n VOL. XV CilSGEIlS ELKCT I KGATKS STATE GKANGE LLSBgRa H1LLSBORO, OREGON. MARCH 19, 1908. Memberi All-Pay Sexton in HilNboro Saturday 0PP05I A COL'MT HIGH SCHOOL in M I of Miii,i-,i,..,. i i t ... , , "'.ill. IjUllLfC N n Ml I l r . ... .. w. w r.,i,r iiH city, night to Vaehingt.io N at rwrvMi Grove Four ,,,..; were InitUtml Into W.HhiBto muge, Hilleboro meml-era NMHtir.K i ?, ,Work- fl,,r '"k. a UndiJ banquet waa ,ry,,J, an.l be visitor report the lime of ihir lives. TboM preeent fr0,n M,)Ills. -uma Udga w,re: (- j,; ,)tj . nun. (. J !.!..,. i... ti . . f( lilll.iUi U AcauM ney, U. H. Ore.r. I) jt L,i,T Pelllloi J. U. Larrikin, I), McCtminh li Beamish. r. J. p. Tiiulwi., Kd Moor V H 111..... f i , . i T. emintv BftiBi were represent- 1 1 l- ' u:.V . rV.-' '""""", . . . i. I ILL -L -I . .. - - . ..... ...unit, ii last wur.1.7. iu iuii i iiuiiiiun, C. ('. Miller am V 'tmMt hi W)R iiuisooro grange, iveieay. ,b the gr.ngeraof thi county A. C. JIU. of Hherwood, j j,, prow!! lo elect three delegate town, having tn tJMwn Mi jurj. u the Slate Grange, which meet M,,- Mr. ilall cams to Webbing. ,Iu.non the (llh ...J 7ib of i," ,57" ' l'i, when . boy. " ... I Ha think a i,.t,L -i . i: ,.,,.(. Tboee oboeeo to rpr- Dirj -"V , " - Ut lb grange of thli county I n ... ijm. .,....... .. ., tin: Philip OUon, of Hilleboro pioneers of 1S,V2 He relate,, that .n V H. Prlcketl. of Lawia A I hie Tether, J, Hall, in l vv f.,.,i Clk gunge, H.oke; W. W. ' TV'rk, "r l,our-in L.hk M. ,,.t!- TKI " "v MU-r Will r i i ; " ; Miti. h e.i.i the iit 'Minn nail 11 iiimibi iim nn h.i . . i . . . . ted diecueewJ vrl meeearee of end with meny othre, win ,ot- piblia lniorlno'1 tnong which to, end even thrrt epiul toll l tuth Imlialive, end the count; M ck. fciibKhool proiMMiitlon The ooa- ,. ?f opioion ,h.t the Ini- 'Z mini ii ifliuiT overwore4 07 en- movln. blt Mmnl ft iv;Ut 11,1 iiirj ewt tide of the lot. John Brown M remodeling hit houeo. Mm Hu me Morgan i building a neat resi dence on her lot, juet eH of her home, end C. K. IMchman he Ml I!' !' fi 1 CUT OrcKou fJniwcnt to Decide on i'n.pt.silioii March 30 THKkE STATES l THE SCUEVI Kach .tocr not to Own ai Manj Miartd an Acres uanui4, ami mat too wan alltced economic reforme are Ulng rat gp to the people til at once. Iieiiiireetl that the Initiative law ebootd be amended to ae to re kjgirt it least one-fifth of tbe votir g upoliUun 10 a petilioo to initiate lie. A. to tbe oouotff hlgb .0 .utbTr iv that a ckool.i majority of the grangere J..,,, lion ere will be uipwmi iu u. voe 01 me iuet finiehed two cotUgeemi Wash- logtnn llreet. It a renorled pa l, on numlier of built in tllllt.... ... il.!. lUalr ..ni i:.:' b9 to."d.foroe year. pm. Butrment No, 1 waa die mud, but the grange did not put Colonial rates again in elTuct: (www wn riHjora in a formal rroio jntrcn 1 10 April coionini 911 I r M . . UiimI I. .. ll I .11 1 I . it . .1 it w.j, m ir.mwj, uuwvvrr , uai i um win i in eueci on ine o. I tin sitter probably will be taken and 0 R. N line from the eaet. -P by the granger, later on, and From Chicago to Portland, f3S; hm tney may go on record con- from nteeoun river common tminle og it U. (1, Leedv. ei Grand or Hi. Paul and Minneaoolie. In u. ... . . .. ... I . . .....! . ,..i ui UJB oii uransee, pre-i 1 onianu, voe rate n t.su irom 1 u jiiWit tbe meeting. There were eblo, Denver or Colorado Springe, Wij.3gringeripreeent.with their to Portland, 130 Hend thie clip iiih, ana a mg uinuer waa ping to your friend In tbe ant. ttloome Inilnr. nf IK. u..Ut, I - v u( wvwbivHi I ... , . mri. mmiia 1 eoppei, 01 leaver ton, waa granted a divorce from JUllui leoppel, on lueeday, in circuit court. Mri. Peoiiel etatee All In k.. ...I IW.I l,... I,,.ul. n.l ii... , " I iu UOI wiiuiM.llll lum Mri uunuaiiy -...ro, ai neivetu, at iu a. m., beat her and applied vile and de TUESDAY, MAUCII 24 grading namea to her. and threat Tmw vorltina hcrwa. a and 1 vMr. ened to deelrov her with drna j y-ar-olj colt; liorae and mite. etc. The court decreed tbe KiTnar,:. children to tbe eagon; h.ck; blodtr" w'oib P,inU" um T,r3;Lr"l,,,f .Swr,.V",r Mike Albplanalp, of Tillamook Clover I-ear Hill, tnri l..i..u . j I PIihuui frlnp of that nlane. wan lrki.-L... -wm... j mm v.. ... j . . , . !--"", a io-0.nnn milk n. ..J j-wnrotti other aitldra. ' itriui 01 Male INI anrl imilav I a ll.l..t nn KU . 1a I . . I - --W. .HW-fl AlUUIIIIIlll TT .C VII lin TT M T V wiu,ur,r I I l.u.n MMMikM- ii.. In .1 i rrt . I I tv uiUUIUI III. -n-iary j.i-ph JIaumgartner, of the ()rfK,.tl branch of the Pacific ( 'i."t Hop;row(.r' I'nion, ba re wiv-d (,,,! tlflt the California di rtnrn will m in Portland, March '!", for the purpoen of conferring and Ori-Ron ami WaehirKton di rectora relative to j,lttn(, for reduc ing tbe p.Mi.s rrop to two thirds o me crop of I'.io,. An agreement hn b(H) drawn tirmMil I "e on-ibir. retlurtiori to Ucome ef- itctivn w liin ii) .r Crr,t of the grnweia liave Hncii. I l.l '""'i" "i uih movement tn taiiiornm on nut approve df Ihe p an of v. hi pgrower corporation with each prower owning at many haree as he Imn m .Tee. for auch an organijtiii in wi.ijM violate the anti truht l'ie. MISS WACCENER COMING HOME PUBLIC SACK ,. light milea nortbeait m m a I in town Monday, a gum 01 nie brotber-in law. K. I. Kuratli. Mr. no, aaven month' time, Portland, Taooma and Seattle, on Pprored note, per cent, intereat buaineaa connected with hie fac tory. Clearance lale of all men'e, boy' and ladiee' luita. Will m Bold at actual coat, and all broken lines carried in the imtnenee etock of the Merchandise Ja. fll.kift C Kuratli, Auctioneer. U Shute, Clerk. Afguiand Oregonlan, $126. J-Pitertilka, of Button, wai in General Hill, of Buxton, had buai t the county aeat Friday. TunJav mi D.i.t.ki. j. I uy, w uieinnrs nl I n,l. Hint. patron WmI1 more wire fence than all competitors combined. The Htare of 8chulmerich Bros. Come early and get your choice. oltt Mr. and Mrs. JaB. Millenberger, of this city, apent Sunday with rel atives at Tigardville, and aaeieted in tbe celebration of his father a 62nd birthday annivemry. A brotber'i birthday also occurred on on ii that . K.. ik. u,..i the tame day. JJk md can eell the oheapeat. A black Jersey cow, with bell on, oobulroerioh Bros. 61-tf came to my place on March 3, t.i .. mrm ti, nam, nin take lame. WhTX; A St VroVinrproy and paying J0";, wi i., the oity Friday, ton' 0r6 R" 2' BoX M' V.IIUU, K. W. Haines, of Foreet Grove, For 8al.-l)fivlng tQd work was in the city Saturday. Bumor, tUromllOO to'iaoS poS whether true or not s to the efle t "'go.; broke. aina-U .nH rimikl- tnat Mr. name wui fur state J, piiikiq bqi nuuuio, . , , .. none, TacifJo States, Glenooe 2w! detefor the nomination Midence, Phillips, Or.C. W. senator again, this year. f ' About 20,000 cabbage plants now John W. Gault,who for years ready, at 26o a hundred, or wil WW at MoMinnville, died last mail to any address, poetpaid, for wk at Hpok.ne, He waa a broth- 35fl per hundred. Be4 of iweet J f M. C. GauU and Mrs. pea seed for sale at the Morton J W-mphreys, former resldenU Greenhouse, Hilleboro. ol- I v ' ! r0, " The Sheridan local met with a ' ale or Trade Fine modern mishap last Friday evening, while wiaenoe property. Will sell, or pulling into Cornelius, oansed by Q lu t R "maU ranon' 0,0M B- the breaking of an axle. 1 be dis- Hunter, corner Fourth and able.i ooach was sidetracked at 'lcon St,., Hillaboro. 5l-tf Cornelius. i.0"" Konnli and Arthur Beales, . Mieses Eugenia Stndford and S, J Tillamook, are Said , lo be' Kthel Anburn, of Uates for the primary noml- with Miss Minnie Hartrampf wv- J ion fa, joiDt n rD Jtiy9 for 4i dsvB Ift8l week, returning $ I2?lm of Tillamook, Yamhill, home Saturday, b ffi'luKf L,D0ln 00 the Reader, of the Argus in the east " ''tr i t end of the county shou d read the Uncle Tommy" Tucker, one of announcement of C. h. Hedge, of fit ,l,merif this community, Beaverton. It may mean money ith M unday to nk W" hamt for you. Ca8 Kiln n".?h' Born, to the wife of Robt. Har- r.J . K vel1.. ol Portland. Mr. . nf Hilleboro. March 15, jrmT 8 ftbl to about on IqTSv-on Sea;hvlng recovered to that 1908, a eon. n?k 'roin hlB ol 0Bie Cig.ft "nd l ' onth8ag0. . Dennis'. at John 1-2 u;... it- ... .um ii nuin n apKerii r win soon I home. Hr parent, Mr. and nti. i.uiua n Kgc-wer, of this citv. l , , ... " ' receiven a letter iroru their daugh ter. ruday, which contained the glad news thai Mm U'iltna ex peeled to eail for the I'tiited States from Antwerp, on the I'y.h inet. She w.n in Kranci at the time the letter wa ported, and will make a ebort vi-it with relntivea and fri'-ndw in the l.Nrt before coming to Hillnb.iro. Mirf) Waggentr baa fininheil a pft-graduate mucical couree, in tJermany, and returns to Oregon an accomplUhed pianiBt She will bf welcomed borne by a hoct of friend, who have taken a pride in her musical education, and who b ip to hear her in local re citaln, upon her return. Her poet graduate course was under some of the b"t teachere in (.ermany, and evidently eho ha a eucceeeful ca rer before her in her chosen profeeeion. Farm lor Sale 1 wifh to ft 11 my farm, containing 1 52 acree, 110 acres under plow, good boon., Imrii and orchard,. 3J miles south of Hilleboro, and one mile went of Kimningtou. For fur ther information, address, E. Burk halter," fl-Cim liillhboro, Ore. Haisiiar, for Post Cards. Full line of genie' socks at Den nin etore. 1 2 W. FeliH, of above Buxton, was in the city Monday. J. C. I.amkin went up lo Banks on business Tuesday. V. F. Des.inger, of Beaverton, attended court here Tuesday. 8. B. Huston, of Portland, was in the city Monday, on legal busi ness, W'm. Bellinger, of Forest Grove, transacted business in Hilleboro Monday.. Owen Murray, of Cedar Mills,, transacted business in Hilleboro Monday.' Ward Knnes and Guy Messin ger, of Laurel, visited Hilleboro Monday. Cull on or phone to Dennis for groceries, A complete and up to date line always on hand. Miss Ania Chalmers, of Port land, was in tho city Sunday, the guest of Miss Elizabeth Milne. Attorney Veaeey, cf the firm of Veasey it easey, Portland, at tended court at this place Mon day. , - . Nels. Hansen, of Cedar Mills, had business at the county seat Friday, and favored the Argus with a call. Pigs for Sale -Some Poland Chi na pigs for ealo, on farm of Dr; A B. liuiley, 2 miles north of Hilla boro. Farmers' phone, 430. Robt. Thompson and D. C. Bur ton, of Cular Mill, were in the city Saturday, and lookid in on the county seat official paper. Remember the dance at the Greenville K. O. T. M. Hall, Sat urday evening, .March 21, 190S. Tickets, including supper, 75 cents. The warm, heavy rains of Satur day and Sunday melted most of the enow in , the Coast Range mountains, and many of our most reliable weather prophets predict an early spring. NO. I Bazaar, for Post Cards. C. K.Kindt, of Kinton, wa in me city Saturday. Fine line of ladies' Bhoes at John Dennis'. 12 Herman Collier, of Scholia, was in tne city Monday. Fred B. Clark, of near Keedville was an Argus caller Friday C. E. Deicbman ia assisting in i ne county ciera'a ollice, this week Warren Williams, of near Moan taindale, was in town Friday, and caueu. Hamilton-Brown shoes at John Dennis' store. Try them and you win always buy tbem. 1 2 Wallace McCamant. a wel known Portland attorney, is in the city on tegai Dullness. James Ellis and wife, of Port land, f pint Sunday with C. E. Ly tie and family, of this city. Geo. Streeter and wife, of Port land, were guest of J. W. Bailey ana wne tne nrei oi tne week. Improved Wileon strawberrr plants for sale at Fern Leaf Frnit Farm. II. 8. Alexander, Cornelius. Jre., Koute 2. 41-1 Stewart Vaughn, formerlr of Middleton, but now of McMinn ville, was in Hilleboro last Satur day, greeting old friends. for Hale Thirty-two head of tine Angora goats, mostly nannies, vli eell at 12.75 per head X A. Gaeener. Beaverton. Oreeon. Route 3. 52-1 Mr. Vaurfht ha added about 12 feet to bis store room, and bnilt on a roomy warehouse, which gives mm plenty oi room for bis grocery uuemtss. For Sale Ten milk cows, all fresh this spring, or early in sum mer. Good milkers. Henry Hen nagin, 2 miles southeast of Reed ville. 50-l Geo. H. Durham, of Grant Pass. was in Hilleboro Saturday. Mr. Durham was up paying taxes. He formerly was a prominent attorney or rortiand. Freeh salmon, smelt and razor clams, and salted fish, at the Ritcbey Fish Market, on Third St . next door to Trullioger'a factory, iiuiBboro. urders delivered to any part of city. 52 3 A plat was filed in the recorder's oflice this week, known a HMetz ger's Acres," in the vicinity of Ti gardville. The tract is divided into 75 one-acre lots, and adjoins the Oregon Electric line between Salem and Portland. Why not get some good layers? Blue Andalusiani, winners at lead- ng Bbowa. Pullets and cockerels for sale. EggB, $1 50 for setting of 13. Schmidt & Kuliech, 21 mile northweBt of Beaverton, on Baseline road. 48-No. 1 Marriage licenses were issued by the county clerk as follows: To John H. Cougblin, of Sherman county, and Miss Alta Clancy, of this county, on March 14ib; Rich ard J. Bond and Elizabeth Stewart Miller, March 13th. Call at the new Greenhouse for roses, bulbs, plauts, etc I have a nice stock to select from. Thank- ng the publio for past patronage, respectfully solicit a share for the future. Independent phone, 323. Mrs. Agnes Gowan, Seventh and Fir Sts , Hilleboro. 49-52 Washington county has more beaverdam soil within its borders than any other county in the state. o illustrate the lasting quality of the soil, we are told that Fanno Brothers, of near Raleigh, have a tract of beaverdam on whioh they have raised a crop of onions con tinuously Bioce the year 1854. J. C. Donelson, of St. Paul, Ne braska, who has been visiting with relatives in this place, started home yesterday. While here he went over to Newport to see the Pacific ocean, with his father, A. W. Don elson, and brother, W. 0. Donel son. Tbe trip was made last Sat urday, the party returning on Monday. One of the first cases to come up in circuit court, Monday, waa that of the P. R. & N. Co., vs. Jaoob son, condemnation proceedings for right of way. In order that the jury might better understand the matter, Judge McBride sent that body up to Buxton, on the after noon train, to view Jaoobeon's premises, through whioh the right of way is desired. While attempting to board the moving 4 o'clock train, on Fourth street, Portland, Friday evening, Andrew Stewart, of this city, was thrown violently to the ground, striking on his right shoulder, with the result that he had to be assisted to the waiting room, and brought home on the next train" Dr. F. A. Bailey was called to at tend to his injuries, whioh though painful are not srious. ' P. BiN. CLEARANCE Two Suits now in Court Wil End Matter MOST SETTLERS WELCOME ROAD Ssy it Will Ucruac Valac if Their Hildiagi Ose-Half The P. R. & N. Raihray Company wnicn is building toward the Till mook coast from this city, has but two suit in this county to be set tied, under condemnation proceed ings, when it will have its right of way all earned in this county. Most of the settlers aloog the line welcome the building of the road. and many have given right of way to tbe company outiight. A resi dent of the country north of Bux ton informed an Argus reporter that it was bis opinion that the value of his land would be in creased more than one half bv th I, i ... . ' . ouuaing oi me r. K. A Is e line past bis farm. Other farmers along the line speak in the same way, but now and then there ia one whn looks upon railroads a a bad thing for bis community. Fortun ately, however, such Deraon are ! I . . . in a lonesome minority. The P. R. t N. will open up to market a rich country, full of resources, and will greauy Decent the towns and com munities through which it oasaea It will also put the people of this section, as well as Portland, in easy communication with the coast, and at tbe same time five the beleaguered Tillamookers a chance to get out to the "United State" with some degree of comfort. THE SPRAY THAT WINS In order to have every one who has fruit trees try the celebrated Phoe nix Lime and Sulphur 8nrav. I will, until the end of the season. sell the Phoenix spray at $3 50 per oarrei oi &u gallons, f. o. b. in Portland, or at my farm at 20c ner ii mi. - r gauon. ibis spray is recommend ed by fror. A. B. Cordley, and ia guaranteed of full strength It test is 30 per cent. It saved my orchard of about 1,000 trees from dying out, as the trees were en- crusted with the San Jose Scale, nence i am recommending it. I will Bhip to any part of the county. carney Lreie, Agent, 51-tf Beaverton, Or. A SENSIBLE STAND he News does not propose to take up tbe cause of any one candidate for a county office to the exclusion of another. We believe the voters of this county are just as well qual- nea to maxe tneir own selections as we are. The Geld is full of good competent men, all republicans, and we only wish they could all be elected Forest Grove News. W. H. Galvani, Acting Chief Engineer of the Oregon Electric ine, was in the city Monday, on business connected with hi com pany. Mr. Galvani says the com pany will build the Hilleboro branch just as soon as right of way matters are settled, and the weather will permit. He thinks Washington one of the best coun ties in tbe state from every point of view, and predicts a rosy future for Hilleboro in particular, and other towns in general, along the line of the Oregon Electric. I am now prepared to show you the new and correct spring and summer styles in tailor-made suits, skirts and silk shirt-waist suits, made to your special order from your own selection of material and trimmings; also a full line of waiBts, coats and jackets. I carry a standard line of underskirts and corsets, and will be glad to bring my goods to your house upon re quest. Independent phone, 584 Mrs. M. E. Caudle. 112 Willis Waggener and wife, of Newport, were in the city over Sat urday night and Sunday, return ing to Newport Monday morning Mr. Waggener and family will probably remain at the coast all summer, as they find it beneficial from the standpoint of health. f We carry too many artioles to enumerate, but we have anything tbe farmer needs. The largest etock ever shown in Washington county, and can and will beat all competitors. Schulmerioh Bros. Sfiss Minnie Abbott returned Sunday, from a fortnight's visit at Llttell, Wash., and resumed her work in the Pacific States' tele phone office. - " John R. Bailey, of Buxton, was JD Ahe city Tuesday. See Our Full Assortment Of rubber goods of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are always to be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Any article that is made of rubber, and intended for home use is in oar well assorted stock. Always remember that rubber goods are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing tbem yon must depend more or less upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub ber goods only from a dealer who has a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro Pharmacy first Annual Statement of the Forest Grove National Bank at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908 Resources. Loans 4 discounts-! 99.-79-C6 U. S. bonds & pre miums a6.a65.63 uwer Bonds Real Estate Furniture & Fixtures Dne from V. S. Trea sury .Jr. 250,00 Due from banks -71.140.5- I'ash on Hand 39,215.67 5.000.00 1a.094.1S 3.474-84 111, 6o6.19 $257,720.50 Liabilities. Capital Stock...... $25,000.00 Circulation......... 35,000.00 Undivided profits 1 542.69 DEPOSITS - 20(5,177.81 B 9257,720.50 Correct Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice --.., .. a., iuuruourga, vasnier; inos. u. load; J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, Oregon BAILEY'S STORE For WOOL BLANKETS IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4 Prices, $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS Same Sizes as Above Frices, 75 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash- ington County J. E. Bailey. Forest Grove THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. - Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be aoM for Cash Only. Positively at Credit. We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory. Will sell at Portland prioes. . .ukniv.wi.wv M-r I Smokers like the Schiller and the Exoellencia. These tzn are of the best stock.' Yon eza't feci as