriiilM-ra of our order.
Be it Resolved. That we feel that w
have lost a true sister, whose counsels
ami cheers were always m behalr of up
lifting humanity, and whose Krevttti)
and friendship to all will ever be held in
liivini' remembrance.
To tbe bereaved husbaud and friends,
we eitend to you our heartfelt sympathy
in your liereavement, in the loss you
have sustained of a true wife and coun
While we feel we have lost a true
friend and adviser, we feel she haa been
called from this caithly sphere to her
Heavenly reward, where we, It we woulU
rnui Mt. her t ol ifooo ueeus aim ser
vice shall eiueet her greeting on me
other shore.
C. A. Harney,
Wm. Schulmerich,
Argus and Oregonian, 12.25.
Don't forget the W. 0. W
nio at Hillaboro, May 23
event of the season.
There will be preaching service
at Laurel Evangelical Unnrcn
Sunday anernoon at uoiwa.
Dr. C. B. Brown will be in the
city, Monday, May 18, and remain
the entire week, umoe at mrs
Susie Morgan'a reeidence.
Have you seen the new cvds at
the Basaar? This week prettier
cards and a better assortment than
ever. a
Governor Chamberlain spoke at
Beaverton today, and will apeak at flrnva lonioht. He is bill
ed to speak in this city on the 28th
Did you say you wanted Bhingles,
naint. lime, or oementf Then oall
at Webb & Hoover's Feed Store,
on Second street two doors north
of the prospective electric car line
on Washington street.
. w . , . .
jaua limo, vtr
WOO ft.UCU m Uinuuivwi
i m MaamhtAbAV nimaii
Neuman. and beat Max Hermann
and a Chinaman nearly to death,
in Portland, this week, was cap-
tured yesterday in the North End,
and Das ooniesaea.
"Doins all we can" will ba the
mornina subject in the Congrega-
tional churcu next Sunday. The
temDeranoe meeting announced forlvey. The work of surveying will
Friday evening of this week has
been postponed until later when
notice will be given. . '
See big W. O. W. poetere.
II. J. (iofT, of Foreet Grove, wai
in town yesterday.
Inquire oi
familv home for cale.
John'M.Wall. 9 tf
Joe. Burgholxer. of Buxton, waa
in town Tuesday.
Money lo loan on real estate e-
curity. Terms reaeonable Ku-
rath Br ob. 40 If
Frank Rice, of fortland. wib in
the city yen lord ay.
L I,. Crawford and wife, of
Banka, were in town today.
Meet me at HillibDro at
W. O. W. picnic, May 23
W. M. Jackaon and wife went to
Portland today, for a abort visit
8. A. McFadden, of the Oregon
Nursery, waa in town today.
Turkey eces for batching To
quire of Geo. Scbolmerich, Hills-
boro. 7 If
W. C. Qraddy.of near Cornelius.
waa an Argus caller Monday.
Wanted Dining room girl for
the Commercial Hotel, Uillsborc.
J. U. Dorland, of Shady Brock,
waa in the city yesterday.
J. S. Robioaon, of Farmington,
waa an Argus caller yesterday.
Choice chrysanthemum plants,
50 cent a dozen, at tbe new green-
house Mrs. Agnee Campbell.
Robert S. Graffi', of Portland,
visited 1). B. Reaeoner and family
of near Hillsboro, Sunday.
For information regarding con
tests at W. O. W. picnic, call on or
address Fred Adams, Hillaboro, Or.
John Wolf, of tbe Santiam coun
try, Marion County, is visiting his
father, Wm. Wolf, of this city.
The Album contest closes May
17, at the Bazaar. Have you all
the chaoces you want? v
The K. O. T. M of Greenville,
will give a social dance at their
Hall, next Saturday night, May 16,
1908. Kverybody invited.
Delioious ice cream, refreshing
ice cold Root beer, and fine con fee
tionery for everybody, at L. J. Pal
Farmington went up against
Beaverlon in a game of baseball
last Sunday, at the latter place,
easily defeating tbe Beaverton
team by a score of 16 to 8.
Juet a few days more in which
to get a chance on the $5 album at
the Bazaar a chance with every
25 cent purchase.
Basket social at Job's crossing
school, Friday evening, May 22,
A short, program will be rendered
by the pupils, and the proceeds
will go for school improvement.
For Sale Three-quarter blood
Shorthorn bull, 18 months old.
John Sorenson, below old Hare
mill, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 2. 9-11
Mies Lillian Goodin, daughter of
R. B. Goodin, of Salem, and well
known in thia county, waa married
last week to Dr. Sheldon, of Port
land. The bride is a niece of
County Judge Goodin,
On Monday, Kenneth, the seven
year old son of Max Crandall, fell
from a bicycle, aud broke botn
bones of tbe left arm at a point be
tween the elbow and wrist. Dr,
W. D. Wood was called and re
duced the faotures.
C. Blaser haa bought the stock
of the C. A. Lamkin Hardware
Company and inventory is now
being taken. As boon as concluded
Mr. Blasier will take possession
and will be pleased to meet his
many Washington County friends
L. L. Crawford, of Banks, is an
independent candidate for county
commissioner, in opposition to John
MoClaran, of Gales Creek. Mr,
Crawford entered the race at tbe
solicitation of a large number of
his friends. . ,
Timet ought to be good in Hills'
boro this year. With the con'
struction of the Oregon Klectric
under way from the Hillsboro end,
and with a renewal of tbe exten
alon of the P. R. & N., considerable
omj will be jipent by employees
" ' v
Mips Minnie tieidel will give a
reading in the Congregational
Church next Sunday evening at 8
o'olook. The selection is from
Tennyson's Guinevere. Miss Hei
del has nut much time and study
in this reading, and all her friends
will wish to bear her. No admis
sion will be charged but a Bilver
collection will be taken.
P. R. & N. surveyors were busy
today surveying for a switch on
the main line opposite Washing-
ton street in this city. The switch
will lead from tbe P. R. & N. track
to the electric line, when the latter
Company gets its track built, and
an engine and oars will be used to
forward rails, ties, etc., on the lat
ter line.
Tkt... :n At tu.
P. R. & N. iudains from surface in
I . "
rl ai am ThtAaanrvA. n nl Aa
haye ftlread goneinto the moun.
uia vtmMa HUlsboro and Till.
mftnk inil t. mnra a
:.! p-i-j ni,;.r uvt
i BLMuawaajaa. iu v fiwuui vuiyi uuill'
, D j. .d Assistant Chief
Engineer Abry have been in the
olty several days on business con-
nected with the extension of sur
take place from both the Buxton
and Tillamook ends of the line, and
will be pushed steadily until done.
Michigan Timber Men
the Purchasers
Fur Bnodred aad Sixtv-five Acree
Tnniferrcd io the big Deal
The Big Four Lumber Company
whose plant ia situated near Bux-
ton, on the site of the old Manning
mill, waa aold this week to a big
Michigan lumber company, repre
sented here by McFarlane Broe., of
Conway, Mich. The deal includes
the sawmill plant of tbe Big Four
Company, all building, lumber, etc.,
besides 46f acres of patented laud,
and the timber now standing on
100 acres of land. The considera
tion was 125,000. Sherman Mur
phy, of this county, and L. H.
Peters, of Cambria, Wisconsin, ap
pear in the deeds as tbe owners of
the Bit? Four Co.. but it has been
popularly supposed that there were
four owners of the plant, hence the
name Big Four. Jas. P. and
Jno. A. McFarlane are here and
made tbe deal, but it ie understood
that they represent large interests
in Michigan, and that a large plant
now in tbe latter state, will be
brought to this county, and added
to the one just purchased.
R. H. Greer, republican candidate
for Representative, was born in
Canada, and came to Minnesota in
1874, thence to Oregon in 1880
Mr. Greer learned the miller's
trade in the East, and ran the
Glencoe Mills for a period of five
years. He moved to Hillsboro in
1889, engaging in the grocery bu3i
ness, which is his present occupa
tion. Mr. Greer has been a direct
or of the Hillsboro public schools
for ten years, and a member of the
city council. He affiliated with
the republican party, when he
came to tbe state, casting his vote
for tbe nominees of that party.
elected, Mr. Ureer is pledged to
vote for the people's interests in al
matters, and bis friends predict he
will receive a certificate of election
Rasmus Rasmussen et ux to W A Shaw
lots 66 and 75 Beaverton-Reedville
acresee, f957 So.
R Rasmussen et ux to J Taooan. Its 67
and 70 Heav-Keedv 1 acreage, 5645.
C aeeunain et al to A h .Nourse et al.
1 5, 6. 7 and 8 blk 8 S P Add F G, 1500.
Anne J tsueliatian to John White, 40 a
in Jas Barker d 1 c 1 1 s 1 w, 1850.
html Mark to R W Pipenbnuk, ai.69
a in sec 10 t a s a w, 900.
Geo Doughty to Ernest Foord. tr in M
Moore d 1 c 1 1 s i w, 175.
J C btnock et al to Nettie Fitch, tract
in Sherwood, 1.
Kliza Dailey et al to I B Trullinger, pr
of blk s Fairview Add Hillsboro, 1350.
Willis Ireland to Andrew Jack, tr in M
Moore d 1 c t 1 s 2 w, 2300.
reter Borchers to Peter Mohrtnann et
al, tr in sec 20 1 2 s I w, 1200.
John Foote to wm Ferris, blk 20 Bo-
harts Sub-division of Ebberts claim, 200.
J It Morback et al to Blake True, part
of sees 17 and 20 t a s 1 w, 1600.
Henry w ilson to Mary Wilson, tract in
sec 6 t t s 3 w, 1.
Hiram hniith et al to Jas Shipley, part
Its 8 and 9 blk 4 Simmons Add Hbo, 050.
Anna W rage to U Barnes, part of
blk B Fairview Add Hbo, 850.
J K McUee to Mary McGee. s a in sec
6 1 1 s 3 w and other lands, 1.
A W Donelson to Thos Meehan, 18.56
a in sec 5 t I a 2 w, 2700.
w m trey to Fred Bereer, 1SS.76 a in J
S White d 1 c t 1 2 w, 4500.
h, Wenstrom et al to Laura Shea, 25 a
in sec 8 t 2 s 2 w, 750.
Philip Shea to Laura Shea, part of sec
8 t 2 s 2 w, 1.
Louis Enders et ux to Ernest Keehn,
part of lot 46 in Gray Oak, 4100.
Nimu x urn now et al to J A Keller, 10
a 111 Geo Kietiardson d 1 c t 2 s 1 w, 900.
Kobt Jehorek et al to D Fletcher, 4 a
in sec 31 t 2 s 1 w, 1000.
A I Graeg et ux to I M Hutnke. part
of blk 2 Humphreys Add Hillsboro, 200.
Investment Co to & S Hatch, 35.42 a in
sec 3 t 2 s I w. 1048.
M J faanmions et ux to T L Kyle, 11 a
in sec 21 1 1 n I w, S25.
I R Pavne et ux to Geo Payne, lot
blk 19 Hillsboro, 1000.
W K Thome et ux to 1) P Corrien, 56
a hi Simmons d 1 c, 7000.
R w Airey et al to Wm Sample, part
of sec s t 2 s 3 w, lo.
Carrie Fuller to A N Stanton, 6s a in
Thos Hart d 1 c 1 1 s 3 w, 1.
Abbie Robinac n to C M Hawthorne,
W'H of SEW sec 23 1 1 n 5 w, 200. ,
David W ensrer et ux to Fred Ritter et
al, SEX ot sw l( sec 27 t 2 n 1 w, 500
Lucy V rooms n et al to Jos Downs,
part of blk 2 Morgans Add Hbo, 10.
SJ wniteetai to jerry cavanaugn et
al, 10.75 a in sec 35 1 1 n 2 w, 2000.
Hons. W. N. Barrett and W.
Hollis will address the voters
the political issues of the day at
Reedville tomorrow (Friday) night
On Saturday next, Hon. J. W. Bai
ley, candidate lor State Dairy and
- Food Commissioner, will speak at
I Scholls: and on tbe 18th; the re
oublican candidates will speak at
L . . I . . - , .
- uu uu 'UD
.1 lT.aua onnnn nnAmAn In mi 1 1 he
T UrtUQf pUUUUUVOiuouw Tflli
made next week,
Th Mlowlna neranns filed net;
Itione for nomination to be voted for
at the June election: N. L. Atkins,
Independent, ForeBt Grove; L.
Crawford, County Commissioner,
Banks: Jas. B. Wilkerson, County
School Superintendent, ' Forest
Clement Mellis and August La
rouge, of Portland, who went on a
hunting and fishing trip to the
lower Nehalem river last Fall, and
failed to return, were doubtless both
drowned in the Nehalem. Th
body of young Mellis was found
last Saturday night, at the mouth
of the Nehalem river. One of the
dogs which accompanied the bo; a
from Portland, came home last
winter, in a half starved condition.
The theory is that tbe boys were
drowned by the upsetting of their
boat. Ihe ebalem is a treacher
ous river to navigate, as thope who
nave attempted it are all willing to
Kuratli Bros, report the follow
ing sales of real estate. Jos. A.
Moore to Richard Reycraft, 37
acres, IdiUO, near Hillsboro. A.
W. Donelson to Thos. Meehao, 18
acrea near Hillsboro, $2700. G. W.
Barnes to Mr. DeHondt, house and
lots, Hillsboro. 11400. Samuel
Pooley to Isaac Campbell, 103
acres in Helvetia, 7000. John
Joseph to John Block, 22 acree
near Phillips, 12100. Isaac Camp
bell to Sam Poolev. Dronertv in
Hillsboro, $2500. C. Gerber to
Fred Zimmerman, of Portland, 20
acres near Phillips, $2100.
More thau 1,000 pioneers of Ore
gon will bold a reunion in Portland
on June 11. 1008. Headnuarters
for the pioneers will be in the Ore
gon Historical Society's rooms on
the top floor of tbe city hall.
Badges may be secured from Secre
tary Geo. H. Himes at any time af
ter May C. Special arrangements
have been made with the railway
companies for transportation, and
one and one-third fare has been ex
tended those who attend the event.
Hon. A. B. Flint and wife, of
Kinton, accompanied by Loren
Jackson and wife, of Hillsboro, in
one automobile, and Mr. atd Mrs,
Ferd Groner, of Scholls, departed
for an overland trip to Eugene, the
first of the week. They expected
to make the trip down in a day a
run of 160 miles. After the State
Grange meet is over they will re
turn via Corvallis and take in the
livestock show.
Two match games of basebal
were played at Forest Grove, Sun
day, between the Stephens Addi
lion team of Portland and the pub
lie school team of that city, and
the Colts nine and tbe Brainard
Company nine of Portland. The
Stephens club waB defeated, 13 to
5, and the Brainard nine was beat
en, 3 to 7. Next Sunday tbe
Colts will play the Carlton team at
While riding on the reach of
wagon, Monday, Frank, the 14 year
old eon of D. H. Willers, who lives
near Jobs b Crossing, west of Hills
boro, accidentally struck his left
foot against a stump in the wood
road, with the result that the limb
was broken in two places, just
above the ankle. Dr. Wood at
tended the injured lad.
Mrs. Ida Belknap, wife of Rev.
E. H. Belknap, of Salem, will
peak in the Methodist church next
Sabbath evening. Mrs. Belknap is
corresponding secretary and con
ference organizer of tbe Home Mis
sionary Society of the Oregon Con
ference. All are invited to this
Lewis Carstens, of
who has been sick for a month
with stomach trouble, was today
taken to the North Pacific Sanitar
ium, in Portland, for a course of
special treatment. His friends in
this county Lope he will be perma
nently benefitted.
Mrs. Alice Moulton, of Cobalt,
Ontario, Canada, is in the city, tbe
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. B. Bai
ley. Her husband is a mining en
gineer, and iB located at the above
mentioned town. Mrs. Moulton is
daughter of Capt. J. D. Merry
man and wife, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, of Port-
and, formerly of Phillips, C. Ger
ber, of Phillips, Fred Peterson, of I
near Corvallis, formerly ol near
Cedar Mills, and Mrs. Jacob Hilt-
brand, of Phillips, visited with
friends in Hillsboro Tuesday.
Geo: Kieni and Wm. Salzwedel,
01 ueaar anus, transacted DusinesB
. M . w.,1 .It
in Hillsboro last Saturday. Mr.
Salzwtdel has just Bnished a hand
some residence on his place, on the
Cornell road, and was married to a
German lady from Berlin, last
Social dance at M. W. A. Hall,
Cedar Mill, Saturday night, May
23, 1908. Music by 11. Toelle.
Tickets, including supper, 91.
Spectators and members oU cents.
All are cordially invited.
John Ritter, of Helvetia, went
to Portland, Saturday, to be oper
ated on, and latest reports are that
he ia getting along nicely.
Edwin Morgan returned today
from a three weeks' sojourn in San
Francisco end Santa Kosa, and re-
porta the fleet as "simply great."
Stock bogs for Bale. Apply
A. Chalmers, (near Centerville,)
ForeBt Grove, Oregon. 2tf.
O. G. Wilkes departed for Ilwa-
co. Wash., -this week, to install
telephone system.
Mrs. Wm. Nelson is quite
with congestion of the lungs, at
home in this city.
Born, to the wife of Arnold
Smith, of near Centerville, May
1908, a ion.
Born, to the wife of John Smith,
of Greenville, May 7, 1908, a girl.
Physician and Surgeon
R'joms 12, 1.1 and la. Reii.lence Munth-
wwit corner lUMelineaud BwonJ Street.
Both 'Phones.
Office upstairs over The I Its Drug Stora
Roaldenee East of Court Hoon.
In tbe corner of the block.
ursrson Hnuthern Purl Ho p.iim. p..
Conaultation In French or English. Of
fice upstairs, over L. M. Hoyt Co's. atom,
north side of Main St., HUlslwro, Or.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9
tfailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phone. tmicKrt
Roortjj 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Block,
street. Over Dennia Store.
Sao. T. Bagl; W. O. Harm
Booms 1 and 2 Shnte Building
Office, patairs, over the Poat Office.
Hillaboro, - Oregon.
Rooms i, 4, k 5, Morgan Blk, Hillaboro,
Office Upatalri, Bailey Mergan Block,
Rooms, i anl t.
Orrica: Main 8treat, opp. Court Hoa:i.
Morgan Blk, TJpatalra, Rooma 3, 4 and j
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
G. M. Hunter
Carpenter Worh '
And Contracting
Those rnntPtnnlaH"
Lt,-ij . f - r
should get my figures. Both
Phones. Cor. 4th & Taekson.
Hillsboro - - Oregon
Office: Hancock & Gordon's Livery Barn
Forest Grove
Will be in Hillsboro, Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays. OtHce at Rediaoml
s uonneil'H lavery Htabla.
. j
Home Style
Regular Meals, 25 cts up
Short order lunches
Odp. Farmers' Feed Shed, on :
1 . '
Main St.
Hillsboro - - - Oregon.
Postal Cards
A few years ago there was only
one kind of postal card. Today
there art thousands of different
kinds, and new ones being
made every day. It ia the new
cards that have made the busi
ness what it is, and these cards
You Want to See
You will be more apt to find
the card you want here than
any other place, as we have
placed standing orders with five
to I
Eastern Factories to send at all
new cards they have manufac
; tured or imported.
Always new Ones
This Is the secret of our success
in the card business.' ; We are
a I
Come in and see our Stock
Second St., South of postofflce
friends In San Franoisoo.