The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 05, 1908, Image 4

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    MlllSS-AO ANGUS. MKCh 1 tvC3
: j
Wtai You rave
a y fold
.1 nniiPii U
It is Equally Valuable for Children
It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
Ask your Druggist for it
For Sale by The
Kattle Keirnieier.snd Prank Keinneier,
Plaintiffs. vs.
W. A. Kims, Defendant
To W. A. Earns, defendant;
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint bled muft you in the
above entitled Court and suit on or tfor
tbe Win day of March , 190 the lart day
prescribed In tbe order of publication of
this summons sod if you fsil o to appear
and answer tbe plaint iff will apply to the
above entitled Court for the relief prayed
for in ber complaint in the above entitled
sail to wit:
For judgment snd decree against defen
dant lor Stxl.Ou with interne thereon from
tbe l&th day of .November, 1H05, until paid
at tbe rate of s per cent per annum and
liJU attorney's fee and costs and disburse
ment of the suit and the same are tbe
first lien on First tract. Being the south
east quarter of tbe northeast -quarter of
Section SO, Town, t Korth Range 3 W. of
Will. Mer.
Second tract: Also the tract of land be
ginning at tbe southeast corner of tbe a
cove described tract of land and miming
thence north 10 chains, thence east 4
chains 54 feet, thence south 30 chains,
thence east 12 feet, thence south 20 chain
and thence went 5 chains to place of be
ginning containing in all 59 and 2-3 acres
of land more or lew.
And a lien subject to the right of way
for a wamn road 30 leet wide from the
south-east corner of the tract cf land last
above described In a south-easterly direc
tion to connect with the county road near
est by and the reservation o a right of
way for Fred Narup, bii hi-irs and as
signs, one rod in width, and described as
follows: Commencing at the south-east
corner of tbe tract of land last above de
scribed and running thence north 20 chs.;
thence west one rod; thence south 20 chs.,
and thence east one rod to tbe place of
This summons is published pursuant to
an order made on tbe 21st day of J an uary,
1, by the Hon. Thomas A. McBride,
presiding Judge of the above entitled
Court, by which order it is directed that
this summons be published in the Hills
horo Argus once a week for sii connecu
tive weeka, and tbe date of the ti rat publi
cation is January 23, 1908, the date named
in said order for said hint publication.
Attorney for Pliiutiffs.
First publication January 23, MM.
Last publication March 12,
Faro lot Sale
I wish to sell my farm, containing
152 acres, 110 acres under plow,
good house, barn and orchard, 3J
miles south of Hillsboro, and one
mile west of Farmington. For fur-
ther ioformatioo, address,
. Burkhalter,
44-6m Hillsboro, Ore.
Remember, tbe Oregonian and
' Argus, only $2.25.
Executor's Notice
. Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been, by the County Court of
Washington County,Ore.,duly confirmed
executor of the last will and testament
1 of Helen M. Gates, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present them, with
proper vouchers, to me, at my residence
in Hillsboro, Oregon, or at the law of
fice of S. B. Huston, 810 Chamber of
Commerce, Portland, Oregon, within six
months from date,
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 14th
) day of February, 1908.
Executor of the last will and testament
cf Helen M. Gates, Deceased.
8. B. Huston, Attorney for Executor.
, Koran K. Crane, Plaintiff,
John Ed s ard Crane, Defendant.
To John Edward Crane, tbe above
named aeismlsnt:
yon are required to appear and answer
... the oouiplaiut filed against you in tbe
. sw mtiMMMi autt on or before me last
ir wf Lw time prescribed iu the order
' fw iruUitaUou of this summons, to-wit:
, or tut 12th day of March, 190,
mmtd Ur beaur Uw expiration wf six weeks
frum brat pulilkou vf this uoUee; and if
vu fail so tv appear and answer, for want
Tou want a remedy that will cot
only giv quick relief but effect a
permanent our.
Tou want a remedy that will re
lieve the lunga and keep expectora
tion easy.
Tou want a remedy that will coun
teract any tendency toward pneu
monia. Tou want a remedy that Ls pleas
ant and aafe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meete all of thee requirement, and
for the apeedy and permanent cure
of bad oolds atanda without a peer.
A Severe CoM Quickly Card by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy.
"Last wlnwr I oe-f-t a vary Nrira cold
which Unersd for weak," Mr J. Vr
quhart, of prr, Ontario. " Mr oou
wee very dry end harsh. Tb. oCm deatiar
and a-oaraateed It, ee I fees It a trUl.
One email bottle of It cured me. X bwllsve
Caamberlala'e Oouf h Beaaedy to be the
best 1 hare srsr used.'
Delta Drug Store.
theieof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matri
mony I tow subsisting between youiif
snd plaintiff lie dissolved and forever an
nulled and for such other relief as to the
court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is published by tbe
order of tbe Uon- J. W. Uoodin, judge
of the County Court for Washington
County, Oregon, made January Ath, 1H",
the judge of the Circuit court of said coun
ty bVng absent from said county at Mid
time. By said order, it was directed that
this summons be published in the HilU
boro Argus, once each week for six suc
cessive weeks, and the date of the hrst
publication thereof is January &Mh, I wet.
the date named in said order for the said
hist publication. .. B. TONUl'K,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Barbara Ankos, Plaintiff,
Peter Ankos, defendant.
To Peter Ankos. Defendant above named:
In the Xame of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that the plain
titTbas tiled a complaint against you in
the above entitled court and cauxe and
yon are hereby required to appear arid
answer the said complaint or tile some sp
pearance thereon on or before the Ut day
Erescribed by the order of publication
ereof, to-wit: on or before tbe l'ith day
of March, 18; and if you fail so to appear
and answer the complaint or tile some
appearance herein, the plaintiff will
cause yoar default to be entered and no
ted and will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit:
a decree forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you
and plaintiff and for such other relief as
to the Court may seem proper.
Tbe date of the tint publication of this
summons is the .'twh day of January, 1S,
and this summons Is to be published on
every Thursday of each week for a period
of six successive weeks between said
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. Thomas A, McBride, Judge
or the above entitled court, made in
Chambers this !0rth day of January, A. I).
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Washington County
Clarissa C. Schiffer, Plaintiff,
Charles Hchitter, Defendant.
To Charles Schiller, the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon, you
are required to appear snd answer the
complaint Bled aeauiHt you in the above
entitled suit on or before the last day of
the time prescribed in tne order for pub
lication of this summons, to- vit: on April
yth, A. D. 190K, said day being the expira
tion of six weeks from the first publica
tion of this summons, and if you fail so
to appear and answer, for wuut thereof,
the plaintiff will apply ti tbe Court for
tbe relief prayed for in her complaint In
me aiiove enutiea suit, to-wit:
For s decree dissolving the mar
riage and marriage contract, now and
heretofore existing between tbe above
uamea piamtin ana defendint, and
granting to the above named plaintiff the
care, custouy ana control or v era V.
Schiffer. the minor child of Plaintiff and
defendant, and decreeing her to be the
owner of all the household furniture now
in possession of plnintift. and of a two
thirds interest in and to Ixit -No. 70 or (.or
nelluB Cemetery, Washington Countv.
Oregon, and that she have judgment
against the defendant lor the sum of
lor ner support and lor the care and edu
cation or the said minor child, and foi
the costs and disbursements of this suit
and for such other and further order as
the Court may deem just and equitable
in tne premise.
This summons is published by order of
Hon, J. W. Goodin, Judge of the County
Court of Washington County, Oregon.
made Feb. 20th, 1008, the judge of the
circuit uourt 01 said county being absent
from the said county at said time. By
said order it was directed that this sum
mons be published in the Hillsboro Argus
once each week for a period of six suc
cessive weeks, and the date of the first
publication thereof Is Feb. 27th, 1908, the
date named in said order for the first
publication. THUS. H. TONGUE Jit.
Attorney for Plaintitf.
Omaiarm lit
All kinds of Fresh Meats. Prices Rea
sonable. Will meet all competition.
Chickens and Poultry always on hand
upon order. Free delivery to all parts
of tbe town. We buy fat stock.
tmoond Stommt, Hlllaboro, Or
-IS for Hatching
S. C. Black Minorca S C. Bros
Leghorn; $1 00 for a setting of 13
eft. At the last Oregon State
Poultry Show, my bird won four
first out of a possible five prises io
competition with the beet breeder!
io the state.
R, II . Greer.
47 3ui Hillsboro. Ore
Price & Stilts
Meat Marhet
We Handle the Gov
ernment ' Inspected
Meats, and sell the
best steahs that can
be found in the en
tire NothwesL Call
and be convinced
that inspected meats
are the best
Both Phones
Marhet on Main St,
Opposite Odd Fel
lows' Hall.
Fcr Crushing and Hauliaf Rock
Sealed bids will 1 revived by the Coun
ty Court of Washington Countv. Ommn.
until 2:UU p. 111. on the Mth day oA March:
I'Wi, and then opened, for the crushing of
:w cuoic yaros 01 roca. via: AK) yard
at tne maimer quarry lour mile north
of Forest tirove; MO vards at the Spring
Hill quarry four miles south of Forest
(irove: and 1500 yards at the Cedar Mill
quarry three miles north of neeverton on
tlie Cornell Iim1.
The County will furnish the crusher
now at the l hatcher quarry, and the con
tractor will lie require. I to move and sel
up tbe machinery at the d I tie rent quar
ries Bidders w ill be required to name
price per cubic yard delivered in the bins,
the two finer grades to comprise at least!
to per cent, of the product; also a price
for the excess needed over the 45 per cent,
of the two liner grades.
Bids will also be received at the same
time for the hauling of snld ruck, bids to
Mat the price per cubic yard per mile.
Bids may be mail on the crushing
alone, or on the cnndiing and hauling
vogeiner, or on any pan or tne hauling.
The court reserves the right to Increase
the aliove amounts of rock to be crushed
50 per cent, at each of the quarries, and
aio tne rigiu to reect ny or all bias.
Hy order of the County Commission
County Judge.
Notice to Taxpayers
Notice is hereby given that the taxrolls
(or Washington County, Oregon, will be
open lor collection, and payment of tax
es, on Saturday, February IS, I4o8. and
all who make full payment of their tax
before March 15, 1908. will receive a re
bate of 3 per centum. Half payments
can be made by the first Monday in
April without interest charge, or penaltv.
and the remaining half can be paid at
any time prior to the first Monday in Oc
to!er, 190H. Where no payment is made
by the fust Monday in April, 1008, the
Ux becomes delinquent, and the statute
requires, from that dde, a penalty of io
per cent., and also an interest charge of
one per cent, per month on said tax un
til is paid. J. W. CONNKLL,
Sheriff and ex-olTicio tax collector for
Washington County, Oregon.
Hillsboro, Oregon, February 13, 1908.
Thomas Kidd, Plaintiff,
Letitia S. Kidd, Defendant.
To Letitia 8, Kidd, the above named de
fendant: In the Name of the Stale of Ore iron : You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled herein on or before
the expiration of six weeks from the date
or the first Publication of this summons
the first publication thereof being on lan-
uary '.ill, 100ft, and if you fail so to appear
auu answer, iue planum win apply 10 me
court for the relief demanded In said
complaint, viz: that the bonds of niatri
niony now existing between plaintiff and
defendant be dissolved, and that plaintiff
tie awarded the care and custody of Mar-
(rurol I. k'iihl on, I rWtrniU tt 1 1,1,1 ,!
nor children of plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief as
may be just and equitable.
This summons Is served upon vou hy
publication by order of Hon. J. W, Gootf-
in, county judge or Washington County,
Oregon, which order was made and dated
on January 30, im W. N. Barrett,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Insure Your Stock
Insure your horses and livestock
and when you lose one you will get
cash. Don't take chances when It
is not necessary. " Tske out a policy
I am agent for the National Live
stock Association. Insures against
- death from any cause. Drop me a
line. Terms reasonable.
JOHN VANDF.RWAL. Beaverton, Or.,
It. F. D. No. 2
The old reliable fire insurance msn.
..Central Meat Market..
. EMMOTT BROS., Prop:,
Keep constantly on band a fine ,
supply of fresh meats of all kinds.
A New Era In Prlomm
We are going to sell meats at prices low
er than those which have prevailed in
the past. Call in and see us. We mean
business. 'Phone and Free Delivery
One door Eas Tualatin Hotel .
Main Street, Hlllibore, Oregss.
ArgUs And Taciflo Monthly,!-' 00.
H. H. Clark, of Foreet Urove,
was in town Saturday.
Mrs. Thoe. Blum, of Oaston, was
in Hillsboro Monday.
Chas. Koeber, ol near Soholls,
was in town Saturday.
J. C. Miller, of north of Olencoe,
was a county seat visitor Saturday.
Chas. Loudon, of Olencoe, was
in town Friday, greeting friends.
J. K. Johnson, of near Uoedville,
came up to Hillsboro, Monday, to. xVnm tls eKsIioitor of money finish
pay taiea, and called. i,js tytvt there was no oue left
Henry Kveritt, of Alrlie, iu Polk .to bear, bis words telling like good
county, was here last week, doing seed upon stony ground. It is bus
some contract work. j peoted that the alleged rsterend
. . from the Hound was not all that he
u. iv. ueicnmau. ot mis my, was,
risitine friends in Forest tlrove the
latter part of last week.
John Wuoderlich, of Rank, has
bought the Cooper Co's furniture
business in that place.
Call on QX phone to Dennis for
Srooeriee, A complete and up to
ate line always on hand.
o il i ,u i i i
A. Suodberg, of north of heed-
Title, was in tbe oity Monday, and
called on the county officii! paper,
D. , q , .. a i j
Pigs for Sals-Some Poland Chi-
na pigs for ssls, on Isrru of Dr. A
B. Bailey, 2 miles north of
boro. Farmers phone, 4 'ill,
N. P
NN,r 0.flBetr1r0f" ,lba Milne mill, and will do chop
was thrown' from a load of .ti. i,..
hay, the latter part of last week,
and had three ribs broken.
Full blood Brown. Bull and
White Leghorn egg for eale; setting
of 13 for 50oents Samuel (rowan,
Seventh and Fir streets, Hilts
boro. 40 52
Thoc. Fowlee and Lho. Hellaire,
of near Mountaindale, had bu 1
nsse at tbe county seat Saturday,
and called;
W. C. Jackson, of Olencoe, was
in tows 8aturday, joining the "in -
numerable caravan" that comes to
the taxpayiog "mecca."
Antoins Ibard, of below Kin
ton, -eras in town Ssturday, and
called on Abe Argus for bis thir
leenth annual pilgrimage.
Marion Murphy, the well known
Beaverton contractor, was in town
Monday, and called in lo renew
old acquaintance. He has a force
of about fifteen men at work.
A. W. 8mith, formerly of near
Beaverton, now a real estate man
of Portland, called Menday. lis
reoorta real estate boominir down
in (he east end of tbe county.
By a late ruling of the Post Of
fioe Department, first clau matter
is re quiied to pay the rate on
star routes as on rural deliver,-
two ceats an ouoce or fraction
Dr. J. U. Knox will be in Hills
boro every Tuesday, Thursday snd
Saturday, and will be prepared to
treat all diseases of domesticated
animals. Headquarters, Conoell's
Livery Bain. 60 If
City Recorder Geo. Scbulmerich
is making a record, as a collector
of canine tax The marshal has
"memaloosed" several dogs of late,
and one defunct dog was btirnsd in
ths city crematory this week. Ths
tax, or their scalps, is the motto of
the recorder.
John Harry Hurt died at Sub
limity, Marion county, Ore , Feb
ruary 18, 1908, and was buried at
Progress, this county, Friday, Feb.
21. Deceased was born in Iowa
county, Iowa, August 23, 1873.
He leaves a wife and two smill
children Edith, aged 5 years, and
Clifford, aged 5 months. He also
leaves an aged mother, three broth-eri-W.
D. Hurt, of Columbia
county; W. T. Hurt, of Marion
county; C. H. Hurt, of Nebraska,
and one sister, Mrs. Anderson, of
this county. He was a highly re
spected citizen, and bad many
Here is Your Chance
l6 A.crC9 on the Oregon City rarline, half mile from Wil
lamette River; 10 acres cleared, balance light tim
ber; on two public roads; sll deep rich soil; Price, $350 per acre, jfioo
cash, balance lo suit purchaser,
7 1-2 Acres half ,n,lle Mt of lhe Willamette River, near
the Oregon City carlioe; all rich, smooth land,
on good public road. Price, $360 per acre, f&oo cash, balance easy
6 Acres on tue w'l"e River, with three good building
sites overlooking river; suitable for cutting up Into
sere tracts; quarter mile from Htreetcar station. Price, ,3200; one of
tbe best buys on tbe Willamette, Must be ;en to be appreciated.
2 Acres on the Oregon City carlim-, adjoining station; cleared
and in good state of cultivation; good will of water.
Price, $1200, $500 cash, balance to suit purchaser.
6 1-2 Acres Be,r the Willamette Riyer; one block from
; .... rl118y slat on; 4 seres cleared, balance nice'
timber; all smooth, rich land; good new Iioubc, well completed- good
outbuildings. Trice, $3000; making one ofthe prettiest little homes
on the Willamette River.
IO Acres tbrf N?" f.rom r,l4ilwv ,,,ltion; 9 " cleared
and in high stale of cultivation; balance light tim
ber; on good public road. Price ,jfto per acre; adjoining tylmt is be
ing held at $500 per acre; terms to suit the purchaser, ..
..... ' " . il- . .
Shaw-Fear Company
. . . '' ' . ' ' i' , 1.
245 1-2 Starh St. Portland, Oregon
t A colored man, rRttrtn as a
"Kev. Pr." from Keeretl, Wash ,
WM jn loW eliciting money lo
',1 umi the work of "raving
souls," evidently Ignoring the fact
that HijUboro i well repreenid
with ministers. The alleged min
uter went over to the cvurt house,
and "butted in' lo a crowd who
were engaged in tbe all absorbing
matter of politics. Hardly had be
stated bis mi'sion, without their
periuiiion, when the crowd faded
away, like dew drops before the
calm to ravs of a summer sun.
... . ... . n;..ui k..1 .
profeesioual twaug to it, and lacked
the genuine ring
Tbe Commercial Hotel, Christian
Kocke, proprietor, was opened lo
the public on Monday, Tbe hotel
has been thoroughly renovated, re-
papered end painted on the Inside,
and is well iquipped for taking
' care of the publie.
Ab nit ?0.liUi cabbage plants now
ready, at 'Joo a hundred, or will
mail to any address, postpaid, for
, , f
, . ... UnrlnK
pea seed tor saie, at ins
tireenhouse, Hillsboro,
51 !
u . it- I . I. I t.n.,...p .i
piii tivij ciiuiuar, nu wm.v
some baled alfalfa bay for sals.
Will carry bard wheal tlour, and
all kinds of mill feed. Deo. A
Urown. 4'J 63
J B Kddy, formerly a rsilrosd
commissioner for the slate of Ore
gon, now a claim agent for lbs
Southern Pacific Company, was In
,tnwn Tueedsy, on business for the
We sell more wire fence than all
our competitors combined. Tbe
' reason is that we have the largest
stock and ran sell the cheapest
Scbulmerich Hroa. M tf
I For Sale or Trade Fine modern
residence projerty. Will sell, or
trade for a small ranch, close io
0. M. Hunter, corner Fourth and
Jackson Sis., Hillsboro. 51 If
H A Haseltine, W. F. Hchulta,
A. B Todd, B. K. Lamont, I) 0
D,, L A. Mark sod J. N. Hoff
man, il Forest Urove, iI4 taxes
at tbe court bouse Monday,
The many friends of Dr. K. A,
" p'"' w
he has recovered from his Indiepo-
silioo, and is again attending to
bis, practice.
. .
,.Gl!' K'"? ' "h ,h" b?0 ,n
! lo- U "f, f v"' mo1D1,b "!
l"r.De,, t0 '"oro ths latter pari
of last week.
John W.Sewell, who has been
laid up with the grip for a week
past, is out on the streets once
Superintendent A. J. Roy, of ths
County Farm, was in town Toes
day, and reports that there ats now
eight ptirsons receiving county aid.
F. W. Allen, F. Bockmso, Fred
Bucher, J. W. Nance and W. R
Howell, of Beaverton, were in town
Monday, '
John Siefert, of near Centerville.
was in the city Tuesday.
J. T. Lucas, of near Button, was
io town Monday, on business
P. Patton, ol near Gaston, was
in town Monday.
F 8 Wilcox, of near Banks, was
in town Monday.
Ira K Bradley, of Forest Grots,
was in town Tuesday.
Removal Notice
Afler the Kub of February, Wells
Fargo Co's Express Office will be
found in the room next to Kuratli
Brothers, in ths Cbenette Row.
John Brown, Agent
w sr
1 1
We arc prtparet! to serve you iu any capacity ' icastm.
No, wc urc uot putting on a tlcitramc sale if
$5 shoes at li.Sv -uor at c wc KU'UK "it of
Our prices ou roccric.1 arc light. a.Wc !uve
the swellcst line of Ladies' ami gents' shoes wc have
ever showed. 3 N'ow, in regard to a wagon; when
you think wagou, think H.iin.aud wc save you louit.'
4- Ict us t,alk prices with you on buggies, plow s, lur.
rows, discs, steet rollers, graiu drills, spay pumps,
windmills, McCrmUlt mowers, hinders and rakes, we
have just received our binding twine.
Nor da you want to jay Wore for ools than they are
worth so ypu shauld Uty where you ran do the lst.
Get our Prices, then the other felloes', and you will he'
ttinvincetl. u
Vouri (or
Rowell Bros.
Al t
a. 1 vts km
WEINHARD'S (On -tfiugk.)
The best of all Beers.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
This Spray is Endorsed
By A. &. CordUy, Oregon Agricultural College
guarantee our Spfay to test 30 pxr cent, and -1
hitrrcl is niarltwl uiili tbo tf ! To .Inl'rixluce
the Phoenix Spray , to every fruit, grower- I- will
quote special prices, barrel lots., Write, agent below. . -
i..ii. 1. 'orvalll, Ore, Mepl.fl, littri.
DavdM.Duiino Co, Portland, Or..Koii,
I)ar blr: In reply u your U.Uf of tlis-tlh Inat, I am glad lu t
aide lo report thSt tlm rwnjlt ol.talniMl from ill. iimi of vour 1'linsiiU, ,
lipray wr. very sslisfa. lory, Ifidmsl I ut,si lib dUnllng to
i ' i,.T?i' '. ,l"lel lray w . applM thoroughly aid a vnrably
tress that were simply Innruslrd, and even a weaker solution has ' '
appareiillv inplelly eradicated tb. i..t from sprayed Irees. f H im
mat examination in4 kluHit two wreks axo failed W reveal any llvlnK '" upon either fri rt or tress.
II.JO per bbt. of SO gallon o. b."r t'lhwr Portland
or Dwaywrton. ee 25 cents per gallon at my farm. Tor
' Its than barrel quantities bring ysvr tsm.
B Xii. BEAyERTON, 0k, ti, F. D. I
fTr.-n l'- 'suMi in .jus-si .j jj.
j v WEBB (EL
' '.r.?,ucc,9or9 to 'Climax Teed : Store
, S v . . &
f I ;. Carry- a full Line
' Ai Poultry Supplies 'nqd'Btock ijW ' " ' I ' ,'
. Qnt D.Li C?
All orders Drbrrintlv'filtffrl on short-' 'W- "
:; v,;v notice.;,; ;;r;;;vv;;,:J;;i,
; ,.; Former Patrons of the Store arc In- v "4J
-; . vited to g!vt;lis a caTl. v 'i "J.?, ',
iiiusDoro, T ; y rdgon 1 i
mm mm mm wwmwmiiiiw -w-w mmm
becau we c.nyih, lH
Uf.clo,v.t,Hk , r0(rilM b
We ... . I,,,,, (umf
o II.. p.,t ol ,,u,ir w
prefer to ll4,t, ly
r hgb;.itaniy u. i tht
ric. i.iihM,,!, low i,xu,
.n i ....
uui iniy apr !(,,,),
i ....
d J Ikvtl,
A Co.', Scholls.
An Eyo-Opanor
Is ItM swl.ln Hl H.p. W.ra tplitu
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