JnlILLSBR VOL XV ' i1 HILLSBORO, OREGON, MARCH 26. 1908. NO. 2 WP I) County now has Finer Stal lions Than in I'ait COKING FKOU compass POINTS Cni4 f iblbltlea ( Bnwflcsb U As tared Vlallers Saturday, April 1, good weather or M, Is tiHicUil to U the great- ajt"horeday" Hillaboro ever ha dod. Thii ! tbe date let fur tbi big stallion parade, end tbc ivint is expected lo clip til ffjrli of the put. Tits wai when Bllliburo bad these affaire, and (bij were alwaye euooeteful, but a mw ri lo borae-htstory baa open id. Riley Cat, secretary of the Korlbweet Hiillloo Aeaoclatioo, led tbo it to charge of tin coming ibuf, eye. "We it pre t lo wilnra the greatest Karat rvrul rn-r pullrtl oil In the J'wrtfic JiorlhcH ll will be an eye Jir to llluftu Nrvrf In ttlt hldorr of Dili wanly have c had m many bite, valua bit, lO'l bl(lr I t lliotia , attit I gel won! (row all point of the xmipM (Hal hour awi mil have cnlrtra even Portlaudrrt tit artllNg tli.l tbry aie coming . 1 row. fcltntlr t-. I that till l to be Iht big pit "bum event" in txilnt of number uk! tirtllmi of breeding rvrr Iirl.l in UtrlVilic North weal end thai meant amtlhltiK All euunly owner of stand in) t illluna, rarept one, anil tita hurar ll ikt, hat aaid lliey will I on band aid foti may alaie dial we aball have a Mat ribbon mtiit ami abanurr crowd." THE SPRAY THAT WINS lo order to have every on who baa halt trees try tba oalebrsled Pboe all Ume and Sulphur Spray, I will, until the end of tba aeeaon, Mil the Pboeuls tpray at IS 50 per btrrel of 60 gallooa, f. o, b. io Portland, or at my farm at 20o per gallon. Tbla spray la recommend ed by Prof. A. B Cordley, and It lainoUod of full strength 1U toil lift) per eot. It saved my orchirJ of about I, (XX) treea from dying out, aa the treea were en trusted with tha Han Jom Scale, bene I am recommending ll. 1 till ihlp to any part of tha county. Barney I.eis, Agent, 61 If Beaverton, Or. Argus and Oregonian, 12.25. it A. Hubert, of Dilley, was lo town Saturday, Henry Grolp.of Beaverton, was In the city Sunday. J.N. Baidrick.of Forest drove, pint Sunday in the oouoty aeat. C. L. her, of Buitoo, had buei mm in town Saturday. C. L. Itoeandtr, of Beaverton, in town Friday. Beed potatoea for aale; firat-claes whit early potatoea, raieexl two jwn In Oregon 0. Coni, Hilla wro, H. D. 1, Bo IK). 2-4 Pigifor Sale -Born Inland Chi- piga for aale, on farm of Dr; A. B. Bailer, 2 milea north of Hilla wro. Farmers' phone, 430. The poll book i tbow that quite a number of peraona in thia oounty "s registered at "Iodependente' nd not a few aa "non parliaana." Full-blood Rhode Ialand Red Iga tor hatching; 13 for l. One mile north of Corneliui, oo Center wile road. Mra. Qraot lUoon. 2 6 Qeo. Hanoock, candidate for the oomlnation for aheriff, waa in the fily Saturday, feeling tha pulae Mali ol the veiera in thia aeotlon. MrH. Allmrt Ifaalharalnna naa Ueoe poe, who apent two weeka viiiung Hilliboro frlende, departed itieeday fur her home io Wallace, llano. For Sale Work horse, oomlog 6 jwa old, weight about 1350 lbe; P'loe reasonable. Phone, 819 Pa O'Bo Bute- or oall at reeldenoe, 3 ailee northweet of Hillaboro. K. oner U Dd A. K. ilanley. 2-6 W. . Thnrn. IL Unn,1a for home at San Diego, Cal., ihere Kill oontloue to reside until be mt to hankering for the evergreen w old Oregon then he'll come oa, or course, and to stay. Baseball 1 Dilley Publio Sohool v. Hillaborn Pnhlin Rnhnnl. Hatur- dy afternoon, Mar oh 28, at 2:30 (b"p. on the Hillaboro school grounds, Everyone come and help the school. Collection will be "ken for expenses. The attention of the 'Argus Is called. And ,,n!ia iimAl tn the hot that the heavv rains of the Put winter haa oauaad the earth to Jettle to quite a depth on many of graves in the Masonlo ana uaa fellows cemeteries near this plaoe Snd it Waa aiiiuooMin, Ik.t nnn.rflgi' Jontswho have relatives Interred oers, might be Interested in know The "Chinook" i,f l.at ..w which melted an much ann in ib- Coaat Hinge mouotaina.cauied the alrrama and rlmi io Tillamook oounty to go out of their baukt and Hood the valley through which they flow. The Simmons' bridge and the North Fork bri.l fffttl fin Wlleon river, were iwent aa.' b. the rueh of walert. Several ilidoa occurred oo the Wileon River road, and the Traik river was reported twin, uiguor into me oiaeet In habitant had ever seen it. Colonial ralea asaio in efTact- From March 1 to April 30 ooloniel el will be lo effect on the S. IV and 0 R. -V N. line from the eait. riom Chicago to Portland. 138: from Mioouri river common toinU or St. Paul and Minneitiolia in 'ortlaod, the rate It 130; from Pu- bio. Denver or Colorado Surinss. to Portland, 130. Seud tbit clip ping to your friend io the eut. (J oil ihearing lib Droiresiio thia county. Most of the mohair raised io Oregon it marketed in Boston. The price la not aa good aa moel raieers would like to tee it. vacant Botlon quotations are as follows: Domeelio: Combing, 2H W3lv'; carding, choice, 24(427c: carding, average, 'XM2'2c; inferior, o(20o; lope, 40c; noila, Grit eombinga, 10(4l8c; aoils, second oombioge, 19(421. Call and see Webb & Hoover wbeo io need of bay, oaU, rolltd barley, Acme chop, oat obop, cheat chop, bran and tborta, miied; wheat and oorn. Io fact, every thing to the feed line. Alio chick food, egg food, meat acrapi, oil meat, cement, lime, sulphur, field and gaiden seedi, paiot, oil, paint bruihea, priy pumpi, clover seed, timothy, Utah Land Plaater. 2 if While playing lo the yard, at her home oo Second and Oak, the lat tar part of last week, Sadie Turpin, a four-year-old child, fell against the sharp corner of a fence, and cut a deep gaeh over her right eye. Dr. A. Bailey wai called, gave an anaeethetio and i lite bed up the wouod. Clearance tale of all men's, boys' aod ladies' suit. Will be sold at actual cost, and all broken lioea carried io the immense atock of tbe Qeoeral Merchandise Store of Scbulmerich Bros. Coma early and get your choice. 61lf Thurston Johnson, of Colorado Springs, an old time Washington oounty man, wu in town the first of the week, visiting mends, sir. Johnson was born in this oounty over fifty years ago, being a son of tbe late James Johnson, of Forest drove. A black Jersey cow, with bell on, I W - L. O came lo my piece on marcu , 0H. The owner can take same, after proving property and paying charges. John MoCallen, Beaver- ton, Ore., R. 2, Bo ai. oz o The Free Methodista will hold a district conference at tha Grove, be ginning today. W. N. Coffee, pre siding elder of the dietrict, and other ministers will be present. Members of tbe churoh are prepar ing to entertain delegatee ironi an over tbe state. For Sals Driving and work horses, irom nw w iow puuu ai.iaht! broke, single and double; Parifle States. Olenooe 2f9. K"""w .... . rs MT J blanna 1'hlll OS. Ure. T . nriuvwv - a i . ioh. irn n W. Marsh, of near Can tervllle, who baa been sio who itomach trouble for the past two or three weeks, is reported, ny ut. a. B. Bailey, the attending poysician to be improving. RaU m Trade Fine modern ...bl.nna nrnnertv. Will sen, or IPJIUVHVW g " w I , -..I. tnr a amall ranoh, olosa In. Fourth and Jackson 8U., Hillaboro. 61-lf n.nt J n. Merrvman and wife, of Portland, were in the oily Tues day, attending the mnerai oi . W. D. Hare. J. M. Greear told bit house and quarter kinok thia wee, io nit. Hines, of the Climax Mills, lor tORflO. u.tHn.Hrnwn ahoti at Jonn Dennis' store. Try tnem ana you uauinivu ..... will always buy them. i. Vnnti nt near Rov. was in the oity Tuesday, and oalled on tbe Argus. Call on or phone to Dennis for groceries, A complete ana up date line aiwwro u Born, to the wife of John Peter- ... nA March 1. on, ueavenou, 1908, a daughter. Pull line of gents' 8ookt at Den nis' itore. 1 n n u. and Mrt. Bqulret. near Beaverton, Oregon, March 17, 1S08. a son m . .nl lobaoco. at John vih - i n Dennis'. l J. W. Nelson, of Corneliui, wai a HUIsboro visitor monu. . . W. F. Simpion, oi "T" SMALL BOVKKS OJC. (iovcrnment will Work Grant for Forfeiture of BiWLEY UOIITS PIAKS OF Uk Utay Beyers ef 0. 4 C. leal la This Ceaaty A Corvallie man bai received a let- ter from Congressmaa Hawlsy, in reepooe. to . letter of Inquiry, aa In aa k.l a JV - . A m ar-fa af aL to wuat ciiBct lurieuure 01 iDeiouuuay. Southern Pacifio'a 0. k C. land grant would have on .mill buyera. Congressman Hawlay makes an swer at follows. One hundred and tweutv-atTtn thoui- d cre of railroad land wuauld in compliance with law and cannot be dbv turotil. Atao 170,000 acrca more were old according to law. ticcnt at to price. Inch I nntlerataBd can arvcr be uuea- '.oncd. Hucb a tmrchaacr la unaffected by any proceeding. The reaolution, moreovet, doe not affect tbe statu of tbe rrorchaner anyhow. Tbe imendroent would operate only to confirm title of latue purchaatr. The qoeation ia: Can Convrria amend in anr instance without drfraling all actum agaiutt the railroaU? The Drpartuient of Juitice urge that the queitiou be left lo the courtaat preaent." Farm lor Sale I with to sell mv farm oontainin. 1 who to aeu my farm, oontaining 15,0Lre,,Uu nde' Pj0"' good house, bard and orchard, 3 milet south of Hilltboro, and 'one mile weet of Farmiogton. For fur- ther Information, addreea, E. Burkhaiter, iUm Hillaboro, Ore. MRS. LULA DAVENPORT Mn. Lula Davenport, aged 40 yeari, died last Sunday, at the ree ldenoe of her mother, Mn Alice Rolilon, at Gaston, of diabetes. Deceased was born in the state of Missouri, and lived in tbe Vicinity of flaaUm for man aar. A I D...-L o.i.r ' t- uroiaer, rrmi jvo.awu, ..... mi, rorest urovs. ine remains were aid away in tbe Hill cemetery Monday. NOTICE Tknaa.lahinff tn lata Advantage of tbe usual Mohair Pool oan do so by bringing tbeir wool to the Har trampf warehouse. Notice of eale will be later. Committee Jamee H. Sewell, Thomas Coonell and E B. Toogue. ROAD PETITION NO. 443 K Wenstrom, one of the petitioners for Road No. 443, sends the follow ing letter for publication, dated at Laurel, March 17: "In your issue of March , in court proceeding, we ee that Komd retition No. 44J, wa disallowed on report of viewer. For information of the numer ous siKneri of Mia peuuon, win ay, that the vieweri, county narveyor w ai- ker, w. M. Thunton aud J. h. Davit made their report in my house, and the County Hurveyor, L. C. Walker, tuld me afterward that the report was favorable, but that the bridge acroea the ruaiaun river was left to the county court a to tbetimeofbuildiBf it. I am convincedhat u. u. wamer wia me the truth; now, It jeemi that trie cuuaiy wuj ie the viewers; wilt alto tay rveTinKof March 9. that the report on the road -waa favorable, but that the bridge queition was left to the judgment of the county court. We desire further inionnaiioii irom tue county court, and we art hat an ex- planation oe given mruuKu tu. wuiu. oftiiispar." . , ins county juukw wu 1 for an explanation in this matter makes the following statement: The petition to establish road No. ill wai tne most iniporiam roau un to come before tbe county court for eome time, because it called Tor tbe building oi abridire acros the TualaUn river,- tween the Harri( or Farmiogton) bridge and the Scholli bridge, and about one mile below the former. The viewers ap- pointed by the rourt remended the .hn..iH he under no oblinatfon to build a i . .v.... waahitiotnn I'aumv bridge across the river until the county court is satisfied that tuch bridge is nee- VZZiZrX&t S that they could not make any such con itlnnal order lenllv. the county court " . 1 . communicated wiw the viewers, and was .mu.-.v--r-.- . ?f0!mJ.AHr.n"r.r huildimr of the bridge could oe ine raioiiu". - . . post- nni. aa aet forth III their report Tne court luerf lore Twitu w ui-wn the road. Basaar, for Poet Cardi. Argui and Paolfle Monthly, 92. C. L. Hlnman. of Foreit Grove, was In town between trains Friday. T. B. Perkins, a wail anown well Buxton business man, waa m w city monaay. .. ... For Sale-Havin pwcnaeexi an intereit in an imported itallion, I offer my Jack to . fltih eaoR DairfanA. nlaimiM. . . . i Vj jA.. nm.kiA fin . R. D. Auureao, u ' . . nKnna No. 78. GianOOt. Weiiey wVpauV; 2 4 Btzaar, for Poet Cards. Miss Abbie Wilkes, of Buzloo, was in tbe city Monday. C. W. Loreoz, of' Buxton, came down to Hillaboro Sunday. C. W. Loudon, of near Glencoe, was In the city Friday. Cbas. Hickelhier, of Cedar Mills, was in town Saturday. Baldwin Bros., contractors, of Forest Grove, were in tbe city Monday. Root. Hartrampf and Ira Bar- rati Atnttt In tha flrnwa flnrwlav afternoon. n. C. Bailee, a nrominent attar- Ley of Tillamook, was in town I UaaJM I Born, to tbe wife of Marion F. Skeels, near 8cholls, Ore., March ), iwn, a eon. Born, to the wife of Clarence Hoyt,at Forest Grove, March 18, 1908, a daughter. P. C. Allison and wife, of Port land, spent Sunday with relatives in HUIsboro. John V. Helsler and Heesa K. Hayden were granted hoense to wed, on the 21st lost. Dr. Lowe, tbe optician, will be in Hillaboro April 6. The wise will wait for him. Fred Stetler and Gotfried Sohlae tli, of above Mountaindale, were Argus callera Tuesday; Reghitto, of Beaverton, Rbitto of near ShJrwMd m iotown MondaV 7' nd cUed- For Bale Full blood, 5 months' old Jersey calf, eligible to registry. Geo. Biersdorf, Cornelius, R. D. 1; 4j milea northwest of Hilli boro. 2 3 Mr. LaBarge, of near Scholli, who recently sold his 100 acre ranch to Harry A. and N. S. Ritchie for $6,003, wai in town Saturday. HUIsboro hat the building im pulse. New houses are going up r "T ... : ajmoe every pari oi mjwu, uiwu j i of them fine little cottage, modern .. , i,l I -r r Fresh salmon, smelt and rsior clama, and aalted fieh, at the Ritohev Fish Market, on Third St., i uour vu uuiuu(n ibwumj, 1 Hillaboro. Orders delivered to any part of city. 52-3 Why not get Some good layers? Blue Andalueiana, winner! at lead- ing shows. Pullets and cockerels for aale. Eggi, $1 60 for letting of 13. Schmidt & Kuliccb, 24 miles northweet of Beaverton, on Baseline road. 48-No. 1 Mist Mary Treber, of Portland, visited her lister, Mrs. J. C. Ru ratli. Sunday, and helped to cele brate the birthday of her little nephew, the ion of Mr. and Mra. Kuratli. We carry too many articles to enumerate, but we have anything tbe farmer needi. The largest stock ever ahown in Washington county, and can and will beat all oompetitOW. Schulmerioh BrOi, q Collier, of Scholli. an old . oni-w-,,. '.!,!,.. .. n tk. time Hllliooro reaident, wai in we city Monday, shaking hands with friends. Mr. Uonier 11 juii reoov j from a MVire atUok of grip. W cTlZwil Orovi Lolta, Wtl ln town oalUraay . 1 no naa not sigueu wu muj . las yet this season, and may notf nit u-n uniii Te-.4 , . . vwl t iaB mw urecuuuuN ut for roaes, bulbe, plants, etc. I nave a ! ta- tn anliwt from. Thank- , iha oublio for oait Datronaae. r nefuii. mamt . Bhtre for the future, independent puone, . . . ----- o .v J Mrs Agnes Oowan, Seventh and ft atl., UlUSDOrO. V)-Oi . ... . J. n. Aaams, wno naa uvea in the Nehalem country for mora than jm .nd wh0M f.her wai one f A , ... hftB i DauvDfc iu sura iniwnu rumi I (We and Cornelius, oavins $2500 foj Mm. and'WiU be a resident of . . kftor. affark Noble. of the Grove, made the deal. 1 . ine ueiivery waiu ui n.ra Hoover became frightened at , an , - lILIj.. ."S IBIUmOOD. WUU IIU uuwu uwwuu I ran street to the north end of tnat treet, when it tamed to Third street and ran back on that street, stopping at S. D. Thorne'i place. Fortunately no damage wai done to either team or wagon. I am now prepared to ihow you the new and correct spring and anmm atvlaa in tailor-made anitl.l ,nta alia- hlri.walat anita. -.j. to yom aneeial order from ... . i.l J I your own isieouon or material ana i . . .1.. - r.ii Hma irimuunge, . . u . tnraeta. and will be clad to bring a. mvsoodi to vour house upon re - M ' x.j ..." v raA quest, maepenaen pouus, ooi IMrs. M. E, Caudle. 112 mm TO J BARRED Fear Little Brown Men will Ruin the Business PRESIDENT FASSO AGAINST JAPS N.t Wanted la VaihlagUa Track Laid Csaaty The Japanese are endeavoring to make long time leases of Washing ton county beeverdam land, for the purpose of setting a monoDolv on the onion and iki. nrnAni. connU . . . ,. leases in other parts of the state, but thus far without success. Washington county produces more onions thsn any other county in the state, by reason of its fine beav erdam tracts, and the Japanese are very anxious to get a foothold here. A. J. Fanno, president of tbe Confederated Onion Growers' Asso ciation, is opposed to leaeing lands to the Jspaneee on any terms, fear ing that tbe prioea of oniona would be put down by the little brown men, thereby injuring the industry. So far, tbe owners of onion land io this county have stood as a unit in refusing the offers of the Jape. If Ut inoon8"0' IM JP- " the JPn" Bet the same control onJon lande in thit eUte which they have of onion and beet land In California, the white population would better pack up and go out of business. CLATSOP-TILLAMOOK ROAD Astoria and Tillamook are to be connected by the steel rails of the P. R. & N. It is not known which of two routes will be taken from the bay to Astoria, whether the in side, or the outeide er beach route. With reference to the two routes, the Tillamook Herald of lt week - "There are two route nnder conaider- ation in two conntie: The back route, running from a point about two P'1. Mt.of. in thi. county, to. XZoll on me Nona rork oi tne rsenaiem, wttn the main bridge across that stream. This will make the Buchanan trait available for all who desire to use it comimr north. The adoption of this line will leave Clat- "P ltn U "ulea to build, and mcluding V. ti.gs uu uiitiu n..M ma 1 will cost in the neighborhood of gaooo per mile; Tillamook: Having completed her section to the boundary. The other, or outside route, follows the ocean beaches from a point to which Clatsop has built on the Elk Creek road, .WI,J dge across that creek win utilize the beach as far south as Arch Rock, leaving one and a half miles for this county to complete to the southerly line; the entire Tillamook section yet to be built by that county; and being equal in scope to that yet to be constructed by Ulatsop en tne inside road, SUMMONS TIME TABLE Passenger train schedule follows Leave for Portland Foreet Grove local, 6:5i a. m Sheridan Flyer 9:07 a. m Forest Grove local. VM p. m Corvallis overland Arrive from Portland Corvallis overland 58 p. m .. 8:16 a. ,iaw7 p. . 5:e8p. . 647 P- Forest Grove local. - 'r' Forest Grove local. , . iaviBg Portland Corvallie overland.... . 7:00 a. m .iixwa. m Forest Grove local.. . . Sheridan Flyer ..... . . 4:10 p. m Forest Grove local. . . 040 p. m. Arrivalin Portland . n 1 1 Sheridan Flyer . 8x0 a. m .10:30 a. m, Foret Grove local. . , . 3:50 p. m. 6:35 p. m. I fVr0ailiai noarlanii Corvallis overland The Forest Grove local doea not carry baggage. MILLINERY OPENING M5g Lulu .Coleman, of Corneliui, hub vimwv tu .uuvuuwhi 1 her openina of Spring Millinery will ooouron Friday and Saturday, March 20th and 21st. She respect- fully invitee the ladies of thesur MHhrfina nnnnl f A n. 1 1 inn baa . M- vt.-. ..U. mnt HUHHVI made to please patrons. 52-tf I Bt)tt fJBVWB V W 0MBW VN t ua V VI J vhvb w Ground wai broken on the lite of the Oregon building at the Alas ka-Yukon Fair, one day last week, bv the Oregon Commission, of whioh W. H. Wehrung is president Mr. Wehrune turned the first lahnvel full of dirL to theaccom I Minment of appropriate cere .lu Tha SMntinn aI Ibaai.t.1 lknj; .in .nnn fniin. .h it I -m he readv for Oree-on'a e-reat i exhibit. ' afi ' , H ThompsOB of Thompion BrM.'Mille, Mountaindale, wa. in " luwo J B 1 John Corneliui, of the Grove, wai I l ! ;.:. wu vmtij """"J "" linthiicity. See Our Full Of rubber goods of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are always to be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Any article that is made of rubber, and intended for home use is in our well assorted stock. Always remember that rubber good are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them you must depend more or less upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub ber goods only from a dealer who ha a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro First Annual Statement of the Forest Grove National Bank at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908 Resources. Liabilities. Loans k discounts..-! 99,a79-f 6 Capital Stock...... $s,ooo.co umlmt:.ds...&.r: 1 .co Other Bonds 5,000.00 Undivided profits I 54J.69 ISjtiSZZ 12t DEP0SITS - 206m-81 Dne from U. 8. Trea- B - sury f 1, 250.00 r Due from banks 0 7'.'40.5 t Cash on Hand - :..39,215.67 o 4lll.6o6.19 Wn $257,720.50 ' 1257,720.50 . Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Vt Officers & Directors: V. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice Pres.; J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, - ... Oregon BAILEYS For WOOL BLANKETS IO 1-4 U 1-4 12 1-4 Prices. $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS Same Sizes as Above Prices. 75 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash- ington County J. E. Bailey, THE DELTA Dealers . and We also line of fine If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having " been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Oaly Positively no Credit We have just received a car of Bain wagoni from tbe factory. Will sell at Portland prices. Bcbulmerich Bros. 51-tf , Assortment Pharmacy STORE Forest Grove DRUG STORE in Pure Drugs Medicines carry a complete sundries. Smokera like the Schiller and its Exoellencia. These ci;rs art of the beet atock. You can't fed aa i ii ll " ) i' J J h V. I t I f ! i . 1 1 f, i i I s- nt vt ; I , I: it . ft 'I I' f' ' t , ,1 ; aift