The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 14, 1908, Image 2

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    HILLS90RO AROUS, MY 14, 190S
i Ursd at Pot-offloe at HtlUboro
SI K h !3
in M I n
.jroa, as eewond-olaas mail matw.
County Official Pp
iacrlptma: per Annum.
laaaed Kry .Tb-rUy
Laerutinr. Attorney-
ilut Seuator
jute Senator-
lehool Supt.
, M. r. CASE
5 Corone r
t! E. C. BROWS
f Juttirt of the Pfaee.'Hillsboro
(i. M.BAR5ES
For State Senator
Dr. Chas. E. Hines
A Taxpayer will work for the
best interests of the Taxpayer
The republican elans meet today
in Portland at the state convention
to elect delegates to the naviona
republican convention, and U nom
inate Presidential electors. Fiom
the appearance of things before the
battle, it looks as though the Fa
ton faction would waie a bitter
fight against the Bourne feclion
Instead of fighting, these factions
should harmonize, if party harmo
ny, and the elf cion of Cake are de
sired, otherwise, a fight at this time
will be water on Chamberlain's
political wheel.
TAPAGEUR, NO. 53,167
Imported Pcrcheron Stallion, foaled in France in 1901
Drought to America in 1904. American No.. 41.1336
Beautiful black; star in forehead; finely formed; weighs 1050 lbs.
Tapageur is just the horse to sire good and substantial colts.
1 f . . 1
:S4 - ft.
Season of 1905 at Ferd Croner's Farm, Scholia. Ore.
Every Care to prevent, but not responsible for -accidents. Owner of
mare at time of service will be held personally icsponsible for charge.
Single service. $8 Season. $15. Insure with foal. $20.
Votii ii hrbr ivn Uit the uudvr-
siKiit-l, guardian of tbe prwn anil e
tm'.ea oi JUry K. King nd ThewioreJ.
Kine. minot. pt virtue of an onlfr and
dvn- of the rountv Court of the State of
Orttoo. for Wactbi'nirtoii Coontr. ruale
amt piitervu on the stD Oay oi aiay.
duly authontirijt. lu-ernmg and empower
in(f the mki guardian to maa sair m ie
1 property hereinalter uen-.noi, wm
on and after Friday. June . M. sell at
private aale to the best advanupe:
An unuiTtueu iwd-s iieik inicrrw in mu
foltowinc dewriunl real prouerty, luhject
to the dow er intreU ot Mary U King
Part of the I). L. C. of Aimoran Hill
and wife in T. 2 S. R S W heinning at
the aouthtart corner of mid I). I. C:
thence wet 2 eh.;tben north 31.25 ch-t;
them east 31.90 chs: thenoe south 31 .3
chains to the place of beginning, contain
ing ai-ree: AUi(
The following tract of land in said coun
tr and Mate, and betrinnintr -f- chain
west of the southeast corner of the l. L.
C. of Aimoran Hill and wife, in Hern. .
and 7 T. 2 S. ii. 3 W. of the Will, Mer and j
running thence north 21.96 chs. to a stone
from which a fir tree IS in. in diameter!
bewis north 77 degrees 4o minutes W. 4
links; tbence south 8 degrees minutes
W. 2.47 chs. to a stone in the center of the
County road, from which a yew tree 15 in.
in diameter bears north 70 degree 10 inin-1
utes bast 71 links; inerice souin o degrees
luYN dance
With an KtliHon rhonngri
Von may entertain, your rom
pany most aatisfartxrily. Their
j dame records are played in
retrnlar lUnce time, ami one
beauty It ItiHt yonr orrhi'ir
never tiret.
I earry a full stock of all
AuicricHii reeonU In F!iliou
and Coltiinliiii.
Von are Invited to rail and
hear them. , f
Unceasing Work Keeps
Strong and Healthy
All the blood in the bodv busses through
12 minutes East 22 03 cbs. to the south i the kidnevs once every S minute. The
line of said CUim: thence east 47 links to
to the place ot beginning containing 3.2:1
ar-ren, more or les.
Dated this May 6th, IW.
MARY L. K.1XO, Guardian.
Bag ley 4 Hare, Attorneys for Guardian.
Remember, the Oregonian and
Argus, only $2.25.
Warren Williams, of near Moun
ttiodale, was in town today.
H. C. Todd, of Laurel, was in the
city yesterday.
. A pile driver belonging to the
Oregon Elect rio construction force
arrived at Pres. Jackson's place
last night, and will be used to
drive piles for a Ireetle to cross the
county road near Jackson's place.
T. R. Imbrie and wife returned
from a two months' trip to Califor
nia, today, and report an enjoyable
time while gone. Miss Letitia Im
brie, who went with them, returned
home Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Webb re
ceived a telegram yesterday from
their niece, Miss Grace Henshaw,
of Putblo, Colo , stating that she
would arrive in Hillsboro, May 15,
to make them a visit. Her home
is in Bloomington, Ills.
Robert Neil, who died at his
home in Forest Grove, Tuesday
evening from an aoute attack of
Kneumonia and was buried in the
aylor oernetery yesterday, was
born at Ontario, Canada, 55 years
ago and came to Oregon in 1896
He was married to Miss Mary
Hacker 28 years ago. one eur
vives him with their children, Geo
Frank and Kate.
Word was received here this
morning from Mrs. N. L. Atkins
at Forest Grove, that her husband
who is working in Portland, would
not be candidate tit County
Clerk on the Independent ticket
Mr Atkins petition, with the re
quieite number of signers, was filed
in the Clerk's offios this week.
This leaves J. W. Bailey, the re
publican candidate, a clear field.
w m
Tradc Marks
'rtft CorrmoMTa 4c
Anyone wndlnf a (ketch and description nay
qolckif MceruuD cur oitnioo free whether sa
invention l probsblr patentAbls. Communlrv
Uoiu.irictlrFonBdentUL HANDBOOK on Haunts
sent f re. ll!et strenrf for securing ipsteQU.
PsteuU taken tbruunh Moon 4 Co. rscsl
avKtot sotkee, wiihuut ccurst, latns
Scientific flr.crican.
A handsomely tlnistratsd week I r. 1-tremt etr.
cutanea uf any aoientme Vamal. Term.. 3 s
tsar: f'jor atuntba, 11. Sold bj all navwlealera.
taCo' ' New York
arsnch OtSos. F BU. WsebiMtuo. D. C.
kidneyn filter the blnud. The? wort night
and day. When healthy they rerrote about
.VJ irrains of impute matter daily when
aiiliealtliy some part of this impure mat
ter is left in the blood. This brings on
many diseases and symptoms- psln in the
back, headache, nervousness, hot, dry
skin, rheuinstisiu, gout, gravel, disorriurs
of the yesitfhl ami hearing. ili,.inesM, ir
rpgular heart, debility, drowsiness, drop
sy, deposits in the urine, etc. Hut if you
keep the filters right you will have no
trouble with your kidney".
W. H. Morion, living on Third A Liu
coin Htrepts, Hillsboro, Oregon, says: -
"W.ien I tirs: lgan using Doan's K.d
ney pills. I was suffering from a weak
back and a disordered condition of the
kidneys. These organs were so wesk that
I was forced to arise several tunes during
the night. I was forced to stoop and bend I
a great deal, and when the pains across '
my hack were at their height, I was bard- ,
It able to do my work. 1 had read about j
Doan's K idney Pills, and seeing that they
were so highly advertised, 1 piocured a 1
box. I am now better than Wore in a:
long time, and can say that liotn's Kld-i
ney 1'ilia acted like magic in my case." . j
For sale by all dealers Price,
1 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co , Buf
falo, New York, sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Passenger train schtdule follows:
Leaves for Portland
Forest Grove local 6:5t a. m.
Sheridan Flyer. . . . 9:07 a. m.
Forest Giove local 1 4 1 p. m.
Corvallis overland 5:08 p. m.
Arrives from Portland
Corvallis overland 8:16 a. m.
Foreet Grove local I27 p. m.
Sheridan Flyer 6:28 p. m.
Forest Grove local 6:47 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Corrallis overland 7:00 a. m.
Forest Grove local 1 1 :oo a. m.
Sheridan Flyer 4:10 p. m.
Forest Grove local 0:40 p. m.
Arrival in Portlsnd
Forest Grove local 8:00 a. m.
Sheridan Flyer ..10:30a. m.
Forest Grove local 2:50 p. m.
Corvallis overland 6:35 p. m.
The Forest Grove local does not
carry baggage.
Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to
the nrovlsions of Section "HI" of Chanter
'2H7" of the Wessijn Lawg of the Htate of
Oregon for the year 1W07, and the Order of
the county uourt or the state or uregon
for the County of Washington, I will, on
Wednesday, the27lh day of May, I'.tW. at
the .South diMir of the Courthouse in Hills
loro, Washington County. Oregon, begin
ning at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of
said day and continuing from day to day
until the sale of all the property hereinaf
ter mentioned is completed, sell at public
auction all of the property to which the
County of Washington has acquired hv
virtue of sale for taxes, to the highest bid
der for cash in hand, Descriptions of
property to be sold may be seen at the of
fice of the Sheriff of Washington County,
Dated the 28th day of April. 1908.
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon,,
and ex-offlclo Tax Collector thereof
A Lazy Liver
May be only a tired liver, or a starved
liver. It would Iw a stupid as well as
savage thing to beat a weary or starved
man becauw ho lagged In his work. So
In treating the lagging, torpid liver It Is
a great mistake to liih It with strong
drastic driig-t. A torpid liver Is but an
Indication of an Ill-nourished, enfeebled
body whom urgaus are weary with over
work. Start with the stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put
them In working order and see how
quickly your liver will become active.
Dr. Pierce's (JolUen Medical Discovery
ban made many murvelous cures of "liver
trouble" by lu wonderful control of tli
organs of dlgt-VJou and nutrition. It re
stories the normal activity of the stomach,
Increases the secretions of the blood-malc-lug
glH'.'ii, eie.inse the system from pul-
aonoii accumulations, and so relieves tlio
liver of Urn burdens Impound upon It by
the defection of other organs.
If too have bitter or bad taste in the mom
In I. poor or Viable appetite, coated tongue.
fool breath, colmlpatcti or Irregular bonds.
feel weak, easlli tired, Artpondent, frequent
headaches, pain 4r dlstreicWi "small of back."
gnawing or dkirewd laig la stomach,
perhaps nauta.NJKiifNlNai?y "rUlnga" la
throat after eating, and klnous! symptoms
Of wsak stomach and torpid lir no n;ed
Clnc will relieve you more proffifltLi; oicjjye
im mi. re. m rr..arn nllf l)fn flen.'c'ji
omen Meuicsi nivoTtiyy. rsrnans unif
Sherifl'a Sale
Notice is lierebv dven that by virtue of
an execution issued out of and under the!
seal of the Circuit Court of the Mlate of
Oregon, for the County of Washington,
dated the 10th day of April, 1M0H in favor
of J. J. Conimway plaintiff, and against
W. H. liaoy and Halite iiuoy, defendants
fortliesnm ol flH co.U and the further
sum of $:0 with interest thereon from the
Will day of January, 1H07, at the rate of II
per cent, per annum, and for the further
sum of $3700 with Interest thereon from
the V5rth day of January, 1907, at the rate
of 7 per cent, per annum, and the further
sum of attorney's fees, to me directed
and delivered, commanding me to make
sale of the real property hereinafter ils
eribfcd, I have levied upon and pursuant
to said execution f will, on Monday, the
18th day of May, 1H08, at the couth door of
the courthouse in Hillsboro, Washington
county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m. of aaid day, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for caeb tn hand, all of
the following described real property, ly
ing, being and situate in Washington
County, Oregon, and more particularly
described as follows, 10 wit-
beginning at the northeast corner of
Section 23, 1'. 1 South of Kange 1 West of
the Willamette Meridian and running
thence West 30 rods, thence booth W
rods, thence Kast 30 rods, thence north on
the Kast line of said section 23, 1W rods to
the place of beginning, reserving right of j
way along said Kast line and Houth line I
of the lot and ditch, as In former ded,
containing 30 acres, more or less, to satis-1
fy the hereinbefore named sums and for
tue costs and expenses of sale and of said
bald sale will lie made subject to redem
ption as per statute of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Mill
day of April, 1H08.
Kheriff of Washington County, Oregou.
fly T, Kane, Deputy.
Chas. J. Bcbnabel, Attorney for i'ltff.
a part of the above tyiuplools will be present
at one time anil yet point to torpid llreror
blllouviriess slid tr k btomach. Avoid all
hot bread and l,ult, griddle cakes and
other iiiillirestUilc fuod and take tbu"(iolilen
Medical Discovery " n vnlsrly and stick to Its
one until jrou are vigorous and strong.
The "Discovery" Is non-secret, non-sloo
hollc, Is a glyceric extract of native m dlii
nal roots with a full Ibl of Its Ingredient
printed on each bottlH-wrapuer and silesled
under oath. Its Ingredient are cndnmed
and extolled by the most eminent medical
writers of the agn and are recommended to
cure the disease for which It 1 sdrlvd.
Don't accept a substitute of unknown
composition for this non-secret medium
Yes, We Do It!
All Kinds of Painting
Moore & Shirley
Main Street, opp. Payne Bros,
Livery Barn
Administrator's Notice
Hillsboro Argus, $1 50 per year,
Notice is hereby uiven that the under
signed has been by the County Court ol
the Hlato of Oregon, for Washington
County, duly appointed adnilninistrator
of the estate of Kusau K. Tanner, docea.
en, aim nas duly qualliied as such.
Therefore, all persons having claims
gainst said estato are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned at
me law omee or Kagley Hare In Illlls
boro, Oregou. together with nrotier vouch
era, within six months from theduteof
tins notice.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this 7th
day of May, llg)8.
Administrator of the Estate of Susan K,
Tanner, deo'd.
Men 1 Women I children
Oxford ! oxroK" Tan
Shoes I Shoes
in I blacK
Tan btyles oxf0KUS
Gun Meul Summer wb Suii.
Patent DRESS Colored
Leather GOODS Hosiery
Opp. Commercial DanK.
1 j
aV I
I will sell at public auction at my farm on the
Jos. L. Meeh ranch, 4 1-2 miles North of
Hillsoro, at 10,30 A. M.,
Sorrel Gelding:, 6 yrs, weight 1460; bay Greldimr 8 vrs wehtI450;
Si1!" 4 yiSre?ht 1355 Span' Dapple gray Qoldinls, Five and
MmvPZ71!?' bast teaon saleicSunty; span black
120O- ht 'rLr?eS 6 7,ears weIht 2750; brown horse, 4 yrs,
mare 8 Z J59' 7 yrs' O0 field., 8 yrs, 14oo; span browns,
Bffi 'Jm r geld ' 5 ?rs 28o' very A Pair; gray mare, 8, 135o.
IlfeaS f'&fffiYvFif1-' flve yearsf 15bo. bay geldinif.
nnSrI?' s!ngJeu0rdbr' bfty and iron gray) eeldings, twelve
Sfve ho'n 8ired by ech gentle, and Salter broke. All
canoUon, ne? rJ,!,; ? 3-SCat seafhack, 2-foat surrey, allliavins
In S I ft ai nd b,g?8 ,5 SCt dbI work liaruess. "nfele neVs, feed cut
waukce m wr SftCl nrlnlCk bl"4er witTf puplicate niachiuej.ay tedder, 6ft M.U
Twalkin T ' yrake' l6,mch disc harrow 2 pUia inch bottoms,
Tem- tTn acks andnumcrousother anicl(s. Unchat noon.
ierm. Under $10, cash. Over, I year bankabl note, 8 per cent.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. T. W ' ' C(4JNELL
a-saaai biii
'WWMWaMM, -nii.nnr. -.. '