The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 14, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 9
Wonderful Tltut no
Sulfur lujury
llluJiil PbjeMaa that Bet aiejr
Oo MonJay Frank Hlanon, of
Boulh Tuilll", hauling lum
ber (rum the Jobnaou mill, to bit
...... 11 . 11.
olJ sm John. The bMli want io
I chuck hole, throwing the little
folio olT lb load, tht hind wheels
peeting over hie botlr between (he
hlpeatid li fting ribi. The child
quickly taken home, and Dr.
F. A. Utile; wea summoned. II
found lh llttU fellow eulTeriui,
eaoildertble ein, but an eiatiiln
itioo failed to discover any broken
booee, tod the physician thinks
there ere no interne! Injurlee. The
Ud eill JuubtlefB get well, but bli
teotpe from death almost mi
reculoui ae th wagon wet loeded
Kb 40 feet of lumber. The boe'i
fttber it the btppleet nun in the
county, u be fully ei pec ted to Dnd
the chil l crushed to death.
Ho tre you going to vole on the
County High Hchool matter The
Argue believe that the parents, of
tbli county, ought to tUnd by this
propwilinn, t it will result in un
told g kxI to their children The
Doet one cn do for hit children ie
to give theiu the beet pneeible ad
vantages for a good eduoation at
borne. A mejoritr of the people
are uniMe to tend their children
y from home to aipweivB
schools, and there it no reaeon why
Washington oounty ihould not be
able to provide tuob a tobool at the
one contemplated for the education
of its children. Voters thould
tblnk twice befora voting againtt
tbit proposition on the ground that
it will make additional taxation,
aitbe amount tbui tpent, will be
at nothing com pared to the benefits
to be derived by the children.
Many counties with lees wealth
aod Iws population now have their
oounty high ichools In this stale,
aod would not do without them for
ten limes the coet of their main
tenance. Don't go back oa the
children, (or the lake of the dollar
or two you may have to pay for
their eduoation each year.
Being e firm believer In the principle
that our t'lillr.t gules Senator should
beeircUtl tiy the direct vole of the peo
ple, I tuvv ecrejUe-l the sotniiietlun (or
etetr Mtutor, trnitrrtd ni by the State
arnt No. I Mase Meeting. 1 ek, irre
pectlie ( part, the support o( ell who
hrlitve In popular government, end ell
ho believe that the people thould elect
thtir public i Ihcera by their IwlloU.
John W. Bailey, 'republican candi
date for Couuty Clerk, was born in
Hillsboro, and la 32 years of age
He was eduoated at PaoiQo Uolver-
ilty at Forest Grove, and at Stan
ford University, California, end is
druggist by profusion. Mr. oat
ley. UDon oominir of tee. oast bis
Bret vote for the republican ticket,
ana has alwaya been a republican
although of a democratic family
He has never before held a publio
oflice, except a two year term as
Councilman, in Hillsboro, Mr.
Bailey, by reason of his eduoation
nd natural business ability, it ex
ceedingly well filled for the duties
of County Clerk, and no person in
the oounty Is better qualified for
the position. If elected, as he will
be, he will give bis entire time to
me duties of his ollioe. and win
give all persona having business be
lore the office an equal show, treat
log all persons alike. "Kfflolenoy
in (ifHoe. and oourteouv treatment
to U," will bs his motto. Give
him a big vote.
The Roe Festival to be held In
Portland June 1 to G. will be the
most brilliant Floral Fiesta and;
via juouee ever bold in me i act
fio Northwest. Portland, the Rose
City, will be a eoeneof splendor and
the center of world wide interest for
one week. Several important con
ventions will be held In Portland
on that ocoaBlon. The Southern
Peciflo will tell apeolal tioketa from
Hillsboro to Portland and return
for 90 cents. For particulars, oall
on P. o. Vinkera. local asent.
TiokeU for Rale June 1, 3 and 5,
C N. Jager, of near Oarden
Home, waa in town Monday. Mr
Jager eaya the Oregon Electric has
, u teams busy grading near Garden
Home, and that more men and
teams are coming daily. He has
old most of hit ranch out to small
farmers and orcbardleU at from
I2U0 to f.m per acre, reserving a
email tract only (or blmeell. When
land gelt to be worlh from I2X) to
l.'WO per sore it is too valuable for
farm purposes, and the wise farmer
lete looee of It. Mr. Jager Informs
us that both the old Tboe. Paulsen
place and the Hlott ranch are being
eld cut in small tracts, at wall at
other ranches to that vicinity.
If you are In need of paint, go to
Webb i Hoover's. They have
white lead, raw aod boiled linseed
oil, ready mixed paint, inside and
outside paint, roof and floor paint,
hiogle plain colors ground in pure
linseed oil, Korelao aod varnish;
alto spray material dieparene and
arsenate of lead and spray pumps;
flour and feed of all kinds, hay,
oats, oat chop, rolled barley, bran,
middling!, alfalfa meal, acme ebon,
wheal; eorn, whole and cracked;
Coulaon's Dry cblck food and Dla
mor.d chick food; stock tonic, aod
food of all kinds.
Postmaster B. P. Cornelias will
toon begin the construction ol a
new eight room residence on the
eite of his present residence, remov
ing the 1 alter to another part of
the lot. G. J. Palmateer will also
build a new seven room two story
reeidence. YV. N. Barrett will move
bis reeidenoe to another part of his
lots, and put up a new seven room
cottage, this summer.
I am now prepared to show you
the new and correct spring and
summer style in tailor-made suits,
skirtB aod Bilk shirt waist suits,
made to your special order from
your own selection of material and
trimming; alto a full Una of
waists, coats and Jackets. I carry
atandard line of underskirts and
coreeie, and will be glad to bring
my goods to your bouse upon re-
queet. Independent phone, dm
Mrs. M. K Caudle. 112
H . P. Wilson, an old ti ms resi
dent sod old soldier, died at hit
home in Forest Orove, Saturday
night, after a long Illness. He was
73 years old aod leaves a wile ana
.... . I 1 M
aan. ihe unerei occarea moDuej
at 10 o'clock, under the auspices of
the CI. A. it.
At the Campbell Greenhouse:
Asters, pansiea, dahlia roots, rosea,
hooee plants, and cut flowers for
deooralions, also cauliflower, toma
to plaoU aod plenty or late cab
bage plants in a abort time. Prices
verv reasonable. Mra. Agnes
Camobell. Kth and Fir streets,
Hillsboro, Oregon. o "
The baseball lever la rampant in
this couoly, and soma good games
h. l.w.l clubs are Dromieea mis
Minn, a numoer oi iu wu
ed the Sunday game between Port
land and Han Francisco.
Th hulldina season ii now at
Kan.l ami anv one contemplating
work io this line should oall on the
mm. Milllnff Co. when figuring
on material. We have a complete
ivnW alaava 00 hand. Both
phones. "
1 1 Rn recently bought the
n. lm n ana. ooniaiMDK oou
acres, and wbioh is located In South
Tualatin, near toe aa. ocuuiiu-
ioh farm. The conaiaeraiwu
nu.ranne sale of all men's, boys
v -. a I .
.A eu ill. Will miuiuii
m. aval nnsit tin d all broken lines
. . - i atruiV nf tba
uanivu ... - -
.... ail I n in, 1II1IUBUBS w. - -
n .1 Uarnhanmee DIOIV Ui
Hnhulmerlch Bros. Come early
and get your choice. 51"
Born, to Mr. and Mra. John
Fueav. of Portland, Oregon, May
fi,i. lonu a ilanehter. Mra. rtiegy
Vlll, ."V", ------ . ti . n
..a Inrmer f MISS W"
in. k..;Mar nf a new house wil
aave the eipense and irritation of
poor finish, If be usee Jap jlao-H
!. 1.1,.. i fnr all woodwork where
i.u DnUk la reaulred. For
varum" - 0Q
sale by 0. A. Patteraon.
au..iiv J. W. Connell and wife
Mrand Mrs. John Thorn
burgh at the Grove, Bun4ay
Ice cream
t the Wtton nii
.. . i
.tore every Saturday evening
C F. Heese, of near Soholls, waa
in town Monday, na tnaa.
gus a pleaaani oau.
For gentlemen'i,
I.JUa and
fmnlinmnll -'" : -
nn can do no bet
",B , Inhn Dennis
ler than mi oj
r than
Bro. Wood, of the iForert Grow
Newt, was a pi"
Call on or phone to Dannie for
eSe. A oompltto and npto
Una alwaya on hana.
Dr. B DeWHt Connell and wife,
if Pord, were in town Sunday,
Mnmhv. of Manning",
he two Hillsboro, South Tu
alatin and West Butte
Big Crist ef Beelatu by toatnltiloBtri'
Mn. II, B. Luw: MtitioD for auit
aim deed; petition allowed upon
payment of tales, etc
J . W. Raymond et als; re-survey
of road No. 01; ordered established;
petitioners to pay cbainmen and
Herman Schmidt petition for
publio eatetnent; bearing upon mo
tion a K. B. Tongue, attorney for
urelia Diets; caaa continued for
10 days.
Local option petition; ordered
that an election be held on the first
day of Jane, Mm, to determine
whether the tale of intoxicating
luors shall b prohibited in North
and South Hillsboro, West Butte,
South Tualatin, South Foreat
rove and Cornelius precincts.
J. W. Connell petition for refund
! lei; ordered that the several
mount be refunded, as per peti
Willis Ireland report of Recorder
of Conveyance for April; report
approved; feee $373 30.
h. J. Godmao report or County
Clerk for April; report approved;
feee 1143 75
The following claims were allow
K D Smith, rrfuod tax f 14 43
Olaaa & Pruilhomnif. election 47 75
W Porter, jury liat J Y - oo
M ICelaar. clearing river 7 oo
Hillaboro Argua, printing 14 75
Koaoi ana mgnwaye
A B Johnatn In $0, W Ji Llvengooa
10 so. LC Walker jt 0$, 1. U Walker 1 7,
U W Kughea 4 00. 0 W Marsh 4 00, Jno
Stnliich 16 4t. Ira Brlley 00, (rank
Miller t so, Beall at Co MI as, Ball A
Ce 1000. Juliut Aabahr s 60, Baeeline
Lbr Co 10 55, F W Livermore 71 60, L B
McKarland 8 co, C L Dranie 00, Henry
anDyke 75 00, O W Stitt 8j 39, ny
Flint 4 So, J K Moiback 4 40.
I) W Wart. relief 40 00
M C Caae, trav eipcnata. 600
Hbo Uvery Co. coroner'i orbce... 00
C K Drichinan, clerk's office 69 00
Thoi A McBnJe, County Judge.... to 8j
Willi! Ireland, tal and poaUge Ij6 75
M C Caae, m and expenecl 711 0
W Connell. laUry and eip "5 00
W Connell, eiprneea to6 90
W Connell. board priionera - it 50
Ward Down, aheriff't office 75 Ho
L Beach, " " - 4 40
H Frv. " " - 1 So
Haul Udford, etreet cleaning a 00
Mra Chaa Pio. relief. 6 00
J W Uoodin, aal and eip 107 65
Peter Vandecouvering, relief 10 00
KliiaWth Bieland. " 6 00
lane MnrdorT, " a 00
lam Kbo. " 6 OO
Ann Freeman, 0 00
I. W llDUK. " 10 70
A J Roy, " "3 00
W J Butner, aal ana mueage 34 4"
C B Buchanan, aal and mileage.... ab bo
Refund Tax
Wm FeUlt 4a 06, Mike woniieman
it. J R Beach 10 00, J U Rode 17 09,
hank of Sherwooit as, Chae Fotte 3 7a,
Oeo Oalbreath 40 17. R H AJbe 3 as, K
I) Smith 14 4 Wilcox, aeseaaor 100 00
H T Buiton, aaeeat and collecting 00 co
as Cruickihaoki, aaetM ana cou 09 00
B H Coleman, - i 00
Mrs M F Meaainger, wit Co court. 3 80
ind Telephone Co. telephone 8 6$
Fred L Beach, judge' office at a$
E 1 Godman, aal, elc -'5" 75
A B Davie, aaaeating end collecting 45 00
Jaa Butler, recorder office e 40
Hbo Independent, printing
Hho Fharmacv. stationery
. 19s 50
, t 08
.. 6 80
Jaa Butler, sheriff's office
A M Collin, janitor
V M Jackeon, treaturer
M II Oti. J P court
1 C Umkin, court house
ChrU Rocke, juror county court
K X Harding, jury lit J P
Ch KoonU, wit county court...,
0 A Patterson, court houee
. 51 00
.. 6 50
m 3 00
,. 4 00
- 16 5
- 48 00
Veach Bro.
Walter Hamer, ae end collect. 33 70
P B Sieirriet.
n 90
8 X Herding, kail rent
B 50
a 50
i 00
6 60
s 00
3 60
14 75
I BlgK. "
. slave, witueet court
Reeves ft; Reeve, relief.....
C L McCracken, county ct jury...
Will Merrill, wit v a
B M Guile, court houee
B N Poole, asses and collecting...
78 CO
' r,L Schindler 6s. Walter Bernard
7t, H 1) Matteeon 73 o, J aiciuiucrw
15 JO, J It Darren j w,
n Anicker 71 60. Geo Sloan 74 60,
r L Roeanaer 74 oo, a j it , -
. . n TV...;. n r
Hinman 73 C Shaner 7a 60, J Heaton
74 80, J J Meacham ntO.KC Hall 76,
F W Cady s, 0 C Thornton 3, A Pike a.
John Heialer a 00, Prank & Borwick
.in Verinarier so cent, h L Hollin-
n W I Gefirer x 60. John Friday
60. Dan Burkhalter 4 60, B L Naylor
a 00, n . muuuj i " 8
o v P 00. C K Kindt 6 00, Max
Crandall 9 00, uiea rruanomme 47.-
- " " A
ii Thnmhure-h A JO. L H Holt 6 BO, A
v v Haraine s 00. 11 n v.wik w.
U ChrisUnson 6 00, Thoa
Council 4 Oi ureen 7 ao, v a aauwi
V 1 Vi P RUnar6 10. 1) G LiUv 1 60.
t . rt . Mill
M 8 'Berne 5 60, F Unger 6 60, M Oti
00. C Shindler 5 00, J B Imlav 4 00.
Election The following named person
were allowed $3 each for services on
lection boara:
t..i... u'iamer. R Thompson. Fred Berver,
Soheurmann. Scott Wolf. Anton
Herman.! W Henry, Joe Byrom, G R
and Andrew iac, w wui, v . u-
ton, D R Wneeier, k juranman, a uuer
tw.. p W Pike. Frank Simpson. F S
Brown, J J Krebs, W H McCormick, C R
A.Uma, W K Fittenger, F Y Hanley, Ira
Ilarrett, h L McCormick. Peter Boacow.
B Collins, Wm Hanwlmann. Harold
Hansen, A It Roberts, W R Stephens.
Abner Brigg, Paul Beck, J H Weacott, J
II White, K J Ward, V, Beet, Claud Ma
son, J T l-letcher, K A Dixon, H T Bux
ton, II F Cordon, K I. Naylor, R Peter
son. J H Wirtx. J N Hoffman, W M
Unvley, C T Hall, A J Craven, J O Gas-
tin, j H Rench, JF Johnson, la Cum:
mingt, I 1J Wilkes, lhas Cracker, Ben
ton Bowman, C Blaaer. O A Patterson,
John Ifcnnia, Harry Robinson, I Hesse,
Jas Downing, Ole O! mn, I, Smith, C
Oisljerger, L Jurgena, P Chalmers, Jno
iritis, J 11 iMvi, Frank Jackson, Clyde
Lincoln, H Kuratli, J I, Northrup, A K
McCumaey, S L HolIenteck, I J Meacb-
am, Olave Johnson, Thoa Murphy, Alfred
weiner, () A l'lieth, B O Leedy, H B
TiKard, W K Shaver, C A Peterson, N R
West, Mark Cox, F White, C D Staley,
Wm Douglass, C C Nelson, M S Barnes,
J c Smock, s N Poole, K ramie, John
Marsh. Jos Hcbulmerich, John Ireland,
Ch Barrett. Albert Bpierlmt.. Fred
Wilcox and Nel Johnson.
mt t,it , n ,1 r , I
ids nuisDoro commercial noiei
changed handa Tuesday, Mr. Chria
Rocke selling the furniture and of-
fice fixturea to John Walsh, of 8po
kane, Wash. Mr. Walsh ia the
gentlaman who was in Hillsboro
endeavoring to promote a fruit and
Mr. and Mra. Kocke will return to
Lincoln, Nebraska, where they
. n ... J '. T. U
have a hotel.
T k..a a l.r.. aKinm.iu
direct from the factory at vew pui eviaen iy are trying 10 leep me
Ynrknf Ika naUhratail Star brand
n.,.nU .triii. nnM An.t.
of Lead, warranted to be the beet
DBecticid. in the world. I gu.ran-
tee to aave you money, wholesale
or retail.-B. Leis, Spray man, 1 1
mile east or Beaverton. 9-tl
At the horee sale in Portland last
weex ine louowmg purcnasee were
i i n t . 1 l
were made by Washington County
buyers: Lady Iaom, cheetnut mare,
L faJ a. A r VT 1 a?l
oy rnoemon, 10 ueorgo iayior, 01
roreet urove, ao; aicouo, orown
gaiuiug, hi v. v. uiuhki, ui vwi I cal
Whan in tnn arith vnnr tftani
remember the Farmers Feed Shed,
on Main Street, between Second
and Third, where a general feed
aod livery business ie transacted.
H Brown. Proprietor. 7-10
Fred D. Adams, chairman of the
committee for the big Woodman of
tha VamH Armnt ninma uihanAM
hM nn Rilnnltf Ma want, tn 1
v r- r
Portland. Tuesday 00 business con-
. j , j I ,
nected with the big demonstration.
All women, some men, and moat
children, can nee Jap-a-lao aa sue
ceesful aa the moat skilled painter
It freshena wherever it ia applied
Get a oan from G. A. Patterson.
U. H.-iKnrna nt Oalaa Hrwk
r-' I
waa in town last Saturday, iie
in vowu ibbi oaiuiuaj- uo
has rented his stock farm, and will
A S . I
go to L.M Angeiea 10 spena ine
summer in the lecture field, deline
ating character by Phrenology.
Come to the publio dance at
Hannan'a Hall, Buxton, Saturday
evening, May 30; good music; tick-
eie, loo, euFii a. uwu
uw mvuo uuuta. 1
train leaves Hillaboro at 7:30 p. m.
Geo: H. Wilcox, County
sor. who has been quite ill with
arip at his borne in this city, for
the past week, ia now on the
way w recovery. Mr. W uoox waa
threatened with pneumonia.
R..V.1 filial Fridae- vaninr
May 22, at Reedville Hall, by the
Reedville Band. Muaical program
Ladiea are requested to bring baa'
keta. Everybody welcome. y
A. T. Rogera and family, of Cor
nelius, departed for Caldwell, Ida
ho, last Thursday, where they will
reside in the future. A. B. Lewis
accompanied them to Idaho.
For Sale Three-quarter blood
Shorthorn bull, 18 montha old.
John Sorenson, below old Hare
mill, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 2. 9-11
Rev. E. W. Hillis will be the
new pastor of the Free Methodist I
church, for the coming -year, at
Foreat Grove, and will serve tne
charges at Dilley and this place.
On and after June 15th, tickete
r. i:... a.,w.. P.oifio
.. ,.tnio S-tf
juarrison Alien, weu anown nerei
aa one-time district attorney, was
n the city thia week, counsel for
the Oregon Eleotric
Spray your trees for Codlin Motb.
Doneleon baa the beet remedy
Arsenate of Lead. See him. 9 10
Many persona from Hillaboro
visited the oircus at the Grove last
Friday. They reported a
show, and a good time.
Box paper, latest styles, beet
quality, at right prices. See Hills
boro Pharmacy. z-u
finrvevnre. aotins for the city. S'
t.Kll.k. . nn Waabinatnn
Miuiiouv m wuv wm
Streei, iueoaay,a a guiue sn
Oregon KleOtriO.
. m j. . 14. u.
t .t w. WiinK TTaial
Ioe cream at the Witch Haiei
atore every Saturday evening and
Hnnrlav. 710
s . t ir.uiv.-a p
On and after JUDO 15th, the B. r.
offloe at this place will Bell tickets
to Cornelius for lOo, instead 01 140.
Surveyors Reported Between
Forest Grove and Bay
Called Railway Ce. Active ie Sarvey
Herman Wittenberg and the Chief
Engineer of the United Railways
electric company of Portland were
j Hiltk. a.j j 4
Hillsboro last Sunday, and went
from here to the Grove. They
lookirl over the line nf tha Pnm.l
- I
. - - " w wmw i
"" ' fu"7 , " ' T
uu" uti ,muriul,luu- w
preqiBe object of their visit. The
Company baa several surveying
p.rlieB in the field, and appeara to
pQ8hiDK the lines with all poeai-
u" pf- '
Company now baa several aurvey
.J T ..J ,k. , , L .
ing partiee in the mountains be
tween Forest Orove and Tillamook
mailer OU161. ine reDOri IB CUr
rem loBi it ia me inienuon 01 ine
u"? to build from Foreet Grove
oo. :r ",m ,! " "
,D U!U1"U '"H":
may ormsyDoi db a piun. du
year, mat nui was anxious o geii
to the m coast of Oregon, with the
intention of paralleling the 8. P.
COi down the coast to California.
Tne United Railways is backed by
J -
Portland wholesale men, but just
WDo ie back of them ia problemati
Independent candidate for Justice I
of the Peace, for Hillsboro Justice
of the Peace and Constable Dis
trict. 8-tf
:n ..11 . v.i:
win 0011 at uuuuu auuuuu uu uti
'Iult u '"uuo ,uu "
o . . i m . A a
miles northeast of Hillsboro, at I
10 0 clock a. sc., on
TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1908
Gray mare, 6 year; bay mare 3 year;
black yearling mare colt; 4 graded cow,
3 coming fresh in October; bull calf, 18
month; 3 shoats; 2 theep; McCormick
mower, 5 foct, nearly new; McCormick
rake, io foot, nearly new: Champion - l t .. - Ji I...
Am t,iw.-." 1 .i
range cook stove, nearly new, conch, ex
tension Uble, center table, kitchen table,
6 dinine room chain, s rocker, oak
dresser and commode, 3 iron bed,
sprine and mattress; linoleum, carpet,
wether, 1300 feet of fencing, Simplex
cream separator.
ouh over m n montha' time, at
Terms of bale 111) and under,
8 oer cent interest, bankable note
,v Samuel fooiey.
Auctioneer. Jno. Kuratli.
Died, at Wallace, Idaho, May 6th,
1908, John T. Taylor, aged 41
years. The remains arrived at
Hillsboro last Saturday, accom-
Pied by his wife and family. In
terment was in the Odd Fellows'
cemetery, last Sunday. Mr. Tay
lor waa born in Quebec, Canada,
and came to Oregon about 20 years
ago, later moving to Idaho. He
leaves a wife and three children to
mourn his demise; also a father at
Reedville. Hia family will hereaf
ter reside at Reedville.
The regular meeting of the Beaver
ton Fruit Growers' Association will
be held Saturday, May 16tb, 1908,
in the Grange hall at Beaverton at
1:00 p. m.
Mr. Lownedale, of LaFayetteJ
P'ent of the i Willamette Fruit
urowerr Association win uo wuu
I from planting till it is gathered,
Mr Harris, County fruit in-
anector. will also be here to tell us
what ia being done to the neglected
orchards this spring. (Come and
lay in your complaints to him.)
The report of the committee on
canneries will also bs heard and
other things of general inlereet to
fruit and vegetable growers, aa well
u ine duduo in Renern. a no
. t I f : 1 fTl
meeting ie open to all who wish to
come and no collection taken.
N. P. Oakerman, See.
dr. chas. b. minks
, , ... . . .
Dr Chaa. E. Mines, camiuiate tor repre
Ufad forthe duties incumbent on
Lmlxr of the Legislature. He ie well
aftirative in mis cuuiiiy. i iuuiuukhij
posted, deliberate and will not vote foe
li8hor expensive legislation. He will
not only pull , big vote at hi home in
fforeat Grove, but will run well in all
part of the county. He ha long been a
fr.;(ieut of Washinirton County, and the
people will make no mistake in electing
' him w me immature,
See Our Full
Tk Vary Dost Stationery
I the cheapest as well as the most satis
torytonae. If you do not know this
from experience yon can find it out by
Getting Your Stationery Here
No matter whether yon use little or much
you'll find yonr correspondence and ac
counting easier to handle if we supply
the stationery. We solicit a trial order
and confidently expect it will result in
yonr becoming a regular customer here
after. There Are Seasons. Sure.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Forest Grove National
You can Afford to BanK
with a Conservative Banh
Can You Afford Not To?
Notice Our Reserve!
Thos. C. Todd J. A. Thornburgh
" John . Bailey
J. W. Fuqua W. B. Haines
Wool and Mohair
We have always paid the
Highest Marhet Price for
Wool and Mohair. Don't
Forget to bring your clip
to us, and, by so Doing,
get the top of the Marhet!
J. E. Bailey,
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.'
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively o Credit.
Wt have juat received a car of
Bain wagona from the factory.
Will sell at Portland prices.
Soholmerich Bros. 51-tf
Forest Grove
; Ji -. o
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Exoellencia. These eigari re of
the best stock. You can't fool so
authority on a good cissr.
i ;
1 i
It U,
i i
1 I
4 ii
.0 ;
" l
', i
i i
was in town Monday.
limited to June 8th.