HILLSBORO ARQUS, M I J. Entered mt the Poet offlo at Hlllaboro Oregon, M swnond-claaa wail snatlr. HKNKV O. GlILD. Rdltoe. County Official Paper Subscription: 11.50 per Annum. luaed Every .Thursday BY GlILD A McKIMNRT The decision recently rendered .gainst the Pscifiio State Tele phone Company in a suit agiint the ttate, in which the validity of the refrrendom wa threatened, was a eolar pletos blow to a claee of corporations that are ever clam oring for special privils. Uocd lor Judge Cleland. I expect to get a car of decom posed granite. Persons wanting a load for chicken grit or cemetery walks, should notify me, ae I will bare more than I want. J. M. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finney are residing in the Adams' house. Oak and Third, after a year's reeidtnc? in Sellwood. They will build here this summer. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For County t'lerk I hereby announce myself as Rorubli can candidate before the Priioartea, to be held April 17, 190S. for the otfice ot Count v Clerk. It nominated and elect ed I pledge (air and courteous treatment to all. Being familiar with the duties of the office, I feel that I can serve the peo ple, If elected, in a satisfactory manner W. D. SMITH. Hillsboro, Oregon. County Clerk I hereby announce myself as a Republi can candidate for the office of County Clerk of Washington County, Oregon, subject to the endorsement of the Ke publican Primary election to be held in said coanty, on Apnl 17, 1908. If elected, I promise a carefnl.econ otnical administration of the affairs of that office, efficient service and faithful performance of duty. E. J. GODMAN. , Connty Assessor I hereby announce myself as a candi date before the Primaries for the office of County Assessor on the Republican ticket, and if nominated and elected, it will be say effort to conduct the office in the future, as in the past, with absolute consistency, and without fear or favor, and for the best interests of Washington county. GEO. H. WILCOX. County Assessor I am a candidate for the nomination of County Assessor oa the Republican tick' et subject to the Primary election on April 17, 1 90S. MAX CRAXDALL. County Assessor I hereby announce myself as a Repub lican candidate for the office of County Assessor 01 Washington County, Oregon, uoject to the endorsement of the Ke publican voters of this County at the Primary election to be held on April 17, 1908. If I am nominated and elected, I will during my term of office give all square deal and good service. C. E. DEICHMAN. Connty Recorder I hereby announce myself as a candidate before the Direct Primaries for the office of Kecorder of Conveysnces. WILLIS IRELAND. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor sheriff of Washington County, Ore gon, at the Republican Primary notni natiag election, and announce that if I secure the republican nomination for Sheriff of Washington County, and am elected, that I will give said office all of my time ana personal attention, and will endeavor to give an efficient administra tion of the affairs of said office and per- lunu aii 01 me amies tnereol in a consci entious manner. Dated this February 12th, 1908. F. T. KANE. For School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination to the office of Coun ty School Superintendent, pledging that, if nominated and elected to serve a sec ond term, I will give to all a square deal and faithful service. ; M. C. CASE. For Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a candidate r ' ir r M ior ine omcc 01 v.ouniy 1 reasurer, sub ject to the indorsement of the Renntilixan primary election, to be held on April 17, . 1 9c 8. If elected, I promise a faithful performance 01 amy, in the future, as in f the past. WM. M. JACKSON. 1 For Sheriff I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the oraoe 01 snerlii on the Republican ticket. If nominated and elected, 1 prom- iaea clean, efficient and economical ad ministration of the analrs or that office. JOHNC.KURATLI. County Sheriff : I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Sher iff, at the coming primary. If I am nom economical and efficient management of me oinoe, ana 1 jiparwm eiiwrueiiieiiip vi the laws. C. B. BUCHANAN. Coanty Corurulnaioner I wish to announce to the Republican voters of this county that I am a candi date for the nomination of County Com missioner, at the primary election. If IIUIIIIUMVW Mill o uvj., 1 ,..., " - - r- ff term of office, honestly, faithfully, oonsci- enuouaiy snu tmimmtuu pwiuim ties pertaining to aaid office. JOHN McCLARAN. District Attorney In submitting my name to the electors of the Fifth Judicial District for their consideration for the otR.- of IVtnot Attorney of ul 1'is.tnct I drsirr to n.iv that if I am nominated atnl elcctexl, 1 ill. during rtiv tctm of ortice, homv.lv. vigorously ami tnifwrtiallv rvrfonn ail the othcMl duties r rtinins to saul of fice, without firar or fvor. cndc.tvorini; alwax-s to acwnl to every individual, ir respective of party, politics or personali ties, a muare deal under the law. keep ing always uppermost in my miml the urn-rest of the taxpayer ot said Ihsuict an.lSuu?, K. B. TOMU K. or Sheriff To the Voter of Washington Couety: 1 lierebv announce myself a a candi date for the . ttioe of MicntVof this Ci nit ty . subject to the endorsement of the RtpuKicau party at the ptiutaty e'eo tion. to l held on April lvS. It I . tu 110 mnatid aim elected. I will, ilurint n-v term of orbce, fiithfullv and imta:tiallv discharve the duties thereof. ami gix-e to the jvople of this county an efficient, and at the same tiuie an econ omical administration. 1 further state that 1 w ill eix-e the busi- nes of that olHce niv jeinal atlcnt'ou. hnl exxry cin a square deal. l.KO. G. HANCOCK. For Treasurer' I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Washington County, 0:egon. Subject to the endorsement of the Republican voters at the primaries to t hrld April l-th, and I herefv Wxige mysrii. 11 elected. I will give strict attention to the duties of the office and turn all interest collected on county funds into the coun- tv treasurv. II. G. King. Daitv Precinct For Coroner I herebv announce myself as a candidate fo; theltepubltean noniinatiou for Coun tv lroner at the primary election, April 1?. iac If noniinatKl and ele.HeAt ihe of fice will have the same careful supervis ion in the future as it has always lia.1 111 the lubl, under uiy dinviioii, K.C. BROWS. For County clerk I hereby announce myself a a candi date far" the Rtoalicm nomination for County Clerk at the Primary election, Apnl 17, 190S. It I am nominated and elected I will conduct the office efficient ly and economically. J. W. BAILEY. Notice to Creditors Notice Is herebr eiven that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of Jonn vtoiroM, deceased and has dulv qualified as such. Now therefore, all persona having claims agsint said estate are hereby notified aud required to present the same w ith proper vouchers therefor, to nie at the law office of Haeler A Hire, in Hulsboro, Orecon w ithin sit months from the date heravf. Dated this March Tth A. P, 1. HILARY E. WOLFOBH. Administrator of the estate of John Wolford. decea.-ed. Bagley it Hare, Attorneys for Adm'r, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE In the County Court ot the State of Ore gon tor asmnirtiin loiinly In the matter of the estate of F red Summers , deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order issued out of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon within and for Wash ineton County, made and entered on March 7, 1W. at Hillsboro, Oregon, in the above entitled estate, the Administrator of said estate will sell at private sale, siitc jci 10 connrmaiion 01 saiu coun, an me rieht. title and interest of Fred Horuim-rs at the time of bis death and all the right, title and interest that the estate has. by operation of law or otherwise aequiied since in or to the following described real property, situate in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: The South quarter (,') of t'ie N.K.quar. ter ('.'I ot the S. K. quarter ( ) and the S E. quarter l4) of the S. K. qiiarter '',) of ei-tion Mne (i Township Two rit .North of Ranee Three (3) West ot the Wil. Mer containing Kiftv (5J) acres, except a two acre tract heretof.rre sold to John J Hum- berir, recorded In Book . paei; : 9 Kec. ordsof Deeds, Washington County, Ore eon. The sale will take place on Friday, the Seventeenth (I Tth 1 dav of March, 1, at the hour of li:'iU o'clock P. M. at the of fice of E. I. and J.C. Kuratli, opposite the County Court House in Hilloboro, Ore gon, and is for the purpose of paying the balance aue on tue luneral charges, ex penses of administration and claims a gainst said estate. The terms of sale are as follows: One- balf cash, lawful money of the United States, at the time of sale. and the remain ing one-half on confirmation of sale by said Cocnty Court. LOUIS SIEGENTH ALER Administrator of the estate of Fred Sommers, deceased. Chas. J. Schnabei, Attorney for Adm'r. SUMMONS IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASHING TON COUNTY. G. A. Plieth, Plaintiff, vs, . Sarah W. Hank. Defendant. To Sarah W Hmilr tin. Viva mmul defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby commanded and required by to be and appear in the above entitled court and cause and answer the complaint expiration of six (j weeks from the date t.t r),a 4i-t ..t.lln-.: . .Ll. . . i i ni. iiu uiiuKbiuu oi luis summons in thn Hillulifirn Armm l.a flt ...,hli,. tion thereof being oil the 12th day of ...vu, jr.'rj, BIJU IIJ iWl punill-ttlion thereof ling on the :)lti day of April, I'M, to-wit: On or before the 30th day of April l'J08. And you will please take notice that if von full ay, ti .wl ............ siiid complaint the plaintiff will apply to thetVlllrt fni. tl.a .nliuf ..........I f..- f u:- ,u. iitiici pmicu i'ji jii nig complaint, to-wit: For adecroe adjuding the cilaintlfl' tu l. tl,u o. i. i. of the following described real property, ueuiK ana situate in Washington COUlltV.Orevrilt aluf TImtifiilu.liiHii.l.il.r..l as follow., to-wit: Beginning at a stake 4.H8 chs. South of tuft fillflrtar MSUifWltl nnrim j-m tl.. f .... line of Sec. 17. X. 2. U.K. 1 W. of the Will. "or.; inence soutti 8.75 chs to a stake on aaid West Hue ni' Hon 17. i. ...... h v deg. 18 minutes E. 12.16 chs. to a stone In the road 23.25 cbs. north and 11.75 chs. east of the southwest corner of aaid Sec. 17; thence north 6 50 chains to a stake; inciiirc wi-si ucns. 10 me place of begin niiiir. containing W acr mr. i.r Tllflt VOIl Rtlfl All iiAr.ii. ..lui...t....U.. '."vfi.n viaiuiiiJK "y, through or under you bo, forever barred Rllti t)rAfllu1f)f. tViiirt (iiiii.iirw ... I..,.- i ..-.w. "iHiiiuiia uiiw micf est in or right or title to said premises ad versa to thn filuintitt' and fi.. u..,.h ii.n. and further relief as may Is? necessary and proper. Ttifn siinininnu la krvuil . ...... i Suoiicatiou vy uruer oi nonoraiile J. W. oodin, County Judge of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated on the 11th day of March, WOK, which order re ouires that vou aouear and answer uii.i complaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from me uaie or me tint pub. llcation thereof, to-wit: on or befom April 30th, 1908. DAnuni 11 AKL, Attorneys for plaintiff. Albert Hartrampf Hartrampisi, Cornelius Have Opened a Real Estate Office in the For mer R. L. Cate Location Opposite the Tualatin. We can sell We have a fine list of Prospective Buyers for City and Farm Proper ty. If you are in the market to buy or sell, give us a call. We will buy your hops. Loans and Insurance. HILLSBORO - - ORE. Words of Praise For the several Ingredients ot which Pr. Pierce's medicine are cum posed, as given by leaders la' all the several schools of medlcina, should have far more weight than any amount of non-professional tes timonials. lr. Flerce's Favorite Freacri p tlon has the BxiHix or hoxkstt on every bottle-wrapper. In a full list of all tu in gredients printed la plain tnglUh. If you are an Invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing dlstrrfi la stomach, periodical pains, ciiajreyWe, catarrhal, pelvic drain, draggiify'down distress in lower abdomen or pelv, perhaps dirk spots or specks 2anc!fg before the eyes, faint spells and klndaklsymstomicaused by female weak ness, otst'.hii derangement of the feminine organs, WV can not do belter than take Dr. Iter. Favorite Prescription. Theh i tal, surgeon't k n I f e nd opera. ting u use of may be avoided by the timely avorite Prescription In such case. . Thereby the obnoxious, etimln- Ijicm tr.ll -.-.li H-HelUS .. the rjm.ii rnwciin csn cavoifleu in'i aL1ur'i an. C1-.:"' of snccessfiil treatment csrried ou in u.L., 'pi ;.. ijyr, "rVoriU Prejcripuon i compOM.-U orifie very best native medicinal ruou known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailment, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription; "It will not perforin mlra cles ; it will not disolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do a much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to women a anv medicine can. It must be given a fair chance by perseverance Id lie use for a reasonable length of time. Y"" rnn'l ';TirH --p' wt-i-' th- tmm 4s a -utt;tute yr h' -""-'y ( fci.iViB CO:piilimu. " bicK wouien are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, w. All correspond ence U guarded as sacredly secret and womanly confidences are protected by professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelleU the best laxative and regulator of the bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative ; two or three a cathartic. Easy to take as candy. BEACH rVsVe FRCTT IASDS ! in BOOOmOE MILL famous (.ulunibbi Kivtr i Vailrri 125 biIImi eaat of APRICOT JXli.V nd: 2i anlee fnss Murth ma. Hirer and rail truis- un ABIDE portstmn: Small TrMtai Kaay WBairc rru Writ fur lnfunaslioa. (LANDS COOK k CO. alms mirr MTUIB.HtHI SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COCKT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, KOK WASHINGTON COUNTY Clara Arnett, Plaintiff, vs. Kice I. Arnett, Defendant. To Itice 1). ArnoU, dlenlant al;ov named In the Name of the State of Oregon: Vou are hereby required to au-ar and answer the complaint tiled aKHiiint you in the above entitled court and suit by the l;th day of March, A. If. Urn, the name being the time prescribed in the or der for puhlirMion of the summons made and entered herein by the Hon T hum an A. Mcltride, Judge of the alxive court; and if you ho fail to appear and answer naid pomplaiiit and summons herein for want thereof plaintiff herein will apply to the cjurt for the relief demanded in iwid complaint. The relief demanded In said complaint is for an order and decree of the aliove en titled court to dissolve the marriaue con tract heretofore arid now Slutting between plaintil! and defendant and tu change plaintiff's name U Clara Howartli, for Hiieh other, further additional and differ ent relief aa the above court may deem meet with equity. Thia fumtiions In ordered published an per order of Court duiv mailt) and enter ed therein baaed upon the aflidavit of plaintiff filed in aaid milt. Jateof first publication Jan. 'M. Mm. and the laot publication will be March 12, l;i. J. A. 8TKOWBRIDGK. Attorney for Plaintiff. . wV 0 YEAR8 rVBCDItUCf Tiudc Marks Covriomts 4c Anrone Renflln a ikoteh and dMerlDtlnn mM fluKklf M.ertun our opinion fr wbatlior u ItiTentlon ! probftblr pHtntalie, C.'omaiunlra. tioiimrictlrcnlliHt(iU. HANDBOOK on Patsuu tent lr. OMmI afiontrf for MH.'urius' patttnta. I'amtiui lukun tlinmirh Muiin A Co. reoelvf Wiai noticl, wil hout fbi.rgs, la this scieniific flnericati A hmiilROTnelr lllnirtrated weekly. I.aret elr. eulMLion of ariT ihenuilo lournaL I'mrtut. 13 a rear; f.ior montoa, SL BWdbjall nawadwlan. 0raucb Buy your meats and groceries at Emmottd, and get a fine oil paint ing for every $20 purchase. 46-tf t, r. Cornelius your farm Watch Hillsboro Grow! KURATLI BROS. Dealers in Choice Real folate Tratte Rangiug from a house and lot; acre tract, 10 acre tract, up to a grain or dairy farm. If yvc haven't what you waut, we can get it. Hills boro and Portland prop erty exchanged . . for Washington County farm landi. - - Come and see be fore you buy. Alouey to loan on reasonable terms. No tarial work done. Auction sales cried. Main St., Hillsboro, Or. Oregon Shor t line AuIlNffiN Pacific 8 THA1NH TO THkt KAStT OAlliY PItOM POHTLANO Through Pullman itandard and tourlut aleeping-cart daily to Omaha, Cbicaifo, Spokane; too Hit sleeping-car daily to Kansa uty, through Pullman tourmt i aleepingara (pertonally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re- ciimaj; chair cars (seats free) to the nasi daily. t DEPART roa dailt Chicago Special 8 30 A.M. via Atlantio Kxprew 8:16 r. u. via Ht. Paul Faat Mall 6:16 P. h. via Spokane " Port- " , land WgK Itl 8:15 A.M. TIMK B0HKDULK8 raoM PORTLAND AlRITI raoM DAll.T "alt Ike, Denver, Kt. Worth, duiaha, Kaniaa City, Ht. Louts, Chicago and Kaat 9:00 r.u. Halt Ike, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansaa City, St. Ix)cil, Chicago and Kael Walla WallaTIiewla-ton,Hpokane,Wallai- Pullman, Minneap olis, Ht. Paul, l)n In th, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kaat Kor all local point between Hlgga ami Portland 7:18 A. h 8:00a. 0:00 p.m. RIVEH HCHKDULK FROM POHTI.AND River boats on the lower Columbia and Willamette daily except Monday, bOW ItATUb To and from all points In the Kb it Tickets via this route on sale at all depot offices of the Houthem Pacific Co, WM. McMURRAY, General Paesenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Stockholders' Meeting- The annual meeting of the stockholders of the llillstxiro Co-operative Company will be held in Hillsboro on Friday, March 7, I908, at a:oo p. ui. This meet tug is called for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meet ing J. A. IMHR1R, Sec'y. James II. Sewell, President. Hillsboro, Oregon, March 5, 1908. w r Snappy Styles Coat Shirts-cuffs Attached, Spring Styles Golf Shirts-Very Nifty, Neat and Nobby Neglige Shirts-Cluet Cuffs, Fancy Patterns Work Shirts good ones 50 Cents White Shirts Black Shirts Fine Shirts Coarse Shirts Cotton Shirts Wool Shirts 1? it's a shirt you want, I've got it Or Anything Else in Up-to-date. Ladies' and Gent's Up-to-date Furnishings Ind. Phone So. 010 Agricultural Implements Farm and Spring' wag'ons. Buggies, Carriag'es, Light driving' wag'ons, Delivery and Express wag'ons Everything' in the Line' of HARDWARE Tinware Graniteware Myers Force Pumps Planet Jr Garden tools Windmills GASOLINE ENGINES Plows uZu' r-nl SPrinths Climax. Jumbo and Chief Stump Pullers the best THE NELSON HARDWARE CO. HoV5S38?. For Sale: Fifty acres nlnarni) land in the vicinity of HilUhnm on rural mail and milk route; near inepnune line, nne location; good building nite. Inquire of Argus, Onion Peed Fancy stook. half Globe, Yellow Danvers. for ha h J. A. Anderson, Beayerton, Ore. MS J 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of ft, Htate ul Or., gon fur the County of Washington In the matter of the Vutu of it L t'alo, Deoeasud. ' " i 1 . . l ,mv6 appointed ad c.a"ed ' AM W "f . I SSi.3i- il ! 1 . l,rent them tironarl verillod to me at ths odloe of l'uosT H Stylish Snaps Since vior I .M.H.fo n SPORTING GOODS Guns and Ammunition ToiiKiieand K. II. Tongue. Hill; '), 0r 4'Kon, or at my ofllne In U , Hulldtng, UreKon, within six iiionU' " date of the t1rt piihllcatlon of thli noli, to-wit, within six months from h.r",,r' 'il,V.m, (IKOKtlH liU'K', AdiiiliilKlratiie nf Lhs UslatS Of U. "' t ats, Dscsased. a '1 " An on nigUB BI1U tfUUlllHI. - " i ... 1 n-.ii- f.,tV1o 12 00. . niiun suu I auiuu luouvM v it-