The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 26, 1908, Image 2

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    WU.8I0R0 AA3U8, MA 36, t08
Ottered at the 1'o.t oWce at Hlliaboro
i Orgtin, m ewwnd-elaiie nialt mailer.
IIKMHY U. U14M), Kdllor.
" County Official l'npcr
"liubsortptlon: 11.90 per Annum.
Is.aed Kvery ,1'liaradaf
a 1
The Argus, lint week, nUeJ up
lr. W. 1. Wood's Announceiuenl
Tor 8UU SooAtor, by iiguing to U
tha rams of "Win. P. Smith"
It was one of those urtACCountAbl
miiUeea of the printing oftk,
' which hAppwn now end then, de
spite the vigilance of the proof
reader. Juet to offset any wrong
impreAsione, let ui lUte thit Dr
Wood it a cAodidAte for Sute Sen
Ator, while W. D. Smith ie can
dldAte for County Clerk.
ReAd the Announcement of U. .
Greer, for rfp'eenUtie.
KurAtli Bros . th ie week, sold tb
Nim.n nrouertv. on Fir street, I e-
' tween Fifth and Sixth, to E. Kuel;
considerAtion. $1300.
For County Clerk
I kerebe announce myself as Republi
can candidate belore lb PrtoiaiWe, to
beheld April 17. . for the olhce of
Count Clerk. II nominated and elect
ed 1 pledge (air and courteous treatment
to all. Being familiar with the duties ol
' the office. I feel that I can eenre the peo
ple, it elected, in a satisfactory manner.
r W. 1). SMITH.
Ilillsboro, Oregon.
Comity Clerk
'.' I herebv announce myself as a Keputdl-
can candidate for the office of County
' Clerk of Washington County. Oregon,
1 anhiM-t 10 the endorsement o( the Ke
' nublican Primar electioo to be held in
said Coanty, ou April 17, 190S.
If elected. I niommt careful, econ
- omical adniinlalration of the affairs ol
that office, eilicieat M-ivlcetml faithful
performance of duty.
slwnys to accord tottery individual, if
rrsjwctive of jutly, politics or isrroiiti
tic, a sutt deal" under the law, keep
lug alny Ulriitiit III inv liund the
interests uf the taparrs of said littiil
and State, K. It. TOMVl K.
or SlierM'
To the Volets of Vndiiii)tton County :
1 tirrrhv- announce tuvsrll' a a candi
date for the 1 the of She tiff of thia Comi
ty, subject to the riidoiarniriil ol the
Kcpublu-atl lrty at the primary elec
tion, to V held oil April '7. lhS-
If I am nominated and elected. I will.
duriuK mv term of oilier . faithfully and
impartially discharge the duties thereof.
and give to lite people Ol urn coumy an
ellicient, and at the same time an econ
omical sdiuiuil ration.
1 further state that I will give the luisl
new of that olhce my personal attent'oii.
s:id every man a miuaie deal.
c.i:o. ti. iiaschck.
For Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for tbe ollice of County Treasurer of
Washington Comity. Oirgnti. Subject
to the cndoiaeuient of tbe Republican
voters at tbe primaries to I held Apiu
17th, and I beieliy plulge myseii, 11
I ' ' v. ;
:-;!: -'.LI
Albert llarlratupt
E. r. Cornelius
Hart rampics. Cornelius
Have Oponod a Roal
Estate Office in the For
mer R. L. Cato Location
Opposite the Tualatin.
We can sell your farm
We have a fine list of
Prospective Buyers for
City and Farm Proper
ty. If you arc in the
market to buy or sell,
give us a call.
We will buy your.hops.
Loans and Insurance.
iW aras
- To Call and See
Our Brari-New and Carefully Selected Line of
elected, 1 will give strict attention to tbe
duties of the o I lice and turn all interest
collected on couittv funds Into the roun-
tv treasurv.
II. C King
Jiiv I'iccinrl.
County Aor
1 hereby announce mysell as n camli
date before the Vrimarits for the ollice
of County Assessor on the Republican
For Cormier
I hereby auiioiitii-e myself as a candidate
t: tl, ItaimtiUt-an nomination for t'oiin.
tv Cormier at tba primary eliHllon. April
I , IniM If iiiimliiated Slid elwlo! th" ol-
Coruiirr at tba primary eliHllon. A
7, Vtm. If iiiiiiiiatel snd lwll lb
lea a III have the same i-areiul 'i
ticket, and If nominated and Urn lii the fuinr as It baa alway. I.
-ill be ny f flort to conduct the office ie I-'. "oW s
the future, as in the past, with absolute
consistency, and without fear or favor,
and for the best Interests of Washington
For County Clerk
County Asetanor
I am 1 candidate for the nomination ol
Coanty Assessor on the Republican tick
et subject to the Primary election on
April 171 1908.
I hereby announce myself as a Repub
lican candidate for the office of County
Assessor ot Washington County, Oregon,
anhlect to the endorsement of the Ke-
mblican voters of this County at the
riniar election to be beld on April 17,
1908. If I am nominated and elected, I
will dnrine mv term ol Office give all a
square deal and good service.
County Kworder
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
belore the Direct Primaries (or tbe office
ol Recorder of Conveyances.
For Sheriff
I herebv announce myself ss a csndl
dale lor the Keuulicsn nomination lor
Tountv Clerk at the Primary election.
Aor 17. loon. n 1 am nommaieti anu
elected I will conduct the office elllcltiu
ly and economically. t
J. . on 11. r. 1
Verdict for Dr. Pierce (
Ladles' Home Journal.
VrtUInf truth after a Ma. It Is an ol4
mstlm that lie will travel seven
Iraauvs ill truth It tUii I IS bouts
on, and no doubt hundreds ot tltoiiaauds
nt 'I mui1 read tUe unwarrsuuni aua
mslinloits atta. a ujiort ir. il v. nree
anil his'KaviulUl'raaerlulloit'publUhed
In tha May (IiaH) number of the Ladlra'
Hnnia Journal, wit IU great blacK Ois-
elsy headlut. who nnvar saw lbs bum
bis, n.vlliiif mUarllon, with IU Ineon-
Iplcuolis hnsdlua-, publlalKMl two monibS
IsU-r. Ilv.a boldly charged In the aland
eroui snd liu loua trtlele that Dr. I'lerve's
Fsvorita I,r'niiin. lor the cure ol
womsn's weaKtitM-s and allmeiila, eon
UHinl almdud snd other harmful luuredl
ui. lr, I'lerea urumpily brouabs suit
eiialnst tba oubllnhnrs ol Hie l.aoies
lluma Journal, for 0,,1 dsmsgea.
Dr. Pu-r.-a kllrgod that Mr. Uok. the
editor, nialU luialy published the article I
CnnUlnmn ynii isisa ana geismawrj
niatU'r winr the 1 11 tent 01 injuring mi
butlneveurlhermor. that no alcohol, or
othnr (uluriom, or habit lurmln, drugi
ere, contained In bis "H-
utlon; that said medlcln
m native ronllclnal root snd
ih) harmful ImmllviiU whalr
I that Mr. Ilok's msliilous suta
re wholly and stisolutrl falsa.
"irtUvili'i y ichi
re. or vawtr
Vorilo fe.l
Is msdl.
TIk ! i ria .Tmj piurn In the Trial or
... 1. . 1 .. ilu. Huf.rnHiA 1 nun nu. in
I hereby announce myself as a candidate election.
for Sheriff of Washington tiinvy, re
inn. at the ReDiiblican I'nnisrv noml
Bating election, 1
secure the repi
State .senator
1 hereby announce myaelf a candidal for
MUlO Henator. on tbe Keniblleail lleket,
r,.r ilia Kletenth flrnatorial DUt'let ol
iirMnii eoniorlitiitf Waaliliiulon t'ouuty
irlld 1 will IntriMliiee and work lor
lha r.illnwinff bllla at tllS lirsl swwtull ol
A two-cent fare per mile on all railroads
In ()rf Kim,
sl-i achnol text book" every 10 years,
Instead of fl, as at prent, and then only
make such chanira llial ar 1 nwnwarj
11.,, I tin. Hiiiitlnir t.leenne Law.
UeKin fockliiB all the roads lu We-dilng
tmi I'nuut. I.v aoendlnit In eaeli n
iliflct. averv cent of road las kviel In
..,.1 ,11-irti-i n,il nuriMwi. on rock
1 am In favor of duliiK aaay with "bold
up" leuUlaltires by elertlnr? I'. . Hens
l,,ni l,v illriv'l Vlilo llf the lieoldtl, and I
.111 i,ui r.irthe Ueiiiililli-an nominee who
ree ves t he hivlu'l vine in 1
bu.liPof IT. I'n-rre eresUr lolomd b
ll.a i.ulill. aiUn iK Ua llll snina wi
li.irr.l Jl.i.l.r besallns. while kuiulracM
.i. ...i. .lu, Um lrhnllv d(amaurr
arilele nnrer Ilia Imniiiia innwini iw
trx'tkm, al In imsll U im and mla S Imtw
.,.ii.i. u Tha mailer esa. hue-
n.r broiwhl liefoea a ur In lbs
Court ol Hv iora msie wna n prmvw
. ., wM.,,. in in. iKM-ujr m .B.uv,
Thua hi. truliu-era rsma to I rial fti4 UmU
baas slauuun arrs niuicu
Orator Ui
(fcoke RmI falalf) 1rut
KangiuK from a house
and lot; acre tract, 10
acre tract, up to a grain
or dairy farm. If we
haven't what you want,
we tan H it. Hills
lxroand Portland prop
erty exchanged for
Washington County
farm lands.
Conic and sec us be
fore you buy.
Money to loan ou
reasonable terms, No
tarial work done.
Auction sales cried.
KAItl. K. FlaltKK
Kle, II Leislikow, A Schmidlin, l.ut
Scl.inul 111, B Hojer. H IleiiiMU. T. I..
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice is herebv iiiven that the under-
iKiird resident of Huston Precinct. Wash-
ingibii Coiintv. urrgon. will, on wen-
nralny, Hie tun Hay May, lo'-n. at ten
oYlerk a, m. of said dav, prcariil tlic
primary foieK"in Jietilion for license to aril spir
itiioiis, vinous and malt honors In Hus
ton Piecinct, Washington loonty.urcgon
in less ousiilities than one Rnllou, to the
" . 1 !, if II e,lr n'"ln '1rl1""" 1 Louiuy koun 01 ine niais ui orrj,
S t'!& f! In s,b1,lnK ,, name to the re,,,,..,....,, Wsshi-ton County. .,., court room
lor mair j utereoi 11 iiuminiiu, i.h kuu, m wm.,.
April time and place will ask that a license I
Inlerraia i.,.,l i,, the uiideislinitd auidicaut to
Sheriff of Washington County, and am voters of Wahi!.ifUn County for
S, Vh.1 1 will give said office .11 of . l'",;,,: B'no u
my tim'e and pern.l attention and will
eudeavor to give an efficient administra
tion of the affairs of said office and per
form all of the duties thereof in a consci
entious manner.
Dated this February lath, 1908.
For School Superintendent
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for nomination to the office of Coun
ty Hchool Huperintendent, pledging that,
if nominated and elected 10 serve a sec
and ill
nominated and olm-ted I will uprt the
Itniuil lli'sn volors' choice for 1 niteu
Mates' Henator. all iuat and equitable U-g-
Ulalioii lor county and stale Ix-Horim-nt,
cnii.inteiit wild eniiiioniy. and will opiHise
ll eitrav.tfant auorniirlatioiiN of Nlnti,
WM. I. Wool.
Petition for Liquor License
In the County Court of Ibe State of Ore
gon for WiiMiinion i;oiiiny.
In the matter of the appliction of Rob-
ond term, 1 will give to all a square rttal ett T. .Siiiipson for license to sell spiritu
and faithful service. otis.viiioua (tmi malt Illinois in kssiiwiii
M. C. CAah. lilies than one giillon.iu lluxtoil precinct.
To the Honomble County Couit of the
For Treasurer State of Oickoii, for athington County
I ri,. ,,,i, iwiilioners. levsl voters
. ... . ,,v- . " .
J nereoy biiuoudl-c uivirii a ,.r i.ion l'recinct. WRHliliiKloil uouiuy,
Tor the office of County Treasurer, sub- ()ri.Koni nnii conntilutiiig a mnjoritv of
ject to the indorsement of the Republican tlle j,. j votcnl 0f msi! l'recinct, anil he
primary election, to be held 011 April 17, gollmi residents of said precinct mid
19x8. If elected, I promise a faithful h.avn(? actually resided in snid mcciuct
performance of duty, in the future, as in . . ,iftv, immediately preceding the
the past. WM, M. JACKaON. date 0, Uli petuj,,,,, WouM icK-ctfitlly
petition your llonorable Body Hiid ask
sell stiirituoiis, vinous and malt liquors
in Huston rrecimt, Washington County,
Ore-iron, in ess (inniitities than one gal
Ion, for a jerixf of one year from the
date of the Issuance ol sucli license.
I Idled this JMll day of Ma'cb, I90H,
KOHKKT T. SIMI'SON, Applicant.
HAULKY A HAKK, Allys for Applicant.
ntatk ok orkoon. roK wahhino-
(I. A. nielli, I'laltiliir,
Marnl, W. Hank, Defmidsut.
To Sarah W, Hank, tha ahova li.ifuxl
In lha Nairn' of Hie Htatn of Oritson: You
are herebv commanded and requlrnd to
Ui Ih and nixmr in the aoovs oiuiiimi
uourt aim cause and answer tbseouiplntnt
tlierein Iliad against you, on or boforn the
fliplration of sis (II) weeks from the date
nf the first publication of this summons
In tho illllslioro Argus, ins nrni piionna
Main St., HilKboro, Or.
A Gala Array of Choice Patterns to Suit Every Purse,
and Every Taste
Batiste .
Wash Silks
Kerry Cords
Pois de Soic
Ingomar Stripes
Embroidered Swiss
Silk Ginghams
Broderie de Soie
10 to 35 cents Per yard
Please Remember are always glad to show goods tven thouqh ou may
not wish to purchase.
Opp. Commercial Bank
Ind. Phone So. 015
Not be Is hereby given that the under
slenad, the duly apiioliilmt, ijusllflsd
and artlii(t ileleiM In that certain suit fur
partition in the Circuit Court of the Male
ol Oregon, lor Washington County. 'where
In A. J. liny and Julia Hoy, his wlfa.were
idslutlff., snd l,iwla Kllam Roy and
Roy, his wlfe.Klla ViiKlnia Uughlln and
(ieo, Ijiuglilin, her bualiaiiil, Latina Ne
vada llynuin snd ('has. Hynum, her litis
band, Anns Iloluiea and Oliver Holmes,
her husband, H. tl. Ilugbea. Nellie I'ur
dln and Mtlra Purdln, nnr htialiand.
Ioreu Jackson and liu Jsi ktoii.his wife,
l.urs J ark nun. Oanltd Kniiaa and Uooigla
Kunna, hia wlln, I'svld lllsok and- -
Hlack, his wlf", Usury Klack and
Hlaek, his wife, Kva Curd and Mansfield
For Hheriff
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
fur tha office of Hliertlf on thii Republican
ticket. If nominated and elected, I prom
ise a clean, efficient and economical ad
ministration of tbe all'alrs nf that olllcn.
County Sheriff
that a license to sell spirituous, vinous
and mult liquors in less quutitilics than
one gallon, in lluxtoil l'recinct, Washing
ton County, Oregon, I granted nnd is
sued to RoU-rt T. Simpson, n Resident ol
said precinct, fur a period of one year.
Dated this Joth day of March, lyH.
II S Rogers, It II Hulloik, John Lipp
cit, Walter Kantian, Kd Stepheim, II
Iicy, W M r'inipson, Clins It .Sletdienn,
A S Holt, I h Mcl'liersnii, (! 1 Mtnd
euliall. Edgar IIhiiiihii, .Itsne Tigar.l, 1'
C Roiitledge, A llledsor, Krin Htowell,
1 liernby announcd myself as a candidate
for tbe ltepiibliean nomination for Hlier
III, at tbe fjoinlng primary. If I am not,,
. '....I t ..,A..TU,I I ..Tul.rA ..iwuulf tn
iconornioal and elllclenl management of I II Kippcrdnn, Jl K Simpson, II Will
theolllee, and l-niiartlal enforcoment of iams, Chas K Crowther, August l'ete
tbelaws. C. B. BUCHANAN. z.ilka, T J Mcl'arlaud, Vine OrndiifT, J
I) McIIarifiie. bred Htowell, T II rer-
County (JomralHHioner
I wish to announce to the Ropubllnan
voters of this county that I am a candl
.lai. r..r lli nominal ion of Countr Coin-
miaaloner. at tbe primary election. If
nominated and elefited, I will, during my
term of ollice. honestly, faithfully, nonacf
mtlously and Impartially perform all du-
DiHtrlct Attorney
kins. Carl Iler.Clias Hints, J T Turk,
N P Nelson, William Roberts, Win My
ers, II Hulier, J W lit ward, Cnrl I.orenz,
V l'etizilka, A .1 Lornw, V J 1'elrzilka,
I'.rnest Hunger, H II SUwell, Chaa l,ip
twrt, Martin Gindhart, I.ipptrt, lil)
Raker, Joe Smciknl, .1 II Jtinck, Josciih
Pongratz, .1 W Whit; Martin Hart, .lolin
Ilelisli, Hazel Ilium, V h Dundy, Hen In
gles, V V Bailey, Frederick Hart, J R
Bailey, John Kostur, E H Cnnples, W N
Jacobson, Allen Brown, 0 M Hcoficld, J
1 utera't t 'l LTtS A W .g-.ll. y vto
to sav ivid (J'Uonneu, cnn jjuzcm. n my
cted I pen, H Htowell. OT Doddn, John Wen,
. 1 T nAiH TTIrirl fi M VitiHOH.
utiiuv"i" , 4
of snid Ilistrict. I desire
. . 4 I. ...! ..,! .l.,ol,1
LLT"ZZ ?o offiS. honcVtlv t L Brown, Richard Ulrici, O M Vinson,
mil. uumuk J " '
j ...
vigoronsly and impartially perform ail
tbeoflicial dutim perUining to said of-
W I Ravmond. Thos Sultriii, J P Bled
soe, Andrew Kostur, S Paisley.Kli Mills,
Curd, her huslmnd, lruse Hlaok and Dai
sy rraxirr aminnot. U, r raster, liar Hus
band, Kdlih Keaton and Chaa. Heatnn, her
husband, Lilly Jllaek, Nellie. Jilaok and
were defandanla, by vlrtilo of a decree of
sale mails, reiiil.rmj and entered lliurilii,
on the lilli dav of March. llH. autborls-
lug, directing and emiiowerlng the under
algned to make sale ol Ilia rial prorly
herelnarier deMcrllied, will on Monday,
the i7lh ibiy of April. IWOH. at the sonlb
dcMir of the court bouse In Ilillsboro, Oro-
eon, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of
said day, pursuant to the aniniiiand. of
sslil iiwren, anu ot l lie following ueaoriueil
real DroiinrlT IvItiR. belnff and situate in
WashliiKton County, Oregon, and uartlo-
ularly dsanrllel aa lollows, to-wlti
lleing a iHirlion of the donation land
claim of John Harris and Marr Harris.
hia wife, Number Klfly Five In township
One North, Range Three West of the Wil
lamnlts Meridian, particularly rieaoribnd
as follow!, to-wll: Cummemiliig at a point
on the Hoiitli lino of said donation land
claim, south 07 duRreea 4.1 minutes weat
thin thereof bnlng on the 12th day nf HH.I hs from the aoutheiwt ponmr of
March. tISiH, and the last pvbllirailon
thereof lining on the HOlh davTof April,
to -wit! Oil or before tliS0th day of
April UKiH. And you will please take notice
Hint if vou fall so to appear and answer
mild complaint the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief praysd for In his
complaint, to-wit For a decree adjudging
the plalntlll' to be the owner In fee simple
of the following described real property,
lying, being and situate In Washington
Oounty.Oregou and paitlcularly described
ss follows, to-wll! ......
Bexlnnlng at a stake 4.HK clis. Houtb of
the nuartnr secllon corner on the West
Hue of Nee. 17, T. 8. B.R. 1 W. of the Will.
Mnr.t thtince south 8.7A ehs to a stake on
said West llns of Hen. I7i thenoe south 711
dug. 10 minutes K. lU.tfl ehs. to a atone In
the road V.'Ufl flha. north and 11.78 ehs,
east of the southwest corner of said Heo.
17s thence north ON) oliain to a stake;
thence west MO ehs. to the place of beglm
nliig, oontainlng IH anras, more or less.
That you and all persons claiming by.
through or nndnr you be forever barred
snd precluded from alaliiiing anjr Inter
est In or right or title to said pretniae ad
verHe to the plaintiff, and for such other
and further relief as may be necessary
and iiroper. , . .
This summons Is kerved upon you by
publication by order of Honorable J. W.
Iloodlu, County Judge of Washington
County, Oregon, made and dated on the
Uth day of March, 1H0M, which order re
nuiraa Um! vnn annear arid answer aald
complaint ou or before tha expiration of
six weeks irom me uata or me iirsi pun
llcatlnn thereof, to-wlt: on or liefore
April Doth, 1H0H. . . ,
ntlff ..
Id Harris donation land claim and
running thenoe mirth III degrees west ltl.
83 chains j thanne west !ill..'l7 ehs thence
aouiniouie aoutn line or sain claim;
thence north 71 degrees rast Itl.HO chs.
thence north IIS degrees east 2J.H1 uhs, to
the place of begllinllig. oontainlng 104
auras, to the lilKbeat bidder for cash In
hand; Hist said land will be Mold In One
parcel and subject to coiillrmatlon by the
aonve eiilliisil court.
Dated this March 111, JIWH. .
J. W. CONNRI.f.,
Referee In the above entitled suit,
Bagley A Hare, Attorneys for 1'1'tlla.
Notice to Creditors
Notice la hereby given 'that the under
signed has been appointed administrator
or tno estate oi jonn wnirura, ueneaaeu,
and has duly oualiHed as such, , Now,
therefore, all persons haying claims
aealnst said estate are hereby notlfled and
reoulred to oresent the same with Kroner
vouchers therefor, to ma at the law office
of Hagley A Hare, lu MlllsDhro, Uregon,
wltniii sii montiia rroui tno aaie nersol
Dated this March 7th A. P, 1IWH.
Administrator of the estate of John
Wolford. deoeSMCd.
Bagley A Hare, Attorney Air Adm'r,
Buy your meats And groceries at
Emmotts. and Beta fine oil paint
ns for every $20 purchase. 40-lf
Arcui and Paoiflo Monthly, 12.
Agricultural Implements
Farm and Spring' wagons. Buggies,
Carriages. Light driving wagons,
Delivery and Express wag'ons
In the Line' of
Tinware "
1 Granite ware
n r
i n
Myers Force Pumps Planet Jr Garden tools
Harrows.; Disc and Spring'tooths Climax,
Jumbo and Chief Stump Pullers the best
fsnous CuTuuiUla
- ''J ira nines esal nr
APRICOT ttJl K!t!iPH.-?.-
awn inuiB
AND MAPI Ri-W $v w
II - ". rim nw luiurualluu.
Fin line of ladle' ahnaa . T.k-
wmwm mm vuuu
Dennis'. , 12
In Hie County Court of the Huts of Ore.
gou for the County of Washiugum
In the matter of the Estate of II. L.
fate, Deceuswt.
To whom It may eoncornt Nolioe Is here
by given that I have tiwm annolntml ad
inlnlatrator of the estate of K. L.
esased. All persona having claims against
aald estaU shall rmunt lliem properly
rlflod to uie t the olUoe of I hoa, H
TotiKtisaiidR 11. T.'nil',1. '11!;
Win. or at my oIII;h h' ,
Uml.ilnK, Orrgon.wllhlii six m "
date of tint Hrsl iiitilu ai'oii ' ' bru,rf
Uvwlt. within six '"'" BUlV
Adnnnlstralor of the r"""
C'ale. )ceaseil. '
Argue emJ J iurnal, 2.25.
Anna and