The I nlLLSBR HILLSBORO, OREGON. MARCH 12. I90H. NO. 52 0 ...... nmr tr i mm as in I Argus sod Oreguniau, Vl'lU. A Barrell, v Phillips, ID Oil; Monday, C. W, Dodeon.of Haulm, was in town Monday. John Klenl, of nnar Cedar Mill, was a county seat viailor Monday. Wa handle tha I' land IM... tar Frank A llarwlrk IU. ,1 tM I ta ...nB uMtn R. Teohanx, of Hulvetia, trans- . ft Dlta A"Mt," MUd buslneea in Hillnlnro Mon- .a UBJ. Buy your meat ami groceries at I 1,1! S, P. AT BKAVEKTON of Survey w iih mum uniitu rnn Mat f Votiim Places in Va rious Precincts John Beyer " " 4 Of k w ort " " 24 oo IM Vixwu mailt ami hiihwava II oo j Raymond, road, etc 32 oo v. c Hancock, reuei 13 13 A J Koy, keep ol poor irm - 04 00 ttntf tiwlotit Tf Imhdtir f!o 6 7 W if Tliunttod, viewing road 28 40 FORMEK CITY Chafes That Husband Was Very Brutal Mr. Tale-It I I 1 I T.lbotL footral aotr of .WbbmIU, and gl a floauil taint- The County Coujmi.monera' Court, 1 j liioo". a " , log for every $',) purchase. 4 if ,.. , 11,0,1 H otmoo Klactrlo Una, waa lo ..,, "hich clowd UhI Saturday, was I L yLlaf with two Olbar offi- , ""J KiM ll Kore' ('",v' one of the lum.t seasons held io Lof lb. road, on buelnea. coo- Mu mJ Nelh w; ibis county lor .ome tune. A large "acted were I 11 Iavi, aatne - 3 60 L C Walker, aunreyor -. 54 o W M Jackson, treaa' ml 50 00 A M larlile, aaaesaing nd coll.... 2 35 I ! . 1 1 .1 L .. . .IdtiJitllMV 1 , fir, iiiiibijwiu nivua. sua. i v. . . . .... ... .. DAIkY I'KECI.HCT IS SOW BANKS M V Cae, tavelling txpenati 19 50 OSCB TOLD BER TO TAKE POISON Irwin ilonon co, aunonery 17 so HilUlioro Independent, aUtionery, 25 1 1 ' 1 1 t . . .1 .. i t, . 4 .la 11 ? k V II l.yU, tefundUi - 15 49 Wui I'ortagtie, road - H 00 Tom Kule, name 28 00 Albert Hildebrand aame 12 00 Uumj Hiiih Schoal gutatloa Ordered Submiiitd tt Vottri Plaintiff was Fermerly a liiis Grace Robiaieu n - ... I wltfc rliht of wy aloof IM ,.,,. . . amount 01 i.UHinrei wab tram Warii . I Jobn W. Duoree.of Korent Grnv. i. .1.. 1 i J ik. It laboro OraDCO. IWI i , lLi l . "J ku muuir wuitu ptoy b. I" oondamoaUoo JD tb, NaUanal Mill. Co., of l'bil- "'Uerof conaidwableimportaoce. Wtblch wiU oorai up at l adalphla. Mion 01 a county nign UwfclrcllKirl, Mr. Improffd Wilaun MrawUrry r-uuu' oruBreu w llkott U n4t b,ot wdf planU lor aale at Kern I-ef Fruit " vo n J"n election. m arnnaed tbt oompany frro. u. e. Aimaader, uornxnun, 1 ue name oi iniry precinct, wdicd 1 - 1 i 1 11 1 . ... . . , baalo tba work of oonaUuo ' naa oeoorjie uiuiiiar to refciueou 01 1 of llwioad lo UliUboro, R- 0ll, nd wife, of Brik, ttie county, wan changed to Banki, 10 50 .. 7 00 .. 63 50 .101 20 ..too 60 .100 60 .. 6 10 - 2 OO 1 00 xt m a vm mi vw v m v 1 t a iuii Farm. K. B. Alexander, Cornxliun, The name ol Diiry precinct, Ore., Routa 2. 41-1 ban baoome familiar to reid t.. I. .11. . ,l .If. ,.f l).L. Il.ii nnnt xl. tr 1 aoiwioau lo lliuauoro. nt "B"" , vx...v, vm.mRw k,.....r kawaohanaad ,D lo"n Monday, to cunvey tDd the polling place from Orean M S to bU Z. atoSWr0,lb,l,:U,i l" Th. fee. of ih. 1 M m l .tt Mftl'W fr ib ,Uai f ,5 :,K)- coun.y recorder', oflice were $311 C retrraon. John Olnon, tame r I. Beacu, collcctinK Uxe VV R I lamer, aame J W Bailey, aame Ward Downa, aame C H Fry, aberirTi office W II I'araoii. jury lirt (rilirtfhlll . ftnttlf lolmimi Urrim rnmAm fir 8 OO J W Connell, ahetiffand deputy. ..225 00 J W Council, expennet 64 5 I V Connell, coroner's office - 5 5 J W Connell, ep and postage 7 4 neacn a ivener, roaua !r I.inklater, r and b M II l'arkrr. ain Wilkei Broa, a-c county map r 7 w 5 00 9 15 s 00 tbe county recorder a office were $318 fur February, and thoee of the county clerk were $21140. Other nuatteri ot more or lean importance were traofacled. Following itt the report in full: Carl 1' lxtrru'prittion for public ease- mriil John r C arhli u G W Mines and , lauat lurrry . m.ut. milk ... .11 iCo'i line at I attarlon, wblob , V'.rr tomewbit cbanga tba format " 1"".,,LB ,, ' - r, .blh .M nidi tocroa. Oood milker. -I .nry Ian- ,lf . Una thii fida ol that town " .7 itill betroo rWamton'a I --Kl and nlaaaaa tba beo- K. Huelt. of I'hillim. told hi 10- "T . . .1.... mL-.-l L !!. l... a M toil piaoa not a iiuia. tntn acra rancn, mia wa, u vmi. j r viiu-u. . nun -. . . . ii J k- I vi.mii.....i.i. n..l,.ill f,,r II. C Walker, couutv turveyor. aiiimintrd ii n mini j m-u ,,.- ; i-r . - - Vlr ,,,,, ,t u.KmninK ,inl of wui rawmrnt on Murch 20, 1908. Uiutil hikl Vn 1 1 ' Innsfi-r fllllilM' nr. drred that JUjS 1 tranaferml from road lit. No. 17 to the county fund. Petition to rstablUh road No. 445, re ("trrcil to county attorney; road No. 444, mttnr at aUivr, A CawnFr'a irtition for Diiblic ease- mcutiJ A Imbrie. 1. A Rood and I. C Walkrr. iiirvpwr. at)tointed viewer, to nn-ct at A Oaamer't March 17, I908, at 10 a. ni. llrruiaii Schmidt' petition for public 127 00 3 00 2 60 8 20 14 5 at an tha lateat iurver. but III 12. (XX). Kuraili Broa. mide the i .ntWtiatfld thai ll will dalar deal. ittk, nolea condaoioaUorj iulU h aimon. rmelt and ror bead opoo lh oompany. Moat d and M,te(, fillh ,t lb, mrn av J I ViA MM It AI ffl 1 . . . k Wl ' I 1! . pipt .m- w- I lutcbey riaft Mariet, on 1 uiru ni , teuio lio. tbrough placsa MXt to Trullinger'i lactory, iMBOlal benefit to tbt, loalMd Order delivered U) aoy l datrimenl, aa it Invariably In n f x 52 ;j tba alua or tba laoaa ith which it paaaaa. Tb.l Tba 8uU Sunday Bohool con- ... i . .t.. il. I anitiin Ihia vear will be lielil in Fr"'r"T n;.... Anril 27.2H.nd ,;jlU,v,WMTl,Ur5.on.d wooro oranco o.v.r .wa-u r BBi , Mfa.u, I. C Walker apiH.intcd viewer, tbaa at preaeot. ltwean 2iXI and deifgau. t N ( . Iernwn , - ara aipecteu to be preeenl. ft. u ,,,,, , c w.iter to meet March 19. MTV TUB AIIBRB' MOT1CK BiCaJl, MllOr 01 tne DUUUt ocuuui lo view and imate. HIT 1KBA9UKBK 3 IVUilVBI V . () i .,! ,if I Irrwon vi !kiiihtv: traucrilt By Bin oaua, win 00 ruwui, v iT-V, ,1 r r'j.L 1 1 approwl and bill allowed. 'yiaaaaty road ..rr.nU Indoraad r""! I! , Lrlllr'.:, W"h,"gU,n: 'Hot Paid for Want Of fnnda" will f " ' C Urow coroner'. re,x,rt in Ratra. dw tod payable at tbla Offlcw On An,u W,BBV' V'; . Mcloald imiueat approved and bill ior euowB. i uu auowru, for aale. Kggi, $1 M for aetling of Rod So. 445; Juliu Aslwhr, Wm 13 Bcbmldl Jk Kuliicb, 2 Ulilea Schulmerich nnd I, C Walker appointed '.. " u ., K..lin viewers, to meet March 26. nortbwaat of Beaverton.on 1 IJaial ne , Thorllton Bppollted justice mail 4S-IN0. I r r n-...,ri(:n ilistrirt. . .. ,. I U..-....L. ln.laiut' n-nnrt for Kebruarv PUBLIC 5AL1 Mri. J.C. Kur.tli, of tbw city, 1 . fciH ' at agreeably aurprtaeu li duu- c,rrk co,!,,,,,,, February report ap- efund ta fi refund- A Buiming, road - 4 00 bcliulinerich Bro, roaiu etc. J W McKotierU, jury list - Irwin-IIodaon Co II T Bagley, juttice fee 1 c Brown, coroner iee - Walter Hoge, U S Allen. J W Cor- nellut, A B 1 nomas, cna tunes, K iuimcnnan, 8 Tbompton, W II Limler. Cbu Crance, and C K Geiger,i each 8 I wreck inquest 10 00 Krwin Rttter, truant otEcer 00 Bimon Nellaen, roads S So J R Hall, aame 8 50 C A Imkin, courthouse , 3 28 Willis Ireland, Kecoider, dep, eic.135 5 f. U llagey, nruige 4 F I Vincent, aame . 47 94 J W Connell, telephone... 4 70 MrsChaPio, relief 12 00 Ann Freeman, relief. - 6 00 Joe Kgo, relief. 6 00 Jane Murdoff, aame 00 J R Powell, a-c relief. 4 30 W J Uutner, commissioner, road 38 30 C B Buchanan, tame - 7 70 J W Goodin. sal county judge 109 00 J J Kreb. aal a tupv 5 00 H J I.und, refund tar 15 00 A Grossen, aame 1 1 00 1' S Anderson, aame a 50 A M Collina, janitor 40 00 M (J Cate, ttationery. 85 53 Hies Grace Robinson, as known in Hilleboro a few terms of school to the past, when she taught here.and now known as Mrs. E. C. Chap man, of Clackamas, has sued ber husband for divorce, the case being filed in Oregon City. She alleges that her lord and master was cruel and inhuman in his treatment, and even refused medical aid when she was very ill. He also, so she says, told ber to wend the suicide route, by taking poison. Her complaint Bets forth that when she wu ill, and mentally unut, ne induced ner to deed to a third Dartv their real property in Clackamas, valued at $6,000, and she alleges that the trannfer was fraudulent, and for the sole purpose ol depriving ber of ber f qutty. cne asks annulment of thia deed, ber third cl it. and a portion of $6,000, which she says ba owns in money. While teaching in this cltv Mrs. Chapman exhibited a great degree of interest in amateur tneairicais, and several times appeared on tne stage in borne talent piays. BARRETT FOR JOINT SENATOR See Our Full Assortment Of rubber good of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are always to be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Any article that is made of rubber, and intended for home use is in our well assorted stock. Alwayt remember that rubber good are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them you must depend more or lest upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore bny rub ber goods only from a dealer who has a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro Pharmacy Itfur March 15, lUOg, and in Mt till ore at that data. W. M. Jackaoo. Couuty Treasurer. I Was BgnmuiJ iuiiipv. , ueric lioumnn ixuihbi; h. . ... ,, , day. on tba anniveraary 01 urn j,r0v,-,i,ieajiii 40. II Will 111 at DUblio aUOtion at BIT ,77. . L ..ul V S Anderson's petition to re r. eifhl milea norlbaaat ol WMJ. lu" ,ur" ' ' on building destroyed by fire; I aillaboro at Helv.Ua. at 10 a. m., V. M A. I tin ob 01 uor iiwii mj 1 urts?cii, itiuiuu u n, " . , .i.-J nf Port .... ... ii.,. tan.l an.oui ITataj working horat, a and 7 ytara old. t'j. u. goj Mr. Chaa. Uaiuier, tiht Bo; , rr.old clt;hora and . M j j Kuratli, kw;,9 -i.k cow., t with calm; . be 8 Kara U and m war oa (arm wiiot nan 01 1 uhu, . . petition to refund tax paid on government muu, amounting ii 1.61; refunded. K 11 Coleman's appoiutment as depu- .. .ml AimmvtHl. ' v 11 ii,, irk ' nmuiiiitmeiit as special Ul I Ul,, -I 1 " "II . mu ... h-M,. ki.j Un 7. i H uman.OI Hllieooro .leimtv slientt, approveu. . . aaehT h!v rakTl'lJ. thai. Nil Kenimer, wtition to refund tax; aiiie,hy rke, dlac bairow, t bar- fi,-rihouM) for L ..i.' J 7 V. ,,,.iv naid in Ist. No, '". j piow, grain anu, at aouoi v an , r- kwatta, eider mill, t atanp puller, fan- roe, bulbs, plauU, elO. X JVS a n, refunded . , Motroui arilelf. nB toa t . voliug place oe 111 me iuwu vi wtrout other Miielta. lUpectfully Solicit a share Ul the 0r(f, ,,, lhat resignation of tieo Keen- Tarrn nf Rilallft anil nadir 1 I"!'"'".'".' , . ooi i .l rl No 7. ;o7.r$ls;vmoBtb."um.: kl?SZS n P-- llllt'.l uisirau. .1 1 ii,,,. ii,.- r.illowinir nlncea be ,i..uT..atr.l as the olacfs for holding elec tions 111 the sevenu prcciiu . lieaverdani, Woodman Hall; Buxtcn, school house; Columbia. Columbia Acad emv; Dillcy, Artisau Hall; Kast Cedar, Tualatin Hall; Mountain, Meacham . . . X- .1. L.., trnvm Kit 1, Biium - , 1 l. . school House; .ori" " ...-, An..-, u , . . . .1. rich mining district, and who was a m licedville, school house; ?jwa!as -WjL2r xfes ssz 3 '"" c - v. """ .; r . hi, mi in !f?i s Kbtol hou I,. . ill . ' ...I naw.fnund 323 Mh; over $10, man moBtba'Ume, m " Aanea Qowan, Beventh and beam, . joe, nianop, , , . , i ,i,.,i..nat C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. A mn by tne nau... . "it- 1 ..i. aaiii in nave iuuuu " I - aklHalin min in Southern Oracon. Kd. Sohieflelin, the dis coverer of tbe Tombstone, Aruooa, Id. Bhute, Clerk. COMMUNICATED -"w noua hrilwl bv gUovcc WIUl HI . " .a.a Wag.done to prevent a -.petition of M". V j-mnnstratioa l ".L.k w dlaMterf I It not un tomaniaoeo bs. ----- the 1 i.Ti - N. chool toeethatevrytblnK tbatoo tbe eve of his 1 estb w san I .ill. N' nM.,1,1 il l 1 ... . tf. ton Hull; Cornelius, lmbne B;Bk Hanks Hall; West Butte, a u u o ek, school nouse; oasiun, North Hillsboro, court house u..n. ifnrpt Grove. Masonic liau " . . " t" ' la near KldOraao, 4 u - 4 mis ill ill IB hvi aa 1 A few dollar now, and a lUtle time UWUI es ek i all lhat we need to lay out frU ma ana powucri irMorado, j ne miuo ,. la not aetlecteU. aoJ u , . fre,kish ,0"17 i ,nd a . lUt!. time olondy i".,: 'ff iuBt tl IL b week is all lhat we need to lay out Fata tbai tooa ouu ..- "i" a live all tha noaaible under ka hart met his golCOnda. cl. m . et k Clremn...;. . l.r. ... h we wu"u . . .K0,U, 1 ........... -.1- --1 . , . , n in eiiooi: viewers. . UOIOOiat -a - - .nia( ordered that the question ol estaonsn- r0m March 1 to April 30 colonist Ontajd t n county high .aa t 1. An III A n 1.1 ' . . t .. '.1...1 n tits nlni'lAM nf r ii T T.iiml. in was te- on lum. doubly assessed, and quit claim deed issued ua,.i jii itittiii in ueu oil rxyuii vi 111 never have to regret that we did not ""hat we could. Thoa. 8. Witke. THE SPRAY THAT WINS c March 1 tO April ou uo.u.i.o. . , ,,aini,,a ... ill ha In afoot on the 8 1. " p . . iitted to the electors of I raw wu. ""--"-V ,K. " ; . ..t regular and 0 R. W. tine" irom wsiiiiigw' - in - Pnrllanil. 00; .lection. From unioagu ... ,u .ino ni.ima Ware -, uuui meenu 01 tne aeaeou, cum. -- . .l. 0j d, tall IV,. nu....i . ma en Portland. 130. Bnd lOIS u'P ' :r".u "m V r T " -; friend in the east. Portland or at f.rm . 20o du , DUrnber 0f people from jw "uu, inia anrav la raoommanu'i D...tnn name aowu u - I highways. latiin 11 v...-r- .. n . e. uffvi.s renei Coiulenian Bros, bridges........ t house i dist atty I Jo 83 , 13 00 ,165 00 , 30 00 " 25 00 ,. 80 00 " 125 00 41 50 30 00 30 00 75 00 30 00 ao 00 10 00 10 00 4 00 2 79 uui, ii vue tree wore u-1 nrioe 01 a nog "lu v' , , . tLt wustedwith the Ban Joee Scale, ;he UUer, PongraU claimed I that --noei am recommending it. i th hog was diseaeea auu eoiuienmn Bros.bridg "HI ship to any part of the county, food, after having dressed it. wei potf( l umber c . BarJe! Leis, Agent, .Tclalmed the bog was in good c l0 tj 01 tf Beaverton, Or. be.Uh Up to the time 01 Hico,rL W 62 50 The case came up Yj m 11 Otis, wit d a ou ine "BVr . -nli ocoupied "J, "'.'. kp taxes 27 04 244 30 . 39 80 , a 00 0B1" " V;4 m II Otis, wit d a 10 00 NOTICE Benton Bowman, anu "--i" Nick Kemmer - m. ' , f'H In favor of the Ptift'. " The Western Oregon Stallion Sooi- decided In favoi m u 1 ol Nash, relief...... stv.iu v-u . 1- uilla. Mr Nelson. Anotner o " r i Tamiea e, insane..... hnV n u ' .(0 Justice JJOWBIBD, " ta nrn Store, relief. joro, Oregon on Saturday, April came Derorn - ( j0hn H wiicoa, aaaeaaor 18. lflfw A. i tk.ra will the day previous, was iu. "V" ' ,,,1 1, perade of stallions and au ohi . . hloh the for- K w Lwrmore, r .m Otha. .i 1- it.. ka nffanul hoth ol PbilHp8. m.wuT.i.- .1 EJ Godman, clerk, etc Wp.;;urtabdY.ri7.i tae arternoon, eharp. II lfnv PraaMant. a anad tbe latter iur t r Krebs, t ami a t KdSon twentytwo brake irons. V i) Wood. relief 4 ffi. viM ajwytrial.andaver h H r.tam. r and h ... 8 Tbil Wll . W . , .2 25i Jake trench 17 as , 10 00 a 00 , 5 00 . 5 75 100 00 4 45 31 00 00 00 00 00 Argus and Journal, $2 25. Wm. Knittel. of near Kinton, was in town Monday. Earl Miller, of Montavilla, was in town tbe first of the week. M. R. Cheney, of Forest Grove, was in town Saturday. J. H. Dorland, of Shady Brook, was in the city Saturday. B. F. Owens, of near Cedar Mill, was in the city Saturday, and call ed on the Argus. H. W. Sparks, a former Forest Grove newspaper man, is now working for the Pacifio Monthly. Daniel Durville, lately from Hu ron, S. D., has purchaeed the Al fred Haywood farm, between Hille boro and Cornelius. .Tnhn W. Raile this week for mally announces his candidacy for county clerk. Read his announce ment in the candidates' column. For Sale Thirty-two head ol fine Angora goats, mostly nannies. Will sell at $2.75 per bead. a a. Gaesner, Beaverton, Oregon, Route 3. 52-1 Jno. Olson, K. G. Anderson, W. Boetcher, J. J. Blew, Nels Holm, A. L. Albertson, Chas. Krickson, of and near Beaverton, were in town tbe latter part of the week, paying taxes. Apprentice wanted, at The Delta Drug Store. Must be not less than 17 years old; have an education equivalent to the ninth grade in tha nublio school, and be able to carry on a conversation in the Ger man language. 50 52 Andrew Hanson Korswick, of North Dakota, was here last week, tbe gueet of his old (riend, P. I. Lilligard. He has 320 acres ot grain land back on the prairies, but wanta to locate nere in vreguu, and raise fruit, lie is now touring tbe Sound country. Wa earrv too many artioles to enumerate, but we have anything tbe farmer needs. The largest stock ever shown in Washington county, and oan and will beat all competitors Schulmerich Broa. Tha MrtNiiltv estate, which was appraised at between $12,000 and $14,000, left by the late Jas. Mo- Nnitv. nf Kaat ueaar nreoinoi. oarj hairs in the persons of Mrs. Allie Thomaa and sisters, of Minneapo lis, Minnesota. MoNulty waa a baohelor, and for a time it was sup posed tbat be baa no neirs. . 1 ne estate is being Bettled in this county. William McFadden. of Salem, and for vears a resident of Hillsbo ro, died at Salem, March 5, from tbe effects of an hemorrhage. De ceased was well known here, where for many years he sold the old- fashioned cnain pumps, ne re sided on Baseline street, bitween Fourth and Fifth. He waa aged 82 years. His widow, also past 80, survives him. W. X Barrett, a well known attor ney of this city, and a member of tha last Vrialature from Washine- ton county, has announced his can didacy for the nomination for Joint Senator in the comine prima ries. The district which be hopes . a vir t to represent is composed 01 iv asn Inotnn. Yamhill. Lincoln and Til lamnnk emintiea. and he has re ceived assurances of strong Bupport x- l:h 1 T:i 1. U irom limuill sou iuiuiw auu has reason to believe tbat be win be as cordially supported in Lin Ha ia thna far tha only can didata mentioned for the position from this county, and his friends bsre seem conbdent 01 n s nomina tion, and if nominated, that he will he elected. Mr. Barrett is comply ing with the necessary formalities nf tha nrimarv law. and win mate the race, which bis friends hope will be successful, lie naB always ran all at home, and naturally will be pleased to get a strong vote in bis own county. First Annual Statement of the Forest Grove National Bank at the Close of Business, March 3, 1908 Resources. Liabilities. Loan & discounts-- 9Q,279.6 Capital Stock....- . $25,000x0 U. S. bonds & Pre , , Circulation a5.00o.0o miums 26,265.63 Other Bonds 5,000.00 Undivided profits I 54a 9 Real Estate.. 12,094.18 DEPOSITS 206,177.81 Furniture & Fixtures 3,474 84 Dne from V. S. Trea- B surv 41,250.00 t Due from bank...... 0 " 71.14052 't Cash on Hand - 39,215.67 Dc w lll,6o6.19 n $257,720.50 I " $257,720.60 Correct. Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice Pre.; J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier; Thoa. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, - - Oregon TIME TABLE Passenger -train schedule follows Leaves for Portland Foret Grove local 6:5i a. m Sheridan Flyer 9:07 a. m KtaMt drove local III. Corvallia overland 5:08 p.m. Arrives from Portland Corvallia overland 8:16 a. m. Forest Grove local I27 p. m. SharMan Fiver. 5:28 P. m. Pnml Grove local.. 6:47 D. m. Leaving Portland Corvallia overland 7o a. Forest Grove local 11:00 a. Sheridan Flyer Forest Grove local Arrival in Portland Fotast Grove local Sheridan Flyer RmmI flrnva Iiv-aI Corvallia overland 6:35 p. m The Forest Grove local doeB not carry baggage. NOTICE , 4:10 p. m. 0:40 p. m. , 8xxj a. m 10:30 a. m 2:50 p. m. BAILEYS STORE For WOOL BLANKETS IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4 Prices. $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS Same Sizes as Above Prices. 75 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash- ington County All accounts delinquent six months or over will be placed with Bagley & Hare, attorneys, alter March 15, 1908. Dr. J. P. Tamiesie. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. Ernest Haas, who is in the drug business at Sheridan, was in town over Sunday, visiting with his par ents, Ulrich Haas and wife. A. G. Hoffman, F. F. Bright, Jas. Inglis, Peter Evers and F. W. Starrett, of Forest Grove and vicin ity, were in town Friday, paying taxes. , A black Jersey cow, with bell on, came to my place on March 3, 1908. The owner oan take same, after proving property and paying charges. John McCallen, Beaver ton, Ore., R. 2, Box 20. 52-3 n M. MnTnma. who opened a oanaral marchandisS Store at Ha 1riaia. 2 milea south of Reedviile, was a oaller, Saturday. He states that hia district will soon build a new schoolhouBe. Vnr Rale A pair of good driving fillies, 4 and 5 years old, respect ively, next May; also 3 head graded Tannv nnwR. and a yearling Jersey heifer. J. Q. AdamB, residence li miles due soutb ol Job's uross lug. .49 51 THE DELTA PRIG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively M Credit. We have just received a car of Bain wagons from the factory. Will sell at Portland prices. -Schulmerich Broa. 51-tf gmpkers like the Sohiller and the Excel&cia. These cigars are of the best stock. You can't fool aa authority on a good cigar. rf 1 f" uave, Secretary, 1 wl give" !" M, MWH) iw. -