The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 30, 1908, Image 1

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bll SUinKver In
coin Louoty
l Sn Is ! J- '
fuMfflr ef Lssrel
. II U...!iK nt nr Yakata
MID1 '""""i --i
Ctoola county, Oregon, met ilh
fWible death, on th morning ol
iVll Vlb, w u tie engagea iu a-
hod oil bnniMlMd. Iienadcat
will lid" tree, blob Ml kiao
.it t
bill trying to get out of the wsy,
i bwiirig both lege, beeidee In
Vriol bim loteroally. Help wu
Woosd, nd e neighbor dee
Whrd to Newport, ltd miles di
lit for a doctor. Dr. Miotborn
Veoodrd to the oll, but iu on
'kU In iln nltln fur tha ininra.1
t,tho died lbs neit sfterooon
lilhiufToml untold agony , before
mid to bis relief. Droeaavd
la tbii oounty, nur laurel,
i m
tu a aon-io-iaw of j. w.
itdimto, bo alto llted near
owl, both Urailies removing to
Ubtti arctlon ome four jeers
Buiilb leaves a tnfe and four
U children to mouro bia toaa.
ktftMraUd in eery department
IM gmte, company Oof Fort-
id tint down to defeat be fort the
liiu 8oi at Hberwood by a aoora
10 to 3, lait Hunday. Kiaer,
ttirlad for Bherwood, waa
ij throughout iba game aod
iced to keep tbt visitors bila
r.Pirrott made lb boat batting
I of any of tba hotna bunch,
lio three hits out of four time
Mtoof them being for two-bag-
Hid arrora at critical time
atributad to tba defeat of tba
ton About 6U0 people turned
i u tune the gam.
K rtDUii lean enunt rwniral
millee, ia ached u led. met at
Court Home Mooda. at 2:00
lock. Biiteen members war
t. The lemnorar chairman
id laorelary were made tba per-
"urn omcers ol lb L'oa.rnUtee,
it: i. W. Connell. chairman
'd C. 0. Roe, secretary. On mo
il n decided to hara the
I'll Committee aama the dele-
to the renublltian ititi won-
lion which meets in Portland
J Hlh. Tba followins? naraona
leoted ai riUirata- J W
yM UuBhlln.O. W.Tigard,
iraianii, W.J. Butner, Hen-
nowman, A. N. Dsvles, Her
Collier and It V PnH T
Tongue waa ree immanded aa
Central Committeeman for
Moington county, aod Benton
'BUD for lnnnMuln..)
The following peraona were elect-
nil the fol owina- committee
."oiaa: (J. fl-aner, Mountain :
,j Hainel, Waehingtoo, and
Palmate-. Reed-llle. At
11 juncture, U peraona but the
Bmilteemen and candidate! were
'.'D n invitation to leave the
Ad the eubeequent prooeed
re merely a matter of heareey.
l-eia.nan, of Wuhington
...ui., wai in kiwii Monday.
B. IP. I'urdy, of Uailon, waa iu
tuwu monuay.
i r ....
. iiomneon, waa in from
rarmingioo, Monday.
Tbeo. Vandyke, of north o! For
eat Urove, waa in town Monday.
Kor (ale: A epan of good, young
". van on Alei. Uord
(ileuooe, Oregun,
(ieo. Vanderianden,
Banka, waa in the city
trammeling buiineaa.
ol near
It will pay you to buy at Boobi
WeUler'a, WJ Front Hi , I'ort-
i 1
V i Judge and Commiaaloneri last
'uraay, awarded to Mead Broa.
wntract of moving 472U yarda
Mh on lh pArnt11 9tmA ait m.
1 t?.l,h,e 00n7 of 11380. ' The
'Or blllllara T T II'.'
(Ji Qmok A Beneael, $1646.
work to be performed conaiata
MioWng earth on the Cornell
w between the oounty line and
1 5 "ill. where a mile of rock
to be constructed thiiapring.
'od will be oonatruoted io
DiatHot No. 11, where ft 6
" tax waa voted laat winter for
Purpoae. The money voted by
dlitriot will place the rook on
'd, while the oounty will pay
"moving the dirt from cuts In-
"IU. The
J "to given to Wolf Broa. for
'u""g the rook, while T. P. Good-
" awarded the oontraot to
" the rock. Th rnA mU
f' .out a mile in length, and
'be firflt cU8. Macadam, and ia
-'main travelled road from
P"00m in P,iU J -J I
n been quite expeneive to
n.,T 0n mooum ol the
"nt of corduroy road required
P it in paiaable condition.
P v-ourt was aaUafled with the
J jooepted Monday for moving
, aUU oonaiaer a reaeon-
11 One
I', J. Krleger aud Caeper Jaaper,
' near erooori, were in the city
Have vou been at Iloehi A U'.i,
ier'a rebuilding tale yet, 24'J Front
m., rortianii. 4 7
Peter and Jobn Vanderianden,
01 near Hoy, were in the county
rat Monuay.
tall 00 or pbooe to iHtnnie fur
groceriea. A complete and uu to
. J I ) . t a .
uaie una aiwaya on band.
Uucla Tom Tucker, of Portland
la Io the city tbii week, vieiling hie
aaugoier, Mrs. u. U. Uardoer.
Two milk cowa, one freeb: and a
cbotoe yearling heifer tor aale. In
quire at the old foundry, two blocke
weit ol depot. K. K. Hiaa. G if
J. W. Iluibes, B Laughtin and
Cbia. O Roe, of Foreel Grove, were
in town Monday, to attend the re
publican committee meeting.
We carry too many artlclea to
enumerate, but we bave anything
tba firmer needa. The largest
stock ever abown in Washington
oounty, and can and will beat all
competitors. Scbuliuerioh Broa.
Ktder Beery and Mr. aod Mra.
Webb will give their illustrated
temperance lecture, with songs fully
illustrated, at Cornelius, in the M.
K. Cburcb, nxl Saturday evening,
May 2nd. This is a splendid en
tertainment and everybody ia in
vited to attend.
Io a fast and exciting game Bea-
varum 0ned the eneson Monday
by defeating the Olds, Wortraan A
King team 3 to 2. Hardy, of Bea
verton, was an enigma to the visit
ors, allowing but two hiia and
striking out of i men. Scbulii,
for the latter team, kept the bita
scattered and was splendidly sup
ported. Albers, of lies verton, won
the honors In battiog.
The building season is now at
U...I ...I . nn. xnnlamntalinit
UIUU, IUU m"J -v Pi
work in tbia line should call on the
Climax Milling uo. wnen nguring
on material. We bave a complete
stock aiwaya on hand. Both
phones. 3 tf
The Verboort and Banka base
ball oluba plaved at Uanka last
Sunday. Verboort won by a aoore
of 13 to 14. The feature of the
game waa the heavy batting ol the
'.......e lvrv at Van t 11111 sntl Hm
sacker, and Bernard composed the
Verboort battery, while Carstens
. ... I ' , . L - - .. , inm
and tiierman aiu me same aw iui
1 taam allanhml tfl a biff milk
n m
.nnn n. HrilAD hv 01. JOhnSOU.
of Shady Brook, got frightened and
ran uown Decoiw evr""!
afternoon. Johnson was on the
ground at the time, and the lines
. A lkM hnrm finftll? TUQ-
VKU1 Ul ajaw- y
ning theraselvee down, east of town
No great damage waa done, but the
road waa liberally atrewn with
milk cana for aome dietance.
The 23d annual atate Sunday
school convention waa ushered in
Monday night under tne moei fav
orable auapioea, and the Firat
n nhnrnh was crowd-
ad to the doors, though but com-
..a I I U nf HaIH.
paratively a rmau nuui
..ia. hal arrived. Leading Sunday
school workera aay that tbe oon-
a . A. a.M1 mnat
vention wm oe me uummu
protHable yet held In the elate,
u...:. . ,.n,i.rnil hv a mixed
ohoir of 40 voices, led by Professor
H. L. Batea.
The aohool board of Cornelius
has decided to build a $9000 brick
aohoolhoose in the near future.
Aooording to the plane which have
been deoided upon the edifice will
i .... mm aalt K IS A Delta
ba a two-awry Biruciur
mentand will have fouri reoiution
rooma. It wm 7- -
modem heatiug plant and the
111 iv ant nr.i isn w 1 L 11 as u iu
rooma wm ""''. v j k..
..niilation. Tbe board baa
obtained a piece 0 1 propartT near
the enoampmeui
new echoolhouae which when oom
pleted.willbetheDeBtintheooun. r i'.l. .v,.(nr nf modern oon-
3 . in.... am at nreaent
venienoee. - 7 r ,
182 ohildren in the distr ot and the
-school has three tehera. i
noara 01 r T..
Meesra. M. H- Henderson, Jamea
Morrieeyand C. W. Fitoa, ine
... ..intl removed to Dilley.
. -til be elected on
1 1 CO. FLANS Bid
NO. 7
lllPPTIVTn lit rilltnnnnn I 5
Williamette Valley Field for
flrcat Development
Large Fore of Mea put ea Pirtlsod
Bllltbsrs Breach
Eitensive construction projects
hivs been planned by the Oregon
Klectric Railway company and tbe
corporation's capital stock baa been
increased from I2.WX),000 to $10,
000,1)00 for the purpose of providing
funds to carry out theee plana
The company will build extensions
this year from Garden Home to
HilUhoro, IH miles, and from
Woodburn to Scatte Mills and WU
boit Springs, about 30 miles. Fol
lowing this, linea will be built
throughout the valley tapping Mc-
Minnville, Dallas, Corvallis, Eu
gene, Albany.Tillamook, Mill City,
ieinnon and Lascidia
"The- ritcimioui that ere tiUnned will
of rourw rriinrr uiiirh timr. We can
nut K' out ami huihl all thew linrt right
away, but will vu hrml with llirv i Una
rclion by arction," will Guy W. Tallot.
grnrral tuniiajfrr of the company
"We have liurtaurd thr capital stock
of the com puny to (, and laid
out the work iu the territory where it
ill he apeut. The firat work will be
the eitenaion from Garden Home to
llillilioro, which wat commenced Mon
The Tillamook line will probably be
the laat work undertaken, but we cinnot
v poaitivrlv aa tu that, ai plana may
change and the Tillamook work lake
iireetdrm-e over aome otheri. V e have
three surveys from Cortland toTillamcok
bay, and have made aurveys to all the
points in the valley where we con'
template ritrntions. Our engineers
bave been at work on various lines for
the lal vear or two."
It ia proponed to build a west side
trunk lint-, Iraviuir the present main line
at Tigardville and running through Mc-
aimiiville, Dallas, Lorvallis and utence
to Junction City, where this line will
join with a south line from Salem to Ku-
gene. Comlitious will urtermiue the
point w here this junction may be maae,
and it is possible that the connection may
I made at Corvallis.
Seventy-live Greek laborers were drop
ted off the Southtrn l'acific train at
rteedville, Monday morning, to begin tbe
work of grading on the line. A Urge
force is already at work at Gitrdt-n Home,
the raUrrn end of the branch. The Ore
gon Klectric means business. It has
larted in the right way to promote con
Being a firm believer In the principle
that our I'nited Stales Senators should
be e'ected by the direct vote of the peo-
ole. I bave accepted the aominstlon lor
state senator, tendered me by the State
ment No. 1 Mass Meeting. I ask, irre
spective of part, tbe support of all who
believe in popular government, and all
who believe that the people should elect
their pabllc cHicerl by Iheir balloti.
M. C. Case, nominee for county school
suerlnteuclent, received his education
at the Michigan Agricultural College at
Unsing, Michigan; and at the Michigan
State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich.
Uii first experience in teaching was as
nrlnciDal of one of the Ypsilanti city
schools, which position he held for is
years. In lHoa, Mr. Case resigned this
position sua came iu au. vre.,
here he taught continuously for anoth
er 1 J years in 1904, mr. iaae was elect
ed county school superintendent and
during this term of office has visited the
schools of the county esch year and per
formed the duties of tbe omce lallnlully
and well.
Mr. Case holds a State Life Diploma
and is qualified in every way to advance
the interests of the schools of Ibis Co.
Farm lor Sale
I wish to sell my farm, containing
152 acres, 110 acres under plow,
good house, barn and orchard, 04
milea south of Hillaboro, and one
mile west of Farmington. For fur
ther information, address,
Ji. Uurkhalter,
44.6m Hillaboro, Ore.
Toe cream at the Witoh Hazel
store every Saturday evening and
Sunday. M0
Miss Ida Stewart, who recently
completed a term of eohool above
Gaston, waB a gueav 01 nrs. rua.
Wann, the last of the wee. -
A. W. Pile, an old timer of Bea
a a- WW ftl I
verton, and J. frana Diroua, a
Beaverton real estate dealer, were
pleasant callers at the Argus offioe
A portion of the Roy plaoe near
Rrw. waa sold at Referee a sale on
Mnndav. bv Sheriff John Connell,
the successful and beet bidder being
A: J. Roy, Superintendent 01 me
fiountv Farm, wno ma fo.uuu
Several other maaere were present
fmm other narts of the oounty, one
of whom bid $4,000, followed by
Mr. Roy's bid of f 5.UUU. This ia
part of the old Roy farm, upon
hioh Jack Roy, the sucoeesful
bidder was reared.
Wm. Reiling, of near Roy, waa
in the city Monday.
John Myera, of Cedar Mill, waa
in town Monday.
J. H. Cornelius, of Cornelius, waa
io tbe city Friday.
C. Rehse, of Farmington, waa in
town Tuesday.
Fred Goelze, of beyond Bloom
ing, waa in the city Tuesday.
W. H. Webrung waa a McMinn
ville visitor last Saturday.
Geo. Robinson, of near Laurel,
was in town Tuesday.
A heavy frost fell Tuesday night,
but did no particular damage in
this vicinity, so far as reported.
Ice cream at the Witch Hazel
store every Saturday evening and
Sunday. 7-10
Thoa. Talbot, of Csrneliue, was
down, Tuesday, greeting bia coun
ty seat friends.
Born, to the wife of Thomas Tal
bot, of Cornelius, Oregon, April 27,
1908, a daughter.
Born, to tbe wife of W. A. Wren,
of near Reedville, April 25, 1008, a
Mra. Anna Thirkell, of Portland,
visited M. 8. Dailey and family,
ibis week.
Brie- Good in waa taken to tbe
St. Vincent's hospital, Portland,
Monday, for treatment.
Somebody poisoned a valuable
dog, Tueaday, belonging to Mr. I.
D. Chappelle, the race track man.
Box paper, latcet styles, best
quality, at right prices. See Hilla
boro Pharmacy. 2-tf
Earl E. Fisher, of Beaverton, is
teaching in the Hillaboro Public
School, vice Mrs. Hughes, resigned.
Miea Bessie Connell, daughter of
Wm. H. Connell, who has been
seriously ill with pneumonia, is re
ported much better.
Elder A. A. Beery will preach at
Farmington next Sunday morning,
and in this city in the evenine.
His evening subject will be "The
Campbellitee." Prayer meeting
Friday evening, at 8 o'clock.
Frank Weisenback, manager of
Ray's Witch Hazel Hop Farm, was
in town Tuesday. He saya the
Ray people are cultivating right
along, just as though hops were at
tbe top.
Strayed from my place, II miles
north ot Reedville, April 25tb, a
full blood Jersey bull, with chain
tie on neck, and copper ring in
noee. Notify Jaa. Borwick, Reed
ville, Ore. Paci6c States' phone.
Elmer Abbott has returned from
St. Martina Springs, much im-
E roved in health. Mr. Abbott was
ardly able to navigate before his
visit to the Springs, but is now able
to walk like a oolt.
Mrs. Miller, an old pioneer of
thia county, is lying seriously ill at
the residence of her son-in-law,
Jacob Raflety, near Mountaindale,
and but little hope is entertained
of ber recovery. She ia upwards
of 80 years of age.
Dr. Wood, County Health Officer,
was called to Dilley Monday night,
by the directors of the school at
that plaoe, to quarantine a oase of
scarlet fever. He closed the school
for one week, and ordered the
building fumigated.
Peter Johnson, of Verboort, met
with a serious accident last Friday,
in rather a peculiar manner, by ao
oidently falling upon a double-bitted
ax, which had been left imbed
ded in a block of wood, striking
with force upon the left hand, The
arm at the wrist was cut through
to the bone, severing some of the
tec dons and large arteries. Dr. F.
A. Bailey was summoned, and took
up the bleeding vessels, and stich-
up the wound, which required
ten stiches.
Last Sunday the Scholia club
won over the Farmington olub, by
a score of 8 to 4. It took 11 in
nings to deoide the game. Bettis
and Kirby formed the Scholia bat
tery, while Robinson, Cook and
Herb; Sohulmerich did tbe twirl
ing and catching for Farmington
In the 10th inning the score was 4
to 4, when Farminglon's catcher,
Herb. Sohulmerich was put out of
the game by a broken finger. In
the 11th inning, the Scholia boys
piled up four runs, and won the
R. P.-Bonham, U. 8 Immigrant
Inspeotor. with headquarters at As
toria, was in tbe oily Tuesday, and
called on the Arsus. Mr. Bonham
Is a son of the late Judge Jlanbam,
of Salem, and is compiling statis
tics in the line of his work. Mr,
Bonham says all aliens who are in
sane, publio oharges or criminals,
are deportable. He is making 1
tour of the state, visiting each conn
ty seat, and inspecting each county
farm. He found five foreign born
persons out of a total number of
ten oharges in this county, but all
were, or claimed to be, citizens of
this country. '
Nominates Legislative Ticket
for Wash. County
Csasty Ticket May 1 sa by Petitioo ef
About seventy persons met in Mass
Convention last Friday in this city,
when the following proceedings
were had:
Upon motion James H. Sewell
and Jobn M. Wall were elected
Chairman and Secretary respective
ly. t
Upon motion a committee on or
der of business was appointed aa
follows: W. H. Webrung, Chair
man, B. G. Leedy, E. Butte, Wm
Langley, South Forest Grove, J. C.
Miller, Columbia, Wm. Sohulmer
ich, South Tualatin.
After adjourning until a o'clock p. m.
committee reported in substance:
1. mat the temporary offices be made
2. That said Masa Convention resolve
as follows, to-wit:
'To the voters of Washington County
in Mass Meeting assembled
We, your committee on platform and
resolutions would beg leave to make the
following report;
hereas, heretofore the people of the
State of Oregon by a large majority at
the general election passed and adopted
what is known as the Primary Election
Law. Together with the Initiative and
Referendum and what is termed as State
ment No. 1. The said Statement pro
vides that candidates nominated for the
offices of State Senator and Representa
tives may obligate themselves to support
for U. S. Senator such party as shall re
ceive the largest popular vote for that
oince at the previous general election.
And whereas, said law has been tested
and found beneficial as the Senators
elected under and by virtue of said law
were duly seated m the U. S. Senate.
And whereas, we believe and maintain
that the U. S. Senator should be elected
by the direct vote of the people and that
Statement Xo. 1 of the Primary Law is
the most accessible manner of obtaining
this result under our present constitution.
And whereas, it is the sense of the vo
ters of Washington County in mass meet
ing assembled that any political party
that places in nomination candidates for
representatives unpledged to this State
ment is not representing the desire or
wellfare of the people
Therefore, be it resolved that the as
sembly be hailed, known and placed
upon the official ballot as the Indepen
dent Statement No. I Party. And the
nominees pledge their vote and support
for the people's choice for U. 8. Senator.
Committee W. H. Webrung, Chair
man; . AI. Robinson, Secretary." ,
x. That a delegate be elected to attend
the Mass Convention to be held at Mc-
Minnville on the 25th, to nominate a
joint Senator.
4. That the Mass Convention proceed
to nominate one Senator and three Representatives.
J. That a committee of three be ap
pointed to fill vacancies. Upon motion
said resolution was duly adopted.
W. H. Wehrung was selected to attend
the Mass Convention at McMinnville.
A. N. Cutting, of East Butte, Republi
can, was nominated for Senator. For
Representatives; Wm. Schuhnerich, of
South Tualatin, Democrat, John Chap
man, West Cedar, Republican, N. I.
Burnett, Banks, Democrat.
The appointment of a committee to fill
vacancies were as follows: John M.
Wall, H. H. Clark and B. G. Leedy.
Delegates to State Dem. Convention
were elected ,as follows: John M. Wall,
W. H. Wehrung, C. A. Miller, David
O'Donnell, C. E. Hedge, B. G. Leedy
and John Abbott.
ee Our Full Assortment
At the last meeting of Hillsboro
Grange No. 73, P. ot H. the follow
ing initiative and referendum ques
tions to be voted upon at the June
election, were discussed.
For an amendment of Sec. 29,
Art. 4 of the constitution, changing
the compensation of members of
the legislature from three to ten
dollars per day, the Grange voted
For amendment of Sec 3, Art.
19 of the constitution, to permit
the location of State institutions
elsewhere than at the seat of gov
ernment, the Grange voted "yee."
Ao act to appropriate 925000 an
nually for four years, to be used in
purchasing grounds and building
armories for the Ore. Nat'l. Guard,
waa opposed by the Grange.
For equal eufferage constitutional
amendment permitting women to
vote on equal terms with men, the
Grange voted "yes."
At an open meeting Saturday af
ternoon,' May 9 th, from 2 to c
o'clock, the publio is invited to die
cuss the remaining referendum and
initiative questions now before the
M. H. Henderson, of Cornelius,
was a oounty seat visitor the last
of the week.
Dr. A. B. Bailey, who was laid
up for a few days with soiatio rneu
matism, has recovered. '
For food lumber and shingles,
and right prices, see F. W. Gard
ner, at the Hillsboro Lumber Co.'s
mill, foot of Third street. 7-18
Thw Very Best Stationery
Is the cheapest as well as the most satis
torytouse. If you do not know this
from experience you can find it ont by
Getting Your Stationery Here
No matter whether yon use little or much
you'll find your correspondence and ac
counting easier to handle if we sttpply
the stationery. We solicit a trial order
and confidently expect it will result in
your becoming a regular customer here
after. There Are Season. Sore.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
First Annual Statement of the
Forest Grove National Bank
at the Dose of Business, March 3, 1908
Resources. Liabilities.
Loans A discounts,...! 99,2796 Capital Stock $25,000.00
U. S. bonds & pre- n- , ..
miums 26,265.63 Circulation 25.000.00
Other Bonds 5,000.00 Undivided profits 1 542.69 '
FuriiSre&FuVures- 'JJSS DEPSITS - 26'177'81 '
Dne from U. 8. Trea- g
sury 41,250.00 r
Due from banks 0
71.M0.5a t
Cash on Hand -
39,215.67 D
$111,606.19 Wn
$257,720.50 1257,720.50
Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier. .
Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice ' '
Pres.; J. A. Thoruburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, .... Oregon
Wool and Mohair
We have always paid the
Highest Marhet Price for
Wool and Mohair. Don't
Forget to bring your clip
to us, and, hy so Doing,
get the top of the Market!
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
We bave just received scar of
Bain wagons from the factory.
Will sell at Portland prices.
Bchulmerioh Bros. 61-tf
Smokers like tbe Schiller and the
Exoelleocia. These cigars are of
the best stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
May 4.