Me JnllLLSBeR VOL. XV. HILLSBORO, OREGON. APRIL 2. 1908. NO. 3 Fill Mini Ma In-1 Will Succumb Suddenly TllMtl) TAUALE1 THE CAUSE Di.jhttf t( Mr. eed Mrs. J H. Well Kaowa Htre Wins. Ptomaine poisoning, which follow id tli raiioft f taniale, two wki M". resulted iu the draih of MiM Ml'"l Wirt. a former Forest Orov ytinK 'Jy. I" I'ortUnd, MonJ)r morning, Mrch HO. The cli liion bed bit eliminated, but Mi" Wirli' system waa so tukcuiHl that she could not re oorer. I.ved in the daughter of Jailgo and Mr. J. II. WlrU, and m tl 21 years. Hhe wit horn it Lal'emas, Wih., hut lbs mini ol bxr life m (xnt at Forest Grove, "iih the eioeplion of the Itil l year, during which perlrd ili w wilh her mother and brother in i'orlUml. Mim Wins was At one time iiuJfiilif iVcifid t'nimaity, snd ilro devoted a great deal of time to ruiotering the violin, being an ae ainpllbl v'oliiiiit. Her lovahle tad grarioua diMiaition endeared ber to all with whom ahe came in contact. litwidr her father and mother, he leave to brother, Willard, ol the Journal, and Herbert, an ui(icijre of the Mtraball Wells Htrdwara Company, of Portland Ktmeral aervicoe were conducted it the Portland Cremaloriutn, at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after wbtrb her body waa cremate!. DEATH OP ANDREW THATCHER Andrew Thatcher, a pionrer ol lHt?, died alone in a cahin near Thatcher, lt week. He had hren io poor hrilih for eeveial years, and for ome time had heen atop plnn with the Iltydena, hut (or two week prevloua to hi death had I) en living in a cabin which he hid erected on a neighbor 'a land. He wi fntind laet Saturday by Fred McKlliott, a neighbor, lying acro hi bed, dead. Coroner K C itrown went up and held an in iupi Saturday afternoon. The jury returned a verdict of death from natural cauwa. The coroner's jury win cntnpnied of the following penonn: J. K. French, Warren Thatcher, J. Knyart, A. H. Har den, Kddle King and David Kn yrt Thatcher worked for the late Win. Jackson, of HilUboro, for aev- ral year, and wa well known to old timer here. He have two daughter, both inmate of an Or phanu'llome. in Portland. Thatch wm aged M years, and hia wife hi htten dead for aoma time, lo bis pocket were found 11.10 in cafth and an old silver watch Warren Thatcher, of near Thatch r, in a cnuln of the dead man. TO ARGUS SUBSCRIBERS The ncut ruling of the Pot Mas lr General, in regard to newspa per carrying subforibers fur I ion (ter time than one year, under pain of a refusal to allow newepa era who disobey the ruling to get Into the mail at the usual rates of P"UKft, makea it absolutely neces- ry thai twrsoi a who owe the Ar I" fur more than one year should I ay auob arrearage at once, there by enabling ua to comply with the law; otherwise we ahall be compel 11, whether we like it or not, to out t II' all subscribers who are more than one year in arrears. We hope our friend will assist ua to comply with the law. Send in enough money to pay up to within a year, nil we will carry you. if desired within that limit. Kindly give this matter your imimdtate atten tion. Wo have no alternative but to obey the postal law? Card of Thank Hei.reantaliv llawley hi . cured a favorable report on hi bill to allow turvivor of the Cy ue war, em tLnir widow, the urn of (1 60 per day for the time of their aervic in that wr. Among thoea who would benefit by the paiNige of the hill.i Mr. Miouri Cornelius, widow of the late Col. T. K. Corneliu. of Cornelius. Col. Cornelius eerved in both the Cay. um and Yakima Indian war, and he and all other volunteers should havs been paid long ago. The way the government has treated its old Indian fighter rehVtn no cred it upon it. They made it poneible for the white to live in this coun try. Mr. and Mr. John Kehrli, Beth any, celebrated their silver wedding lait Huoday, and 120 invited guests from variou parts of the county were in attendance. One of the feature of the occion wis the plendid dinner served. He v. A. Kinehart delivered a hippy and appropriate add rem, and the Beth- i ... i ... 07 ubiiii, ooinprnea oi boy, iur niihed the music, rendering some good selections. The affair wa en joyable, and their many friend wieh them many more wedding an- Ivernrtea. I am now prepared to show you the new and correct upring and ummer style in uilor-made suit. kitti and iilk shirtwaist suit, made to your ipecial order from your own selection of material and trimming; also a full line of waits, coat and jacket. 1 carry standard line of underskirts and corsets, and will he glad lo bring my good lo your house upon re- uet. Indepndenl phone, 51 Mrs. M. K Caudle. 1 12 AT J. P. Chambers, of near Bchollr, was In the city Tuesday. Joe. Sax, of near Be averton, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. For Utah Land Planter, go to Frank A Borwick, Reedville. 3 C Uon. Wilbur K. Newell, of near QaatoD, waa in the city, Friday. J. H. Thorn raon and wife, of ! WAS MISTAKEN FOK R. R. COUNSEL Mounlaindale. were in the city I ' m Saturday. Wnliioittsa Coaoty Ucs Spink Wiuld bt Csadldalc :,! . D i j Can supply the public with good p judging an ep.stle, aoent Railroad 0ftk,fir anhi.t1BOnible rates. f Cotnmiwioner C. B. Aitcbison's Both phones. H. D.Bchmeltzer. 3-6 lo candidacy. The letter is We (Wire sinoerelv to thank our mny friends and neighbors whoso ainuiy gave ua aid nnd ym amy i' our recent bereavement, the lose oi our little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meier; M. C. Lincoln, of Glenooe, was in town Monday. John MnCallAn and wife, of Ce dar Mill, were in the city Monday Donald MoPherson. of Buxton "ho waa born in Oregon Territory nd who carries his age well, was n town Monday, paying taxes Cabbage plants, tomato plants, celery, caulitlower and asparagus roots at the new greenhouse, corner Don't fail i hear Fulton, at the Crescent Theatre, April 9th, at 2 p m. You can't fool an onion grower a M,a- J L- Kuratli 0(1. rm,17 It has been definitely settled that WaahingtoD county onion grower, aa' w.m inenas in i on- work ou lhe Orfg0D Elec(ric Hne at leant even a part of the time, ., I which is to be constructed from f." '. fuuuu 7"u """" Portland to H nboro. and thence Forest Grove, will begin within .U- J HL? f. I v aorous. . . n i .l-h- miny aays. i ma is gooa news io iiguiuuo, An Inn Pavel, nf near Philhna. ... 11 . trenchant and triumphant, and is transacted buainass in Hillsboro w"bingtoo county people, and of the variety "senu vaa ninubu." Tuauiaw. seU at rest all doubts as to the otherwise known as the "big stick" Mr. Mary A Nixon Forest building of the road this year. W brand, and is signed by prominent Grove's lady real estate dealer, was p. Barstow & Co , contractor?, will onion raisers of this section. But in the city Friday. build the Portland-HillBboro-For here is thi letter, as given lo the Seed potatoes for sale; first-class et Grove line, and they also have white early potatoes, raised two the contract for building an exu-n yeari in Oregon Q. Com, Hills- gum of this road from Salem to Al- i r ta rk r n i 1 Doro, n. u. l, dox banv. this vear. The line from , , Hartrampt's big warehouse, at Portland to HilUboro and the the end of Main street, has lately Grove will be the firct to be con- touiplnuit Ik-Idic the Comniiiiiion, the iimlriiiigiiri, witliout jiersimul feeling, will itnlr their ul.irctioni to Mr. Aitchi- Mn. Jmiuury i, iud6, the Southem I'acific lUilway Coiiiuuiiy rniwd it freivlit ralri u vrifrtnttle pronucti from Hilliburo and intriiiinliilr points on the West Side roal ami from Slirrwotxt and intermediate the Yamhill division to Portland George Lippert and wife, former Mls Kinmi I'oetrch, and who were married in this city Ut week, avs gone to boueekeeping at the farm of the groom, near Greenville The bride ha ken a resident of the United Slates about a year, and the groom is one of the substantial German cilirsn of the county. Mr ipierl laet vear sold bis home stead near Buxton, to a timber company, for $10,000, and bought bis present place near Ureenville. Call and see Webb A Hoover when in need of hay, oats, rolled barley. Acme chop, oat chop, cheat hop, bran and aborts, mixed; wheat and corn. Io fact, every thing in the feed line. Aleo chick food, egg food, meat scraps, oil meal, cement, lime, sulphur, field and garden seed, paiot, nil, paint brunhes. Mirev turoii. clover seed, . - ... r j .... . . limothv. Utah hand t'luier. i Patrick Murphy, of near Moun- aindale. was taken to a Portland hospital, laet Friday, for obwrva tion and treatment, by Dr. Linkla- ter. Mr. Murphy is a (Hided with an abarAM of mine Soft. Oil the back. His condition is considered raibar oritical. No operation has been performed as yet. Kridav niitht about forty - - , ii Odd Fellows from the local looge i HWaat drove came down io Monteiuma lodge, to repay a ra Lnal viaii. The ocal Udd rei owe Bave a bamiuet alter the worx I 1? .. . 1 1 a tmm mm nvar. anil a uuo kiius t reported. The New Jerufalem baseball club l..,l a ir m with rarmingion Sunday, resulting in a victory for the former team, a io i. vith for New Jeruealem, and Robinson and Schuimericn, iur iu Farmingtons, were the batteries Wm. Schtilmerich omciaieu as pire. n..r.nrfl aula of all men's, boys VIVl-ii - 11 a U.liaa' III t. V 111 D6 SOIU aotual cost, snd all broken lines ...u.i In tha immense sloCK oi ine UBIIIUU ... f Qeneral Merchandise own o Schulmerioh Bros. Come early and get your choice. ollt Tn.iaad of being a candidate for sheriff, as it was reported he wou d be. Herman IMiner.oi near has gone more extensively into farming. He has Vm he J. J. Guild farm of HO acres, which adjolnB ma piaue, Guild has bought a plce near Newberg. o- u.u nrivlmr and work rur omiw ...... i horsee. from 1100 to ISM ipojno. i-hi- hroke. single and double, phone PacltW States Glencoe Residence, Phillip", Ore.-C. W. r .l.U 1-- Tn atndenta of Tualatin Acad emy have decided to put out a base team this season, which they hope will be a good one. has received very nice line of millinery, and vf wi i.,l to have the ladies ot ' HilUboro and vicinity call at any uuio. . The 14 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meier, of below Newton, died Saturday evening.the funeral taking piece Jaoob Hiltbrant,of near Phillips, was in the city Baiuraay N S. Pr ckett, oi cauao, N T. Railway Cummiasioner and Bid Stick STAKTSJN 30 DAYS Oregon Klectric to Build Road Within Six Months THREE ROUTES SOW SURVEYED Road Will Alss be Built From Sslem te Albany prees, and it rings resonant: L'.ll Aitchiwm.lmviniraiiiuunced him- elf an CMiidiiliitr for rirction to the po titiuii lie now holds as a niriiilM-r of the State Railroad Gmiiiiiiumoii. uasilie his illllll llftfin liii. rf-rnvil n. kiiIi (-ftrtititi. woiirr, lm thrteby fairly invited criti- received a coat of paint, which addB slructed, then will lollow the sa- ciiin of lus oihrial record. Having had in its aDDearanse. lem-Albany extension. Just where j..;..T ..... I I. . - Fall-blood Rhode Island Red tbe e ectr.c come into egg. tor hatching; 13 for l. One 10 H''lBbor.0 8 not ,ka0;D'Jut ur Jl ,U nor4top ?ey8 have been made on Baseline LUllO UUU W VUIUOIIUO. uu vou - - . . J at. a. ,U,..-Hr.G,...B. 2.5 j-aj-. For Sale Bay mare, 3 years old; General Manager Guy Talbott and broke aingle or double. Call on or Chief Engineer Turner have lately addreee Fred Bulling, Hillsboro, R. been over the lines surveyed, and -for example, the carload rate from iw-a- 2, and one mile southeast or Hills- qq doubt have decided upon the . ' '' f'"'" , J""-"'" btwo. 3 6 route to Hillsboro. The putting ... .... ,3 . 3 r. v-...-. . f i .,:,. f in iMiiii.l Iv t mill mil rrm U ii Minn a A hhnti. aft fnr I .a. UVOf Ul BBYOISI DUUO U IlKUli Ui Grande Friday to attend the bed t the present term of circuit ..... ... . nf h . alar Mra fl I. Kilf. court, wouiu luu.uaia iubv iuubo rara tkn ia nnlu ill I csbes will be compromised out of -,'-.,- i-.-j r .u. court, and the right of way com ror Daie tuii uiuuu, u uiuuiuo I nleted old register d Jersey bull calf, Ueo. Bieredorl, Uornelios, K. u. DEATH OF A. VANDERVELDEN 1: 4) miles northwest o! HillB- boro. 2 3 See Our Full Assortment Of rubber goods of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are alwaya to be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Any article that is made of rubber, and intended for home use is in our well assorted stock. Always remember that rubber goods are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them you must depend more or less upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub ber goods only from a dealer who has a reputation lo sustain. for carloads. The Onion O.rowers'AKsoci- tion nmilc complaint to the Kailwiy Com niinion, asking that the old rate be re stored. The association was told by Mr. Aitcliioii Dint it would I necessary to how that the new rates were excessive, I the new rate wits more than the traffic I would bear, and thnt the profits on this line of produce wire so small that it would -k0 Adrian Vandervelden, for 33 years hoi. iiinii oi an incicaac oi irc.g.u inc.. i,-reBD .a m0n. smelt and rszor , ri dent of Verbnort. two and a Z ' i'a thSu; clam., and salted fish, .t the half mile, northeast of the Grove, producer, overs bate living, belonged to I llitohey Fish Market, on loiM b t died at his home last Thursday the railroad company. This i the doctrine I next door to Trullioger i factory, and was buried in the Catholic -all thetraiiicwtil lar-so lear to every HiiiB bo, Orders delivered to any cemetery at Verboort. Adrian tr..nsIxmauou...o.opoly..n.wn.t.! . - .. 50.3 V'.n,WMn ... Wn in Rear! liv in.. rMiirftan utintnevsai 1 r w- J 1 1 - the hrsnnii hail !efort the Railroad Com-1 ur. ..... 4 mn- artinlea to "t, Holland, 62 years ago. At the miioion ou our complaint. The iteno-1 .nntk;n. I aee of Eix years the family came to grapl-ev. rrport will prove that the hear- ' " the United States and lived at De mu in imr rate wns conducted exactly I the farmer along these lines, in spite of the protest itock ever shown in v asbington of the attorney lor tne association. 1 ne oountv. and can and will beat all UUIOll UWCIH HC1V uucsuvmiw na v k.. value of their land anil lite cost 01 produ cing onions per acre, lite cost 01 inixir, Attorney General Crawford has ; decision of late, which ...1....1... . .t,. nnJrr w.. ...rriri. makes it necessary that a candi cirntiv nrosnerous to stand the in-1 date for county superintendent of 'MiJS "S .A'rJbawn. moving force in the affairs :. ?r; Tr;f. Vh; cominiaik ine nn" V or HW of his community, loved and re give no reason for the increase of the diploma. spected by all. He is survived by rates on our prouuee, ouu-r man ne pQr gjork horBe, coming 6 his wife and the following children uiouk.u mn "V".. .-..- .... t A lKt .Knnt 1 SSfl ha- sianu uie raiM-aui hi: uiuu p. , . ,.. . sr.. T f u l.l ri,. which had been n foM for IS nrice reasonable, mone. 6l ra- iimuy, vre , mra. i. iu. iieiojoup, - . i. r.. . . .1 01 I lir : 1 1 : A V..J...,.U.n M W was si incieniiv niku. imrin shim nr n 11 nwrnence. 09 n iiiisiu a, ouuci voiuru, mu 11 Pere, Wisconsin, until coming to Washington county. His was one of a party of five families who founded the settlement of Verboort, which, with its tributary farming community, now has a population of upwards of 2,000 persons Mr. vandervelden bad alwayB veais. How would the wheattrowers of East- u northwest of Hillsboro. F. P. Vanderzanden, Sister Mary Yen- !E klLt F. and A. K. H.nley. 2-5 evive, of St. Mary's Academy, Bea- 8terlllB Bioon, 0f near Bsaver- wton; Dora Jennie, Minnie and ws. so plain that, man lUuing t. the fiVh.f-. Edward andervelden. . whodul not know anv oi tin wu, 6" " -, hrnrllltf tiartics. mistook Aitchison for one of the iittornrvs for the railroad company. Re spectfully submitted. (Signed) ine Confederated Onion-Growers Associa tion, bv its officers. .A. J. l-'anno, 1'ies Ident, l'ortliind; V. M. Johnston, vice mrsident. Sherwood; J. N. Miller, Secre- taiy, Cornelius; John Nyberg, Treasurer, which this week gave birth to a I calf weighing 125 pounds. This ie I considered to be the biggest young calf in the Btate, or, perhaps in the United States. FIFTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY Hillsboro Pharmacy First Annual Statement of the Forest Grove National Bank at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908 Resources. I Liabilities. Loans & discounts-.,! 99,79-f 6 Capital Stock $25,000.00 U. S. bonds & pre- Circulation j5.000.00 mmms . j6.365.63 Other Bonds 5,000.00 j Undivided profits I 54J'9 Real Estate - 12,094.18 TIFPtKITS SOB 177.81 Furniture& Fixtures 3.474S4 - Z"".1"-01 Dne from U. 8. Trea- g snry .$1,250.00 r Due from banks...... 0 . -71.140.52 't Cash on Hand - 39,215.67 D0 $lll,6o6.19 Wn $257.72(1.50 $257,720.50 Correct Attest, J. A. ThornburgU, Cashier. Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice Pres.; J. A. Thoraburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Faqua. Forest Grove, .... Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Nirom R. Wells, of Forest Grove, celebrated their 524 wedding anniversary on March 26 Fnr Sale nr Trade Fine modem Mr. Wells was born io Perrv coun Tualatin; K.J.Thomas, Trustee, Cedar jeaidence property. Will Bell, or ty, Ohio, in 1831, where he spent Mill; Scott Brenner, Trustee, Gaston; W. . . . u ranoh cqb9 jd nig hOoA daye, then moved to j Johnston, uustce Fourth and Wis., where in 1854 he Mtioca, irc , . '.. E14r -j : 'o...k L.w.i.1.1 Tnnif lleaverton. IJBCKBOu OH., nunuuiu. 1 marriou ;uibo umou nuu imuui. gon o MfB AHce Mr8 u eus was oorn in morgan HILLSBORO WILL CELHBRATB p . f K..t f,Ul8boro, 8U8tftined ODuntj. 0 , in 183G, and her girl- .. t ...tiii:. .nka DOoa aavs were cubui at aiuvuu- " ..rZ . ::V;; nekvUle. that state. She now is in The consensus ol opinion among ' ' , 7 k-" .i-;arl to a very feeble condition, owing to business men of Hillsboro is that " reported as being on the road to paralytic strokes she 6 should have a celebration on j. has had during the past years. Mr. ih Fourth of July. The Park is For Sale Having purchased an .nd Mrs. Wells came to Forest convenient to the trains, and per- interest in an imported Btelhon, 1 Qrove 35 Tear8 8g0, where they sons coming to the county seat oei- ofler my Jacs: lor saie. v,asu hftve resided continuously since. ebration can get off at the grounds, pri0e, $325. Residence, Glencoe. Tney nave two daughters, Mrs. Sa r,,i nan take lhe trains there when Address. Hillsboro. Ore, R. D. 3;h.-n Williams, who conducts a ero readv to go borne. 11 is reported phone No. 10, uienooe.wesiey oery 8tore ftt the Grove, and Mrs. that both Cornelius and the Grove w. Paine. 2 4 Emma Teegarden, and one son, will celebrate, but there will De Klmer Connen0f vwt ieUnd, Aaron Wells, of Portland orowd enougn ior au Columbia county, is a candidate While it is rather eariy w ia. oei- f ,e i(llature on the republi ebration. it will do no barm to let . . 0 j th(J Nehftiem the people know that Buchts Hi e- Vernonia, yoters are Miss Lulu Colemao, of Cornelius, boro s inienuon. J""' ""1" holding non-partisan mass meet- takes pleasure in announcing mat boro had a tremendous orowd, and . , discussing the various her opening of Spring Millinery a i T j m H aa oral 1 I hia I " . . . . I ... " -r tn.x l nneuum. vu . T measures upon which tney are ex. mll occur on rnaay ana oaiuruay, year, 11 me same pum.o B.... peote(j to vote next June. This is March 20th and 21st. sue respect displayed. . ani)ri y. .Dd minht be followed fully invites the ladies of the sur- with profit by other communities, rounding country to call and see Farm lor Sals ..... her new goods. Newest styles, most - There is cons derable talk among .:. auqnoa wvrv sffhvt . . ... Bllinuiliu bum uwwi , ,u ou farm, nnntaininir the farmsrs hereabouts relative to . . left8e Datron8i 52-tl iM anres. 110 acres under plow"", the establishment of a fruit and : ;0d bouie, bar? and orchard, 3 0 , canary . Afgu8 ftnd 0regonian) $2.25 miles south ol ttineooro, ana onwi . than Attornev Geo. R. Bagley visited a r Ul..MinnlAn HAP I IF VwllCI v Fl" I " . w " mile wesi 01 rm,""'"' Hillsboro. All it needs is for some Portland Monday, on business. iViar infnrination. aaarees, 1 , ... uw. - aim inmrai nern wiiu vauueir w .. . .mi V- ""wwr - ' mnn. t start at ureaoeni 1 neaire, aP 44.Gm liUisDoro, ure. I , ul In7inr. A number of nersons at a p. m. Kuratli made a Dusiness BAILEY'S STORE BUYS Wool and Mohair We have always paid the Highest Marhet Price for Wool and Mohair. Don't Forget to bring your clip to us, and, by so Doing, get the top of the Marhet! MILLINERY OPENING J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove ..nnwl a ufiiimnnaaa T.n lr I Kuril 1 mnnA a VAmnt Borwick, of the nrm 01 . . ...A. n ....k n nnternrise frin tn Glenwood on Tuesday. . i.t. d..j..:h - "v" TT. . . i'"r Frank corwioa, wjth oannery established nere, in town lueeuay. 8mall fruit and vegeiaDie iraciB rieB a complete and up to We sell more wire fence ban mU wouja p. f1L d.ts line always on hand. our competitora AiQMni idea. Miss Bain, of Forest Grove, was reason is that we have the 1 largest a1" Jhl to the guest of Mrs. T. H. Tongue Jr , stock and can sen mo up..- " M.atSimdav 1 ! 1 ' " ' J THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively ao Credit. We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory. Will sell at Portland prices. gcholMnh, Proa. 6Bf-J"' " r1C'"'. Smokers like the Schiller and the Kxoellencia. These cigars uf ot the best stock. You can't fool Ml , Ljto Fir. Ind. Phone uw. rare