The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 05, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 51
.. i... no I'.vorlto. to
iV t.v Unlit
Argus and OmKnian, t2.2r.
lltrmtD Collier, of HcUll,
Id town Saturday.
W. r. Board, of near Hanks. iu
Id town Haturday.
Cbria. Zue-rcher, of rn-ar Cedar
Mill, wm a Hillsboro vUiUr Halur.
Wm handle ttia t'lah Lend Plaa-
.... w.iltlCV FOR 0TBIK4 t.r.Kunk A Uorwick, IUulville,
U" I Or. 4'jfiS
,ssl Shew
l.vcry Man on the Venire is
a Farmer .
ruiwrv oe akbitkatoks iumed
CaeiMelts Ml.. Una Builon. who '' C"" Thlr4 ",,fl,
. . ..t ii .: I . kn..l. I 1. .t. u.-.i. iL. .,..L
nil iMn Tinning irinnua at miu nine bib mi iiu
Yamhill, eiient Sunday with Miss
liitn.A. Palate. I ,.. . ... n i r e
I - ta" to duIT joherill J. W. lounoii ana vouovy
V, Af hM D0 P7 ' J Wanted-Hull. IS monlhi, or 2 clerk Uodmen last Saturday drew
G sudors f" 01 T '.. ' 0,J H.b1orV,",,nt ,r,f"re,l-r ih jury IUt for the term of circuit
- Lui,.-- CKil. M 'wVr oourtwbichconvber.onMon-
in ....... . . , Jar. March 16. tin Uonor i.a.
1.11mm thai a" M in Mlonte A noon user, - , . .. . T. .
..... Ik. I.i . . i. I .I.h .Ik BIlBHUt UU IUI wuvui
, , ifiir tbe VOterB at iw nuousy, mr a lurmmii. ! ,
. Ton aoiQual loot, bar sister. Mra. L. N., who list is comprised of farmers, and
ryflrctloo onaii iH mlin ,t U,to , Wwblnglon. tbe full complement of 31 m
.j i.w. tha r obanoee. nnm . . . .
t-BU" h., . choice Jacob IMcb-D.ol beyond West drawn, o mere wm ;
, ArfW J Unlo( ,n(1 who j, rol(j BU,ii()r grand jury io caae any inqulsitori
joo in". "h0 0 ' for Washington precinct, was in ,i work (( needed. Tbe jury list
ondldiw. H d not J5?f the oily, Monday. ; 10tl precinCt tWoa lollow:
rttfupitfife among candidal u,j.Tt0 ffilk cowi, all j c lull. WaAtagto.
...... nartr. 1 D W "
III u" I ,1
.... uIMA4a
I..IL..I.B at me pnuuw
.u k. f hI natured, and Ibe
Ulobould be elected, num.
Clioi'1 menwbom U , no
ia. will io
freeh lbl aprirg. or early in lum
i I III . 1 1 .... u Tl.n
mr, uuou oiuirii. hci.ij
nacln, 2 mile eoutbviil ol Heed
tllle. w '
A aton oow rcenlly gave
to an eyeliMi calf, and
I I..L . naif .ml nn
v ii.. Oi. nrlmarlee. or I o-..i (.. rvmir, to tbe front
(TiDf other llt- U bM,' Ullh turkey with fire lego. Tbii
Julius AtlMibr...
Ilcnty )svit.. . ,
Irs Brt'Htr
jntr( h Coiiocll .
Cbm Sctiiudlcr,
J.turt Kobb ...
I' L Cuitm
Cart lllnmn..
.aire deal, Md may - i r- mUsl be a ireaa ,.r. ( ABkher
til). .... I W.ll.r II n9,. ill Korest Urove, I ..I!... u..v,.ni
.Z W. 1. Hmiih sii.i r.. . . . . , ... -
, rw ,, .... ..,1.... , I u. Ki.iiuhl . ti.ll llllBrfini IU HIUI,, ... U...I.
V ..mill Mill. UM " . ,
UHW"""'. . I . . I.I. nf
Ui(n " "
r, tan "i ,
IntmU. IWU sr rtpul
CL... .ill ! sruno
. i. . . i 1
a'"""" V " ....u iMJ .. ....... i
U ". i. ...i i...i..i.s. tvuifiit. wss in
,Ull ulHsis lo im bOURlH a Dan llliofoew m .iul B,tI
.1,1 ..Hi cm job printing ealablisbiiieut of Chris- McRoln. ..
"11 l"U"'l!!i i Currao, of tlorlland. and will Jtthn K(llUy
wuiorelolhal plso. Mr. Currao MPJ(,bBrt0B
por A", ia well known in HilUboro. Ceorne S Sloan
A 0 IU"
1! I) Mattesoo
&n,n.l-irt. Uv aii'I C - l'"u I land, vuiumui. -
JZAM 'l-'J; ; Monday, looking after CU.. M.raW ....
I (or im jniiwii. i j l I intertsts nrre, aim uivi... - -
.. ,,.i will u iu a; . UlM on bla proiwty in a b PsyU.....
i.b.11 sill l. nj. w " rr "..,- Walter Hemsm
tte sinsrr N Hihi,' i;..kill
,& ? Vot H..-Alsik. and Red Clover W '
- - - ... !. l a l'Ba
. I V.ioK .n.l bWeUlSO Deieci -. . ......
,.S HilUhoro
.N Foical Ctovvs
..N Forest ('.rote
.Wert Cedar
West Cedsr
. . ..S Forert Ciote
...Wret Butte
...Gales Creek
... West Cedar
S Foreat Grove
...Kaat Cedar
. . ,. . a h urubaUt Will
iua ia n -v. r - .
un so on, . " . "' ,.. ',.ble uricei
Karatlt. rl i. v.n, v. inu u., - ,
wl tiM.C.IUuctwk
AUan iiat cU men snrt r,0',, TV "
cm sod any os is" them will make s
tooi ihrnll Tte "ter mu
.. ....a Villi M.
law moT. "-- . ... .
Jkna ami II. R,nK .
lobn Jsek.
wu . . NitU raiaiey.
Wm Cbilmera. U mue. wuau Clrm Shi0
(J eneoe. I'aciuo Diaws H"''"r
a.-- -r.i M tl
.1 V. I
C Rossnder....
John L Hairelt.
W C Istlon . . ,
S HillshofO
.... Kaat Butts
....... Cornelius
.South Tualatin
.North Hlllsboro
....... Besverton
. 8 Forest Grots
Amus and Pacific Monthly, $2,
Walter Vandyke, or Bank., waa
Id town Friday.
Frank Weathoff, of near Btaver
ton. waa up Monday, paying taxea.
Mra. Cumminga, of Buxton, wai
4 !J
in town laai rnuy.
J. II. HumDhreti. of Buxton
waa in town Saturday.
V. I. McParland. of Buxton, waa
in town Monday.
Chae. Metzger. of Tigardvllle,
bad bueineeain Hilleboro Monday.
H. C. Ouitln, of Tigardvllle, waa
in town Monday, paying taxea.
Tboa. Bradley, of Progress, wai
. mf 1
a county teal vuutor muuu.
L. J. Francie, of Tualatin, wai
in tbe city Monday.
A. B. Darie, of Buxton, waa in
tbe city Monday.
Tt ... maat. .nrl nrntvinefl at
trmnii. mnA out a fine oil taint-
biuuiviwi " " B - . .
t SOn nllVfttl... 4K.1I
ing lor etery jiuivu...
John Kaaaebaum, o! Sbady
Brook, waa in town Monday, and
it a1.1 r.i TtnTlnn. came
A. 1. OWUOiUi w.
down from Buxton last Friday, on
iir v tr.n.m n( ahnve Moun
, H"J
. J-1- .. Anmn tn the COUDtT
vaiuuaic, . ftw-i - -
aeat Monday, and tailed on the
n v ... In'frnm MoUD
V. II. Vlivivj www and took OUt
... II t. I . n k t a
Doetera lor nia dudho bus, wu.uu
. . i W U 10
to taxe pi ace maiuu
J. E. Sullivan, who" baa been
reading the Argus for thirteen
. .ii.. . lK. tvinntT
year a, wtw " -
seat Monday, and paid the Argua a
pleasant visit.
William D.Buxton, of Russell
1 0. l
:ach of Seven Camps in the
County to be Visited
Popular Order will Besta Mtmbership
la This Cenety
The Woodmen of the World, of
. a
this county, are to make a wniri-
ind ramniian for memberstiip,
and will visit every camp in the
xMintv. windina- ud at Hillsboro on
" -.
Saturday, May 23, when tney wiu
bave a grand inmauon ana pwuiu.
tk fnllnwinir committee will have nf the camDaisn in this
nnnntv. John Anderson, of Forest
Grove, chairman; B. u. wann, or
Cedar Mill, iecretary, ana J. n.
Qrable. of Hillsboro, treaaurer.
The first, meeting waa neia ai
n l Gaa i n Am 7 mcyKl..
K. i . ' ! 1 1 V.A aa
.. r.m.1insi Mtfh 14th:
1UJ1UTVB. WUIUwsiwb) '
Forest Grove, March 21; (jasion,
if L. ou. U.ll.Knvn Anril 4:Ce-
maiiiu umouviv) r -
j. u:n. A 11. nianms. Anril
uar iuitiB, m'i 1 r-.
. f. ii... I i . . nliinin
lo, ana .as uui uu mi K.v-.
and grand initiation at Hilleboro,
Saturday, May m.
I will sell at public auction at my
n i ft ..4I.adv Af M SMI n
taindaie, at iu a. w
Gray borae. 4 years old. weight 1450,
See Our Full Assortment
atBBBBBasBBawaaBBi a.
I f
Of rubbet goods of every description of a ,
kind and quslity that wear, and gtte
satisfactory service are always to be
Any article that is msds of rubber,
and intended for home ue is in onr well
assorted stock. Alwsys remember that
rubber goods are deceptive in appear
ance an3 that in purchasina; them you
must depend more or less upon the hon
esty of the desler. Therefore buy tub-j
ber goods only from a dealer who has a
reputation to sustain.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
I rAtncMi StAtement of the I
V llilltXl sUe DUAiUU, VI UlIlY UUT. ' " ...
vil e Clackama. county, a pioneer BlJk Dismoui SJ&
.1 iflita r1irl last Frdar. He "&- J muS""'. "m"l ,7.X n Anril:
leave a daughter in this county, j 0ae fresh April;
... -t u i.;nJ.l. lwv . w.if- . old lersev
fnd a.ver.1 othe'r children. U J-i-iM:
na Rf ,CY plow, steel-tooth harrow cuiu
For Sale A team of matched T,tor,tnowe
... .. oinA .
U-lncn piow, - - - -
a 01 maicnea ,tor. mower, rake, nayrsca, iuj .
wa - 1 i v. . .m naiv imr:
forest Grove National Bank
at call of the Comptroller, Feb. 14, 1908
v ki r:.un.r nf near Beaver
MrKh o hcr forth. oH-e. Km Ion. wai In tti. cy, --- .----,
,.r fri,..,u I .11.1 11. ..v.tbaL Beiverlon is
Hiui awooK luiiuwini .7 , Ivsaieu . ..
.-1 ilv. .ill I to the a-lfleat. H"t' .l.U.ino the iiUSSlion of a IrUll
urrwlmc.. I'or Cummi-Uer from .. mu, might , i.i;.l .is month
Sr2SJ5 TOSIV - Tonilder with profit. will U pT.ced with Bagley
ikaAntua. Mr. McCl.rani. tu.wouK .ly wishing to purchase a i H,re, attorney a, after March 10,
oprieat .ml would ... . 6rs d f houid call on ?m. Ur. J. P. Tamiesie.
i,.i,irt Attorney. K B. Toi.!' rtchulmerich Bros. nave a
ka so iu this c;m't)'. s"'! .mWV9 at our store. Come and aee spray THAT WINS
1 11 hroill rallv wm tl" 1 : ' . i vi-. ... .Lnla for the THs 8fRM i
"B7k7wlU rJ ?Pa n. t ind
isthiaewiiity, aswellssstofwneie. t inwri""'""-. - nr ..
... .. ... .111... r... vi. I. Sn.- I 1... ...In. m.ilrt. "
a , i. iKi, raniuusi' -- , i uesi ena,M"
..... . . . ...M..I 1
and 2500 pound.. Perfectly broken Xj&'mv.tM
and ready for any kind of wo"'"- Ue,ds. other household furuitur. and
I . . .... .. ffmivfti and I .it... .miIm.
JDO. A. IIOUUB, cuiun - 1 mnoj - I
Oak 8U., HUiBDoro. o-" Terms 01 aie ew u
K.mner of North Forest ca.b; over eeveu uu. --i
Wm. Kemper, 01 . hU ote 6 per cent, mtereet.
rove waa in me cny - , -u
:;.! J .. here called Lunch at noon.
Loans & discounts! 100,480.16
U. S bonus fit pre
miums a635-3
Real Estate - 12,106.28
Furniture & Fixtures 3,203.04
Dne from U. b. Trea
sury J2.850.00
Due from banks
Cash on Hand - "
(Jnarlffl a. onorcy.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
In, D. iui, r.uum.iv .-- -
tor, ia s llillatjuro man. ! sml
1 ia ihi. jw.tiiftiu aim 11 mat aa laaaarvr a 1
j r..i. -iu, ... ...iuu. to are lum
aomiulril .ml rlrcted. lie
uil .ill ivill . liiii tote. N
dulatra have aa yet bled
wn.c. .
For Renreaenlat ves. S. A 1. Sieei."
I GWbc;U II Creer, of HillaUro, sml
Wis. Mtyulll.n. f l'arniingtou. nae
IWd their primary pelittona. sud ate In
.ft.. . . t . A ....... VV.allltlftf
M IM III! IK lUUlII uwn. "-- "
... . I .1 ...H,.,4u.a .Uil OUe
mutor, and one senator Joint with other
Oo lait Sunday morhlng a large
amber of Inende and relaUvee aa
Nmlilad at the reaidenoe of Mr.
aaJ M.a n u? 11. .bins. In Lau-
wB atftlV, Vrt t I MBjitmawi
id, to witneaa the marriage of their
J 1 . a... ai III. a. f A
oaogDler, Mm weiue, w
Lsnn.t.1 Af The OOf
. , w. 4 . w. "
nnnt b.. ttai fiipm Ait hv IvOV.
o...l.ii ii . . Uuinnar
vauiuueii, niaa suua
utlng aa bridesmaid, and Charles
u.ri . . irk. .i .
nawains aa nest man. i'"
dinf march waa played by Mra
V...L n.i.ft irauirvo.
... 1. .1-- 1 V.. Vi.nn
Aiwr uongraiuiBiiun -rr
oouple, the oompany partook o! a
Snl.ndM I
tl . 11, 1 . . .... flial
iu, uriue auu Bruuiu
laolpienta of many beautiful pre.
nts. Mr. and Mrt. Iieonard will make
their home in Portland. ( -
aha hal
gih. made. n Phoe-
it RV,i,,a. wife aud child, who frttW traei try - T
rg iiH..a v. w ai,!r,' im. DIX l.tme. auu -.r--- ..
t him b,T, been vlsiUDg Mr . 8htnn I un- mi d f BaM0Di
leu capable B,' . u. Meek, of Glenooe,alnce will, un vu v
so oilier' en- J -f. ' " . ' d Monday to asll the. P-.W , . b7n
,wttio. iMr"V I' V ruteher. Idaho Mr. :' V. m at 2fto ner
a I . . . I. - tri.lrthalP rAlinlV IB 1 Ul . . I AnHMMAmi.
blooming n i by rroi. a. o "' --- T:a
iaari? ..'J.ft.i f full itrenath. Ita
Whf not get tBou" . gusrauw - - ,
ny nu a v .,. .1 d- .. i. on mdL It saved my
f .'a a 60 for nlnof dying ouW... b. tree, were -n-
.iTT i. if .i .rh. 24 miiea j - th the an
foau. . Barney Leie, Agent,
DeU.rnSBlr week 51-U '1: Beav.rton.ur.
North ' YamhiU, died lMt wert ,
70 yera. S ' 1 EDNA 0. TAMIESIE .
l a nl u ureiuu ,i . .-.
at LaoBblln,eOap,wh.r.,ini. k vitr Tamleme,
Among other on, ',7 olTc"0t tubercular menlngiU,
daugnier, ,
t..M .n1 athtle here called
UBTIUK .", - " ,
on the Argu. for a few minute..
He incidentally .wenou "T a
list totneiuneoi iwuumvin"'v-
ADorentice wanted, at The Ueita
i . artii na aniH ui n utuiUKtuu
tbe puouo eouwi, -uft. t-... w..-;. w. Mac-
: n.a.tinn tn ine uer-1 aze or . ,
carry ou wu'"' -j at M.ith.w'a KoiacoDai
manlaoguage. o- SP; f
ar. ..... inn minv articles to . . (v. Mra. Dora J.
enumerate, but we an7lh,n Elliott, Mra. Alexander McNeill
tbe larmer neeus. i," v and Jesse ; 1. Stewart, wi " V '
stock ever .now n m witnessed the ceremony.
county, and can and will beat all breakfaat waB .erved by Mr.
.itin.a -Srhulmencn Bros. I,.';. ti .t k. rntral Hotel.
uuiuiTO...". rvOziuwB.i, - . ; ,
Born. .tUnox, March 3.190 .
to the wile oi wina. . , Hvl on their wheat
twina-a boy and a WhiKrumf'.Zira-"JMMnto.
iu. .k ijmii n turn m iui uu
new-comer, maae w-TWn-inn.
tk. r.miiv numDer esac.ij w. " - o
Thi. i. the kind of family the pras- table
, Clearance aale of "S.
194,712.19 94,712.19
Capital Stock
Undivided profits
25,000 AO
1 503. al
Correct, Attest, J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier.
Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, Jai0ent; Joto E. gk
Pres.; J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove. - - - Oregon
.inawere taxen to
r ia un a to us aw. 1
Bankl. . ; . , . lo, interment last Bunoay.
For BalApaUofgooddrlviDg jw or
fillii J and 6 yeari old, reepeot. "'mjJier,nd their father, J. B.
fill ea, 1 ao j . . dea Tarn e an .tl.Dded the
XESmM7iuMm JS f" .S 'The youoV couple had
iffiVW-! T 'marrUd 7 a lUtl. over two
"A1"' .-..ii. nl Job's Cross been ww . Mfi
mllAa QUa IV' " m n I tYinnlDB WUOU V"
I " " ... 1.1 I
0:0? a. m.
i .i'2 d. m.
jwS p. m.
. 8:16 a. m.
ia7 o m.
5:28 p. in-
ana . 1 .. T-.v for Portland
SK-''JrJr!:::::::::: St?
General Mercnanoiw '" ...1. 1 Forest Grove local
SohulmeriCh uros. . ium. yj Corvallls ovesiana........
and get your cnoice. Arrives trom roruauu
TU.m.nn of Garden ConralUa overland
KU "brother W. H. M. ForeiVOrovelocal........
Tedemann, of Portland, were in K,.::.::..... 647 p.-
. . m . 3 . .nH a. 1 Ion An n I
UUlBborO iueauay, wuv. "7 - . Leavinif roruauu .
rr 1 Ti,.. h, that land . i.n.i jmi.b.
tne Argus. -j - - . toivaiiu """. m
value, in tne vhmwj v. - rorcai 1:IOD.m.
t ... ;.,nr. na akvward.oansea tshertaan ny - m
noui,aij.-r-; r--j . I r.rove local
by lh. presence ol tne r.. in PorUsnd-
UlO bine, wuivu Forest Grove local
IDat piece. Sheridan ?lyer...... . .
v . 1. : .11 1 o..i rirAv. local..v.
Fruit .praying ie goiuS u ... ,r-v- ,- ,
' .L. ... . in In.n ana oat . . . , .
;jKihlidtf,toiJo.:: ' JT. " .-uTs tannery l?T. ?MiUt of Washington I The Forest Grove local noes not
oheoklor $2,000 Jom u beAVEK . w---- T" I ' ' . Uunt Js oroharde will be sprayed carry baggage
mve A. O. u.. . a . 1 ..... ...V. :.- A.- ihnra will be a de- r .
w'. . -l .....aii nnineiku . .. . ...m..' iw Aharon ni ; men mis vwr,
IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices, $a.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices. 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
" .. . r
. a I . w. n . v n w n.
Inn. " Tamiesie ns -ju.i
. . n . kn l.U.Ja. in nia UDlllUOlJ
.. .f i i:. iirror. nui man, lriouu. -
Uvea in this city, " j - t .,.bbtom i
, 8:oos. m.l
,10:30 a. m.
. s: D. m.
6135 p. m.
n. . . ' ' ' tr WIIaa
county ABseisor ueo. .
-as appointed the following persons
to assess Washington , county . the
current year. Two or three of the
man ... ai.aal In tha field, at
work. Mr. Wiloox will assess tbe
oily of Hlllaboro blmfcir.
Tmi. m t.. .... t ilia tarrl
.u.i.j win taao nan w - .
ft. . a . L.LI J 1 .null!.
ory ciuDraoea in iownaoii a
2 went, and 1 south and 1 west; .
XT ra 1 .aa a a. ali-. avlll K
. rooie will 1001 alter im
aaat .r Ik. nnnntvr H. S
ii. vi aiav. v""1"! 1
Coleman, three . townships north 01
Hillsboro, and the two townehlps
outh of towo; H. T. Buxton will
as,... nv.a.i n.. anil the south'
u . uiVBI UIWIWJ."
e.t part of the county; A. B. ua
le will see to the northwest , p
01 the county.
B death pecurred ontheTth .ee lr charge
STbruaryT- nesr Spokane and mv&S"
ki. ramaina were bur ed at the lhe patl10aUon ol the
of February, near V" ; lh. matter 01 a canuj -his
remaina were bur ed at the lhe patl,oaUon ol the
Neil P. Neilaen was in from Bux
wn, Monday
tnis year, u ...
oided improvement in thi quality
as weu as sua .
IplesraiBed. Spraying pay b; there
. no doubt about it.
lnV, D - .( RaailuiUfl. WSS
uuu I (IUU UI
in town Tuesday.
H. T. Bagley returned Sunday
horn a trip to Tbe Dalles, and
Collins, Wash., where be went on
near uuiuv 1
has fc son and daughter.
n.n .1 the now GreenbouM . . -, wUh X.N.
nioestocktoset fr
av "-1 1 a niinnn. a.u 1 TiriiM fa iiu w -
.tatan-MZknU " n.. nuiev. was in
-MWAgnwu-w--,-. v, y :''uiiMwUh Coun-
ITIr sis . niii1 1 town mouunj,
.it. .1 fli.nton. of west n1DUU ty irea"""
. , 11a aiaiea iu . 1 A.iifla.
nvautuu- -. . Hionrcea . . . 1 ...
. . . m .Tah nam. war vm. n uBTwa- i . . i l. a a a in nni i.ati
ola nt wai aewuo.". -- .. nan KmrloK, wno nan uw. h--'
nnftsen. in Multnoman uuu . . . ,,
- .. .. ha nianiuu, m UU .
laV wnich provide. PeUr Znercher. ol near Ced
neAi t j nnrson cannot B' miUb was a uuiaoo r
ft"flT!Jffate months Mr;T0.ned on the Argus. ,
-all, marry "--- ..a notr-. . .
f.i a. no huuu . .
Olu'-B , .
Anma and Qregonlan, $2.25.
ii...,v Wianback. of Witoh
Hasal. was in the city Tuesday.
Mies Genava Palmateer, who nas
-a.aitaBJl IU luax a7W.vwaw.- o 1 - " .
sn.M.ai4 t a iiihb. lobonw -- - i . . . . - . A ttmA rtai HX.. rvj-
in .hejfast, fof kill;
:;row. made in the East, fof 1 hZSat. Her eister,
ing big game, and wi u ou M ola, wiU remain with
lah Columbia, next summer, wn 1BB" time.
- ---- , o..iiia r. inm. in aiuhuki
.nm Portland anu oh---i , . , , .i--. .
Z K,,ni "hia name with baw and ar- Two or three personf nv
to Z T-ill be ornanixed tKa Araus to publish the. ordmanc
It Forest Grove. Th. .'!ivXpim
.JSLmiYl nrobably srow hr? ihi city, anittmeFous com-
oirihanth. Forest Grove Prty I pla.nt. aSSrl
uiUBa w. . . .1.7.. I. . ncdinanos wnicn ootwio
n-i-iat rataa attain in eneoi: I 'It fti.-. a follows:
.in Vw In effect on the . r.i ". . j.k.n. or eeeee.
rs" lK. aa.t I SOatB. UUUWC, V -
nd 0. R. wv"nw'r.4,.T aST. .hall be permitted to run at ... g-
r DkiMim in ruriiouu, ti ... . or oiu-
prevenuou a..---n-
h rom vuni6 . , -
from Missouri rWer oommon point.
or St. Paul ana wr"-'p .
Sblo. Denver or Colorado Spriog.
ioPorUand, ;T -a-
ping to your irienu iu
?wu L0!.:. .niva. or oth-
w any .k'a'miv. of
er public - ptau , -,,:'
Hillsboro." i"V rj-
nanae aiBO yrotiuoo r , ,
The city marshal mar be appealed I
to at any time.
Dealers in Pure Drug
and Medicines
We also carrv a complete
line oi nnc suuuiko.
Tf tvi fin not nave what
vou want in stock, we will
. . . . .. r
cheerluliy get it ior you.
Havine been appointed
Wi"cii.ri' ao-etits. we are
LfUU.MUV.W 1 -
1 1 11
nranarwi rn kiitiuiv ail
vour wants in; the School
Book line.
1er Vio,t a full line
of tablets, pencils-, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
r. v.a Snaf. rAAalv.iI a rar (ll
. IT O U.T. JftaftJ. vuw. . ,
. - IV.. .nlna
nam wagons uuu iu .
WW sell at Portland prices.
i Schulmerioh Bros. 51-tf
b 5.
I 1
; .1 . .: -
n '
j it,
If' ; r . i