The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 07, 1908, Image 1

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1 n
UKliKlr MlUcr Left with hit
Tarty, Tueaday
CsuisJ CitbnlM ep il Caclictrlig
Wbito C K. Lylla, General Mane
rrul lb Paotflo Railway A Navi
gation Company, of tbie city, wss
filter rr.tlcetit concerning tha plans
0f ih company relative lo exten
liuo work, tbie eeaaon, when lulor
v iewJ, this week, there are Indica
tions which justify a belief on the
psrl of this pepe-r, that the com
pany is tilling ready for a gnrel
building campaign, IbU Hummer.
Kur instance, a aurveying party un
der Mr. Htinaon, transit man, left
Ililllxiro. Tuwday, with a full out
fit of men and eunpliea, fur mini
point on the line beyond Huiton,
urumallv the eud of Ibe location
oo Salmooberry, about '20 mile
from II u i Ion. Tbie party will be
la charge of Engineer MilUr, end
it it believed that other surveying
parti re toon to follow. i,t
yeir ibe company bed oloe crewe
io tbe field, end it 1 probable tint
it will have many tbie aeaeon.
In feci It ii knowolhat tbe Com
pany ii gathering up iu engineer
ing corps. It ll further believed,
though the Information ! unoflioial,
that tbe P. K A N. (jo. will begin
active work on tU road i tension
to Tillamook Mil month , Should
fttit balM prote to be correct, thli
county will be a scene of consider
able activity, and the new towns
along tbe Una of tbe road will be
greatly enlivened, from a business
standpoint. Tba people in Hills
boro bava not It faith in tba 1'.
K. N., and believe tbat it will
go ahead, at originally decided,
and connect tba growing city of
' Hillsboro with tba sea.
Iking a firm believer In tbe principle
that nur t oiled Stales Senators abould
! circled hy Ibe dtrtel vole of the po
pic, I b crtplti Ibe aontliislWm lor
utr senator, tendered me by I lie State
ment No. I Mate Meeting. I sk, l
pective u( perl, Ibe suppirft of all who
believe In popular government, ami all
who believe that Ibe people aboutil elect
their public t Hirer by their Iwlloti.
Kx-Mayor Alanaon Uinman, of
Kore t drove, an Oregon pioneer of
1844, celebrated his HOlh birthday
anniversary last Saturday. Mr,
Uinman I a Dative of New York,
and when 'i'i yean of age rams lo
Oregon and located at Walla Wal
la, where he taught a Winter term
of ichcwl for Dr. Whitman. The
following year he went to the Wil
lamette Valley and taught two
year In the Balem lnatitute, now
tbe Willamette lnatitute. Then
he resigned to go to Tbe Dallas and
take charge of the aecular offioes of
Dr. Whitman, where he remained
until the Whitman massacre, lie
then came to Waahington County,
where with the exception of four or
five yeari he baa lived ever fince.
In 18(17 Mr. Uinman waa appoint
ed Collector of Customs and lived
at Astoria a while. Jn I860 he
waa elected to theHtate Legislature
and alto aerved at County Corn
miBnioner. Ha cond noted a sue-
cessful mercantile business for
many yeara at tbe Grove, retiring
In 1891. Mr. Uinman married
Miss Martha Elizabeth Jones Ger
rish on June 17, 1840, and they had
aisht children. Mra. Uinman died
in 18G2, and three yeara later be
married Miss Sophia Margaret
ltowen. of Onerlin. O. Two aona
were born, Mr. Uinman has been
a member of the Congregationa
Church since 1848.
There are five children living,
Miss Mary Hioman, Forest Orove
Oliver Uinman, postmaster at Kl
lenaburx. Wash.; Dr. Alanaon Hln
an, a dentiet, of Forest Grove;
Carl 0 Uinman, City Councilman
of Foreat Grove: and Frank Uio
man. Foreat Grove. Mr. Hinman
baa aood health, lie ahaved him
self Saturday and his hands were
as steady as a clock.
Wni. J. Crowaton. of near Beth
any, aenda tbe Argua some wheat
and vetches for inspection, which
were rained nn hta farm. The
wheat and velchea were sown on
the 27th tv of last October, and
the vetches la 45 inches high, the
whnnt atalba hatnir ntill lonaer 10
a lallar annnmnan In the exhibit
Mr Crowaton oonoludes as follows
"I think WaahinotOO COUOty I
ona nt Ik twat nlanne to live In the
world,'' in which sentiment
Argus heartily coincides.
Fureet Grove baa a dulv to tier.
rru (bat at tbie time cannot and
inuat not U overlooked. The Ore
gon Mectrio Company baa com.
matured the build in a of a nalemrk
of electric liue io this atate and
county, which mi-aus a more thor
ough development of tbe counlrv.
hem bigier and Imtinr mmnm
Koreet Grove baa alwava been oon-
aidered ae a natural elation for a
road of tbie kind, but tbe Indica
tions tmjnt in other Jirali,n
eaving our city off the tnaD. OnrU
before Koreet Urove was too confi
dent tbat it wai a naturality and
and by to overestimating our geo
graphical local ion, we lott, what
might bava been a boon to tba
town. Forest Grove News.
I am now prepared to abow von
tbe new and correct apring and
summer elylee In tailor-made enita,
skirt and silk shirt-waist suite,
made to your special order from
your own selection of material and
trimminge; also a full lino of
waiata, cu and jackets. I carry
a standard line of underskirU and
ooraela, and will be glad to bring
my goods to your bouse upon re
lueal. IndeiHtndenl phone, 684
Mrs. M. K Caudle. 1 12
Chaa. Hcbulte, who has charge of
tbe John Dennis' farm near New
ton, east of town, met with au aool
deut the first of the week, being
thrown from his wagon, just after
crossing Rock Creek, in falling.
bia bead alruck ona of the wheels,
niuring the temporal bone, aad In-
Dieting a scalp wound, which re-
lutred several stitcbea. Dr. A. B
Ilalley attended his Injuries. This
is tba third injury that baa befall
en Mr. Hcbulte within a year.
The Ladira of LaKrance Circle,
Woman of Woodcraft, will give a
danoa and chicken supper Saturday
veolng. May tflb, at W. 0. W.
fall, near Cedar Mill, at wblcb
ima a lovely quilt will be rallied.
Everybody invited, and a good
lima assured. Tickets, Including
supper, h it.
Mr. K. C. Hrowo and children
returned Friday from a two months
visit with relatives and fnanda io
am AnseUa, Their little daugh
ter, Dulcina, who went South with
the Tbornee, returned with the
mother. Mrs Hrowo spent most of
ber time wltb her sister, Mrs. A C.
Tucker, nee Kate Rose, and while
there met a cumber of former
Washington County people, loclud-
ng the CroukiUe, Lucases, and
Miss Hayes.
The building season is now at
band, and any one contemplating
work io this line should call on the
Climax Milling Co. when figuring
on material. Wa have a complete
stock always on hand. Both
nbonee. 3 "
C. V.Kuykecdall.of North Yam
hill, a well-to do farmer, has niea
his net lion with toe oounty ciera
as Socialist candidate for joint aen
ator from Washington, Yamhill,
Tillamook and Lincoln. Burke
Tongue will be opposed by J. Y.
k'auffman. of srnonia, anoiner
socialist candidate.
Clearance sale of all men s, boys
and ladiea" suits. Will be aoia ei
actual cost, and all broken linea
.rri,i In ihe immense stock of the
.... l a
Marnhandise Hlore 01
Schulmerich Broa. Come early
and get your choloe. iu
I'eter Portegue, of Bethany, waa
m.n Tuesday, taking out ouis
for the Aug. Meyer aucwou .
take place next Monday He aaya
that bia youngest son, um., wno
was in ured by a premature u
near Cedar Mill, is getting along
For sale: 75 seres rolling land;
20 acrea cleared; Daianoe eiaeuou
and burned; good house and barn;
orchard; running water; , mUe
. a
from acbool bouse; a
Buxton, Oregon, rrwe 7
Addrees Jos. Burghoher, Buxton,
W. J. Ingram, of Farmlngtop,
was in town Friday. Mr. Ingram
will cultivate bis nop yu
under tbe beiiei nat uf
. hatter nrioe. due to the
Will i" r ' . i
fact that so many have been aban
There wilt be a Union Temper-
,k. nnnrAaational
Sunday evening
vUUIVU,.- - .
o u uiuv.i - i
u i..i.v.b a aneaier huuj "
land will deliver an
Kvervbody is invited.
Strayed from my place, 11 1 pailes
north of Reedvllle, Apr 1 26th, a
Si Wood Jersey bull, with chain
v nit nonner ring in
noee oU?; Jas. Berwick, Rds
Wile, Ore. Pacific States' phone.
nL t. T.nAo No 34 Knights
of Pythias havs had a boom this
12 d spring. MJjJ
been work every night since last
fall aave one or two meeting.
Two milk cows, one fresh; and a
. V. .Kn heifer lor sale. In
1... i Hnnt.-E. F. Bias. B tf
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Iktwccn HillHboro and the
O'Meara Place, 0 Miles Out
i,(MX) Lsbsrers at Walk sa (as
Eatlr Uagth of Lias
Tbe last and permanent survey of
tba Oregon Electrio Line leavaa tba
city diagonally across the John
Dennia tract, thence through Pre
ton Jackson's land, tbanoa through
John Sewell'a ranch, cutting off a
small corner of Frank Williams'
place, thence through tbe Brogden
tract, thence through Ed. Lyone'
place, through the Stream ranch,
across tbe Linton place to Haw
thorne farm, and thence through
the Oregon Nursery land to
O'Meara's ranch. From tbe last
pilot the road beara southeast to
Garden Home, croaaing the South
ern PaciGo at or near Beavarton.
A big trestle will go in at Rock
Creek, which culls for 5,240 feet of
Eiling, while another trestle 40 feet
igh will spaa a guloh near tbe
O'Meara farm. There ia a camp
near Preston Jackson's place; one
on John Sewell's place; another on
the Linton place, and aull another
near O'Meara's. There are nearly
200 men working at the iaat named
camp, all busy clearing right of
way of treea and stumps. It is ea
timaUd that fullK
are at work at tbe pr "
the Hiltoboro-Portlw i
tbe Oregon Electric
I will sell at publio auction at my
farm, one-half mile north of Beth
any, at ten 0 clock a. m., on
Five milk cows. 1 beini fresh, with
calves at side: heifer, years old; 9
Igs, a brood sows, $ down chickens, I
... L. fartM earataeAM SierttfS1 SatrSaa! Hsr I
row, cultivator, 14 inch plow, disc, mow-
tng machine, hayreke. 5 gallon kettle, I
SM. B . aSBS -U weaaKwaa. av-v-vo-v-e nwe I
new u. B.ueam oepera.or. gooa coos,
Move, Dousenoiu iurnare, ana euarr
.rfii tnn nnmvn. m-ntton.
Growing cropa aa followa: Four
-..v.- "
.nnn-half acrea wheat: 12 acrea
oats, and 20 acres hay.
Termaof Sale 110 and under,
raah rover $10. 8 months' time. 6
ner cent., bankable note.
' . ... r
August Meyer, uwner.
Henry Kuratii, Auctioneer.
Mrs. M. M. Krelder, wife of E. A;
if r.i.r died at her home in For-
-torova. May 4th. 1908. aged 58
years. Sbe waa born at Ansonia,
k v.u oo Mma in the
Grove 19 years ago. a wiaower
and the following children survival
her: Rev. Harry Kreider, a Free
Methodist minister; Miss uarrieti
Kreider, Mrs. W. G. Copple and
Kreider, all of Forest
Farm lor Sale
I wish to sell my farm, containing
W ,DM a "
IK9 anraa. 110 acrea Under D10W.
ennd house, barn and orchard, 34
miles south of Hillsboro, and on
mile weat of Farmington. r or rar
ther information, addrees, '
E. Burkhalter,
44-6m Hillaboro, Ore.
Mr. Girod, a salesman for
Oregon ijuraery. .-"-
u. ni-Ait rnentlv moved to Oren-
alM Monday.
i ' th. nnraerv town, from Salem,
and baa bought a nome mere. n
been a general salesman lori
the company about eigni yeara,
travelling as far noun aa uanaua, oi aeveiopmeni. iuuaj,iuuiiu8
end south ti ths City at Mexloo. over tbe county, one sees new farm
p.ranna wlahino to Ulk with him houses, neat new barns, modern
..r...t himnn IndetMndent ohone.
a-- n
Zuroher 51, or by iswer on ceaver-
inn n 9
, , .
Great improvement in Clearing
upland has been made in the aeo-
tion between Reedville and Wheel-
er station, the past winter, and tne
town of Wheeler is growing .rapid-
ly. A sidewalk has been bum uom
the station at Wheeler over to the
county road, and numerous houses
are going up uu -"
the 8baw-ear tract, urcuwrue
. heino aet out. and ths Whole
country in and about Reedville and
Wheeler looks prosperous.
r'ain t-Tl K TS
ball between th. 0?R.A H. Co.
...u iJ tha ltanhal
. V Ti.. tnh .An
wuo-: AF. r.t.:."",h'
road Uttcd
ST. -7 ti. tld. of ,1c":
-1 - r
railroad bof s.
E. F. McKelly, of North Plaina,
was in town Friday.
Remember, tbe Oregonian and
Argua, only $2.25.
W. E Bouoaein, of near Moun
taindale, was in town Monday.
Geo. McGraw, of Banks, waa in
town Tueaday.
G. W. Hinea, from up above Bux
ton, was in town Tueaday.
C. E. Hedge, of Beaverton, was
in town Saturday, and called.
Jas. Harper, of this city, has
moved to his ranch on Gales Creek.
John Koch, of south of Cornelius,
waa a county seat visitor the last
of the week.
Born, to the wife of B. F. Tbiele,
of near Farmingtoo, Ore., April 29,
1908, a daughter.
Call on or phone to Dennis for
Srooeriea. A complete and op to
ate line always on hand.
Attorney H. T. Begley will erect
a modern bungalow on East Main
street, just west of the J. A. Imbrie
Mrs. Nettie Portegue and Mrs
Frank Holcomb, of near Bethany,
were Argus callers Saturday.
Box paper, latest styles, beet
quality, at right prices. See Hills
boro Pharmacy. 2-tf
Jos. Crabb, of Hilleborn, left tbe
latter part of tbe week for San
Francisco, to visit his parents.
Ice cream at the Witch Hazel
store every Saturday evening and
Sunday. 7-IU
Miaaes Coleman and Hancock, of
Cornelius, paid the Argus a call
i JKJMyntire 'took
"Right Thinking and its Effect
on Heallb," will be tbe morning
topio in the Congregational church
next Sunday.
The builder of a new house will
save the expeose and irritation of
poor finish, if he uses Jap-a lac it
Is ideal for all woodwork where
varnish finish is required. For
gale by G. A. Patterson.
a m a a
An open meeting will be neia by
Hillsboro Grange, Saturday, May
o, ,t tn, hM to digCU8B the SOV
, , ,-j An .u.
sral measures to tie voiea on ai tne
1. , ., n . ...
Doe eiecuon. uomt oh ua joid
in the discussion, i'bllip UlBon,
When in town with your team
remember tbe Farmers Feed Sbeav
on Main street, between seoona
and Third, where a general feed
and livery boaineas is transacted
J. H. Brown. Proprietor. 7-10
W. P. Martin, of Goldendale,
Wash., was in town this week,
"axing uduwih ma o.a wme,
Wds. ThirtyfJys years ago, Mr.
. . a a. a a
Martin was a leading farmer ana
stockman n this county, and is
surprised to note the way this
MnU I. Imnmvinv
JoeeDh Campbell, of upper Gales
Creek, and who for some years was
toll gate keeper on tbe Wilson Kiv
TOtit had a hearing before Judge
H. T Bagley, Friday, the charge
bein"pointing a firearm at anoth
er." and while nominally being un
der a bond of $500 for his appear
ance at the Fall term of Circuit
Court to answer the charge, was re-
1...aJ lie tka AAHft Affm Kiel It WAV It S.
loe-oou uj .u. -v-.. .v
cognisance. Before his release the
defendant settled matters with his
divorced wife, and is now out oo
his mod behavior. It is said by
those who know Campbell tbat he
was overwrought by trouble, and
now that matters are settled, no
good purpose would be terved by
wP,n u,lu.,u uu"4 uo
term of oourti
M,IU' w
The Washington county of twen
ly years ago, uu iuo r oauiuB.uu
county ot me preann. ume are
snowing two very umereu. u"
(incet. instead of the old worm
i . -J u j .-v... r
ranoe, ana woero mow
timber ana orusn provea niu-
ling piece lor rauiHio uu u,u
.t1i niml. twantv years aim. are
Low fine ouuiv,ud farms, where
th b, of bearing fruit trees and
. stretches of grain show the
onwtirj mMch of material develop
ment Farms, which twenty years
harbored a few old cold-blood
now .heller and maintain
1 fine biooaea mux cows in nerus
-y, nra(lunt ia makinsr a maion
I, r ,ua ...... ,inK Tha draft
d road horse have been greatly
improved within the past twenty
Tk. wofk of evelopment has
otrody - bani ih ' county d
tne next swu ueuauea wm
hwlchene whloh will be
than marvelous. Right here,
10 "mwk-thtt f0f
purposes Washington county
U the nest county in the state
i . , . - i,
1 vestigation wm .
kii uniiwmu 1 n
. D. Chappell Disposes of a
String of Six
Sheriff Csaaell Bars Three Vellbred
Road Berate
I. D. Chappall, who has the old
Fair Grounds leased, started for
Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, to be
gone about two weeks. While
gone, Mr. Chappelle expects to buy
a fast pacer in the 2 09 class, for
the Coast Circuit, and may secure
some other good goers, if be can
find what he wants. Mr. Chap
pelle sold nine horses at tbe Port
land Horse Sale last week, which
averaged him $330 each. The an
imals disposed of were as follows:
General Jones, 3 years old; Alta
Jones, 3 years old; Buster Joner,
2 years old; Daisy McKinney, 2
J ears old; 2 yearlings by Capt.
ones; a 3 year old bay filly by
Capt. Jones; Tempest, dam of Doc.
McKinney; and L am boro, 6 years
At tbe horse sale in Portland,
last week, Sheriff J. W. Connell
purchased Natchez Maid, a bay
mare 5 years old. by Senator, 2:26;
also Tarry R, a bay gelding, 3 yrs.
old, Lovelace-Marioo; he also
bought a black gelding. E. E. Ly
ons, of near this place, biught a
fine bay mare, named Lady Mack.
"... n m. i'--"i - in n n t ij
of the Peace, for Hillsboro Justice
of the Peace and Constable Dis
trict. 8 tf
Chas. Merlz was down from the
Grove, Monday.
Fall grain in the vicinity of
Hillsboro is looking first claes.
Grant Bacon, of Cornelius, was a
county seat visitor Tuesday.
Born, to the wife of Jacob Stoller,
of near Bethany, Oregon, April 29,
908, a eon.
Born, to the wife of Jos. Amato,
Beaverton, Ore., April 21,1908, a
Miss Ona Foord was the guest of
Miss Cora Teff i, of Beaverton, Sun
Wm. Vanderzanden, of near Roy,
was in the county seat the first of
the week.
stuueQ uqof jo Anq ot uvqj
teq ou op uva noA eeoq s(u9jpi;qo
put .saipvi 's.uemenuea ioj
The Independents declare their
intention to stump the county, that
is to say, the legislative part of the
For good lumber and shingles,
and right prices, see F. W. Gard
ner, at the Hillsboro Lumber Uo. s
mill, foot of Third street 7-18
The political campaign has not
formally opened in this county.
When it does once get under way
there promises to be things doing.
Bruce, the 9 year old son of Dr.
and Mrs. A. B. Bailey has been
sick for sometime with acute rheu
matism, but is now improving.
We sell more wire fence than all
our competitors oomDinea. ine
reason is that we have the largest
stock and can sell the cheapest.
Schulmerich Bros. 51-tf
A marriage license was issued by
the County Clerk on the 5th inst,
to Perry C. Stream and Mies Do
minia Sinclair.
Died, at Sherwood. Oreeon. April
29. 1908, of consumption, Daniel C.
Baker, aned 26 years, 5 montbs
and 19 days. Deceased leaves a
wife to mourn his loss.
Tbe Modern Woodmen of Ameri-
ca will give a aance at Alien i
Grove, 1 mile north of Reedville,
on Saturday evening, May 16th.
Tickets, 50 cents. Good music and
good order guarantied. Everybody
iovited. 8 9
At the Campbell Greenhouse
Asters, pansiee, dahlia roots, roses,
house plants, and cut flowers for
decorations, also oaulinower, toma
to plants and plenty of late cab
bage plants in a short time. Prices
very reasonable. Mrs. Agnes
Campbell. 8th and Fir Btreets
Hillsboro, Oregon. ti
Dr. Geo. H. Merryman, of Kla
math Falls, was in town Tuesday,
visiting relatives and friends. Geo,
won the republican primary nomi
nation for Joint Senator of Lake,
Malheur and Klamath counties,
and ths probability is that be will
be elected. Mr. Merryman is do
in well in Klamath Falls. He
thinks his old borne Hillsboro
is deoidely on the up-grade.
See Our Full
The Vrjr IVatt Stationery
Ia the cheapest as well as the most satis- '
tory to use. If you do not know this
from experience yon can find it ont by
Getting Your Stationery Hero
No matter whether yon use little or much
you'll find your correspondence and ac
counting easier to handle if we supply
the stationery. We solicit a trial order
and confidently expect it will remit in
your becoming a regular customer here
after. There Are Seasons. Sure.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
First Annual Statement of the
Forest Grove National Bank
"- Close of Business, March 3, 1908
Loans discount,,
U. S. bonds & pre
miums Other Bonds
Real Estate
Furniture & Fixtures
Dne from U. 8. Trea
sury .$1,250.00
Due from banks
-71, 140.5a
Cash on Hand -
Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier.
Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John B. Bailey, Vice
Pres.; J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, -
Wool and Mohair
We have always paid the
Highest Marhet Price for
Wool and Mohair. Don't
Forget to bring your clip
to us, and, by so Doing,
get the top of the Marhet!
J. E. Bailey,
Dealers in Pure Drugs "
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you. I
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants ia the School
Book line. : ' '
. We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively 00 Credit.
We have just received a car of
Bain wagons from the factory.
Will sell at Portland prices.
Schulmerich Bros. 51-tf
ffnim. . Liabilities.
Undivided profita"
- 206,1774'
Forest Grove
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Excellencia. These cigars are of
the best stock. Yon can't fool aa
authority on a good cigar.
. !.l
t v t
: I
, I.