The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 09, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 4
L.A" r
i if
April ""
Pi Idt I
. i II I. iW.
. . i ha utm iu "
Tburml.y .van
" . . . kt..k a.arv
. .l. ....n i. eordiellf In-
" nil Inr a
U o mat" arrei,-"
Cop Tbm " "
f .....;. on the .tree.., lo
I"""'-. . . t ... . , , L.
..odyard. wbicn ulu
' . i int. ......
LBd op. Hiii"0 w,u w"
r , -;,K the Hoe. t'tlf by
fieu ',M i
iu. and .tranger. will
J"" 1 " 1 1... I...
. . i.. auw nai m iiia-
I tot dow prepared to ibow jou
tie new end correct spring and
. I I . ! I I . . . . t .
ummer .tyiae id laiior-rn.oe .una,
klrt and tilk eblrt waLt luiU,
made to your epeoial order from
your own aeleclion of materiel and
irimtuinge; aieo a iuii una ui
!.- I I..L.I. I ......
.I.M.I..J It., ttiwla.afetrta anil
ooreeU, and will be glad to bring
a aa ann.L nllf II t.rlfl
UJT H ;W wwww ew
....... i i ...... ..u,. r.ui
k t . ii tin
MM. M . D. laUUl.. 1 I
f ft Vinntfn mt la ailmlnla
irttnr of the eatate of the lata Jai
McNulty, of Sherwood, we. bira
i I. .1 1. ..I U.J.. MrK'nll.
. 1 ...'.. . , .1 r. 1 . rv a n I a
at yat bava baeo reooguUed by tba
. 1 ... !..'..... I .m.I tint ..a hairaliUi
auiuiui.wa wi , u M v . . - . K
I. . I .. . a a 1 Mi 1 at
15.(M0, will aacheat to lb HtaU of
from March 1 to April 30 colonial
..... ii i.. i. kk iki n p
ravea win iu uvi "
.JO n A N linn from the Mil.
From Chicago to l'ortlaod, 138;
from Mieeourl riar cotumon polnu
nr Kl Paul and Minneapolis to
Baseline Lumber Co.
$75 Tax Refund
Peter Jacibiaa CaU far laarlta
8aitala4 aa teal
IT I Of I. I HUI BUU wimirap..".
r.: " i0mt.Dt, : j-
m.ui. el)lo. Ueovar or woioraoo opnoii,
U JM"01' "lm lb! '.T. to 1'ortland, 130 Wend tbia clij)-
U. " " w wu" ' . , r.7- Dioi to your fri
Altrt MilU. of Rot
elation! while riding a apirited
iu a v iaiw - -
m t 1 I . t
. . .1 . hVIUI HI IVUI II
CL, .....will not hurl tba Iowd
Tba (ollowiog bualnaaa wai trana-
acted after tba Argot waa prlniaa
aat week:
Ordered that pollloi p1m io
R.lilU be chanted from the
achool houee to Frank 4 Borwiok
Harry FUnt, Julloa Aabahr, and
Burtaror Walker appolnUd riw
art, to meet at Herman Colliar'a
r-l.Unr. Anril 14. 10 a. n , to
view propoeed Taoatlon of part of
Onl.r-al that Detitlooara for Boad
No 43 be Msuirad to pay 146 80,
eipeneee of taid turtay
V. .nil V Sl.lder. refuod Ul 43
I'eter Jacoljcon, danuget - 4
W A Gatkell, juror circuit ct 53
... . : ...... u YMlrt 3 Rtt
tito watnineiop, wn un"
. .. ... . ii ct nri
Oliver tnoaie - -
Mitt Brrtha Powell " f
Bruce Ionelton " '7
I) B Beatoner, bridge- 3J
0. W. Alexander, who died in
thla citr laet week, and who ww
buried by MonUiuma Lodge, I. O.
0. F, of thii city, wat ooro in
Kdox county, Indiana, in mi.
. .. J a f'a I ff-kr i
Is 1(48, ne movea w i.u.-,
I. ... V. liaaul fnv liltMn TeaTI.
woere u ' . ,
coming to Oregon at the expiration
. .l.. ta. Ha mta far man?
yeart an elder in tne rreaoy unu
church, bit father being a minuter
of that aenominaviou. f".
I.. ... . wtr. and a eon. R. 8. Al
exander, of touth of Corneliut.
Man Proves to be Jas. Trail,
of Lincoln County
See Our Full Assortment
Priaaacr hat Wife ea Lonely Mtuatiie
On the night of March 25th, a mare
ani nlt tttlnnirincr to Richard
Linnton, a farmer, of near Hilltbo
rn wnra atolen from the latter'a
. barn, BheriH Jonn uonneu wi
r. ..j.. a.t nntlitv. von must u ' ' ...
tuwa2r.w -'Vttlft the trail on the olst, baying Deen
We carry the following makee of detained by important official buei
J. I. Caae olowi and bar- nee!, and on the first day out found
: mi..- chiliad nlowa. Keen L. u v,.. it nrl Kn than-
Cutter cutlery and doned near Ziontowo, Multnomah
?. . . .i!.L..ii .... k.nnk Pn.t .ml M. waukee. Au
lint DBggl t .n.K.tlnn .. II.,KVa,rl Salam.
gone ana larm w5u. i rora, noouuutu, ,
Hardware Uo. , ' Albany, Corvallie, and rwiomtm,
m d TkrU nrt wife left Mon I Daninn and on the fourth
a, , A. tlUUI aW aa.aa.-a. - , I V ij tTV -V aai ,
day for an extended trip in Call- dty out, captured hie man on the
a i. rri.. ill anatnd an ma time I .A tan mil AS WAAt of Phil-
lornia. nwj w.. -- - mu -
in the toothern part of the tUte, omaln Tbe man proved to be one
and will be In San Franoiaco on Jfc Trftil( g homesteader near
the date of tha arrUal of the battle Harlan, Lincoln county. Trail
thipt. The Argut wienen uu traded the norse w a m.u u.iu
and bla eetimabie wiie a picawu. Ben nratiain, at rniiomaio, uu
trin. received I 'Id in caeD, ana an o.u
w ntif atock from the on a rnuoma.u 0lu,D 1U .
u i l JSI i we want them, of 125. When arrested, Trail waa
wholesale houeee, at we warn . . wa.
thereby f w. Provi-iont
ttook not nt. --- . . .ifh . ..r,,,. of th. Dro.
aot make. Mr. J Z?, of h U theft. The man took
tereetontwea iayiui :'.MY"''. s- . ... th.t rnnd
(o, rix month, or a year, wh w. ;-- ." he i.
SSdMUon HSK old andattbe hot i The
4.(1 i mare wh bui .. --
(Jompany. I .. . j t..:i la nnw in the
nk.a niria. who livee lour m.....nn ..nnt-;.;i. the sheriff
mllee north of town, called 8a I rr.. home gunday. Sheriff
dav.and exhibited an Indian ar- ia informed that hit pne-
it .i r.i,K iinnvtr i---" .: . - . . n. ..-J r Aa hun. wmou o v" nna. ha. a on iuu umtwu
uau anu - Uaaeime uumDer w, . .T:..t... j.- it .a about UUD .. ..".j .j .k
in naaiil 0f hav. oait, roueu I a.. uarm me ouvi "j county nomeeieau, u..
Jarif AcmVchop oat chop cheat "..5- ' U inobe. long, and wm almoet per- wgarded M , guspi
barley, Acme cnop, o. cu F, allowed JL. i- .KaU. The arrow it of , Vrnm Trail t waa
chop, bran ana .nor-, fc MeU, WMU...f)l0 , '-ft:T'-"d one 0f the finett CaTV d been workin
wheat and oorn. m -. :,,. i..,.., oniccr i wr.u-- . -7 . .. ..
thing ia the feed line. Alao cbick J t iwker, rand b, "lipecimenl w. na
tttfX-.. -H smaii profit, and qa 'v- wTth theDi.nof
bruihea, iray rr r 1H inPJ7:- ii oo I auantitiea, and ao no. "rr::-.s.t- nrBuit and canture
Umothy, UUb l-ana i '' - " h iww-w- 1 ,s n.w intereet on geoa. i.yin ' "'V""-vr?,rj " .. hft Ji the
that uniiihrHnmc. ttaliouery.
-. . a i ..!.!. Uaa
, V Kaportoi Viewera, pewuuu
tpirited Schmidt, eaaement. Amelia
horae, lait Friday, waa thrown DleU ,uof,.d ten day. to 61. affl
from the aoiiual't back, tlriking on h.yju M ,he may Me Ot in above
t . i . t-ia, bit bead, aod rendered uncontciout .njj.iej matter.
I" i.n,n f.afav elte. Indiana, ' i. . " . - iinn nn
P, .;nunciot the death of l-J. M una w. yow-i ,243 W; Record,, . i.,
- . . .--a fertng irom concuatum. . i.a uruiitnana iviwmw
Kri -i K pUc, on P-ud to recover wiihiD a ,ew
I. ,w inat H a dealD waa par-
M MM , , . . I
Of ruWr goals of every description of a
kind and quality that wear, and give
satisfactory service are . !?
Any article that is made of rubber,
and intended for home use is in our well
assorted stock. Alwaya remember that
rubber goods are deceptive in appear
ance and that in purchasing tbem you
must depend more or less upon the hon
esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub
ber goods only from a dealer who haa a
reputation to sustain.
T.a Prnikthank
t.t J .... I ..aaaan.
k'aaamant eaUbliahrd a. per pe
G da. m.p.r.M.. -J tfl . Th. Federal grand jury j.. tit on - . j g d
in IrAH IHWUItat U iwil ' ' - - a . - --
M " ' a, . a t ..L a t. .1.1 lv . a. i A
the hotp tal roost ni iob juwn lor aervtce in juiiao "."r" .'rr . ..... nn 18
me . - .l. .i...k . i i t . . i i ha. nn no hUaldar for refund of laxe. on to
- . I'Kaa a. at , 1 Vtam.a 111 ft I in UIB)IU inn B niliri. Ill 1 Ul IIHUX. " - a. a
lOltr. - . . . .. il.. ftlnwl
old pioner 01 uintw"". April is, ooowiu. u.
. .l.i La ..a ..imuiImI to l) .M,aa Irnm thil OOUOtt: JO
. willa k order of
i.ini i niiaii ill uiiiid. .uiw j
i. .... i .. AH..i ni 1 1 l.ituorii. I. i a ni ia nnoiaiu. iuv iv. . - ; . . ..
V OIU """"" " --I . i.l .... !..... I AMtna IDII
i. ... a Tka In .. ft . .In. I ' VI 1 I1IMI I I aII "all. UD I DIUMUtiia
i lui d.alb mterierea. i Matieeon, uh-,v. ... J ..... p.i.. J.mhtnn be
i -i i.i... .. . . ... ck.i Hammrn i uraereu u. . - :
Aim will na.wiii-a ai i?.-7 rortet u ove . v.-. . - tin. for Iniurle. w.talned
h.ra he died. lcd of near UUiaaaie. "VT. .......... J.ianti.. road.
" - r ... I I .nun ir.TBII UK vm -
I. . .. I i .. rkliatnaa. .1 . . I I I. II..Marl . a 1
k ins merciiaiiu. - - c ,. fcna 00 . luaaline Lumber vo, reiuna oi
l-. .i... f... miiif vaars. ana wan , i v,.- n.ia rniiNii
Ud of a genial nature, which
..i. k , m.n ir.antia. woo win
kitorrt to hear of bit death. He
L... a .ifa and one eon. Dr. .
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Hrst Annual Statement of the
Forest Grove National Bank
at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908
Loans A discounts--! W79 6
bonds JK pre-
U t wife and one eon, Vt. . hJ .he fee4 jjn.. Alto cbick
V Pttlt.tMfHr. Ill Hillsboro. and two , , ... I matt acrant. Oil
daughter., Mr. Maud V,k LeaL cement, lime, .ulpbur, B.ld
UrDiOi, ana mi. '"""" -ofWi.Or.
lceed wat a Ma-
. . ..L.flaU
a,n n.l a ffl.mMr OI 100 Li. n .
V. s
Other Bonds -
Real Estate -
Furniture & Fixtures
Dne from U. S. Trea
sury 41 ..50.00
Due from banks
Cash on Hand -
fill, 6o6.19
Capital Stock......
Undivided profits
I 54 9
Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier.
Officers & Directors: W.B. Haines. President John f -B"
Pres.; J. A. Thornburgh, Casnier; inos. . j
afVa . .
mult la iilaasa natrona. oj-tf
Hatch 20th an
, i.iia.r tka .nr. aomo reuvi..". s N rooie, tw'M memuei. - .
fully invitee the ladle, or the ur r .... kova' I m c cue ul and ep 4 7 Z,tmA ...!. on th. date eet for
rooJdiog country and tea tteare ..U of fTM ,t S E.tW.. lodge of that
Dtr ne. goont. ,iwwi kj i". '"" anu iu" ------ is... i vvui ronuguc, . - - - - i
.tUKiie thtpea Kv.ry ff-.l actual coat, and a l b. fn hjj ...... order in thU city. I wM puWi .Uct,on on my
narriaa IB u. i1""" - .I"1 .. U oj I j. d, puji.u. s.-a.r--j farm Z4 mueeBuuvuwcrii v
oarriBu iu of Pau Peterson 5 o.;..ntiar has I'nJ' " " ... . .
Uenerai "c",uu,"n " . " .1- wm nildebraud " or ne uregon . ----- - ton, at iu ociwa. a. a..,vL.
fthulaierlcb Brot. Come ea ly m " 7 oo . Fallot C. W. Fulton for aprtl 14.1903
and get your choice. oi
ThtCtNOf V.M.H.rvey1.Port- lfi Univertily tbi. week told .. 166, Tn W IJJJ" - e6D.tor, in Good span of work mares, good .work
land grooeryuian. aiainat Jo. wiggmao, of Forett Grove, uickyw.uon, w.t di.t atty 4 .Utem.nt m.del y6 Hen horse, . riding pony year-oid colt
Lr .Cedar MiU, for 1 buildinj & eUlie U .uswer to charge, me -
is .1 a t m .1 aa ini iriaa 1 iniiai aiuM 1 m a v. at r.i 1 lh miaitai i ..aauunnaT ami trail . n w 1 iar. vrtn iiihu ea 'v- - 1 . a.
" " " ri I (111 H ail .aw a I I a IUiakiv-'f w . . I WW - -
01 tbe former , wiie. aueuuuii-,
Forest Grove, .
l,...n.a .Ua'a affaCtiont. . l A..ann
uma un In circuit court Monday, 7.. jft-n the old ttruoture
md upon an affidavit by the pUin-1 . buj,j modem dwelling.
iuu upon an aiiiui vj - tn( tUUU
liff all.ainn Ikal ha ROUld 00t B.l
imiUrial witnew, who reside. In For ,8,1,W'Dgl3ao poundt chritHanttn
toolbar elate, tbe oate wa. contin- hor..t. from 1100 to , law 1 on,er Rodger.
uedtotheNoiemberterm. Duer.t w9ght; brok., '"I1; JjJ
Utyoung.unmairied man, livl.g phone, Pacific , BJJJ-, G1. W. KiW..
in thia nm.ntv. and it .charged ketidence, I hilUPt, vre. S Aleander
,.f ita kind ever m" ' ";r , d tol. i 00 , manr article. 10 ouu T.Cri J ff .
- 1 i.a. 1 riiminaua. aaajait. - ' n aiaa 1 a w vw ar . . La.,i -. nnm J s luus at vv. , ,
Mr. Wigman h 5 ....- hut we have anything potatoes, 4 sacks
4 80 tb. farmer need.. The largest land p.aster; Queen binder, Monmca
. S Sa hSS .hOWn in WMhingtOD binder' , McCormi
Driving "d work
Forest urove jimt., r-
J D Mcrlargue. ua
Herman Collier, r and h
II 1. Flint
6 80
auwa .... buuom . 1 . . . ..,....- rurarn mwrr.
- 1 :n . .1 all I mirk mice, ooiaiu uibu.v., r - .0 .,-
o ou 1 . nH nan ana Will ., .. 1, .,, cnrmotoolll
J SKiakLrf Br'- wTobrd K-ffy Plow
Jadg. C. K. Kindt, preeident of UZl. a iron wood
5 E candidal for
.;.:; 40 " 7 . "King, emer, "'putfoni
ate .ll tnmato TjUnU, etc.. a iron X riml.
a. taouai. scales, vnotse snau, mwu u.y".i o-
,.. SO 83 1 . 1: d.a. an4 aantraSU. SC1"' 3 ,,.. ,Wilpr Slllkv. J
. . I - w . STkl Oll'l M Il CVaaatltiar 1 IlHIItl STTUliai )V
..151 7th A Fir. lna. rnoneo4o.-.- u-ruc. "--.. ir01. nipe, IOoo
;:'-An.. Campbell. 1
ber acre. . . . hZZkuXTZ .-al 45 Mr. and Mr.. W. Z
a,, naaitar. ar. you looking wr y" ..ndcol 69 00 .nnounC4J ,h. eng.g.menl qi ""n ., .n,l nnder.
,K5 S S
Il v will remain a Hiiuboro Livery co... - weauiuK . .J.,,,1.,. Five per cent aiscoum
" ' J - .... IK. l.ll'M HO. I .. MlutluM a I 7.1 a IOWVW..-J. .
' tl...laara UO. 1 " .r. a. n ni..1l k1wl KhndS 1S1.DU
1 : 1 1 1 1 . ... n ni ... Ik . 1 " 1
i in sp.11 m v imrui. uuu..." n 1 .. nnhw n. tun ai.. ....
IL O Bl .
ukilnlrtch '
. .1. n.... Irant. I tlii.a A.babr
mL. ni me uuouu" ,
Mill anm. three .. "urM::u .,. of Und to . T
.. ... tblt wee, i .... 1 j tt - , ..
r, V ak.a. hO Will OUu . . I Thot A McB'KiC, Circuu
v' T" ::.v... two hougei 00 Die
..ji. ii.u. ,m. uu i'. r ,:.,i...i..j that me
... powtuui iuaii f i-anL If O
1 . mi t..m. w
wnere in Idaho. ne oaeo
in this oounty, and it i charged Retidence,
that he alienated the affection, ol Utah
Haruav. mt athlla the twain W- mL.
1.I..I n.. .
. t : 'i -u. .re n w--in buiid one
divorcnj, and .he I. nw 1 and perhap. two hot
wed tome sensational leaiuree, - ot9
tDd a big crowd of witneeee. were P"
I . . .. - ... Ma. U
in me city when ine uo w..
called. .
HilUboro Argua, prlntinic
.1. j Ia att
,,.nd i. living .ome- ' Under.Und that
i The cte prom- naid - ,t the rate of 1500 a J Roy. f ,
iwd tome sensational feature., and i' L c Walker, .uwyor...............
Farm lor Sale
"Wool and Mohair
"We have always paid th
Highest Marhet Price for
Wool and Mohair. Don't
Forget to bring your clip
to us, and, by so Doing,
get the top of the Marhet!
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
m .nra. nn .mm under dIow, Mrt. Anthony nn,D M H otit.wi i j hMM..,. 10 14 egP r?alUi.. on Center-
goodTc;useVbar7and oroh. d, 3 city who , wa. u 1 375 00 ".! IdT Mr.. Grant Bacon. 2-5
.iu. .....l .t 11:11. k,r. and on. lal for two weeeae, j ...0ht AddliiB M. Co ....375 w Viuw iwa. .
1x1 linn hi 111 1 11 iiiiibuuiui - - - . . naoai 11 1 uuDiai 1 nuiivw -
mllswestof Farmington. For fur- .h, ,un JJ..- hom;
J. Frank Watson, Trustee.
W. A. Shaw, Auctioneer.
nun ncBb u. V ml Ulliifl"".
ther information, addrefl.
K. liurkhalter,
44-Gm Hllleboro, Ore.
Card of Thank.
I Willi 1 II B U V "PI -
filiriniv .Via Ulnnnai ami at th. funer
1 of their mother, the Ute Mrt
Malinda Tupper, '
Wm, Tupper,
Willard Tupper.'
Mr.. Mary Balrd,
T.I ITaaaU
juun upp"i
Hillaboro, Ore., April 7, 1908.
l 'a:.-" a SUCCettul oprr BufioagMAaa-. ..Ma, Emil Stal
o'n for g'oitie, returned home rigtt. ffS I b- ? 1 S
ka -ak., J K rrencn, corwiwi , 1, ' c.n.Ja "and called on ine A . , n anv deal,
Mtt' . . ... tn-fi i.ooeach . "r .I" K.. -Ul be UD W" v""uu "T" " . ..T-m
... Work norse, ".. w.iter Hamer, aneiw a Argu.. wi oom". y
t t a . kAllt I .Mill IWD 1 aat 1..:iaw ' huh i- il.. Ktat nftPfM 111 WW A V. m.www i at. ..aB1 faia Ifir H 11 V UDfJ
yea,.old,weigDi ? - . w .n mAv.-, rf ". date of this
price re..on.o.-. ce, 3i wird Down. V, " Mt "race i.y
' : . oiB.0 ...k-lat of Hilltboro.-P. Stn aalandeap 40 . "" ill with
The undersigned -esir. to tb. m. no. 2.5 Jcb Buchanan, '''""'"""l", Ji iWat herbom. near Glencoe,
.. .a iL. fitnaPi I tr.a.M Af nHir vs""' ' ' 1 e..l M, I 'A. T UU " nui lalDWivww I . .
Baffli woou , nnneulting v a Gastner, A Rige't, L :. A P. Wilke. and wile, or near
"V!l0Llbl '0 a 00 LJHKTJ ST f andTillhave Sherwood, were in town Saturday.
. "..V. too -T, t; itobw made thi. M1 . tokUT a, Boehi
promover- for .rilvery Co,coron.r..,.,- . 5 00 a. ; " nt .unwl-. t J- XJa vron St.. Port.
CU onor pnou- - UD t0 pd McElliott, A Jyaara -f-.. - - - 4T
Brie.. A ? 1 ' FW iw.Te.S (eo "S.r.Q ""'
..Hf"B WIlaMCUBW. aVataJv " I at T X . aW-taWWirV WW B.H1I .a UaW va. a
coi" - 10 OO OI laeWlB wumv, - ..
" I . .. a . a . F. Mlad in null.
.. II 90I Anril 1BI. DM wtiw
yftVSawi.; and called EC m&SZ 3 2 in 1876.
wat tn tne uu
on the Argus
- -
M Pai.... nf Pn.aallna. W.I in
. 1 C1DIBUII, Ul vv. 1 ;
Ik.. 1... if . 1 J . , ... .l, ...
uo uiiy met rnuny. - -
M. v.n: . n..i..n, flautaf Mill
waa In tka nltv Tneadtt. ' .00
' aw VUV .
called on the Argua. " -f' .
Wa ..11 m..a .t.a fancM than il
" .nil wuia n ii j.
u Hm 1J' 0D b,11- ;. -iWiWfi-s. U iawli ooantr.
lb. PW' ' T S. . ! ; tad awr.w,
1 . .. kit, -ith ffOOd
oak,flr and md, "j..-. 3 6 u. Flora Pto
Botlt phone., a. ne Murdoff
IS oo
day, and called.
. 00
Lil a, . BVUU.UV,I "
oo .Uft-nar.w.. in the city won-
t.! D.iinn nf Hillsdale.
wa. in the city Monday, and called
ha ArtTUB.
uu o .
n 1. tt : v nnrnhaRad an
For eaie n"6 r T
intereet in an imported etellion, 1
t.v for sale. Cash
ntTAV II I V a.BBVa w-
u n.w A Welt- aos. Re.idenoe, Glencoe.
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
also carrv a complete
line ot line sunancs.
Tf rp rln tint have what
vou want in stock, we will
. ' . .... ia r
cheertuny get u ior juu.
Havine been appointed
oofdTit-e wp are
. J ln ...v1tt Oil
a. xn. nrpnarpn , . auuiiiv .aa
your wauis ".
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
I School Books will be eold
I Cash Only. Positively no .ru.w
We have ju.t received a car of
Bain w.gon. from the wciory.
Will B.U Portland P'ioee-
Sehnlmerich Bros. .
jetjon 1. that we have the largMtl