HILL5B0R0 ARQUS. APRIL 30. 19CH SUMMONS I ho Nose I hat hn,m LORD LOVELACE. nAdH QilO IX TIIK OKUTIT OH RT OK THK T. M rURH II. A. IIUBPIrVT sTATK OK OKKUOX. fOR WASUIXO- TON COl'XTY. 0, A. riieth, riaintitr. 3 3 1 ; 1 , 5 1 1 Was the fastest horse, either trotter or pacer, on the North Pacific Circuit iu 1006, and was also the largest money winner of any horse, either trotter or pacer, in said year, pacing two races each week throughout the entire circuit and losing only two heats, and is considered by expert horsemen, to be one of the leading pacers in America. He not on ly comes from a racing family, but is without ques tion the greatest racing pacer ever bred iu Oregon; Ho la tlio only homo, trottor or 1 Cer, to ltavo loou lirotl, rntMod unci raced iri. Orojou to tlo reoordof .mo After being three days and three nights in a car, he was taken from the train and immediately started in a race where he forced'Shcrlock Holmes' to pace to the record time of 2:06 in order to beat him. He is not only a horse of remarkable speed and gamcness, but is so consistent aud reliable that he has made but one break in a racing career of three years. His disposition is such that any child or woman can drive him. SXXXZ2X) BV IiOVBIjAOD He is sired by "Lovelace." one of the greatest three-year old trot ten in America iu :.S$4, he being by "Kgvlitt," be being by "Elect ioneer," the greatest of ll trotting aires, living or dead. "LORD LOVELACE'S" dm it "Mggie," full sister to "Kosie C," 2:i6, the dam o( "Prince Direct," record, J o;, single, and 1x15 double. "Maggie" is the dam of "Lord Lovelace. 1:10. contending horse in a race .i6; "Portia Knight," :it , contender iu a race, 1:11V; and "Ben Bolt," record to a wagon. 2:IS, trial, l it. "Maggie" it sirtd by "Duroc Prince," second dam'Krankie" by"Oregon Path6nder," sire of the dam of Altao, 1:09, aud "IVthtuoBt," 1:09 V. the aire ot "Pathmark," :lt. "Lord Lovelace' will mike a short season at tLe home barn 0 Z2. 23. TONOTTB, HZIiXjSOORO, Oil. Torixii--- S3 for tlio Boation ZACH CRACG CD. WANN Our Mt. Hood Deer Has them all beaten when it comes to purity of water, which comes from the Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. Hood" no purer water in the world! Is a Hyg'ienic Product Call and see for yourselves. Constantly on draught and in bottles. It is the wa ter and the quality of the brew. Try it. If you want a good smoke, we handle the . CELEBRATED SCHILLER . the finest smoke for the money that is made in the "Oregon Country." Try Our 'Grand Dad Whishey!' Pronounced by experts to be the finest of blends. Come and see us when you are in the city We'll treat you right. Main Street, across from the Farmers' Stables. L CRAGG (El WANN H1LLSBORO - OREGON. when !on Have 1 nr. Conoids crtoup. SORE THROAT, lamnm tmmm TKMaVmhTlDNCI Pflf 15 cants tl You wast a remedy that win not only give quick relief bat affect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will re lieve the lunge and keep expectora tion easy. Tou want a remedy that will coun teract any tendedby toward pneu monia. You want a remedy that la pleas ant and safe to take. t Chamberlain's Cough X&medy meets all of these requirements, and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad cold stands without a peer. A Severe Cold Quickly Curd by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. "Last winter I eaufbt very severe cold which lingered tor Mks," aars J. Cr quhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. "Uf cough wa very dry and harsh. The loot! dealer recommended ChamfeerlaJa'syOouf h Rem edy and guaranteed tt, ao t rave It e trial. One small bottle of It cured ate. I believe Chamberlain s Ooug-h Remedy to be the best I have ever used." It is Equally Valuable for Children It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure Ask your Druggist for it Tor Sale by The Delta Drug Store. Dr. J. H. Knox will be in Hills boro every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and will be prepared to treat all diseases of domeetioated animals. Headquarters, Council's, Lifery Barn. Dr. Knox is now! and assistant to Stale Vet'n., Dr. Koreniok. For Sale or Trade Fine modern residence property. Will sell, or trade for a email ranch, close in. 0. M. Hunter, corner Fourth and i Sarah V. Hank. IWnJant. I T Sarah W. Haul, the alnxre nam.! ; tlpfrllvUllt. 1 In the Same of the Stale of IWw: You an hereby commanded end required to to he ami ai'eiur 111 the amy enlltinl court anil cause and answer the complaint therein tiled against you, on or lelore the espiralinn l n week (nun the dale of the rtrl imlill.aiion of lht summons in the HilUN'M Aryu, the ltrt public tioit thereof being 011 the I'Ah day ot March, 1, ami Ihe la publication theroftetog on the Hh day of April, 10, lo ,,n or before the Kh lay nl April P Aiul you willplveae lake notice that if you tail s to aar a:it answer said complaint the plaiiiliti will apply to the Court for the relief prayed r.w In his complaint, lo ail Kor a decree adjnlttia' the planitit) to le the owner Iu lev simple of the folio nut described real propety, Iviiift, belli ami mluale in Washington iVunty .Oregon ami particularly described aa follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake 4..V cha. S-mlh of the quarter section corner on the Weal line of Sec. IT, X. t S.R. I W. of the Will. Mer : (hence south S.7S oha to a alake on sent IVm line of Sec 17: thence aoulh 7i iteir, 19 niinutee K. liliiohs. to a aUtne In the roa.1 ZXii rha. north ami 11.75 rha. east of the aouthw eel corner of aakl Sec. IT; theuce north S JO chains to a stake; thence weel rhs. to the place of beglu. nine, eontainins; l! a-ree, more or less. Thai you ami all peraoua claiming by, through or under you be forever lrred and precluded front clanulnc any tuler eat in or right or title to said pretnlaea ad vrrne to the plaititltf. ami lor aucb other and further relief aa aiay tie neceaaary an.l proper Thia sunimons la served upon you hv publication by orvler of Honorable J. Mt. tiooiUn, t'ounty Judy of Washuiiloa Oountv, Oreeon, ma.le and dated on the 11th day of March, 1, ahirh order re quire that yon appear and anawer said rtmiplamt on or before the eipiraltou of u eeeks mm Uie dale of ine nrl putt lication thereof, U-il; on or before April SOth, 1"SW. BAQI.RY HAKK Attorneys for plaintiff. NOTICE To houi it may concern: This is to no tify thox owing for service of the stall ion iHike, then in charge of J.G.Hayncs, on the Aldncu harm, to make pa) mcnt thcrrfor onlv to tue andetsiKneU or to M K. Blanton. fonnan on tarni. All other amounts due to the farm should likewise be paid and to no other. The Shaw Hear Company, Portland, Orvgou Notice of Final Settlement Xotice is hereby eiven that the under signed has tiled in the County Court of the Mate of On-con. for W ashtnetoa County, her tinal account as etectitril of the lat irtilaiiif nt of Kli A.Helneck.dee'd, and that said account baa teeii net for hearing and said eetate for settlement, tw- fore said Court, on Monday, May '), IW, at 10 o'clock a. in. Hannah Matilda Helneck. Executrii ol the last will aud W-tamenl of Kli A. Heineck, dieaied,. Iale.l this April 23, .H. W. X. Barrett, Attomey for Estate. Executor's Notice Notice i hereby elven that the under siKued has tcen appointe.1 eiecutor of the last will and teaUment of alalimla Tun- lr, dei eaitcvl, aud has duly qualified aa sum, ana all penious hsing claims a iraiiiat said esute are hereby notified to present them to me, with proper vouch ers. at the law office of Henton Bow mail. in Hillsboro. within six months from this date. luted this April 3. 1'CSv William Tupper. Executor of the taut Will and Tt-U inent of Malinda T upper, Deceaaeil. Henlon Bowman, Attorney for Kitcn to r. Proposals for Earth Work Sealed propotials will be received until 2 p. in. on the i'lli day or Apnl, 18mm, by the County Court of WsHhitigtou County, Oregon, for the dolus; of about 5.0UU cubic vards of earthwork 011 the Cornell Road. Sptcifi cations may be seen at the office of the Loutity JuOsje after April V). i'y order of Cornmimionera' Court J. W. (iOOM.X. County Judne, HillnLioro, Ore., April , Vm. ..Central Meat Market. EMM0T7 BROS., Prop., Keep constantly on hand a fine supply of fresh meats of all kinds. 4 Mmw Erm Im Prlomt We are going to sell meats at prices low er than those which have prevailed in the past. Call in and see us. We meats ousinesa. raone ana rree Delivery One door East Tualatin Hotai - Mais Street Hilltbere. 0erra.' i -7.-W" OORWIM A-n-CZZn Deatlere Ss . All kinds of Fresh Me Msm Rea sonable. Will meet a3 issi: " M Chickens and Poultry si mrnjm r Ltfi upon order. Free delivery to ad fJt 01 ine town, we ony ibi stock. 4 SjfS Msaeis)e Second Street, Hllleboro, Or PEACH IAPRICOT jjESfr? Iandorape LANDS ll fbofrr. Kltfi 1 i. . in aooamaf hila tunirtum l .iluiuljia itiv. Valirvi & ullm evt tDBienT I'"rtlsi.J: 'ii mile fnmi Kuril ArKlbUI Jiiknd. Hirer ami rmll tram IHn BS1SC P"rtti"0- Small lrart Kwo " asSrl tenua WriU for InfonnatluB COOK & CO. aihi iTiirr ORTUNDIMM For Sale by G. A. PATTERSON The Housefurnisher Utah Land Plaster, 65 cents per 100-pound Back. Boebi & Welz- Are You Wonting a Home? If you arc looking for a homo, cither a farm, or a residence in tow n, callou the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put ou the market, list it with us. Wc buy ami sell Titular L.ituls. Also make a Specialty of Husiness Chauccs. OLD WELLS rARCO LOCATION. IntlepenJvnt thone. 143 HILLSBORO - OREGON Tansor Prince Unglish Number, 866O American No.. 22&4& ENGLISH SHIRE Largest Stallion in the Washington Co. Stud I90 SEASON AS TOLLOWS Cornelius, Or.: Monday noon. Verboort: at Antou Hernieus' on Monday evening. Roy: at V. 0. Walkers', on Tuesday night. Glencoe: Wednesday night. West Union: Mauzey Farm, Thursday night. Hillsboro: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Redmond & Council's Barns. Terms: $i;: $20; $2S. KJwarJ Kellj. ol near He4vtHf, win UillsUmi visitor SalurJay. Win Henley 8r. vtsile.1 TortUnJ last Friday. Herman Collier ami wife, of Scholia, were in lb cil.anJ called lent Saturday John McNesr, of near UeeJtille, was in lb city SaturJay, transact- j log bunneea. i Mrs. Isaac Ediici. of near lu re), aa ciun(y teat visitor Ibe last of Ibe week We tell wore wire fence tban all our coropelilora ootnbiuetl. Tbr reason ia tbat wa bave the lergeel etiKk and can rell Ibe cheat!. Scbulruerich Uroe 61 -if A letter from Mia I'rarl tlreear, ot La Meea, Ca! , to bar brolbar, Roy, of this city, oontaioi the o d nkwa that aha ia improving lo health, and will come to Oregon about tbe first of June to spend lie summer. 8. A. Mc Fad Jen baa told out at Bslsni, and will hereafter live at the Oregon Nursery, eaal of town, where be baa been engaged aa car penterby the Nursery people. M'. McFadden waa at one time (Jraint Master of tbe Oregon A. 0. I'. W. Senator Bourne baa introduced e bill to directing tbe Secretary of the Treasury to pay claims now ! pending for services rendered in jibe Caynse Indian War. There ! are several such olairuaute in (bit ! county. They should have been paid loog ago. 0. B Whitney, the young man charged with involuntary roan- Pare nrevent r,f ; euughler in connection with tbe r :"r v. , V 7 death of Mise Wirli.ef 1'ortleod. v.. ' r 01 trial. Bond waa furnished in tbe aura of $1, (XX). with Aug. K.cheU and William Cavanaugb at sure-tiee. Own.d fjr The Hillsboro Shire Co W, F. Huffman, Groom Argue and Oregonian, 12.25. B. L Griffin, ol Buxton, waa In town Friday. Remember, the Oregonian and Argue, only f 2.25. Sigel Sholti, of Buxton, waa in town Friday. Clarence Ruaaell, of Hcappooee, waa a countj eeat flat tor Friday. Amoe Mead, gfaear Buxtooj had baaineee in toa Citttday. John Wall't'-aew retidenovJiva Lincoln aiieet It approaching coa. pletitna i r TUCMfon Electric Compaoy'e teXl9)t eere in town Saturday, Ofitie aUr-nwti- - 1 Title; Setu If J aee 1 land tt t , eca-a built by Mi, Rboadee, on Caatllnj Bueet, an, will occupy eaoat t;&ip a) fe day. Carpenter cJ kriekkrere watt room. Our fOoCJ tin be eoti at greatly reduced prlrJN for tt ttaxt thirty day a. Bothi A Wetz!ef,f4!) Front St., Portland. 4-7 Ira Pu.din, of Portland, one of tbe democratic wheel horses of Waehington cojnty, for many yeare, waa in town Friday, to at tend tbe democratic maea meeting. When in town with your team remember t'.e Farmere Feed Shed, on Main S reet, between 8 cond and Third, where a gene al feed atd livery bueineee ia trat eacted. J. H Brown, Proprietor. 7-10 Two Salvation Army laaeie were in town Saturday, eolicitiog money to carry on their work in Portland. The Salvation Army people are pretty good eolicitorc, but tbey die penee a good deal of practical char ity, aa well. Clearance tale of all men's, boye' and ladies' suits. Will be sold at actual cost, and all broken lines oarried in tbe immense stock of the General Merchandise Store of Sohulmerich Bros. Come early and get your choice. 61 tf For sale: 75 acres rolling land; 20 acree cleared; balance slashed and burned: good house and barn: orchard; running water; i mile from echool h)use; 3 miles from Buxton, Oregon. Price $1500. Addreei Joe. Bargholzer. Buxton. Ore, Tbe Ladies of La France Circle, Women of u oodcrafl, will Biva dance and chicken aupper Saturday evening. May 'Jib, at W. O. W. Hall, near Cedar Mill, at which time a lovely quilt will be rallied Everybody invited, and a good time assured. Ticket, including supper, 11. uu. 5 if Andrew Jack, of near Farming too, who sold bia farm a short time ago, last Saturday purchased tbe Willis Ireland home, at Ibe corner of Washington and Sixth streets, for f 2301). and will hereaf reside in thia city. Mr Jack is tffteet desirable citizen, and llilla feaff elill be tbe gainer. iherit Matteeon, of Gaston, died April l&fc, and the funeral services m n Bunday, April 1'Jth. at asiea KDreb, being conduct ' Her rkV ; regain were ed in thaEisltUtf. Mr eon was ktr) h CUutauqua y, New Yc-; i; 19, 125, aa uvea U Vn for many m new ppared to ehow you ie' t" J 'correct spring and tumri fSjtes in Uilor-made suiu, 'WW MM silk ebit-waiet suits cs'fjf) your special order from t '1 jMarown selection of material and ninaiings; also a full line of waists, coals and jackets. I carry a standard line of underskirts and corsets, and will be glad to bring my goods to your house upon re- qnesi. independent phone, 684 Mre. M. K Caudle. 1 12 Next to the condenser, in Im portance, as a means of helping the people of Hillsboro and vicini ty, would be a fruit and vegetable cannery, h should be organized and built and owned by the people of this vicinity. It would afford a market at home at a good price for all tbat this locality ould produce, besides alluding employment dur ing the canning season to many women and children. Can tbe pen pie afford to be without a cannery? The Slate Grange meets at Eu gene, on May 12th. The following members of the Grange from this county have representation on standing committees: Credentials P. Olson, Hills, oro; Division of Libor, Mrs. Julia Oleon, Hillsboro; Mileage and per diem, W.K. Prick ett, Banks; By Laws, Wm. Jequltb, chairman, Laurel; Good of the Or der, P. Olson, Hillsboro; Kduoa lion, Mrs. Grovilioe Prickett, Banks; Legislation, Mrs. Julia 01 eon, Hillsboro; Agrioultore, Mrs. Carrie Jaquith. The coming aei eion will be tbe 36th in the history pf the organization, and the Grange ie growing in numbers anl U. Is the one i.n tl, f. . , . tiu who li.a wr- , ,. " ' ' . ".i- i.v 1 n .-J, t.e .,., ,, . , , , ' W b.,e, ,), ,.r. t ( f'",? " a I..,,, ,., ell.et.mtlv. liM.i II. tmt the Irute i, lfuy ' lo..s I i.m- u.,M, Wo, -tistt unelf. " Vaught's Grocery We Want YOUR GROCERY BUSINESS Wc arc prepared to serve you iu any capacity in uasou. No, wc arc ut pttttiuj ou a clearance sale of $5 shoea at Ji.fy nor arc wc going out tif business Bll Wl NOW AKL GOING Oil Al II K MORI lil SIM SS 1. Our prices on groceries arc right, a. Wc have the swellest line of Lailics' aud gents' shoes wc have ever showed. 3 Now, iu regard to a wagon; wheu you think wagou, think Bain, aud wc save you $5 on it. 4 Let us talk prices with you ou buggies, plows, bar rows, discs, steel rollers, graiu drills, spray pumps, windmills; McCortuick mowers, binders and rakes. We have just received our binding twine. NOW, Mt. lARMIR, m H4U SO MOM . 10 GIM AVH. Nor do you want to jay more for goods than they are worth so you should buy where you can do the lt. Get our Prices, thcu the other fellows', and you will l conviuccd. Your for a Q Deal, Rowell Bros. & Co., Scholls. Tho KJtohsn'm Queen kaem ibm4 Sae t4 vttuar Ia4ttit4 s eri- GYRUS NOBLE ""I smi tiatfg urieu tm whftn. Sacked a? Ilvrif aUtabtui V the t,...i.il.. al ll ''lw la mkuh rl hiUv m ett4. tbtai la IS tnml ta.h IBM. llu. -- mJ Ih hHfkM TM Noal a va4 la tueeuaa.t peia, m fes aWe mt asT flSTVeiesltri assef OtAUMM. . 1 van acaviVM a co, ia. rottu.sa.au mm WEINH ARD'S ,0. . mgk,) 1 111 The best of all Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use A! W. V. WILEY'S Here is Your Chance S5 Arrea; 8 mile northwest of Portland; 17 acrrs clssieJi lislsmi Is stump land aud Hinder; good well, all fcureil, small orchard, on good Sulillc road, smalt house; large new barn on stime fmindstion; prite, '75 P' acre; half cash, balance 00 or btfore 6 yrsrs, at 6 er crnl. 20 Acres near Heaverlnu. on (jxj public road; all la hlh sutr of tnUivatlon; large new H room bouse, large new barn, new outl-iilUI-Ings, t good wells, sou 1 1 orchard, Ituproysuirols worth i5oo; price, ouly 6,joo; f 1,500 cash, balance lo suit the purchaser. it 1 1 Acres within 10 miles of rortlau.1, all In high elate of culti vation; welt fenced, 10 acres of good t year ol.l apple orchard, god well, good 9-rootu house and located within half mile of good rail road station. Price, Jo.jso; 1 j taah, balance to suit pun basrr. 10 Acres nesr Portland, on leading public road, within yi mllr of Kood station, all In high stale of cultivation; good young orchard.MK barn ou atone foundation, worth Si.coo; targe new house on siue foundation, worth f 1500; good outbuildings, good fencing; price Is I j.ooo; one of tli. best buys In the vicinity of Poitlsnd, l.ltt i Aerrs on Lewi RUtr; 5i acres in ood stute of ciiltlt"' and 15 acres more resdy for lbs plow, rest good tluiher, estimated st 150,000 feet; well watered, fenced, fair house, new bsrn and out bul dings, 10 head cattle, farm luiplemente, etc. price, $sM eaati; balance to suit purchaser. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon 1 NoUca to Contraclora w. ' 2 r',,lv','' "!' to'J UI'''J on War l ii7 "'""'mi"" In Nnhool lllatrlct Orego;,."''" B0,,0"'' w"nBloB Oounty, Plans and spetsltli-ationa ran be aneq at I uLJFx Z'"u0t th" l'lrn.an of tha LiV-.M- HT- TbB ,,0"' reserve, the right to reject any or all bid.. Ij. M. HKHHK, Bggt for Hatching fl.C.BlackMinorcaBAS.CBrot" r -i n fin . xtLini vl lJ sguuriiBi st w .w. o..W At the last Orfgon Poultry Bhow.rny Wfl w0? JL?I first out ot a possible Ave prliee 'n competition with tbe beat breea" in tbe state. )JEorUa nA A. R. H. Greer, -Hillsboro, Ot I yortance an over the itate. Scholia pvr?:?"' ae Ml saw v. 47-3m