HILLSBeRO MO i . f VOL. XV. iixoiiTOATira m ; . . . : : NO. 5 Awure Committee of 1 1 in Attendance iKklfAKT CAVI MA ALL KKAUV (mint Bars V1 ! '' ' tossir I Premised fcrtury Kil'7 Cave lit every thiol lo rradiwwa ls unr few wblrh I scheduled for Hatur- ). inn 1 1H. Tin committM in pmiraro, consisting of Mayor len lit, Ham Moon, Janus II. Fnwell, W. J ilulnxr ami I. A. Long have (Wtivnl ilirnrt atireric from (iov. CbtmbtrUin that ha will b in at loJoc ami remain the entire dij, and h will deliver an a.ldre M "Oregon's TroefuM." There U lo bt no "iiulitice" in the vUtt ami ttt dJ i to I41 ivotd la an rt libit of ll biHil horse in the it Tbttown bti been given a gimtl old-fashioned Kaalr cleanup, ami l big crowd 1 rxp'rtnil. A rlur day it the tly alter lbs trimary Ibll "ill bttl to swell the attend ee. PHIMAHY BALLOT Fallowing It a lint of thacandidate fgf Domination Ufor the ri m r I, tblcb occur tomorrow, Tim iidim n glrr-n aa tbey txrur on Ibiouicial ballot: Fur United Hlele Henatnr. it. X. Cake and C. W. Fulton; Cn grwiuin, W, C. Hawlsy; Justice of lb Huiirewe Court, H H. Mean; Dairy ami Kix'd ComuiUsioner, J W Biy, Ali. Keid; Ilailron) Commiwlonfr, T, K Campbell, W. A. CarUr and K. KoUrlson; Prose cnling Ally Fifth Judicial District, X. it. Tongue; Htate rWalor, Ttmtjr Kourlh Hanatorlal PUtrici, W. N. lUrrell. C. C. Ilammerly iod Oak Nolan; Senator for Wash iotoQ county, Karl Fisher, K W HaloM and Dr. V I). Wood; Itep rtMntativva, II. II. (jrr, Ch Hine. (I. W. Kelly. Wm. Mc Millan. 8. A. I. Meek, Wilbur K HmmII. T. B. Perkins; HIieritT, C B. Buchanan, (lo. C. Hancock and J.C. Kuratli; Clark, J. W. Ilailry, E J. (iodman and W. I). Smith; Recorder, Willi Ireland; Treasurer, W. M. jackeon ,nd II. G. King; 8orvyor, J. C. Walker; Ar.or, Mil Crandall, C. K. Pelchruan and Oao. H. Wilcoa; Coroner, K. C Bruan; County Cornmiaaioiipr, John McClaian and A. II. Todd; Janice of tbo Peaca HilUboro I're eiocl,(J. w. Itarnraand (5h. M. HonU-r; County Cantral Commit twnun, North HilUboro, John Connell . d Kd Shute; South HillMniro, Ilenton Bowman. NOTICE I hereby notify all parties not to t"t Claud Meeka in any deal, hatever, on my account, aa I will not be rwponiible for any debta be njr contract, from date of thin itiue. Hherwood, Or., April 3 1.K. 8 P. T. Meeka. CIRCUIT COURT State of Orcein vt KJ Wenn and Ztcli '"; jury rendered vtritlct not guiliy. Jl"y: C Kuwmler, A B Divin, 1. Hr '. C fk tilmller, J McKoberte, C hlia r. 8 Pi,lry, K () Amlcker, J J MeacU "'.II l Matte ton, A C Hill and I'mit Veck, Application of Cbrlntlan llrat to liave Kitered title to land; drcree. Woodmin Jul II Hecka; decree. "K'ejr Tt Schiller; diamiaaed. N' hiller v hchllTer; decree. Htite of OreKon v I A llukrr; con 'ed fir the term. t State of Oregon v W V Wiley; dia miaaed on motion of Dial Atty. Trial jury (Uncharged for the term. Male o( Oregon v A Hoerth. eututury "'K; continued for the term. Farm lor Sal I winb to aell my farm, containing 162 acres, 110 acres under plow, Rood bouse, barn and orohard, Hi miles Bouth of Hillsboro, and one nile west of Farmington. For fur ther information, addreeB, K. Burkbalter, 4l-rm Hillsboro, Ore. ;an supply the publio with Rood nk,fir ami h t raannhlfl rates Bi'th phones. U. D.Bohmeltzer. 3 C Wesley Paine, of near Qlencoe, a ell. known horseman, was In the n Id 1' 1- I I . "j lucHuay, on Duainesa couneui d with the horse show. Call oo or phone to Deunia for groceries. A oomplete and up to uie line always on band. John McHamue. of Buxton, re cently bought five acres near (be northwest limits of town, and will ""after be a resident of this city. IIm liiHird nf Trade iHlitionofth! K.rr.t (Wove Newa. whirl, j imd a a atipplniiiKtit to tlitt pMir ia on our table. It i, ,lMt 12 pg atl.tr printed on bnavy book par, ami Ih tirofuailv illui.tr. i., I taining virwN . U,e (irove.' and picture i,f I la prniuiiiitnt bunim-na nn. in Ina iiinKninei, brotl Imr Wooil eihihita a frttKrnal H.irit. by ptibliahing a abort kK-b of tli Im nawMpapi-r men of the county, in cluding half tonn picture nf the' editor. leaving out the fraternal future, which ought to U appre-, dated by thnpreeaof theciunly.i wie eiiiiioit la a credit to ny paper. lo the) Mate, and will do much in 'U'intondent A. P. Btover of the advertiae the rourwa of our lister Agricultural Dr-partment, who has charge of the experiments in sum in order net ijuality, you rnuHt mer irri(ia'ion in the Willamette buy from hour-, with . reputation valley, will noon be in this city, for We carrr the fo owing make of , ,. .H,d. J plow and bar fur,. or personally oversee- row, Oliver chilled plow. Keen '"K 'no exppriinenta which are to t'mter cutlery ami mechanical be made in the above line on the ton), Bridge A Beach tet range, liagley farm near Hilli-bnro, this numn uverwre, Maver and llee IlliB uuggie, ftlllClieli aplllig gon wild farm wagon. Ne Hardware Co. wa- Ison tf W. U. Hairi. the county fruit itiMHClor. baa reciived the folio ing mder: "AtKina lilo-aoum fall you will mart in at Baverton ami either pray nr cut down every frMit tree one luif mile on each aide of the railroad track that in not sprayed. He rure that every man ha rei-eived a notice lf ire you cut or r-pray hi tree. rrmn the almve order it can be feen that the old orchard mut le altendetl to, and at once. All that are inlert- ed should govern theineelve ac- rordinolv ami save lh eifienn of having ome one elee pry the tree or have Ihetn cut down For- eel (irove Time. i I am now t.renared to show vou ; the new and correct spring and itiinuier style in tailor-made suits, skirt and silk whirl waist suits,1 matin to your special order frmn'.t your own selection of material and trimming; also a full line of a standard line of underskirt ami .... . r corset, and will l glad to tiring my guotl lo your hou upon re-j jtiest. IndeMndent phone, j Mr. M. K Caudle. 1-12 I The S. P. wilt sell return trip to' Han Francisco, from Portland, May ; 2 and 4, account the ll-et celebra- i lion, with yj day limit, for I2.ri,! naying 1 far to Portland. On Mayi... .,., haa reived fi VB list- M on and one-third fare C-aston to Beaverlon inc., to attend Norn & Howe's show at Forel (irove. Ibis rate also applies to the State Sun- Nr School convention wnicn meets a rt-ri.ti-wil at Forest (.irove, April i 1 1 . W'a draw our stock from the! wholesale houses, a we want them. ! thereby making them carry the stock not tin. In doing bo, we do tint make Mr. Farmer pay us in terest on stock laying in our store for six months or a year, which we wotiM have to do if we bought in carload lots. Nelson Hardware Company. 4-tf The Indies of UFranre Circle, Women of Woodcraft, will give a dance nnd cn.c en su - u.u-, , !LT .darb' Ml whuVh I lima lnvt.lv ouilt will be rallied Kvervbodv invited, and a gooil , .i.iiu,! Ticket, inc Tickets, including . ,., r. if nipper, ft in). " " ' 1 f. If!. Palmer, of Blake, MoPall v ' , t, , 1 t. aiaiiiiner of 1 orliand, was : 1- .1.. i.ii tin, lav. and called. 111 luot.it -;i (ieo Koslur, of above Buxton, was in town Monday. t)08 PRIMARY REGISTRATION i'recillCtS llfp I cui Pro Soc Pop Ind Noil No. HeavVidauL;;"" !..""!. ...!?. ....1 Heaverton Lw J J ,..,4 .'. mi...... !..;..! fornelius 1 '73 J ,J5 ..J. .. , Colunil.iu ; W J Dank & i.iiicy ;..,,,.d.....,....4 " i;ast unite I!....!--" ICst Cedar ! 95 , !...! ?. .J. ..'. ' (ialca Creek S J j? ..?.. oastoi. J!Jt..J '. .1 Mountniii )'ii .'. North Hillsboro.... 197 ,,,5 . No. Potest Crow.. 153 4 jo 9 .m Reedville ..'.:.!...!.?....,?... ' South IIillsboro.... 344 J7 M9 J ,.? 3 . W Ho. Potest (irove... J.o 45 JS ?.6 ..J South TuuUlio...... 94 Ji .. ..J ,.. ....?. .....! Washii.Kt"' ..,.!.0...!.....,....,. Went Butte ' 3 J , J ..J. . Wes't Cedar... "i"4 313 - Ll TotHl................" 53 607 ?9 37 7 44 8 35 KOVEKNMKNT 10 TKY SlISIIR IKKIGATION Oil the Hanlcy Farm Near IIillboro Thif Vcar IKKIGATION IM'EKT TO LEVEL LA.VD Hi Irrigation Sditme it Connideration now Under siimmt r. Tilt- llaj;!t y have rontiiliUtrd eighteen bi ris if loir litinl at tin- ))ollt y Mills larm, nortli writ of Hi is city. fir tile pur ". and Imvc t filered. fiom San l'ran ni it, a l.oe 10 ini li rentrifii(,'iil pump, " -! unt-nt. Among the crtipt lo U- raiwd tln year are rooU, noil, 1. 1 lc. tuinipt, Sy Uiin. ptiui)ikiiiH a-id white n.tvy Ix-am. Mr. Herd, who it a n.t. lit l iirig -lor, will I ht-n- on, to h vel the land, tinti lint own tnveii tioii fur the ptirHise. to that the tot re ult nuiv lw ol'l.niird lii tlna ronnec Imit, t lit- Argils ih relialilv info-tneil llmt tlirrr a l in In urigulr sever. il liuu died ai res of line land north of this city, and thai Im al t .tp.Ul will utide rtikc the work. While it i not gt-iu-rnlly known, tlie inliriHtetl parties liave lout careful urvea made, which prove, txrvond a doutit. tlntl aiu li a iiriiiicl it ft-ail)le, " " Mr Kdson, of Corneliun, was in the city Mot diy. K. A. Wolf, of Rewlville, wa a county seat visitor the firet of the week. It will nav vnu to buv at Bnebi Wetiler'e, 21! Front St , Port- and. 4-1 J. L, Morris and wife, of Sberi- usn - '." 1, 0 nnuulik ill fpinniia liurA a - u4V6 ynu been at Boehi it WeU- er'e rebuilding sale yet, 2-W Front St.. Portland. 4 7 The local lodge of Fraternal Brotherhood initiated live members Saturday night. , ,, ()f Fore(ll View lIome nt8 Qn i(jVenlionB Utejy, Hill-blood Kbotle Inland KeU eggs lor hatching; 13 for 11. One nule norm 01 Vjornenus, on Venier- hi t all. OK vine roau. .-urs. uracv nacuu. o Potatoes on the Sound have been raised in price I.OO a ton. They are now quoted at uand ll a ton, wnicn is me nigueui ugure quoted ibis year. Cabbage plants, tomato plants, celery, caulillower and asparagus roots at the new greenhouse, corner 7th A Fir. Ind. Phone 323. Mrs. Agues Campbell. 3 6. The President of the Oregon Bar Association has appointed among oi w N q( lhU cUy to -v. one of a coinmittee to consider the pending amendment to incr "vu U..,r)l nvnftla ami oniflr aalna tjiuni f.wm.. -m .-.v .J ., latitriiv BPAtlnH in nil. . ma . Va hn in omull riiuo iwi n ' - . .... .n.i .in Vfl 1 . i.n:nn llllV inirrew ' '""" J""H I J . 1 If ... 1 around lor a year. neison nara ware Co. i- 1IILI.SBOKO, OREGON, APRIL Argus and Oregonian, 12.25. Win. Lee, of Scoggin ralley, was in town last Saturday; Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hartrampf, of Forest Grove, Sun day, April 12, 1008, a son. Mrs. Tbos. Graves and Mrs. Tens Bogue, of Bheridan, were in town last Sunday. Mrs. Laura Wbitmer, of Port land, was the guest of friends in Hillsboro over Sunday. County Recorder Willis Ireland spent Saturday night and a portion of Sunday, with relatives at Green ville. There will be a basket dinner at the Farmington Christian church, nxt Sunday, April 19. Preach ing at 11 a. m. A Portland Company has en gaged to drain the big swamp near Uuincy, Columbia county, and ex pect lo reclaim about 12,0)0 acres of fine land, by the operation, We sell more wire fence than all our competitors combined. The reason is that we have the largest stock and can sell the cheapest. Scbulmericb Bros. 51-tf The State Railway Commission has set April 23 as a time for bear ing ths 00m plaint of V. C. Free man, of Gaston, regarding alleged inadequate depot facilities at Gas ton. The bearing will be held at Gaston. 1 We carry too many articles to enumerate, but we have anything (be farmer needs. The largest stock tver tbown in Washington county, and can and will beat all competitors. Schulmerich Bros. Veach Bros, have just finished a contract to paint the cupola and roof of the Court House, and the band stand in tbe court yard for I4S, the county furnishing the ma terial. Tbe boys did a good 10b. Mr, Header, are you looking for price or quality. With us quality is always first, price second. Qual ity will remain a long time after you have forgotten tbe price Nel son Hardware Co. 4-tf K. H. Flagg, formerly a Hillsbo ro newspaper man, now editor 01 tbe St. Helens Mist, is a candidate before the primaries for county judge of Columbia couDtyn the republican ticket. Here's hopin' you win, brother Flagg. Paul Beck, of Dilley, who was on the jury during the present term of Court, once had tbe distinguished honor of sitting as a juror in Lin coin, Nebraska, with W. J. Bryan, the probable nominee ol the demo cratio party for president. On the hret ballot, one ot tbe jurymen voted a ballot which bore the in scription "H' to 1." Bryan smiled and quickly remarked: "1 guess this must be a democratic jury, For eale: 75 seres rolling land; 20 acres cleared; balance slashed and burned; good house and barn; orchard; running water; mile from school house; 3 miles from Buxton, Oregon. Price $1500. AddresB Jos. Burgholzer, Buxton, Ore. HotTman, Allen and Mills, asso ciated in the mercantile business in Forest Grove, have purchased 35 sores nortn 01 town irom jonn Tsmpleton, which they will plant to walnut trees. It is their plan to set out the trees next fall, the trees to be 50 feet apart, with peach trees planted between. Walnut culture is meeting with considerable favor in Washington county, there being quite a number of farmers who have from 1 to 10 acres already planted. Two Portland men wil next fall Bet out fn) acres near Gaston. , Esther, the little year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Graves formerly ot Corvallis, died sudden ly in this city last Saturday, from the effects of quinine tablets, which it procured from a basket in which the mother had placed several otn er articles, and placed upon a chair in a bedroom, preparatory to going from tbe residence of Mrs. W. IN Barrett to that of Mrs. H. G.GuilJ Ths little one was only missed for a moment, and when ber mother found her, she bad one of tbe tab lets in her mouth. It is not known how many the child ate, " DrrVA, B. Bailey was summoned and im mediately save an emetic, but the quinine bad been absorbed in tbe liill nnfl'. ttnalam nrl aha diAtl in convulsions. Mrs. Graves was vis itioa with her sieters. Mrs. Barrett and Mrs. Guild, and was almost prostrated by tbe lose of her baby Her husband bad left Corvallis for Elk City, where he had bought a dairy ranch, and be and other members of the family arrived in time for the funeral, which occur red Tuesday, at the home of Mr Barrett. Rev. Belknap conducting services. The remains were buried in Odd Fellows' Cemetery Tuesday forenoon. A number of relatives and friends from Portland, Corva! lis and Sheridan, were presenV at tbe funeral. . . . , 10. 1908. P. B. 4' N. CO. TO letween Now and the First of June U0VEY MARKET GETTING EASIER E. Lytic Ssys Wsrk Will be Pushed t a Finish Considerable guessing bas been done of late by Portland dailies with regard to tbe time when work will be commenced by tbe P. R. A N. Co., this year, but the Argus this week interviewed Mr. C. E. Lytle, of this city, and from him it was learned that there was a strong probability that work will begin between now and June let, of tbe present year. One thing which warrants Mr. Lytle in bis belief that the Company will be bis to proceed with its work, is the fact that tbe money market is get ting much easier, and as it will re- lUire large amounts of money to prosecute the work of extension from Hillsboro to Tillamook, the condition of the financial world will have every thing to do with the matter. Mr. Lytle is hopeful that conditions will be such as to warrant the vigorous prosecution of the work which will con nect HUIstjoro to the sea, and savs that once begun, the road will be pushed to completion, as originally intended. The road, as far as completed, is one of the finest on the coast, and the company will put in the best of material, thus insuring splendid line. I lie Slcuibe Construc tion Company will do the work, and that is evidence that it will be well done. FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER William A Carter, republican can didate for Railroad Commissioner from ths First District, was inter viewing citizens of Hilhboro Mon day. Mr. Carter is making his campaign for cheaper freight rates and better transportation facilities. As will be remembered, be led the fight in the Oregon Legislature in dOl, for a reduction in passenger rates from 4 to 3 cents per mile. He has many enthusiastic support ers throughout the district, and his success at the primaries, next Fri day, seems practically assured. FRUIT INDUSTRY CROWING Ths eemi-annual meeting of the State Board of Horticulture met in Portland on Monday. Reports of the Board show that the fruit in dustry is growing at a rapid rate in this Btate. The value of last year's crop was $4,750,000. There are five horticultural dis tricts in tbe etate, each represented by a Commissioner. W. K. -New ell, of Gallon, is Commissioner-at- Largs and president of tbe Board. The first district comprises Wash ington, Tillamook, Clackamas, Co lumbia, Multnomah, lambill and Clatsop counties. In the second district are Marion, Polk, Linn, Lane, Benton and Lincoln coun ties, with C. A. Park as Commis sioner. The third district em braces Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lake, Josephine and Klamath counties. Included in tbe fourth district are Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Wheeler and Crook counties. The fifth district comprises Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker, Grant, Harney and Malheur counties. Judge Geer, of Cove, is Commis sioner. H. M. Williamson, of Portland, is secretary of the Board. Ths semi-annual report of Preei dent Newell shows that the 100 crops were unusually profitableand with the money thus realized true growers have been able to obtain tbe most modern apparatus. The report also shows that an unusual ly large acreage has been set out in the last year. tyNITEq STATES SENATOR tf. 1 M. Cake,- Republican Candidate Mr, Cake is the Advocate of State ment No. land tbe popular election of United States - Senators; two years ago he took tbe stump for his Bucceesful opponent. He de serves the support of every loyal Republican who believes in pure politics. .The machine element concedes his nomination if tbe peo ple go to the pollB, but boaets that Believers in Statement No. 1 will not be interested enough to vote at the primaries. . This is the last ap peal, to those who believe in tbe popular election of United States Senators to aesert the rights which the old machine is trying to wrest from them. Communicated. The Beveral candidates for pri mary nominations are busy this week, looking after their respective interests in the county. See Our Full Assortment Of rubber goods of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are alway to be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Any article that is made of rubber, and intended for home use is in our well assorted stock. Always remember that rubber goods are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them you must depend more or less upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore buy tub ber goods only from a dealer who has a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro first Annual Statement of the Forest Grove National Bank at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908 Resources. Loans & discounts..! 99, 179. (6 U. S. bonds & pre miums . 26,365.63 Other Bonds 5,000.00 Real Estate 12,094.1$ Furniture & Fixtures 3,474.84 Dne from U. S. Trea sury 41,250.00 Due from banks -71.M0.5a Cash on Hand - 39,215.67 tlll,6o6.19 $257,720.50 Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice Pres.; J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, BAILEY'S BUYS Wool and Mohair We have always paid the Highest Marhet Price for Wool and Mohair. Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so Doing, get the top of the Marhet! J. E. Bailey, THE DELTA Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not nave what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Book will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory. Will Bell at Portland prices. Scbulmericb Bros. 61-tf Pharmacy Liabilities. - Capital Stock. ... f25.ooo.co Circulation 25,000.00 Undivided profits I 542.69 DEPOSITS., B r o 't . 206,177.86 $257,720.50 Oregon STORE Forest Grove DRUG STORE Smokers like the Schiller and the Kxcellencia. These cigars are of tbe beet stock. You can't fool an authority on a good oigar. 1, , 1 1 (4 1 1 , :A ; a..- 1 1 1 i i 1 : J i! 1' t, i 11 II, I : j '! 'V Ml -1 V! v " ' r 3 S 1 J .1 i 1 j M t 1 1 1 ' . 4- I i