i Jnl!LLSBR HILLSBORO, OREGON. APRIL 23, 1908 NO. 0 VOL- ft, KKDUfX VALUES tf mm It CT. As5ew,r Wilcox Say l'copl Opimw. HIRH Valuation iMSSMlrFUK 1008 TOIHllHH Will be lltwe ll,U,UMU Ail ., The ()rK)u Klm'lrin Coinuany ii inking lml fur lifH, nilrn Kid bridge tiui!)cr, to l delivred .1....- iv. ii t ii i Ailing Will IIIIQ Ul WW HUIVCJ UUItl j Uardnu Home to Uillnboro, alito fori the construction, no it it reported, j of a sub-station, at thin place. ; 1 Do tijnjri oi lite nuisboroi l.uiulmr Co have burn invite 1 to bill on ikjIm ttnl tine, and similar ! notice- U brn tent to other j FINISHED COST-GRADUATE COUKSE urtiia in tin couiity. hviiltmlly iti IS ilia tiiiviiuuit in r.iiKwii: vu. la begin the work of construction mmmilately. U'i il.aar mi, utruV frfitu th. wholesale houf, aa we want thorn, thtreby making them carry the lock not ue In doing so, we do nut nuke Mr, Karuir uav ut in- . . .. . L. I-..I-.- I - Mtrrn uu nui'i laying in uur bvuiq iwilma weir i it i mr mimi niMtnnn SAUK HUM bUKUrfi Talented Young Pianist Re turned Home Last Week Hit Been Otltrtd Good Buaietas la-liKtnentt Mien Wilma Waggoner, of this city, rutnrn.rl from a tun months BtBV io Herlin, Germany, where she went ItHt June to tke pout-graduate ,rril on alock laying in our store, '"l - r... .1. .......iV,. . .... M,.k mm ftnnraa in InatriimMntal mUBIC IUI fl 44' II . "I ' . , , TTlll'IJ v wVM "v - "'"" " II I ....... .1. ... I.,,,.V.I In ! . !. ! . - .. WUUIU I1ATO Vl U'l II no liwugil, III carload loU. Nrleon Hardware Company. 4tf Her Beveral little towns are apring- Ing up in thin county, and others will follow whfn the electric line cornea. IMwtmti lieavertun end Kendville. the little town of I'aea- dona, on the Hhaw Kt-ar tract. nrinr.inal induction wae received i 1 from Herr Jonae, oneof the leading inHlructora of Germany, whoee tui tion fee ie 1 10 per hour. Having Gniebed ber course, Mi Waggener rnrMVAii crHilHiititla which will Ij6 honored anywhere in Ibe world i Befo-e leaving for Kurope this tal- ISS WII.MA WAOOKNKR. IIILLMIOKO u ilcm orotMitei to out thi I ....Uvlueeol Waablngtoo coun "" . i i '.. a... I'M H 23 mi oenv. rt(,wii- . it.. 11K)7 aaawwrnent, the ae JLu. nrouerty of Waablnglon wttDiy was iWttfl. "bich at l,Tyi prmluced a revenue oi ioj, ,, ' tk !' ir cent, reduction ..U nlvea total of about $11, m rail nd at th 1W)7 rate, would -...'.i,-'. mllUie levy of frotn 13 lo U mill, to raiiw earue amount of .. wae ralwl on the w i WK.n iimn rrirardtof inniii ii " -" , Ibe propoe-d reduction of yaluee, u. vi,i,v,( made ibe following itatrniMt of bit reaaona for the .1 rut: -The ieoil re f ' . ;.rt.l vilh and (Jo dot in i0tH the valuation! for ly"'." Hpertenre bae taugbl me inai d.k T... ....... ,i ,.i klwave brint a eorwp .nding low rate of laiation md 1 ptopoee to elio the pwpleof ini.. muni hv an ol i'ft Uen, which evidently they dier, .l.i ik.. atir. eo I riwiHinKii'iv Ult " fm hiah valuation, ia not rtiin i.. . kitth rale of tatalbn piuiv dually, ll bae Wen the eiperieure ofouunttMi, ltil io niuiu lDinally fallow! a high valuation. Bui, aetbeiulebaafatlrd to work ool In luU county, I am forwl, by popular drmaml lo wake a reduO' lioo in all valoee" MR. HANCOCK-a THANK3 Tatbe Teople: It le gratifying to me, naturally, to be choetn br lb voter o! my party ae the Hepubli can candidate for be nfT of V eh Throuah ibe me diuru of tbe cour.ty ppre I deir .a . . i. a .11 0 lo elprwl my inanaa v. frlende until euch lime aa I can meet Ibera raonaUy hicb 1 bojie .III I.. mm ..l..nnri ver iO)D, I have already commenced u ao- . . . A HilUboro young lady wae lo I ., .Uriion aud In- Bevoral uew boaaee pave K0"" uf ' . . .K, Pnnrvatorv of Mu- Uod to vlait every eectlon .od I and other. J' 0"- T, at Pacific Univereity, at Forest Lamlel in me coumj n n n..lnw nf Portland, wai V. V. fc. W . . W , F I l : I in town nonaay, on dubiuvb. L. Geiaer. of Cornelius, wan in town frlday. John Graham, of Scholia, ipent In .1 . t . .... t riaay in ioe couuij Geo. Hatborn, of Laurel, called on the Argue, daturday. J. J. Meacbam, of Mounta'mdale, waa to town lueeaey. W. H. Morton and wife were Portland visitors Sunday. B. Royer, of Albion, was in town last Friday, and called. C. L. Benefiel, of Bantu, waa an Argue caller, 8atarday. ArtVitiF Knox, of Gaaton. waa in town Saturday, and called. T.. DnViK tit noar Tenter ville. was in town Saturday, and called on the Argue. Henry and John Carstena, of Banks, were in the city last Bator- day. n n it niiilllinni I V liUJf. lUAllDtliLAM See Our Full Assortment Te Ml wtnti in Knv all Rrtflhl I Tf lift ,mJ " " ' A Wetiler'a, 249 Front 8t, Port land. 4-T d'. 'A TaleaUd l'l'"ste Rw,enlly Ketiirm-d from hurope tne urpRoii - , . WmeVrrally man, bun- the embryo I... 0 UjJ J dred. of gentlemen I waa unable lo existence ia due to the . wg jure ij meet befL the primary eleclion firm. Roy .to be north of m, w Thec.nvaea l'r tbe nomination ginning to grow, d "JJ, ' wa. entirely devoid of pereon.litie. velop into quite a nice little village, rwi ...!. inl tares the ahrie- . , , .iit. vou must valty contest la coooerned no just bousM wilrj , reputation C4uee eilita for any of the "lore- J lfc fonowiDa makes of new" eometimee manlfeet after ao "V j j CrM plows and har aleoUon. Both mj opponenta re V . Keel, Mlimable aenUemen nd their bus- . an, mechanical . . II. h.. VUt.v. t . MUAR. . . i i n nr near viidcu- "i'tecU which, in U I , .rnind called last oi poitucai campaigne. f0u.-. - hil)lle( a n ce ooi- my election. Taera wer thrfecon- Saturday, wd exhu.iie tMlants and only one could be lection of om lime choeen. W. m .11 RoP"0'"1 hlh ihtawunty. He oUims and I amaaeured that Wh Mr to t ime t U count , Buchanan and Mr. ivuram w-" , the county, wbicn now extend to ma thaiatneatauncb arrow head lJ6 000 y'ln lhe support In my oandidaoy thi , 1 be fou d J JJU 0 doubt would have extended had either forks ol t"e; 6 ,n Indian bwn selected. Both gentlemen de; had been i placed Dy j. .irm and mnv moons ago. loyal frlenda whom I frill V We carry too many tttic lea . to to number with my own. If for w mn 'but we have -nytWng other reason than that lam the JJ nMj8 The largest camiidate of their party. 'ck ever shown l . Waehton io. me paopie oi noUnty, ana cn - county I reoTw my pledge that n;eyttorB.-Schulmerich Bros, will, if chosen Sheriff at tbe general i . died eleo lon, extend every courtesy Edward an old pmn . compaUcla with tha proper die- at totonjj. charge of the dutirt.to be as eoon- April lM.att JJd Mm, l0 omical aa In tha conduct of my He was born in Obi ana nrivate huslnaaa and to ao Oregon many jr" --- , ibatat thaoloaaof tha term of o f UW " oTHolbwok Hn nn main in offioUl act that'would cause bim lodge of Masons, oi -.o regret in havlog voted for my elec The fuoera i a u ,clock tion. BesDeolfully.. . Wednesday morning in He n. . n Hanooci. f,ftm the cnuru.. n 1 . . . inn. leaves uim Grove, having graduated from tbat institu'ton Moce ner i" " n u;.a Waeuener has bad UCUH 4..w " "DO - several good bueineee offera from dnllMrea on this coast, but as yet . l. . i ninoeit an eneasement. . n.l! .U ...ui.a1 After leaving neruu, u . Dreeden ana omer puiuio est in Germany, not forgetting to i .i . i v.. ha.ntilnl Rhine, and eau uowu iu , j ,i view with interest lie oiu i niiia. and trrana Bcen- anu umiui wwD, p . . . . ! : . J n . anH ery. Bne aieo vmwu tbe prominent pom oi uir..v tereat, within and surrounding it. ai.. u7....n niiiveil tha ocean trln to tha United Statea, and like ..il.. hn leavaOr- au voiuu'bij Vkmiu was triad to return to evergreen state, which she avere ia the grandest ot them all, In point r Wniv. and from every .i .nno'.n.Kl. alandnoint. It OlDi vu'";v i Ml is hoped that ntusDoni puonio uavo iuo i)ivrdmi , musical reciiai whu our n-v.-girl in the leading role. - leave" Dale Sigler, a Hlll.boro bov left u m and for tha Bremerton navy yard 8uj- ,(, od8 byM 1 dav night, to report on board of the fot ye r. Wa buy in em ii:i..4oi.. k..iiaa.Mn Nebraska, .nd do not maae yv HcTan. uwni ?-" '-st on good. ..yn i- .1 ...1 .1.1 . n ior service ae wibvh ,, serve in tha navy for 4 years, je . .A h Bert North- irounJ for a ,ear.-i ware Co. rup, formerly of near Glencoe njw ,u by Arthur Big- a firat-olaaa electrician on the Ne- i orifti-dlan ol the estate of braska Mr Northrup baa been n.ml, minor, against Rosa visiting hla brother near Glencoe JohnM e . , visiting bia brother near Glencoe t will resume i big battleship A UU UU1IUIHB " band, and anv one COnteCQ work in thie una snoum "- ,- sun. rr . ,ne iower ena Cllma Milling Co. when figuring IuiiBns, and 1 live in j.. ur. k.ai a complete I , tum nnuntV. BARRETT MAJORITY, Ul Hon. W. N. Barrett, of this coun ty, emerges from the joint SBnator contest for the primary nomina tion with a majority of 247, over both opponents, in the four coun i x T!h Anl m aim ties WAsmngion, uw.u, ana-i 'I'liiannnnaT. nia uiuiauivj Dill pUU t4vv a over Hammerly ia 758, and over aT-i. I9fii Karreiia roiai iioi.u, ----- w . 1Q IUQ UlDwaaww ----- inaton county, hia home county, . .AAA ... 2. U f.A rolled up io votee iu u Brice, the U year old son of Judge Goodin, who has been ill with pleuro-pneumonia, lor the . a I. .lilt hAdtaat.and nasi lour wot"i - , r i . tn k. f.lrAn tn Portland may ut "u --- . for an operation, tue uiwu... . a. .1L..I..B tn tha BIiIa Ii 1a hoped, however, that this will not 1 ' 1 4k. t !ll aa. be necessary, aim oover. . i ... lit UillaKnrn MaBODB ADOUV iti u. - went to Portland Monday evening to attend a meeting of Willamette i .nit a a A. F. & A. M , and to sea tha famous Bilver - trowel Bent by a Philadelphia lodge on hb jouriwj nr. air. Mr orinruu ' --r -r i . minor. b.kbi iu.:i.j. .v, nrii ; wu KU hrother near Glencoe, Joh . - " " duft" the minor, " ' T h.naaet was thablBWle.hlp.tBrameiton. - M awho at its cone slon, gjn ril over tha atate. I was eBtimatea mai o.uw tbe boy fl Monday, who a. ;-....,, Tha building iSJiJ ?av verdict JjjM- of th nana, ana any u v. , T. - ik w Wi. h to the buh are work In thia Una ehould oalt on he ,uU The part lea o ine Climax Milling wu" na.u.,---on material. Wa bava cw-gjj of the county. .i .i..T. on hand. Bom, ta . n . A.am anal mnHeni. roro " Beaverton also sent delegation. J. P. Wagner, of Forest Grove, aaJoJhej!itO""a,l; a .j;r,. tn .(.(a atatletica.it IlVAAJIuatiK v " -cost 139,180 M to run Washington county aunng ne yer u. IlRfO JUU ler's rebuUding sale yet, 249 Front . wv . U V St., roruana. Fred Wallers, of West Union, was io town Saturday, and called ... on tne &rgus. nhnna tn Dennis for groceriea. A complete and up to dale line aiwaye on nauu. f. I If.. Tlinl RilvAll. rf Bir. IUU Bin. au. . Portland, were guesU o! relatives Sunday. o . ... n iln nnklin with trood k a. ..v t rannahle rates Both phones. H. D.Scbmeltier. 3 6 Pkiiir. Pamlilt of near Pbillipe, wa in town Monday morning, a . ... a tm.l.-n.Am greeting nis couniy eeav u.euu. v.a u..a. nf ftnnih Tualatin. rrru uw, v. ww- was a county seat visitor Saturday .a a . 1 a .. and cauea on me Argus. it t vinrii.it nf n.r Cedar Mill, attended tbe horse ehow last Saturday, and made the Argue a pleaaant call. JTwo milk oowa, one freeb; and a ..ri;na K.ifnr tor Bale. In- Ik. nM Innndrv. two DlOCKB -.t ni n.nnt .R F. Sias. 6 tf Tf VOW VI MVf" - Senator Geo. Wright, of McMinn Hillfihoro Sun VUIO, VAIUO iuiv. - day morning, and stopped long enough to shake hands with friends at the depot Harold Merryman, of Portland, spent several days with relatives : or.u.kt.n thia week. He IB a student at tha SUte University at Euaena. Cabbage plante, tomato plants, celery, cauliflower and asparagus ... .V.n.i a. AAn.V roots at me new areouuuuoo, v.. 7th Ae Fir. Ind. Phone 323. Mrs. AonAa Camnbell. . the full official iun '"R"" r , , t at., .mint tn thia issue. VOIO Ut UO wwu.-j .- . which those who are interested, would do well to cut out and pre serve for luiure reiereuuc. at., n TT Diniann. who has been 'apending tha winter near Riveraide, Cal., arrived Tuesday .:.i.i iait with her brother, . . . . L. A. Long, one is euruuw home in Miaaouia, mon.au. im.. n... nf Portland, were defeated by the Sherwood White a., .t ak.rainnd. last Sunday, by ... ml 1 . . n..t At a score oiitoi. ne h v. tha game waa played in the ram. fAnce than all our oompaUtora combined, ine , ;, . t . Ik. l.roAat reason ib ma we ubyo u- i stock and can aen me ouob-h-- Sohulmerlch Broa. ol-U ...k it. White, aired 52 vearB, died at her'home In Patton Valley, a j HAAWMtntt Anrit l ounuaj uiviuiti r-" . , l. .. k.n in MiBBouri and QUO W w. cama to Oregon when younn. The funeral waa couuuuwu lj from the Scotch Church at 2 P. M. She leavea a husoana. r. amith a manhinist of Port- tut-. uml - . t. j u ;h hia nartner. was out here laBt winter euiug uF -aa a noaaible location for a big ma laat Satur- dav. He told partiea that he was i. . i . k a., and still anxious w ioow felt that tne nrm wouiu uw ." arrange matters to. that end. r D..J.P .a vnn lookina for price or quality. With ua quality f. nat nrioe aeoond. Uual- " "15. i ;. .ft-. ity will remain a wuB " . .4 It. ..Ia. NAl. vou have lorgoiwa uo niw.-4 mr-m a"! AfF eon Haraware vu. mi T.. m vnaiai 4 at Af thia onnntv ine icuiuviaB - - 7 . . . mtit tvinvantion nave sbw " "T " V .k. to be oalled at tuiunoro " n..k.naa An H TIllA V. JlDtll -VI, for the purpose of nominating a ior F f, , . W.ahtnotnn Legisanye "--, Couniy na win duivi r-- mary law ana dh.wuwu v. ?. . 1 .! . k.l1 Wl. At tne primary eiwuuu . .. . T...lln nan. day there were no uuiuvia v. dldatea for .ny otnoea. Grand Parade of Fine Thor ough-Bred Horses FOUR THOUSAND PEOPLE PRESENT Gauroor liakta Bappy Addrtaa 1b the Coart Yard Tha hnraa narade here last Satur day was a renewal of a feature tbat years ago was a prominent factor in Washington County's industrial lif Washington Hountv has fur- ItlVI ' aj- j . . A 0 . nisbed more large dratl horses ior tbe Pacific Northwest than any other in the stale, and the Percher- nn atrain had heen hiahlv developed, iniArminpled with Clvdes and Shires. The day was preceded by a severe storm ana me morning nnnfd threateninz. eo tbat tbe ex hibit waa from 15 to 20 horses less than was expected Fully 4000 thn Riirronnd- ymjfv vemiw ..wa iog section and the weather during al. a rla. Wafa lOlkl - Governor Chamberlain was the auest of the horse association, ana t .. . .. ii . .k. jii... ma annrMW ill liib ubti ueiiicicu " - He waa met at the 8:15 train from A C 'A an I -L. Of roliber goals of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are always to be foundatthe HILLSBORO PHARM AC . Any article that is made of rubber, and intended for home use is in our well assorted stoclt. Always remember that rubber goods are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them you must depend more or less upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub ber goods only from a dealer who has a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro Pharmacy i i tmWaWAWaWaWaWaWaWAWaWaWaW first Annual Statement of the Forest Grove National Bank at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908 Liabilities. Resources. Loacs & discountsf 99.79 f 6 U. S. bonds & pre miums -. 26,165. 63 Other Bonds - 5,000.00 Real Estate ..- 12,094- Furniture & Fixtures 3,474 4 Dne from U. 8. Trea sury $1,250.00 Due from banks 71.140.5 Cash on Hand - . 39,215.67 Portland by L. A. Long. Sheriff Connell and James H. Seweu, a prominent ranchman, and taken two miles in the country to the big a." 11 .. rk Hhinh nomnrises 700 OOWBll I4UVU, " w.w - r----- .. .Waid old-fashioned ranch hr-akfaat was served. From there ik. travarond the North TUB .UD uai j " ' . . , latin Plains, visiting the historic Joe Meek homestead, now owned by Sberifl uonneu: passing uu uu ntehin. nioneer UBAW1UU Ul AuvuiiiB r " of 1841, and J. S. Griffio, pioneer missionary of 1839. The section covered is one of the most beauti ful and productive 01 me county 1 .k i.na Thnnitv was reached UQUVU IBUMDl J . at 11 o'clock and the committee then introduced the Governor to hundreds of farmers ana wwnsmeu. tha horns narade Governor Chamberlain waa introduced by af.v M.nnia ine uoveruui U.TVl 4wm spoke for three quarters of an hour from the bandstand in the Court House plaza, and tola now ne uu watched me wonaenm u"'uk ment of Washington County's u .i..ini and dairv herds. He said that in eight years, owing to 4k..t.ki;ahmant nf the condensers, luow.-"-- , this county had jumpea irom e.Bm,u nl.M in fiairv DrO- Suction . He reviewed the progress of the Btate, and said that Oregon J wAMilATTU I I in 11 rwB 1U DBU laUliUD wuuwvii- r"-o the past ten years, notwithstanding the fact that the Southern Pacific th had heen BDendine .... r.KV..i. anrl millions to promote wiumu.. .u. the Northern and Great Northern u.j Waahinston a like bene- uau a1,v" ' " , . 4 k. fi while Oregon was left to her ...1. mnttn and. indeed. Bhe bad BIBIO 44.U.W, 1 ; flown with her own wings. elated that Oregon was first in iouralism, metropolitan and coun- i .k. TTlt.l Statna and that the state's citixenry was comprised of the principals and descendants . .1 . .Li 4 nat .vinit and am - OI bUO U400, - L-.! t tv... Vuot His address was well received, ana ai tne utv he was warmly congrauiwu btB hearers. , 0:1 rv.na and flam Moon do rmer im to - : , 1 ..'.1 mantinn for their part servo Brovin4 , ;. , in making a success of tbe horse show. . . Farm lor Sale 1 1. 1- ..11 m (arm. oontainina 1 W1BU tiO J . , - . ,n tin anvaa under DlOW. 102 acroo, w . " r j i.n k.i and nrcbara. B .. .1 .1 TT-.u-knw. anil nn miles soum 01 u'"i m 1 lin Vtt. mile west or armingtou. i' ther information, address, . . Hi. iuraumjr, 44.6m Hillsboro, Ore. nv..a p Miller, of Forest Grove, VIUCWD " ' " was in the city, isaiuroay. n( Tdahn. Is the sueet of her 'daughter, Mrs. H. Bagley. Ul,6o6.19 $257,720.50 Capital Stock $25,000x0 Circulation a5.000.co Undivided profits I 54i 69 DEPOSITS - 208,177.81 B r o t D 1257,720.50 Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E.Bailey Vice , t i Tksrak. rash er: Thos. G. Todd: J. W. Fuaua. ricii, . iuwiM f,.-i . Forest Grove, Oregon 1 BAILEY'S STORE BUYS Wool and Mohair "We have always paid the Highest Marhet Price for Wool and Mohair. Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so Doing, get the top of the Marhet! J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove THF fiTLTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carrv a complete line ot nne suncmes. Tf wp rlr. not have what vou want in stock, we will '. ... . . r. . cheertuiiy get n ior you. Vippti annomteu A4C4 . '"J, " ww chore' gorpnts. we are nnm nrpnared to SUTJOlv all mw" r i 4 4 J -4.1.-. CTirul your warns m wvw Book line. W olen have a full line IT V of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. I School Books win be sold for i Cash Only. Positively no ueoiu We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory, i Will sell at Portland prices. I Schulmerieh Broa. 61-tf smnlrarB like the Sohiller and ths Bxcellenda. Theae cigara are of the beat Btock. Yon can't fool an authority on ft good elst. I:' r s 1