The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 07, 1908, Image 3

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    HILLSBORO ARGU3, MAY 7. 1908
Guuiicil Award
Year 1'rnnchliW
ThiOi's"" Klrdfic line will coin
Into Hill'",ro "
.l Thl w definitely settled
nluhl. when the IIlllioro
ru, Kith" K9 tn Company
jftyear franrhiM to operate lis Hoe
on the sbove named ilreet. It aleo
..-.i i tin (Nitiii)tnv right to
builJ a "V" ('" I1"1"1 l'w,t. "'
Nock north l Main atreel, and one
,ork smith on Kln'1 tfl ,U,,,,,M
slrret. Thin concwulon will U re
quired bv ! rnny on which to
turn itrr U')eoiiorB aero meue
J I... MimIIi kflV III It IV 1 WMMi iv lliv
rtntinK f Main irrl 10 lh lec
trie cnti)'y (r ,h reaion, that
III considered by common cuniil
tbit Min lrl l!oti l the
farmer. Th franchise, a it
Standi, was satisfactory to lh Keo
iris Company. The present and
acting f .r ihe Company were Guy
Tlb a, General Meuagr; Harrison
Allen, Attorney for the Company ;
iod Mr. McDowell, Company right
of way mn. LUlle lime u pnt
locominn loan agreement as t.
tb turnii of the franchise, the city
stipulating that the roid ahould U
BouIimI and in operation by No
fU)lr lit, l'.MW Oemral Mana
ger Tnll'ot slated that it u the
Intvniion of the Company l pub
tba rnrk of coimtruclton ai rapidly
u men and money can do it.
TbeOregott KctrioCn. eiecultd
I bond in theaUin of $ SUM) to have
Ibt road finished by Km date above
Tb fllolng nominations hive
bwn fil.d sine April 2 Kb. with
tba cmnty clerk: C. V. Kuyken
d!l, j lint senator (or lbs 2lh di
trtcl. eocialiil; J. Y. KauiTmen,
district attorney, Mh judicial di
Irict, (Klliil; Arthur K. Cutting.
lUla isnatur, Imlfpcndmt, Hlalo
unt No. 1; Nalbanini I. Ituroiilt,
rpr(wuuttvi, Huumifut No. 1;
independent; t-baa K. Hedgo, rep
raaentalivo, iudepeodetiT, l?tt
mant No 1; Win. Hcbulmericb,
riprefenlaltva, iodepoodant, Htate
mnt No 1; Lincoln Oeiger, Jua
lica of tba peace for Cornel itia pre
cinct, independent; J C. Hmock,
imlice of tbe ptaoe. Weal Cedar,
demwral; L A. Hood, juatice of
tba peace, Iitllaboro, independent.
Kulateof Jai FiUgerald, deo'J; fi
lial aca QUI; Jnue S. 11M)S, Died
a the time for hearing objections
to nine.
Eatateof Hunan K Tanner, deo'd;
8T I.inklater alio dnted adminii-
tritor, with Itond tiled at IKKX).
Window Sal
(jaiiaral Manaiinr Tll,t ,.f it..
m w tug
Or.rf.rn Kieclfin Co., wblla here
lueeday, ilk n rotj when
completed i,i Ihllalwro would he
extended to Tillamook, junlasamin
aa lha oompauy could Uniab other
aileiialona, which demanded prior
attention. Ha laid that HilUtturo
would, in time, he on tba main
llneol the tat roada in Oregon,
and that IIiliUro ople would be
aurprlaed at tbe volume of buiioeea
which the road would transact
Tbia mrana that tbe branch from
(iarden Home to Hillatxiro la to U
made a part of a great aUte aye
lein, and fur all we know, a trana
coniinental electric Hue lyiutm.
1'eraona wiabing to lila their
farmi will alwaya find a large itock
of fine tile in our yard at Hcbolla.
Tboae wiahlng the larger alia tiling
buuld idaoe their ordera with na
Mora June 1. We alaocarry brick
and building block a. Tboae intend-
I i.. I ..II I lit d a
ma in uuim una a lane intv.
ly of lumlier at our yard, and you
are Invited to call and look over
our atock before purohaaing. Qro
ner & Howell. He ho la. Ore.
W. II. (ialvani, of the Oregon
Clectrlo Compiny, waa In tba city
eaierday, on huaineaa connected
lib the company. Mr. (Jalvani
aye tblugawill be lively along the
ecirlc linea right of way within
he ntut ten daya. Tbe cod trac
tor! are putting men In at everv
Conducted bv tbe ladina of the
Cbriatian church, will be in Webb
ltoover't atore every Saturday
Kor good, freah, home made bread,
plea, cakea, and other delicaolee,
give them ft call. 811
Washington, May 0 There will
be no further action thie eeaaion
relative to the Oregon A Californ
land grant. Chairman Mondell, of
the public landi committee, today
received ft letter from tbe Attorney
General einreeaing the opinion
that no additional legislation ia
Decennary and, aa tbia view coin
cidna with the view of the commit
tee, there will be do addition to the
Fulton resolution. In hie letter
the Attorney-General makes It very
plain tkftt, pending termination ot
suite, no person should go upon or
oven undertake to purchase land
involved in theoontemplatad litiga
tion. Those who disregard this ad
vice are likely to lose what money
they invest and will obtain no color
of title to tbe land.
Tbe Attorney-General also makes
it plain that mills now operating
on land bought from tbe railroads
will not be disturbed as long as
they operate along reasonable and
proper linea.
The following letter reoeived today
t7 Mayor John Dennis, la sen ex
"I wnnt to tlmnk younulf, the Council
mid the neonle of Hilliiboro for the liber
al treatment of onr frnnchiae, which was
passed at the regular Council meeting
Iiint ni(lit. Such treatment aa we re
ceived from the City of Hlllitboro U en
incentive for investment!. We will use
every effort to put in a Gnt-clnas line for
you and will undertake to commence it
t a very early date, and will try to get
it completed o that you can use our line
io me state Fair tliii year. am sure
if anv Utile mailer romei II D betweel
ourwlvea and the City, that everything
eau be adjusted amicably and assure you
that we will be glatl to treut you as lilwr
ally aa yon have n. .
Younvery truly,
GnyW. Talbot."
Larue Number of Kills to be
Audited This Term
Haai K..k
Wania 1200 fr Herat
Pablk Highway
vaiUbte point along tbe road, and I district No 22.
Tbe regular May term of oommie
tionera' court began yesterday, and
from tbe number of billa lilted,
tbui far, it la believed tbe court
will have a long lesoion. Local
option matters are op for consider
ation, and the oourt probably will
order that local option be bad by
placing the queation on tbe ballots,
for settlement at tbe June election.
Tbe following proceeding were
bad Wed o end ay: Geo. McKibben
and others presented a deed to ft
road in Boulh Forest Grove pre
clnct; tbe deed waa accepted by the
oourt, and the road ordered established.
Chris. Cbriilenaon was re-ap
pointed road supervisor of road
A. J. Hay, of Witch Hazel, was
in town yesterday.
C. W. Loudon, of near Glencoe,
waiin town yesterday.
Judge L. A. Rood and wife visit
ed Portland Wednesday.
Iteni. Bcbol field, of Cornelius,
waa ia town today.
Perry Watson, of Greenville, was
a county aeat visitor today.
Al. McCumsey, of Vioelands,
was in town yeaterday.
W. Martin, of Gaston, was a
county seat oaller today.
Andrew Ryl, of near Banks, vis
Grant Powell, aged about yers, tni.,.B ,nt t.wm JAMES PHILUPRTamiesiicii. n
ited tbe county seat Saturday last. drowned at Spokftne, Wfteh , wnen completed. PHYSICIAN AND surgeon
C. G. Coffal, of Bell wood, was in
town yesterday.
Daniel Merner, of Witch Hazel,
waa in town Saturday.
D. Stickler, of Sherwood, was in
the city today, and called.
The r.nubliran count, ticket la 8l0Beon DJ nme
composed of good men. Give them ashore, roweil ana bis companion is bum, will pass through a fine Office Rooms 7 8 and
a vote on election day. wsra swept over me iaus ana wnn y" mbou.ub.uu mj, uu
j.4 moee wno proiees io now, aay mat
Mam m vnn Ana ti rt am siaiii rtnaaa I n ci j uauwucua I - ... -
,u v.. ... Mi leboro will not be off the man. Both Phonea. tj:iii r--
IJeceased leaves . wife and two t hmtatan n th-" iu5uuro, vrc.
children. He was a son of Mr. acd 0f the company to include us on its
.T- .k'V-J ;ST . v J' The survey, as stated last DR. W. E. PITTENGER
- . weea, win go auom o mues norioi
i ne detain oi ine anair are very 0f this place.
Hans Rook, who loet a horse on
the publio highway by being mag
ged, presented a clim of $2(10 for
tbe loss of tbe animal. Tbe matter
was taken under advisement by
tbe court.
Tbe following bills were audited
up to tbe lime of going to prsis:
W II Warrrn i O lurv l oo
C K Kiiuit, mine -
John BucU'.er
Ceo Schultucrkb. wit circuit court
Dan I'liitinoli, same
Irwin-nodaon, stationery -
M C Hewitt, wit circuit court -
Chas luirraui, same
J W lUilry, same -
Mrs. Anilerson same
Norman Anderson, aame
Ithriuhold tiraef, aame -
Henry DouKUty, same
W A Stephens, rT(isUriijg voters...
L K Sbule, wit circuit court
A P I.uther, juror
L A Kood, same
A A Mead, bailiff circuit court
J N Oralwl, Uilitf.
U K Ruuyon, court reporter
Uwis Knnes, witness circuit cotiri
5 o
2 oo
7. o
a 00
a 00
69 00
ihe number it beinc auimenled
Wanted - My a ( Jerman Hwiii, 27
years uld, a place to work with an
IJiiglish speakiog dairyman. Has
au tiperienoe in dairy wort. ut
jct, to learn English. Adolf
SchauBer. Beaverton, Ur. 7-11
Attorney W. (1. Hare has been
ected to represent Phoenix Lodge,
No 34, aa a delegate to lha Pythian
(hand IakIks, which ooovenea in
orlland, io June. Mrs. Wm
Nelson was elected to represent
boenlcla Temple at the Grand
,-iIrb of Pytblan Hiiten, which
meets in I'ortland at lbs same
We carry too many articles to
numerate, but we have anything
the farmer needs. The largest
lock ever shown in Washington
county, and can and will beat all
Anmiiilnri H'htilmrinh Rrra
... Mini. Brown, same.
C. Ulster revived todav a Dost I Heurv Botte, ssme.
ard with a view of Langnau, n.a.m
. .. I I alii av 1 1U itmiuiii
wlimland, irom ma nepnsw, a. , i.,isfT .circuit court juror.
lilaier. an UblO DOT, WHO IS K I. McCornuck. stationery.
Inrlwinif Ana inimrlnff in thai nlace. Messinr. witness circuit cU
T . . I, II........ ......
k. ... I ,.). nn In Iria al. H'
u ia - . U...I....... , I'n .t.linnrrv
.... a t S II iJuaMuiia m v- "'"---- J
feet tbal tbe nepnew oaa louna ,.m1u,.,1 Cornelius, wit circuit ct
amlly records of the Blasers dating Mrs Sclmeller, same
ick to 1710. tnas liracesco, same
, I Ml llocriu, same,.
for Sale I'lgs already weanea Roaa lloerth, same
lan a ihnrouih bred Poland-China lr Mae tanlwell
boar, and. few ton. of good horse ""S
i v as iiiau w aw 1 lavan v n 1 .
iav r. m. uruw, Olson, witness circuit coun.
f HillsWfl. Ind. bhonS.U8.. 5 II T K KatclifTe. iuror.
. i. . A ham I'l'llUI'!. wne unwu..
1 oe nanai ounaw ciu u- mv ()!, v0mer. wllueas same.
Varboort haaebal team playea ftl r.uv Messiiurer
:i.nfc. M,in,U After a hot Oon-IJ It Wescott, jury list
u,.t theVerboort boy. gained the jj
rlnrv bv a loore 01 W o. iui
return sams will be played at Ver
boort, Sunday, May 111, at km
clock, and promlaes to oe one 01
tbe hottest games 01 the season
Clothes bruihes. hand brushes,
hath bruihes. tooth bruihes; largest
and bea-t assortment io the oily, at
milsboro Pharmacy: i
Love k Cullen are the new . . (22732 Regiatered), Bel
blackimlths at this place, they . a, lli8tJ imDOrted from Ku
have a ahop on Main street, be- ope .u weighing 2160 pounds
tsraan Third and Fourth Streets, ..' ,... nr .11 hreed horses in
and do a general blackimithing ... .. ton county -ill make th
tbia Place. 1 ney mix y- M.nD 0t inng. tl follows
Ily of horse-sboeing. Give them Mondav morning until Tuesday
a call when in town. moroinir. at H. H. Boge's farm,
of this county, was in from Center
ville, with his wife, today.
Mrs. Frank Wallace went to
Hammond," Saturday, where she
will visit with her husband.
M. M. Mead, of near West Un
ion, had business before Commis
sioners' Court yesterday.
For sale: A good square piano,
good order. Inquire of Mrs.
Thos. Emrick, Hillsboro, Ore. 8
l.lnvcl ineram
V V llollenbcck, r and h
Grant Undesa, witness ct ct.
Want Knnes
O Hunuinger
Busliong & Co., ataticuery....
J W 8hute, juror-
Paul Beck, juror
3 40
2 00
I 00
1 00
4 00
1. 00
... 1840
... 3.00
... 3-00
... J. JO
. 3 40
... 3 o
.... 5-o
... oo
... 45 '5
... 3 00
... 73 90
Grant Powell, Former Hills
boro Man, Drowned
Waa Werkiig sa Raft, Tactdav, aid
' Rope Brsks
Tbe M. . cburch of this citv
have plans practically completed
for the erection of a modern and
up to date cburch. Tbe plan is
to build on to the pment structure
an addition 33x34 to tbe north
end, with a primary room to the
west of this. The old tower will be
taken down, and ft new one erected
at tbe northeast corner of the pres
ent building. When completed,
the church will consist of an audi
torium, a Sunday School
with eight class rooms, a parlor
and kitchen, so arranged that they
can all be thrown into one room,
with ft seatinz eapscitv of 600.
Physician and Snrgeon
Office FalleT-Nforirsn tilnrk. nnlli-.
Rooms 12, 1.1 and 15. Kesi.Ience Month-
wet comer Baseline and beoond Htreels.
coin f nones.
room, Office npatalrs oyer Tha Delta Drug 8tra
Rtstdenca Eaat of Court Honse,
In tha corner of tha block.
t. j t- !.L . 1 i w ui.iuH nmui wu i lurvsyors lor tbe u nited Kailways youauiution m French or English, of-
one of the citv bridaes. The rope were in the field north of thie cite "Wf.1": ?.ve.r h ""! -'oa. atore.
, ... . T . . : v . . ., ' siue or jiain D(., mils boro, Or.
kn11ini tkaivflnat ttrnVa mnA ll FrOBl til! Wl thl tDrVflTl ara rim.
e .-.. r . i . .
three men were swept down stream. D wnevea ma me road T
Rop-wsre thrown, and one mftn. J??. IT' 'W. A. B. BAILEY, M. D., D. D. S.
was pulled Grave. The mad. in thn vAnt it Physician and Surceon.
Sherwood, Ore., Mav 4, 1908,
Mr. J. W. Connell,
Chairman County Central Committee,
Hillsboro, Oregon .
Geo. Aleiander, of Centralia, llear&r:
Wash., is in the city visiting rela
Thousands of Oregonians have
gone to Han rrancisco to see ids
big fleet. '
Louis Meyers, of near Laurel,
was a county seat visitor yesier
At the Bench Show held in Port
land last week, two Hillsboro men
got medals for priies taken on their
dogs. W. V. Wiley took three
prizes on Duchees the Second,
pointer bitch, and ft like number of
prizes on Queen, ft Gordon Setter
A. C. Shuts took first and second
prizes in two classes, for dogs under
After due deliberation I have de-
Minaafi r owri4 tha nitfni tin Haiti fnr RaT
resentative given me by the mass meeting 65 pounds, on his English pointer,
Convention ana 1 wish to say to me Ke- ijon ntrold
fublican voters tnrougn you tnal, wnue
appreciated the unsought honor con
ferred, neverthelesa I am a member of
tbe Republican party and a firm believer
in the principles thereof, and as such
participated in the Primary election, the
4 ... . .
day. and made the ArgUS ft pleas- prescribing the method of
ting candidates for all political parties,
ant can. l.-.r t..,i 1 .;ci,.,i n hnn,e .on.ii.ut.
Isbuu ua a louu av ivwumv as bumb
for the lieeislature I, aa Auston Buxton,
Rooms 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Block,
at.-eet. Over Dennis Store.
Saw. A. Sasyjr W. S.
Eoomg 1 and i Shute Building ,
.! l! li.l.:.u IMasterof the state Uranee saia in nis
uonuoaernis mac.emuu euop, uu pubHc would W complied gchulmerich, Art. Shute and others
Several baseball fans from Hills
boro attended tbe opening Coast
League game at Portland, Tue-dsy,
when the Portland and San Fran
cisco clubs were pitted against each
other. Among those who attended 1 0ffic opataire, over the Post Office,
from Hulsboro were: Ed. Wann.l : Hillsboro. - Onsow
AiDen ana rem H,nr.mri AArvwiiw -
mania ail reajMi. aa ii 1 1 inner asv isaa rriiiftirnu :.l il. : ii..uvr i..-h v a i m
., r wuo me pruvisiuns uicreu, Kmug i"v i inoee irom Joanis were:
h W "eel. people oecioe wreuer or not w - . . R p wl1.
, , , , ., . . wanted as a candidate, au xne nepuo-
ine rarmmgvon oaeeoaii ciuo iic.n candiUtes have comDlied with the T ..i.ulr .
defeated tbe LftUrel club at the provisions of this Uw and are entitled . . M.nK v r ' j jj
a 4 1 lA a J - I BM.A Ia aimnAev anil T ntavltT trt thfm ItlW I iwnuwiuavci, v a0 UUUU ucu I
01 11 VO 10 I ti frinA to An trip ume. Rv in Hoififf I A Ana fiflnrl mmorl Martin la nrA
I trust I may be aiding the election of arreet , and circumstances strongly
ly now occupy Mrs. Susie Morgan's "on'V Jl to bis guilt.. Tbe murderer
new reeidenoe.on Baseline, between ,d strength in this county. is graduate of the West Point Ug DptUlrt Bailer lUnran Block
Manrsivv onrtAti in ninh Ann. i
Rooms, iaala.
Bootna j, 4. & 5, Morgan Blk, HUUbore.
Second and Third.
Mrs. F. M. Koonlz and daughter,
Miss Hazel, of Portland, were out
Sunday, guenti of Mrs. Koontz'
eon, Chas.
F. F. Conover, who has been in
the groosry business in Portland
for ft
You are at liberty to use this letter as Military School, and 18 highly edu-
you think best.
J. A. Chapman,
ctted, but for years has been a co
caine fiend.
RESOLUTIONS John Jfisher, or West Union, Wfte
10 town yesterday, and is of the
nnininn that tba nnnntv nnobt in
. i. : V... I r . 0
ZVZ offer bounty for gtpher scalps
...r anrl ho rarntlr aold lookinff to the establishment of the lin- t" recently ftlliea 61 gopners OH
out, was in the city today.
The Webfoot Realty Co. sold R.
K, Dailey's property on 9th and
Baseline this week, to J. B. Trul-
linger. Consideration, 11350.
The Oregon Electric is negotia
ting with Preston Jackson just east
of town, for the purchase of 2 acres
upon which it will establish a
The new gasoline road roller,
which is being tried out by the
county oourt for thirty days, is be
ing operated in the Thatcher
County Recorder Ireland
Prof. B. W. Barnes each
lot from F. M. Ileidel, this week,
and will build new houses this
John W. Bailey is the regularly
ele tax system, and two acres of land, and save they
Whereas, it is felt that this system of LN doing considerable damage to
excusing. k crops, in his section.
mm taxation will inevitable increase r
the burden upon farm property, there- The 8herwood White Sox plated THOS. H. TONGUE. TR.
.1. .L - AL. I
toeir luunu eame 01 toe eeaeoo
Orncc : Main 8treet. odd. Court 11 om.
fore, be it
Resolved, by Washington County Po
mona Grange, representine a large nnm
at Sherwood, Sunday, defeating the AI ukmhy-at-law
ber of property owners and taxpayers of Uayton team by a score ot lit to U I Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 and 5
W ashington county, mai we are unaiier- i ne return game Will be played at tr;ilctvr
ably opposed to any proposition looking n.vlnn Bll 8nn(i j . nro. ClUlSDOrO, - -
to the exemption of any form of property!' . .
tot its lust anu reason-1 " i hb s.puiou u vui
pftny tbe Sherwood team.
from the payment
able share of taxation.
Ruby W. Boyd, Sec.
rnt.n TaMmhAld tn David Tsrhabold. U I
int Sa CI SC. ft section 33 1 1 nuriu 1 wunco uuijr .
G. M. Hunter
Carpenter Worh
And Contracting
.I'i.'!""! ."u.; Td., .I,b.... Hill
Corne us. ins Darn 11 wnu , n."n Villa- Wednesday
iiwuiism " -- , u... nna ' atahiaa. uienooe: dei
.orsun. Hillsboro K.a.or pnone j-f -,mn(, lU,
... i A. ancoui 1. r--
U7Kan tn town. OftU t
If aivss - -1 . . 1 A V aMv .
teer's Confectionery, ftnd try ne uken t(J prevent tColdenU, but will
famous Hires Root Beer. Alwsys not regponsibe should any oc-
nnld. ' niif. For further tntormauon,
Di.k.,J Ramiah and G. J. t al- .ddreea
.wm.. , , ... ,Ai . i .
a... muq uBiraavvv 1 nun xiiriraiuui.
K- nrand LodM of the I. 0. 0. F 6.lf flillsboro. Ore.
' . t tf IN IS K
hioh meets in Baiem, may
1.. u u nreer and Mrs. Wm
nin. ara delenates to the Rebek-
ah Grand Lodge, which meets at
lbs same time and piaoe
Skating at the rink tonight, ftlso
on .Friday night and Saturday
nights of this week. Saturday
night will be Ladies' night, for
Tuesday night ot
ind and a west, f 1000. next week, a masquerade skating Those contemolatine' rmilrlTrrc
hoQB-hta Schuleretux to John Gaarde, . will be civen at the rink 1. v LoniemPiang DUliaiffg
HSlv .insec.ot.srw.jooo. &rSl !JT & 9 should get my figures.-Bbth
Wahh A Honve, have a carload PhneS' 0r-. 4 & Jackson.
of Portland Standard Cement.
Tboee using cement will do well to I
call on them. They' also handle
"Avenarius Carbolioeum," the
Fred Behnke et ux to J T McMillan,
3.05 a in sec 1 1 a 1 1 w, 450.
Marcus Peterson to H J Lund, 1 )i a in
Cornelius Environs, 450.
I W Sewell et ux to Frank Power, 50.-
elected candidate for County Clerk. 1 45 a in R Williams d 1 c t 1 n a w, 7500.
He is competent in 1 resrjecta. . i. ?msey.e" V. s V"
Put an X in front of hia name on , p..' Jta'r h stienke- greatest known wood preserver and
your ballot. I meter et nx, 90.31 a in N Martin d l c 1 1 1 vermin exterminator; paints, oils,
At tbe last meeting of the city I imfi Armsirrais et al to w h Greer.
OOnnoil $500 was transferred to the part of lot 2 blk a6 Forest Grove, 300.
Street fund, and $1000 to the water C B Stienkemeier et al to C L Feter-
and light fund from the general SVtfe. in
fund. sec la 1 2 n 4 w, 1500.
Mr. Pops, the photographer, is .Vif LM Thomas
- .1 pan Us Ulfc I'WIWI wviv( a.
A.Aaael sMAMVi n fflVm aaVflra at I . . n
etc. 8
Chas. F. Lauer, a printer on the
Times-Mountaineer, The Dalles, in
Office: Hancock & Gordon's Liverv Barn
Forest Govr
Will ha in Hillsboro, Tuesdays, Thurs-
tha fin', wan in town tniW nA dy nd Betuwlaya. Oflice at Redmond
' i' . vxl "i 1 T"v wmneu-a Livery Stable.
called on the Argus. He was , tak
ing in the historic old town with
K. McNamara,
his son-in-law, J.
slowly recovering from a severe at- ' 8 A Mouiton et al to a r Scroggs et formerly compositor on the Hills
tack of LaGrippe, and wiehse to al, t a in E Walker d 1 c 1 1 n 3 w, 1600. j,, flpet9
announce that he hopes to be in
his studio soon.
The County Clerk has posted no
tices, announcing that a vote will
The Mohair Pool at this place sold
ita nrnduot. last week, to H. Weh-
ik laroaat and beat line of LnnB a Bone, they being the high-
to be found in the city, ... and best bidders. The pool
- ..... , ni...... . i a. ii4n .....J.
ball on the Miusnoro 1 urmv7. 1 amounted w oo fu""i
. .. in 111. ! 1 ainnia ini waa buiu u v
S. Peterson, 01 -JWoVka ound. Last year the pool amount
assisting in the Roy. j W JjAj Vffijjn VadsThos. who
at this plaos for a time, and may ea r.
locate here permanenwy.
ADPly to
vara not nresent
" - sj-
ill find their checks, at w. n
Stock bogs for sals. AppiJ v Weh run, & Sons. The following
... . . fl.ntAPSIlia 11 ....... J . 1 1 .
A. Chalmers, iear w "- persons consuiuveu vno pum;
Korest (rove, uregon. . r ,a.h. R B colllni. John Boge,
0 W Marsh. Of near t-en- lias Borwlc, Auoroon, ueo Ruuiu-uu,
... . .nnl aaat V isitot Ladd & Reed Farm Co, A B Co, Peter
V . Oottleib, D&K Young. Stepuen ttena-
Mftrsh h8 reOOV """ CoBn.ii C Rehie. Zlna Wood.
Wm Schulmerlch, A Lincoln, Wm Mei
..;rn Rimer Scott, W W Paine, Wm
V . . . . ... ..m.
Moimiuan. iiuina unncuRa,
: 1 . . 11 ,.-
ui Kii Nartnruo. laa oeweu. r
Williams. A C Wirtx, C i rarnnam, r
The oherry crop will not be
. heavy u last seacon.
..DtaritaV. Mr
ared from his recent illness,
m...L.. anas for hatching In
quir. of Ge Sohulmerioh, Hill.,
John Cornelius, of Cornehue,
oame down to the county seat yes
terday, with businss. before the
county court.
Money to loan on rsal tautf se
curity. Terms we- -
rati! BrOB.
j. J. Meaoham, o( nsar Moon-
aindale, was m
. Paul Beck, of Gaston,
Hillsboro yesterday.
A Batchslar, Chas Crocker, Joi Connell
Dr A B Bailey.
Dance at Alpha Hall, Cornelius,
Mav 16. Walkers' Orchestra ; tick
ets, $.76, All are cordially invited
Mrs. Jay Bowerman, of Condon
Oreonn. is visiting With Dr. F. A
Bailey and family, this week. Her
husband. Hon. Jay Bowerman, re-
oeives the republican nomination
for State senator, in uunam ooun
ty, at tbe primary election.
Bruce Purdv et ux to Mary Chamber-
lin, lots 6, 6, 13 and 14 block 6 PurUy's
Addition Dilley, 250.
J Gaarde et ux to Alois bcniecnt, 3. J
a aec 10 1 1 8 I w, 660.
Davis Kibby et al to H L Burchell et
be taken at the June election on
the question of stock running at
arge in this county.
Dr. F. A. Bailey is remodeling I iota r and 1 blk 5 Fairview Add Hbo, 1.
his residence on Second
he Dr. has under consideration
. a V "IB" 11
tbe idea 01 Duuaing wree new ana 17. Grav Oak. 2400.
Judge Goodin today received tbe
cheering news from Portland, that
his son, who is in a Portland hos
pital, would not have to undergo
al. lots it. 12 and is Fruitdale 30 a, 3500. an operation, and his rjhvsician
Leota Miller to Mary E Knotts, part of lhinig he wili puij through DOW in
ft W Barnes et ux to C A D'Hondt. B"""
ts r and a blk S Fairview Add Hbo, 1. For sale: 1200 DOUnd Lady's
Street Nancy Haines et al to Jas P Magruder, &tiwDg norBe ,180 g two-seated snr-
teffi5TcA,6 rey-price .reasonable. Address
Alice JMiortJUU, viu viajr ot , 1 uiv
Homo Stylo
Regular Meals, 25 cts up
Short order lunches ,
Opp. Farmers' Feed Shed, on
Main St. . ;'
Hillsboro - - - Oreeon.
Administrator's Notice
cottages for rent, this summer. John Corkishet uxtoMC Reed, lot land, or inquire of Kuratli Bros., Notice la hereby given that the under-
v . ,..,i ISUiuray uaa;, 75a. Hil Bboro. Ore. . O il signea nae oeen oy ine tiounty uourt or
H. T. Koeber, who recently pur Oregon Nursery Co to Geo Mineheart, au 1BUUIU " the Btate of Oregon, for Washington
chased the J. K. P. Brown place, 2.50 a in w H Bennett d 1 c 1 1 n 2 w, 250 There is a decidely strong move- ""tv- j1" appointed adminiuUtrator
below Newton, and which formerly ",1hwo' ment in real estate in this city, ind amMr"-
.",ol4imr;' thl country SUrrOUndiUB it. A Therefore, all persons having claim a-
western uregon inn -o 10 a . . . OF "..j . j eins' id estate are hereby required to
nnmherof sales are reDorted. and 8,n8t ?.ld estatfl "J9 hereby required
7. ss: i:n. P's 19.8
tr li and i Vireinia dace 20 a. I too.
I " . . . . . . .1.. . . . . tfl,
j i Davis et ux to uaniei sticnrer et mere are many inquiries ior iiuib
1 ai, 3 a in sec 34 " w, 150 Doro residence property.
Martha Way et ai to uavui wenger, - - -
lot 9 blk 6 Oak Grove Add Hbo, 850, It is reported today that IN . Li Bootn to u y names, pan oi om Atkins, of Forest Urove, will be ft
7 Fairview aoo Miusnoro, 300. , Undidala for County Clerk on the
.a 1 '.1
wm ine nay piace, was a caiier
Mr. Lund, of near Cornelius, has
onrohaeed the old Allison property
on First street, near the P. R. k N
track, and will move the old build-
OK WCI, suu wuguuvi s irei suu ' 1 r..j . .1 V Ci..
no to date residence. t n w. aoo. Independent ticket. Mr Atkins is
1 OJ - - - " 7'T ... .1 . ,i i
The city council at its last meet- . L"" v Meyer' tr womD 10 a rore" urove
Ina instructed tht City Recorder to 1 7 tAmi-setai to a r Rov.oart of I Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Anil wit dalinnuent taxes lor street mm ia and i 1 1 a w. itco. (:ranne. of near uorneiius. Slav otn.
imnrnvementa on First. Third and ' v 1909. a son. The infant died this
. I Ha a. 1 1 a a I . . aa. 1 t
Baseline streets, forthwith. The city council nas aeciaea io morning at o'oiooa, and win De
Rnnlal rlanre at M W A Hall build a new steel tower, and a tank buried in the CornellUB cemetery
- i nennn n.iinni in.ii at. rrm 1 1
Hiuiuiiun, ;
' Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville 8.
Jones, of Cornelius, Ore ; May 4th,
Will linrvo . J....i.t
liiuo, a, uauguiior
same to the underlined at
tha law offlae ot Barley A Hare in Hill
boro, Oregon, together with proper vouch
ers, within six months from the date of
this notice. . ,
Dated at Hillsboro. Orea-ou. on this 7th .
day of May, 1908.
B..X. JLifl aiiATavK,
Adminiatrator of the Eatateof 8uaan K.
Tanner, dee'd. .
Cedar Mill, Saturday night, May ' "JJfff0 Lff rKer' nl
oq iona Mnain k. H Tr-iu Wectrio iiignj . waier pn
. " J 1 TJlt, ka Inmar anil
Tickets, Including
the tank are
nr. o . -
AU are cordially invited. 8tf v"' ' t .k:,. . w '
. . . ... , i , nuru. iv imwuo i auig nwre.
IK.H.lmiM.luJ(MmUn ! J"u -'"'- "
a son.
io .or. aran '""u. travels, this year?" Second Ditto. Sheriff J. W. Connell made
oeweii oy nr. f jjruwn. iniawr , Wfa the? mke t turnover
today to the county
n,K..aS I. n th. aaat ai IDO lou oi x u , --.wuMu w
4 awvw uMkWM bws mm wm im ww I ;a 1
aide of the farm, and was sold at ? Kuratit uroe. report ten rea
$100 per acre. I Argus and Oregonian, 12.25. 1 estate sale for the month of April.
the' bsn of SVeets."
sua uuiuuiasu w vu .u . n
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Hillsboro Argua, $1 50 per year.
G. W.Stitt, of near Beaverton,
was a county seat visitor today.
LicenBO to wed was issued today
to E. J. Bantaand Adeline Ashley,
of thie county. - . ,
. J. J. Krebs and wife, of Farm
ington, were county' seat visitor!
A large number of people at
tended the big stock sale at tba
Cate place, Wednesday, bom
good bargains in stock were secured
by bidders. Many of the Hereford
cattle went cheap,